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Barber, I., Sorting The Elements:The Periodic Table at Work, Rourke Publishing,Vero Beach, FL,
Baum, R. (ed.), Celebrating the Periodic Table, Chemical & Engineering News, A Special
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Bent, H.A., New Ideas in Chemistry from Fresh Energy for the Periodic Law, Author House,
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Bernstein, J., Plutonium, Joseph Henry, Washington, DC, 2007.
Boeyens, J.C.A., Lavendis, D.C, Number Theory and the Periodicity of Matter, Springer, Berlin,
Bohr, N., Collected Works Vol 4.The Periodic System (1920–1923), Nielsen J Rud (Editor),
North Holland Publishing Company, 1977.
Bondora, The Periodic Table of Elements Coloring Book, Bondora Educational Media
Publications, 2010.
Cooper, D.G., The Periodic Table, 3rd edition. Butterworths, London, 1964. Cox, P.A., The
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Davern, P., The Periodic Table of Poems, Harnie Books, 2017.
Depovere, P., La Classification périodique des éléments, De Boeck, Brussels, 2002.
Dingle, H., Martin, G.R., Chemistry and Beyond: Collected Essays of F.A. Paneth, Interscience,
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Dockx, S., Theorie Fondamentale du Système Périodique des Eleménts, Office Internationale de
Librairie, Brussels, 1950.
Ducrocq, A., Les éléments au pouvoir, Julliard, Paris, 1976.
Ede, A., The Chemical Elements, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, 2006.

440 Books for Suggested Reading

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Emsley, J., Nature’s Building Blocks, An A-Z Guide to the Elements, Oxford University Press,
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Enghag, P., Encyclopedia of the Elements, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2004.
Fisher, D.E., Much Ado About (Practically) Nothing,The History of the Noble Gases, Oxford
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Fontani, M., Costa, M., Orna, M.V. (eds.), The Lost Elements, Oxford University Press,
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Freund, I., The Study of Chemical Composition: An Account of its Method and Historical
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Garzon Ruiperez, L., De Mendeleiev a Los Superelementos, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, 1988.
Gonik, L,.Criddle, C., The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry, Harper Resource, New York, 2005.
Gordin, M., A Well-Ordered Thing, Dmitrii Mendeleev and the Shadow of the Periodic Table,
Basic Books, New York, 2004. 2nd ed. published in 2019 by Princeton University Press.
Gray, T., The Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe, Black Dog
& Leventhal, 2009.
Green, D., The Elements,The Building Blocks of the Universe, Scholastic Inc., New York, 2012.
Habashi, F., The Periodic Table and Mendeleev, Laval University Press, Quebec, 2017.
Hefferlin, R., Periodic Systems and Their Relation to the Systematic Analysis of Molecular Data,
Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY, 1989.
Heiserman, D.L., Exploring the Chemical Elements and Their Compounds, McGraw-Hill, New
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Hofmann, S., Beyond Uranium, Taylor & Francis, London, 2002.
Hund, F., Linienspektren und Periodisches System der Elemente,Verlag von Julius Springer,
Berlin, 1927.
Jackson, T., The Elements, Shelter Harbor Press, New York, 2012.
James, T., How the Periodic Table Can Explain (Nearly) Everything, Robinson, London, 2018.
Jensen, W.B., Mendeleev on the Periodic Law: Selected Writings, 1869–1905, Dover, Mineola,
NY, 2005.
Kaji, M., Kragh, H., Pallo, G. (eds.), Early Responses to the Periodic System, Oxford
University Press, New York, 2015.
Kean, S., The Disappearing Spoon, Little, Brown, New York, 2010.
Kedrov, B.M., Filosofski Analiz Pervych Troedov D.I. Mendeleeva o Perioditsekom Zakone
(1869–1871), Moscow, 1959.
Knight, D.M., (ed.) Classical Scientific Papers, Chemistry Second Series,  American, Elsevier,
New York, 1970.
Kuroda, P.K., The Origin of the Chemical Elements, and the Oklo Phenomenon, Springer-
Verlag, Berlin, 1982.
Lagerkvist, U., The Periodic Table and the Missed Nobel Prize, World Scientific, Singapore,
L’Annunziata, M.F., Radioactivity, Introduction and History, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2007.
Leicester, H.M., Klickstein, H.S. A Source Book in Chemistry 1400 –1900, 1st Ed.,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, London, 1952.
Lemus, S.E.V., Clasificación periódica de Mendelejew, Guatemalan Ministry of Public
Education, Guatemala, 1959.
Levi, P., The Periodic Table, 1st American Edition. Schocken Books, New York, 1984.
Luft, R., Dictionnaire des Corps Simples de la Chimie, Association Cultures et Techniques,
Nantes, 1997.
Books for Suggested Reading 441

Marshall, J., Discovery of the Elements, Pearson Custom Publishing, 1998.

Mazurs, E., Graphic Representation of the Periodic System During One Hundred Years, Alabama
University Press, Tuscaloosa, AL, 1974.
Mendeleeff, D., The Principles of Chemistry, translated by G. Kamensky, 5th Edition, vol. 2.
Longmans, Green, and Co., London, 1891.
Mendeleeff, D., An Attempt Towards a Chemical Conception of the Ether, translated by
G. Kamensky. Longmans, Green, and Co., London, 1904.
Meyer, L., Modern Theories of Chemistry, 5th Edition, translated by P.P. Bedson, Longmans,
Green, and Co., London, 1888.
Meyer, L., Outlines of Theoretical Chemistry, 2nd Edition, translated by P.P. Bedson and
W.C. William. Longmans, Green, and Co., London, 1899.
Mohr, F. (E), Gold Chemistry, Wiley-VCH, 2009.
Morris, D., The Last Sorcerers,The Path from Alchemy to the Periodic Table, Joseph Henry Press,
New York, 2003.
Nechaev, I., Jenkins, G..W., The Chemical Elements, Tarquin Publications, Norfolk, UK,
Ohrström. L., The Last Alchemist in Paris, Oxford University Press, New York, 2013.
Osorio Giraldo, R.D., Alzate Cano, M.V., La Tabla Periódica, Bogota, Colombia, 2010.
Parsons, P., Dixon, G., The Periodic Table, A Field Guide to the Elements, Quercus, London,
Pentz, M.J., (General Editor), The Periodic Table and Chemical Bonding, Open University
Press, Bletchley, Buckinghamshire, UK, 1971.
Peryanov, I.V., Trifonov, D.N., Elementary Order: Mendeleev’s Periodic System, translated from
Russian by Nicholas Weinstein, Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1984.
Pisarzhevsky, O.N., Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, Foreign Languages Publishing House,
Moscow, 1954.
Pode, J.S.F., The Periodic Table, John Wiley, New York, 1971.
Polo, P.R., El Profeta del Orden Quimico, Mendeléiev, Nivola, Spain, 2008.
Puddephatt, R.J., The Periodic Table of the Elements, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1972.
Puddephatt, R.J., and Monaghan, P.K., The Periodic Table of the Elements, 2nd edition.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1986.
Quadbeck-Seeger, H.-J., World of the Elements, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2007.
Rabinowitsch, E.,Thilo, E., Periodisches System, Geschichte und Theorie, Stuttgart, Germany, 1930.
Rich, R., Periodic Correlations, Benjamin, New York, 1965.
Ridgen, J. Hydrogen, the Essential Element, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA,
Rossotti, H. Diverse Atoms, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998.
Rouvray, D.H., King, R.B. (eds.), The Periodic Table: Into the 21st Century, Research Studies
Press, Baldock, UK, 2004.
Rouvray, D.H., King, R.B. The Mathematics of the Periodic Table, Nova Scientific Publishers,
New York, 2006.
Rudorf, G., The Periodic Classification and the Problem of Chemical Evolution, Whittaker &
Co., London, 1900.
Rudorf, G., Das periodische System, seine Geschichte und Bedeutung für die chemische
Sysytematik, Hamburg-Leipzig, Germany, 1904.
Sacks, O., Uncle Tungsten,Vintage Books, New York, 2001.
Sanderson, R.T., Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements, School Technical Publishers, Ann
Arbor, MI, 1971.
Santos, S.E., La Historia del Sistema Periódico, Universidad Nacional de Educación a
Distancia, Madrid, 2009.
442 Books for Suggested Reading

Scerri, E., The Periodic Table: Its Story and Its Significance, Oxford University Press, New
York, 2007. Translated into Japanese, Chinese, Polish, and French.
Scerri, E., Selected Papers on the Periodic Table, Imperial College Press, London and Singapore,
Scerri, E., Le Tableau Périodique, Son Histoire et sa Signification, EDP Sciences, 2011, translated
by R. Luft; Japanese translation by Hisao Mabuchi et al. Polish translation by
M. Cieslak Golonka, 2013, Chinese Translation by H.L. Wang, 2011.
Scerri, E., The Periodic Table:Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011.
Translated into Spanish, Japanese, and Arabic.
Scerri, E., A Tale of Seven Elements, Oxford University Press, New York, 2013. Translated
into Italian, Korean, and Arabic.
Scerri, E., Restrepo, G. (eds.), Mendeleev to Oganesson: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on the
Periodic Table, Oxford University Press, New York, 2013.
Scerri, E. (ed.), 30-Second Element, Icon Books, London, 2013. Translated into Dutch,
Italian, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, and several other
Schmidt, C., Das periodische System der chemischen Elementen, Leipzig, Germany, 1917.
Seaborg, G.T., Loveland, W.D., The Elements Beyond Uranium, John Wiley, New York, 1990.
Sethi, M.S., Satake, M., Periodic Tables and Periodic Properties, Discovery Publishing House,
Delhi, India, 1992.
Sisler, H.H., Electronic Structure, Properties, and the Periodic Law, Reinhold, NY, 1963.
Strathern, P., Mendeleyev’s Dream, Hamish-Hamilton, London, 1999.
Timmreck, R.S., The Power of the Periodic Table:The Secret of Change in the Universe,The
Chemical Reaction, Royal Palm Publishing, Anchorage, AK, 1991.
Torgensen, E., Genier, sjarlataner og 50 bøtter med urin, Spartaus, 2018.
Tweed, M., Essential Elements, Walker and Company, New York, 2003.
van Spronsen, J. The Periodic System of the Chemical Elements, A History of the First Hundred
Years, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1969.
Venable, F.P., The Development of the Periodic Law, Chemical Publishing Co., Easton, PA,
Villani, G., Mendeleev, La Tavola Periodica Degli Elementi, Grandangolo, Milan, 2016.
Weeks, M.E., Discovery of the Elements, Journal of Chemical Education, Easton, PA, 1960.
Wilker, B.D., The Mystery of the Periodic Table, Bethlehem Books, New York, 2003.
Yorifuji, B., Wonderful Life with the Elements, No Starch Press, San Francisco, 2012.
Zoellner, T., Uranium, Penguin Books, London, 2009.
Zwertska, A., The Elements, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998.

Works by D. I. Mendeleev

Nauchnyi arkhiv. Periodicheskiizakon, t. I, ed. B. M. Kedrov. Moscow: Izd. AN SSSR, 1953.

Periodicheskiizakon. Dopolnitel’nye materialy. Klassiki nauki, ed. B. M. Kedrov. Moscow: Izd.
AN SSSR, 1960.
Periodicheskiizakon. Klassiki nauki, ed. B. M. Kedrov. Moscow: Izd. AN SSSR, 1958.

Russian Books on the Periodic System

Dobrotin, R. B. Rannii period nauchnoi deiatel’nosti D. I. Mendeleeva kak etap na puti

k otkrytiiu periodicheskogo zakona. Unpublished kandidat dissertation, Leningrad State
University, 1953.
Books for Suggested Reading 443

Figurovskii, N. A. Dmitrii Ivanovich Mendeleev, 1834–1907. Moscow: Izd. AN SSSR, 1961.

