Prospectus PDF
Prospectus PDF
Prospectus PDF
2020- 2021
Officers of the University
Hon’ble Chancellor-Governor of Haryana -Sh. Satyadeo Narain Arya
Designation and Name Telephone Nos.
Dr. Annapurna Sharma 01274-248555
Dean of Colleges
Sh. Satish Khurana 9813083689
Dr. Savita Kumari 8607308555
Chief Warden
Prof. Manju Pruthi 8572804777
Finance Officer
Dr. R.D. Sharma 8588917550
List of SC/BC in
15 Appendix-E Haryana State 54
16 Appendix-F List of Games approved by the AIU 60
17 Appendix-G Self Declaration against Ragging 61
18 Appendix- H Rural Area Certificate 63
19 Appendix- I Ex-serviceman Certificate 64
20 Appendix- J Haryana Govt. Reservation Policy dated 65
The schedule for terms & vacations will be notified as per instructions
received from the State Government of Haryana in this regard.
have read the College / Institute prospectus for the session 2020-21
as well as the admission requirements as laid down by the University
for the course. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations given
therein. I further declare that I shall submit myself to disciplinary
jurisdiction of the Principal/Director of the College/Institute, the Vice-
Chancellor and the other authorities of the University who may be
vested with the power to exercise discipline under the Act, the
Statutes, the Ordinances and Rules framed by the University in this
regard. I understand that my admission if made by the College/
Institute is provisional and will be subject to confirmation by the
University. In case my admission is cancelled by the University I shall
have no claim for refund of fees paid by me to the College/Institute
or the University.
I undertake that I shall not indulge in any act of ragging otherwise
my admission to the College/Institute shall stand cancelled and liable
for any disciplinary proceedings initiated against me.”
The applicants shall also submit the Undertaking as appended at ‘G’.
11. Students, in no case, will be dealt directly by the University and
their requests/applications should not be sent to the University in
piece meal. However the doubts, if any, may be got cleared by
deputing an official/teacher to the University.
12. All admissions shall be made strictly on merit from amongst eligible
applicants for each course of study.
13. In determining the eligibility, the fraction of percentage of marks of 0.5 or
more shall be raised to the next higher percentage while fraction of less
than 0.5 shall be ignored in Under Graduate Semester-I i.e. B.A./B.Sc./
B.Com./ B.Sc. (Home Sc.)/B.Sc.(Sports Science).
14. The marks obtained by the candidate in an additional subject be
considered for calculating the merit percentage for admission to P.G.
Course if the candidate is seeking admission in that subject after
eliminating the lowest marks secured by the candidate in any of the
15. If the last date of admission/submission of application form falls on a
holiday or that day is declared holiday by the
Govt./University/College/Institute, the next working day will be considered
as the last date for the purpose.
16. The Principal/Director of the College/Institute shall not make admission
over and above the sanctioned intake. Such admissions shall not be
regularised by the University. Registration Branch of this University will
ensure that admissions are not made over and above the sanctioned seats
by any College/ Institute. If any violation comes to the notice, the same
will be brought to the notice of the University authorities.
17. No one shall be allowed to appear in any examination of the University
unless he/she has been registered as a student of the University.
The Colleges/Institutes shall not make admissions beyond the sanctioned
intake. However, in case of extra ordinary situations/circumstances, the
Colleges/ Institutes shall adopt the following procedure for making a
request to the University for creation of additional seat(s) (except M.Tech,
MCA, LL.B., B.P.Ed. and D.P.Ed.) for the session 2020-21.
The Principal/Director of the College/Institute will send the
recommendations of the College/Institute Admission Committee for
creation of additional seat(s) for a particular session certifying that
requisite infrastructures/facilities are available for the proposed increase.
Such recommendations including increase of students, if any should come
to the University for further action by the Colleges Branch. In case of
Govt. Colleges/Institutes, such request shall be made through the Director
General, Higher Education, Haryana.
The admissions will be made against the increased seats, on the basis
of the laid down merit/criteria. However, an extreme compassionate
case can be considered on individual basis on the recommendations of
the Admission Committee of the College/Institute.
18. The total number of seats in the erring College(s)/Institute(s) committing
any type of irregularity in making admissions etc. will be reduced by
minimum ten seats initially for a period of one year and it will be doubled
in case the College/Institute repeats the violation of rules.
19. Admissions to various courses in the Colleges/Institutes may be made
after consulting the list of various examinations of other Universities
recognised by this University. If any admission is made by the
College/Institute in violation of above list, it shall be the sole responsibility
of the said College/Institute and those admissions will not be regularized
in any case.
20. The instructions for curbing ragging as conveyed by the UGC vide letter No.
1-15/2009 (ARC) pt. III dated 17.03.2017, in view of the judgement of the
Hon‟ble Supreme Court of India dated 08.05.2009 in Civil Appeal No.
887/2009 and also given in Chapter X be adhered to strictly (UGC
Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Education
Institutions, 2009, UGC website i.e. & the Haryana Prohibition
of Ragging in Educational Institution Ordinance 2012.
21. The SC/BC candidates shall be charged 1/4 of the price of the Prospectus
as per instructions of the Director SC/BC Welfare Department, Chandigarh.
Therefore, price of the prospectus for such candidates be printed
The University has established a Foreign Students‟ Cell. The Cell, headed
by a teacher, provides guidance and help to the international students.
There is a provision for creation of 15% additional supernumerary seats
exclusively for foreign students‟ in all the courses (except the courses
where admissions are made through State/Centralised counseling) in the
various departments of the University. It is mandatory to obtain an
eligibility certificate/NOC from the O/o the Advisor, Foreign Students Cell,
Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur, Rewari after submitting the following
Out of 50 Marks needs to less=5/100×50=2.50
This way, minimum less mark where general category candidates
are required to have 50% in a prescribed qualification, the total
required marks for a reserved candidate will be 50-2.50=47.50 and
not 45.
24. Reservations or relaxations, if any, are available to the candidates of
reserved category of Haryana only, as per reservation policy of the State.
25. Certificate of Residence and Caste Certificate (Backward Class and
Scheduled Caste) should be signed and issued by the Circle Revenue
Officer (Tehsildar / NaibTehsildar-cum-Executive Magistrate) of the
District/Sub Division to which the candidate belongs and Head of
Department in case of Govt. employees. Certificate issued by any other
authority will not be accepted.
26. Candidates who have passed their qualifying examinations from the
Universities/Boards in the state of Haryana will be deemed to be Haryana
residents and will not be required to submit certificate of Residence of
27. No College/Institute shall register/enroll any student in violation of the
merit list. In case any College/Institute is found violating the merit list,
it shall be liable for disciplinary action as per university norms.
28. The duration of the course of instructions for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com (Pass &
Vocational/Hons.)/B.B.A./B.C.A./B.B.A. (Business Economics)/Bachelor of
Journalism & Mass Communication shall be three academic years i.e. six
semesters but the duration of Bachelor of Hotel Management & Catering
Technology course and Bachelor of Tourism & Travel Management shall be
of four academic years, i.e. eight semesters.
