Internship Report: Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: "Training Needs Assessment"
Internship Report: Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: "Training Needs Assessment"
Internship Report: Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: "Training Needs Assessment"
Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 1
Internship Report
Prepared for:
Mohammad Tanvi Newaz
Prepared by:
Tasnuva Haque
ID: 09204075
Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 2
Letter of Transmittal
BRAC University
Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that I am submitting the internship project report “Learning and
Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment” upon completion
of my formal internship attachment with BRAC BANK Limited.
I have tried to discuss all the relevant points of a feasibility study while keeping
consistency with BRAC BANK Limited.
I would be glad to clarify any discrepancy that may arise or any clarification that you may
require regarding my project and report.
Tasnuva Haque
ID: 09204075
BRAC University
Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 3
Nothing can be accomplished alone. Without the help of the number of persons the success
remains silent. The people of the company are assisting us to prepare the report.
First, I want to pay our gratitude to almighty Allah for the preparation of the report
successfully. Then, I would like to thank Mr. Fiasal Rahman, the Senior Principal Officer
(Manager) in Learning and Development (L&D) division of Human Resources Management-
BRAC BANK Limited and my Internship Supervisor, for entrusting me with such an
important project and allowing me scope to work independently, providing all required
support. I also thank Mr. Afzal Hossain, Mr. Syed Mahmud Hasan and Ms. Farhana Hussain –
HR Manager – Learning and Development division, BRAC BANK Limited for providing me
with the information required to conduct my study.
Lastly and most importantly, I would like to show my sincere gratitude to Mohammad
Tanvi Newaz, Senior Lecturer and MBA Coordinator, BRAC Business School, BRAC
University, my faculty supervisor for constant supervision and guidance. I am also thankful
for the patience that he has shown during the project. In addition to this, knowledge on
Training and Development course has been of much help to my decision making.
I am also thankful to my parents for their assistance to carry out this report. My parents
and family members support financially as well as mentally to carry out such an extensive
report. So it is worthwhile to show my gratitude to them for their unconditional assistance.
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Table of Content
02. Acknowledgement 4
07. Background Of The Study 29-31
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Executive Summary
BRAC Bank Limited. (BBL) is the most dynamic bank now in Bangladesh. BRAC Bank
Limited started its journey on the 4th of July 2001 originating from its source BRAC –
Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee. BRAC is known as the one of the most
successful NGO in the world. Mainly, BRAC Bank originated due to successful story of BRAC
microfinance. Today BRAC Bank is considered as third generation bank extending full range
of banking facilities by providing efficient, friendly and modern fully automated on-line
service on a profitable basis.
One major area of the HRM function of BBL is particular relevance to the effective use of
human resources is Learning and Development. In this paper there is a complete discussion
about the current training process, training design and preparation of training, list of
training, and mentioned and discuss major area of training and Feedback of employees.
And finally work on the process of Training Needs Assessment. By following these
processes they providing training on Job Specific Skill, Soft Skill, Technical Skills and
Managerial Leadership Skills based Training. The company has particular standard that
they need to maintain for each session conducted. However every time it becomes difficult
to evaluate the outcome of Training Needs Assessment of each employees by using rating
or scoring process from the trainings and also it is not possible to numerically express the
improvement of knowledge, skill and behavior that are use deliver through trainings. As a
result in this paper an assessment is shown from Descriptive Method. The existing process
of BBL does to match point to point with this descriptive method but it is serving the
reason efficiently and cost effectively. However in the upcoming existence current training
function will need alteration according to the business need, as a result this assessment
may help them for further improvement. . Training is necessary to ensure an adequate
supply of staffs that are technically and socially competent and capable of career
advancement into specialist department of management position. There is, therefore, a
continual need for the process of staff development and training fulfill part of this process.
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Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 7
In each ground of study, academic course work and the field experience play key role to
shape the knowledge and ability of a student. In case of business studies the actual life
experience create the difference in a superior feature. To accomplish fineness business
studies always tries to replicate the real life situation and the theoretical assumptions. Due
to the increasingly altering nature of business organizations at present almost every
business schools and institutes are arranging internship programs. In one side as a
business student the course mechanism constructs my basic and this incredibly internship
program gives me the actual life experience in one of the well-known corporate of
Bangladesh- BRAC BANK Limited. I would like to demonstrate my gratitude to the
respected authorities of BRAC Business School, Career Service office and especially to BRAC
BANK Limited to recommend me such an enormous scope of learning.
In this twelve weeks engagement program I worked in the Learning and Development
division of Human Resources Management under the supervision of Mr. Fiasal Rahman, the
Senior Principal Officer (Manager) in Learning and Development (L&D) division of Human
Resources Management-BRAC BANK Limited. A part from that I am also grateful to
Mohammad Tanvi Newaz, Senior Lecturer & MBA Coordinator, BRAC Business School;
BRAC University for his guidance and advice.
It was an enormous opportunity to work with one of the country's fastest growing bank of
Bangladesh, BRAC BANK Limited. BRAC Bank has given me the opportunity to learn and
grow along with the daily job activities which can be utilized in my future career growth.
Broad Objective:
Gain a real life exposure with a business organization to relate with the theoretical practice.
Specific Objectives:
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To prepare guidelines for different types of works.
To conduct a survey through administering a questioner.
To know the internal strength of L & D division of BRAC Bank Ltd.
