National Accreditation Board For Certification Bodies (NABCB)
National Accreditation Board For Certification Bodies (NABCB)
National Accreditation Board For Certification Bodies (NABCB)
Specific Expectations
OHSAS 18001:2007
This is what we use today!
Need of an International OH&S Standard?
Over 7700 people die each day from work-related accidents or diseases - that’s nearly
2.78 million every year.
Every 15 seconds, a worker dies from a work-related accident or disease, and 153
people experience a work-related injury. These represent an enormous burden for
organizations and society as a whole, costing over 2.78 million deaths a year, not to
mention the more than 374 million non-fatal accidents.
The burden of occupational injuries and diseases is significant, both for employers and
the wider economy, resulting in losses from early retirements, staff absence and rising
insurance premiums (3.94% global GDP or 2.99 trillion USD indirect and direct costs –
failing to invest in safety and health is nearly equal to the combined GDP of the 130
poorest countries in the world)
Need of an International OH&S Standard?
No Incidences,
Leakages &
monitoring & injuries,
Legal non-compliance fatalities Spillages
No Resources Emergency
Lack of Situations
No Training &
Procedures, Competence
Methods, Contractual,
Controls other
New/Amended No
Policy Ad hoc
Regulations communication
OHSAS-18001 ISO-45001
Reactive to Proactive
Aim of ISO-45001
ISO 45001 sets the requirements to provide a safe and healthy workplace(s), by:
• Preventing work-related injury and ill-health, as well as
• Proactively improving the OH&S performance
It does not state specific criteria for OH&S performance, nor is it prescriptive
about the design of an OH&S management system.
This document does not address issues such as product safety, property damage or
environmental impacts, beyond the risks to workers and other relevant interested parties.
Aim of ISO-45001
Principles of ISO Standards Development
ISO Standards
respond to a need in the market
are based on global expert opinion
are developed through a multi-stakeholder process
are based on a consensus
High Level Structure (HLS)
ISO decided in 2012 that all Management System standards shall use a common framework:
Unified High Level Structure
Common Text and Terminology
OHSAS 18001 will be withdrawn 3 years after the publication of ISO 45001
Group Discussion: Key Definitions of OHSAS-18001
Workplace place under the control of the organization where a person needs to
be or to go for work purposes
(ISO-45001:2018, 3.6)
Key Definitions
To ISO 45001:
Note 1 to entry: the intended outcomes of the OH&S management system are to
prevent injury and ill health to workers and to provide safe and healthy workplace
Note 2 to entry: The terms “occupational health and safety” (OH&S) and
“occupational safety and health” (OSH) have the same meaning
(ISO 45001, 3.11)
Key Definitions
Accident: an event which has given rise to injury, ill health or fatality.
Incident: occurrence arising out of, or in the course of, work that could or does result
in injury and ill health.
Notes to entry make the difference between an incident resulting in injury or ill-health,
sometimes called accident, and potential work events as near-miss, near hit or close-calls.