The examinations of odd semesters shall be held in the month of
November/December and examinations of even semesters shall be held in
the month of May/June each year.
29. The maximum period to complete the course is duration of the
course + 3 years, unless otherwise specified in any other
30. At the time of admissions, fees/funds like enrolment, registration, tuition
fee, games, union, library, magazine, medical, examination and other
funds may not be charged from SC students whose parents‟ annual
income is not more than Rs.2.5 Lacs. The claim on account of such fee
may be submitted to the Director General, Higher Education, Haryana,
Panchkula after getting the same vetted from the Auditors of the
Directorate for reimbursement. The affiliated Colleges shall however pay
all the University dues at the time of submitting the registration
return/examination form as usual. These instructions shall also be
applicable to all Colleges where courses are being run under SFS.
Instructions received from the State Govt. from time to time on this issue
shall be followed.
The fees and funds relating to SC students shall be claimed by the
concerned College/Institute under Post matric sholarship to SC students.
The concerned Institute, while sending the claim of SC students shall also
submit the certificate to the effect that they have not charged funds and
fees from SC students. In case, the students have paid the fees and funds,
then the said amount shall be transferred in the bank account of
concerned student through Aadhar Card. Such students shall intimate the
College/Institute for the claim.
Any fee prescribed by the University for hostel students belonging to SC
category shall be borne by the student concerned. But such students shall
be paid maintenance allowance by the State Govt. as per scheme(s)
notified by the State Govt. from time to time.
However, they are required to deposit library and other securities which
will be refunded to them after completion of the course or leaving the
College on submission of “No dues Certificate”.
31. The UGC vide its letter dated 26.02.2015 has issued guidelines to the
University regarding scholarships meant for SC students, to be
incorporated in Prospectus/Information Brochure of all the Institutes. The
eligible SC students shall be required to submit their scholarship forms for
the Academic year by February each year. Therefore, all the Institutes are
required to incorporate the instructions in their Prospectus/Information
Brochure that the eligible SC /ST, OBC, PWD students etc. should submit
their scholarship form for the Academic year by February for each year.
32. If a candidate after having been admitted to the first year of a course,
leaves the course without attending any class and he/she applies for
refund of fee within 7 days of the date of admission, the fee paid by
her/him shall be refunded after deducting Rs.1000/-
If a candidate after having been admitted to the first year of a course
withdraws his/her candidature after 7 days and the seat vacated by
him/her is subsequently filled up from the waiting list, the fee paid by
him/her shall be refunded after deducting 15% of the fee paid by him/ her
subject to a minimum of Rs.1000/-
In a similar case if the seat vacated by a candidate is not filled up, the fee
paid by him/her would not be refunded.
33. No class in any subject should be started if the number of candidates
seeking admission in any subject is less than 30 subject to fulfillment of
the government norms.
34. As per the Hon’ble Supreme Court guidelines, Aadhaar Number
should not be mandatory for all. However, Aadhaar number and
the bank account number should be mandatory for reserve
category applicants who claim Scholarship benefits under DBT
mode. In 2019-20, 10+2 roll number with concerned board will be
mandatory for all and it should be as a unique number of Students.
35. Any candidate, who fails to turn up for Counselling at his/her turn, will be
considered for the remaining seats at the time he/she reports for
counselling. But no relaxation shall be given if the candidate fails to
appear before the Counselling Committee on the fixed date/time.
Those candidates, who do not get admission in one round of counselling,
shall be eligible for admission in subsequent round, if seats are available.
36. The Director/Principal of the College/Institute may ensure that
before making admissions to various courses, the Admission
Committee of the College/Institute has gone through the
Ordinances available on the University website i.e. .
37. Rule for promotion to various courses:-
It has been decided by the University that in the courses governed under
Common Ordinance for 2-year, 3-year, 4-year, 5-year and 6-year (except
where separate Ordinance is prescribed e.g. B.Ed., M.Ed., B.Arch.,
M.Arch.), the students who were admitted in 1st semester in the session
2017-18 and later will be promoted to the next semester according to the
provision stated below:
The admission in all semesters of the courses shall be made strictly as per
the provisions available in the relevant Ordinances.
38. A student who has already enrolled and has a gap in studies can be
granted permission to continue that course after he/she submits an
undertaking describing the reason of the gap period and also that he/she
has not indulged in any illegal activities, keeping in view the maximum
duration to complete the course.
39. A candidate, who after seeking admission in a course leaves that course in
between and seeks admission in other course may be allowed to continue
the said course if he/she is able to complete the said course within the
maximum period prescribed for completing a course which is the duration
of the course + 3 years, unless otherwise specified in any other
40. A candidate, who has qualified the qualifying examination for admission
and has a gap in studies more than two years or more, can be granted
admission to a course if such a candidate submits an undertaking
describing the reason of the gap period and also that during gap period
he/she has not indulged in any illegal activities.
41. Vacant seats in reserved categories after the scheduled counseling shall be
converted into general category and filled up strictly on the basis of merit.
Such cases are not required to be sent to the University for
42. Unless otherwise specified, there is no upper or lower age limit for
admission in any course.
43. In case, the seats are vacant in the College and waiting list is exhausted,
fresh applications may be invited to fill up the seats and admissions be
made on the basis of merit and criteria fixed by the University.
44. It is clarified that the students whose result is declared as EEC, it means
that their entire examination result has been cancelled for that roll number
i.e. theory and practical. Internal Assessment marks of that students shall
be carried forward as per University rules. Such students will appear in
the examinations of re-appear and not required to attend classes again of
the semester in which their EEC have been declared.
1. B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./B.Sc. Home Science/Human Nutrition &
Dietetics (10+2+3 pattern)
No one shall be eligible to join the first semester of B.A./B.Sc./
B.Com./B.Sc. (Home Science)/B.Sc.Human Nutrition & Dietetics unless
he/she has passed one of the following examinations with atleast 33%
marks in aggregate for admission to B.A. Sem-I, 40% for admission to
B.Com. Sem-I and 45% for admission to B.Sc. Sem-I (minimum pass
marks in case of SC/ST/ Blind/ Visually and Differently Abled candidates of
Haryana only):
a) 1st, 2nd & 3rd position at Junior World/Junior Asia/Youth Common Wealth
Games/Junior International Meet. 25 Marks
b) Participation in clause (a) games & tournament given above OR have
secured 1st, 2nd & 3rd places in National School Games, Junior National
Championship/All India University Tournaments. 15 Marks
(i) A regular candidate of a college admitted to the privileges of this
University of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Hons.) can attend the course of
subsidiary and qualifying subjects in other College in case there is no
arrangement to teach these subjects in the College where he/she has
taken admission for his/her main subjects of Hons. course. The
Principal of the College where a student is attending subsidiary and
qualifying subjects shall certify that the said student has completed the
prescribed number of lectures etc.
(ii) The candidate seeking admission to B.Sc. (Non-Medical group) Sem-I
should have passed the above mentioned qualifying examination with
English, Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics and those seeking
admission to B.Sc. (Medical group) Sem-I should have passed the
above mentioned examination with English, Physics, Chemistry &
Biology and those seeking admission to B.Sc. (Biotechnology/Bio-
informatics) Sem-I should have passed English, Physics, Chemistry
and Mathematics or Biology.
