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© April 2020 | IJIRT | Volume 6 Issue 11 | ISSN: 2349-6002

Analysis of Voltage Regulation in SEPIC Converter

Based Hybrid Solar and Wind Energy System

M.Rajkumar1, G.Dineshkumar2, Dr.S.Saravanan3, Dr.R.Prakash4

PG Scholar, Department of EEE, Muthayammal Engineering College,Rasipuram, Tamilnadu,India
Assistant professor, Department of EEE, Muthayammal Engineering College,Rasipuram, Tamilnadu,
Professor, Department of EEE, Muthayammal Engineering College,Rasipuram,
Tamilnadu, India

Abstract- Confined sustainable power source elimination of slip rings. PMSGs with large number
frameworks that depend completely on inexhaustible of poles are available and are suitable for direct drive
assets yet are simultaneously solid are fundamental for systems. In order to connect the PMSG to the load or
satisfying the power needs of remote spots where utility
the power grid, a power electronic interface,
network isn't accessible and for which half breed wind-
consisted of two stages of rectification and inversion
solar assume a vital job. In this paper, a simplified
control scheme has been presented for a standalone
is needed. For the rectification stage, there are mainly
hybrid photovoltaic (PV) array-excited wind-driven two configurations used in PMSG-based WCESs.
permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG),
considering a three-phase variable load with or without II. PROPOSED SYSTEM
unbalance. The main use of solar PV and wind
generation is compared to the hybrid case. The Wind energy is one of the most promising and
proposed system abuses the roughness and savvy PMSG developed renewable energy resources. A power
as a suitable option for a costly lasting magnet
electronic interface is needed in order to connect a
synchronous generator, which is perpetually utilized in
Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) to the load
independent PV and wind turbines.
or the utility grid. Control of this interface is very
Index terms- Renewable energy system, Solar, Wind significant and troublesome. The main purpose of
forms. controlling the generator-side converter is
I.INTRODUCTION implementing Maximum Power Point Tracking
(MPPT). In this paper, the conventional Hill
This paper presents a hybrid solar PV and wind Climbing Search (HCS) MPPT technique is altered
energy system for voltage regulation in an station. FUZZY logic technique such that its presentation has
Demand response is participating to minimize the been upgraded as far as precision and speed. This
total energy using, to maintain network security and modified method enables the system to continuously
integrity, and enhancement to the voltage. extract the maximum energy. A non-linear control
Investigation is carried out on an autonomous MG system based on Sliding Mode Control (SMC) is
bus feeder to validate the effectiveness of the utilized in this work for efficient speed control, which
proposed system. Test outcomes did on the MG bus has main advantages over linear controllers. The
feeder, are introduced and analyzed. Wind energy is rectifier is used as the generator-side converter due to
one of the most important and developed renewable main advantages in WECSs. Control of this interface,
energy resources. Among different types of which comprises of generator-and grid side
generators, Permanent Magnet Synchronous converters, is a significant and requesting task.
Generator (PMSG) is a perfect choice for using in The increased infiltration of DG units in a electrical
Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECSs). It has grid systems, the renewable energy sources (RESs)
notable advantages such as high power density, high including photovoltaic (PV) systems and wind energy
efficiency, low maintenance, high reliability and systems have been generally used in the distributed


© April 2020 | IJIRT | Volume 6 Issue 11 | ISSN: 2349-6002

power systems in the past methods. The distributive switching time to be very fast in order to not generate
generation units play a main role in voltage high voltage limits across the inductors, so mainly
regulation, decreasing power transmission losses and affected or caused damage to components. Because,
improving local utilization of RESs, which becomes necessary Fast conventional diodes or Schottky
a strong support for the large-scale power grid. When diodes may be used.
a number of distributive generation units are helpful,
it form a micro grid (MG) that problems solving B. Combination of Hybrid Solar PV and Wind
caused by high infiltration of DG units’ success fully Turbine
and makes the large-scale application of DG systems The hybrid system is supposed to have a unity power
possible. factor. Therefore, the power injections of the PV and
wind turbine are connected as illustrated system,
whereas the details of the connection follow the
block diagram shown in Fig. 1.

