Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Numericals
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Numericals
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Numericals
Teaching Scheme
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorials Total
04 02 -- 04 01 -- 05
Evaluation Scheme
Theory Term Work/ Total
Internal Assessment End Duration of TW PR OR
Test 1 Test 2 Average Sem End Sem
Exam Exam
20 20 20 80 04 25 -- 25 150
Any structure, i.e., building, bridge, dam etc. consists of various building materials. Due to
rise in the cost of materials, the structure has to be designed so that it is safe, serviceable and
economical. Without proper design and estimation, it may lead to the increase in cost of
construction and it further affects the economical aspect of the structure. A prior knowledge
of various building materials is required for the construction and it controls the cost of the
structure, save wastage of labour-hours and eventually helps in giving the correct amount
required and quantity of various materials required. It also helps in scheduling of men,
materials and machine to be used in the project at stages. The scope of the subject includes
estimating, costing, analysis of rates, specification, valuation, tender and contracts etc.
To read, understand and interpret plans, sections, detailed drawings and specifications
for a construction project.
To study the various methods of detailed and approximate estimates.
To emphasize the importance of relevant IS: 1200- 1964 codes and relevant Indian
Standard specifications, taking out quantities from the given requirements of the
work, and drafting specifications.
To conduct a material and labour survey to understand the current market rates for the
various materials required for construction and the different categories of labour
To perform the rate analysis for various items: standard and non-standard and the use
of DSR in this process.
To study the process of tendering and its various stages, various types of contracts, its
suitability and validity as per the Indian Contract Act of 1872 and draft various
clauses and conditions of a contract.
To study the arbitration process.
To study assessment of the value of a property.
Detailed Syllabus
building works, percentage breakup of the cost, cost
sensitive index, market survey of basic materials
IV. Specifications: 03
Types, requirements and importance, detailing of specifications for
various items
V. Rate analysis: 06
Purpose, importance and necessity of the same, factors affecting, task
VI. Tender: 06
Preparation of tender documents, importance of inviting tenders,
contract types, relative merits, prequalification. general and special
conditions, termination of contracts, extra work and items, penalty and
liquidated charges, Settlement of disputes, R.A. Bill and Final Bill,
Payment of advance , insurance, claims, price variation, etc.
VII. Valuation: 08
Different terms used the role of a valuer, purpose and necessity of the
same. Capitalized Value, Years purchase,sinking fund, depreciation,
types of values, Purpose of valuation.
Different methods of valuation for
1. open plots.
2. open plots with existing residential and commercial structures
3. lease hold properties
Use of valuation tables and formulae
Contribution to Outcomes
Haveknowledge about the current market rates for labour and material required for
construction, perform rate analysis and compare with DSR.
Draft tenders, prepare valid contract documents.
Understand the process of arbitration.
Understand the role of a valuer and assess the value of a property.
Theory examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of six questions; each carrying 20 marks.
2. The first question will be compulsory which will have the short questions having
weightage of 4-5 marks covering the entire syllabus.
3. The remaining five questions will be based on all the modules of entire syllabus. For
this, the module shall be divided proportionately further, and the weightage of the
marks shall be judiciously awarded in proportion to the importance of the sub-module
or contents thereof.
4. There can be an internal choice in various sub-questions/ questions in order to
accommodate the questions on all the topics/ sub-topics.
5. The students will have to attempt any three questions out of remaining five questions.
6. Total four questions need to be attempted.
Oral Examination:
The oral examination will be based on the entire syllabus and the term work.
Term Work:
The term work shall consist of the following:
1. An approximate estimate of a multistoried building by approximate method.
2. Detailed estimate of any four of the following with the required material survey for
the same.
a) a single storeyed building (RCC)
b) a bridge with minimum 2 spans
c) a factory building
d) a road work
e) a cross drainage work
f) a load bearing structure
3. Valuation report in a standard format of the Government/ Private company/Firm.
4. Assignments on rate analysis, market survey, specifications and simple estimates.
5. Detailed estimate of a minor structure.
6. Bar bending schedule.
The use of quantity survey software and the use of worksheets / databases while solving some
of the afore-mentioned assignments is desirable.
Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, following guidelines shall be
resorted to.
75%- 80%: 03 Marks; 81%- 90%: 04 Marks; 91% onwards: 05 Marks
Recommended Books:
1. Estimating, Costing Specifications and Valuation: Chakraborty, M., Kolkata.
2. Building and Engineering Contracts: Patil, B. S., University Press, Hyderabad.
3. Estimating and costing: Datta, B. N., UBS Publications
4. Relevant Indian Standard Specifications, BIS Publications
5. World Bank approved contract documents
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Approximate Estimate
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare an Approximate estimate for (G+4) R.C.C Building. Building consist
1 2. 10 M
of Six Flats on each floor and each flat has carpet area of 110 m Assume Area
occupied by wall and column as 10% of Built up area and area of circulation as
/ 2
20% of built up area. Assume cost of construction as Rs 10000 m
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar - Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Approximate Estimate
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Approximate Estimate
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar - Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Approximate Estimate
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Approximate Estimate
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare an Approximate estimate for (G+1) Storeyed RCC Row house having
3 total carpet area of 90 m2./ floor. Consider cost of construction of 8M
superstructure = 7500/ m2.Assume the Suitable data.
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar - Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Approximate Estimate
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Approximate Estimate
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare an Approximate estimate for (G+3) RCC Framed residential building
4 to be constructed in Central Mumbai. The building comprises of 6 flats per 10 M
floor havin carpet area 80 m Assume the Suitable data.
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar - Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Approximate Estimate
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Approximate Estimate
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar - Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Approximate Estimate
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Approximate Estimate
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar - Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Approximate Estimate
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Approximate Estimate
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
7 Prepare an preliminary estimate for the R.C.C building with Plot Area 20m x 08 M
30 m. Plot has FSI of 2.5. Assume rate of construction as 7000 Rs/m .
Plot Area 20 x 30
Data: FSI 2.5
Rate of Superstructure: 7000 Rs/m2
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar - Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Approximate Estimate
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Approximate Estimate
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare an preliminary estimate for the R.C.C building with Plot Area 30m x
8 08 M
40 m. Plot has FSI of 2. Assume rate of construction as 7000 Rs/m2 .
