Traspo Activity 1 and 2
Traspo Activity 1 and 2
Traspo Activity 1 and 2
In this activity, students are selected by the course coordinator to have a brief and
informative video presentation of the following topics as explained. Student is required to
have a 10-15 minutes presentation (either pre-recorded or live online) regarding the
topics enumerated below.
A class discussion will follow after a student has presented his particular topic.
Questions by the course coordinator and his fellow students will also take part.
Activity 2:
1. How would your typical day be changed without availability of your principal mode of
transportation? Consider both personal transportation as well as goods and services
that you rely on.
2. What are the most central problems in your state concerning one of the following:
3. (a) air transportation, (b) railroads, (c) water transportation, (d) highways, or (e)
public transportation? (Hint: To answer this question, obtain a copy of the governor’s
plan for transportation in your state or contact a key official in the transportation
4. Name the two key influences on transit system carrying capacity.
5. Describe the organization and function of your state highway department and/or
transportation department.
6. What are the major activities performed by the highway department in your state as
described by the organization chart and other information furnished on their
7. What are the four principal modes for moving people? Which of these modes’
accounts for the largest share of passenger-miles? Which mode accounts for the
8. (a) List four major factors that will determine the future of public transportation in
the United States.
9. (b) For each of the factors listed, indicate if the factor is positive, negative, or neutral
to the success of transit.
10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using intercity bus transportation?