(iii) The admission to B.Sc. (Home Science) course shall be open to women
candidates only.
(iv) If a candidate of another Board has not passed the subject of English
at 10+2 level, he/she may be allowed provisionally to join the
Science)/(Human Nutrition & Dietetics)/ (Sports Science) Sem-I class,
as the case may be, under new scheme of this University subject to
his/her qualifying in the subject of English of 10+2 examination in the
supplementary examination of the same year or in the next annual
exam held in March from the Board concerned. Such a candidate shall
have to furnish a proof to the University that he/she having cleared the
subject of English before the declaration of result of
Science)/(Human Nutrition & Dietetics)/ (Sports Science) Sem-II
examination failing which his/her result shall stand automatically
& Mass Comm.
Medical Group
Botany, Zoology & Chemistry/Geology
Non Medical Group
Mathematics, Physics & anyone from Group III
Computer Science, Statistics & Mathematics (CSM)
i) Every candidate must offer or choose/opt Hindi either as a compulsory
subject or as an elective subject.
ii) Language offered as compulsory subject shall not be offered as an elective
iii) A candidate coming from a Non-Hindi speaking area shall if he/she did not
offer Hindi in the examination will opt additional English in lieu of Hindi.
iv) In addition to compulsory subjects, a student will opt one elective subject
each from any of the two groups selected out of the above five groups as
per the combination allowed by the concerned College.
v) Candidates appearing for additional subject(s) will also choose not more
than one subject from each group.
vi) A student who wishes to seek migration to 2nd year (Sem - III) after
passing the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (under 10+2
system) or an examination recognised as equivalent thereto and also after
having passed the semester I & II examination of any Statutory University
recognised by this University as equivalent to Sem - I & II examination of
this University under new scheme may be allowed to do so provided
he/she has secured minimum required percentage for admission as the
case may be, in aggregate of the Senior Secondary Certificate examination
or any equivalent examination.
M.A. (Sanskrit):
Bachelor degree with Sanskrit (Elective/Compulsory) for the duration of three
years/ Shastri Examination (New Scheme) of three years duration with at
least 50% marks (47.5% for SC/ST/Blind/Visually and Differently Abled
candidate of Haryana) in aggregate or any other examination recognized
by Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur, Rewari as equivalent thereto.
M.A. (Education):-
Bachelor degree/ Shastri examination (New Scheme) of three years
duration with atleast 50% marks (47.5% for SC/ST/Blind/Visually and
Differently Abled candidate of Haryana) marks in aggregate or any other
examination recognized by Indira Gandhi University as equivalent thereto.
M.A. Fine Arts (Drawing & Painting):-
Bachelor degree in any discipline from any University recognized by UGC with
atleast 50% marks (47.5% for SC/ST/Blind/Visually and Differently Abled
candidate of Haryana) in aggregate or equivalent thereto.
(d) Sangeet Shiromani from Delhi University
(e) Vid (6 years) from Indira Kala Vishva Vidyalaya.
M.A. (Urdu):-
Bachelor degree of three years duration with Urdu as a compulsory/elective
subject with atleast 50% marks (47.5% for SC/ST/Blind/Visually and
Differently Abled candidate of Haryana) in aggregate or any other
examination recognized by Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur, Rewari.
M.A. (Yoga):-
Bachelor Degree in any discipline or any other examination recognized as
equivalent thereto with at least 50% marks (47.5% for SC/ST/Blind/Visually
and Differently Abled candidate of Haryana) in aggregate.
(i) Maximum age limit will be 35 years as on 31.7.2020.
(ii) Every student (Male and Female) will submit medical fitness certificate
from SMO/MO of the Government Hospital at the time of admission. No
excuse for physical activity during the course will be entertained. Married
female selected candidates will have to submit a certificate from SMO/MO
of the Government Hospital that she is not in family way, along with an
undertaking that if during the course of study, it is found that she is in
family way, her admission would be liable to be cancelled IPSO-FACTO
and all dues paid by her shall be forfeited.
2. Master of Science
i) M.Sc. (Physics):
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Physics/ B.Sc. (Pass) with Physics & Mathematics as two of
the subjects with atleast 50% marks (47.5% for SC/ST/Blind/Visually and
Differently Abled candidate of Haryana) in aggregate or any other
examination recognized by Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur as equivalent
(iv) M.Sc. (Geology):
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) of three years in any discipline with atleast 50%
marks (47.5% for SC/ST/Blind/Visually and Differently Abled candidate
of Haryana) in aggregate or any examination recognised by Indira Gandhi
University, Meerpur, Rewari as equivalent thereto. A weightage of 5% will be
given to the candidates passes B.Sc. pass course with Geology as one of the
subjects and 10% weightage to B.Sc. Honours (Geology).
(v) M.Sc. (Computer Science):
Bachelor/Postgraduate Degree in any discipline with atleast 50% marks
(47.5% for SC/ST/Blind/Visually and Differently Abled candidate of
Haryana) in aggregate or any examination recognised by Indira Gandhi
University, Meerpur, Rewari as equivalent thereto.
3. Master of Commerce
B.Com. (Hons./Pass)/BBA or B.A. with Economics/Commerce/Marketing
/Insurance as a subject with atleast 50% marks (47.5% for
SC/ST/Blind/Visually and Differently Abled candidate of Haryana) in
aggregate or any other examination recognized by Indira Gandhi University,
Meerpur as equivalent thereto.
1. The marks obtained by the candidate in an additional subject be considered
for calculating the merit percentage for admission to P.G. Course if the
candidate is seeking admission in that subject after eliminating the lowest
marks secured by the candidate in any of the other subjects.
2. After passing any post-graduate examination from any University/
College, candidate shall be allowed admission in any P.G. Course in
any of the Colleges/Institutes. However, no hostel facilities shall be
provided to them as admission in the hostel shall be allowed only
once at the time of 1 entry in the affiliated Colleges/Institutes
running P.G. Courses.
Example:- I
The criteria for preparing merit list of the candidates for admission to
M.A./M.Sc./M.Com. courses shall be as under :-
In respect of those candidates who want to seek admission to M.A./ M.Sc. in
a subject which they have not studied in B.A./B.Sc.:
Note :The benefit at (v) above will not be applicable in case of allied subject(s).
„B‟ has passed B.Sc. examination obtaining 725 marks in aggregate of B.Sc.
I, II & III out of 1450. He has also studied English in B.Sc. I and wants to
seek admission in M.A. (English). His merit position will be decided as
1. Bachelor of Computer Application
ii) Admission will be made according to merit determined on the basis of
marks secured in 10+2+Group Discussion + Interview with weightage
of 70%, 20% and 10% for three components, respectively.
Lateral Entry (10% seats of sanctioned intake): After passing one year
Diploma Course(s) from the Institute of Hotel & Tourism Management or any
other examination recognized as equivalent thereto after 10+2 shall be
eligible for admission in 2nd year.
