Brain Image Classification Using Learning Machine Approach and Brain Structure Analysis
Brain Image Classification Using Learning Machine Approach and Brain Structure Analysis
Brain Image Classification Using Learning Machine Approach and Brain Structure Analysis
Procedia Computer Science 50 (2015) 388 – 394
Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) for functional brain images helps to analysis the structure of the brain images. The Multi
Level Discrete Wavelet Transform method helps to decompose image and then the features are extracted. The brain image is
classified by using PNN-RBF training and classification method, whether the disease is of normal, benign or malignant stages.
This method helps to detect the disease in early stage itself. The Fisher Discriminant Ratio (FDR) method is used to reduce t he
computational cost by identifying the relationships among discriminate brain areas. The Morphological Filter technique is used to
segment the images according to the Region of Interest (ROI), which is applied to abnormal images. This method yields better
accuracy and sensitivity to find the discriminate brain areas. The early diagnosis of the tumor in brain is possible.
© 2015
© 2015 The
B.V.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of scientific committee of 2nd International Symposium on Big Data and Cloud Computing
(ISBCC’15).under responsibility of scientific committee of 2nd International Symposium on Big Data and Cloud Computing
Keywords: Computer Aided Diagnosis, Discrete Wavelet Transform, PNN-RBF Training, Classification, FDR, Morphological Filter, ROI;
1. Introduction
Automated detection, classification, and segmentation of tumor cells in dissimilar medicinal brain images are
aggravated by the need of high accuracy when dealing with a human life. Monitoring and diagnosing the diseases
like Alzheimer’s disease (AD) depends on the detecting the presence of specific features by a human observer. Due
to huge number of patients in intensive care units is need continuous observation in such conditions, a number of
techniques for automated diagnostic system have been developed in recent years attempt to solve this kind of
problems by the help of Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD). The tumor detection can be better by dual reading the
medical images but, the cost of dual reading process is extremely high. So, a good software is needed to assist
human in medicinal institutions is required these days.
1877-0509 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of scientific committee of 2nd International Symposium on Big Data and Cloud Computing (ISBCC’15)
A. Veeramuthu et al. / Procedia Computer Science 50 (2015) 388 – 394 389
In this paper focussed on automatic classification and segmentation of brain images by extracting the particular
features of the input image. The discriminant brain areas are detected, and then the performance of the system are
analyzed. At present there are limited methods far and widely accepted for tumour detection. Therefore automatic,
accurate, and reliable methods for tumour detection are very important and needed.
In functional brain images classification and the structure analysis the Multi Level Wavelet Transform technique
is used, which decompose the signal and function into different frequency sub-bands that lead to set of wavelet
coefficient. The GLCM feature extraction method is used to extract the texture feature of an image which is based
on the condition probability density function, discussed in M. M. Mokji et al. [1] the positions of pixels which have
similar gray level values are taken in this method. The Probabilistic Neural Network-Radial Based Function (PNN-
RBF) technique is used for training and classification process of brain images. Then the morphological filter method
is used to analysis brain structure, which helps to find the discriminant areas in functional brain images.
This paper is organized as follows. Chapter 2 discussed about the related work of this paper, chapter 3 deals about
proposed method, in chapter 4 experimental setup discussed in detail, in chapter 5 discussed about performance
analysis, finally in chapter 6 concluded the paper.
2. Related Works
Currently there are several algorithms, methods, and techniques are proposed to predict and classify the tumour
regions in functional brain images. The Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) techniques are used in normalized
data where the features of each subject’s relevant components are extracted. Curse of dimensionality, which related
to large dimensionality of the input data, gets reduced. To reduce the number of features, the NMF method is used
and by using Support Vector Machine the reduced features are classified. This method gives up to 94% of accuracy
in high specificity and sensitivity values, P. Padilla et al. [2].
The Association Rules (AR) and Neural Network (NN) techniques are implemented in brain images, Murat
Karabatak et al. [3]. The dimension of dataset gets reduced by using AR method and for efficient classification, NN
technique is used. The AR+NN System performance is compared with that of other feature selection and
classification methods is done, which gives 98.61% of accuracy.
To extract the relevant features from the image database, the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is used and
also it helps to reduce the features of space dimension. These methods detect the error below 9% and detect the
pattern in unsupervised manner, discussed in Alvarez Illan et al. [4].
Since the local low-resolution face images are not robust and also not adequate, so GLL method is proposed. The
GLL fuses on Gabor filter, Local Binary Pattern (LBP), and Local Phase Quantization (LPQ). Gabor filter, operates
on Gabor wavelet functions where t wo scales and eight orientations are used to capture the face image’s salient
visual properties. By using Gabor features, to get blur invariant property the LBP features and LPQ features are
extracted. The information in the spatial domain the different scales and orientations which provide better accuracy
in discriminative areas, discussed in Shu-Ren Zhou et al. [5].