Ionidi, P. P. Filosofskoe znachenie periodicheskogo zakona D. I. Mendeleeva. Moscow: Znanie,
Kedrov, B. M. Den’ odnogo velikogo otkrytiia. Moscow: Izd. sotsial’no- ekonomichekoi
literatury, 1958.
Kedrov, B. M.. Filosofskii analiz pervykh trudov D. I. Mendeleeva o periodicheskom zakone.
Moscow: Izd. AN SSSR, 1959.
Kedrov, B. M. Mikroanatomiia velikogo otkrytiia: K 100-letiiu zakona Mendeleeva. Moscow:
Nauka, 1970.
Kedrov, B. M Razvitie poniatiia elementa ot Mendeleeva do nashikh dnei: Opyt istoriko-
logicheskogo issledovaniia. Moscow: OGIZ, 1948.
Kedrov, B. M Tri aspekta atomistiki. III. Zakon Mendeleeva: Logiko-istoricheskii aspekt.
Moscow: Nauka, 1969.
Kedrov, B. M., and D. N. Trifonov, eds. Prognozirovanie v uchenii o periodichnosti. Moscow:
Nauka, 1976.
Kedrov, B. M.. and D. N. Trifonov, eds.. Zakon periodichnosti i khimicheskie elementy.
Otkrytiia i khronologiia. Moscow: Nauka, 1969.
Kurbatov,V. Ia. Zakon D. I. Mendeleeva. Leningrad: Nauchnoe Khimiko- Tekhnicheskoe izd.,
Levinskii, Iu.V., ed. Periodicheskiizakon i stroenie atoma. Moscow: Atomizdat, 1971.
Makarenia, A. A. D. I. Mendeleev i fiziko-khimicheskie nauki: Opyt nauchnoi biografii
D. I. Mendeleeva. Moscow: Energoizdat, 1982.
Makarenia, A. A. D. I. Mendeleev o radioaktivnosti i slozhnosti elementov. Moscow: Atomizdat,
Morozov, Nikolai. D. I. Mendeleev i znachenie ego periodicheskoi sistemy dlia khimii
budushchago. Moscow: I. D. Sytin, 1908.
Periodicheskiizakon D. I. Mendeleeva i ego filosofskoe znachenie: Sbornik statei. [Moscow]: Gos.
izd. politicheskoi literatury, 1947.
Rabinovich, E. and E. Tilo. Periodicheskaia sistema elementov: Istoriia i teoriia, tr. I. M. Frank
and L. A. Tumerman. Moscow: Gos. tekniko-teoreticheskoe izd., 1933.
Semenov, N. N., ed. Sto let periodicheskogo zakona khimicheskikh elementov. Moscow: Nauka,
Semenov, N. N., ed. Sto let periodicheskogo zakona khimicheskikh elementov: Doklady na
plenarnykh zasedaniiakh. Moscow: Nuaka, 1971.
Semishin,V. I. Literatura po periodicheskomu zakonu D. I. Mendeleeva (1869-1969). Moscow:
Vysshaia shkola, 1969.
Semishin,V. I. Periodicheskiizakon i periodicheskaia sistema khimicheskikh elementov
D. I. Mendeleev v rabotakh russkikh uchenykh. Moscow: Moskovskii institut
khimicheskogo mashinostroeniia, 1959.
Tishchenko,V. E. and M. N. Mladentsev. Dmitrii Ivanovich Mendeleev, ego zhizn’ i
deiatel’nost, v. 1: Universitetskii period, 1861-1890 gg. Moscow: Nauka, 1993.
Trifonov, D. N. Redkozemel’nye elementy. Moscow: Izd. AN SSSR, 1960.
Trifonov, D. N.. Problema redkhikh zemel’. Moscow: Gosatomizdat, 1962.
Trifonov, D. N. Redkozemel’nye elementy i ikh mesto v periodicheskoi sisteme. Moscow: Nauka,
Trifonov, D. N. O kolichestvennoi interpretatsii periodichnosti. Moscow: Nauka, 1971.
Trifonov, D. N., ed. Uchenie o periodichenosti: Istoriia i sovremennost’. Moscow: Nauka, 1981.
Vol’fkovich, S. I. and V. S. Kiselev, eds. 75 let periodicheskogo zakona D. I. Mendeleeva i
Russkogo khimicheskogo obshchestva. Moscow: Izd. AN SSSR, 1947.
Zabrodskii, G. A. Mirovozzrenie D. I. Mendeleeva: K piatidesiatiletiiu so dnia smerti (1907–
1957). Moscow: Gos. izd. politicheskoi literatury, 1957.
Works by Eric Scerri

Co-editor with Elena Ghibaudi of What Is an Element?, Oxford University Press, New
York, in preparation.
Co-editor with Guillermo Restrepo of Mendeleev to Oganesson: A Multidisciplinary
Perspective on the Periodic Table, Oxford University Press, New York, 2018.
Author of A Tale of Seven Scientists and a New Philosophy of Science, Oxford University Press,
New York, 2016.
Co-editor with Grant Fisher of Essays in the Philosophy of Chemistry, Oxford University
Press, New York, 2016.
Co-editor with L. McIntyre, Philosophy of Chemistry: Growth of a New Discipline, Boston
Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, vol. 306, Springer, Heidelberg,
Author of A Tale of Seven Elements, Oxford University Press, New York, 2013. Translated
into Italian, Korean, and Arabic.
Consulting Editor, 30-Second Elements, Ivy Press, UK, 2013.Translated into 15 languages.
Author of The Periodic Table: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, Oxford,
2011. Translated into Spanish, Japanese, and Arabic. 2nd edition of English version
published in 2019.
Author of Selected Papers on the Periodic Table by Eric Scerri, Imperial College Press, London,
Author of Collected Papers on Philosophy of Chemistry, Imperial College Press, London,
Author of The Periodic Table: Its Story and Its Significance, Oxford University Press, New
York, 2007. Japanese translation published by Asakura Publishing Company, October
2009. French translation published by EDP Sciences, 2011. Chinese translation
published by Dalian University of Technology Press, 2013. Polish translation, published
by Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 2013.
Co-editor of, The Philosophy of Chemistry:The Synthesis of a New Discipline, D. Baird,
E.R. Scerri, L. McIntyre, L. (eds.), volume 242 of Boston Studies in the Philosophy
and History of Science, Springer, Heidelberg, 2005. Spanish translation published by
Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico City, 2011.

446 Works by Eric Scerri

Selected Articles by the Author on the Periodic Table and Related Topics

The Periodic Table and the Turn to Practice, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science A,
in press.
Happy 150th Birthday to the Periodic Table, Chemistry A European Journal, 25, 7410–7415, 2019.
Can Quantum Ideas Explain Chemistry’s Greatest Icon? Nature, 565, 557–558, 2019.
Happy Sesquicentennial to the Periodic Table, Scientific American, January 22, 2019. https://
blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/happy-sesquicentennial- periodic-table/
Looking Backwards and Forwards at the Development of the Periodic Table, Chemistry
International, January–March 16–20, 2019.
Response to Kragh, Bulletin for the History of Chemistry, 43, 2, 125–127, 2018.
What Elements Belong in Group 3 of the Periodic Table? Co-authored with W. Parsons,
in E.R. Scerri, G. Restrepo (eds.), Mendeleev to Oganesson, Oxford University Press,
New York, 2018.
A Response to Labarca and Zambon on Their Claimed Reconceptualization of the
Concept of Element and Its Basis As a New Representation of the Periodic System,
Educacion Quimica (Mexico), 29, 9, 128–132, 2018.
The Periodic Table: Celebrating 150 Years in 2019, Chemical & Engineering News, January 1,
2–2, 2018.
How Should the Periodic Table Be Regarded? A Brief Look at Some Published Proposals,
Rutherford Magazine (New Zealand), volume 5, 2018. http://www.rutherfordjournal.org/
A Comment of the Srivaths-Labarca Periodic Table, Chemistry, Bulgarian Journal of Science
Education, 26, 667–671, 2017.
El descubrimiento de la tabla periódica como un caso de descubrimiento simultáneo,
Epistemologia e Historia de la Ciencia (Argentina), 1, 2, 2017.
The Gulf Between Chemistry and Philosophy of Chemistry, Then and Now, Structural
Chemistry, 28, 1599–1605, 2017.
On the Madelung Rule, Response to Marc Henry’s “Super-Saturated Chemistry,” Inference
(online inter-disciplinary journal), March 2017. http://inference-review.com/article/
Antonius van den Broek, Moseley and the Concept of Atomic Number.
in R. Edgell, R. MacLeod (eds.), For Science, King and Country-Henry Moseley, 2018, 102–118.
Another Four Bricks in the Wall, co-authored with S. Burdette, P. Ball, K. Day,
B. Thornton, Nature Chemistry, 8, 283–288, 2016.
Which Elements Belong to Group 3 of the Periodic Table, Chemistry International, 38(2),
22–23, March 2016.
Changing Views of a Philosopher of Chemistry on the Question of Reduction, in
E.R. Scerri, G. Fisher (eds.), Essays in the Philosophy of Chemistry, Oxford University
Press, New York, 2016.
The Discovery of the Periodic Table As a Case of Simultaneous Discovery, Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society A, A 373, 20140172, 2014.
Master of Missing Elements (Moseley), American Scientist, 102, 358–365, 2014.
On the Naming and Symbols for Elements 115 and 112, Chemistry International,
July–August 2014, 31–32.
Sobre una única óptima tabla periódica Uruguay Ciencia, 17, March 2014, 30–33.
The Trouble with the Aufbau Principle, Education in Chemistry, November, 24–26, 2013.
Some Comments on the Views of Niaz, Rodriguez and Brito on Mendeleev’s Periodic
System, Educacion Quimica, 24, 278–284, 2013.
Works by Eric Scerri 447

Cracks in the Periodic Table, Scientific American, June 2013, 32–37. Translated into Spanish,
Italian, French, and German.
The Quest for the Periodic Table, Editorial Introduction to Scientific American Classic that
documents important developments in our understanding of the elements. Published by
Scientific American as part of Scientific American Classics series, 2013.
Is It Time to Get Real? New Scientist, November 24, 2012, 30–31.
A Critique of Weisberg’s “Who Is a Modeler? Foundations of Chemistry, 14, 275–284,
Mendeleev’s Periodic Table Finally Completed and What To Do about Group 3, Chemistry
International, July–August 2012, 28–31.
Some Comments on the Recently Proposed Periodic Table Featuring Elements Ordered
by Their Subshells, Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry 12 (2), 2012.
What Is an Element? What Is the Periodic Table? And What Does Quantum Mechanics
Contribute to the Question, Foundations of Chemistry, 14, 69–81, 2012.
Trouble in the Periodic Table, Education in Chemistry, 13–17, January 2012.
Who Is a Theorist, Revista Eureka sobre Enseñanza y Divulgación de las Ciencias, 8(3),
231–239, 2011.
Top Down Causation Regarding the Chemistry-Physics Interface, A Skeptical View,
Interface Focus, Royal Society Publications, 2, 20–25, 2012.
Forum: The Philosophy of Classification, Knowledge Organization, 38, 9–24, 2011.
A Review of Research on the History and Philosophy of the Periodic Table, Journal of
Science Education, 12, 4–7, 2011.
Discovering Rhenium, Nature Chemistry, 2, 598–598, 2010.
Explaining the Periodic Table and the Role of Chemical Triads, Foundations of Chemistry,
12, 69–83, 2010.
Chemistry Goes Abstract, Nature Chemistry, December 1(10), 679–680, 2009.
Finding francium, Nature Chemistry, 1, November, 1(9), 670–670, 2009.
Entry for “Periodic Table,” in R. Hendry, P. Needham, A. Woody (eds.), Elsevier Handbook
of Philosophy of Science, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2012, 329–338.
Tales of Technetium, Nature Chemistry, 1(4), 332–332, 2009.
Periodic Change, Chemistry World, March, 2009, 46–49.
The Dual Sense of the Term “Element,” Attempts to Derive the Madelung Rule and the
Optimal Form of the Periodic Table, If Any, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry,
109, 959–971, 2009.
Periodic Visions, Cosmos Magazine (Australia), 80, 72–77, 2008.
The Past and Future of the Periodic Table, American Scientist, 52–58, January–February
2008. Translated into Spanish (twice) in Educacion Quimica (Mexico) and Ciencia y
Investigacion (Spain) and into French, Pour La Science.
The Role of Triads in the Evolution of the Periodic System, Journal of Chemical Education,
85, 585–589, 2008.
Mendeleev’s Legacy: The Periodic System, Chemical Heritage, 25(1), Spring 2007.
The Legacy of Mendeleev and His Periodic Table, Xjenza ( Maltese Journal of Science),
11, 1–3, 2006. Also at http://www.xjenza.com
Reduction and Emergence in Chemistry, Proceedings of the PSA 2006 Meeting,
Philosophy of Science, 74, 920–931, 2007.
The Ambiguity of Reduction, HYLE–International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry,
13, 67–81, 2007.
The Tyranny of the Chemist, Chemistry International, 27, 27–28, 2006.
Response to Barnes’ Critique of Scerri and Worrall, Studies in History and Philosophy of
Science, 36, 813–816, 2005.
448 Works by Eric Scerri