7. LL.B.(Hons.) (3 years)
Bachelor/Master degree with 50% marks in aggregate or any other
examination recognized as equivalent thereto.
8. LL.B.(Hons.) (5 years)
Senior Secondary Examination (10+2) with 50% marks from Board of School
Education Haryana, Bhiwani or any other examination recognized as
equivalent thereto.
The candidates have taken part in the Inter-University Zonal or All India
Inter-University/Sr. National tournaments in the games and sports
recognized by the Inter-University Sports Board (AIU).
The candidates are required to qualify the Physical Efficiency Test (Canadian
Test). However, there shall be no marks for this test. PET will not be
applicable to Industry sponsored/NRI candidates. Candidates failing in PET
will not be called for counseling.
The candidate must possess the gradation certificate (other than University
tournaments) from the Sports Department of his/her state, on the basis of
his/her representation/position at National/Inter-National /Zonal/State level
tournaments in the games recognized by AIU from time to time.
1. Weightages for University Sports Certificates shall be given as per criteria
laid down and such candidates need not furnish gradation certificates, but in
case of all the National/ Inter-national/States tournament certificates, they
are required to be the part of gradation certificate i.e. National/Inter-
national/State tournaments certificates must be mentioned in gradation
certificate. Sports certificates pertaining to National/ Inter-national
tournaments, which are not mentioned in the gradation certificates, will not
be considered for sports weightages.
2. All the certificates pertaining to the Universities shall be verified from their
respective Universities. All the gradation certificates shall be got verified from
their respective gradation authorities.
3. The verification of the claims of the candidate regarding participation will be
done at the time of interview through appropriate questioning and testing by
the Interviewing Board.
4. For the eligibility of the weightage, only participation and achievements of
the candidates at Sr. National/ Sr. Inter-state/ All India University/ Zonal
Inter-University tournaments in games recognized and adopted by IUSB of
India will be considered.
5. The participation/position achieved by a candidate in any tournaments
organized by agencies like Nehru Yuva Kendra, Women Sports Festival, Rural
Sports Meet, Panchayat Tournaments will not be considered for
eligibility/weightage for admission to M.P.Ed. course.
6. Inter-national Tournaments other than Olympic Games, World Championship,
Asian Games, Asian Championship, Commonwealth games, World University
games and SAARC games, which are conducted by respective recognized
sports federations/associations, will only be considered for weightage and
7. The performance at Junior National/ Junior Inter-national will only be
considered when the athlete has won place at Zonal/All India-University
8. The candidate has taken part in the Inter-University Zonal or All India Inter-
University/Sr. National tournaments in the games and sports recognized by
the Inter-University Sports Board (AIU) and position holder in Junior National
is also eligible for admission to M.P.Ed. course.
The candidates are required to qualify the Physical Efficiency Test (Canadian
Test). However, there shall be no marks for this test. Candidates failing in
PET will not be called for counseling.
The candidate must have represented his/her College in Inter-College
tournaments in the games recognized by IUSB/State Sports Dept.
A candidate must have participated in state level tournaments in the games
recognized by IUSB/State Sports Department. A candidate, who has
participated at state level tournament, must also have gradation certificate
from the State Sports Department of his state. The candidates, who have
participate in the Inter-College tournament, must submit a certificate of
participation from their Principal.
1. Any candidate who have passed M.A./M.P.Ed. or other higher degree
course and having 45% marks is also eligible for admission in B.P.Ed.
course provided if he/she fulfils the other eligibility conditions.
2. The certificate of sports older than 4 years shall not be considered for
eligibility and weightage purpose.
3. The Junior National Tournaments in games recognized by ISUB (AIU) or
Haryana State Sports Dept. shall also be considered for eligibility and
weightages for admission to B.P.Ed. course.
4. Those candidates who have won positions in All India Inter University
championship shall be exempted from Physical Efficiency Test (PET) if
he/she got injured and having an authentic certificate from the medical
practitioner of a recognized Govt. Hospital. The authenticity of the
certificates shall be ascertained by the panel of teacher of the Department
of Physical Education. The panel of teachers shall be constituted by the
5. Those candidates who have won position in All India Inter University
championship shall be given 5% relaxation in eligibility condition of
academic merit (score).
11. Diploma course in Physical Education (D.P.Ed.)
A candidate with 45% marks in the Senior Secondary examination (10+2) or
its equivalent will be eligible for admission. For those who have participated
in State or National level sports events, the minimum percentage of marks in
the Senior Secondary examination (10+2) should be 40%. In addition to
this, the candidate should have participated in School District Tournaments
or higher level of tournaments and the sports weightage will be given to the
candidates as per appendix “C”.
In addition to fulfil the academic condition and sports eligibility the
candidates are required to qualify the Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
(Canadian Test). However, no marks shall be given for this test. The
guidelines for the test are given in Appendix “B”.
The guidelines for admission to D.P.Ed courses will be as under:-
A. The eligibility conditions for admission will consist of two
a ) Academic merit
b) Technical eligibility consisting of two components i.e. Physical
Efficiency Test (PET) and sports participation as well as gradation
B. (i) Sports participation certificate as well as gradation certificate issued
by the Directorate of Sports Haryana having a minimum grade of D-II
will be the minimum eligibility for D.P.Ed. course.
ii) Physical Efficiency Test (PET) will be conducted by the University on the
University campus on the dates to be notified by the University.
C. The college is required to deposit Rs.100/- per student to conduct the
Physical Efficiency Test (PET) in the University and submit the receipt to
the Chairperson (Physical Education) before the conduct of physical
efficiency test.
D. The college will submit the list of candidates along with the duplicate
copy of admission forms to the Chairperson (Physical Education) for
verification. Photocopy of the Admission Form shall not be entertained at
any cost. The same will be sent to R&S branch for further action after
doing the needful.
E. After the completion of Physical Efficiency Test (PET), the University will
declare the result of successful candidates. The college will collect the list
of candidates who had appeared and passed their Physical Efficiency Test
(PET) from the office of Chairperson (Physical Education) on the next day
of PET. Accordingly, the college will make admissions from amongst the
candidates who would have qualified their Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
strictly on the basis of merit and eligibility criteria approved by the
F. The Principal of the concerned college will be held personally responsible
for fake and wrong admissions.
G. The candidate must be eligible on the last date of submission of
Admission Form. Physical Efficiency Test (PET) will be conducted for the
eligible candidates only. Principal of the concerned College shall certify
the eligibility of the candidate.
17. Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Science:
Bachelor‟s Degree or Post Graduate Degree in any faculty from a recognised
University in India or any equivalent degree with a minimum of 45% marks.
In case of two or more candidates securing equal percentage of marks,
preference will be given to a candidate who is having Yoga at Under-
Graduate level. If more than one candidate are having Yoga or none having
Yoga with equal percentage, the candidate senior in age will be considered
higher in merit.
The aptitude tests conducted as per Council of Architecture (COA) norms are
mandatory for admission.
