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Effect of Partial Shading in Grid Connected Solar PV System With FL Controller

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International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS)

Vol. 12, No. 1, Mar 2021, pp. 431~440

ISSN: 2088-8694, DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v12.i1.pp431-440  431

Effect of partial shading in grid connected solar PV system with

FL Controller

K. Latha Shenoy1,3, C. Gurudas Nayak2, Rajashekar P Mandi3

1Departmentof Electrical and Electronics Engineering, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte
2Department of Instrumentation & Control Engineering, MIT, MAHE, Manipal
3School of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, REVA University, Bangalore

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: As conventional fossil fuel reserves shrink and the danger of climate change
prevailing, the need for alternative energy sources is unparalleled. A smart
Received Jan 7, 2020 approach to compensate the dependence on electricity generated by burning
Revised Jan 15, 2021 fossil fuels is through the power generation using grid connected PV system.
Accepted Feb 10, 2021 Partial Shading on PV array affects the quantity of the output power in
photovoltaic (PV) systems. To extract maximum power from PV under
variable irradiance, variable temperature and partial shading condition,
Keywords: various MPPT algorithms are used. Incremental conductance and fuzzy
based MPPT techniques are used for maximum power extraction from PV
Fuzzy controller array. Basically 11 kW Solar PV system comprising of PV array coupled
Intelligent controller with an Inverter through a dc-dc converter is considered for the analysis and
MPPT output of the inverter is supplied to the load through the LCL filter. An
Partial shading Intelligent controller for maximum power point tracking of PV power is
Photovoltaics designed. Also, a fuzzy controller for VSC is developed to improve the
VSC system performance. The above proposed design has been simulated in the
Matlab Simulink and analyzed the system performance under various
operating conditions. Finally, the performance is evaluated with IEEE 1547
standard for showing the effectiveness of the system.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
K. Latha Shenoy
Departement of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
NMAM Institute of Technology
Nitte, Udupi District, Karnataka, India
Email: lathashenoy@nitte.edu.in

Major global issues namely World Energy Crisis and Human Induced Climate change or global
warming caused due conventional power generation, resulted in swing towards power extraction from
renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic (PV) and wind generation systems, thereby replacing
conventional power generation units. In India, the average annual solar energy incident on land area alone is
about 5000 trillion kilowatt-hours because India gets about 300 clear sunny days in a year. The solar energy
output received in a year exceeds the possible energy output of all the fossil fuel reserves in India [1].
Though solar energy is available free and abundantly in nature to meet the energy requirement, extracting it
requires solar module whose initial investment cost is very high. Also, the efficiency of PV cell is low
between 6-20%. The monocrystalline PV cell has highest efficiency between 14-20% [2]. Hence the
maximum power point tracking algorithm is playing a very essential role in renewable energy sources for
generating maximum power at various weather conditions. The solar photovoltaic system generates
electricity when sunlight falls on modules. The sunlight irradiance is nonlinear in nature and varies time to

Journal homepage: http://ijpeds.iaescore.com

432  ISSN: 2088-8694

time due to which PV modules unable to generate maximum power [3]. To extract the energy present in these
renewable sources state-of-art power electronic systems are essential [4]. The PV system may perform power
conversion in single stage or double stage of control operation. For single stage power conversion, inverter
controller itself incorporate control of both MPPT and grid voltage. In the double stage conversion, a dc/dc
converter used in the first stage and dc/ac inverter is connected in the second stage. The maximum power
point tracking is done using the dc/dc converter whereas dc/ac inverter is used to produce the appropriate
reference dc voltage for dc to ac conversion [5]. The inverter will convert DC voltage into three-phase
sinusoidal voltages or currents which is then delivered to the grid in a grid-connected solar PV system or to
the load in a stand-alone system [6]. The unpredictable and fluctuating nature of resource is major concerns
of solar energy systems. Hence to overcome this issue, grid-connected renewable energy systems are
accompanied by battery energy storage [7]. This paper is concerned with the design and study of a grid-
connected three-phase solar PV system especially under partially shaded condition of PV arrays.
The total installed capacity of photovoltaic is over 30 GW in 2019, including both ground mounted
and roof top solar system according to the "State wise installed solar power capacity" reports of Ministry of
New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India [8]. Shading can result in a large reduction in power output.
Cells in modules are normally connected in series, so when one or several cells are shaded, the current output
of the module will be reduced. If the module is part of an array, then the current output of the array will also
be reduced [9]. Shading of the array can lead to irreversible damage. However, bypass diodes can be used to
mitigate temporary shading. The combination of different distributed generation units and local loads forms
a small self-sustaining power network which serves its local load. Generally, it can be operated in grid
connected mode or grid isolated mode [10], [11]. Various controllers like PI controller, fuzzy controller is
used for grid integration. The fuzzy controller will improve the system performance in case of grid connected
PV system [12], [13]. This will result in lower cost, better efficiency and increased flexibility of power flow
control. The lay out of the paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the Fuzzy based MPPT
controller for PV system in order to track the maximum power output from the PV panel and fuzzy controller
for VSC controller. Section III presents the proposed topology to integrate solar PV with the grid and its
associated control system. Section IV describes the experimental results and analysis of the performance of
the proposed system. Section V includes the conclusion of the paper.


