Gold Line Tours V Heirs of Maria Concepcion
Gold Line Tours V Heirs of Maria Concepcion
Gold Line Tours V Heirs of Maria Concepcion
GOLD LINE TOURS, INC., Petitioner, The Supreme Court the DENIED the petition for review on certiorari, and AFFIRMED
vs. the decision promulgated by the Court of Appeals.
The two corporations are liable to the death of Ma. Concepcion Lacsa.
The Court was not persuaded by the proposition of the third party claimant that a
Ma. Concepcion Lacsa (Concepcion) boarded a Goldline passenger bus owned and corporation has an existence separate and/or distinct from its members insofar as
operated by Travel &Tours Advisers, Inc. Before reaching their destination, the this case at bar is concerned, for the reason that whenever necessary for the interest
Goldline bus collided with a passenger jeepneys and as a result, a metal part of the of the public or for the protection of enforcement of their rights, the notion of legal
jeepney was detached and struck Concepcion in the chest, causing her instant entity should not and is not to be used to defeat public convenience, justify
wrong, protect fraud or defend crime.
death. Then, Concepcion’s heirs, represented by Teodoro Lacsa, instituted in the
RTC a suit against Travel & Tours Advisers Inc. to recover damages arising from
In the case of Palacio vs. Fely Transportation Co., the Supreme Court held that:
breach of contract of carriage. The RTC ruled in favor of the heirs of Concepcion and
thereafter, Gold Line appealed the decision to the CA but the CA dismissed the "Where the main purpose in forming the corporation was to evade one’s subsidiary
appeal for failure of the defendants to pay the docket and other lawful fees within the liability for damages in a criminal case, the corporation may not be heard to say that
required period as provided in Rule 41, Section 4 of the Rules of Court. The it has a personality separate and distinct from its members, because to allow it to do
dismissal became final. so would be to sanction the use of fiction of corporate entity as a shield to further
an end subversive of justice (La Campana Coffee Factory, et al. v. Kaisahan ng mga
Thereafter, the heirs of concepcion moved for the issuance of a writ of execution to Manggagawa, etc., et al., L-5677, May 25, 1953).
implement the decision and RTC granted their motion. Petitioner submitted a verified
third party claim, claiming that the tourist bus be returned to petitioner because it was This is what the third party claimant wants to do including the defendant in this case,
the and that petitioner was a corporation entirely different from Travel & Tours to use the separate and distinct personality of the two corporation as a shield to
further an end subversive of justice by avoiding the execution of a final
Advisers, Inc. then RTC dismissed petitioner’s verified third-party claim, observing
judgment of the court.
that the identity of Travel & Tours Adivsers, Inc. could not be divorced from that of
petitioner considering that Cheng had claimed to be the operator as well as the The RTC thus rightly ruled that petitioner might not be shielded from liability under
President/Manager/incorporator of both entities; and that Travel & Tours Advisers, the final judgment through the use of the doctrine of separate corporate identity.
Inc. had been known in Sorsogon as Goldline. They (Goldline) appealed the decision Truly, this fiction of law could not be employed to defeat the ends of justice.
to CA but CA dismissed their petition and affirmed the decision of RTC. Hence this
appeal to the Supreme Court where petitioner seeks to reverse the decision of CA.
Whether or not the proposition of the third party claimant by the petitioner where
Travel & Tours Advises, Inc. has an existence separate and/or distinct from Gold
Line Tours, Inc.