Fig -1: Proposed block diagram

Fig -2: Hybrid Solar PV and Wind Turbine using
The method is tested on an autonomous MG bus
A. SEPIC Converter feeder of an actual 115 kV/4.16 kV 50-Hz
The single ended primary inductor converter (SEPIC) distribution circuit. The distributed among
is a converter type used to electrical potential or commercial and residential energy consumers using a
voltage at its output limits will be greater than, less total load is 3.866 MW. This system consists of a
than, or equal to that at its input level. The controlled three-phase overhead or underground primary feeders
by the duty cycle of the control switch S1 from the and double-phase and single-phase line sections near
output of SEPIC.A SEPIC is necessarily a boost the end of the feeder laterals. The method is taken
converter followed by buck-boost converter, because from the IEEE 13 feeder test system. Loads are
it is combination to a traditional buck-boost different types including constant current, constant
converter, but the output is non inverted. impedance and constant power is modeled at the
Normally, single lithium ion battery typically system buses.
discharges voltage from 4.2 volts to 3 volts. Then It is clear that both PV and wind could not maintain
compare with other components required 3.3 volts, so the voltage at 1.0 pu, albeit still within the acceptable
the SEPIC would be effective. The schematic voltage bounds of 0.95 pu to 1.05 pu. The voltage
diagram for SEPIC is shown in Figure2. Specifically regulation of the solar panel appears to be more
DC-to-DC converters, the SEPIC convert energy fluctuating as long as the hourly voltage profile at bus
between the inductors and capacitors in order to 14 is concerned; in comparison with the one resulting
convert from one voltage level to another voltage from the wind generator. The wind appears to exhibit
level. MOSFETs produce higher input impedance more bounded excursions duration of the day. The
and lower voltage drop than bipolar junction power delivered by each of the VRG is presented in
transistors (BJTs), and do not require biasing this diagram. This highlights the unstable
resistors as MOSFET switching is controlled by characteristics of the VRG system; whatever solar or
differences in voltage rare than a current, as with wind systems. Nonetheless, Fig. 4 suggests that the
BJTs. The voltage drop diode D1 is critical to a variability of wind generation is somewhat less than
SEPIC's efficiency and reliability. The diode's that of the solar PV one; albeit dropping to almost


© April 2020 | IJIRT | Volume 6 Issue 11 | ISSN: 2349-6002

zero at 6:00 pm. While short term fluctuations are

smaller in case of wind; therefore the total voltages
and losses are is better than the solar PV.

Chart-3. AC output voltage and current

Chart -1: Wind voltage and current Meanwhile, the output voltage and current with the
The red- colored line, for the PV, shows a maximum wind turbine connected independently to the
voltage magnitude of 0.9982 pu and a minimum microgrid is shown in Fig.6. Its maximum voltage is
voltage magnitude of 0.9870 pu with corresponding 0.9972 pu and the minimum is 0.9933 pu and the
losses of 118.6 kW. losses of 116.2kW.
The base case power flow without any VRG, gives a
voltage magnitude of 0.9861 pu at bus14. The output IV.CONCULSION
voltage of the solar/wind system at different hours of
the day, due to the integration of solar PV is shown in Accelerated installation of variable renewable
Fig.1. generation coupled with the introduction of the smart
grid, have created an increased interest in microgrids.
This paper has demonstrated the voltage regulation in
a microgrid system comprising hybrid solar PV/wind
turbine in the autonomous operation mode. Solar PV
and wind turbine size and locations in the microgrid
were preselected. Simulation studies were carried out
on a microgrid system to test the impact of various
individual and variable renewable energy
(solar/wind) combination. The hybrid solar PV/wind
generation provided more effective voltage regulation
to the microgrid system as compared with each of the
solar PV/wind turbine acting alone. Furthermore,
Chart-2: Solar voltage and current when the voltage variation fell beyond the
The increase in system losses due to hybrid solar and capabilities of the hybrid system, the combination of
wind turbine is a result of a minor increase in its size. demand response (DR), a feature of the smart
The losses on distribution system reduce to a microgrid, with the hybrid PV/wind system were apt
minimum as the DG increases in size up to an to bring the voltage back within statutory limits.
optimal level. However, the losses start to increase if Voltage drop across the distribution feeders reduce in
the size of the DG is further increased. It may even the case of load curtailment due to DR, causing an
overshoot the base case losses. There is appreciable increase in the voltage at the far end of the MG’s
voltage increase in the hybrid solar and wind feeder system.
compared to the individual use of solar PV and wind. REFERENCES


© April 2020 | IJIRT | Volume 6 Issue 11 | ISSN: 2349-6002

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