Plot Area 30 x 40
Data: FSI 2
Rate of Superstructure: 7000 Rs/m
Maximum Buildable Area: 2400 m
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar - Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Approximate Estimate
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
a. Main wall
= ( 0.3
+ 4.3 + 0.3 + 2.6 + 0.3 + 3.3 +
)x 2 + (
+ 4.3 +
) + (
+ 6.2 +
) +
0.3 0.3
( 2 + 2.6 + 2
= 36.2 m
= 29 m
1. Excavation
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of Excavation
Centre line for 2
L = 65.2 – 10 x x 1.8 = 56.2 m
2. Backfilling
Quantity of Backfilling = x Quantity of Excavation = 21.243 m3
3. P.C.C
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of P.C.C
Centre line for 2
L = 65.2 – 10 x x 1.8 = 56.2 m
4. U.C.R
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of U.C.R first Step
Centre line for 2
L = 65.2 – 10 x x 1 = 60.2 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of U.C.R Second Step
Centre line for 2
L = 65.2 – 10 x x 0.7 = 61.7 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of U.C.R Third Step
Centre line for 2
L = 65.2 – 10 x x 0.5 = 62.7 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of U.C.R above G.L
Centre line for 2
L = 65.2 – 10 x x 0.3 = 63.7 m
Total U.C.R = U.C.R (First Step + Second Step + Third Step + Above Ground Level)
(main wall)
= 18.06 + 12.957 + 9.405 + 11.466
= 51.888 m3
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of D.P.C
Centre line for 2
L = 65.2 – 10 x x 0.3 = 63.7 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of Band Lintel
Centre line for 2
Band lintel
L = 65.2 – 10 x x 0.3 = 63.7 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of Brickwork
Centre line for 2
L = 65.2 – 10 x x 0.3 = 63.7 m
D = 4 Nos x 1.3 x2.1 x 0.3 = 3.276 m3
D1 = 2 Nos x 1 x2.1 x0.3 = 1.26 m3
W = 3 Nos x2 x 1.4 x 0.3 = 2.52 m3
W1 = 4 Nos x1.5 x 1.4 x 0.3 = 2.52 m3
V = 1 Nos x 0.6 x0.4 x0.3 = 0.072 m3
Band Lintel = 3.822 m3
Total Deduction = (Doors Windows + Band Lintel) m3
= 9.648 +3.822 = 13.47 m3
Total Brickwork = 57.33 – 13.47
= 43.86 m3
Internal Plaster
=226.845 m2
I. External Plaster
= 42 m
Height =Floor to Floor Height
= 3.1 m
Quantity =42 x 3.1
=130.2 m2
a. Main wall
= ( 0.3
+ 2.2 + 0.3 + 2.5 +
)x 3 + (
+ 5.7 +
)x 2 + (
+ 2.9 +
) x2
= 42.4 m
= 39.8 m
b. Verandah Wall
2. Excavation
Main wall
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of Excavation
Centre line for 2
L = 82.2 – 16 x x 0.9 = 75 m
Verandah Wall
Length of Centre 1
= Total C/C Length of verandah wall – No of T Joints x width of Excavation
line for 2
Excavation of main wall
L = 8.8 – 2 x x 0.9 = 7.9 m
2. Backfilling
Quantity of Backfilling = x Quantity of Excavation = 12.6837 m3
3. P.C.C
Main wall
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of P.C.C
Centre line for 2
L = 82.2 – 16 x x 0.9 = 75 m
Verandah Wall
Length of Centre 1
= Total C/C Length of verandah wall – No of T Joints x width of item of
line for P.C.C 2
main wall at that
L = 8.8 – 2 x x 0.9 = 7.9 m
4. U.C.R
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of U.C.R
Centre line for 2
L = 82.2 – 16 x x 0.6 = 77.4 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of U.C.R
Centre line for 2
L = 82.2 – 16 x x 0.4 = 79 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of item of the
Centre line for 2
U.C.R Main wall at that Level
L = 8.8 – 2 x x 0.6 = 8.2 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of Item of the
Centre line for 2
U.C.R Main wall at that Level
L = 8.8 – 2 x x 0.4 = 8.4 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of D.P.C
Centre line for 2
L = 82.2 – 16 x x 0.3 = 79.8 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of Band Lintel
Centre line for 2
Band lintel
L = 82.2 – 16 x x 0.3 = 79.8 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of Brickwork
Centre line for 2
L = 82.2 – 16 x x 0.3 = 79.8 m
D = 6 Nos x 1.0 x2.1 x 0.3 = 3.78 m3
D1 =4 Nos x 0.9 x2.1 x0.3 =2.268 m3
W = 8 Nos x2 x 1.3 x 0.3 = 6.24 m3
V = 2 Nos x 0.6 x0.4 x0.3 = 0.144 m3
Band Lintel = 4.788 m3
Total Deduction = 17.22 m3
H. Internal Plaster
Length = 5.6 + 3.6 + 3.9 +2.8 +3.2 +( 5.3 -1 -0.3 -1.2 – 0.3) + 4.2+ (5.3 -2.7 -0.3) +4.2+
3+ 4.7+ 6+ 2.8
= 48.8 m
Height =Floor to Ceiling Height + Slab Thickness
= 3.1 +0.12
= 3.22 m
Quantity =48.8 x 3.22
=157.136 m2
=3 x 1 x 50% x 2.1
= 3.15 m2
K. Quantity of R.C.C
Quantity of Slab
L = (2x0.15) + 2 = 2.3 m
c. Main wall
= ( 0.3
+4+ 0.2 + 3.7 +
)x 2 + (
+ 2.8 +
= 19.5 m
= 14.5 m
d. Partition Wall
e. Verandah Wall
Total Length of Centre line for Verandah Wall = 13.3 + 5.1 = 18.4 m
3. Excavation
Main wall
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of Excavation
Centre line for 2
L = 33.9 – 2 x x 0.8 = 33.1 m
Partition Wall
Length of Centre 1
= Total C/C Length of Partition wall – No of T Joints x width of Excavation
line for 2
Excavation of main wall
L = 4.5 – 2 x x 0.8 = 3.7 m
Verandah Wall
Length of Centre 1
= Total C/C Length of verandah wall – No of T Joints x width of Excavation
line for 2
Excavation of main wall
L = 18.4 – 4 x x 0.8 = 16.8 m
2. Backfilling
Quantity of Backfilling = x Quantity of Excavation = 9.1364 m3
3. P.C.C
Main wall
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of Item of Main
Centre line for 2
P.C.C Wall at that Level
L = 33.9 – 2 x x 0.8 = 33.1 m
Partition wall
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Partition wall – No of T Joints x width of Item of the
Centre line for 2
P.C.C main wall at that
L = 4.5 – 2 x x 0.5 = 4 m
Verandah Wall
4. U.C.R
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of Item of Main
Centre line for 2
U.C.R wall at that Level
L = 33.9 – 2 x x 0.5 = 33.4 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of Item of Main
Centre line for 2
U.C.R wall at that Level
L = 33.9 – 2 x x 0.4 = 33.5 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Partition wall – No of T Joints x width of Item of
Centre line for 2
U.C.R Main wall at that
L = 4.5 – 2 x x 0.5 = 4 m
Length of
Centre line for = Total C/C Length of Partition wall – No of T Joints x 𝟐
width of Item of Main
U.C.R wall at that level
L = 4.5 – 2 x x 0.4 = 4.1 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Verandah wall – No of T Joints x width of Item of
Centre line for 2
U.C.R Main wall at that
L = 18.4 – 4 x x 0.5 = 17.4 m
Length of
Centre line for = Total C/C Length of Verandah wall – No of T Joints x 𝟐
width of Item of
U.C.R Main wall at that
L = 18.4 – 4 x x 0.4 = 17.6 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of Item of main
Centre line for 2
D.P.C wall at that level
L = 33.9 – 2 x x 0.3 = 33.6 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Partition wall – No of T Joints x width of Item of main
Centre line for 2
D.P.C wall at that level
L = 4.5 – 2 x x 0.3 = 4.2 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of Item of main
Centre line for 2
Band lintel wall at that level
L = 33.9 – 2 x x 0.3 = 33.6 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Partition wall – No of T Joints x width of Item of main
Centre line for 2
Band lintel wall at that level
L = 4.5 – 2 x x 0.3 = 4.2 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of Item of Main