To make some recommendations and conclusion to further the development of
Learning and Development division of BRAC Bank Ltd
This report talks about the current business operation of BRAC Bank Limited. There is only
detail description of the HR function of Learning and Development division of the company
because of the availability of information to me as I worked in this function.
Moreover in the project part I talked about the training function where the Training Needs
Assessment process is described and analyze the efficiency of outcome analysis. I have
collected information from the practical experiences.
All the information is classified and need not to be disclosed. As an internee disclosing
sophisticated information could be unethical and an unjust to the organization. Within all
these constraints I have tried to work with the information as efficient as possible and tried
to understand and learn from practical work experiences and make an attractive, well
informed and an effective report.
I have faced a lot of problems and limitations in my study. Some of the constraints I had
come up with while preparing this report are given below:
Time Limitation:
I did not get enough time to study which is the base of preparing a report. To know about
everything in Learning and Development division three months is quite little time to learn.
Secrecy Problem:
For the confidentiality concern, access to some information was not available.
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Change of Data & Information:
In banking sector data and information are changed overnight. I have changed the data and
information in my report many times to update my report.
Other Limitations:
To prepare this report I have faced conveyance problem, electricity problem and many
These are the limitations that I have faced to prepare this Internship Report.
Contact Person:
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Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 11
A fully equipped commercial Bank, BRAC Bank focuses on perusing uncharted market
niches in the Small and Medium Enterprise Business, which till then has remained largely
untouched within the country, the Bank has provide support to more than 200000 Small
and Medium Enterprise. BRAC Bank is in business is to build a profitable and socially
responsible financial institution focused on markets and businesses with growth potential,
thereby assisting BRAC and stakeholders build a just, enlightened, healthy, democratic and
poverty free Bangladesh.
The banks operate under a “triple bottom line” agenda where people, planet and profit to
hand in hand as it strive towards poverty free and enlightened Bangladesh.
Since its inception, it has introduced fully integrated first online banking service to provide
all kinds of banking facilities from any of its conveniently located branches. Employee Self
Service (ESS) is a web based application that provides employees with access to their
Personal Records, enables to perform various HR related activities and supervisors to view
their subordinates’ information and consider various requests. Finacle (Banking Core
Software) will be able to practice in MIS Test Environment with photocopy material of real
time banking transaction. All branch employees have to be qualified by using Finacle
Software before their job placement.
BRAC Bank Limited started its journey on the 4th of July 2001 originating from its source
(Source: BBL/local/web)
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BBL is established under the banking companies act, 1991 and incorporated as a public
limited company by shares on 20th May 1999 under the companies act, 1994 in
Bangladesh. The primary objective of the bank is to carry on all kinds of banking
businesses. The bank has started its operation on 4th July, 2001 by special permission of
Supreme Court.
It is a Bengali word that denotes trust on BRAC Bank remains the same no matter what in
terms of quality service.
1.5 LOGO:
The logo of BRAC Bank has been made keeping in mind the goal of the organization. The
square structure of the logo means solid and strong. The golden color means the “sonar
bangle”, rising line means the rising BRAC Bank, and blue is the beautiful sky where sun is
shining brightly.
(Source: BBL/local/web)
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Shore Cap
“Building a profitable and socially responsible financial institution focused on Markets and
Businesses with growth potential, thereby assisting BRAC and stakeholders build a “just,
enlightened, healthy, democratic and poverty free Bangladesh”
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Every BRAC Bank professional will need first of all a commitment to excellence in all that
he/she does, a keen desire for success, a determination to excel and a drive to be the best.
They will individually and jointly learn continuously from customers and professional
colleagues around the globe to improve the way they do business so that they are the best.
They will set up goals for themselves and then exceed the goals that they set up.
Corporate Mission:
Continuous low cost deposit growth with controlled growth in Retained Assets.
Achieve efficient synergies between the bank's Branches, RETAIL Unit Offices and
BRAC field offices for delivery of Remittance and Bank's other products and services.
Keep a diverse, far flung team fully motivated and driven towards materializing the
bank's vision into reality.
BRAC Bank will be the absolute market leader in the number of loans given to small and
medium size enterprises, salaried persons, teachers, students, highfliers, business Retail
Banking etc. throughout Bangladesh. It will be a world class organization in terms of
service quality and establishing relationship that help its customers to develop and grow
successfully. It will be the bank of choice both for its employees and its customers, the
model bank in the part of the world.
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R stands for being Reliable, Be worthy of reliance or trust at work so everyone could depend on
Y stands for remaining Youthful, Be a person of freshness and vibrant characteristic at work.
Feel young at HEART and project enthusiasm during performing duties.
S stands for being Strong, Be a person of willing to move forward and apply conscious choice,
willpower, discipline and passion at work.
T stands for being Transparent, Be transparent at work at all level both internally and
externally. Show openness and honesty through communication to bring transparency
A stands for being Accountable, Be accountable for own actions and take responsibilities
for the outcome of the actions; be responsible and answerable towards customers,
organization, regulatory bodies as well as the society.
L stands for being Loyal, Be loyal to the organization by being compliant at work, taking
ownership and create belongingness which will carry your brand as your pride.
