TCS Anniversary
TCS Anniversary
TCS Anniversary
Ref: TCS/2011-12/CC-C1Y/455669
Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you of your confirmation as Asst.Systems Engineer with effect from
January 01, 2012. I would like to acknowledge your contribution and effort during the year that helped team TCS
deliver credible results despite a challenging business environment. We have to build on our strengths and address
the opportunities in the market to build a bigger and better TCS. As a team, we have the capability to take TCS to
greater heights and help each one of us realise our potential.
I am pleased to share with you your Annual Compensation of Rs. 3,41,295/- for the year 2011-2012. This includes a
potential performance pay of Rs. 80,400/- annually. A part of this performance pay will be paid to you on a monthly
basis and the remainder on closure of each quarter, subject to company, unit, and individuals achieving their targets.
The details of your compensation and related benefits are enclosed in the Annexure to this letter. Kindly note that
the above details are specific to India and may be subject to change in case of long term deputation on international
assignments, if any.
I wish you a great and fulfilling career with TCS in the years to come.
Ajoy Mukherjee
Executive Vice President & Head
Global Human Resources
Basic Salary
Your Basic Salary will be Rs. 10,200/- per month.
Conveyance Allowance
Conveyance Allowance up to a certain limit is exempt from tax.
Food Coupons
Food coupons up to a certain limit are exempt from tax. These can be used in the company cafeteria, restaurants
and for buying groceries. The coupons will be made available to you at your depute location.
Personal Allowance
This component is fully taxable. This is not a grade-linked benefit and does not accrue automatically. This
allowance is subject to review and may change or be adjusted against other emoluments at a later date.
TCS Confidential
Ref: TCS/2011-12/CC-C1Y/455669
Performance Pay
You are eligible for a Performance Pay of Rs. 6,700/- per month of which Rs. 6,100/- would be paid to you on a
monthly basis. The remainder amount would be paid at the closure of each quarter based on the actual company
performance of the quarter. The payment is subject to your being active on the company rolls on the date of
announcement of Quarterly Performance Pay.
The Performance Pay is subject to review and may undergo a change based on the actual performance of the
Company and unit and your own ongoing individual performance. This allowance is payable based on the
Company's productivity/performance, and as such shall be treated as productivity bonus in lieu of statutory profit
Provident Fund
TCS will contribute 12% of your basic salary every month as contribution to the Provident Fund.
You will be eligible for gratuity in accordance with the rules applicable.
TCS Confidential
Ref: TCS/2011-12/CC-C1Y/455669
TCS Confidential
Ref: TCS/2011-12/CC-C1Y/455669
In case, you wish not to opt for the BoB, Defined Structure as given in Table 2 will be applicable.
Taxation: Taxation will be governed by the Income Tax rules. The Company will be deducting tax at source as per
income tax guidelines.
To design your Bouquet of Benefits access the Link to BoB in the Employee Self Service Link on Ultimatix.
TCS Confidential
Ref: TCS/2011-12/CC-C1Y/455669