Centre line for 2
Brickwork wall at that Level
L = 33.9 – 2 x x 0.3 = 33.6 m
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Partition wall – No of T Joints x width of Item of
Centre line for 2
Brickwork Main wall at that Level
L = 4.5 – 2 x x 0.3 = 4.2 m
D = 3 Nos x 1.2 x2.1 x 0.3 = 2.268 m3
D1 =2 Nos x 0.9 x2.1 x0.3 =1.134 m3
W = 8 Nos x1.5 x 1.1 x 0.3 = 3.96 m3
= 32 m
Height =Floor to Ceiling Height + Slab Thickness
= 3 + 0.1
= 3.1 m
J. Quantity of R.C.C
c. Quantity of Slab
W W C1
C1 C1
Plinth Beam
C1 Footing Offset
C2 C2 D
FIG- 01
D = 1 X 2.1 M
C2 D1 D C2 D1 = 0.9 X 2.1 M
C2 W = 2 X 1.3 M
V WC D1 D1 V = 0.6 X 0.4 M
D1 COLUMN C2= 0.3 X 0.4
FOOTING F1=1.2 X 1.5 X 0.40 / 0.15
V BATH FOOTING F2=1.2 X 1.8 X 0.50 / 0.15
PLINTH BEAMS = 0.23 X 0.60 M
D C1 FLOOR BEAMS = 0.23 X 0.80 M
W SLAB = 0.12 M
WALL TH = 0.3
C1 C1
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
a. Main wall
= ( 0.3
+ 2.2 + 0.3 + 2.5 +
)x 3 + (
+ 5.7 +
)x 2 + (
+ 2.9 +
) x2
= 42.4 m
= 39.8 m
1. Excavation
For Footing F1
For Footing F2
h = 0.4 m
V1 =ℎ⁄3 ( 𝐴1 + 𝐴2 + √𝐴1 𝑥 𝐴2 )
V1= 0.347 m3
V2 = 0.27 m3
Total Quantity = V1 + V2
h = 0.5 m
V1 =ℎ⁄3 ( 𝐴1 + 𝐴2 + √𝐴1 𝑥 𝐴2 )
V1= 0.523 m3
V2 = 0.324 m3
Total Quantity = V1 + V2
Length of 1
= Total C/C Length of Main wall – No of T Joints x width of Brickwork
Centre line for 2
L = 82.2 – 16 x x 0.3 = 79.8 m
Deduction for Columns
C1 = 8 Nos x 0.3 x 0.3 x 3.1 = 2.232 m3
C2 = 5 Nos x 0.3 x 0.4 x 3.1 = 1.86 m3
D = 6 Nos x 1.0 x2.1 x 0.3 = 3.78 m3
D1 =4 Nos x 0.9 x2.1 x0.3 =2.268 m3
W = 8 Nos x2 x 1.3 x 0.3 = 6.24 m3
V = 2 Nos x 0.6 x0.4 x0.3 = 0.144 m3
External Plaster
Length = 5.6 + 3.6 + 3.9 +2.8 +3.2 +( 5.3 -1 -0.3 -1.2 – 0.3) + 4.2+ (5.3 -2.7 -0.3) +4.2+
3+ 4.7+ 6+ 2.8
= 48.8 m
Height =Floor to Ceiling Height + Slab Thickness
= 3.1 +0.12
= 3.22 m
Quantity =48.8 x 3.22
=157.136 m2
=3 x 1 x 50% x 2.1
= 3.15 m2
Prepare the bar bending schedule of Footing and column. Footing having a size of
1.2 m x 1.5 m and is provided with tor steel of 12 mm dia at 175 mm c/c placed
parallel to both sides forming a mesh. Column of 230 mm x 400 mm is provided
with 4 numbers of longitudinal bars (Tor steel) of 16 mm dia. running throughout
the total height including height up to ground level i.e. 1.5 meter and floor to ceiling
height of 3.3 meter. Column Stirrups of 8mm dia are provided at 230 mm c/c
5.306 Meter
1500+3300-20-50-12-12 a = 230 - (2 x 40) - (2 x 8) 1.026 Meter x 22 (Dia /162) 22.572 x 0.396
= 4706 = 134 22.572 = 0.40 = 8.618
b = 400 - (2 x 40) - (2 x 8)
(4706/230)+1 = 304
= 21.46 c = 6 x Dia
b. 8 = 22 So, 6 x 8=48
But, It Should Not be less than 75 mm
So Provide 75
= 1026
1.026 Meter
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar - Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Bar Bending Schedule
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare Bar Bending Schedule for R.C.C Lintel beam with clear span of 1 meter. Consider 15
Cm bearing on walls at each End. Bottom of the beam is provided with the 4 mild steel Bars of
10 mm dia. Out of Which 2 are Straight Bars and 2 are cranked up at an angle of 45°. It is also
provided with 2 Anchor Bars of mild steel of 10 mm Dia at the top. Beam is provided with
Stirrups of 6 mm Dia at spacing of 150 mm c/c.
Prepare bar bending schedule of one way slab having overall length and breadth 6.5m x 3 m.
Reinforcement of 10 mm (M.S) Dia rods are placed in direction parallel to 3.0 m at 300 mm
c/c. with L Shaped hooks on both ends. Alternate bent up bars of 10 mm Dia are provided at
spacing of 300 mm c/c. To hold the cranked position 4 Nos of 10 mm Dia bars are provided
with L Shaped hooks on both ends. Distribution steel of 8 mm Dia are provided in direction
parallel to 6.5 m with L shaped hooks on both the ends.
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar - Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Bar Bending Schedule
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare the Rate analysis for P.C.C work using M15 Grade of
P.C.C (M15)
Grade M 15
Lets assume we are calculating the Rate for 10 m
Volume of Wet Concrete m3 : 10
Volume of dry conrete m : 1.54 x 10
Volume of dry conrete m3 : 15.4
3 3
Aggregates (m ): 2.2 x4 : 8.8 m
Cost of Material
Sr. No. Material Quatity Units Rate Amount
1 Cement 63.36 Bags 350 22176
2 River Sand 4.40 m3 2648 11651.2
3 Aggregates 8.80 m3 883 7770.4
Total : 41597.6 Rs.
Cost of Labour
Item: P.C.C
Sr. No. Manpower Co-eff Number Rate Amount
a Concreting
1 Head Mason 0.25 600 150
2 Mason 2.50 550 1375
3 Male Mazdoor 14.00 400 5600
Total 7125 Rs.
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar- Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Rate Analysis
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare the Rate analysis for P.C.C work using M10 Grade of
P.C.C (M10)
Grade M 10
Lets assume we are calculating the Rate for 10 m3
Volume of Wet Concrete m : 10
Volume of dry conrete m : 1.54 x 10
Volume of dry conrete m : 15.4
3 3
Sand (m ): 1.54 x3 : 4.62 m
3 3
Aggregates (m ): 1.54 x6 : 9.24 m
Cost of Material
Sr. No. Material Quatity Units Rate Amount
1 Cement 44.35 Bags 350 15523.2
2 River Sand 4.62 m 2648 12233.76
3 Aggregates 9.24 m3 883 8158.92
Total : 35915.88 Rs.
Cost of Labour
Item: P.C.C
Sr. No. Manpower Co-eff Number Rate Amount
a Concreting
1 Head Mason 0.25 600 150
2 Mason 2.50 550 1375
3 Male Mazdoor 14.00 400 5600
Total 7125 Rs.
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar- Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Rate Analysis
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare the Rate analysis for P.C.C work of 40m using M15
Grade of Concrete
P.C.C (M15)
Grade M 15
Lets assume we are calculating the Rate for 40 m3
Volume of Wet Concrete m3 : 40
Volume of dry conrete m3 : 1.54 x 40
Volume of dry conrete m : 61.6
3 3
Sand (m ): 8.8 x2 : 17.6 m
3 3
Aggregates (m ): 8.8 x4 : 35.2 m
Cost of Material
Sr. No. Material Quatity Units Rate Amount
1 Cement 253.44 Bags 350 88704
2 River Sand 17.60 m 2648 46604.8
3 Aggregates 35.20 m 883 31081.6
Total : 166390.4 Rs.
Cost of Labour
Item: P.C.C
Sr. No. Manpower Co-eff Number Rate Amount
a Concreting
1 Head Mason 0.25 600 600
2 Mason 2.50 550 5500
3 Male Mazdoor 14.00 400 22400
Total 28500 Rs.
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar- Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Rate Analysis
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
3 3
Sand (m ): 10.01 x3 : 30.03 m
Aggregates (m3): 10.01 x6 : 60.06 m
Cost of Material
Sr. No. Material Quatity Units Rate Amount
1 Cement 288.29 Bags 350 100900.8
2 River Sand 30.03 m3 2648 79519.44
3 Aggregates 60.06 m3 883 53032.98
Total : 233453.22 Rs.
Cost of Labour
Item: P.C.C
Sr. No. Manpower Co-eff Number Rate Amount
a Concreting
1 Head Mason 0.25 600 975
2 Mason 2.50 550 8937.5
3 Male Mazdoor 14.00 400 36400
Total 46312.5 Rs.
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar- Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Rate Analysis
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare the Rate analysis for R.C.C work using M20 Grade of Concrete with
1% of Steel.
R.C.C (M20)
Grade M 20
Lets assume we are calculating for 10
Volume of Wet Concrete m3 : 10
Volume of dry conrete m3 : 10 x 1.54: 15.4
Grade Components
M Cement Sand Agg Steel (%)
20 1 1.5 3 1
Cement Quantity: 15.4
1 + 1.5 + 3
Volume of Cement: 2.8 m3
Wt of Cement (Kg): 2.8 X 1440
4032 Kg
No of Bags : 4032
Cement Bags: 80.64 Bags
3 3
Sand (m ): 2.8 x 1.5 : 4.2 m
Aggregates (m3): 2.8 x 3 : 8.4 m3
Steel (m3): 10 x 1 % : 0.1 m3
Kg: 0.1 x 7850 : 785 Kg
Binding Wire : ( 1 Kg for 100 Kg Steel) 7.85 Kg
Formwork: 1 x 65 : 65 m2
(65 m per 10 m3)
Cost of Material
Sr. No. Material Quatity Units Rate (Rs)
1 Cement 81 Bags 350 28224
2 River Sand 4.2 m3 2648 11121.6
3 Aggregates 8.4 m3 883 7417.2
4 Steel 785 kg 45 35325
5 Binding wire 7.85 kg 55 431.75
6 Formwork 65 m2 450 29250
Total : 111769.55
Cost of Labour
Item: R.C.C Work
Sr. No. Manpower Co-eff Number Rate (Rs)
a Concreting
1 Head Mason 0.5 600 300
2 Mason 1 3 550 1650
3 Male Mazdoor 23 400 9200
b Reinforcement work
1 Bar Bender 7.85 550 4317.5
2 Male Mazdoor 7.85 400 3140
Centering Shutterring
1 Carpenter 3 550 1650
2 Male Mazdoor 4 400 1600
Total 21857.5
Total Cost= Cost of Material + Cost of Labour
Total Cost (Rs) : 133627.05
Cost for contengencies, Tools and Plants
and water (Rs): 1.5% x 133627.05 : 2004.40575
Overheads and Contractor's profit (Rs) : 10% x 133627.05 : 13362.705
Overall Cost : (Rs) 148994.161
Rate per m3: 148994.1608 : 14899.4161
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Q.2 Prepare the Rate analysis for R.C.C work using M20 Grade of Concrete with
2% of Steel.
R.C.C (M20)
Grade M 20
Lets assume we are calculating for 10
Volume of Wet Concrete m : 10
Volume of dry conrete m : 10 x 1.54: 15.4
Grade Components
M Cement Sand Agg Steel (%)
20 1 1.5 3 2
Cement Quantity: 15.4
1 + 1.5 + 3
Volume of Cement: 2.8 m3
Wt of Cement (Kg): 2.8 X 1440
4032 Kg
No of Bags : 4032
Cement Bags: 80.64 Bags
Sand (m3): 2.8 x 1.5 : 4.2 m3
3 3
Aggregates (m ): 2.8 x 3 : 8.4 m
3 3
Steel (m ): 10 x 2 % : 0.2 m
Kg: 0.2 x 7850 : 1570 Kg
Binding Wire : 15.7 Kg
Formwork: 1 x 65 : 65 m2
(65 m per 10 m3)
Cost of Material
Sr. No. Material Quatity Units Rate (Rs)
1 Cement 80.64 Bags 350 28224
2 River Sand 4.20 m3 2648 11121.6
3 Aggregates 8.40 m3 883 7417.2
4 Steel 1570 kg 45 70650
5 Binding wire 15.7 kg 55 863.5
6 Formwork 65 m2 450 29250
Total : 147526.3
Cost of Labour
Item: R.C.C Work
Sr. No. Manpower Co-eff Number Rate (Rs)
a Concreting
1 Head Mason 0.5 600 300
2 Mason 1 3 550 1650
3 Male Mazdoor 23 400 9200
b Reinforcement work
1 Bar Bender 15.7 550 8635
2 Male Mazdoor 15.7 400 6280
Centering Shutterring
1 Carpenter 3 550 1650
2 Male Mazdoor 4 400 1600
Total 29315
Total Cost= Cost of Material + Cost of Labour
Total Cost (Rs) : 176841.3
Cost for contengencies, Tools and Plants 1.5% x 176841.3 : 2652.6195
Overheads and Contractor's profit (Rs) : 10% x 176841.3 : 17684.13
Overall Cost : (Rs) 197178.05
Rate per m : 197178.0495 : 19717.805
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare Rate Analysis For 45 m3 of U.C.R Masonry work with C:M
Ratio 1:5
C:M Ratio: 1 : 5
Lets assume we are calculating for 45 m3
3 3
Quantity of Sand (M ): 3.15 x 5 m
Quantity of Sand (M3): 15.75 m3
Q.2 Prepare Rate Analysis of U.C.R Masonry work with C:M Ratio 1:4
C:M Ratio: 1 : 4
Lets assume we are calculating for 10 m3
Quantity of Cement (M ): 4.2
1 + 4
Quantity of Cement (M ): 0.84 m3
Quantity of Cement (Bags): 0.84 x 1440 Bags
Quantity of Cement (Bags): 24.192 Bags
3 3
Quantity of Sand (M ): 0.84 x 4 m
Quantity of Sand (M3): 3.36 m3
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar -Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Rate Analysis
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare Rate Analysis of U.C.R Masonry work of 55 m3 with C:M
Ratio 1:5
C:M Ratio: 1 : 5
Lets assume we are calculating for 55 m3
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar -Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Rate Analysis
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare Rate Analysis of U.C.R Masonry work of 35 m3 with C:M
Ratio 1:4
C:M Ratio: 1 : 4
Lets assume we are calculating for 35 m3
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar -Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Rate Analysis
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Q 1 Prepare Rate Analysis for D.P.C work with 2.5 cm thickness for
M15 Grade
Grade of Concrete: M 15
DPC Thickness (mm): 25 mm
DPC Thickness (m): 0.025
Lets assume we are calculating for 100 m
3 3
Volume of wet Concrete m : 0.025 x 100 : 2.5 m
Volume of Dry Concrete m3: 2.5 x 1.54 : 3.85 m
Cost of Labour
Item: DPC
Sr. No. Manpower Co-eff Number Rate Amount
1 Head Mason 0.5 600 300 Rs.
2 Mason 1 8 550 4400 Rs.
3 Male Mazdoor 9 400 3600 Rs.
Total 8300 Rs.
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar -Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Rate Analysis
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Q1 Prepare Rate Analysis for D.P.C work with 2.5 cm thickness for
M20 Grade
Grade of Concrete: M 20
DPC Thickness (mm): 25 mm
DPC Thickness (m): 0.025
Lets assume we are calculating for 100 m2
Volume of wet Concrete m : 0.025 x 100 : 2.5 m3
Volume of Dry Concrete m : 2.5 x 1.54 : 3.85 m3
Cost of Labour
Item: DPC
Sr. No. Manpower Co-eff Number Rate Amount
1 Head Mason 0.5 600 300 Rs.
2 Mason 1 8 550 4400 Rs.
3 Male Mazdoor 9 400 3600 Rs.
Total 8300 Rs.
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar -Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Rate Analysis
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Q.1 Prepare Rate Analysis for Brickwork in Foundation and Plinth with C:M
C:M Ratio: 1 : 5
Lets assume we are calculating for 10 m3
Standard Size of Brick (M): 0.19 x 0.09 x 0.09
Size of Brick including joint Thickness(M): 0.2 x 0.1 x 0.1
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar -Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Rate Analysis
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
No of Bricks: 55
0.2 x 0.1 x 0.1
No of Bricks: 27500 Bricks
Volume of wet mortar: 55 - (27500 x 0.19 x 0.09 x 0.09)
Volume of wet mortar: 12.678 m
Additional Mortar for Frog Filling: 15% x 12.6775
1.902 m
Total Volume of Wet Mortar: 14.579 m3
Volume of Dry Mortar: 1.33 x 14.579
19.390 m3
Rate per m : 305413.42 : 5552.97 Rs.
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar -Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Rate Analysis
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare Rate Analysis for Brickwork in superstructure ,first floor with C:M
Ratio 1:4
C:M Ratio: 1 : 4
Lets assume we are calculating for 10 m3
Standard Size of Brick (M): 0.19 x 0.09 x 0.09
Size of Brick including joint Thickness(M): 0.2 x 0.1 x 0.1
No of Bricks: 10
0.2 x 0.1 x 0.1
No of Bricks: 5000 Bricks
Volume of wet mortar: 10 - (5000 x 0.19 x 0.09 x 0.09)
Volume of wet mortar: 2.305 m
Additional Mortar for Frog Filling: 15% x 2.305
0.346 m3
Total Volume of Wet Mortar: 2.651 m
Volume of Dry Mortar: 1.33 x 2.651
3.525 m3
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar -Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Rate Analysis
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
No of Bricks: 35
0.2 x 0.1 x 0.1
No of Bricks: 17500 Bricks
Volume of wet mortar: 35 - (17500 x 0.19 x 0.09 x 0.09)
Volume of wet mortar: 8.068 m
Additional Mortar for Frog Filling: 15% x 8.0675
1.210 m3
Total Volume of Wet Mortar: 9.278 m
Volume of Dry Mortar: 1.33 x 9.278
12.339 m3
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar -Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Rate Analysis
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare rate analysis for Ceramic tile flooring with base course of 25 mm
and C:M ratio 1:6.
