Module6 PDF
Module6 PDF
Module6 PDF
In this module, you will explore what you need to know about creating
a new system definition for your piping system, defining the fittings that will be
used in the layouts, how pipe systems are displayed, and how the routing
tools work when you are laying out your piping system. Routing tools
incorporated into the Pipe Add command support sloped piping and true male
x female connections. We will go through the best practices on how to lay out
both pressure and gravity piping systems and the differences between them
with the help of AutoCAD applications.
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in the
space provided before each number.
Skills Assessment
Feel free to answer each skills. Write the answers in your notebook.
My goals are:
Goal 4
Goal 3
Goal 2
Goal 1
My targets are:
Target 1
Target 2
Target 3
Below are some of the common pipe fittings symbols used in AutoCAD
that are already created as blocks to be used or inserted in most of the floor
Command: SNAP
Specify snap spacing or [ON/OFF/Aspect/Style/Type] <10.0000>: S
Enter snap grid style [Standard/Isometric] <S>: I
Specify vertical spacing <10.0000>:
You can change your plane by typing ISOPLANE [enter] then select left, top,
In newer AutoCAD version, we have ISODRAFT option. If you
use AutoCAD 2015, you can access the option in drafting settings, AutoCAD
status bar.
This will help you to quickly switch to isometric
drafting mode, the icons really help!
Direction: Using the previously made AutoCAD Blocks for Pipe-Fittings draft
the following Single-Line Isometric Plumbing Layout as shown below.
Direction: Using the floor plan below or using the same floor plan from
previous lessons, draft a Water Distribution System as shown below.
Suggested Activity 1
Directions: Use the floor plans that you started in the earlier chapters of this
module. Draft a Storm Drainage System as shown below.
Suggested Activity 2
Suggested Activity 3
Direction: Research and select from other Storm Drainage System Plans
from your local area that conforms to the following provisions:
Note: You must be able to point out notable design specification as basis of
your selection. Be able to explain you work to the class.
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in the
space provided before each number.
Proficiency Perform the task Perform the task Perform the task
with competence with competence with competence
and exceptional and with standard but below
performance performance standard
Method Followed the Followed the Followed the
given procedure given procedure, given procedure,
from start to noted once noted more than
finish, observed incorrect usage once incorrect
correct usage of of command tools usage of
command tools command tools.
Accuracy Perform the task Perform the task Perform the task
with no error with at least 1-2 with more than 2
errors errors
Time Finish the work Finish the work Unable to finish
Management on/before the after the given the work
given time time
Rating Scale:
17 – 20 91 – 100 Outstanding
13 – 16 86 – 90 Very Good
9 – 12 81 – 85 Good
5–8 76 – 80 Fair
1-4 71 - 75 Needs Improvement
Teacher’s Comments: