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Research Sample MCQ'S

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Unit I: Introduction
1. What is research?
A. A systematic and rigorous process of finding answers to questions
B. A farm of audit
C. Finding out evidence from a database
D. Acquiring a body of evidence on topic
2. Basically Research says it is
A. Searching again and again
B. Finding solution to any problem
C. Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem
D. Creating a new problem
3. Action research means
A. A longitudinal research
B. An applied research
C. A research identified to solve an immediate problem
D. A research with socioeconomic objective
4. A reasoning where we start with certain particular statements and conclude with a
universal statement is called
A. Deductive reasoning
B. Inductive reasoning
C. Abnormal reasoning
D. Transcendental reasoning
5. Inductive logic proceeds from
A. general to general
B. Particular to general
C. General to particular
D. Particular to particular
6. As a professional a nurse can do research for varied reason, Except,
A. Professional advancement through research participation
B. To validate research of new nursing modalities
C. For financial gains
D. To improve nursing care
7. The importance of nursing research in nursing is to provide
A. Quality nursing care
B. Comprehensive nursing care
C. Evidence based nursing
D. Individualized nursing care
8. Research is classified on the basis of
A. Purpose
B. Intent
C. Methodology
D. Techniques
9. Research related to abstract ideas or concepts is
A. Empirical research
B. Conceptual research
C. Quantitative research
D. Qualitative research
10. Identifying causes of a problem and possible solution to a problem is
A. Field study
B. Diagnosis study
C. Action study
D. Pilot study
11. The major reason for conducting research is
A. Provide nursing care to the clients
B. Promote the growth of nursing profession
C. Document the cost effectiveness of care
D. Ensure accountability for nursing practice
12. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a nursing research?
A. Development of theories, principles and generalizations
B. Uses chaotic method of problem solving
C. Require full skill of writing report
D. Involves precise observation and accurate description
13. Which of the following is not a part of research?
A. Diligent study
B. Unsystematic enquiry
C. Refine existing knowledge
D. Validate the knowledge
14. The nursing research priorities are,
A. To improve nursing as a profession
B. To improve patients outcome
C. To improve patients illness
D. To improve nursing practice
15. Which of the following is a criterion for a good research question
A. Question should be long use complex terms
B. Question should show where my research biases are
C. Questions should sound contemporary
D. Question should connect with established theory and research
16. Which of the following should be included in a research proposal
A. Your academic status and experience
B. The difficulties you encountered with your previous reading on topic
C. Your choice of research methods and reasons for choosing them
D. Your academic excellence

Unit II: Review of Literature

17. These are the purposes of review of literature except?
A. Reveal investigation
B. Reveal sources of data
C. Reveal what is the problem
D. Reveal the significant personalities
18. In research process we review the relevant literature to know
A. What is already known about the topic?
B. To use old concepts in research
C. Come to conclusions
D. Find out the results
19. The literature review should occur
A. Near the end of research process
B. Shortly before the analysis of the problem
C. Early in the research process
D. After bibliography
20. What is the importance of review of literature?
A. It gives research
B. It need at the end of study
C. It is mandatory for research
D. It will give insight for study
21. What are tertiary sources of review of literature?
A. Thesis
B,. Dictionary
C. Database and internet
D. Bibliography

Unit III: Research Approaches and designs

22. Nursing research can be classified according to the time frame the research study has
been made. As a nurse you know that the study entitled ‘knowledge and practice of staff
nurses in preventing needle prick injuries in a private hospital in Delhi’ is classified as
A. Basic research
B. Historical research
C. Descriptive research
D. Experimental research
23. Controlled group is a term used in
A. Survey research
B. Historical research
C. Experimental research
D. Descriptive research
24. Which of the following is not a qualitative research methodology?
A. Ethnography
B. Randomized controlled trial
C. Grounded theory
D. Phenomenological theory
25. Which of the following methodologies explores a culture or aspects of culture?
A. Grounded theory
B. Ethnography
C. Case study
D. Phenomenology
26. Which of the following study titles reflects the use of a phenomenological methodology?
A. Determining the role of the mentor as assesser in clinical practice
B. The experience of being a student nurse
C. Evaluating the introduction of a clinical supervision into a nursing acre hoem
D. A systematic review of the evidence base caring for older people with dementia.
27. What is a ground theory?
A. One that was proposed by one of the major theorists in the sociological tradition
B. One that is highly abstract and makes broad generalization about the social world
C. An intermediate level of explanation f observed regularities
D. A particularly satisfactory theory that makes the researcher feel happy
28. What is a research design?
A. A way of conducting research that is not grounded in the theory
B. The choice between qualitative or quantitative method
C. The style in which you resent your research findings example a graph
D. A framework for every stage of the collection and analysis of data
29. In an experimental design the dependent variable is
A. The one that is not manipulated and in which any changes are observed
B. The one that is manipulated in order to observe any effects on the other
C. A measure of the extent to which personal values affect research
D. An ambiguous concept whose meaning depends on how it is defined
30. What is a cross sectional design
A. A study of one particular section of society ex: the middle classes
B. One that is devised when the researcher is in a bad mood
C. The collection of data from more than one case at one moment in time
D. A comparison of two or more variables for a long period of time
31. Ethnographic research is
A. Comes from traditional focus group
B. Gathered where people live and birth
C. Most popular in service sector
D. Provides secondary data
32. What is the purpose of grounded theory
A. To support theoretical frameworks
B. To generate theory from data
C. To develop explanatory models
D. To find significant differences among group of people
33. Examining cause and effect relationship between variables under higly controlled
condition is
A. Experimental research
B. Quasi experimental research
C. Co relational research
D. Descriptive research
34. Which of the following is not a type of qualitative research nursing?
A. Phenomenological research
B. Grounded theory
C. Cross sectional research
D. Historical research
35. The development of a solid foundation of of reliable knowledge typically is built from
which type of research?
A. Basic research
B. Action research
C. Evaluation research
D. Orientation research
36. Probabilistic Which of the following types of studies is an example of qualitative
research method
A. Cross sectional design
B. Coo relational studies
C. Ethnography
D. Survey design
37. Research undertaken for knowledge sake is
A. Pure research
B. Action research
C. Pilot study
D. Survey
38. Research conducted to find solution for an immediate problem is
A. Fundamental research
B. Analytical research
C. Survey
D. Action research
39. Fundamental research is otherwise known as
A. Action research
B. Survey
C. Pilot study
D. Pure research
40. In terms of reasoning, which of the following research is dialectic and inductive?
A. Outcome research
B. Qualitative research
C. Quantitative research
D. Problem solving
41. Which of the following research utilizes statistics to make generalization?
A. Outcome research
B. Qualitative research
C. Quantitative research
D. Validity
42. Which of the following type of research is also called as a feasibility study or pilot study?
A. Descriptive
B. Exploratory
C. Co relational
D. Explanatory
43. Which of the following is not a type of quantitative research nursing?

A. Ethnography research

B. Descriptive research

C. Quasi experimental

D. Experimental

44. What is a research design?

A. A way of conducting research that is not grounded in theory
B. The choice between using qualitative and quantitative methods.
C. The style in which you present your research findings
D. A framework for every stage of the collection and analysis of data
45. What is a cross sectional design?
A. A comparison of two or more variables longitudinally
B. A design that is devised when the researcher is in a bad mood
C. The collection of data from more than one case at one moment in time
D. Research into one particular section of society
46. What does the term longitudinal design mean
A. A study completed for away from where the researcher lives
B. A study which is very long to read
C. A study with two contrasting cases
D. A study completed over distinct period of time to map changes in social phenomena
47. Cross cultural studies are an example of
A. Longitudinal design
B. Experimental design
C. Comparative design
D. Case study design

