The document contains a 30 question multiple choice practice exam on control systems and signal flow graphs. The questions cover topics such as block diagram representation, signal flow graph components and construction, transfer function derivation using Mason's rule, and closed loop system examples. Correct answers are not provided.
The document contains a 30 question multiple choice practice exam on control systems and signal flow graphs. The questions cover topics such as block diagram representation, signal flow graph components and construction, transfer function derivation using Mason's rule, and closed loop system examples. Correct answers are not provided.
The document contains a 30 question multiple choice practice exam on control systems and signal flow graphs. The questions cover topics such as block diagram representation, signal flow graph components and construction, transfer function derivation using Mason's rule, and closed loop system examples. Correct answers are not provided.
The document contains a 30 question multiple choice practice exam on control systems and signal flow graphs. The questions cover topics such as block diagram representation, signal flow graph components and construction, transfer function derivation using Mason's rule, and closed loop system examples. Correct answers are not provided.
Faculty of Engineering and Technology (Co-Education)
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Sem: 4th Sub: Control system Name of Faculty: Asst. Prof Soumya Honyal MARKS: 30
Model question paper
I. Choose the correct answer. i.e. A, B, C, D. 1. Block diagram can be used to represent A) Only linear systems B) Only non-linear systems C) Both linear and nonlinear systems D) Time invariant and time varying systems 2. Signal flow graphs can be used to represent A. Only linear systems B. Only non-linear systems C. Both linear and nonlinear systems D. Time invariant and time varying systems 3. The equation based on which a signal flow graph is drawn must be A. Differential equations B. Algebraic equations C. Algebraic equations in the form of cause-effect relations D. Differential equations in form of cause-effect relations. 4. A node which has only outgoing branches is called a A. Input node B. Output node C. Mixed node D. General node 5. A node which has only incoming branches is called a A. Input node B. Output node C. Mixed node D. General node 6. A node which has both incoming and outgoing branches is called a A. Input node B. Output node C. Mixed node D. General node 7. Three blocks with gains 5,8, 4 are connected in cascade. The total gain of the arrangement is A. 17 B. 160 C. 44 D. 37 8. Three blocks with gains 4,6, 8 are connected in parallel. The total gain of the arrangement is A. 18 B. 196 C. 32 D. 52 9. For any given system can be represented by A. Only one SFG B. Only two SFGs C. Many different SFGs D. None of these 10.A given block diagram can represent A. Only one system B. 2 or 3 systems C. Many systems D. None of these 11.In a signal flow graph, the product of which of the following is considered to obtain ‘path gain’ A. Branch B. Path C. Node D. Loop 12.Two loops are said to be non-touching only if no common ________ exists between them. A. Loop B. Feedback C. Branch D. Node 13.For which of the following the signal flow graph applicable? A. Causal B. Invertible C. Linear time invariant system D. Dynamic 14.In signal flow graph which method is used to obtain the transfer function of the system? A. Poisson’s equation B. Block diagram reduction rules C. Mason’s equation D. Lagrange’s equation 15.Which type of node comprises incoming as well as outgoing branches? A. Source node B. Sink node C. Chain node D. Main node 16.In signal flow graph which among the following represents the relationship between node by drawing a line between them? A. Branch B. Self-loop C. Semi-node D. Mesh 17. Loop which does not possess any common node is said to be which loop? A. Touching loops B. Forward loops C. Non-touching loops D. Complete loops 18.In Mason’s gain formula what does ‘K’ represents? A. Number of loops B. Number of gain C. Number of forward paths D. Number of non touching loops 19.Which among the following represents an illustration of closed loop system? A. Automatic washing machine B. Automatic electric iron C. Bread toaster D. Electric hand drier 20.By equating the denominator of transfer function to zero, which among the following will be obtained? A. Poles B. Zeros C. Both a &b D. None of these 21.The output of signal is fed back at the input side from which of the following point? A. Summing B. Differential C. Take-off D. All the above 22.In a parallel combination, the direction of flow of signals through block in parallel must resemble to the main__________ A. Forward B. Feedback C. Opposite D. Diagonal 23.In signal flow graph among which of the following is used to represent the nodes? A. Circles B. Squares C. Arrows D. Pointers 24.What is the value of parabolic input in laplace domain? A. 1 B. A/s C. A/s^2 D. A/s^3 25.In time domain system, which response exists after an wxtinction of transient response? A. Step response B. Impulse response C. Steady state response D. All the above 26.At the summing point, more than one signal can be added or ____ A. Subtracted B. Multiplied C. Both a &b D. None of these 27.On which factor the steady state error depends? A. Order B. Type C. Size D. Prototype 28.For the elimination of feedback loops, which of the following function is used? A. Open B. Closed C. Both a & b D. None of these 29.The output signal is fed back at the input side from which of the following point? A. Summing B. Differential C. Take off D. All the above 30.A loop which has the single branch is called? A. Open loop B. Self loop C. Closed loop D. All the above