Thickness of Base Course (mm): 25 mm
Thickness (M): 0.025 M
C:M Ratio: 1 : 6
Lets assume we are calculating for 100 m
Volume of wet mortar (m3): 0.025 x 100 m3
2.5 m
Add for Joints, Depression filling and wastage: (20%) 0.2 x 2.5 m3
0.5 m
Total Volume of wet mortar (m ): 3 m3
Cost for contengencies, Tools and Plants and water: 1.5% x 73411.8 : 1101.1764 Rs.
Overheads and Contractor's profit : 10% x 73411.8 : 7341.176 Rs.
Grand Total: 81854.112 Rs.
Prepare rate analysis for Ceramic tile flooring with base course of 25 mm
Q.2 2
and C:M ratio 1:6 for 400 m
Thickness of Base Course (mm): 25 mm
Thickness (M): 0.025 M
C:M Ratio: 1 : 6
Lets assume we are calculating for 400 m
Volume of wet mortar (m ): 0.025 x 400 m3
10 m
Add for Joints, Depression filling and wastage: (20%) 0.2 x 10 m3
2 m
3 3
Total Volume of wet mortar (m ): 12 m
3 3
Volume of dry mortar (m ): 1.33 x 12 m
Volume of dry mortar (m ): 15.96 m3
3 3
Quantity of Cement (M ): 15.96 m
1 + 6
3 3
Quantity of Cement (M ): 2.28 m
Ceramic Tiles: 400 m
Wastage (10%): 40.00 m
Total: 440.00 m2
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar -Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Rate Analysis
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare rate analysis for plastering work with C:M Ratio 1:4
and plaster thickness 6mm
Thickness (mm): 6 mm
Thickness (M): 0.006 M
C:M Ratio: 1 : 4
Lets assume we are calculating for 100 m2
Volume of wet Mortar: 0.006 x 100 m3
3 3
Volume of wet Mortar (m ): 0.6 m
Add for Joints, Depression filling and
wastage: (20%) 0.2 x 0.6 m3
0.12 m
Total volume of wet mortar (m3): 0.72 m3
3 3
Volume of dry mortar (m ): 1.33 x 0.72 m
Volume of dry mortar (m3): 0.96 m3
3 3
Quantity of Cement (M ): 0.96 m
1 + 4
Quantity of Cement (M ): 0.19 m3
3 3
Quantity of Sand (M ): 0.19 x 4 m
Quantity of Sand (M3): 0.77 m3
Cost of Labour
Item: 6 mm Thick Cement Plaster
Sr. No. Manpower Co-eff Number Rate Amount
1 Head Mason 0.5 600 300.00
2 Mason 1 10 550 5500.00
3 Male Mazdoor 12 400 4800.00
Total 10600.00
Total Cost= Cost of Material + Cost of Labour
Total Cost 14909.10
Cost for contengencies, Tools and Plants
and water : 1.5% x 14909 : 223.63652
Overheads and Contractor's profit : 10% x 14909 : 1490.9101
Overall Cost : 16623.648
Rate per m2 : 16623.648 : 166.23648
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar -Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Rate Analysis
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare rate analysis for plastering work with C:M Ratio 1:5
and plaster thickness 12mm
Thickness (mm): 12 mm
Thickness (M): 0.012 M
C:M Ratio: 1 : 5
Lets assume we are calculating for 100 m2
Volume of wet Mortar: 0.012 x 100 m3
3 3
Add for Joints, of wet Mortar
Depression filling(m
and ): 1.2 m
wastage: (20%) 0.2 x 1.2 m3
0.24 m
Total volume of wet mortar (m3): 1.44 m3
3 3
Volume of dry mortar (m ): 1.33 x 1.44 m
Volume of dry mortar (m3): 1.92 m3
3 3
Quantity of Cement (M ): 1.92 m
1 + 5
Quantity of Cement (M ): 0.32 m3
3 3
Quantity of Sand (M ): 0.32 x 5 m
Quantity of Sand (M3): 1.60 m3
Cost of Labour
Item: 12 mm Thick Cement Plaster
Sr. No. Manpower Co-eff Number Rate Amount
1 Head Mason 0.5 600 300.00
2 Mason 1 10 550 5500.00
3 Male Mazdoor 15 400 6000.00
Total 11800.00
Total Cost= Cost of Material + Cost of Labour
Total Cost 19593.74
Cost for contengencies, Tools and Plants 1.5% x 19594 : 293.90616
Overheads and Contractor's profit : 10% x 19594 : 1959.3744
Overall Cost : 21847.025
Rate per m : 21847.025 : 218.47025
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar -Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Rate Analysis
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
1. Mid-Section Formula
In this formula, Mean Depth is to be calculated first by averaging
the depth of two consecutive sections.
From the mean depth, the area of mid-section is to be worked out
and volume of earthwork is to be computed.
Volume of Earthwork: Am x L
Am = Area of Mid-section
L: Length or Distance between two Consecutive Sections.
To calculate the area we have to calculate the depth of the section
𝑑1 + 𝑑2
𝑑𝑚 =
1 2 1 2
𝐴𝑚 = 𝐵𝑑𝑚 + 𝑠𝑑𝑚 + 𝑠𝑑𝑚
2 2
𝐴𝑚 = 𝐵𝑑𝑚 + 𝑠𝑑𝑚
V = Am x L
2 )
𝑉 = (𝐵𝑑𝑚 + 𝑠𝑑𝑚 𝑥𝐿
Total Volume: ( 𝐴1 + 2𝐴2 + 2𝐴3 + 2𝐴4 + ⋯ … + 2𝐴𝑛−1 + 𝐴𝑛 )
Total Volume: ( 5.52 + 2 𝑥 (12.48 + 17.92 + 24) + 13.78) )
3. Prismoidal Formula
This method is based on the assumption that A1 and A2 are the
areas at the ends and L is the length between the ends and Am is
the area of mid-section parallel to ends.
Volume of the prism having end faces in parallel planes.
V= ( 𝐴1 + 𝐴2 + 4𝐴𝑚 )
V= ( 𝐴1 + 𝐴𝑛 + 4𝛴𝐴𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 + 2𝛴𝐴𝑜𝑑𝑑 )
V= ( 5.52 + 13.78 + 4𝛴(12.48 + 24) + 2𝛴(17.92))
V= ( 5.52 + 13.78 + 49.92 + 96 + 35.84)
V= ( 201.06)
V = 2010.6 m3
Estimate quantity of earthwork for embankment of 120 meter long and 8 meter wide at formation level and whose
side slope is 2:1. The Central height from Origin to every 30 meter intervals are 0.6 m , 1.2 m, 1.6 m , 2.0 m, 1.3 m.
a) Total Length: 120 m
b) Width : (B) 8m
c) Side Slope: (S) 2 :1
Area of Length
Station Mean Area of
Depth or Central Total Area between Quantity
or Depth Sides
(G.L - F.L) Portion Stations
dm Bdm Sdm2 Bdm+Sdm2 L Embankment Cutting
(m) (m) (Sq m) (Sq m) (Sq m) (m) Cu m Cu m
0 0.6
1 1.2 0.90 7.2 1.62 8.82 30 264.6
2 1.6 1.40 11.2 3.92 15.12 30 453.6
3 2 1.80 14.4 6.48 20.88 30 626.4
4 1.3 1.65 13.2 5.445 18.645 30 559.35
Estimate quantity of earthwork for cutting of 150 meter long and 8 meter wide at formation level and whose side
slope is 3:1. The Central height from Origin to every 30 meter intervals are 0.8 m , 1.6 m, 1.8 m , 2.0 m, 2.2 m, 1.3 m.
