English Module 3: Course For Vocational School Students Grade Xii By: Olivia Ursula, M.PD
English Module 3: Course For Vocational School Students Grade Xii By: Olivia Ursula, M.PD
English Module 3: Course For Vocational School Students Grade Xii By: Olivia Ursula, M.PD
Unit 1
Bacalah kembali pembahasan dalam modul unit 1 yang telah dibagikan sebelumnya ke
kalian, setelah itu jawablah beberapa pertanyaan dalam ENGLISH TEST di bawah ini.
A. Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan menggunakan connector yang tepat seperti :
because of, Due to, since, as a result.
1. Nita did a part-time job at a fast food restaurant and earned money to pay the
Cause : Nita did a part-time job at a fast food restaurant.
2. Effect : she earned money to pay the bills..
3. It is raining again and we decided to stay at home.
Cause : It is raining again.
Effect : we decided to stay at home.
4. Rian did not study hard for his exam and got a low score.
Cause : Rian did not study hard for his exam.
Effect : he got a low score.
5. A strong wind destroyed many buildings and houses.
Cause : A strong wind.
Effect : It destroyed many buildings and houses.
6. My mother watered the chili plant regularly and it produced dozens of chilies.
Cause : My mother watered the chili plant regularly.
Effect : It produced dozens of chilies.
7. Nia had a motorcycle accident and broken her arm.
Cause : Nia had a motorcycle accident.
Effect : The accident broken her arm.
8. Dani never brushes his teeth and he has 5 cavities.
Cause : Dani never brushes his teeth.
Effect : he has 5 cavities.
9. I forgot to take money from my ATM and I don’t have any money left in my wallet.
Cause : I forgot to take money from my ATM.
Effect : I don’t have any money left in my wallet.
10. The cupcake burned in the oven that was too hot.
Cause : The cupcake burned in the oven.
Effect : that was too hot.
11. There was a heavy rain last night and the road was flood.
Cause : There was a heavy rain last night.
Effect : the road was flood.
C. Buatlah kalimat berdasarkan connectors di bawah ini , Seperti yang sudah dibuat di
nomor 1:
1. They have had problems raising cash because of the credit crunch.
2. Dea is sick. Therefore, her friends take her to the hospital.
3. It’s rain outside, as a result, we cannot play.
4. My success is due to my hard work.
5. Aan is going home because she gets injured.
6. I made a big surprise for her arrival.
7. My heart was broken as you said good-bye, I would never see you again.
8. Owing to my interest in education, I aspire to be a teacher.
9. We do not eat again, Since we have eaten much last afternoon.
10. Toto’s mother does not give him allowance this week as the consequence of his