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CPA REVIEW SCHOOL OF THE PHILIPPINES Manila PARTNERSHIPS, JOINT VENTURE AND CO-OWNERSHIP Dela Cruz/ De Vera / Lopez / Llamado Bi D2 Ds As regards a business partaership, which of the following is(ag) comect? a. The partnership must file quarterly and year end income tax returns. b. The distributable income available to the partners is the taxable income Jess the income tax. theréon ¢. The share of a partner in the distributable net income, even if not actually received is considered constructively received by the partner. 4. The share of a partner in the distributive net income whether actually received or not is subject to a final withholding tax on dividends. The following statements regarding taxable partnerships are comreciexvepl) a. They file quarterly and year-end income tax returns. b. They are subject to the rules on corporation for capital gains tax, final tax on passive income, normal income tax, MCIT and gross income tax. ©. The partners” share in the distributable net income is subject to final tax. d, They are subject to the improperly accumulated earnings tax. ~ tb Fé Regarding a general professional partnership, which of the following isfiodyorect? a, It shall not be subject to income tax. b. The partners shall be liable for income tax on their respective distributive shares. ¢. Each partner shall report as gross income his distributive share in the partnership net income. 4. The share of 2 parmer shall be subject to a creditable withholding tax of 10% if his distributive share is below P720,000 and 15% if, sees P720,000, . If @ partns, on his own transactions, is on the cash method of accounting while the general professional partnership is on the accrual method of accounting, in the partner's determination of his taxable income for the year, he 8. Must convert his income from the partnership into cash method. b. Must convert his own income into accrual method. ¢. Does not report his income from the partnership because the partnership is exempt from income tax, 4. Can consolidate his share in the net income of the partnership under-accrual method with his own income under the cash method. Which of the following statements isaopborrect? a. When the co-owners invest the income of the property co-owned in a business or in any income producing properties or activities constituting themselves into a business partnership, such partnership is consequently subject to tax as a corporation, b. Asa rule, a co-ownership is not subject to income tax because the activities of the co-owners are limited to the preservation and enjoyment of the property and the collection of the income therefrom, ©. A co-owner is subject to income tax on his share in the net income of the co-ownership actually or eonstructively received. . (QW partnerships, no matter how created or organized, are considered corporations subject to corporate income tax. As regards an ordinary partnership, which of thetfollowing statements is correct? Partners’ shares are subject to final tax, hence the partnership need i file an ITR. Subject to improperly accumulated earings tax. ~ te AC Treated like corporations, hence partners have linited Tiitity. (goes!) Partners” shares, even if distributed, will not be included in their respective ITRs. peop Tax 87-04]) 7. As regards a general professional partnership, which of the following statements is correct? a. Treated like a corporation, hence itis subject to the corporate income tax. treat (O# b. Itis exempt from income tax, hence it need n¥k file an ITR. ¢, Partners’ shares are subject to final tax.- ievone'PX d. Partners’ shares will be included in their respective ITRs, whether distributed or not. D 8.-Statement 1 ~ A CPA and ¢ Lawyer may form a general co-partnership to sell lew and accounting ‘books. ment 2 ~ Partnerships and Corporations have separate juridical personalities distinct from the owners. Therefore, partners and stockholders are not liable to creditors of the business. a True; true bh. False; false ©. False; true d. True; false ® A 9.-Statement 1 — The general professional partnership may claim itemized deductions in computing its nt income and a partner may also claim itemized deductions in computing his net income. ~ Statement 2 — The general professional partnership may claim the optional standard deduction in computing its net income while a partner may claim itemized deductions in computing his net income. a. True; truc b. True; false c. False; true d. False; false { 19-Statement 1 — The general professional partnership may claim itemized deductions in computing its het income while « partner may claim the optional standard deduction in computing his net income. ¢ Statement 2 - The general professional partnership may claim the optional standard deduction in computing its net income and a partner may also claim the optional standard deduction in computing his net income, a. True; true b. True; false ©. False; tue 4d, False; false J. 11. The net share received by a partner ina general profes ip is a. Patt of his taxable income in his ITR. b, Exempt from income tax ©. Subject to 10% creditable withholding tax 4. Subject to final tax D 12. The net share received by a partner in a general co-pertnership is a. Patt of his taxable income b. Exempt from income tax c. Subject to 10% creditable withholding tax 4. Subject to final tax 13. - 16. AB partnership with A and B as partners (both resident citizens) had a i amounting to P500,000 for 2018. Its other income included bank interest income of P8,000, net of final withholding tax and royalty income of P10,000, net of the final withholding tax. A is single and has his own separate eatery business. In 2018, his business had net sales of 1,000,000, cost of sales of P500,000, and operating expenses of P300,000. 