A person shall be eligible for admission, who has passed the Bachelor‟s
Degree in Architecture/Planning or its equivalent examination obtaining 50%
marks (47.5% for SC/ST/Blind/Visually and Differently Abled candidates
of Haryana) without any rounding off in the aggregate.
A person who has passed 10+2 examination with 60% marks from the Board
of School Education, Bhiwani
Note: Admission to MBA course shall be made by the according to the State
Reservation Policy by the Colleges/Institutes at its own level with full transparency
and on merit, firstly on the basis of CMAT score (or any other AICTE recognized test
score) and thereafter on the remaining seats if any, on the basis of marks obtained
in the qualifying examination such that available/approved capacity is fully utilized.
a. For 1-15 days late after the expiry of normal due date Rs. 750/- per student
b. For 16-30 days late after the expiry of normal due date Rs. 1500/- per student
c. For 31-45 days late after the expiry of normal due date Rs. 2500/- per student
d. For one week before commencement of Examination and after that no request
will be considered in any circumstances: Rs. 5000/- per student with the
permission of the Vice-Chancellor.
Provided that in case a candidate is not able to submit the migration
certificate while sending registration return or before 31st December
of the year, the migration of such candidates may be forwarded in
original to the Registration & Scholarship Branch as per the schedule
give below alongwith late fees mentioned against each:
iii) In case of admission made with late fees beyond the normal date of admission,
the Registration Return-cum-Examination Form and continuation return will be
accepted within 15 days from the date of admission/ counselling completing
other requirements as provided in clause i) above.
In case a College/Institute fails to do the needful, the RR-cum-exam form shall
be accepted with requisite fee in one go and penalty of Rs.10/-per student per
day shall be charged in respect of each kind of fee separately as already
provided in ordinance before one month of the commencement of examination
of a course. After that the Registration Return-cum-Examination Form with late
fee as referred above will be accepted before ten days of the commencement
of examination with the approval of the Vice Chancellor.
In case of students who are already registered with the University, the
registration number shall be indicated in Registration Return, but such a
student shall pay the prescribed continuation fee.
iii) Migration certificate received after the above mentioned schedule will no not
be accepted in any case and the candidature of the student shall stand
automatically cancelled.
The fee for each kind of fee drawn in favour of the officers mentioned in
note-(i) in respect of all the students of each class at the rates(per student
per annum) prescribed by the University as mentioned below are to be sent
alongwith Registration Return.
(i) Registration fee: Rs.300/- for general courses and Rs.1000/- for
professional courses
(ii) Continuation fee: Rs.100/- for general courses and Rs.500/- for
professional courses
(iii) Radhakrishnan Fund: Rs.70/-
(iv) Development fee:
a) Arts/Science/Commerce Rs. 150/-(Rs. 100/- to be remitted to the
b) BBA Rs. 1200/-
c) BCA/M.Sc. (Com. Sci.) Rs. 1800/-
d) M.P.Ed./B.P.Ed. Rs. 2500/-
e) C.P.Ed. Rs. 1250/-
f) Professional Courses Rs. 1000/-
(v) Holiday Home Fee Rs. 20/-
(vi) Youth Welfare Fee:
Non-professional courses Rs. 60/- (Rs. 40/- to be remitted to Uni.)
Professional Courses Rs. 150/-(Rs. 100/- to be remitted to Uni.)
M.C.A. course Rs. 500/- (Rs. 250/- to be remitted to Uni.)
(vii) Sports Fee Rs. 120/- (Rs. 80/- to be remitted to Uni.)
(viii) NSS Fee Rs. 20/- (Rs. 10/- to be remitted to Uni.)
(ix) Curriculum Charges Rs. 50/-
(x) Youth Red Cross Fee Rs. 80/- (Rs. 40/- to be remitted to Uni.)
The above tournament fee shall be payable by every affiliated College/Institute
even if it does not participate in any tournament/ game. This sports entry fee
will be deposited in one lot in the beginning of the session alongwith other fees
while sending RR to the University. However, penalty provision already approved
shall be applicable on the sports entry fee also. The entry forms for participation
in various games/tournaments approved by the University and AIU, New Delhi
will however, be entertained upto the dates to be circulated/notified by the
iii) The candidates must have passed the qualifying examination with the
requisite percentage of marks as per this Brochure of the University. The
combination of subjects must have been offered by the candidates as per
provision in Brochure/ Ordinance(s).
iv) The Entry fee for Zonal Youth Festival/Tech. Management shall be payable
even if a college does not participate. The entry fee will be deposited with
the Director Youth Welfare alongwith Youth Welfare Fee and Holiday Home
fee in the starting of the session. Entry forms may, however, be
entertained upto five days before the date of commencement of the
Fee structure for Self Financing Professional Courses
C.P.Ed. Rs.20000/-(Rs.16000/-+Rs.4000/-
development + other University charges.)
3. If, at the time of submission of examination form a student has not
completed the required percentage of lectures etc. his name may be
sent for the examination provisionally. The Principal shall, 15 working
days before the date of commencement of examination, intimate to the
Registrar/Controller of Exams if the student has made up the required
percentage of lectures or if the deficiency has not been condoned. If
Roll No. slips in respect of such students are received by the Principal
these shall be immediately returned to the Registrar/Controller of
4. Attendance at Seminars will be counted as lectures but a test for quiz
shall not count for this purpose.
5. If a student migrates from another University/College, the lectures/
practical, etc. attended by him/her at the previous institutions shall be
taken into account for determining whether he/she has attended the
requisite percentage of lectures/practical etc.
6. If the percentage of attendance is deficient on account of :
a. participation in University or Inter Collegiate Sports
Tournaments/Youth Festivals with the previous sanction of the
b. (i) participation in Inter University Sports Tournaments Youth
Festivals with the previous sanction of the Principal ;
(ii) attendance at the NCC/NSS Camps or University Educational
Excursions certified by the Principal ;
attendance at Mountaineering Courses by students selected by
the University/ College;
the subject(s). If he leaves the college after one term he may be
allowed to appear in the examination as an ex-student but if he attends
the College for the whole academic year and completes the requisite
percentage of lectures in that year, he may be allowed to appear in the
examination as a regular student.
Such a student shall be charged tuition fee for each full term in which
he attends classes.
Example: - If a student has not attended required percentage of
lectures in any semester, then he/she has to seek admission in the
same semester to complete the required lectures. In case he/she has
attended the required percentage of lectures, he/she is eligible to be
promoted to the next semester subject to fulfilment of other
9. Students, who voluntarily donate blood to the Blood Bank may be given
the benefit of attendance of all periods for that day. This will apply to
all courses.