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Small And Risk Management
Medium Division (RMD)
Enterprise (SME) Credit Risk
Retail Banking Special Assests
Division Management (SAM)
Corporate Research &
Banking Development (R & D)
Division Resources
Division (HR)
Communication &
Cash Service Quality
Management Learning &
Division (L&D)
Legal Relationship
Treasury & & Internal Control
Like any other business organization, the Top management makes all the major decisions
at BRAC Bank Limited. The Board of directors being at the highest level of organizational
structure plays an important role on the policy formulation. The Board of directors is not
directly concerned with the day-to-day operation of bank. They have delegated their
authority to its management committee, which is called MANCOM. Now there are 5
directors in the Top management of the bank. All the directors have good academic
background and have huge experience in business. Mr. Fazle Hasan Abed is the chairman of
the bank. The board of directors holds meetings on a regular basis.
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Mohammad Mamdudur Rashid Ishtiaq Mohiuddin Rais Uddin Ahma Syed Faridul Islam
Deputy Managing Director Deputy Managing Director Group Company Secretary, Chief Credit Officer
Head of Legal & Regulatory
Nabil Mustafizur Rahman Firoz Ahmed Khan Mahmoodun Nabi Chowdhury Shah Alam Bhuiyan
Head of Risk Management Head of Retail Banking Head of Corporate Banking Head of Operations
Syed Abdul Momen Fatema Rizwana Md. Mahbubul Alam Zeeshan Kingshuk Huq
Head of Small Business Head of Human Resources Head of Learning & Development Head of Communication
& Service Quality
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BRAC Bank has a centralized banking structure through online banking system those are
mainly five major business areas where the BRAC Bank Ltd. is performing with high
Retail Banking.
Corporate Banking
Treasury Division.
Recently BRAC Bank has achieved the International award for “Excellence in
Retail Financial Services”.
BRAC Bank has also been recognized as "The Best Managed Bank" in Bangladesh
by The Asian Banker.
MD & CEO of BRAC Bank Limited, Mr. Syed Mahbubur Rahman became the winner of
The Asian Banker CEO Leadership Achievement Award for Bangladesh for
achievement in the period 2011-2013.
In the year: 2010, BRAC Bank has been recognized as Asia’s most Sustainable Bank in
Emerging Markets by the Financial Times and IFC.
BRAC Bank received the prestigious Business Award styled DHL-Daily Star
Bangladesh Business Awards 2008 as ‘Best Financial Institution of the Year’ for its
innovation in products, services, financial performance/ productivity, company
management and contribution to Bangladesh’s development.
BRAC Bank Limited has been awarded ICAB National Award from Institute of
Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) for one of the Best Published Accounts
& Reports 2007.
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Learning and Development is primarily concerned with organizational activity aimed at
bettering the performance of banks employees. Also, L&D has expanded its horizon by
providing training for employees of banks subsidiaries as well as for employees of different
BRAC Bank believes that effective training and development benefits the individual and the
organization as a whole, and contributes to the achievement of Banks objectives. These
benefits include:
Training of the employees is an integral part to accomplish the mission of BRAC bank.
There is a continuous need to support training and employee development to attain the
following objectives:
each employee understands what his or her work role involves
each employee is developed to enable them to achieve their work objectives
Employees are prepared and equipped to deal with changes to cope with
reorganizations, changing mission requirements and technology or equipment.
Evolve as a well reputed training institute.
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Officer (6)
Training Institute
Head Of Officer (2)
External Training
Learning &
Associate Manager,
E- Learning,
Content Dev. & Reports
Head Of Organizational
Development Associate Manager,
Talent Acquisition,
Career Development
&Research `
Providing employees with training and development opportunities not only contributes to
the quality and effectiveness of the organization but it also serves to motivate and retain
employees. The bank’s policy is to train the human resources to enhance skill and
knowledge for better understanding of job responsibilities. It includes on-the-job and
formal training programs. In each calendar year every employee must complete minimum
30 hrs of training.
BBL Authority believes that training is salient thing to achieve organizational goals
precisely. Therefore they strictly follow modern and sophisticated training process which
is attributable on their existing employees. The BBL authority provides the following
techniques in training:
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Training process of BRAC BANK LIMITED holds following steps -
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Types of Training Explanation
BRAC Bank has orientation in-house training program for the fresher to
give them the overall view of the bank and introduce them with the
organizational culture. BRAC bank organizes extensive orientation
program for all new joiners covering topics such as bank overview,
different divisional overview followed by other mandatory trainings. All
new joiners must successfully complete these trainings before their job
After joining the respective Department employees must get their Job
Descriptions and go through the on-the-job training process. Norm of the
bank is to train them by peer or supervisors’ coaching. “Mock Branch”
Job Specific training is an example of job specific training which is applicable for all
Training branch employees. This training improves employee’s knowledge,
service quality, and risk and compliance issues about specific job.
It is given to the employees after analyzing the gap between skills and
knowledge and competency required for the current role. It can be either
overseas or local. These trainings are conducted by hiring external
trainers or sending the employee in the external training houses by
Need Based seeing advertisements of training offers in newspapers or via email. As
Training these are expensive trainings so every single employee cannot
participate. Nominations are given from each department and then
approval is taken from division head and only the nominated employees
take part.
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BBL provides foreign training opportunities to its employees to enhance
knowledge in international arena.
Foreign Training
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Training is one of the key focuses in people development in BRAC Bank Limited. BBL HR
arranges various kinds of in-house and external training for the staff all through the year.
Some of the key trainings provided in 2014 are as follows:
Finacle Certification Program: All newly hired branch employees are required to
go through a attachment and a certification process before deployment to the
branches. The process is shown on the above chart.
Regionalization of Trainings: We have been able to successfully organize 1) AML &
N.I Act, 2) Service Quality & 3) Mock Branch at the different regions of the country.
Through this initiative we have been able to reduce significant travel time of the
employees outside Dhaka resulting huge cost savings.
Anti-Money Laundering Training: In 2010, our target was to be fully compliant
with Central Bank requirement by giving this training to all employees of the bank
which we achieved with little variation
Branch Manager Development Program: We have successfully developed and
implemented BM development program. In this program we systematically identify
potential internal candidates through a set of assessment tools and run them
through a set of programs that include classroom training and attachment with
cross-functional departments.
All the regular employ Full Time Employee (FTE) of the bank are eligible to receive
training courses
At least 75% confirmed Full Time Employee (FTE) will receive minimum 40 hours of
training within the following year of joining.
Contractual employees will receive only orientation training. Other training courses
for the contractual employees are subject to necessity, which will be treated as
Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 25
BRAC Bank offers an internship opportunity to the selected students of reputed local and
foreign universities who need to go through an internship program as a part of their
academic requirements or gather corporate experience. The objectives of our internship
program are as follows:
Orient the interns with the various operations of BRAC Bank so that they gain real
life work exposure.
Provide various departments of BRAC Bank with the assistance of qualified students
specializing in various fields and gain new insights and perspectives from them as
tools for the organizational and operational improvement.
Train the students in a professional environment through the internship program
that would help them develop organizational and professional skills for their future
Internship (Local)
•All Internship Application Should Be Channeled Through The Internship
Coordinator Of Learning & Development Division Of BRAC Bank.
•Bachelor And Masters Level Graduating/Graduated Students With Good
Academic Standing Requiring Internship As An Academic Requirement.
Project Interns
•Department/Divisions Can Engage Project Interns In A Project Duly Approved By
• Project Interns Will Be Allowed Travel Allowances, Accommodation, And TA/DA
For Official Visits To Other Districts
•Based On Project Requirement, Internship Period Of A Project Intern May Be
Extended For A Maximum Of Additional Three Months.
Internship (International)
•BRAC Bank Accepts 12 International Interns A Year.
•Offer Internship Program For Approximately Twelve Weeks
•Only Non-bangladeshi Nationals Are Eligible To Apply For An International
Internship Program At BRAC Bank.
Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 26
Exam Feedback Evaluation Dissemination
Update In
Personal File
BBL is concerned with attempts to improve the overall performance and effectiveness of
their bank. Development refers to those learning opportunities design to help employees
grow. Efforts towards development often depend on personal drive and ambition.
Some development of individual’s abilities can take place on the job. BBL follows several
methods of development. These are discussed below:
Job rotation is one of the most popular on the job technique to develop bank personnel. Job
rotation can be either horizontal or vertical. BBL generally follows horizontal job rotation
method at the early stage of service life. BBL cannot follow job rotation technique to those
people who are specialized in any particular job.
Assist to positions is another good technique to develop employees of BBL. Employees with
demonstrated potential is given the opportunity to work under an experienced or
successful employee. In this process an individual perform many duties under the watchful
eye of experienced person. In doing so, these employees are groomed for assuring the
duties of the next higher level.
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Committee assignment can provide an opportunity for the employee to share in decision
making, to learn by watching others, and specific organizational problems. These
assignments can be both investigate and rewarding to the employees growth. BBL does not
follow this method to develop bank personals.
Seminar is a traditional form to develop employees it is widely practiced by BBL. These
offered an opportunity for individuals to acquire knowledge and develop their conceptual
and analytical abilities.
Lecture is verbal presentation of information by an instructor to a large audience. The
lecture is presumed to possess a considerable depth of the subject at hand. A virtual of this
method is that it can be used for very large groups, and hence the cost per trainee is low.
BBL is used this method to develop and instructor or experience persons provide related
information and activities of all department of BBL.
In case of mentoring, a senior employee takes an active role in guiding another individual.
Mentoring is a helpful device to develop employees and it is widely followed to develop
new employees to BBL.
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Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 29
As I was involved with the Learning and Development (L&D) Division of HR, I was involved
with the following job responsibilities:
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In this paper I discussed about the training function of Training Needs Assessment (TNA)
at BRAC BANK Limited in the project part of this paper. Along with the discussion I also
relate the current process with the training models for assessing the outcomes.
The driving force of BRAC Bank Ltd has always been their employees. They are
proud to have a dedicate band of people to whom the commitment to provide
Excellence in Banking is imbued in the way of their life. One major area of the HRM
function of BBL is particular relevance to the effective use of human resources is
training and development.
To know the Learning and Development (L&D) Division Activities of BRAC BANK
Limited and how the most effective training they can deliver is that training that
motivates employees to use what they learn, asking them what they need or how
they prefer to be trained is an important first step and to provide some relevant
recommendations in favor of the Bank.
Staffs are a crucial, but expensive, resource. Training Needs Assessment is
necessary to ensure an adequate supply of staffs that are technically and socially
competent and capable of career advancement into specialist department of
management position. There is, therefore, a continual need for the process of staff
development and training fulfill part of this process.
Organization recognizes that professional development of their people is vital to
establishing their selves as a provider of quality service. Training is the process of
teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs. It is a
learning experience in that it seeks a relative permanent change in an individual
that will improve the ability to perform on the job.
So I can say that training involves the changing of skills, knowledge attitudes, or behavior.
In this reason, I choose this topic for my report.
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The report is basically the reflection of my experiences with BRAC BANK Limited.
The basic source of data collection based on both primary and secondary which used in the
preparation of these report is obtained when I went to Learning and Development (L& D)
Division of Human Resources Management at BRAC BANK corporate office for my
internship purpose.
Data Collection
Direct Observation= 3
To collect data from the primary sources, I will use questionnaire survey method; because
this research work is exclusively carry out for Training Need Analysis of BRAC Bank. In this
study mostly primary data will be used to draw a recommendation. I will confirm our
respondents that all the data collected from them will be kept confidential and exclusively
used for academic purposes and their individual identity would be kept undisclosed.
Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 33
Direct observation of daily operations.
Bank’s Brochure.
b) External Sources :
Reference Journal.
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BRAC BANK Limited does not go for Training Needs Assessment of MTO in first one year of
probation period. After one year when probation period will be completed then
organization go for Training Needs Assessment as like as general employees. Earlier than
MTO stay in general structure of training session. Learning and development will arrange
this training around seven months within their training structure. This structure is given
Attachment with Evaluation
by Div. Head
from Different Division
Attached at Posted
20 weeks
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5.1 Management Trainee Program
BRAC bank has the following training program for its Management Trainees.
The whole training program will be divided into two major parts. One part is the training
on foundation courses and the other part includes attachment in core and support business
and operations unit.
5.3 Attachment with different departments: On the basis of organizational structure the
trainees will be attached in different departments basically on core business departments
and operations departments. Each divisional attachment based on specific combination
such as attachment with SME head office, SME Unit Offices & SME Branches. They have to
get ideas about divisional activities and values; overall banking knowledge etc. though
combined training like class room training and attaches training.
5.5 Mentor assigned: Mentor assign from MANCOM level. Mentor like divisional head
provides their subordinate with different assignment, task and attachment for personal
development. On the basis of their activities mentor evaluated their performance and
provide feedback. Employee’s performance evaluation format and attachment format as a
file submitted to the MD and CEO.
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5.6 Interview with MD & CEO: Every 3 months head of HR, head of L & D will sits with
them to follow up on their progress and take individual interview along with MANCOM.
After that they evaluate and decide where MTO can be posted.
5.7 Attached Posted Division: In this time posted division not finally settled. Functional
grade is shown as MTO until they don’t get final position. At this moment divisional head is
monitoring employees, on the basis of employees job requirement they provide job specific
training for their personal improvement. This training are branch related training,
technical training like Finacle (core banking software), service related training etc. and
others additional requirements basis training which is approved by relative departments of
divisional head.
5.8 Confirmation & Final Posting: After one year MTO will get confirmation letter and
final posting. Generally final posting selected from where employee attaches on probation
The Learning and Development department will conduct this training session. HR
department will work as a coordinator for the whole process. At first general structure of
training then organization will go for individual Training Needs Assessment. Organization
does not start Training Needs Assessment process at the beginning because MTO’s
attachment program is running. After one year when probation period is completed and
they will get final attach posting, then divisional head of this each particular department
provide Training Needs Assessment on the basis of individual need assessment.
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5.9 Training Needs Assessment of BRAC Bank:
BBL always gives priority to need assessment to avoid errors in training. Assessment of
training needs focus on anticipated skills of an employee. Technology changes fast and new
technology demands new skills. Individuals require new skills because of possible job
rotation. It is given to the employees after analyzing the gap between skills and knowledge
and competency required for the current role. It can be either overseas or local.
If any lacking on job performance, from training to eliminate this lacking and
perform job in an accurate way.
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Training Needs Assessment will determine by the regular structure of training. At first
employee’s training requirement decided by their respective divisional head. Then
supervisor will decide which training is needed on the basis of employee’s gap or
Performance Management. Supervisor decides employees Training Needs Assessment
from the format of training list where all kinds of training are mentioned and on the basis
of that training will provide. Individual Training Needs Assessment makes around seven
(7) months. When employees get division ways attach positing after that each
departmental divisional head will place employees’ requirement to their respective
divisional supervisors. For example, in treasure dept. needs specialist for collection loan in
proper way, on the basis of departmental need training will provide which need is decided
by departmental head.
i. Training period: At the end of month and at the end of the June training not
provided because business pressure is so high in bank. So training provided within
first to middle days (1 to 15) date of month. In exceptional case training will provide
on weekend day (Friday to Saturday) for additional development. In December
there is no training because year closing factor.
ii. Budget for Training: There are so many divisions in BBL. For example of SME
division, around 4.5 core budget fixed for this department for 1,450 Customer
Service Officer. They are all technical people. So it focused on soft skill knowledge
based training like selling technique. Training provide in a uniform way.
In organization for different positions role, day by day this position role becomes bigger.
Because of bigger position here come others role, a manager not expert to play this all
roles. He needs to train to expert this new job role which is his next year Training Needs
Assessment. When perform job if employee’s absent indentify for performing particular
job, to mitigate this lacking and which area need to improve where training are needed.