a) Total Length: 150 m
b) Width : (B) 8m
c) Side Slope: (S) 3 :1
Area of Length
Station Mean Area of
Depth or Central Total Area between Quantity
or Depth Sides
(G.L - F.L) Portion Stations
dm Bdm Sdm2 Bdm+Sdm2 L Embankment Cutting
(m) (m) (Sq m) (Sq m) (Sq m) (m) Cu m Cu m
0 0.8
1 1.6 1.20 9.6 4.32 13.92 30 417.6
2 1.8 1.70 13.6 8.67 22.27 30 668.1
3 2 1.90 15.2 10.83 26.03 30 780.9
4 2.2 2.10 16.8 13.23 30.03 30 900.9
5 1.3 1.75 14 9.1875 23.1875 30 695.625
Total quantity of Earthwork : 3463.125
Mr.Aditya D. Ahirwar - Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Roads (Excavation)
Mr. Aditya D. Ahirwar Topic : Roads (Earthwork)
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare estimate for portion of road for chainage 14 to 22 from data given below. Draw longitudinal and typical cross
1 section for cutting and embankment. The Formation width of proposed road is 12 m. Side slopes 1.5 : 1 in cutting and
2:1 in banking
Chainage 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
R.L of
Ground 108.6 109.25 109.4 108.85 108.5 107.25 106.8 107.15 107.2
Road is proposed at uniform falling gradient 1 in 200 passing through Ground level at chainage 14. 1 : 200
Length of Chain: 30 m
For gradient of 1 in 200, Change of level per 30 meter Chain: 30 : 0.15
1 Width : (B) 12 m
2 Side Slope: (S)
Banking 2 :1 Cutting: 1.5 : 1
Chainage 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
R.L of
Ground 108.6 109.25 109.4 108.85 108.5 107.25 106.8 107.15 107.2
R.L of
Formation 108.6 108.45 108.3 108.15 108 107.85 107.7 107.55 107.4
Depth 0 -0.8 -1.1 -0.7 -0.5 0.6 0.9 0.4 0.2
Area of Length
Mean Area of
Station or Depth or Central S Total Area between Quantity
Depth Sides
Chainage (F.L- G.L) Portion Stations
2 2
dm Bdm Sdm Bdm+Sdm L Cutting Banking
(m) (m) (Sq m) (Sq m) (Sq m) (m) Cu m Cu m
14 0
15 -0.8 -0.40 4.8 1.5 0.24 5.04 30.00 151.20 0.00
16 -1.1 -0.95 11.4 1.5 1.35 12.75 30.00 382.61 0.00
17 -0.7 -0.90 10.8 1.5 1.22 12.02 30.00 360.45 0.00
18 -0.5 -0.60 7.2 1.5 0.54 7.74 30.00 232.20 0.00
Intersection 0 -0.25 3 1.5 0.09 3.09 14.00 43.31 0.00
19 0.6 0.30 3.6 2 0.18 3.78 16.00 0.00 60.48
20 0.9 0.75 9 2 1.12 10.12 30.00 0.00 303.75
21 0.4 0.65 7.8 2 0.84 8.64 30.00 0.00 259.35
22 0.2 0.30 3.6 2 0.18 3.78 30.00 0.00 113.40
X : (30-X)
0.5 0.6
1.1 X : 15 109.4
1X: 13.64 approx 14 109.25
108.5 108.5
108 108
107.5 107.55
107.25 107.2
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Chainages/ Stations
Formation Level Ground Level
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar- Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Roads (Earthwork)
Mr. Aditya D. Ahirwar Topic : Roads (Earthwork)
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare estimate for portion of road for chainage 1 to 11 from data given below. Draw longitudinal and typical cross
2 section for cutting and embankment. The Formation width of proposed road is 10 m. Side slopes 1.5 : 1 in cutting and
2:1 in banking
Chainage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
R.L of
Ground 131.1 131.2 130.9 131.2 130.8 130.7 130.6 130.4 129.1 129.5 129.7
Fomation level Starts at 130 m
Road is proposed at uniform falling gradient 1 in 200 passing through Ground level at chainage 1. 1 : 200
Length of Chain: 20 m
For gradient of 1 in 200, Change of level per 20 meter Chain: 20 : 0.1
1 Width : (B) 10 m
2 Side Slope: (S)
Banking 2 :1 Cutting: 1.5 : 1
Chainage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
R.L of
Ground 131.1 131.2 130.9 131.2 130.8 130.7 130.6 130.4 129.1 129.5 129.7
R.L of
Formation 130 130.1 130.2 130.3 130.4 130.5 130.6 130.7 130.8 130.9 131
Depth -1.1 -1.1 -0.7 -0.9 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.3 1.7 1.4 1.3
Area of Length
Mean Side Area of
Station or Depth or Central Total Area between Quantity
Depth Slope Sides
Chainage (F.L- G.L) Portion Stations
2 2
dm Bdm Sdm Bdm+Sdm L Cutting Banking
(m) (m) (Sq m) (Sq m) (Sq m) (m) Cu m Cu m
1 -1.1
2 -1.1 -1.10 11.00 1.5 1.81 12.81 20.00 256.30
3 -0.7 -0.90 9.00 1.5 1.22 10.22 20.00 204.30
4 -0.9 -0.80 8.00 1.5 0.96 8.96 20.00 179.20
5 -0.4 -0.65 6.50 1.5 0.63 7.13 20.00 142.68
6 -0.2 -0.30 3.00 1.5 0.14 3.14 20.00 62.70
7 0 -0.10 1.00 1.5 0.02 1.02 20.00 20.30
8 0.3 0.15 1.50 2 0.04 1.54 20.00 30.90
9 1.7 1.00 10.00 2 2.00 12.00 20.00 240.00
10 1.4 1.55 15.50 2 4.80 20.30 20.00 406.10
11 1.3 1.35 13.50 2 3.64 17.14 20.00 342.90
Total quantity of Earthwork : 865.48 1019.90
131.2 131.2
131 131
130.9 130.9
130.8 130.8
130.7 130.7
130.5 130.5
130.4 130.4
130 130
129.5 129.5
Formation Level
Ground Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Chainages /Stations
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar- Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Roads (Earthwork)
Mr. Aditya D. Ahirwar Topic : Roads (Earthwork)
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare estimate for portion of road for chainage 0 to 540 from data given below. Draw longitudinal and typical cross
3 section for cutting and embankment. The Formation width of proposed road is 10 m. Side slopes 1.5 : 1 in cutting and
2:1 in banking
1 Width : (B) 10 m
2 Side Slope: (S)
Banking 2 :1 Cutting: 1.5 : 1
Area of Length
Mean Side Area of
Station or Depth or Central Total Area between Quantity
Depth Slope Sides
Chainage (F.L- G.L) Portion Stations
2 2
dm Bdm Sdm Bdm+Sdm L Cutting Banking
(m) (m) (Sq m) (Sq m) (Sq m) (m) Cu m Cu m
0 -0.7
60 -0.5 -0.60 6.00 1.5 0.54 6.54 60.00 392.40
120 -0.4 -0.45 4.50 1.5 0.30 4.80 60.00 288.23
180 -1.1 -0.75 7.50 1.5 0.84 8.34 60.00 500.63
240 -0.8 -0.95 9.50 1.5 1.35 10.85 60.00 651.23
300 0 -0.40 4.00 1.5 0.24 4.24 60.00 254.40
360 0.56 0.28 2.80 2 0.16 2.96 60.00 177.41
420 0.58 0.57 5.70 2 0.65 6.35 60.00 380.99
480 0.74 0.66 6.60 2 0.87 7.47 60.00 448.27
540 0.5 0.62 6.20 2 0.77 6.97 60.00 418.13
Total quantity of Earthwork : 2086.88 1424.80
Formation Level
73.5 Ground Level
72.5 72.44
71.5 71.5
71 70.96
70.8 70.82
70.5 70.54
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540
Chainages /Stations
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar- Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Roads (Earthwork)
Mr. Aditya D. Ahirwar Topic : Roads (Earthwork)
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Prepare estimate for portion of road for chainage 20 to 26 from data given below. Draw longitudinal and typical cross
4 section for cutting and embankment. The Formation width of proposed road is 10 m. Side slope is 1 in cutting and 2 in
Chainage 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
R.L of 88.20,
88.1 87.74 87.8 90.75 90.2 89.98
Ground 90.40
Fomation level Starts at 88.50 m
Road is proposed at uniform Rising gradient of 1 in 100 1 : 100
Length of Chain: 20 m
For gradient of 1 in 100, Change of level per 20 meter Chain: 20 : 0.2
1 Width : (B) 10 m
2 Side Slope: (S)
Banking 2 :1 Cutting: 1 :1
Chainage 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 26
R.L of
Ground 88.1 87.74 87.8 88.2 90.4 90.75 90.2 89.98
R.L of
Formation 88.5 88.7 88.9 89.1 89.1 89.3 89.5 89.7
Depth 0.4 0.96 1.1 0.9 -1.3 -1.45 -0.7 -0.28
Area of Length
Mean Side Area of
Station or Depth or Central Total Area between Quantity
Depth Slope Sides
Chainage (F.L- G.L) Portion Stations
2 2
dm Bdm Sdm Bdm+Sdm L Cutting Banking
(m) (m) (Sq m) (Sq m) (Sq m) (m) Cu m Cu m
20 0.4
21 0.96 0.68 6.80 2 0.92 7.72 20.00 0.00 154.50
22 1.1 1.03 10.30 2 2.12 12.42 20.00 0.00 248.44
0.9 1.00 10.00 2 2.00 12.00 20.00 0.00 240.00
24 -1.45 -1.37 13.75 1 1.89 15.64 20.00 312.81 0.00
25 -0.7 -1.07 10.75 1 1.16 11.91 20.00 238.11 0.00
26 -0.28 -0.49 4.90 1 0.24 5.14 20.00 102.80 0.00
Total quantity of Earthwork : 653.73 642.93
Mr. Aditya Ahirwar- Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation Topic : Roads (Earthwork)
Quantity Survey Estimation and Valuation
Valuation is art of assessing the preset fair value of the property at starting time.