Unit IV: Research problem

48. Which of the following stages of the nursing process is similar to that of the research
process in determining the focus of the research and research aim?
A. Assessment
B. Planning
C. Implementing
D. Evaluating
49. Type –I error occurs if,
A. The null hypothesis is rejected even though it is true
B. The null hypothesis is accepted even though it is false
C. Both the null hypothesis as well as alternative hypothesis are rejected
D. It’s a wish of researcher in selection of null hypothesis
50. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process
A. Searching sources of information to locate problem
B. Survey of related literature
C. Identification of problem
D. Searching for solutions to the problem
51. Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms?
A. Socio-economic status
B. Marital status
C. Numerical aptitude
D. Professional attitude
52. The essential qualities of a researcher are
A. Systematization or theorizing of knowledge
B. Listening to research topic
C. Writing research without evidence
D. Reading research articles
53. In the process of conducting research formulation of hypothesis is followed by
A. Statement of objectives
B. Analysis of data
C. Selection of research tools
D. Collection of data
54. Which of the following is not a null hypothesis?
A. There is no relationship between the level of knowledge and practice of precvention
of needle prick injuries
B. There is no relationship between the practice of prevention of needle prick injuries
and socio-demographic profile of staff nurses
C. There is a significant relationship between the knowledge and socio-demographic
profile of staff nurses.
D. There is no relationship between the knowledge of prevention of needle prick
injuries and socio-demographic profile of staff nurses
55. Which of the following is not a type of research question?
A. Predicting an outcome
B. Evaluating a phenomena
C. Developing good practice
D. A hypothesis
56. A question which requires a solution is
A. Observation
B. Problem
C. Data
D. experiment
57. The first step in formulating a problem is
A. Statement of a problem
B. Gathering of data
C. Measurement
D. Survey
58. Which of the following is a first step in research process?
A. Formulating of a problem
B. Collection of data
C. Editing and coding
D. Selection of a problem
59. Which of the following is a way to systematically solve the research problem
A. Technique
B. Operations
C. Research methodology
D. Research process
60. Which of the following should you think when preparing your research
A. Your sample frame and sampling strategy
B. Ethical issues that might arise
C. Setting
D. Sample frame and sampling strategy, ethical issue, setting
61. The research process can be compared to which of the following?
.A. A train time table
B. The Spin Of Skeleton
C. The problem solving process
D. Nursing theories

Unit V: Developing theoretical/conceptual framework

62. What we call when frame work that has its root in theory are,
A. Theoretical framework
B. Conceptual framework
C. Operational framework
D. rational framework
63. What we call when frame work that has its root in conceptual model are
A. Hypothesis
B. Assumptions
C. Limitations
D. Conceptual framework
64. What is the purpose of conceptual framework
A. To generalize findings
B. To invent new
C. To search fauna
D. To discover
65. Which of the following is criteria to appraise the conceptual models,
A. Logical congruence
B. Hypothesis
C. Rational
D. Reasoning
Unit VI: Sampling
66. Sampling is advantageous as it,
A. Saves time
B. Increase financial burden
C. Increases researcher workload
D. Damages sample
67. It is a preferred sampling method for the population with finite size.
A. Systematic sampling
B. Purposive sampling
C. Cluster sampling
D. Area sampling
68. A researcher wants to study the relationship of family size to income. He classifies his
population into different income slabs and takes a random sample from each slab in order
. Which technique of sampling is he working with?.
A. Cluster sampling
B. Random sampling
C. Stratified random sampling
D. Systematic sampling
69. The type of sampling in which there is no assurance that every element as a chance of
being included in research study?
A. Probability sampling
B. Non probability sampling
C. Equal sampling
D. Adjustable sampling
70. What does sampling cases mean
A. Sampling using a sampling frame
B. Identifying a people who are suitable for research
C. Literally the researchers briefcase
D. Sampling people, newspapers, television programs etc.
71. Drawing a sample form each stratum in the proportion to latter’s share in the total
population is called
A. Stratified sampling
B. Proportioned stratified sampling
C. Disproportionate sampling
D. Quota sampling
72. Selecting sample units in just a hit and miss fashion is called
A. Convenience or accidental sampling
B. Purposive sampling
C. Stratified sampling
D. Proportioned stratified sampling
73. A technique building up a list or sample of special population by using an nitial setup of
members as informants is called
A. Quota sampling
B. Convenient sampling
C. Snowball sampling
D. Purposive sampling
74. A researcher divides the population into PG, graduates and 10+2 students and using the
random digit table he selects some of them from each. This is technically called
A. Stratified sampling
B. Stratified random sampling
C. Representative sampling
D. Simple random sampling
75. A sampling method which involves a random start and then proceeds with the selection
of every K element from them and onwards is called … (where K = population size or
sampling size)
A. Snowball sampling
B. Systematic sampling
C. Stratified random sampling
D. Simple random sampling