1. Reservation of Seats:
In view of the reservation policy Notified by the Govt. of Haryana
vide Notification No. 22/10/2013 -IGSIII dated 28/2/2013 and
Notification No. 22/12/2019-1GS-III dated 25.02.2019 (Appendix –J) and
the instructions received from State Govt. from time to time in this regard
which is applicable to the University also, the reservation of seats in
various programmes offered in University Teaching Departments /
Centres / Institutes are as under:-
Category Percentage
a. All India Open Category Seats AIO 15% of the sanctioned intake
(States other than Haryana)
b. State Quota 85% of the sanctioned intake
b-1. Haryana Open General Category 50% of the State Quota
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 10% of the Haryana Open General
Category State Quota
b-2. Reserved Categories of Haryana 50% of the State Quota
Scheduled Caste (SC) of Haryana 20% of the State Quota
(i) 50% of 20% of Scheduled Castes
(ii) 50% of 20% of Deprived Scheduled
(Please see Appendix E and E-A)
Backward Classes of Haryana (A) (BCA) 16% of the State Quota
Backward Classes of Haryana (B) (BCB) 11% of the State Quota
Physically Handicapped (PH) 3% of the State Quota
Govt. aided / Institutes located in Haryana. As far as Block allocation in Block-
A and Block-B of Backward Classes category is concerned year wise rotational
system will be adopted. For example if Block-A of Backward Classes are given
seats in academic year 2020, the next Block i.e. (B) Block of Category of
Backward Classes will be given seats in the next academic year 2021 and so
Note: A roster register for reservation of seats shall be maintained and carry
forward all fractions till one seat is accumulated through different fractions
over the years. As and when the total comes to one, a seat will be provided in
the Prospectus (Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana letter No. 23/27/2004-2GS-
III dated 05.12.2008).
2. Guidelines for Reservation
i) A candidate who applies for a reserved category or for both reserved
and general categories will be considered first in general category. In
case, he is not selected in general category, he/she will be
considered for reserve category.
The Scheduled Castes/Backward Classes candidates who get selected
/admitted in Educational/Professional/Technical Institutions and
Universities in open competition on the basis of their own merit, will
not be counted against the quota reserved for scheduled caste/
backward classes, rather they will be treated as open competition
candidates. However, such candidates shall fulfill condition of
eligibility regarding age etc. as are meant for general category
candidates (Memo No.13864-75 dated 24.8.2012 received from the
Principal Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Welfare of Scheduled Caste
and Backward Classes, Department, Chandigarh).
ii) Benefit of reservation will be given to all the reserved categories upto
scheduled counselling according to the reservation policy given in the
Information Brochure. In case at the time of scheduled counselling
the reserved seats of various categories remain vacant and no
eligible candidates of the reserved categories are available, these
vacant seats may be thrown open to Haryana General Category. In
case, the seats in Haryana General Category remain vacant at the
end the same will be thrown open to All India Open Category
iii) If any seat remains vacant in sub-categories of BC(A) and BC(B), the
same will be filled up through the candidates belonging to other
category. For example, if any seat in BC(B) category remains vacant,
the same will be filled up from BC(A) category and vice-versa.
iv) A candidate having a minimum of 40% permanent disability will be
considered physically handicapped for admission to a course,
provided that the candidate is otherwise medically fit for the
particular course. Such candidate will be admitted to the relevant
courses on the basis of academic merit and not on the basis of
degree of handicapped. Certificate should be as per Appendix-“A‟.
In case any State does not issue the gradation certificate, the
following criteria will be adopted:
a. In case of International/National participation or State
Position Holder, a certificate of authenticity will be required
from the concerned National Federation/ State Association.
b. The game/event must be in the scheduled list of Association
of Indian University Sports Calendar.
c. The tournament must be organized by the
Federation/Association duly affiliated with the State Olympic
Association/Indian Olympic Association and Ministry of Youth
Affairs & Sports.
(No weightage will be given for participating/winning
positions in the sports and games organized by Nehru Yuva
Kendra/CBSE National, Vidya Bharati Nationals/Rural
Tournaments/Panchayat Tournaments/Navaodya Nationals and
invitation non-recognized tournaments/sports festivals).
Example for preparing merit list:-
Sr. Marks obtained marks % in Weightage Overall
No. the qualifying qualifying Merit
exam exam
1. 300 500 60.00 5 Marks 65.00
Cat C.-
st nd rd
1 /2 /3 position in zonal Inter- University tournaments/
zonal national tournaments/ representation of AIU team.
The eligibility rules for the admission against sports seat, only the
games recognized and adopted by the Inter University Sports Board
of India and approved by AIU will be considered. List of games
approved by AIU is appended at “F‟.
III) The candidates should be eligible for Inter – University
Tournaments during the year of admission.
IV) There should be continuity of participation of the applicant at various
levels including Inter-Varsity Tournaments and his/her performance
should not be more than one year old.
V) The candidate better in sports will be admitted as per merit.
VI) The candidate better in sports will be admitted as per merit decided by
the Admission Committee of the concerned Department/ College.
However, the Director Sports will guide the Admission Committee with
regard to checking the genuineness of the certificates/merit.
VII) In case of tie in sports merit, the candidate better in academic merit be
given preference.
VIII) The age of the student should be between 17 years to 25 years.
IX) The sports certificate and photograph of the player must be attested by
the Secretary of the concerned federation.
X) The candidate must possess the gradation certificate (other than
University Tournaments) from the Sports Dept. of his/her state, on the
basis of his/her representation/position at National/Inter-National
/Zonal/State level tournament in the games recognized by AIU from time
to time.
XI) In case, there is no availability of Coach in the University, for the game
in which the student is seeking admission, then University will hire the
services of the Coach from Sports Department of Haryana.
XII) Only those games which are recognized and adopted by the Inter-
University Sports Board of India and approved by AIU will be considered
for determining admission against sports seat.
XIII) It will be mandatory for the admitted students to participate in the
Sports activities of his/her Department/University and should have
consistently participated in Sports activities.
The application form received for outstanding sports quota seat upto last
date of applying for admission shall be sent to the Director Sports within
three days after the scheduled counseling of the concerned Department, if
required any clarification/guidance. Thereafter, the Admission Committee
will decide the case for admission within 10 days after the scheduled
counseling. No late fee shall be charged from such candidates.
ii) I/II/III position/participation at the School National Tournaments.
iii) I/II/III position/participation at the School National Games and Sports.
iv) I/II/III position holder at the State level Tournaments.
v) The candidate better in sports will be admitted as per, merit decided
by the Director (Sports) of the University on the basis of criteria to
be laid down for sports merit.
vi) In case of tie in sports merit, the candidate better in academic merit
must be given preference.
vii) The age of the student should not exceed to 23 years.
Hon‟ble Supreme Court of India in SPL (C) No. 24295/2004 in the matter of
University of Kerala V/s Council of Principals, Colleges of Kerala and others has
ordered that if any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the authority, the
concerned student shall be given liberty to explain to if his/ her explanation is
not found satisfactory, the authority would expel him/her from the Institution.
No..................... Dated........................
Signature of Applicant
Physical Efficiency Test for D.P.Ed./B.P.Ed./M.P.Ed. course consist of the
Canadian Test & the specifications of Canadian test is given below:
(a) Male candidates must clear the following event/activities in a sequence
from the starting line within 32 seconds and the total distance would be
75 meter.
i) 10 feet long jump
ii) Seven times crossing over the width of 5 feet river/pit
iii) Vaulting Horse of 4 feet 8 inch height
iv) Forward roll on mat
v) Crossing over the hurdle of 3 feet height
vi) Carrying two buckets of sand upto the finishing line 25 meter away.