That is employees Training Needs Assessment, in this approach Training Needs
Assessment is developed day by day.
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5.12 Major components for conducting Training Needs Assessment:
The three levels of the needs analysis are interrelated and data need to be collected at all
levels for the analysis to be effective. Based on the information gathered, management can
identify training needs, establish learning objectives, and develop a training program that
meets organizational and employee needs.
Person Task
Analysis Analysis
Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 42
employees individual needs. Organization decides which pool of employee
come up this particular training, employees who involved in alternate
banking chain, they should train.
II. Task analysis: Operations/task analysis examines each job’s knowledge and skills
requirements and compares these requirements to employees’ actual knowledge
and skills. Any gaps indicate a training need. If employees need any training for
perform his task when job role is change or newly entry employee of this job that is
task analysis. For example: when employees job role are changed say, from
Learning & Development if any Manager shift to Corporate business division so
change his job role. For this certain level he need some training, so this is task based
Training Needs Assessment.
III. Person analysis: Individual analysis examines a worker and how s/he is
performing the assigned job. An employee can be interviewed, questioned or tested
to determine individual level of skill or knowledge. Data also can be collected from
performance reviews.
For self development when employee’s needed training that started from person’s
job specific of job analysis. When deficiencies are identified, training can be
established to meet the individual employee’s needs. For example: interpersonal
skills, managerial skills, leadership skills, behavioral skills etc. these types of
training needed for employees personal improvement.
The three levels of the needs analysis are interrelated and data need to be collected
at all levels for the analysis to be effective. Based on the information, management
can identify training needs, establish learning objectives and develop a training
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5.13 How Training Needs Assessment conducted:
Needs analysis is a process that consists of a series of interrelated steps. The process starts
with a problem, if problem is important then stakeholder are consulted and needs
assessment is conducted.
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In this need assessment process BRAC BANK target this group of people which is given
Here, depend on targeted group BRAC BANK makes internal and external training schedule
which is divided in to several batch in a year. For example as,
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Training afford basically depends on employee’s Job Analysis, for example as analyzing
branch manager job. If training provided on the basis of job analyzing, training are credit
analysis, documentation, financial statement analysis, investigation skills etc. this kind of
training required. Analysis what kind of major positions company have and on the position
wise what kind of training are needed for employees. For Example:
Job Description
Responsible for assisting the HR Learning and Development team to assess of training need,
develop different training presentation, communicate and coordinate with different resource
persons, organize proper training courses for different level of employee of the Bank,
maintain relationships with various departments through concerned HR Relationship
Here this is the Job description of Senior Manager of Learning and Development division. In
this job requirement if manager dose not perform in one feature that is his Training Need.
Say for example, in job requirement if manager does not provide Training Facilitation in a
Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 46
proper way, where purpose is not serve so lacking in facilitation quality. Another is
Budgeting, calculative method unable to use in Excel, but others requirement for
performing job are excellent, so that he needs to train up for developing in two areas.
Supervisor can send him in Advance Training. That is Training Needs Assessment which
appear from employees Job Description.
Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 47
Deposit Documentation & Technical skills
Documentation Process & Back 1. ERP-ESS Know How
15 Office Operations
2. Finacle Workshop
Financial Statement Analysis
3. Microsoft Access (Advanced)
Foreign Exchange Relating to
17 Remittance Import & Export 4. Microsoft Access (Basic)
Green Banking 5. MS Excel (Advanced)
Investigation Skills & Audit
19 Report Writing 6. MS Excel (Basic)
Management of Customer
21 Account
Managerial & Leadership
Money Loan Court & NI Act
Mortgage & Documentation Role of a Manage/
1 Job of A Manager (New Manager)
Negotiable Instrument
NPL & Financial Implications Managerial Effectiveness (Mid Level
2 Manager)
Operations risk management &
26 Fraud & Forgery in Banks
Manager as a Leader (Stepping into
Process Risk Awareness 3 Leadership)
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Learning and Development division provide training list on the basis of employee’s
requirement to each division supervisors. Then supervisor set Training needs assessment
support on training list. Basically, Training needs assessment conducted by person job
description which comes from Job Analysis. First, observe how many major positions in
bank, and then take large division’s job description. Analyses for perform this particular
division what are the current responsibilities, knowledge, skills and abilities employees
have, that means which requirements are needed to perform employee’s job description.
Supervisor is responsible to analysis this factors, he has to analysis what current skills
employees already have, what skills employees are needed and find out knowledge gap
area from Job Analysis. After identify the gap of his subordinates, the supervisor
recommend required training to the Learning and Development division (L&D). L&D match
training list with supervisor recommend required training. If supervisor think that
additional training are required for his subordinates which is not include in training list, he
may mention it “OTHERS” in training list form.
In this way, from employees Job Description that indentify required skills, on the basis of
requirement and training list at the end of each year set each department of individual
employee’s Training Needs Assessment .
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6.1 BBL face different kinds of Challenges one is sufficient training sometimes not included
in training list but particular training urgent for employees. That means list of training
is generalize category where personal need basis to arrange training not possible. For
example: specific need based training is difficult to arrange for few numbers of
employees. Say, five numbers of employees they need training immediately, for this
particular employee to arrange training program is difficult. At that time they will go for
external training, though training can be arrange by externally but which is not
included in Training Needs Assessment category and more cost required. Therefore, for
making an effective Training Need Analysis of employees, effective training list should
be integrated which can be arranged internally and less cost required. For example,
collection is another important sector in BRAC BANK Limited because non performing
loan is very high which hamper regular banking activities. So, Effective training such as
collection related training is very emerging training.