On the Continuity of Reference of the Elements, A Response to Hendry, Studies in

History and Philosophy of Science, 37, 308–321, 2006.
Some Aspects of the Metaphysics of Chemistry and the Nature of the Elements, HYLE–
International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry, 11, 127–145, 2005.
Commentary on Allen & Knight's Response to the Löwdin Challenge, Foundations of
Chemistry, 8, 285–293, 2006.
Presenting the Left-Step Periodic Table, Education in Chemistry, 42, 135–136, 2005.
The Formalization of the Periodic System Revisited, in Cognitive Structures in Scientific
Enquiry, Essays in Debate with Theo Kuipers, Volume 2, Roberto Festa, Atocha Aliseda, and
Jeanne Peijnenburg (eds.), Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the
Humanities, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 2006.
Principles and Parameters in Chemistry and Physics, Proceedings of Philosophy of Science
Association meeting, PSA 2002, Philosophy of Science, 71, 1082–1094, 2004.
Relative Virtues of the Pyramidal and Left-Step Periodic Tables, in D. Rouvray, B. King
(eds.), The Periodic Table: Into the 21st Century, Science Research Press, UK, 2004.
The Placement of Hydrogen in Periodic System, reprinted in Chemistry in Australia, 71(4),
22–22, 2004.
The Placement of Hydrogen in Periodic System, Chemistry International, 26(3), 21–22,
How Ab Initio is Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry? Foundations of Chemistry, 6, 93–116,
2004, Special Issue dedicated to Stuart Rosenfeld, N. Bhushan (guest editor).
Hafnium, Chemical & Engineering News, Special Issue on the Periodic System, September 8,
2003, p. 138.
Response to book review by Sara Vollmer, Philosophy of Science, 70, 391–398, 2003.
Löwdin’s Remarks on the Aufbau Principle and a Philosopher’s View of Ab Initio
Quantum Chemistry, in E. Brandas and E. Kryachko (eds.), Fundamental Perspectives in
Quantum Chemistry, A Tribute Volume to the Memory of Per-Olov Löwdin, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 2003, 675–694.
The Formalization of the Periodic System Revisited, in R. Festa (ed.), Cognitive Structures
in Scientific Inquiry, Volume dedicated to Theo Kuipers, Poznan Studies in Philosophy of
Science, Poznan, Poland, 2005, 191–219.
Bibliography of Literature on the Periodic System, co-authored with J. Edwards,
Foundations of Chemistry, 3, 183–196, 2001.
A Philosophical Commentary on Giunta’s Critique of Newlands’ Periodic System, Bulletin
for the History of Chemistry, 26, 124–132, 2001.
The Periodic Table: The Ultimate Paper Tool in Chemistry, in Ursula Klein (ed.), Tools
and Modes of Representation in the Laboratory Sciences, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of
Science, vol. 222, Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 2001, pp. 163–177.
The Recently Claimed Observation of Atomic Orbitals and Some Related Philosophical
Issues, Philosophy of Science, 68 (Proceedings) S76–S88, N. Koertge, ed., Philosophy of
Science Association, East Lansing, MI, 2001.
Prediction and the Periodic Table, co-authored with J. Worrall, Studies in History and
Philosophy of Science, 32, 407–452, 2001.
Have Orbitals Really Been Observed? Journal of Chemical Education 77, 1492– 1494, 2000.
The Failure of Reduction and How to Resist the Disunity of Science in Chemical
Education, Science and Education, 9, 405–425, 2000.
Naive Realism, Reduction and the Intermediate Position, in N. Bhushan, S. Rosenfeld
(eds.), Of Minds and Molecules, Oxford University Press, New York, 2000.
A Critique of Atkins’ Periodic Kingdom and Some Writings on Electronic Structure,
Foundations of Chemistry, 1, 287–296, 1999.
Works by Eric Scerri 449

The Evolution of the Periodic System, Scientific American, September, 279, 78– 83, 1998.
Translated into French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and
Ordinal Explanation of the Periodic System of Chemical Elements, E. R. Scerri,
V. Kreinovich, P. Wojciechowski, and R. R. Yager, International Journal of Uncertainty,
Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 6, 387–400, 1998.
How Good Is the Quantum Mechanical Explanation of the Periodic Table? Journal of
Chemical Education, 75, 1384–1385, 1998.
Popper's Naturalized Approach to the Reduction of Chemistry, International Studies in
Philosophy of Science, 12, 33–44, 1998.
Has the Periodic Table Been Successfully Axiomatized? Erkentnnis, 47, 229–243, 1997.
The Periodic Table and the Electron, American Scientist, 85, 546–553, 1997.
Chemical Periodicity, in J.J. Lagowski (ed.), Macmillan Encyclopedia of Chemistry, Macmillan,
New York, vol. 3, 22–32, 1997.
The Periodic System, Encarta Internet Encyclopedia, Microsoft Corporation.
It All Depends What You Mean by Reduction, in K. Mainzer, A. Müller, and W. Saltzer
(eds.), From Simplicity to Complexity, Information, Interaction, Emergence, Proceedings of the
1994 ZiF Meeting in Bielefeld, 77–93,Vieweg-Verlag.
Stephen Brush, The Periodic Table and the Nature of Chemistry, in P. Jannich and
N. Psarros (eds.), Die Sprache der Chemie, Proceedings of the Second Erlenmeyer
Colloquium on Philosophy of Chemistry, Würtzburg, Köningshausen & Neumann,
1996, pp. 169–176.
Has Chemistry Been at Least Approximately Reduced to Quantum Mechanics? in PSA 1,
D. Hull, M. Forbes, and R. Burian (eds.), 160–170, 1994.
Plus ça Change (The Periodic Table), Chemistry in Britain, 30(5), 379–381, 1994.
Prediction of the Nature of Hafnium from Chemistry, Bohr’s Theory and Quantum
Theory, Annals of Science, 51, 137–150, 1994.
Configurational Energy and Bond Polarity Index, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 97, 5786,
Correspondence and Reduction in Chemistry, in S. French and H. Kamminga (eds.),
Correspondence, Invariance and Heuristics. Essays in Honour of Heinz Post, Boston Studies in
Philosophy of Science, no. 148: 45064, Dordrecht, Netherlands, Kluwer, 1993.
Electronic Configurations, Quantum Mechanics and Reduction, British Journal for the
Philosophy of Science, 42(3), 309–325, 1991.
Chemistry, Spectroscopy and the Question of Reduction, Journal of Chemical Education,
68(2), 122–126, 1991.

Also see a number of blogs published on the Oxford University blog site, https://blog.
oup.com/?s=Scerri and Eric Scerri’s website, www.ericscerri.com

References to tables and figures are denoted by an italicized t and f.

Abegg, Richard, 230 alchemy, xviii, 3, 4, 38, 56

Abelson, Philip, 354 Aldersey-Williams, H., xvii
ab initio, xxiii, 273, 279n46 alkali metals, 80–82, 407–408, 410, 416–417
ab initio calculations, 271–273 formulas for, 63
Academy of Sciences, 177 Mendeleev’s classification of, 115–118, 127
Accademia dei Lincei, 336, 344n68 Newlands’ grouping of, 82, 83f
accommodation, 138, 157–160, 162–163 similarity of hydrogen to, 416, 420n24
in Mendeleev’s periodic system, alkaline earth elements, xxiii, 407–408,
138–140, 153–158 417–418
of noble gases, 164–169 atomic weights, 48, 55t, 63
versus prediction, 159–163, 169 emergence of, 80
acid-base chemistry, 139 helium as, 417
acids, 18–19 Mendeleev’s classification of, 117, 127
equivalent weights, 18, 19, 36t Hinrich’s table of atomic weights and
formation of, 19, 141 dimensions, 99t
measurement of, 36–37 Allison, Fred, 323, 328, 330
actinides, 17 alloys, 414
analogies with transition metals, 411f alpha particles, 175, 180, 193
early relationships, 411–412 alpha rays, 179, 190
actinium, 21, 185, 191, 192, 193, 353, 397f alpha-scattering experiments, 180
formation from radium, 303f Alpher, Ralph, 285, 297n13
search for mother of, 302–304 alphon particles, 181–183
actinoid relationships, 379f, 386f, 386–388 aluminum, 180, 187, 190,407, 413
ad hoc arguments, 150, 163 association with beryllium, 141–142, 407f
adiabatic, term, 214, 225n35 Mendeleev prediction, 118
adiabatic principle, 214–215, 221–222 placement of, 409
Adloff, Jean-Pierre, 325 similarity to iron, 417
air similarity to scandium, 409
Dalton’s research on, 38–39, 66n1 splitting of hydrogen, 418
as element, 3, 5 superatom clusters, 418

452 Index

Amaldi, Eduardo, 351 atomicity, 71n83

American Chemical Society, 359, 371n30 atomic mass, 197–198, 201n52, 202n54
americium, 8, 21 atomic number, xx, xxiii, xxiv, 19–20
americium (Am), 355 concept of, 176
ammonia in density functional theories, 273–274
composition, 39 discovery of, 180–185
formula of, 231 energy of configuration and, 263
ammonium ion, 417–418 ionization energy vs., 272f
Ampère, André, 64, 66, 73 Moseley’s experiments on, 185–188, 207
amphoteric, term, 230, 246n6 separation energy plot, 294f
angular momentum, 212, 219–220, slightly modified long–form table, 196f
224n19 triads, 194–195
Annals of Philosophy (Thomson), 43 atomic orbitals, 253, 255, 271, 274, 279n47,
anomalous configurations, 260–264, 279n49
265f, 268 atomic orbits, 252, 253
anthropic principle, 297n18 atomic physics. See physics
antimony, 49, 53, 55 atomic radii
Dobereiner’s triads, 62t periodic table, 408
Pettenkofer’s atomic weight transition metal groups, 413f
differences, 55t atomic states, number of, 216
reactions of, 53 atomic theory, 35, 41, 61
aperiodic system, 215, 221–222 Dalton’s, 37–41, 66n14
argon, 28n34, 173n62 atomic weight, 38, 39t, 44t, 180, 201n52
electronic configuration of, 256 atomic volume vs., 106, 107f
prediction and accommodation of, correcting, 140–141
164–168 Dalton’s concept of, 40
Aristotle, xvii, xxi, 124–125, 134n24 De Chancourtois, 78, 79f
arithmetical rule, 230 determination of, 62–64
Armbruster, Peter, 360 equivalent weights and, 41, 47–48,
Armstrong, Henry, 166 68n32
Armstrong, John, 318 gaps of Pettenkofer, 54, 55t
aromatic hydrocarbons, benzenoids, 25f, 26 Gmelin’s use of, 48–51
Arrhenius, Svante, 285 history of, 19
arsenic in Lothar Meyer’s tables, 104, 105f
Dobereiner’s triads, 62t measurement of, 45–46, 74
Pettenkofer’s atomic weight differences, Mendeleev’s use of, 115–118, 121–122,
55t 128–129, 131
reactions of, 53 Newlands’ use of, 82–83
artificial intelligence, 15 Prout’s hypothesis and, 42–46
astatine, 28n32. See also element 85 (astatine) relation to atomic dimension,
asterium, 188 98, 99t
astrology, 3 relation to charge, 185, 187
astronomy relation to chemical properties, 114, 121,
application to chemistry, 97, 98t 129, 130–131
impact on nucleosynthesis theories, relation to specific heat, 141–143
285–286 spectral line frequencies and, 98
names of elements from, 8 term, 202n54
astrophysics, 290 atomism, Greek, 36–37, 66n9, 223n3
Atkins, Peter, xvi, 341n1, 391, 392 atom model, Langmuir’s extended cubical,
Atomechanik (Hinrichs), 96 236f
Index 453

atoms association with aluminum, 141–142, 407f

binding energy per nucleon, 291f atomic weight of, 142, 332
composition of, 29 n45 placement of, 70n64, 141–142
discovery of nucleus, 179–180 Berzelius, Jacob, 44, 71n77, 116
early models of, 203–205 atomic weights, 44t, 62–64, 68n28
Lewis’s postulates of structure, 230–232 element symbols of, 9
models of, 205–207 beta decay, 193, 361
planetary model of, 208 beta particles, 193
quantum theory of, 208–212 beta rays, 179
stability of, 290–295 Bethe, Hans, 285, 292, 297n13
theories of, 175 big bang cosmology, 281, 285–286, 290t,
writing electronic configurations for, 296n2, 296–297n3, 297n12
255–259 biology, xv, xxiv
aufbau principle, 255, 258, 259–260, 269, 295 Biron, Evgenii, 412
aufbauprinzip (building up), 210, 212, 214, 221 bismuth, 75, 100
ausonium, 351 placement of, 49
Austin, William, 39 reactions of, 53
Avogadro, Amedeo, 6t, 42, 64, 66, 133n6 specific heat, 63t
periodic system, 73–74, 90 black-body radiation, 208, 209
black holes, 289, 297n17
Bachelard, Gaston, 132 Bohemian Chemical Society, 334
balance, chemical, 66n3 Bohr, Niels, xxi, xxvin.29, 6t, 24, 30n58, 185,
Balard, Antoine, 52 186, 187, 207, 227, 249, 292, 308, 350
barium, 14 atomic theory, 208–212
Dobereiner’s triads, 62t aufbauprinzip (building up), 210, 212,
Hinrich’s table of atomic weights and 214, 221
dimensions, 99t collaboration with Moseley, 186–187
Pettenkofer’s atomic weight electron subgroups, 242t, 243t
differences, 55t old quantum theory, 249–250
reactions of, 54 original scheme for electronic
triad relationships, 46, 48, 70n65 configuration of atoms, 211t
Barkla, Charles, 180, 184, 186, 187, 199n14 photograph, 209f
bases prediction of hafnium, 308–310
equivalent weights, 36t quantum theory, 237, 239, 241, 245
formation of, 18 second theory of periodic system,
measurement of, 36–37 212–217
basic substances, 369, 390–391 trilogy paper, 185
basis set, 239n39, 269–270, 271, 274, 278n34 Bohrfest, 213
Baskerville, Charles, 349–350 bohrium, 8, 365
Becquerel, Henri, 176–178, 302, 323 boiling point, knight’s move relationship, 415f
Benfey’s periodic system, 381, 382f Boltzmann, Ludwig, 175
Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette, 134n29 Bondi, Herman, 296–297n3
Bent, Henry, 416–417 bonding, xv, xviii
benzene rings, 417 bonds
benzenoid aromatic hydrocarbons, 25f, 26 covalent, 229, 229f
Berg, Otto, 189, 311–313, 314 interatomic, 166
berkelium, 8 ionic, 229, 247n15
Bernert, Traude, 329–330, 343–344n57 notation, 232
Berthelot, Marcellin, 161–162 single, double and triple, 231–232
beryllium, 10, 332 borazine, 417
454 Index

Born, Max, 213 calorique (heat), 5

boron, 27n21 Cannizzaro, Stanislao, 6t, 65f, 74, 76, 100,
bonding with nitrogen, 417 103, 115, 116, 141, 142
chemistry of, 51–54 atomic weights, 74, 75t, 78, 100, 142–143
placement of, 49, 51 influence on Lothar Meyer, 103
boundary conditions, quantization, 250f, influence on Odling, 90
250–251 revival of Avogadro’s work, 42, 66, 74–75,
Boyle, Robert, xviii, 4, 38 112n53
brass, 420n19 Capra, F., 29n40
Brauner, Bohuslav, 129, 144, 332, 333f, carbon, 9, 14
334–335 chemistry of, 51
brevium, discovery of, 302–304 structural forms, 14
British Association for the Advancement Cassebaum, Heinz, 96
of Science, 283 casseopeium, 188
Brock, William, 137, 163 cathode rays, 204–205, 223n5
Broglie, Louis de, 252 Cauchois,Yvette, 329–331
bromine, 15 Cavendish Laboratory, 285
discovery of, 52–53 celtium, 308, 310–311, 341n14
Dobereiner’s triads, 62t cerium, 339
Hinrich’s table of atomic weights and atomic weight, 122
dimensions, 99t electronic configuration, 237
reactions of, 52–53 cerium (Cm), 355
triad relationships, 47 cesium, 8, 75, 95, 100
bronze, 420n19 Chadwick, James, 190
Brown, H. C., 170n8 chalcophiles, 383, 404n19
Brownian motion, Einstein’s theory, 323 charge, 180
Brunetti, Signorina, 335 Chemical & Engineering News ( journal),
Brush, Stephen, 138, 163 318, 355
buckminsterfullerenes, 28n29 chemical balance, 66n3
buckyballs, 28n29 chemical bonding, xv, xviii
Bunsen, Robert, 97, 98, 111n44, 114 chemical galaxy, Stewart, 381, 384f
Burbidge, Geoffrey, 287f, 289, 297n3 Chemical News ( journal), 83f, 84t, 85t, 86t,
Burbidge, Margaret, 287f, 289, 297n3 88, 89t, 91t, 124t, 156, 160, 161, 282,
Burdette, Shawn, 328, 330, 331 283f, 297n8, 333f
Burgers, J. M., 215 chemical periodicity, 17–18, 182, 374
Bury, Charles, 189, 235, 237, 249, 308 chemical properties, 69n45
triad relationships, 47
cadmium, 94, 95, 365 Chemical Society, 166
placement of, 108 chemistry, 24, 155, 233, 281
sublimation enthalpies, 366f philosophy of, xvi, xxii, xxiv, 28n38, 132
calcium, 10, 14 reduction of, 276, 279n53
Dobereiner’s triads, 62t Chemistry and Atomic Structure (Main
electronic configuration of, 257 Smith), 242, 244f
Hinrich’s table of atomic weights and Chemistry and Industry (journal), 242
dimensions, 99t Chien-Shiung Wu, 319
Pettenkofer’s atomic weight chlorides, comparing titanium (group 4)
differences, 55t and tin (14), 410f
reactions of, 54 chlorine, xviii, 8, 15
triad relationships, 46, 48, 57, 70n65 atomic weight, 45, 46, 62t
californium, 8 discovery of, 52–53
Index 455

Dobereiner’s triads, 62t cube, 3, 4f

forming acids, 69n59 Curie, Marie, 178–179, 198–199n5, 302,
Hinrich’s table of atomic weights and 303, 323, 324, 325, 326, 344n66, 361
dimensions, 99t Curie, Pierre, 179, 198n5, 302, 344n66, 361
reactions of, 52–53 curium, 8, 21
triad relationships, 47 cyclonium, 201n38
Christyakov,V. M., 394, 395f, 413 cyclotron, 353–354
chromium, 12 Czerwinski, Kenneth, 364
anomalous configuration, 277n25
electronic configuration, 260–261 D’Agostino, Oscar, 351
nonrelativistic and relativistic calculated Dalton, John, 6t, 9, 19, 35, 41, 61, 62, 65,
energies, 266t 66n1, 175
Chu, Paul, 28n24 atomic and molecular weights, 39t
circular periodic table, 28n39 atomic theory, 37–41, 66n14
Clève, P. T., 151, 160 atomic weights, 44t
Clausius, Rudolf, 164 periodic system, 73–74
cobalt, 63t, 139, 140, 161, 170n11 photograph, 37f
cold fusion, 359 rule for simplicity, 40, 67n20
colors, names of elements from, 8, 27n16 danium, 341n16
columbite, 312, 315, 317 dark energy, 290
Comte, Auguste, 66n12 dark matter, 290
conjugated triads, 57 darmstadtium, 8, 361
contrapredictions, 138 Darwin, Charles, 200n21
contravalence, 230 Dauvillier, Alexandre, 239, 240–241, 308–311
Cooke, Josiah, 116 Davies, Mansel, 245
Cooper, D. G., xvi da Vinci, Leonardo, 359
copernicium (Cn), 361 Davisson, Clinton, 252
Copernicus, Nicholaus, 361 Davy, Humphry, 6t, 7, 27n8, 43
copper, 9, 10, 12, 14, 420n19 Davy Medal, 90, 158–159
atomic weight, 46 De, Rajendralal, 328–329
nonrelativistic and relativistic calculated Debièrne, André, 302, 302f, 323, 325,
energies, 266–267, 267t 344n66
specific heat, 63t De Boisbaudran, Paul-Émile Lecoq, 78, 81,
Copper Age, 7 149, 157, 161, 171n29
Cork, James, 337–338, 345n78 De Broglie, Louis, 341n15
Cornell University, 286 De Broglie, Maurice, 341n15
coronium, 156t, 188 De Chancourtois, Alexandre Emile
corpuscle, 205 Béguyer, xxi, 43, 78, 80–81, 87, 113,
Corson, Dale R., 328, 330, 331 116, 204, 276
Coryell, Charles, 189 telluric screw of 1862, 79f, 80–81
cosmology, 281, 290. See also big bang DeKosky, Robert, 201n40
cosmology De Lapparent, Albert Auguste, 78, 81
Coster, Dirk, 189, 241, 308–311 Demidov Prize, 115
Coulomb force, 287, 292, 293f density functional approach, theory in
Courtois, Bernard, 52 practice, 274–275
covalent bond, formation, 229, 229f diagonal behavior, groups, 407–408
Cranston, John Arnold, 306 Dias, Jerry, 25f, 26
Crookes, William, 166, 188, 191, 204, 282, diatomic molecules, 67n22
283f, 284f, 297n8, 300, 336 didymium (Di) element, 89t, 100,
Crookes tubes, 177, 186 111n47
456 Index

Die Modernen Theorien der Chemie (Lothar eka-silicon, 146, 152, 156t, 157.
Meyer), 103 See also germanium
difference relationships, Pettenkofer’s, 54–56 predicted and observed properties
Dirac, Paul, 213, 279n53 of, 153t
Dobbs, Betty Jo, xviii eka-stibium, 152
Döbereiner, Johann, xxi, xxiii, 6t, 26, 43, eka-tantalum, 156t, 189, 303
103, 176, 194 eka-tellurium, 144
discovery of triads, 46–51, 53–54, 68n39 electromagnetism, 171n34
oxides, 68n38 electron, 205
triads computed using atomic numbers, discovery of, 203–205
61, 62t electron cloud, 24
dodecahedron, 3, 4f electron density, 253, 274–275
double bond formation, 231, 232f electronegativity, 52, 69n50, 69n58
Druce, Gerald, 323 electron-electron repulsion, 253, 260, 269
dubnium, 364 electronic configurations, 23, 206, 247n19,
Dufour, Fernando, 381 254, 405n26
Dulong, Pierre-Louis, 63, 63t, 65, anomalous, 260–264, 265f, 268
71n76, 141 of Bohr, 210–212, 211t, 213t, 216, 227,
Dumas, Jean-Baptiste André, xxi, 43, 44, 45, 238, 239–241, 248n46
56, 64, 77, 103, 115, 117 of Bury, 212, 235, 237, 237t, 245
dvi-caesium, 156t by chemists, 227–233
dvi-manganese, 334, 344n65 competing, 260, 277–278n26
dvi-tellurium, 156t concept of, 21, 30n59
dysprosium, 190 examining evidence, 259–260
first transition metals, 258t
earth, as element, 3, 5 Hund’s rule, 255, 268–269
Eddington, Arthur, 285, 287 of Langmuir, 233–235, 234t, 236f
Edison, Thomas, 359 of Main Smith, 241–245
Ehrenfest, Paul, 214–215, 239 rules for, 254
Einstein, Albert, 171n34, 216, 252, 285, 323 of Stoner, 217–218, 218t, 220, 227
einsteinium, 8, 355 writing for atoms, 255–259
eka-aluminum, 146, 156t, 157. electron sharing, concept of, 231
See also gallium electron-shell model, 218, 221t, 222t,
discovery of, 149–150 222–223, 273, 292. See also 
predicted and observed properties nuclear-shell model
of, 147t closed, 214, 222
eka-boron, 146, 156t, 157, 160. inner, 210, 216
See also scandium outer, 207, 210, 211–212, 218, 225n27,
predicted and observed properties 404–405n25
of, 151t element(s), xvii, 134n29, 369. See also rare
eka-cadmium, 156t earth elements; synthetic elements
eka-caesium, 156t, 322, 324, 327 atomic and molecular weights, 39t
eka-cerium, 156t as basic substances, xxviin39, 390–391
eka-iodine, 156t, 329 calculated and observed first ionization
eka-lead, 416 energies of, 272f
eka-manganese, 156t, 188, 189, 200n29, 334 concept of, 4
eka-molybdenum, 156t cosmic abundance of, 290–295
eka-niobium, 156t Crooke’s electrical oscillations
eka-osmium, 354 generating, 283f
eka-rhenium, 354 diagonal behavior, 407–408
Index 457

discovery of, 6–7, 6t element 85 (astatine), 328–331, 343n51

evolution of, 282–289 early claims for, 328–331
first-member anomaly, 416–417 usually acknowledged discovery of, 331
Gmelin’s remarkable system, 48–51 element 87 (francium), 322–327
groups, 28n25 francium, 324–325
horizontal series by Kremers, 56–58 Marguerite Perey and, 325–327
ions imitating, 417–418 element 91 (protactinium), 299–306,
isotopes, 68n36, 71n75 341n11
knight’s move relationship, 414–416 discovery of brevium, 302–304
names and symbols of ancient discovery of protactinium, 304–306
metals, 10f early history of, 300, 302
names and symbols of modern, 7–10 search for mother of actinium, 302–304
as natural kinds, 387–388 element, 118, 363
nature of the, 124–129 empirical mathematics, 273
Newlands’ groups of, 83f Emsley, J., xv, 27n23
Newlands’ horizontal arrangement in energy
sevens, 91t helium atom, 249, 252
ordering, 18–20 hydrogen, 252
period system of, xv–xvii kinetic, 164–165, 167, 214
as principles, 134n31 non-zero binding, 197
reacting, 18–20 as radiant light, 288
relationships, 417 rotational, 165, 166
relative abundance in earth’s crust, 316f translational, 164–165
relative abundance in solar system, 295f vibrational, 165, 166
representation, 29–30n48 zero binding, 197
transmutation of, 38 zero-point, 285
triads, 402 energy states, 257–260
element 43 (technetium), 313–322 equal volumes equal numbers of particles
claimed discovery of masurium, (EVEN), 62, 64, 67n23
314–315 equivalent weights, 18, 19, 29n41, 35–36
obtaining the “real” element, 43, atomic weight and, 41, 47–48
318–319, 321 atomic weights and, 68n32
Oklo phenomenon, 321–322 Pettenkofer’s difference relationships,
Van Assche and Noddack-Berg claim for 54–56
element, 43, 315, 317–318 valence and, 140
element 61 (promethium), 331–340 Erämetsä, Olavi, 340
comparing X-ray lines for “real”, 335f erbium, 8
discovery of “real element 61”, 338–340 essentialism, 130
early claims, 332, 334–335 ether, 153, 156t, 171n34–35
elution curve of rare earth fraction, 340f ether theory, 153
ion-exchange chromatography and europium, 8, 21
elution curves for, 339f exchange force, 250, 276n3
Italian claim, 335–336 exchange term, 250, 276n3
James and Smith Hopkins, 336–338 exclusion principle, xxi–xxii, 219–223,
L spectrum of, 338f 226n49, 250, 251, 255, 277n17, 289
element, 72, 189, 237–239, 240–241, 245,
247n30. See also hafnium Fajans, Kasimir, 185, 193, 194, 302, 304,
discovery and isolation, 306–311 405n32
element 75 (rhenium), 189, 311–313. Faraday, Michael, 56, 90, 282
See also rhenium Faraday effect, 323, 328
458 Index

feldspars, 81 Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 82

fergussonite, 315 gases
Fermi, Enrico, 273, 351, 353, 370n16 atomic weight measurement, 74
fermium, 8 composition, 290
Fernandes, Lorenzo, 335–336 relative density, 74
fire, as element, 3, 5 gas giants, 290
first-member anomaly, groups, 416–417 Gaudin, Marc Antoine, 71n83
fission, discovery of, 371n35 Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis, 41–42, 62, 73
Fitzgerald, George, 166 Geiger, Hans, 179–180, 185, 190
Fleischmann, Martin, 359 geography, names of elements from, 8
Flerov, Georgii, 357 geology, 78, 281
Flerov Institute, 371n24 Gerhard, Charles, 68n32
Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Gerhardt, Charles, 73, 82, 116
Reactions, 357 germanium, 8, 14
floating magnet experiments, 206–207 discovery of, 152–153, 169
florentium, 201n38 expected atomic volumes, 118
Flügge, Siegfried, 321–322 predicted and observed properties
fluorine, 10, 15 of, 153t
discovery of, 52–53 predictions of, 137, 146, 170n15
first-member anomaly, 69–70n60 German Scientific Energy Fund, 313
Hinrich’s table of atomic weights and Germer, Lester, 252
dimensions, 99t Gesellschaft fur Schwerionenforschung
reactions of, 52–53 (GSI), 359–361
triad relationships, 47 Ghiorso, Albert, 355, 356, 357–359
Fock,Vladimir, 253 Giesel, Friedrich Oskar, 344n66
Fogg, Herman, 337–338 Gladstone, John Hall, 69n49, 168
Fontani, Marco, 344n70 Glendenin, Lawrence, 189, 339
Foster, George Carey, 87 Gmelin, Leopold, xxi, 6t, 43, 44, 48–51, 75
Fowler, William, 287f, 289, 298n19 flattened version of system, 50f
francium, 8. See also element 87 (francium) ordering, 69n50
Franck, James, 240 rotated table, 50f
Frankland, Edward, 41 system of 1843, 49f
Free Economic Society, 117 Goeppert-Mayer, Maria, 293, 296f
Friederich, B., 31n60 Göhring, Oswald Helmuth, 304
Froese-Fischer, Charlotte, 266t, 267t, gold, xxiv, 3, 10, 12, 63t
268t, 278n31 Gordin, Michael, xvii, 130
fullerenes, 28n29 Gough, J. B., 66n5
fundamentalism, xix gravitation law, 23
Gray, T., xvii
gadolinite, 315, 337 Greek atomism, 36–37
gadolinium, 8, 21 Grosse, Aristide, 189
Gale, George, 297n3 groups
gallium, 8 diagonal behavior, 407–408
discovery of, 149–150, 157, 169 electronic configuration and, 210–212,
expected atomic volumes, 118 238, 241–245
predicted and observed properties of Hinrichs, 95–102
of, 147t of Mendeleev, 117–118, 121–122
predictions of, 137, 146, 170n15 as natural kinds, 387–388
Gamow, George, 285, 286, 297n13 of Newlands, 81–90
Garcia Martinez, Javier, 342n29 of Odling, 90–95
Index 459

secondary periodicity of group, 15, 412f hesperium, 351

similarities between, 374–375 Hess,Victor Francis, 325
Hilbert space, 274, 279n48
Habashi, Fathi, 318, 383, 409 Hinrichs, Gustavus, xxi, 29n44, 95–102,
Haber, Fritz, 305 113, 276
hafnium, 8, 190, 245, 364 astronomy and, 97, 98t
discovery of, 189 periodic system, 96–98, 100–102
electronic configuration and, 237–239 schematic form of argument, 98t
prediction of, 239–241, 245 spiral periodic system of 1867, 101f
Hahn, Otto, 9, 189, 302, 304, 325, 351, table of atomic weights and
353, 360 dimensions, 99t
hahnium, 9 table of planetary distances, 97t
halogens, 201n50 Hittorf, Johann, 204
classification by Mendeleev, 115, 116, 127 Hoffmann, A. W., 282
equivalent weights, 54 Hofmann, Sigurd, 361
ordering of, 135n41 holmium, 8, 238
properties of, 129–130 horizontal relationship, 56–58, 92, 135n36
reactions of, 52–53 Mendeleev’s analysis of, 117–118,
Hamilton, Joseph, 331 122, 128
Handbuch der Chemie (Gmelin), 48 in tables of Lothar Meyer, 104,
harmonic interaction, 239 112n58
Harris, J. Allen, 336 Hoyle, Fred, 287, 287f, 288t, 288–289,
Hartog, Philip, 78 297n14, 297–298n18, 298n19
Hartree, Douglas, 253, 254f Hulubei, Horia, 323, 327, 329–331, 343n50,
Hartree-Fock method, 253–254, 264f, 274 344n57
hassium, 8, 360 Hund, Friedrich, 214
heat death, 285, 297n9 Hund principle, 255
Hefferlin, Ray, 24, 31n61 Hund’s rule, 235, 255, 268–269
Heilbron, John, xxvin29, 210 hydrides, 71n76, 391
Heisenberg, Werner, xxi, 213, 216, 218, hydrogen, 9, 201n50, 406n53
249–250, 252–253 atomic weight, 45
Heitler, Walter, 250 equivalent weight, 40–41
helium, xxiii, 28n34, 30n53, 179, 181, 210, Lavoisier’s view of, 35
215, 405n25 placement in periodic system, 391–392
abundance of, 290 sun, 297n15
calculation of spectrum, 249 in sun, 290
calculation of properties, 252 hydrogen peroxide, 67n19
derivation of name, 8
discovery of, 153, 168 icosahedron, 3, 4f
electronic configuration, 228, 232, 389 illinium, 201n38
formation from hydrogen, 285, 287 indium, 27n16, 122, 133n18
hydrogen and, 392, 406n40 inert gases. See noble gases
left-step periodic table, 278n41, 388, inert pair effect, 418n2
403, 417 infinity, 36
placement of, 195, 373, 389–391, 403 infra-uranium elements, 299
stability, 269 chronological order of discovery, 300f
Hentschel, Klaus, 102 element 43 (technetium), 313–322
Herrmann, Gunter, 317–318 element 61 (promethium), 331–340
Herschel, William, 300 element 72 (hafnium), 306–311
Herz, Heinrich, 204 element 75 (rhenium), 311–313
460 Index

infra-uranium elements (continued) island of stability, 416

element 87 (francium), 322–327 isomorphism, law of, 63
element 91 (protactinium), 299–306 isotopes, 29n45, 201n42, 201n49
fragment periodic table of elements 88 controversy, 390–391
to 92 and discoverers, 302f hydrogen, 198n3
positions in medium-long periodic nuclei with even numbers of protons
table, 301f and neutrons, 362f
subclass of, 313 term, 193, 201n46
inorganic atoms, 104 isotopy, 191–194
inorganic chemist’s periodic table, IUPAC. See International Union of Pure
383, 386f and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
Institute for Heavy-Ion Research, 359
integral weights, 44–45, 68n36 James, Charles, 336–338
interatomic bonding, 166 Janet, Charles, 360n19, 382–383, 385f, 388,
interatomic distances, 24 406n54
interference effects, of electrons, 186 Janet table. See left-step table
International Union of Chemistry, 330 Jeans, James, 350
International Union of Pure and Applied Jensen, Hans, 293, 296f
Chemistry (IUPAC), 9, 13f, 14, 327, 409 Jensen, William, 30n52, 96, 111n39, 392,
naming of elements, 27n19, 349, 357, 394, 395f, 416–417
359, 360–361 Joint Institute for Research (jINR), 357,
numbering proposal, 28n26 371n24
periodic table and, 379f, 381, 404n13 Joliot-Curie, Irène, 326, 327
International Union of Pure and Applied Journal of Chemical Education (journal), 318,
Physics (IUPAP), 360 394
interpolation, 145–146, 150, 155, 170n15 Journal of the American Chemical Society
iodine, 15, 27n21 (journal), 336, 338
discovery of, 52–53 Jupiter, 290
Dobereiner’s triads, 62t
Hinrich’s table of atomic weights and Kα X-rays, 186–187
dimensions, 99t Kaesz, Herbert, 27n19, 391, 392
placement of, 70n61 Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, 304
reactions of, 52–53 Kaji, Masanori, 127, 128
tellurium and, 121, 129, 139, 143–145, Karlik, Berta, 329–330, 343–344n57
188, 193, 389 Karlsruhe conference, 73–74, 76, 82, 90,
triad relationships, 47 103, 109n4, 115, 116
ion-exchange chromatography, 339 Karol, Paul, 356
ionic bonds, 229, 247n15 Kauffman, George, 96, 325
ionization energies, 272–273, 278n32 Kaufmann, Walter, 204
calculated and observed first, for Kean, S., xvii
elements, 272f Kedrov, B. M., 119f, 133n7, 163
secondary periodicity, 412–413 Kekulé, Auguste, 41, 74
sum of first three, 395–396, 396f keltium, 190
ions, imitating elements, 417–418 Kelvin, William Thomson, 167
iron, 10, 12, 14, 374 Khodnev, Alexei Ivanovich, 117
onset of corrosion, 414 Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert, 97, 98
similarity to aluminum, 386f, 417 Klaproth, Martin, 300, 302
specific heat, 63t Klassiker der Wissenschaften (Cannizzaro), 103
triad relationships, 57 knight’s move relationship, 414–416,
Iron Age, 7 419n14, 419n15, 420n21
Index 461