1D 13. The net share of A in the ince of te GP i 8 es shame Tex87.04 4000 4000 $000 3900 7st v0> ter 00? yy x x Wt aw polad ee =a. Php250,000 ¢. Php225,000 a we Php259,000 4. Php233,100 + Thanet taxable incoine and income tax payable of A who shares profit and loss equally with B in their a P450,000; P16,600 259000 ne gt 58 b. P400,000; P10,450 1990 002 wt _(45 403) c. 439,000; P9,670 500 000) te d. None of the above. 200 gpa. 15. Using the preceding number, but itis a business partnership. the taxable income of the partnership is a. P518,000 b. 500,000 © P510,000 a. P508,000 (C. 16. Using the preceding number, the net ceetouble share at {resident citizen) is b a, P162,500 78007 b. P157,500 5000 vrsote c. P165,600 sono d. P154,350 Tar, ‘ nee ‘P350,000in expenses in the year 2018. A is married with 2 qualified dependent children, with his own business generating net sales of P400,000, and incurring cost of sales and deductible expenses of 30,000 and P230,000, respectively. B, single, also has his own business generating P450.000 in net sales, and incurring cost of sales and ae Of P200,000 and P50,000, respectively. 17. pene partners in a Partnership which realized a ws Tome of ¥600,009 with a corresponding They share profits and losses of their partnership af4: Ifthe partnership is a GPP, the taxable income of A who avails of the OSDis: gs a. P 420,000 4000 Sion ia sl 150 800 te 6000 b. P 70,000 (F0000>,, Pee Fale Re c. 302,000 ‘So 002 {ton z d. None of the above “wo wor (A) = 18, And the taxable income of B who itemizes deductions is: a. P'150,000 170,002 tose? b. P-470,000 f0,002 c. P 450,000 (140,208) d. None of the above. (40,202) “Fp 080 (C19. Ifthe partnership is an OP, its tax due is 207 a. P 144,000 b. P 148,500 c. P 135,000 (f dq e00 + 38?) d. P 157,500 1) 20.4 lawyer was rejected by his exiremely sexy and gorgeous secretary. He became so enraged that he raped her 10 times within 15 minutes, Since then, he became known in the media as the “Machine Gun Rapist." For his defense, he obtained the services of ACCRA, the biggest law partnership in the Philippines. ACCRA asked for a fee of 10,000,000 for its legal services in defending him. How mach should the lawyer withhold as CWT from ACCRA's fee? a) 10% b) 15% 0) 5% 4) None. Tax 87-04father. The co ~ownership had a ‘500,000 and expenses related to rental activity of 300,000 but 10% is not at 75% and 25%, respectively. A withdrew did not withdraw any amount, A and Bare 21. A and B are co-owners by virtue of a property given to them by their gross rental income of deductible for the year 2018. A and B share in the profits P50,000 from the co-ownership net income for the year; B both single. The income tax liability of the co-ownership is a. P 102,400 ©. P80,000 b. P 76800 a. PO 22.0} share in the net income of the co-ownership is: 2 P 172,500 Gross Nenol intone $00,062 b. P 150,000 typ: (200000 x 77) _(Zrv om) c. P 122,500 Distibuteble 4 ones a P -0- x 18% ¢ (, ad invested the entire profit in another business venture 23. Suppose A and B did not divide but inste: ions of P450,000, the tax due of the co-ownership is where they earned a net income after deductic a. P 135,000 450000 b. P 144,000 ek ©. P157,500 3000 oa P ae 24, X and Y are partners (both resident citizens) in the following partnerships: Ordinary Partnership, General Professional Partnership Gross Income P 500,000) 400,000 Deductible expenses 300,000 180,000 F710 0 Personal Income and Expense: x ¥ Gross Income P 400,000 P 280,000 Deductible expefises 250,000 120,000 Dividend from domestic corporation PIT 07 20,000 30,000 Dividend from foreign corporation 10,000~ 3,000~ Prize, supermarket taille 15,000 - PIF 407. 8,000- Royalty, books Prt 397. 10,000 12,000 hip income and losses as follows: d with 2 qualified dependent children) her 18 year old boyfriend living with and dependent Partners agreed to share partners! X= 40% (Partner X is marries Y = 60% (Partner Y is single but supporting upon her for his chief support) Determine the respective taxable incomes of partners X and Y in their ITRs for 2018: : x ’ a. P148,000, 258,000 (wie b. 88,000, P132,000 ee row c. 248,000, 308,000 oe , ge BaP = 100" @ Noneofthe above. it; (5 a ( 2 m : x i Sie aes ase 30808? = Me Tax 87-045 25.A Co. ti ti ae satay Co domestic corporations, both in the construction business, formed a joint venture to bila hotees foe | oor. a government project, with an agreed equal sharing inet income. The joint » 'o., and B Co. are all licensed ‘by the PCAB, Data on income and expenses for the year show: Joint Venture ACo, BCo. ae aot P 80,000,000 P 2,000,000 P 3,000,000 60,000,000. 4 fo 1,200,000 2,000,000 ; Zo 000 000 POM 500 0 Tw Determine: 1PM 10 090 000 to j “a0 0 Tr 00 000 D i) The income tax liability of the joint venture. x Dol a. P 6,000,000 ¢. P1,800,000 i500? b. P-20,000,000 a PO = if) The income tax licbilty before tax eredits of A Co: a. P 3,240,000 ©. P 7,560,000 b. P 10,800,000 4. P 6,000,000 26. A Co, and B Co., domestic corporations, both engaged in the transportation business with operations in Northern and Central Luzon formed a joint venture agreeing fo distribute the net income of the joint venture equally. In a taxable year, the joint venture had a gross income of P5,000,000 and expenses of P3,500,000. 5000 082 Determine: (090 A i). The income tax liability of the joint venture, 100 00° A a. P 450,000 @. 1,050,000 yrqoy _ ae OD ” b. P 5,000,000 ad PO 1osD OP a A ii) The share of A Co. in the distributable net income of the JV: ae 90 ud4 a, P 525,000 ec. P 472,500 b. P 52,500 d, P1,050,000 Dili) Final tax on the share of A Co. in the distributable net income of the J: a. P 52,500 ec. P78,750 i y : a olwt Neshure - Gerporetion Inkercomoroht _ b. 105,000 4.0 ao 4 arto Exempt The End!! Tax 87-04
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