6.2 Additional challenge BRAC BANK Limited face is when training list provide from
learning and development division to supervisor of different departments. If any
supervisor think that additional training is needed which is not include in training list,
they will mention it in “OTHERS” that indicate additional training requirement. Training
list is huge when they include additional training requirement. Say, 4000+ employees’
supervisor put 4000 types training requirement from this list it is very difficult to
approach in a unique way and Training Needs Assessment identify also difficult. So
training awareness create, to provide proper knowledge about Training Needs
Assessment, how Training Needs Assessment conducted this kind of training should
6.3 Sometimes supervisors recommended training list which not clearly recognize. All
supervisors do not hold same level of knowledge. Say, area manager of unit office they
don’t have enough knowledge which hold on Head office Manager, most of the cases
Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 51
they don’t understand soft skills based training. So supervisor need training such as
selecting training which components are essential, when making training list the
background of training should provide to respective supervisors that he get descriptive
idea about this particular training.
6.4 Supervisor who is selected Training Needs Assessment for his subordinates, how much
knowledgeable this supervisor? Is supervisor access properly to his subordinates?
Whether supervisor selected Training Needs Assessment in a proper way or not? Can
employee realize what kind of training he has to need? That all are challenging issues
when indentify Training Needs Assessment. So, training not only provide subordinate, it
is also provide for supervisor. For example, NLP (Neuron Linguistic Program) based
training is a part of managerial leadership training which helpful to understand human
psychological behavior. If supervisor can take this training they will able to identify
with employees need more effectively and make efficiently Training Needs Assessment
under his subordinates. So, this training can be provided for supervisor improvement.
Moreover, not only supervisor, under his subordinate can also suggest for Training
Needs. Here both have to clear concept about Training Needs Assessment.
6.5 It is general factor that if performance deficiency means the gap between desired &
actual performance create in the work place, then organization go for training on the
basis of Training Needs Assessment. However if no performance deficiency exists, there
also expected changes needed in the work place that may impact trainees work
performance. For example: existing employee who continues in organization as a long
period of time, some new factor is updated at this time employees may have crate
knowledge gap. So, on the basis of new factor he needs to refresher training. Each
person’s refresher training is should be needed for further development. Such as if
employee deal technical factor like excel, this excel training can be his refresher
training. Refresher training should be based on Training Needs Assessment which is in
Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 52
general. Say, in every year job specific training can be arranged which help employee to
come up from gray area to white area.
6.6 Another aspect, employee fills desired performance but what will be the next after 2 or
3 years when employee get promotion or job role shifting as like as Junior Officer to
Manager level job role. In this time for different role organization can provide training
even though employees gap not exist. For playing future role training can be arranged
by leadership role, managerial role basis training.
6.7 Training evaluation should not base on particular individual employee. Overall base
training evaluation is required like within this time period how many employee get
training, after the training in this quarter how many employees’ output effectively
dealings, is there any differences between desire output to employees’ actual output. An
effective training evaluation always consider significant portion of employees
performance output for example- after the training employees perception changes,
motivated, dedication for their work as result training is effective.
Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 53
observe this manager has some lacking to lead the team so he needs training.
Manager goes for training though some invention, training like- managerial skills,
perceptional skills, cultural values and changes etc. Suppose, organization invest
20,000 tk. for this particular Manager, after 2 or 3 three months return is higher
than investment. Say, return is 4 laces whether before training return was 2 laces
only. Moreover, this Investment Verse Return evaluation where investment against
return is high that helps to increase employee’s retention, discharge or termination
also decrease. So, this kind of evaluation is desirable.
Learning and Development activities require to be aligned with the organization’s policy to
be effective workforce. Part of the alignment process of BRAC BANK Limited is the
development of training unit tactics in support of the organization’s policy. Need
Assessment is the cornerstone and foundation of training. In fact, it is often referred to as
important step in the Learning and Development process of this organization. Providing
employees with training and development opportunities not only contribute to the quality
and effectiveness of the organization, it also serves to motivate and retain employees.
Moreover, according to BRAC BANK training is not an expense but an investment. In this
regard the objective base and performance driven activity of the training function of BRAC
BANK Limited is very well aligned with the organization goal and helping a lot to achieve it.
However, a perfect Training need assessment will be a little benefit unless organization has
created a supportive learning environment. Organization need inspire a sense of purpose in
employees and create the opportunities for them to learn.
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Questionnaire for BRAC BANK Limited:
1. What are the training structures of Management trainees in our organization?
2. When should training take place so that it provides the most benefit to the
employees and has least impact on business operations?
3. How to Determine of Training Program based on Training Need Assessment?
4. What are the major components for conducting Training Needs Assessment?
5. How Training Needs Assessment conducted in your organization?
6. What challenges or difficulties do you face that could be resolved with training?
Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 56
7. What future developments will require specific training? Are some of the identified
skills no longer relevant to today’s business?
8. Is there a performance deficiency (the gap between desired & actual performance)
in the work place? What are the implications of this lacking?
9. Even if no performance deficiency exists, are there expected changes in the work
place that may impact trainees work performance.