In valuation, Rise and fall of fair price can occur in very short span of time.
Purpose of Valuation:
Property is purchased for investment. For this purpose valuation of property becomes
2. Tax Fixation
To fix up municipal tax of the property, valuation is essential by municipal authority which
depends on class of city and trade importance.
3. Sale
For sale of property, valuation becomes necessary depending upon price that can be obtained
in market which seller consider as reserve price below which any offer will be rejected.
4. Rent Fixation
Valuation is necessary to determine or justify the rent of property as per standard rent or fair
rent as per rent control act.
Cost can be calculated after accounting day to day expenses from starting to completion.
This is an amount worked out after adding contractor’s profit, interest on investment and cost
of production.
Value varies from time to time and depends largely on supply of particular type of property
and extent of demand for it.
Depreciation is loss of value of property due to its use, life, wear and tear, decay and
Assessment of physical wear and tear of building or property and is naturally dependent on its
original condition, quality of maintenance and mode of use.
Value of building or property decreases gradually up to its utility period due to depreciation.
Type of Depreciation
Physical Depreciation
Functional Depreciation
a. Inadequacy
b. Obsolescence: it is defined as loss of value of property due to change in fashion,
design, structure, inadequacy to fulfill current needs and requirements, Necessity of
replacement due to new invention etc.
An apartment which becomes increasingly difficult to rent out is said to suffer from
Contingent Depreciation
Scrap Value
Scrap value is the value of dismantled material of property at the end of the utility period.
When it is applied to an old building which has outlived its useful span, repairing for reuse of
building is not feasible or not viable, a certain amount can be obtained by selling of old useful
Salvage Value
It is an estimated value of the built up property at the end of the useful life without being
Market Value
Market value of the property is the value at which it can be sold in open market at particular
In open market means, property is offered for sale by advertising in daily newspaper and all
necessary steps are adopted so that every person who desires to purchase the same can make
an offer.
In case, property is sold at lower price than market value at that time it is said to have distress
Sentimental Value
When property is sold or purchased at higher value than market value due to playing of
sentiments in mind of owner or purchaser, this is known as sentimental value
Book Value
Sinking Fund
Sinking fund is an amount which has to be set aside at fixed interval of time (say annually) out
of a gross income so that at the end of the useful life of building or property, fund should
accumulate equivalent to initial cost of property.
A building become useless after certain years, hence it becomes necessary to accumulate the
sum required for rebuilding the premises.
(𝐶−𝑆) x 𝑖
Sinking Fund =
(1+𝑖)𝑛 −1
C = Cost of Construction
S = Scrap Value
i= Rate of interest
n = Service Life or useful life
This method assumes loss of value of property is directly proportional to its age.
Value of machine or property decreases from purchase cost of scrap value at uniform rate
of depreciation.
Depreciation = D m =
C = Purchase cost or construction cost or initial cost.
S = Scrap Value
n = Service life
BV m= Book Value
It is better to depreciate much during early years when repair and maintenance are not costly.
Certain percentage of current book value is taken as depreciation. Therefore it is also called as
“Book Value Percentage Method.”
𝑺 𝒏
Year (m) R=𝟏−( ) D m = BV m-1 x R BVm = BV m-1 – Dm
(𝐶−𝑆) x 𝑖
SF = D m = SF + Σ ( D m-1) x i
Year (m) (1+𝑖)𝑛 −1 BVm = BV m-1 – Dm
Q.1 Cost of construction is 20 Lakhs and expected life is 10 years. Salvage value at the end of
useful life is 10% of purchase cost. Determine salvage value ad depreciation at the end of
each year using following methods,
(20,00,000−2,00,000) x 0.10
𝑆𝐹 = (1+0.10)10 −1
= Rs. 1, 12,941.71/-
Year Sinking
(m) Fund (SF) D m = SF + Σ ( D m-1) x i BVm = BV m-1 – Dm
1 1, 12,941.71 D 1 = 1, 12,941.71 + Σ ( 0 ) x 0.1 BV1 = 20,00,000 – D1
D 1 = 1,12,941.71 BV1 = 18,87,058.29
2 1, 12,941.71 D 2 = 1, 12,941.71 + Σ ( 1,12,941.71 ) x 0.1 BV2 =18,87,058.29 – D2
D 2 = 1,24,235.881 BV2 = 17,62,822.41
3 1, 12,941.71 D 3 = 1, 12,941.71 + Σ (2,37,177.59 ) x 0.1 BV3 =17,62,822.41– D3
D 3 = 1,36,659.46 BV3 =16,26,162.94
4 1, 12,941.71 D 4 = 1, 12,941.71 + Σ (3,73,837.05 ) x 0.1 BV4 =16,26,162.94 - D4
D 4 = 1,50,325.41 BV4 = 14,75,837.53
5 1, 12,941.71 D 5 = 1, 12,941.71 + Σ (5,24,162.46) x 0.1 BV5 =14,75,837.53– D5
D 5 = 1,65,357.946 BV5 = 13,10,479.58
6 1, 12,941.71 D 6 = 1, 12,941.71 + Σ (6,89,520.406 ) x 0.1 BV6 =13,10,479.58– D6
D 6 = 1,81,893.75 BV6 = 11,28,585.83
7 1, 12,941.71 D 7 = 1, 12,941.71 + Σ (8,71,414.136 ) x 0.1 BV7 =11,28,585.83 – D7
D 7 = 2,00,083.126 BV7 = 9,28,502.704
8 1, 12,941.71 D 8 = 1, 12,941.71 + Σ (10,71,497.28) x 0.1 BV8 =9,28,502.704– D8
D 8 = 2,20,091.438 BV8 = 7,08,411.26
9 1, 12,941.71 D 9 = 1, 12,941.71 + Σ (12,91,588.72) x 0.1 BV9 =7,08,411.26 – D9
D 9 = 2,42,100.582 BV9 = 4,66,310.68
10 1, 12,941.71 D 10 = 1, 12,941.71 + Σ (15,33,689.3) x 0.1 BV10 =4,66,310.68 – D10
D 10 = 2,66,310.64 BV10 =2,00,000.044
Gross Income
Gross Income is the total income or receipt from all sources without deducting out goings.
Out Goings –
a. Taxes
b. Maintenance
c. Collection
d. Replacement
e. Ground Rent
Out Goings are the expenses to be made by virtue of being in possession of property and also
expenses of maintaining the property.
Amount of taxes to be deducted will vary from place to place and in accordance to law in force.
For Big Properties wealth tax and property tax are also payable as imposed by government.
An amount is provided for annual repair of the building to keep the same in sound condition,
although actual repair are taken in hand periodically.
(Usually 10% of gross rent is provided as repair and maintenance cost for valuation purpose.)
c. Insurance
A Property may not be insured at all, but this does not mean that no deduction should be made
for insurance premium.
d. Loss of Rent
Amount of rent for the period when property remain vacant will not be fetched. Therefore loss
of rent is considered as outgoing expenses and deducted from calculated gross rent.
Part of property may remain vacant for some time and will not fetch rent in that period. This
will cause loss of rent which is considered as outgoing expenses.
e. Income Tax
Income from property is subjected to income tax which is accessed in accordance to rules of
income tax act.