To extract maximum power from PV, the output resistance needs to be equal to the input resistance.
To obtain sufficient input resistance, the duty cycle of the converter switch is required to adjust. The
maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm plays a very essential role in renewable energy sources for
generating maximum power under various weather conditions. One of the most common MPPT techniques is
the Hill Climbing or perturb and observe (P&O) method. The conventional algorithms such perturb and
observe (P&O), incremental conductance (IC) used have limitations. To overcome this, soft computing
method such as Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Particle Swarm Optimization, are also
proposed for solving the MPPT problem [14], [15]. In this paper, the fuzzy logic controller based MPPT
algorithm has been developed and simulated in Matlab environment [16]. The overall structure of the
proposed grid connected PV system is shown in Figure 1. Two fuzzy controllers are developed for the
converters. The boost converter-based PV MPPT system has been developed in Matlab as shown in Figure 2.
The specification about the module used for PV system is shown in Table 1.

Figure 1. Block diagram of proposed grid connected PV System

Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst, Vol. 12, No. 1, March 2021 : 431 – 440
Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst ISSN: 2088-8694  433

Table 1. Solar PV module specifications

SL No Parameters Ratings
1 Maximum power Pmp 200 W
2 O.C voltage 30.8 V
3 Voltage at maximum power point 24.5 V
4 Current at maximum power point 8.16 A
5 Parallel strings 6 nos
6 Series connections per string 9 nos

2.1. Design of fuzzy logic controller

The fuzzy logic controller has been developed with two inputs and one output functions such as
PV voltage, PV current and duty cycle of the PV boost converter as shown in Figure 2. The fuzzy PV voltage
input membership function is classified three ranges such as low voltage (LV), medium voltage (MV) and
high voltage (HV) [17]-[20]. The fuzzy PV current input membership function is classified three ranges such
as low current (LI), medium current (MI) and high current (HI). The fuzzy duty cycle output membership
function is classified three ranges such as low duty cycle (LD) medium duty cycle (MD) and high duty cycle
(HD). The mamdani based fuzzy controller is used for PV MPPT as shown in Figure 3(a).

Figure 2. Fuzzy based MPPT controller simulation model of grid tie PV system

The fuzzy rule basis obtained as shown in Table 2. Figure 3(b) indicates the surface view of fuzzy MPPT

Table 2. PV MPPT fuzzy rules basis

Fuzzy membership LI MI HI

(a) (b)

Figure 3. (a) Fuzzy based MPPT controller; (b) fuzzy rules surface system for MPPT controller
Effect of partial shading in grid connected Solar PV system using fuzzy controller (K. Latha Shenoy)
434  ISSN: 2088-8694

The PV arrary performance under different irradiation and temperature is taken for the analysis. The
Figure 4(a) shows the current versus voltage characteristic of the PV arrary for temperatures of 25 oC, 45oC,
55oC and 75oC. It is observed that as temperature increases the open circuit voltage decreases whereas the
short circuit current increases by small fraction. Figure 4(b) indicates the variation of power versus the arrary
voltage under different temperature like 25oC, 45oC, 55oC and 75oC. It is observed from the curve that power
output from the panel decreses as the temperature of the PV panel increases. Hence it is essential to provide
cooling for the panel inorder to obtain the desired output from the PV array.

(a) (b)

Figure 4. Solar PV array characteristics under variable temperature condition (a) current versus voltage,
(b) power versus voltage (P-V)

Figure 5(a) indicats the current versus voltage characteristic of the PV array under irradiation of
100 W/m2, 500 W/m2, 750 W/m2, 1000 W/m2. The current produced by the PV cell decreses as the
irradiation decreases. The PV generated current is 50 A for the irrdation of 1000 W/m2. The Figure 5(b)
indicates power versus voltage characteristic. As the irradiation received by the PV decreses, the yield of the
PV array decreases. It produces power output of 11 KW for the irradiation of 1000 W/m2.