Key Definitions
…hazards can include sources with potential to cause harm or hazardous situations,
or circumstances with the potential for exposure leading to injury and ill-health
(note 1 to entry)
Key Definitions
Changes and New Requirements: Contents / Clauses
OHSAS-18001 ISO-45001
1. Scope 1. Scope Not in
2. Reference publications 2. Normative references alphabetical
3. Terms and definitions (23 terms) 3. Terms and definitions (37 terms)
4. OHSMS requirements 4. Context of the organization
4.1 General requirements
4.2 OH & S Policy
4.3 Planning
4.4 Implementation and operation
4.5 Checking
4.6 Management Review
5. Leadership and worker participation
6. Planning
7. Support
8. Operation
9. Performance evaluation
10. Improvement
ISO 45001 & The PDCA Cycle
Context of
Scope of the OHSMS (4)
(4) Support &
Internal &
external PLAN DO
Planning (6) Performance outcomes
and Worker of the
Needs and
expectations of
workers and other Improvement
interested parties (10)
3. Terms and definitions HLS and OH&S specific terms and definitions
4. Context of an organization
5. Leadership and worker participation
6. Planning
Req. 4 to 10 7. Support
8. Operation
9. Performance evaluation
10. Improvement
Annex A (informative)-Guidance on the use of this International
Annex Standard
Understanding the organization and its context 4.1 Not new, but
Understanding the needs and expectations of workers and other interested parties 4.2 substantially
Determining the scope of the OH&S management system 4.3
OH&S management system 4.4
General 6.1.1
Hazard identification and assessment of risk and opportunities 6.1.2
Hazard identification
Assessment of OH&S risks and other risks to the OH&S management system
Overview | ISO 45001 Vs OHSAS 18001
Assessment of OH&S opportunities and other opportunities to the OH&SMS
New clause/ content
Determination of legal and other requirements 6.1.3
Support 7
Resources 7.1
Competence 7.2
Awareness 7.3
Communication 7.4
General 7.4.1
General 7.5.1
Operation 8
New clause/ content
Operational planning and control 8.1
General 8.1.1 Not new, but
Eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks. 8.1.2 substantially
Management of change 8.1.3 changed
Procurement 8.1.4
Emergency preparedness and response 8.2
Performance evaluation 9
Monitoring, measurement, analysis and performance evaluation 9.1
General 9.1.1
Evaluation of compliance 9.1.2
Internal Audit 9.2
General 9.2.1
Internal audit programme 9.2.2
Management review 9.3
Overview | ISO 45001 Vs OHSAS 18001
Improvement 10
General 10.1
Incident, nonconformity and corrective action 10.2
Continual improvement 10.3
Changes and New Requirements: New Clauses / Requirements
4. Context of the organization
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of workers and other interested
7.1 Resources
7.2 Competence
7.3 Awareness
7.4 Communication
7.4.1 General Additional and specific
7.4.2 Internal communication requirements of
7.4.3 External communication awareness are given to
improve effectiveness
7.5 Documented information of OHSMS.
7.5.1 General
7.5.2 Creating and updating
7.5.3 Control of documented information
Changes and New Requirements: New Clauses / Requirements
8 Operation
10.1 General
Deleted Participation of
“Preventive worker and Maintain evidence
Action” and used involvement of of continual
“reoccur or occur interested parties improvement
elsewhere" in CA
From OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001
A closer look
4. Context of the Organization
4 Context of the
Determine what needs and expectations will become “Legal and other
5. Leadership and Worker Participation
To summarize:
There must be a clear link between the Business Plan / Strategy and the management
system (policy, goals, etc.).
Management system shall be coupled to the business processes and its expected
Focus on workers participation and consultation
Managers Vs Leaders
Manager Leader
What considerations can we make about this requirement? What's New? What
The organization shall determine and assess the risks and opportunities to assure
the MS achieves its intended outcome, prevent undesired effects and achieve
continual improvement.
This process shall take into account (so not limited to): hazards, risks and opportunities,
legal requirements and other requirements, and risks and opportunities in clauses
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a process(es) for hazard
identification that is ongoing and proactive.. ” ISO 45001:2018
Discuss within your group and identify minimum 5 legal requirements related to
occupational health and safety.
Planning: ISO 45001 Vs OHSAS 18001
6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to achieve them
This clauses contain extended requirements compared
with OHSAS 18001 4.3.3 “Objectives and programs”.
OHSMS objectives:
are to maintain and improve the OH&S MS and to
continually improve the OH&S performance
shall take into account the results of evaluation of
OH&S Risks and OH&S opportunities
shall take into account outputs of consultation with
shall be monitored
shall be communicated
shall be updated
Planning: ISO 45001 Vs OHSAS 18001
The organization shall maintain and retain documented information on the OH&S objectives
and plans to achieve them:
When will it
completed? Additionally:
Who is
How will results be
responsible? evaluated?
What are the How the results will be evaluated,
resources including indicators for monitoring
needed? progress toward achievement of
its measurable OH&S objectives?
Internal External
Communication General
communication communication
There are no substantial 45001-specific add-ons compared to the HLS text, but note the
use of the term “workers”.
Chapter 7.2 is covered in 4.4.2 of OHSAS. Although reworded the intent, requirements
and interpretation related to competence are the same.