Unit VII: Tools and methods of Data collection

76. A research paper is a brief report of research work based on
A. Primary data only
B. Secondary data only
C. Both primary and secondary data
D. Tertiary data
77. Questionnaire is a
A. Research method
B. Measurement technique
C. Tool for data collection
D. Data analysis technique
78. Which of the following is not a quantitative approach in research?
A. Statistics
B. Quasi experiment
C. Survey
D. Randomized controlled trial
79. What does the term reliability indicate?
A. We can trust that the research has being carried out to a high school standard
B. That the results are accurate
C. That the researcher can be trusted
D. That the tool of data collection can be regarded as measuring accurately and
80. Which of the following is not a data collection method?

Research questions

A. Unstructured interviewing
B. Postal survey questionnaires
C. Participant observation
81. Which of the following data collection method as better subjectivity
A. Bio physiolgical measures
B. Observation
C. Self reports
D. Questionnaires
82. Data that includes all the measurable and observable pieces of information is called as
A. Subjective data
B. Harsay data
C. Objective data
D. Documented data
83. Questionnaire is a
A. Research method
B. Measurement technique
C. Tool for data collection
D. Data analysis
84. Example for fact finding study is
A. Pure research
B. Survey
C. Action research
D. Long term research
85. Which of the following is an example of primary data
A. Book
B. Journal
C. Newspaper
D. Census report
86. Population census is an example of
A. Survey research
B. Empirical research
C. Clinical research
D. Diagnosis research

Unit VIII: Implementing research plan

87. What is a pilot study
A. A small scale study
B. A study involving pilots
C. A study to test the tool of data collection
D. As study that is the first of its type
88. What is the first step in the qualitative research process ?
A. Data analysis
B. Sample
C. Review of literature
D. Study design
89. The ……hypothesis express the absence of relationship
A. Directional
B. Null
C. Reverse
D. Non directional
90. The basic principles that acre accepted has being true on the basis of logic or reason
without proof or verification is termed as
A. Hypothesis
B. Propositions
C. Assumptions
D. Constructs
91. The statement of beliefs and ideas which are considered to be true or known as
A. Hypothesis
B. Assumption
C. Conceptual definition
D. Operational definition
92. A blue print for the condition of the study is
A. Pilot study
B. Data collection tool
C. Research hypothesis
D. Research design
93. Objective functions and constraints are linear relationship between
A. Variables
B. Constraints
C. Functions
D. Concepts
94. Concept is of two types
A. Abstract and coherent
B. Concrete and coherent
C. Abstract and concrete
D. Concept and operation
95. Research that is done to examine the findings of someone else using the some variables
but different people is which of the following?
A. Exploration
B. Replication
C. Hypothesis
D. Empiricism
96. What is a pilot study
A. A small scale study
B. A study involving pilots
C. A study test the tool of data collection
D. A study that is the first of its type

Unit IX: Analysis and interpretation of data

97. A common test in research demands much priority on
A. Reliability
B. Objectivity
C. Usability
D. Reliability, objectivity and usability
98. Which of the following is not a graphic representation?
A. Pie chart
B. Bar chart
C. Table
D. Histogram
99. Why is data analysis concerned with data reduction
A. Because for too much data is collected than is required
B. Because we need to make sense of the data
C. Because of the revisions in answers to questionnaires
D. Because of the sample size has been exceeded
100. If a study is reliable ”this means that
A. It was conducted by a reputable researcher who can be trusted
B. The measures devised for concepts are stable on different occasions
C. The findings can be generalized to other social setting
D. The methods are stated clearly enough for the research to be replicated