10. What kind of additional evaluation needed for making an effective training
Survey Questionnaires:
i. Does a process for identifying future training and professional development needs
exist within your department?
ii. Is this process documented or recorded in any way?
iii. Does your organization follow any Training Needs Assessment process for
Management trainees?
iv. Does BRAC BANK following any training list contents for TNA?
v. In Training Needs Assessment process is there any targeted group?
vi. Training Needs Assessment in your organization matches with your organizational
Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 57
vii. For conducting Training Needs Assessment, job analysis is important factor. What
do you think?
viii. Even if no performance deficiency exists, the expected changes in the work place
that may impact trainees work performance. Do you agree or not?
ix. Before preparing TNA for each individuals supervisor need to know subordinates
KSAs’ in a proper way and supervisor has to knowledge accurate TNA process. Is
this agreeable or not?
x. Your organization follows all types of effective evaluation process for TNA. Do you
agree or not?
BRAC Bank subsidiaries and Global Alliance for Banking on Values:
bKash: bKash is designed to provide financial services via mobile phones to both the
unbanked and the banked people of Bangladesh. The overall bKash value proposition is
simple: a safe, convenient place to store money; a safe, easy way to make payments
and money transfers.
The bKash mobile wallet, a VISA technology platform which is fully encrypted to ensure
most secure transactions, will be the customer account where money can be deposited and
out of which money can be withdrawn or used for various services.
Customer accounts can be credited with electronic money either as salary, loan, or as
domestic remittance. The cash can then be moved out as electronic money to any of the
cash-out assigned agents. bKash has partnered with mobile operator Robi (Axiata
Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 58
Bangladesh) to provide services. However, a person who is not a registered bKash user or
does not even have mobile phone can still avail bKash money transfer service by creating
It has a special focus to serve the low income people of the country and promote
sustainable micro-savings by providing financial services that are convenient, affordable
and reliable. In Bangladesh, where 15% of people are not connected to formal financial
system, providing financial services using this mean can make the service more accessible
and cost effective for the vast population of Bangladesh.
BRAC EPL: BRAC Equity Partners Ltd (EPL) is a brokerage house and a merchant bank,
with 51% of its stake owned by BRAC Bank. BRAC EPL formally commenced operation
under a new management team on October 1, 2009. The predecessor of the company,
known as Equity Partners Limited (EPL) and its affiliate Equity Partners Securities Ltd
(ESPL), was formed in early 2000 as a merchant bank and brokerage company
subsequently. Since the acquisition by BRAC Bank, BRAC EPL is providing the stock
brokerage and investment services as BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Ltd & BRAC EPL
Investments Ltd.
BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Limited: is one of the top first full-service brokerage
companies in Bangladesh. It has developed a disciplined approach toward providing capital
market services, including securities trading, wealth management and corporate advisory
services. The foundation for its business is a strong commitment toward investment
research. Products and services provided by BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Ltd. are:
• Open Beneficiary Accounts (BO) for individuals
• Provide margin lending
• Trade for institutional investors, both domestic and international
• Provide stop-gap liquidity support, especially to foreign institutional investors
• Assist to create and follow an investment strategy
• Provide corporate finance advisory services
• Facilitate investment by the Non-resident Bangladeshis (NRBs)
BRAC EPL Investments Limited (BRAC EPL): has developed a disciplined and thorough
approach toward completing investment banking mandates and conducting investment
research. On the other hand, BRAC Bank renders to the company its excellent network of
blue-chip clients, access to low-cost capital, outstanding IT capabilities and affiliation to an
internationally regarded brand name.
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BRAC EPL delivers a whole range of Investment Banking services including traditional
merchant banking activities such as Issue Management, Corporate Advisory, Corporate
Finance, Underwriting and Portfolio Management. BRAC EPL shall also deliver value-added
services such as Wealth Management. A prime focus of the institution is to offer investment
services to non-residential Bangladeshis (NRB).
Global Alliance for Banking on Values: The Global Alliance for Banking on Values is an
independent network of banks using finance to deliver sustainable development for
unsaved people, communities and the environment. BRAC BANK Limited is the member of
GABV from Asia which is value based organization. GAVB shares the values of a
Transparency, trust, clarity, and inclusiveness in delivering its products and services.
The GABV‘s goal is to touch the lives of a billion people with sustainable banking by
Members include microfinance banks in emerging markets, credit unions, community
banks and sustainable banks financing social, environmental and cultural enterprise whose
primary focus is on:
Delivering social finance products and basic financial services
financing community based development initiatives and social entrepreneurs
Fostering sustainable and environmentally sound enterprises and fulfilling human
development potential including poverty alleviation
Generating a triple bottom line for People, Planet and Profit.
In line with philosophy of People, Planet and Profit, at BRAC Bank, focus on meeting the
financial needs of small entrepreneurs at a grassroots level, who miss out in the traditional
banking system. The sustainable impact will encourage banks to expand SME finance and
entrepreneurs to take on appropriate SME loans to help improve outcomes for people and
society. Already the SME Financing Model of BRAC Bank is being replicated globally
through the GABV network.
Learning and Development Division of BRAC Bank Limited: Training Need Assessment Page 60
BRAC Bank Limited has the following
Vice President
Senior Assistant Vice President
First Assistant Vice President
Principal Officer
Senior Officer
Officer Grade II
Officer Grade I
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