Koppenol, Willem, 27n19 left-step table, 278n41, 382–383, 385f,

Kossel, Walther, 233, 234, 247n15 388–390, 400f, 403, 406n53
Kragh, Helge, 341n13, 369n1 Leigh, Jeffrey, 381
Kramers, Hendrik, 239, 249 Lemaître, Georges, 285
Kremers, Peter, 56–58, 116 Lembert, Max, 194
Kripke-Putnam view, xxiv Lenssen, Ernst, 58–61, 60t, 112n58, 117
krypton, 17, 28n34, 28n35, 168 Levi, Primo, 8, 27n12
K series of spectral lines, 187, 200n24 Lewis, Gilbert Norton, 6t
Kuhn, Thomas, xx, xxvin.24–26, xxvin.29, electron structure of atoms, 227–233
71n74, 76, 210 outer electron structures, 233t
Kuroda, Paul, 314, 322, 340, 343n44 photograph, 228f
postulates, 230–232
Laidler, Keith, 245 sketch, 229f
Laing, Michael, 414, 415f, 416 tetrahedral atom, 232f
Landau, Lev, 393 Libby, Willard Frank, 326
Landé, Alfred, 219 Lifshitz, Evgenii, 393
Langmuir, Irving, 233–235, 249 light, 5, 23
lanthanides, 17, 83, 382f, 386f, 393 Lipton, Peter, 157–158, 159
lanthanum, 21, 339, 397f liquid drop model, 292
Latimer, Wendell, 326 lithium, 10, 28n27, 188
Latin names, 9, 10, 27n22 Hinrich’s table of atomic weights and
Lavoisier, Antoine, xvii, xxi, xxvin.28, dimensions, 99t
xxvn.14, 6t, 38, 125 Pettenkofer’s atomic weight gaps, 54t
chemical balance, 66n3 placement of, 53–54
law of conservation of matter, 126 similarity to magnesium, 407–408
list of 33 substances (1789), 5f triad relationships, 47
material ingredient of substances, 125 lithophiles, 383, 404n19
quantitative analysis of, 33–35 logical positivism, xxii
simple substances, 26n4, 66n4, 66n8, 125 London, Fritz, 250
view of elements, 4, 26n1 London Chemical Society, 87, 88, 89t, 92
law of conservation of matter, 126 Loring, Frederick, 323
law of constant proportion, 39–41 Lothar Meyer, Julius, xxi–xxii, 6t, 57,
law of definite proportions by volumes, 66n13, 77, 90, 101, 116, 121, 129, 138,
41–42, 62 143, 161, 203, 276
law of gravitation, 23 approach to ordering elements, 138, 139
law of multiple proportions, 40–41 Davy Medal, 158–159
law of octaves, Newlands, 86–88, 89t, 90 Mendeleev and, 103–104, 106, 108–109,
Lawrence, Ernest, 319, 331, 351, 353, 357 112n56
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 363 periodic system, 73, 102–104, 105f, 106
lawrencium, 8, 21, 358, 370n23, 380f periodic table, 20
alternative placement of, 398f photograph, 102f
favoring placement in group, 3, 392–394 plot of atomic volume vs. atomic
Leach, Mark, 29n39 weight, 107f
lead, 10, 14, 312 table of 1864, 104, 105f
atomic weight, 191 unpublished system of 1868, 106,
placement by Lothar Meyer, 87 108, 108f
radioactive decay, 193–194 Lothar Meyer, Oskar, 102
separation of radio-lead, 192 Löwdin, Per-Olov, 255, 277n18, 279n55
specific heat, 63t L series of spectral lines, 187, 200n24
transmutation, 3 Luder, W. F., 393
462 Index

lumiére (light), 5 Mendeleev, Dmitri, xv, xvii, xxi–xxii,

lutetium, 8, 21, 190, 240, 370n23, 380f xxvin27, 4, 6t, 15f, 48, 51, 57, 176, 203,
alternative placement of, 398f 282, 356
electronic configuration, 237 abstract elements, 66n7
favoring placement in group, 3, approach to ordering elements, 138–140
392–394 columns in periodic table, 373–375
correcting atomic weights, 140–141
MacKenzie, Kenneth Ross, 328, 330 critical of evolutionary schemes, 284
MacPherson, H. G., 328 crucial discovery by, 117–124
Madelung (n + l rule), 255, 255f, 295, 377 Davy Medal, 158–159
Magellan, Ferdinand, 359 early life and scientific work, 114–117
magnesium, 14 first publication of periodic system, 118,
Hinrich’s table of atomic weights and 119f, 120f
dimensions, 99t fragment of periodic table of 1904, 154t
Pettenkofer’s atomic weight impact of system, 137–138
differences, 55t influence of Pettenkofer on, 54–56
reactions of, 54 less successful predictions, 153–156
similarity to lithium, 407–408 long-form periodic table of 1879, 124t
similarity to zinc, 409, 411 Lothar Meyer and, 103–104, 106,
triad relationships, 48, 57, 70n65 108–109, 112n56
magnets, floating, 206–207 nature of the elements, 124–129
Maher, Patrick, 157–158, 159 periodic system, 20, 73, 76–77, 90,
Main Pedagogical Institute, 114, 116 113–114, 182–183, 187
Main Smith, J. D., 249 periodic system acceptance, 156–158
Main Smith, John David, 241–245 photograph, 114f
Manhattan Project, 338–339 predictions, 129–130, 137–138, 145–147,
Marignac, Charles, 45, 238, 308 156t, 161
Marinsky, Jacob, 189, 339 reaction to discovery of gallium, 169
Marsden, Ernest, 179–180, 185, 190 reductionism, 130–132
masurium, 189, 312, 317 Russian editions, 134–135n33
claimed discovery of, 314–315 spiral table of 1869, 122t
matrix mechanics, 250, 252, 277n10 table of 1871, 122, 123t
matter, xvii–xviii tellurium and iodine, 143–145
composition of, 290 mendeleevium, 8, 356
dark, 290 Menshutkin, Nicolai Alexandrovich, 118
fourth state, 283 mercury, 9, 10, 15
subdivision of, 37 atomic weight, 46
Maxwell, James Clerk, 208 misplacement of, 112n63
Mayer, Alfred, 206 sublimation enthalpies, 366f
Mazurs, Edward, xvi, xxvn.5, 373 mesothorium, 192
McCoy, Herbert, 192 metal hydroxides, 18
McKenzie, Alexander, 331 metalloids, Naquet’s textbook, 75, 76t
McMillan, Edwin, 353–354, 356 metallurgy, 281
Meggers, William, 393 metal oxides, 18
Meitner, Lise, 9, 27n20, 189, 300, 302, 304, metals, 12
305f, 351, 353 classification of, 49, 53–54
meitnerium, 8, 360, 371n35 knight’s move relationships, 414–416
melting points Naquet’s textbook, 75, 76t
comparing groups 3 and 13, 409f properties of, 12
knight’s move relationship, 415f metaphysical, 125–126, 134n21
Index 463

Meyer, Stefan, 325 neutrons, 29n45, 65, 292, 319, 355, 362
Middle Ages, xxi, 3 absorption, 351
Mike (thermonuclear test explosion), 355 beta decay of, 193
Minder, Walter, 331 formation of, 351
Mitscherlich, Eilhard, 64 Newlands, John, xxi, 20, 29n44, 77, 81–90,
molecular tables, 24, 26 109, 116, 143, 204, 276, 282
molecular weight, 39, 76, 104, 112n55 first table of 1864, 84t
molecules, concept of, 42 groups of elements, 83f, 111n49
molybdenite, 311, 313 horizontal arrangement in sevens, 91t
molybdenum, 314–315, 319, 334, 342n24 law of octaves, 86–88, 89t, 90
Monaghan, P. K., xvi ordinal number suggestion, 183
monazite, 337 periodic system of, 81–90
monoatomicity, 164–167, 173n64 publication dates, 110n22
Morris, R., xvii system of 1864, 85t, 86t
moscovium, 8, 27n18 Newton, Isaac, xviii, 23, 37–38, 111n43,
Moscow Congress of the Russian Scientists 130, 359
and Physicians, 145 newtonium, 153–154
Moseley, Henry, 6t, 145, 173n62, 175, nickel, 63t, 170n11, 374
185–188, 186f, 189–190, 199–200n21, electronic configuration, 267–268,
207, 232, 239, 282, 336 278n34–35, 279n42
mother of actinium, 302–304 placement of, 139, 140, 161
motion Niels Bohr Institute, 189
of electron, 212, 214, 217 nihonium, 8, 27n18
frequency of, 214–215 Nilson, Lars Fredrik, 151, 163
rotational, 173n64 niobium, 27n15, 364
translational, 164, 166 nipponium, 311, 342n28
vibrational, 167, 173n64 nitrogen, 9
Münzenberg, Gottfried, 360 atomic weights, 44t, 55t
Murphy, Clarence B., 344n71, 345n74 bonding with boron, 417, 420n46
Musée e’Histoire Naturelle, 177 electronic configuration, 210, 212,
216, 218
Nagaoka, Hantaro, 180, 205–206, 208 equivalent weights, 55t
Nagasaki, plutonium bomb on, 360n18 first-member anomaly, 416–417
naphthalene, 26 placement of, 49, 51, 53, 55
Naquet, Alfred, textbook of 1867, 75, 76t properties of, 70n62
National Institute of Standards and Nobel, Alfred, 356
Technology (NIST), 318 nobelium, 8, 356–359
natural kinds, xxiv, 387–388 noble gases, 28n34–35, 170n11
Nature (magazine), 167, 183, 185, 285, 303, accommodation, 169
319, 320f, 321, 332, 334 argon, 164–168, 173n62
nearest-neighbor interactions, 298n22 discovery of, xxi, 112n59
nebullium, 188 effect on law of octaves, 87–88, 90
neodymium, 111n47, 339 helium as, 417
neon, 10, 28n34, 168 Mendeleev’s analysis of, 153–154
Neptune, 290, 354 number of electrons, 234
neptunium, 27n5, 347, 354 prediction and accommodation of,
Nernst, Walther, 285, 350 164–169
neutralization, 18 properties of, 15, 17
neutron number, separation energy Noddack, Ida Tacke, 311–313, 312f, 314–315,
plot, 294f 316f, 353
464 Index

Noddack, Walter, 189, 200n37, 311–313, Oganessian,Yuri, 27n19, 358, 359, 360
314–315, 316f oganesson, 8, 27n18, 367
nodes, 250–251 Ogawa, Masataka, 188, 311
nonet law, 88 Oklo phenomenon, 321–322
nonmetal hydroxides, 18 Oklo reactor, 343n44
nonmetal oxides, 18 orbitals, 24, 30n58
nonmetals, 12, 51 energy levels, 235, 257, 258, 259f,
Hinrich’s classification, 100 278n32
placement of, 12, 14 filling of, 255–259, 259f
properties of, 14, 18 versus orbits, 252, 253
nonpolar organic compounds, 228 reliance of quantum mechanical
nuclear fission, 7, 9 calculations on, 253, 274
nuclear forces, 292, 293f, 294n22, 298n22 orbits, 239–240, 242–243
nuclear physics, 7 reality of, 274
nuclear-shell model, 292–293, 295, 296f, versus orbitals, 252, 253
298n27. See also electron-shell model organesson, 367
nuclear-shell theory, energy levels in, 296f organic compounds, 103–104
nuclear stability, 362–363 organometallic compounds, 408
nuclei organotin compounds, 414, 420n18
binding energy per nucleon vs. mass osmium, 410
number, 291f Ostwald, Wilhelm, 103
discovery of, 179–180 outer-shell electrons, 12, 24
doubly magic, 298n24, 362 oxidation states, 300, 366, 410, 412, 416,
magic numbers, 293, 295, 362 417, 418n2
nearest-neighbor interactions, 298n22 oxides
separation energy plot, 294f chemical characteristics, 141
stability of, 290–295 comparing titanium (group 4) and tin
nucleons, 290, 292 (14), 410f
binding energy, 291f Gmelin’s formulas for, 54, 70n66
separation energy plot, 294f Lavoisier’s view of, 35
spin-orbit coupling, 295, 296f, 298n26 triad relationships, 46
nucleosynthesis, 281, 285, 287 oxygen, 9, 243
conditions for, 283, 285 atomic weight, 39t, 40, 44t, 65
Hoyle’s calculations, 288t electronic configuration, 211t, 213t
in stars, 287–288 equivalent weight, 40
first-member anomaly, 416–417
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 337 Hinrich’s table of atomic weights and
oceanium, 341n17 dimensions, 99t
octahedron, 3, 4f Kremer’s atomic weight difference for
Odling, William, xxi, 77, 81, 84, 113, 116, series, 57t
121, 143, 204, 276 Lavoisier’s view of, 35
first table of differences, 94t placement of, 49
periodic system, 90, 92–95, 109 main-group misplacements, 49
publication dates, 110n22
role in acceptance of Newland’s work, pair reversal, 86, 188, 193
84, 86–87 nickel and cobalt, 186
role in discovery of periodic law, 77, tellurium and iodine, 121, 129, 139,
81–82 143–145, 188, 193, 389
table of 1864, 93t Pais, Abraham, 184
third table of differences, 94t palladium, 8
Index 465