1 .Action research means

E. A longitudinal research
F. An applied research
G. A research identified to solve an immediate problem
H. A research with socioeconomic objective
2 A reasoning where we start with certain particular statements and conclude with a
universal statement is called
E. Deductive reasoning
F. Inductive reasoning
G. Abnormal reasoning
H. Transcendental reasoning
101. As a professional a nurse can do research for varied reason, Except,
E. Professional advancement through research participation
F. To validate research of new nursing modalities
G. For financial gains
H. To improve nursing care
102. A question which requires a solution is
E. Observation
F. Problem
G. Data
H. experiment
103. A technique building up a list or sample of special population by using an nitial
setup of members as informants is called
E. Quota sampling
F. Convenient sampling
G. Snowball sampling
H. Purposive sampling
104. A researcher divides the population into PG, graduates and 10+2 students and
using the random digit table he selects some of them from each. This is technically called
E. Stratified sampling
F. Stratified random sampling
G. Representative sampling
H. Simple random sampling
105. A sampling method which involves a random start and then proceeds with the
selection of every K element from them and onwards is called … (where K = population
size or sampling size)
E. Snowball sampling
F. Systematic sampling
G. Stratified random sampling
H. Simple random sampling
106. A research paper is a brief report of research work based on
E. Primary data only
F. Secondary data only
G. Both primary and secondary data
H. Tertiary data
107. A blue print for the condition of the study is
E. Pilot study
F. Data collection tool
G. Research hypothesis
H. Research design
108. A common test in research demands much priority on
E. Reliability
F. Objectivity
G. Usability
H. Reliability, objectivity and usability

109. Why is data analysis concerned with data reduction

E. Because for too much data is collected than is required
F. Because we need to make sense of the data
G. Because of the revisions in answers to questionnaires
H. Because of the sample size has been exceeded
110. Which of the following is not a graphic representation?
E. Pie chart
F. Bar chart
G. Table
H. Histogram
111. What is a pilot study
E. A small scale study
F. A study involving pilots
G. A study test the tool of data collection
H. A study that is the first of its type
112. What is a pilot study
E. A small scale study
F. A study involving pilots
G. A study to test the tool of data collection
H. As study that is the first of its type
113. What is the first step in the qualitative research process ?
E. Data analysis
F. Sample
G. Review of literature
H. Study design
114. Which of the following is an example of primary data
E. Book
F. Journal
G. Newspaper
H. Census report
115. Which of the following data collection method as better subjectivity
E. Bio physiolgical measures
F. Observation
G. Self reports
H. Questionnaires
116. Which of the following is not a data collection method?

Research questions
D. Unstructured interviewing
E. Postal survey questionnaires
F. Participant observation
117. Which of the following is not a quantitative approach in research?
E. Statistics
F. Quasi experiment
G. Survey
H. Randomized controlled trial
118. What does the term reliability indicate?
E. We can trust that the research has being carried out to a high school standard
F. That the results are accurate
G. That the researcher can be trusted
H. That the tool of data collection can be regarded as measuring accurately and
119. What does sampling cases mean
E. Sampling using a sampling frame
F. Identifying a people who are suitable for research
G. Literally the researchers briefcase
H. Sampling people, newspapers, television programs etc.
120. What we call when frame work that has its root in conceptual model are
A. Hypothesis
B. Assumptions
C. Limitations
D. Conceptual framework
121. What is the purpose of conceptual framework
A. To generalize findings
B. To invent new
C. To search fauna
D. To discover
122. Which of the following is criteria to appraise the conceptual models,
A. Logical congruence
B. Hypothesis
C. Rational
D. Reasoning
123. What we call when frame work that has its root in theory are,
A. Theoretical framework
B. Conceptual framework
C. Operational framework
D. rational framework
124. Which of the following should you think when preparing your research
E. Your sample frame and sampling strategy
F. Ethical issues that might arise
G. Setting
H. Sample frame and sampling strategy, ethical issue, setting
125. Which of the following is a first step in research process?
E. Formulating of a problem
F. Collection of data
G. Editing and coding
H. Selection of a problem
126. Which of the following is a way to systematically solve the research problem
E. Technique
F. Operations
G. Research methodology
H. Research process
127. Which of the following is not a null hypothesis?
E. There is no relationship between the level of knowledge and practice of precvention
of needle prick injuries
F. There is no relationship between the practice of prevention of needle prick injuries
and socio-demographic profile of staff nurses
G. There is a significant relationship between the knowledge and socio-demographic
profile of staff nurses.
H. There is no relationship between the knowledge of prevention of needle prick
injuries and socio-demographic profile of staff nurses
128. Which of the following is not a type of research question?
E. Predicting an outcome
F. Evaluating a phenomena
G. Developing good practice
H. A hypothesis
129. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process
E. Searching sources of information to locate problem
F. Survey of related literature
G. Identification of problem
H. Searching for solutions to the problem
130. Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms?
E. Socio-economic status
F. Marital status
G. Numerical aptitude
H. Professional attitude
131. Which of the following stages of the nursing process is similar to that of the
research process in determining the focus of the research and research aim?
E. Assessment
F. Planning
G. Implementing
H. Evaluating
132. Which of the following research utilizes statistics to make generalization?
E. Outcome research
F. Qualitative research
G. Quantitative research
H. Validity
133. Which of the following type of research is also called as a feasibility study or
pilot study?
E. Descriptive
F. Exploratory
G. Co relational
H. Explanatory
134. Which of the following is not a type of quantitative research nursing?