Removed the requirement that training procedures shall take into account different
levels responsibility, ability, language skills, literacy and risk (the organization shall ensure
that workers are competent)
Support: ISO 45001 Vs OHSAS 18001
7.3 Awareness
awareness related to OH&S hazards and risks that are relevant for them
7.4 Communication
Includes diversity
what, when, with Reliable and
aspects (language, Communication to
whom and how to consistent
culture, literacy, interested parties
communicate communication
Support: ISO 45001 Vs OHSAS 18001
7.4.1 General
on what it will communicate;
when to communicate;
how to communicate.
Group Discussion: Internal & External Communication
Discuss within your group and identify 3 topics to communicate internally and 3
topics to communicate externally.
Support: ISO 45001 Vs OHSAS 18001
Though requirements are similar to OHSAS, the following changes should be noted:
Operation 8.1 Operational Planning and Control
8.1.1 General
8.1.2 Eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks
8.1.3 Management of change
8.1.4 Procurement
8.2 Emergency preparedness and response
Operation: Group Discussion
8.1.1 General
Engineering Controls
Administrative Controls
Operation: Group Discussion
Discuss within your group and for Eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S
risks, provide one example each for;
Engineering Control
Administrative Control
Operation: ISO 45001 Vs OHSAS 18001
8.1.3 Management of Change
Management of changes was covered by the following clause of the OHSAS 18001:2007:
In general the intent is the same as in OHSAS. However, the list of situations where the
change management process apply is extended and include:
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a process(es) to control the
procurement of product and services in order to ensure the conformity to its OH&S
management system.
Procurement goes for:
Contractrors Outsourcing
Operation: ISO 45001 Vs OHSAS 18001 Contractors
Organization shall coordinate its procurement processes with its contractors to identify
hazards and asses OH&S risks arising from: Outsourcing
The organization shall ensure that outsourced functions and processes are controlled.
9 Performance Evaluation
Discuss within your group and list minimum 10 key indicators for monitoring &
measurement of OHS performance.
Performance Evaluation: ISO 45001 Vs OHSAS 18001
9.3 Management Review
The essence of clause 9.3 is in general the same as for 4.6 in OHSAS 18001.
The following are add-ons compared to OHSAS regarding inputs for the MR:
10 Improvement
10.1 General
10.1 General
10.2 Incident, nonconformity and corrective action
10.3 Continual improvement
There are no new requirements - however, "preventive actions" are included in other
clauses (4.1 & 6.1) and expressed through the risk-based approach, so they are no longer a
specific term.
Key Points to Remember…
Adjustments for delaying the starting time of audit are recommended in order to
cover both shifts within the 8 hours audit time
The justification for not auditing the other shifts shall be documented taking into
account the risk for not doing so.
Other Important Provisions…
C01 Accredited OH&SMS certification shall demonstrate that CAB has evaluated and
confirmed that the organisation’s OHSMS ensure the fulfilment of its policy
commitments on legal compliance
C1.3 The CAB shall assure that conformity is being maintained during all the
certification cycle. Auditors shall verify the management of legal compliance based on
the demonstrated implementation of the system and not rely only on planned or
expected results.
Other Important Provisions…
C.2.2 /C.3.6 The organisation shall be able to demonstrate that it has achieved
compliance with the legal OH&S requirements that are applicable to it through its
own evaluation of compliance prior to the Certification Body granting certification
C.2.4 Exceptionally the CAB may still grant certification but shall seek objective
evidence to confirm that the organization’s OH&SMS:
is capable of achieving the required compliance through full implementation of the
above implementation plan within the due date,
has addressed all hazards and OH&S risks to workers and other exposed
that there are no activities, processes or situations that can or will lead to a serious
injury and/or ill-health, and
during the transitional period has put in place the necessary actions to ensure that
the OH&S risk is reduced and controlled.
Any Questions ?
National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies
Quality Council of India
2nd Floor, Institution of Engineers Building
2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
New Delhi - 110002
Telefax : +91-11-23379321/9260/0567/8057
Email:, / 9881718423
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