Checklist Mobile App TOPSTRETCHINGKIEV Testing 0
Checklist Mobile App TOPSTRETCHINGKIEV Testing 0
Checklist Mobile App TOPSTRETCHINGKIEV Testing 0
1.0 1
1.0 2
available on the device, does the menu
button show the app’s menu?
1.18 In case there’s a true “home” button OK
available on the device, does the home
button get the user back to the home screen
of the device?
1.19 In case there’s a true “search” button N/A
available on the device, does this get the
user to some form of search within the app?
1.20 Does the app behave as designed/desired if OK
the “Battery low” message is pushed
1.21 Does the app behave as designed/desired if OK
the sound on the device is turned off?
1.22 Does the app behave as designed/desired if OK
the device is in airplane mode?
1.23 Can the app be de-installed from the device? OK
1.0 3
1.0 4
1.0 5
This checklist is based on the recommendations of Apple and some other experts. This
checklist is not a substitute for a usability test, to get a good feeling of the user
experience of an app a user experience test is always the most reliable method. User
interface checks toelichten.
1.0 6
used for
4.12 The app should respond to all changes in NOK Bug_03
device orientation, as per the design
4.13 Tapable elements should be about 7x7 mm N/A
in size, using the pixel density of the
target device you can calculate the
amount of pixels (chapter documentation
contains a link to different devices
4.14 Do not redefine gestures in your app that N/A
have a standard meaning (example:
swiping from top to bottom enables the
notification center)
4.15 Requirement to login is delayed in the app OK
as long as possible
4.16 If the app is stopped at an unexpected time, OK
user data should be saved locally and
available at start-up.
4.17 Users should be warned of the N/A
consequences of deleting a document
4.18 Keyboard adjusts to expected input (for OK
instance numbers/letters when
4.19 Are inactive buttons clearly distinguished OK
from active buttons?
1.0 7