(b) Female candidates must clear the following event/activities in a sequence
from the starting line within 35 seconds and the total distance would be
70 meter.
i) 8 feet long jump
ii) Five times crossing over the width of 4 feet river/pit
iii) Vaulting Horse of 3 feet 2 inches height
iv) Forward roll on mat
v) Crossing over the hurdle of 2 feet height
vi) Carrying two buckets of sand (2/3 filled) upto the finishing line 20 meter
Note I:
(i) Hurdle should be crossed without being knocked down. If a candidate
leaves the test incomplete, he/she will be disqualified and will not be
given any chance (if any candidate falls down for slips while performing
the test, he/she must complete the test and should not drop out in
between and no extra chance would be given in such cases.
(ii) Candidates not completing the test within prescribed time will not be
called for counseling.
(iii) A student can be referred for medical check-up at any time during
the course, if Chairperson is of the opinion that the student has become
unfit for practicals.
(iv) If a candidate commits two faults, he/she will not be allowed for
retest whereas, if any one fault is committed by the candidate, he/she
will be given one more chance,
provide he/she completes the test within the prescribed time. Third
chance will not be given under any circumstances
Note II:
Common PET shall be conducted by the Department of Physical Education
at Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur or the venue decided by the
University for M.P.Ed. and B.P.Ed. courses for the affiliated Colleges of the
University. The date for PET shall be notified by the Chairperson,
Department of Physical Education after receiving the application forms of
the candidates from their respective Colleges alongwith the required fee
of Rs.100/- per candidate.
For deciding the total merit of the candidates, the following marks will
be added to the marks obtained by the candidates in the qualifying
a) 1st, 2nd, 3rd position at Junior world/Junior Asian/Youth Common
Wealth games/Junior International meet - 25 marks
b) Paticipation in clause (a) games & tournament given above OR
have won 1st, 2nd, 3rd places in National School Games, Junior
National Championship/All India Inter University tournaments.
-15 marks
c) Participation National School games/Junior National
Championship/Inter University OR have won 1st, 2nd & 3rd place in
State School Tournaments/
University tournaments (Inter College) - 08 marks
(1) Only the highest weightage will be counted out of above categories.
(2) Only those games which are recognized and adopted by IUSB of India or
IGU, Meerpur or School games federation of India (SGFI) will be
considered for the purpose of Eligibility and weightages.
For deciding the total merit of the candidate, the following marks will be added
to the marks obtained by the candidate in the qualifying examination:
No. Position Marks
1. Olympic Games/World championship
i. 1st/ 2nd / 3rd 25
2. Asian Games/Asian Championship/ Commonwealth Games
i. 1st /2nd /3rd 23
3. SAARC Games/Inter-national Tournaments
i. 1st /2nd /3rd 20
4. Test matches and other Inter-national Tournaments
i. Participation 17
5. National/All India Inter-State/ All India Inter-University
i. 1st 15
ii. 2 nd 12
iii. 3rd 10
National Zonal/Inter-State Zonal/ Inter- University Zonal
i. 1st 10
ii. 2nd 08
iii. 3rd 07
6. Zonal Combined Universities
i. Played 06
7. National Tournaments
i. Participation 05
8. State Tournaments
i. 1st /2nd /3rd 05
Note: Only highest weightage will be counted out of above categories.
For deciding the overall merit of the candidate, the following marks will be
added to the marks obtained by the candidate in the qualifying examination
and the Entrance Examination:
No. Position Marks
1. Olympic Games/World championship
i. 1st/ 2nd / 3rd 25
2. Asian Games/Asian Championship/ Commonwealth Games
i. 1st /2nd /3rd 23
3. SAARC Games/Inter-national Tournaments
i. 1st /2nd /3rd 20
4. Test matches and other Inter-national Tournaments
i. Participation 17
5. National/All India Inter-State/ All India Inter-University
i. 1st 15
ii. 2 nd 12
iii. 3rd 10
National Zonal/Inter-State Zonal/ Inter- University Zonal
i. 1st 10
ii. 2nd 08
iii. 3rd 06
6. Zonal Combined Universities/ Combined University
i. Played 05
West Bengal
Uttar Pradesh
Nababharat Shiksha Parishad, Anupoorna Bhawan, Plot No. 242, Pani
23. Tanki Road,
Shaktinagar, Rourkela-769014.
24. North Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Odisha.
7. Bazigar 8. Bhanjra
Rehgar, Raigar,Ramdasi,
Bhatoi, Bhambi,
Jatava, Ramdasia.
37. Sirkiband
The 15th May, 2020
No. Leg.15/2020. – The following Act of the Legislature of the State of Haryana
received the assent of the Governor of Haryana on the 25th March, 2020 and is hereby published
for general information:-
to provide for reservation in admission in Government educational institutions of persons
belonging to the Scheduled Castes in the State of Haryana with special measures for deprived
Scheduled Castes and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Haryana in the Seventy-first Year of the
Republic of India as follows:-
1. This Act may be called the Haryana Scheduled Castes (Reservation in admission in
Government Educational Institutions Act, 2020.
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) “Annexure” means the Annexure appended to this Act;
(b) “competent authority” means an officer appointed under section5;
(c) “deprived Scheduled Castes” means such Scheduled Castes as specified in
(d) “Government educational institution” means any higher education institution
established and maintained by the Government or receiving aid out of the State
funds, imparting education leading to the award of a degree including a post-
graduate degree and shall include Government aided technical and professional
(e) “Government” means the Government of the State of Haryana in the
administrative department;
(f) “prescribed” means prescribed by the rules;
(g) “Scheduled Castes” means Scheduled Castes notified under article 341 of the
Constitution of India.
3. (1) Twenty percent seats shall be reserved for the members of the Scheduled Castes
while making admission in Government educational institutions.
(2) Fifty percent of the twenty percent seats reserved for Scheduled Castes for
admission in any Government educational institution shall be set aside for
candidates belonging to deprived Scheduled Castes as enumerated in the
4. Where a seat set aside for candidate from deprived Scheduled Castes for admission in
Government educational institutions is not filled up in any academic year due to non-
availability of candidate of deprived Scheduled Castes possessing the requisite
qualifications, the same shall be made available to candidate of Scheduled Castes.
5. (1) The Government may, by notification, appoint any officer as competent authority
for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this Act.
(2) The competent authority shall, for the purposes of section 3, issue caste
identification certificate specifying the caste name of the Scheduled Caste, in
such manner, as may be prescribed.
(3) The competent authority shall, for the purposes of this Act, exercise such powers
and perform such functions, as may be prescribed.
(4) The competent authority shall be deemed to be a public servant within the
meaning of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Central Act 45 of 1860).
6. A person belonging to the deprived Scheduled Castes shall, for the purposes of section 3,
support his candidature by a certificate of caste identification issued by the competent
authority under sub-section (2) of section 5.
7. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against the competent authority,
officers of the Government for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be
done under this Act or any rule or order made thereunder.