Paneth, Friedrich (Fritz), 134n21, 134n25, Oddling’s, 90, 92–95

134n27, 134n29, 179, 241, 319, 320f, placement of hydrogen in, 391–392
321, 325, 330, 342–343n40, progress in development of, 76–78
343–344n57, 405n34 radioactivity and completion of, 320f
atomic numbers and basic substances, representations of, 20
390–391 role of qualitative chemistry, 52–54
separation of radio-lead, 192 Stewart’s periodic galaxy, 381, 384f
view of Mendeleev’s work, 132 study of, xix–xx
Parsons, Alfred, 246n9 Thomsen’s pyramidal, 307f
Pauli, Wolfgang, xxi–xxii, xxvin.30, 6t, 213, periodic table
214, 216, 217, 218, 220t, 221t, 249–250 8-column format, 374–375
Pauli exclusion principle, xxi–xxii, 18-column format, 374–375
219–223, 226n49, 250, 251, 254, 255, 50-column wide, 376, 376f
271, 277n17, 289 amateur contributions, 382–383
Pauling, Linus, 250 Bohr’s account of, 216
Peligot, Eugène, 142, 302 Brauner’s, of 1882, 333f
Perey, Marguerite, 189, 323, 324, 325–327 Canham’s inorganic chemist’s table, 383,
periodicity, xv, 17–18, 50, 60, 92, 110n24, 386f
121, 160, 386 circular, 28–29n39
Bohr’s theory, 241, 243 contemporary reactions to, 160–162
concept of, 77 continuum of, 402–403
discovery of, 109, 185, 276 diagonal behavior, 407–408
electronic configuration and, 211, diagram of conventional, 13f
272–273 electronic configurations for atoms in,
explanation, 254 255–259
of Hinrichs’ system, 100 favoring Lu and Lr in group, 3, 380f,
Lothar Meyer, 101, 106 392–394
Newlands, 87, 92 f-block elements, 375, 376f
Odling, 94–95 filling the remaining gaps, 189
Pauli exclusion principle and, 219–223 first appearance of f–electron, 377, 381
secondary, 412–414 forms of, 373–374
in tables of De Chancourtois, 78 fragment showing groups, 3–12, 364t
van den Broek’s views, 182 g-block elements, 376, 376f
periodic law, 17–18, 20, 23, 84, 86–87, 90, group 3 considerations, 378f, 380f, 392
103, 126, 130–131, 152f groups, 12, 13f, 14
periodic system, 18, 23–24 International Union for Pure and
acceptance of Mendeleev’s, 156–158 Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), 379f
Benfey’s, 381, 382f Janet’s left-step table, 382–383, 385f
Bohr’s second theory of, 212–217 knight’s move relationship, 414–416
Crookes’, 284f Langmuir’s, of electronic
De Chancourtois, 78, 80–81 configurations, 234f
Dufour’s periodic tree, 381, 383f left-step table, 278n41, 382–383, 385f,
of elements, xv–xvii 388–390, 403
evolution of, xx–xxiv long-forms, 16f, 397f, 398f, 399f
Hinrichs, 96–98, 100–102, 101f medium-long form, 11f, 378f, 380f
Lothar Meyer, 102–104, 105f, 106 modern, 10, 11f, 12, 14–15, 17
medium-long form, 87, 94, 104, 110n10 onset of new blocks in, 376–377
Mendeleev’s, 73, 76–77, 90, 109, optimal, 386–387
113–114, 284 option of long-form splitting
Newlands’, 81–90, 100–101 d-block, 399f
466 Index

periodic table (continued) in left-step periodic table, 403

positions of seven infra-uranium Lothar Meyer’s use of, 106, 109
elements in medium–long, 301f use for classification, 23
pre-Seaborg and post–Seaborg, 22f Physical Review (journal), 337, 354
prior to Seaborg’s second series Physical Society, 166
suggestion, 352f physics, xviii, xix–xxiv, 66n1, 281, 361
progressive expansion of, 375–376 atomic, 244, 324
recent changes in, 20–21, 23 chemistry as subdiscipline of, xix, xxii
reductionism of, 270–271, 401–402 chemistry versus, xxii, 349
rows and columns, 12, 13f effect on periodic system, xv, xvi,
secondary periodicity, 412–414 xx–xxi, 233, 235
short-form table, 15f nuclear, 349
similarities between Group (n) and periodic table and, xxi, 24
Group (n + 10), 408–411 Physikalische Zeitschrift (journal), 306
sum of first three ionization energies, pitchblende, 179, 300, 305, 314, 340,
395–396, 396f 344n66
triads, 396, 397f, 398f, 399f, 400f, 401 Planck, Max, 208–209, 224n16–17
The Periodic Table (Levi), 8, 27n12 Planck’s constant, 209
periods, 18, 23 Plato, 97
discovery of, 48 Platonic solids, 3, 4f
horizontal relationships, 112n58 plum pudding model, 206, 224n13
law of octaves, 87 plutonium, 27n5, 347, 354
occurrence of, 109n1 plutonium bomb, 360n18
repeat distance, 90, 95 Pode, J. S. F., xvi
transition between, 112n62 Poincaré, Henri, 177, 205
Perrier, Carlo, 189, 312, 319, 321, 330 polonium, 8, 179, 191, 302
Perrin, Jean, 180, 205–206, 208, 285, 323, polyatomic system, 173n64
327, 329 Pons, Stanley, 359
Petit, Alexis-Thérèse, 63, 63t, 65, 141 Popper, Karl, 46, 276n1
Pettenkofer, Max, xxi, 43, 54–56, 77, 103, 116 positivist, 66n12
Pettersen, O., 163 potassium, 12, 27n21
Philosophical Magazine, 205, 211t, 218t, electronic configuration of, 256–257
219t, 244 Hinrich’s table of atomic weights and
philosophy dimensions, 99t
of chemistry, xvi, xxii, xxiv, 28n38, 132 Pettenkofer’s atomic weight gaps, 54t
of science, xix–xx, xvi, 46 reactions of, 53–54
of substance and matter, xvii triad relationships, 47
phlogiston, xxi, 34–35 potentiality, 4
phosphorescence, 177–178 praseodymium, 111n47, 339
phosphorus, 27n21 precession, 212, 217
chemistry of, 51 predictions, 82
Dobereiner’s triads, 62t accommodation and, 164–169
equivalent weight, 39t importance of, 59
Lavoisier’s view of, 35 of Mendeleev, 129–130, 137–138,
oxidation states, 412, 413 145–147, 153–156, 156t, 161, 164–169
Pettenkofer’s atomic weight of molecular properties, 26
differences, 55t of Odling, 92
reactions of, 53 of trends in properties, 150
physical properties, 12, 131, 374 Priestley, Joseph, 35
chemical properties and, 12, 26 primary and secondary classification, 30n52
Index 467

primary and secondary kinship, 30n52 electronic configurations for atoms,

Principe, Lawrence, xviii 255–259
The Principles of Chemistry (Mendeleev), 115, Hartree-Fock method, 253–254
128, 156, 334 ordering of 3d and 4s energy levels, 257f
prism, 98, 99 reductionism of, 270–273, 276
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science shell closing explanation, 264, 266–270
(journal), 337, 338 versus quantum theory, 251
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London quantum numbers, xxi, 254
(journal), 300 first, 222, 226n47, 256
promethium, 26n5. See also element 61 fourth, 219, 222–223, 256
(promethium) permanence of, 216
discovery of, 8 principal and azimuthal, 212, 216
protactinium, 200n35, 353. See also element second, 212, 217, 222–223, 226n47, 256
91 (protactinium) third, 217, 222–223, 226n47, 256
protons, 29n45 values of, 222t, 222–223, 226n47
formation of, 351 quantum states, number of, 214, 216, 218,
number of, 20, 61 221, 225n35
stability and, 292 quantum theory, xxiii, 163, 185, 200n25,
protyle, 43 237, 239, 241, 245
Prout, William, xxi, xxiii, 162 atomic, 208–212
Prout hypothesis, 42–46, 54, 60, 64–65, old, 249–251
68n37, 77, 97, 100, 115, 190–191, 194, second, 212–217
197, 203 shortcomings, 232
isotropy, 176, 191 versus quantum mechanics, 251
Mendeleev and, 115, 131 Quill, Laurence, 350, 360n19
Moseley’s work, 190–191 quintessence, 3
triads, 194, 197
Prout’s law, 78 radiant light energy, 288
Puddephat, R. J., xvi radicals
pyramidal periodic system, 307f of alkane homologous series, 112n55
pyroxenes, 81 inclusion of, 80
Pythagoreanism, xxiii, 96–98, 109 radioactivity, 7, 191–194, 198n4, 323,
Pythagorean spirit, 182 354, 361
Pyykkö, Pekka, 366 discovery of, 175, 176, 178–179
radium, 191, 192, 302, 303, 326
qualitative chemistry formation of actinium from, 303f
improvements in, 75 radioactivity, 179
role in periodic system, 52–54 radon, 28n34, 191
qualitative reduction, periodic table, 270–271 Railsback, Bruce, 383
quanta, 208, 209, 214 Ramsay, William, 6f, 164–166, 168,
quantitative analysis, 33–35 246n9, 336
quantization, 208, 250–251 rare earth elements, 225n27, 341n12
quantum chemistry, 276n4 Brauner’s periodic table of 1882, 333f
quantum mechanics, xix, xv, xvi, xxi–xxiii, classification by Mendeleev, 128
23–24, 131, 248n56, 275–276 electronic configuration, 237–239
ab initio calculations, 271–273 elution curve of, 340f
advent of, 252–253 ion-exchange chromatography and
basis sets, 239n39, 269–270, 271, 274, elution curves for, 339f
278n34 placement of, 188
choice of basis set, 269–270 sequence of discovery, 238f
468 Index

Rawson, Donald, 116, 133n6 rutherfordium, 8, 358, 364

Rayleigh, Lord (John William Strutt), 6t, Rydberg, Johannes, 349, 370n4
45, 164–166
Rayner Canham, Geoffrey, 383, 386f, 403, Sacks, Oliver, xvii, 8
411, 419n7 St. Petersburg Academy, 334
reactivity Saltpeter, Edwin, 286
of metals, 54 Sanderson, Ralph, xvi, 413
ordering of elements, 18–20 Saturn, 290
patterns, 53 scandium, 8, 10, 160
realism, xxiii–xxiv configuration averages in, 263f
red giants, 289 discovery of, 151, 169
reduction, xix, xxii–xxiii, xxviin34 electronic configuration, 259–260,
reductionism, 407 261, 262f
Mendeleev and, 130–132 expected atomic volumes, 118
periodic table and, 270–271, 401–402 nonrelativistic and relativistic calculated
Remelé, Adolf, 108 energies, 264, 266, 266t
Representation, elements, 29–30n48 predicted and observed properties
rhenium, 8, 156t, 170n8, 189, 342n24, of, 151t
365, 365t prediction of, 137, 146, 170n15
element, 75, 311–313 Sceptical Chymist (Principe), xviii
rhodium, 8 Scheele, Carl, 35, 52
Richards, Theodore W., 193–194 Schrödinger, Erwin, xxi, xxiii, 6t, 213, 216,
Richter, Jeremias Benjamin, 35, 36t, 38, 39, 224n19, 250, 252–253
40, 67n18 Schrödinger Equation, xxiii, 256, 273
Rocke, Alan, 19, 29n42, 29n43 Schwarz, Eugen, 377
roentgenium, 8, 361 Schwerdtfeger, Peter, 367
Rolla, Luigi, 335–336 science
Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad, 177, 204, 361 philosophy of, xix–xx, xvi, 46
Roscoe, Henry, 143 postmodern critiques of, xix
Ross, William, 192 revolutions in development of, xx,
rotational energy, 165, 166 xxvin.24, xxvin.26
rotational motion, 164–165, 173n64 unity of, xxii
Royal Agricultural Society of Great Science Museum in London, 284
Britain, 82 Scott, Alexander, 309–310
Royal College of Chemistry, 82, 282 Scribner, Bourdon, 393
Royal Institution in London, 27n8, Seaborg, Glenn, 7, 7t, 9, 20, 21f, 22f, 321,
90, 130 356, 411
Royal Society of London, 158–159, 165 actinide series, 143, 341n8
r-process, 289 transition metal series, 171n20, 341n8
rubidium, 27n16, 75, 95, 99t, 100 seaborgium, 8, 9, 358, 359, 365
Rücker, William Arthur, 166 Sedgwick, William, 172n61
rule of simplicity, 40, 67n20 Segrè, Emilio, 176, 189, 312, 314, 318–319,
Russian Chemical Society, 118 321, 328, 330–331, 351, 354
Russian Physico-Chemical Society, 168 selenium
ruthenium, 8 atomic weight, 62t, 71n80, 146
Rutherford, Ernest, xxi, 68n41, 134n23, Dobereiner’s triads, 62t
179, 199n14, 205, 207, 208, 224n13, Hinrich’s table of atomic weights and
239, 285, 302, 310, 350, 370n13 dimensions, 99t
atomic charge, 180–181 reactions of, 53
atom structure, 175 triad relationships, 47
Index 469