Figure 5. PV array characteristics under variable irradiance (a) I-V characteristics (b) P-V characteristics

2.2. Design of Fuzzy Controller for VSC

The current regulator for voltage source converter is developed using fuzzy logic controller with two
inputs and two outputs functions. Input variables are referred as error values Id and Iq. The output variables
are controlled Id and Iq. The error value of Id and Iq can be calculated by the difference between Id, Iq
reference generated by voltage regulator and Id, Iq measured. The overall VSC controller structure is shown
in Figure 6. The PLL block uses three phase voltage and current from the grid to generate the reference
voltage required for the three-phase inverter [21]-[23].

Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst, Vol. 12, No. 1, March 2021 : 431 – 440
Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst ISSN: 2088-8694  435

Figure 6. Fuzzy logic controllers for VSC


The Figure 7 representes the simulation of PV system in matlab simulink carried out with fuzzy
controllers. The proposed system consists of two PV arrays, each of 11 KW ratings is considered for the
performance analysis of grid connected PV system. The array PV1 is receiving normal irradiation whereas
another PV array (PV2) is under shaded condition. Whenever there is surplus PV generation, the excess
power is delivered to the grid after meeting the load requirement. At the same time during evening if the PV
generation is not sufficienct the grid supplies the deficit power to meet the load requirement. This power flow
is represented in the Figures 8 and 9.

Figure 7. Simulation diagram for PV system under partial shading

Effect of partial shading in grid connected Solar PV system using fuzzy controller (K. Latha Shenoy)
436  ISSN: 2088-8694

Figure 8. (a) Variation of irradiation for PV panel PV1, (b) total amount of power delivered by the panel PV1
for the corresponding irradiation, (c) variation of irradiation for PV panel PV2, (d) total power delivered
under normal and partial shading condition by PV2

(a) (b)

Figure 9. (a) Variation of PV under normal and shading conditions along with grid and load power
requirement (blue line: PV 1 Power, Red line: PV 2 power, green line: load power and pink line: PV total
power), and b) grid power variations for normal and partial shading condition


At 𝑡 = 0, both panel PV1 and PV 2 will be receiving irradiation of 500 W/m2 and hence able to
generate power as represented in Figure 8. At 𝑡 = 0.004 sec, PV1 and PV2 generates total power of 3 kW.
Since no load is connected, the generated power will be delivered to the grid. It is shown with negative sign.
At t= 0.005 𝑠𝑒𝑐, irradiation varies from 500 W/m2 to 750 W/m2. Hence total of 5000 W was generated by
both the PV panels together. Since load is not connected to the system, the generated power of 5 kW was
supplied to the grid. At t=0.015 sec, the power generation capacity of both the PV panels were around 10
kW. So total power of 10 kW was supplied to the grid. At 𝑡 = 0.03 sec, load of around 16 kW is applied to

Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst, Vol. 12, No. 1, March 2021 : 431 – 440
Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst ISSN: 2088-8694  437

the system. Now the generation is 12 kW was obtained for the given irradiation. In order to meet the load
demand, there is deficit of 4 kW power which will be drawn from the grid. At 𝑡 = 0.04 𝑠𝑒𝑐, further
irradiation increases to 1000 W/m2, generating the power of 8 kW each. Hence total power generated by the
PV panel is 16 kW. Under this condition no power is delivered to the gird, as generation and demand both are
equal. At 𝑡 = 0.05 𝑠𝑒𝑐, total power generation is 20 kW. The additional excess power of 4000 W was then
fed to the grid. At 𝑡 = 0.06 𝑠𝑒𝑐, the solar panel PV2 was under partial shading effect. It receives irradiation
of 800 W/m2. Under this partial shading condition, it generates reduced power of 8000 W. Therefore, total
power 19 kW is generated. Hence excess power 3 kW is delivered back to the grid. It will continue till 0.1
sec at which further irradiation on PV2 falls to 700 W/m2 due to partial shading. The total generated power
now is 18 kW. The excess power of 2 kW is sent to the grid [24]-[26]. Table 3 gives the details of PV power
generated by both panels for different irradiation. Also, it gives the details about the power flow between
load and the grid.

Table 3. Power distribution among PV, Grid and load for different irradiation
Power 0.004Sec 0.005Sec 0.015Sec 0.03Sec 0.04Sec 0.05Sec 0.06 Sec 0.1Sec
PV1 Irradiation 500 W /m2 750W /m2 750W/m2 750W/m2 1000W/m2 1000W/m2 1000W/m2 1000W/m2
PV1 Power 1500 W 2500 W 5000 W 6000 W 8000 W 10000 W 11000 W 11000 W
PV2 Irradiation 500W/m2 750W/m2 750W/m2 750W/m2 1000W/m2 1000W/m2 800W/m2 700W/m2
PV2 power 1500 W 2500 W 5000 W 6000 W 8000 W 10000 W 8000 W 7000 W
Total PV Power 3000 W 5000 W 10000 W 12000W 16000 W 20000 W 19000 W 18000 W
Load Power 0W 0W 0W 16000W 16000 W 16000 W 16000 W 16000 W
Grid Power -3000 W -5000 W -10000 W + 4000W 0W -4000 W - 3000 W -2000 W