8. If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the Government
may, by order, published in the Official Gazette, make such provisions not inconsistent
with the provisions of this Act, as may appear to be necessary for removing the
Provided that no such order shall be made under this section after the expiry of
three years from the commencement of this Act.
9. (1) The Government shall, by notification in Official Gazette, make rules for
carrying out the purposes of this Act.
(2) Every rule made under this Act shall, as soon as possible, after it is made, be laid
before the State Legislature.
10. The Government may, on the basis of such criteria, as may be prescribed and on the
expiration of ten years from the coming into force of this Act and at every succeeding
period of five years thereafter, review the Scheduled Castes included in the Annexure.
(see section 3)
1. Ad Dharmi
2. Balmiki
3. Bangali
4. Barar, Burar, Berar
5. Batwal, Barwala
6. Bauria, Bawaria
7. Bazigar
8. Bhanjra
9. Chanal
10. Dagi
11. Darain
12. Deha, Dhaya, Dhea
13. Dhanak
14. Dhogri, Dhangri, Siggi
15. Dumna, Mahasha, Doom
16. Gagra
17. Gandhila, Gandil Gondola
18. Kabirpanthi, Julaha
19. Khatik
20. Kori, Koli
21. Marija, Marecha
22. Mazhabi, Mazhabi Sikh
23. Megh, Meghwal
24. Nat, Badi
25. Od
26. Pasi
27. Perna
28. Pherera
29. Sanhai
30. Sanhal
31. Sansi, Bhedkut, Manesh
32. Sansoi
33. Sapela, Sapera
34. Sarera
35. Sikligar, Bariya
36. Sirkiband
1. Aheria, Aheri,Heri, 2. Barra
Naik,Thori or Turi, Hari
3. Beta, Hensi or Hesi 4. Bagria
5. Barwar 6. Barai, Tamboli
Baragi, Bairagi, Swami
7. Sadh 8. Battera
Bhat, Bhatra, Darpi,
9. Bharbhuja, Bharbhunja 10. Ramiya
11. Bhuhalia Lohar 12. Changar
13. Chirimar 14. Chang
15. Chimba, Chhipi, Chimpa, 16. Daiya
Darzi, Rohilla
17. Dhobis 18. Dakaut
19. Dhimar, Mallah, Kashyap, 20. Dhosali, Dosali
Rajpoot, Kahar, Jhiwar,
Dhinwar, Khewat, Mehra,
Nishad, Sakka, Bhisti,
21. Faquir 22. Gwaria, Gauria or Gwar
Ghasi, Ghasiara or
23. Ghirath 24. Ghosi
25. Gorkhas 26. Gawala, Gowala
27. Gadaria, Pal, Baghel 28. Garhi-Lohar
Jhangra Brahman,
29. Hajjam, Nai, Nais, Sain 30. Khati,
Suthar, Dhiman-
Tarkhan, Barhai, Baddi.
31. Joginath, Jogi, Nath, Yogi 32. Kanjar or Kanchan
45. Noongar 46. Nalband
1. Ahir/Yadav 2. Gujjar
Saini, Shakya,
3. Lodh/Lodha/Lodhi 4. Kushwaha,
Koeri, Maurya
5. Meo 6. Gosai/Gosain/Goswami
List of games approved by AIU
Sr. Sr.
No. National Championships No. National Championships
1. American Football (M & W) 2. Aquatics(M W)
3. Archery (M W) 4. Athletics (M W)
5. Badminton (M &W) 6. Ball Badminton (M & W)
7. Baseball (M & W) 8. Basketball (W)
9. Basketball(M & W) 10. Best Physique (M)
Canoeing and Kayaking
11. Boxing(M & W) 12. (MW)
13. Chess (M & W) 14. Cricket (M & W)
15. Cross Country (MW) 16. Cycling Road (MW)
17. Cycling Track (MW) 18. E- Sports (M & W)
19. Fencing (M & W) 20. Football (M & W)
21. Gatka (M & W) 22. Gymnastics (M & W)
23. Handball (M & W) 24. Hockey (M & W )
25. Hockey 5' s (M & W) 26. Judo (M & W)
27. Kabadd NS(M &W) 28. Kabaddi Circle Style(M & W)
29. Kho-Kho (M & W) 30. Korf Ball (Mixed M&W)
31. Lawn Tennis (M & W) 32. Netball (M & W)
Pistol Shooting & 177, Air
33. Rifle 34. Power Lifting (M & W )
Peep Sight(M & W)
35. Relay Race (M) 36. Roll Ball (M & W)
37. Roller Sports (M&W) 38. Rowing (M &W)
39. Sepak Takraw (M &W) 40. Soft Tennis (M & W)
41. Softball (M & W) 42. Squash Rackets (M & W)
43. Table Tennis (M & W) 44. Taekwondo (M & W)
45. Tug of War (M & W ) 46. Volleyball (M & W)
47. Wrestling FS & GR (M & W) 48. Wt. Lifting (M & W)
49. Wushu (M & W) 50. Yachting (M & W)
51. Yoga (M & W)
(Self Declaration to be submitted by student against ragging at the time of
1. I, (Full Name of the Student with admission/ registration/ enrollment No.)
S/o, D/o Mr./Mrs./Ms. __________________ having been admitted to
_____(name of the institution)_________ have carefully read “THE
ORDINANCE, 2012” and fully understood the provisions contained in the
said ordinance.
2. I have, in particular, perused clause 2(f) of the ordinance and am aware as
to what constitutes ragging.
3. I have also, in particular, perused clause 8 of the Ordinance and I am fully
aware of the penal and administrative action that is liable to be taken
against me in case I am found guilty of or abetting ragging, actively or
passively, or being part of conspiracy to promote ragging.
4. I hereby solemnly aware and undertake that:
(a) I will not indulge in any behavior or act that may be constituted as
ragging under the Ordinace.
(b) I will not participate in or abet or propagate through any act of
commission or omission that may be constituted as ragging under the
5. I hereby affirm that, if found guilty of ragging, I am liable for punishment
according to Ordinance, without prejudice to any other criminal action that
may be taken against me under any penal law or any law for the time
being in force.
6. I hereby declare that I have not been expelled or debarred from admission
in any institution in the country on account of being found guilty of,
abetting or being part of a conspiracy to promote ragging; and further
affirm that, in case the declaration is found to be untrue, I am aware that
my admission is liable to be cancelled.
Declared this______________ day of _____________month of__________
Self Declaration by the Parent/ Guardian
(a) My ward will not indulge in any behaviour or act that may be constituted as
ragging under the ordinance.
(b) My ward will not participate in or abet or propagate through any act of
commission or omission that may be constituted as ragging under the Ordinance.
5. I hereby affirm that, if my ward is found guilty of ragging, he/she is liable for
punishment according to Ordinance, without prejudice to any other criminal
action that may be taken against me under any penal law or any, law for the
time being in force.
6. I hereby declare that my ward has not been expelled or debarred from
admission in any institution in the country on account of being found guilty of,
abetting or being part of a conspiracy to promote, ragging; and further affirm
that, in case the declaration is found to be untrue, the admission of my ward
is liable to be cancelled.