Week 9
Week 9
Week 9
• At this compressive stress, buckling will occur about the axis corresponding to r.
• Buckling will take place as soon as the load reaches the value given by equation 4.3, and the
column will become unstable about the principal axis corresponding to the largest slenderness
• This axis usually is the axis with the smaller moment of inertia.
• Thus the moment of inertia and radius of gyration of the cross-section should ordinarily be
used in equations 4.3 and 4.4
• Early researchers soon found out that Euler’s equation did not give reliable results for stocky, or less slender,
compression members.
• The reason is that smaller slenderness ratio for members of this type causes a large buckling stress, it can be
seen from equation 4.4.
• If the stress at which buckling occurs is greater than the proportional limit of the material, the relation
between stress and strain is no longer linear and the modulus of elasticity E can no longer be used.
• In Example 4.1, the stress at buckling is Pcr/A=278.9/14.6=19.10 Ksi, which is well below the proportional
limit of any grade of structural steel.
• This difficulty was initially resolved by Friedrich Engesser, who proposed in 1889 the
use of a variable tangent modulus, Et in equation 4.3.
• For a material with a stress-strain curve like the one shown in Figure 4.5, E is not a
constant for stresses greater than the proportional limit Fpl.
• The tangent modulus Et is defined as the slope of the tangent to the stress-strain curve
for values of f between Fpl and Fy. So the equation can be shown as equation 4.5
• The equation 4.5 is identical to the Euler equation, except that Et is substituted for E.
Effective Length
• Both the Euler and tangent modulus equations are based on the following assumptions:
1. The Column is perfectly straight with no initial crookedness.
2. The Load is axial, with no eccentricity.
3. The Column is pinned at both ends.
• The first two conditions mean that there is no bending moment in the member before
• For dealing with columns other than pinned end conditions, such as One end pinned and
one end fixed as shown in figure-4.7. the Euler equation for this case can be derived as;
Effective Length…….
Effective Length
• For convenience, the equations for buckling load will be written as:
• The effective length factor for the fixed-pinned compression member is 0.70.
• Values of K for these and other cases can be determined with the aid of Table C-C2.2 in the commentary of AISC
AISC Requirements
AISC Requirements………
AISC Requirements………
AISC Requirements……..
AISC Requirements……..