Net Income:
Net income is gross income less all the outgoings which includes tax, premium, repair, loss of
rent and sinking fund.
Perpetual Income:
Deferred Income:
Capitalized Value:
Capitalized value of property is sum or amount, interest on which highest prevailing rate
would be equal to net income out of property.
If Property produces net income of Rs. 4000/- per annum, purchaser desire to earn 8% on his
capital or investment according to highest prevailing rate of interest; He should pay
X * 8% = 4000
X = 4000 x
X = 4000 x 12.5
X = 50,000/-
Multiplier of net annual return to obtain capital value is known as Year’s Purchase.
Multiplier of net annual income to determine capital value is known as Year’s Purchase
and is useful to obtain capitalized value of property.
Year’s Purchase =
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡
A Building or machine becomes useless after certain years at end of its life. Hence it is
necessary to set aside certain amount at fixed interval, whereby owner can accumulate
a sum required for rebuilding the property at the end of the service life.
Year’s Purchase =
Where, IP = Maximum prevailing Rate of interest
IC = Co-efficient of Sinking Fund
When value arrived by different method are wide apart it becomes difficult to decide accurate
market value. Average of 2 or more method is taken to find out the value of the property.
In this method, the rental income is calculated after deducting all the outgoings from gross rent
and year’s Purchase is calculated after adopting current bank interest.
When rent has been decided and likely to be maintained for the years to come, Rental method
of valuation is adopted for finding out market value of the property.
Q.2 Gross Rent of the property is Rs. 20,000/- per annum allowing 10% as deduction for
repair and maintenance and management of the property. Estimate rental value of the
property at maximum prevailing rate of interest of 10%
Year’s Purchase =
Where, IP = Maximum prevailing Rate of interest
IC = Co-efficient of Sinking Fund
Since Sinking Rate of interest on Sinking fund is not Given Year’s Purchase becomes,
Year’s Purchase =
Year’s Purchase = 10 = 100
= 10
Rental Value of the Property = Net Rent x Year’s Purchase
Q.3 Property Produces net annual income of Rs. 12,000/- for next 30 Years. Owner expects a
return of 8% on his capital and also set apart sinking fund @ 6% annually to replace the
capital. Determine the value of the property.
Year’s Purchase =
Where, IP = Maximum prevailing Rate of interest
IC = Co-efficient of Sinking Fund
Year’s Purchase =
Where, IP = Maximum prevailing Rate of interest = 8 % = 0.08
IC = Co-efficient of Sinking Fund =
(1+𝑖)𝑛 −1
𝐼𝑐 = = 0.0126
(1 + 0.06)30 − 1
1 1
Year’s Purchase = = = 10.799
𝐼𝑃 + 𝐼𝐶 0.08+ 0.0126
Q.4 Owner gets net annual rent of Rs. 3,500/- Future life of building is estimated to be 12
years, but if recommended repairs are carried out immediately at an estimated cost of 30,000,
it is expected to last for at least 30 years.
Assume rate of interest on capital and sinking fund as 8%. Determine whether it is
economical to carry out repair of the building or leave it as it is.
Year’s Purchase =
Where, IP = Maximum prevailing Rate of interest = 8% = 0.08
IC = Co-efficient of Sinking Fund =
(1+𝑖)𝑛 −1
𝐼𝑐 = = 0.0527
(1 + 0.08)12 − 1
1 1
Year’s Purchase = = = 7.535
𝐼𝑃 + 𝐼𝐶 0.08+ 0.0527
Year’s Purchase =
Where, IP = Maximum prevailing Rate of interest = 8% = 0.08
IC = Co-efficient of Sinking Fund =
(1+𝑖)𝑛 −1
𝐼𝑐 = = 0.0088
(1 + 0.08)30 − 1
1 1
Year’s Purchase = = = 11.261
𝐼𝑃 + 𝐼𝐶 0.08+ 0.0088
Ans: As the value of the property increases by only Rs. 13,039.73/- on investment of Rs.
30,000/- , it is not Recommendable to carry out the repair and maintenance work.
This is very much similar to rental method of valuation and most applicable for valuation of
hotel cinema hall shops etc.
In this method, net profit or net income is worked out after deducting all the possible outgoing
Year’s Purchase =
Where, IP = Maximum prevailing Rate of interest
IC = Co-efficient of Sinking Fund
Gross Income = Rs. 7, 50,000/-
Out Goings =
(𝐶−𝑆) x 𝑖
(1+𝑖)𝑛 −1
C = 9, 50,000/-
S = Scrap Value = 10% of 9, 50,000/-
i= Rate of interest = 4%
n = Service Life = 25 Years
(9,50,000−95000) x 0.04
= Rs. 20,530/-
(1+0.04)25 −1
Year’s Purchase =
Where, IP = Maximum prevailing Rate of interest = 8% = 0.08
IC = Co-efficient of Sinking Fund; n = 60 Years
IC = Co-efficient of Sinking Fund =
(1+𝑖)𝑛 −1
𝐼𝑐 = = 0.00420
(1 + 0.04)60 − 1
1 1
Year’s Purchase = = = 11.88
𝐼𝑃 + 𝐼𝐶 0.08+ 0.00420
Fixation of Rent
Standard rent is the rent which may be charged to tenant under the law.
The rent is determined from value of property. Greater the value of property, Greater is the
a. Standard rent or Gross Rent = Net Return or Net Rent + Out Goings
b. Calculate annual Net Return as summation of :
1. A Certain annual interest on cost of construction of building including cost of water
supply and sanitary work, electric installations etc.
2. Certain annual interest on cost of land is considered.
Rate of interest on land may be same or bit less than the rate of interest for cost of
3. Out Goings – All the Expenses.
Q.1 New Building having six equal flats is constructed at the cost of Rs. 3,00,000/- on plot of
land costing Rs. 1,00,000/-
a) Sinking Fund
(𝐶 − 𝑆) x 𝑖
(1 + 𝑖)𝑛 − 1
C = Rs. 3, 00,000/-
S = Scrap Value = 10% of 3, 00,000 = Rs. 30,000/-
i= Rate of interest = 6%
n = Service Life = 70 Years
(3,00,000−30,000) x 0.06
= Rs. 278.94/-
(1+0.06)70 −1
Total Out- Goings = Sinking Fund + Annual Repair + Other Out Goings
Standard Rent Per month of 6 flats = = 839.98 = Rs.840 /Month/ Flat
(𝟏𝟐 𝒙 𝟔)
Q.2 Building is Constructed at a cost of Rs. 2, 50,000/- on land purchased at Rs. 50,000/-
d) Sinking Fund
(𝐶 − 𝑆) x 𝑖
(1 + 𝑖)𝑛 − 1
C = Rs. 2, 50,000/-
S = Scrap Value = 10% of 2, 50,000 = Rs. 25,000/-
i= Rate of interest = 6%
n = Service Life = 60 Years
(2,50,000−25,000) x 0.06
= Rs. 562.71/-
(1+0.06)60 −1
Total Out- Goings = Sinking Fund + Annual Repair + Other Out Goings
Standard Rent Per month of 6 flats = = 3,186.05 = Rs. 3,186.05 /Month
Valuation of Building
Rate of Depreciation and life span of the building depends on quality of maintenance and
quality of material used.
Q.1 A person has purchased an old two storied building in vacant land measuring 170 Sq.
Meter having total plinth area of 110 m2 for an amount Rs. 1,10,000/-
Frontage land has greater value than back land, so in order to find out more realistic value of
land, entire plot is divided into number of convenient strips by lines parallel to line of road.
Depth of front belt is ascertained on consideration of depth of land to which maximum value
Then a relationship regarding value and depth of each belt to front belt is fixed up.
After summing up value of each belt, value of entire plot of land can be known.
A property consists of a South facing plot of land, which measures 60 m road frontage, 180
m in length and far side 80 m respectively. It consists of an old two storied building, having
a total cubical content of 2840 cubic meters. Assuming prime cost of construction of the
building as Rs. 500/- per cubic meter and allowing 10% of old material’s value only for the
building, what would you recommend as the fair value of the property, if the front belt land
(depth of front belt being 25m) be estimated at Rs. 900/- per sq.m?
Solution: -
Prime cost of construction of building = Rs 500 x 2840 = Rs. 14, 20, 000/-