A. Ethnography research

B. Descriptive research

C. Quasi experimental

D. Experimental

135. What is a research design?

E. A way of conducting research that is not grounded in theory
F. The choice between using qualitative and quantitative methods.
G. The style in which you present your research findings
H. A framework for every stage of the collection and analysis of data
136. What is a cross sectional design?
E. A comparison of two or more variables longitudinally
F. A design that is devised when the researcher is in a bad mood
G. The collection of data from more than one case at one moment in time
H. Research into one particular section of society
137. What does the term longitudinal design mean
E. A study completed for away from where the researcher lives
F. A study which is very long to read
G. A study with two contrasting cases
138. Which of the following is not a type of qualitative research nursing?
E. Phenomenological research
F. Grounded theory
G. Cross sectional research
H. Historical research
139. What is the purpose of grounded theory
E. To support theoretical frameworks
F. To generate theory from data
G. To develop explanatory models
H. To find significant differences among group of people
140. What is a cross sectional design
E. A study of one particular section of society ex: the middle classes
F. One that is devised when the researcher is in a bad mood
G. The collection of data from more than one case at one moment in time
H. A comparison of two or more variables for a long period of time
E. Descriptive research
141. Which of the following is not a qualitative research methodology?
E. Ethnography
F. Randomized controlled trial
G. Grounded theory
H. Phenomenological theory
142. Which of the following methodologies explores a culture or aspects of culture?
E. Grounded theory
F. Ethnography
G. Case study
H. Phenomenology
143. Which of the following study titles reflects the use of a phenomenological
E. Determining the role of the mentor as assesser in clinical practice
F. The experience of being a student nurse
G. Evaluating the introduction of a clinical supervision into a nursing acre hoem
H. A systematic review of the evidence base caring for older people with dementia.
144. What is a ground theory?
E. One that was proposed by one of the major theorists in the sociological tradition
F. One that is highly abstract and makes broad generalization about the social world
G. An intermediate level of explanation f observed regularities
H. A particularly satisfactory theory that makes the researcher feel happy
145. What is a research design?
E. A way of conducting research that is not grounded in the theory
F. The choice between qualitative or quantitative method
G. The style in which you resent your research findings example a graph
H. A framework for every stage of the collection and analysis of data
146. What is the importance of review of literature?
A. It gives research
B. It need at the end of study
C. It is mandatory for research
D. It will give insight for study
147. What are tertiary sources of review of literature?
A. Thesis
B,. Dictionary
C. Database and internet
D. Bibliography
148. Which of the following is a criterion for a good research question
E. Question should be long use complex terms
F. Question should show where my research biases are
G. Questions should sound contemporary
H. Question should connect with established theory and research
149. Which of the following should be included in a research proposal
E. Your academic status and experience
F. The difficulties you encountered with your previous reading on topic
G. Your choice of research methods and reasons for choosing them
H. Your academic excellence
150. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a nursing research?
E. Development of theories, principles and generalizations
F. Uses chaotic method of problem solving
G. Require full skill of writing report
H. Involves precise observation and accurate description
151. Which of the following is not a part of research?
E. Diligent study
F. Unsystematic enquiry
G. Refine existing knowledge
H. Validate the knowledge
152. What is research?
E. A systematic and rigorous process of finding answers to questions
F. A farm of audit
G. Finding out evidence from a database
H. Acquiring a body of evidence on topic

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