separation, 179 Stahl, Georg, xxvin.28, 35

discovery of isotopy and, 176, 191 Stahlian Revolution, 66n5
energy plots, 292, 293f, 294f standard electrode potential, 409, 409f
of rare earth elements, 188 stars, 350
Seubert, Carl, 108 contraction and collapse, 288–289
siderophiles, 383, 404n19 nucleosynthesis, 287–288
Siegbahn, Manne, 190, 308 quantum mechanical tunneling in, 287
Siemens-Halske Company, 312 Stas, Jean Servais, 45, 71n77, 115
silicon, 14, 407, 408 stationary states, 208–210, 212, 215–218,
atomic weight, 104 220, 224n19, 226n49
equivalent weight, 55 steady-state models of the universe,
Mendeleev’s prediction of, 118 281, 287
similarity to titanium, 415 Stewart, Philip, 381, 384f
silver, 10, 63t stoichiometry, 46, 368
Mendeleev’s prediction of, 118, 122 Stoner, Edmund, 217–218, 227
similarity to thallium, 415 assignment of electronic
Sime, Ruth, 27n20, 351 configurations, 218t
simplicity, rule of, 40, 67n20 configurations of 1924, 219t
single bond formation, 231, 231f photograph, 217f
Smith Hopkins, B., 336–338 Stoney, Johnston, 203, 205
Sobotka, Lee, 202n55 Stranges, Anthony, 229f, 230, 231f
Soddy, Frederick, 179, 185, 191–194, 302, 350 Strassmann, Fritz, 353
sodium, xviii, 10, 12, 284 Strathern, P., xvii
atomic structure, 211 Strömholm, Daniel, 191, 192t
Hinrich’s table of atomic weights and strontium
dimensions, 99t Dobereiner’s triads, 62t
Pettenkofer’s atomic weight gaps, 54t Hinrich’s table of atomic weights and
placement of, 53 dimensions, 99t
reactions of, 53–54 Pettenkofer’s atomic weight
triad relationships, 47 differences, 55t
sodium chloride, xviii, 124–126 placement of, 54
solar system, relative abundance of triad relationships, 46
elements, 295f Strutt, John William (Lord Rayleigh),
Soley, Mayo, 331 164–166
Sommerfeld, Arnold, 212–213, 217, 249, 350 subshells, 222t
specific heat, 141–143, 153t, 164–167 substance, philosophy of, xvii
spectral frequencies, 98, 205 Suess, Hans, 293, 296f
spectral lines, 187, 200n24, 216, 218–219 sulfur, 10
spectroscopy, 5,149, 151 Dobereiner’s triads, 62t
role in discovery of elements, 77 Hinrich’s table of atomic weights and
use by Hinrichs, 97–98, 102 dimensions, 99t
sperrylite, 315 Lavoisier’s view of, 35
spin, xxvin.30 reactions of, 53
spin angular momentum, 220 specific heat, 63t
spin-orbit coupling, 295, 296f, 298n26 triad relationships, 47
spiral periodic system sun, 285
De Chancourtois, 78, 80 age of, 290
Hinrichs, 100, 101f, 109, 111n48 heavy elements in, 289
Mendeleev, 122t hydrogen burning, 288, 297n15
s-process, 289 temperature of, 287
470 Index

superatom clusters, 418 textbooks

superconductivity, 10, 12 explanations of electronic configuration,
superheavy elements, 23, 347–349, 350, 257–260, 267
351, 358 of Gmelin, 48–51
supertriads, 58–61 of Lothar Meyer, 101, 103–104, 108
Svedberg, Theodor, 191, 192t of Mendeleev, 108, 115, 128, 156, 334
Swinne, Richard, 350 of Naquet, 75, 76t
symbols, for elements, 7–10 of Washburn, 235
synthetic elements, 347–349 thallium, 27n16
beyond uranium, 350–351, 353 atomic weight, 122
case of nobelium, 356–359 discovery of, 282, 297n4
chemistry of, 364–367 similarity to silver, 415
early history of, 349–350 theories, acceptance of, 137–138
elements, 101–106, 113–118, 355–356, theorists, versus observers, 163
361–363 theory of relativity, 23, 166
fragment period table showing thermodynamic argument, 220
groups, 364t thermonuclear test explosion (Mike), 355
“German elements“ (107–112), 359–361 Thomas, Llewellyn, 273
predictions, 367–368 Thomas-Fermi method, 273, 274–275
real transuranium elements, 353–355 Thomsen, Jörgen (Julius), 172n61, 240, 307,
relativistic effects, 364–367 307f, 349
speculations on, 368–369 Thomson, J. J., xxi, 6t, 30n57, 175, 179,
sublimation enthalpies, 365f, 366f 198n2, 204–205, 227
superheavy elements, 347–349 atomic model, 207
charge-to-mass ratio, 223n5
Tacke, Ida, 189, 311–313, 312f, 314–315 discovery of electron, 203
tantalum, 27n15, 190, 241, 307, 364 electron rings, 207t, 208, 210–212
The Tao of Physics (Capra), 29n40 plum pudding model, 206, 224n13
Taylor, Wendell, 87 Thomson, Thomas, 43, 44, 71n77
technetium, 7, 26n5, 200n29, 200n37, 365 thorium, 192, 193, 326, 353
Telluric Screw, 79f Thornton, Brett, 328, 330, 331
tellurium, 62t, 63t, 70n61 thulium, 190
chemical association of, 110n21 Time (magazine), 323
Gmelin’s study of, 53 The Times (newspaper), 310
Hinrich’s table of atomic weights and tin, 14
dimensions, 99t placement of, 108, 142–143
iodine and, 121, 129, 139, 143–145, 188, similarity to zinc, 414, 415
193, 389 specific heat, 63t
placement by De Chancourtois, titanium, 341n17, 344n66
80–81, 84 comparison with tin, 410
placement by Lothar Meyer, 104 placement of, 140–141
placement by Mendeleev, 121, 129 Tolman, Richard, 285
triad relationships, 47 Townsend, John Sealy, 200n26
temperature, 74 transfermium working group
effect on triad relationships, 58 (TWG), 357
for element formation, 287 transition elements, 21, 28n26, 170n12,
of superconductivity, 10, 12 225n27
tennessine, 8, 27n18 electronic configurations, 234–235, 244f,
terbium, 8, 190 258, 261, 269t
tetrahedron, 3, 4f electron shells of, 235, 237–238, 245
Index 471

occupation of orbitals, 255, 258 Uranus, 300, 354

in tables of De Chancourtois, 80 Urbain, Georges, 188, 238–239, 308–311
in tables of Lothar Meyer, 106 US periodic system, 13f, 14, 28n25
transition metals, 49, 75, 112n62, 170n11 utility, 374, 387, 392, 403
atomic radii, 413f
electronic configuration, 258–260, 270 Valadares, Manuel, 329
in periodic tables, 12, 14, 17, 26, 94–95 valence, 15, 19, 28n30, 140, 170n19
placement by Newlands, 87 change across periods, 230
translation energy, 164–165 determining, 140
translational motion, 164–166 of groups, 238, 241, 374, 412
transmutation, 38, 47, 56, 68n41, 350 of metals, 141, 230, 238
transuranium elements, 9, 351, 353–355 relationships, 218
triads, 402 in tables of Lothar Meyer, 106
conjugated, 57 rule of, 230
discovery of, 46–51, 57, 68n39 use by Mendeleev, 115, 118, 127
Kremers’ atomic weight differences, 58t vanadium, 27n15, 259
Lenssen, 59t placement of, 161
periodic table and, 396, 397f, 398f, 399f, van Assche, Pieter, 315, 317–318
400f, 401 van den Broek, Anton, 6t, 181f, 282, 382
postscript on, 61, 62t, 194–197 atomic number, 181–185, 190–191, 199n14
supertriads, 58–61, 60t tables, 182f, 183f, 184f
use by Dumas, 56 van Helmholt, Johann, 66n3
tri-manganese, 156t van Spronsen, Johannes (Jan), xvi, xxivn.3, 51,
triple alpha mechanism, 286–287 68n40, 69n56, 109n1, 133n4, 155, 191
triple bond formation, 232 vaporization, 64
tungsten, 10, 27n21 velocities of electrons, 23
Venable, F. P., xvi, 69n54
Uncle Tungsten (Sacks), 8 vibrational energy, 165, 166
units of measurement, for atomic weight, vibrational motion, 164, 167, 173n64
45–46 von Hevesy, György, 189, 192, 241, 308–311,
universe 309f, 390, 405n34
age of, 290 von Humboldt, Alexander, 41, 42
heat death, 285, 297n9 von Laue, Max, 186
steady-state models of, 281, 287, von Richter,Victor, 152
296–297n3 von Weiszächer, Carl Friedrich, 292
Upton, Thomas, 418 von Welsbach, Carl Auer, 238–239, 308,
uranium, 8, 21, 27n21, 193, 349, 353. 341n13
See also synthetic elements
alpha decay of, 193 Walton, Richard, 170n8
atom of, 181–182 Washburn, Edward, 235, 236f
compounds with hydrogen, 170n14 Washington, George, 359
correction of atomic weight, 122, 143 water, xxiv
isotopes of, 322 composition data, 38
phosphorescence experiments, 177–178 as element, 3, 5
placement of, 122, 142–143 formula of, 40–41
radioactivity of, 178–179 Lavoisier’s view of, 35, 38
relocation of, 122, 133n19 reaction for, 67n22
synthesis of elements beyond, 350–351, 353 rule of simplicity, 67n20
valence determination, 140 valence, 231
X-ray experiment, 317 water vapor, formation experiments, 41
472 Index

wavefunction, 250, 253, 272–275 Moseley method and, 188, 299, 308–309,
wavelength, 252, 276n7 323, 329, 332, 334
wave mechanics, 250, 252, 277n10 types of, 186–188
weight changes, of substances in chemical
reactions, 34 Yntema, L. F., 336
Werner, Alfred, 360n19 Yoshihara, Kenji, 311
Wheeler, John, 350 ytterbia, 238
Whiggism, xx ytterbium, 190, 238–239, 308
Wiechert, Emil, 203–205 derivation of name, 8
Williamson, Alexander, 83 ytterspar, 337
Winkler, Clemens, 152, 152f yttrium, 8, 12, 27n21, 339
wolfram, 10 derivation of name, 8
Wollaston, William, 29n42, 71n77 superconductivity of, 12
Wurtz, Charles-Adolphe, 115, 161
Würzburg Physical-Medical Zapffe, Karl, 96
Society, 177 Zeno of Elea, 36
zinc, 14, 63t
xenon, 28n34, 28n35 atomic weight, 46
discovery of, 168 beta decay of, 361
similarity to osmium, 410 nuclei of, 289
X-rays, 199n9, 224n14 similarity to tin, 414, 415
Becquerel rays and, 176–178 sublimation enthalpies, 366f
discovery of, 175–178 Zingales, Roberto, 318
element 43 experiment, 317–318 zirconium, 238, 240–241, 245, 364
link with luminescence, 177 zodiac, 3

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