Figure 9(a) indicates the variations in power delivered by PV panels, PV1 and PV2 under normal
and partial shading conditions. The load of 16 kW is applied at time 𝑡 = 0.016 sec. The Figure 9(b) shows
the corresponding variation in the grid power during various time intervals. During the period 0.04 to 0.1 sec,
the PV generation is less than the demand. Hence grid supports the additional load. For the analysis of power
flow, sign convention for grid power is taken as represented below. Positive sign indicates power is supplied
by the grid to meet the load demand. Negative sign indicates excess generated power is given back to the
grid. The Table 4 shows the comparison between various controllers used for the PV system.

Table 4. Comparative table

Profile Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
PI Fuzzy
Voltage 2.39 % 1.28%
Current 13.6 % 4.79%

Power distribution under partial shading

20 19 1816
20 16 1616 16 16
10 12 10 11 11
6 88 10 8 7
10 5 55 6 4
1.5 3 0 2.5
2.5 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
-10 -3 -4 -3 -2


Figure 10. Bar chart of power exchange between PV, load and grid

Effect of partial shading in grid connected Solar PV system using fuzzy controller (K. Latha Shenoy)
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(a) (b)


Figure 11. (a) Voltage THD waveform with PI controller, (b) current THD waveform with PI controller,
(c) voltage THD waveform with fuzzy controller, (d) current THD waveform with fuzzy controller.

This paper deals with the modeling of solar PV system under variable irradiance, variable
temperature and partial shading condition of the array. The performance analysis of the PV system under
partial shading condition for grid connected PV system is done. The fuzzy controller has been developed for
maximum power point tracking for 11 kW photovoltaic power systems under partial shaded condition. Its
performance under load condition is verified. The proposed PV system for grid integration has been
simulated in matlab simulink and a fuzzy controller for grid synchronizing of PV system into the power grid
is developed. Finally, the proposed model simulation results are analyzed with different operating conditions
and evaluated with IEEE 1547 standard for proving the effectiveness system. In PI controller-based systems,
the total harmonic distortion values for load voltage and current are measured and presented in Figures 11(a)
and 11(b) respectively. The THD values of voltage and current for the fuzzy based system are 1.28 % and
4.79 % as represented in the Figures 11(c) and (d) respectively. Based on the standard value for grid integration
of renewable energy sources, THD values less than 5 % is acceptable. The load voltage and current waveforms are

Authors are very grateful to management of NMAM Institute of Technology Nitte, Udupi and
REVA University, Bengaluru for providing resources to conduct this research work.

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K. Latha Shenoy is presently working as assistant professor, Department of Electrical &

Electronics engineering, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte. She received her B.E. degree in
Electrical & Electronics Engineering from Mangalore University in 1996. She has 15 years of
teaching experience and 4 years of industrial experience. She has published more than 16
technical papers in National, International Conferences and Journals. She received M. Tech
degree in digital Electronics and Advanced communication from Manipal Institue of
Technology, Manipal. Her research interests include renewable energy systems, power
electronics, control systems.

Effect of partial shading in grid connected Solar PV system using fuzzy controller (K. Latha Shenoy)
440  ISSN: 2088-8694

Dr. C Gurudas Nayak received his B.E. in Instrumentation Technology in 1988 from Gulbarga
University, Gulbarga India and M.S.in Communication Engineering in the year 1996 from
NewPort University, USA and PhD from MAHE, Manipal India in the year 2008. He has 30
years of Industrial /teaching experiences and published 100 papers in International, National
Conferences and journals. He is currently working as a Professor in the Instrumentation and
Control Engineering Department, Manipal Institute of technology, Manipal University, Manipal.
His research interests include of Communication Networks, Instrumentation and Transducers
and Mobile Telephone Systems.

Dr. Rajashekar P. Mandi is presently working as Director of School of Electrical Engineering,

REVA University, Bangalore. Before joining REVA University, he worked in Central Power
Research Institute, Bangalore for more than 26 years in research. He received M. Tech. degree in
Energy Systems Engineering from Visweswaraiah Technological University, Belgaum with 3rd
rank and Ph. D in Power and Energy from NITK, Surathkal through research. He is a
professional member of IEEE. He is accredited energy auditor from Bureau of Energy Efficiency
(BEE), Govt. of India. He is presently chairman of Society for Energy Efficiency & Manager
(SEEM) Karnataka Chapter.

Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst, Vol. 12, No. 1, March 2021 : 431 – 440

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