Emp Temp Code: 1421519603 Kartikey Sharma Date: September 17, 2022
Emp Temp Code: 1421519603 Kartikey Sharma Date: September 17, 2022
Emp Temp Code: 1421519603 Kartikey Sharma Date: September 17, 2022
Dear Kartikey,
With reference to your application dated 17 Sep 2022 and subsequent interview in that regard, we are pleased
to make an offer of appointment to works as Technical Support Executive on a fixed term basis w.e.f.
September 17, 2022 under the following terms and conditions of employment:
1. That your designation will be Technical Support Executive and you will be paid a consolidated salary of
Rs. 13,000 (Thirteen Thousand Rupees) per month inclusive of all allowances and statutory benefits
2. That you are hereby appointed for a fixed period of 52 Days months being the period of requirement and
your services shall be automatically come to an end on 08 Nov 2022 by efflux of time. However, in case
the requirement is extended , your services may continue till the determination of the requirement and in
that situation your contract of service may also be renewed/ extended.
3. The Company’s business operates on a 24x7 basis and you may therefore be required to work in shifts
including periodic night shifts. Work exigencies and your profile may require you to extend your
work-timings in accordance with the Working Hour & Attendance Policy. By accepting and signing this
letter you affirm your willingness to abide by this requirement .
4. Your employment is conditional upon your successful clear of the training and assessment as required. In
the event of your in-ability to clear the training, the Company may relieve you of your duties with immediate
effect without Notice Period or without payment in lieu of Notice Period .
5. That, after successful completion of training and confirmation of employment, if the employer wants to
discontinue the services of the employee before this expiry of term of this contract, then the employer will
give either thirty (30) days notice or pay in lieu thereof.
6. That if the employee during the fixed term of contract or otherwise wants to exit then he /she will provide
the thirty (30) days notice to the employer.
7. That at the expiry of fixed term as mentioned in here & above, if the requirement seems to exist, however
if the employer wants to discontinue the services of the employee before this extend period of requirement
, then the employer will give either thirty (30) days notice or pay in lieu thereof.
8. That you should be regular in your attendance and if you remain absent from duty continuously for 7 days or
overstay the sanctioned leave for 7 days, you will be deemed to have abandoned the services voluntarily
and your services shall be liable to be terminated without any notice.
9.That you may proceed on leave after prior information/permission of your superiors.
10.That you have to furnish any change in your address in writing and in case you do not furnish the same,
you shall be liable for any adverse consequence there of.
11.That your services are liable to be transferred to any other departments / division / office of the Company .
Notwithstanding, your appointment in this Company, your services may be assigned at the discretion to any
other company of the group. You may also be assigned such other duties as may become necessary at
the discretion of the management in any branch or office of the company and /or its subsidiaries or
associate companies.
12.That in the event of your becoming unfit for performance of your normal duties, you shall be liable to be
discharge from the services without any notice.
11.That you shall have to carry out your duties as assigned to you diligently as directed by the management
and your superiors from time to time otherwise your duties shall be liable to be terminated without assigning
any reason thereof.
14.That you will maintain cordial atmosphere in the company and will not be rude or uncivil to your colleagues
and superiors.
15.You will be governed by the rules/service regulations of the Company as applicable from time to time and
you shall abide the same. However, it is clarified that the company expected you to act responsibly and in
the best interest of the company at all times and on the contrary, your services are liable to be terminated
without any notice.
16.You are required to maintain the highest order of discipline and secrecy as regards the work of the
company and/or its subsidiaries or associate companies and in case of any breach of trust /discipline, your
services may be terminated by the Company with immediate effect .
17.That you will not work anywhere else directly or indirectly part time or full time, honorary or otherwise while
in employment with us.
18.You are required to devote the whole of your attention and abilities exclusively for the business of the
company and shall in all respects obey and conform to the regulations from time to time framed and by the
company and applicable to you.
19.You shall present yourself at work at the time fixed and notified and if you arrive late, the disciplinary action
may be initiated as per the applicable policy.
20.That for all other matters not herein specified the applicable Company Policies shall apply.
21.That this offer of employment is being given to you with the presumption that you are medically fit for the
job and you may have to get a medical fitness certificate in this regard from a registered medical practitioner
prescribed by the management, if deemed necessary and in case you are not found fit for the job your
services would be liable to be discharged without any notice.
22.This offer of employment is based on the information furnished in your application for employment. If, at
any time, it comes to light that any of this information is incorrect or any relevant information has been
concealed then your employment is liable to be discharged without any notice.
You are required to sign the duplicate copy of this letter as a token of your acceptance and return
the same for our records.
· All Reimbursements will be paid as per prevailing Income Tax rules and company policies in effect
· The above compensation will be subject to Income Tax regulations in force from time to time.
· The above compensation is subject to deduction towards Medi-claim Insurance, transport, if/as
applicable and any other statutory deduction/contribution including Professional Tax, labour
· Any Incentive payable, as part of the compensation structure or otherwise, shall have a
"Minimum Attendance Threshold/Performance" as qualifying criteria for such payout.