3. Proposed Method
The proposed method for brain image classification and structure analysis consists of a) Discrete Wavelet
Transform b) GLCM feature extraction c) PNN-RBF Training and Classification d) Discriminant Area Detection,
which is clearly shown in architecture, see in Fig. 2.
The DWT method is a Spectral Estimation technique where it decompose signal or function into sub-bands of
different types which lead to set of wavelet coefficient. The wavelet coefficients characterize the signals by
decomposing the low level physical features by repeatedly filtering the coefficients of the image in row by row and
column by column using basic fashion. The wavelet, ψ (t) function is satisfied by the below equation (1).
390 A. Veeramuthu et al. / Procedia Computer Science 50 (2015) 388 – 394
ͳ ݐെݒ
߰௨ǡ௩ ሺݐሻ ൌ ߰൬ ൰ሺͳሻ
ξݑ ݑ
Where u, v are the sub-bands for low level feature and high level feature. The two dimensional images in DWT
consists of various sub band details like high-high level gives information about frequency diagonal band, low-low
level gives information about frequency approximation band, high-low level gives the detail about frequency
vertical, and low-high level gives information about frequency horizontal detail band which is represented in Fig.1.
This method is used to retrieve better image with a low cost computation. This transforms discrete time signals to
discrete wavelet representation.
The Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) is discussed in M. M. Mokji et al. [1] which are based on the
method of condition probability density function. It gives the information about the position of the pixel which has
the similar gray level matrix. The direction and the distances are represented in Co-occurrence matrix function.
ሺǡ ȁǡ Ʌሻ
ሺݑǡ ݒȁ݀ǡ ߠሻ ሺʹሻ
σݑσݒሺǡ ȁǡ Ʌሻ
The distance and direction are represented as u, v where gray level pixel rate are calculated. The relative
frequency of two pixels separated by distance, d and matrix element, p (u, v| d, θ) and θ is represented as the
direction specific particular angle which is discussed in Jeyanthi Prabhu et al. [6]. In GLCM texture feature are
extracted by using statistical distribution that can be observed by the combination of intensity at specified position
which is relative to each other in the image. Thus GLCM is used for extracting texture feature by converting RGB
images into gray scale images.
Probabilistic Neural Network-Radial Basis Function (PNN-RBF) method is proposed for classification process,
this method consists of three layers like input, hidden, and output layers. In hidden layer the neurons of the Gaussian
Transfer function outputs are inversely proportional to the midpoint of the neurons. The RBF networks are related to
K-Means clustering and PNN/GRNN networks. The main advantage of RBF networks is having a variable number
of neurons that is the number of training points are typically less. The parameters involved in training, the number of
neural network in hidden layers is the coordinates of the midpoint, RBF function is found using equation (3),
A. Veeramuthu et al. / Procedia Computer Science 50 (2015) 388 – 394 391
The brain structural analysis is the process which focuses on Region of Interest (ROI). The Morphological filter
in image process helps to remove the imperfection in the binary images and also these techniques can be extended in
gray scale images. The morphological filter method is based only on pixel values where one pixel area is 0.264. This
method focus on structural elements of all possible location in the image and it is compared with neighbour pixels,
where it operates weather the element fits or hits the neighbourhood elements.
In this method the matrix dimension specifies the size and the pattern where one or zero is specified from the
shape of the structural elements. Then the origin of the pixel is calculated. The morphological filtering process
consists of methods like Dilation and Erosion. Dilation process will add pixel to the images and Erosion process will
remove the unwanted pixels. The combination of this method helps to segment the images.
392 A. Veeramuthu et al. / Procedia Computer Science 50 (2015) 388 – 394
In Fig. 3 the classification and decomposition of input image is shown. In Fig. 4 shows the images segmentation
according to the region of interest (ROI).
In Fig. 5 morphological filtering method is used for calculating the pixel area for each segmented images and the
sensitivity, accuracy, specificity, and t-area are calculated and validated for the given input image.
5. Performance Analysis
The performance for brain functional image classification and brain structures are analyzed by using discrete
wavelet transform (DWT) where the features are extracted. The Energy feature is 0.0001, the contrast feature is
4.9848, the correlation feature is 0.0004, the homogeneity feature is 0.0004, and the entropy feature is 0.0055. By
using segmentation and classification method, the number of defected cells for benign stage is calculated as 2169
cells, the tumor area is calculated as 12.2951mm, the sensitivity is achieved for the given input image is 100%, and
the specificity is calculated as 75%, the accuracy is calculated as 90%, and the t-area is calculated as 11% as shown
in Fig. 6.
6. Conclusion
The Probabilistic Neural Network-Radial Basis Function method is proposed to increase the classification
accuracy in tumor functional brain images. The classification is done by extracting the features by using multi level
wavelet method. Then the morphological filtering technique is used to segmentation process where the Region of
Interest areas of the brain functional images are compared with the neighbourhood pixels. This method yields an
accuracy of 98% sensitivity of 100% for the functional brain images. This technique is an efficient method to
diagnosis the tumor region in early stage itself.
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