Vax Consultants Pvt. LTD.,: Structural Design of Foundation
Vax Consultants Pvt. LTD.,: Structural Design of Foundation
Vax Consultants Pvt. LTD.,: Structural Design of Foundation
C1 15240.14 115.00 0.00 2134.68 3762.65 270.94 30.36 53.51 354.81 247.78 294.09 187.06 354.81 187.06
C2 15734.56 130.53 0.00 2517.81 2338.54 279.73 35.81 33.26 348.79 282.28 277.18 210.66 348.79 210.66
C3 15034.92 80.50 0.00 1551.33 3127.53 267.29 22.06 44.48 333.83 244.87 289.70 200.74 333.83 200.74
1.35 x G1 + 1.35 x G2 + 1.35 x G3 + 1.35 x G4 + 1.75 x G5 + 1.5 x
C4 VLL (For one span witout impact) + 1.15 x BF + 1.15 x SF 15563.80 96.03 0.00 1944.80 1603.56 276.69 27.66 22.81 327.16 281.54 271.84 226.22 327.16 226.22
C5 14426.11 62.10 0.00 1090.41 2059.51 256.46 15.51 29.29 301.26 242.68 270.25 211.67 301.26 211.67
C6 14930.14 124.20 0.00 2180.82 2402.93 265.42 31.02 34.18 330.62 262.27 268.58 200.23 330.62 200.23
C7 15424.55 139.73 0.00 2563.95 978.78 274.21 36.47 13.92 324.60 296.76 251.67 223.83 324.60 223.83
C8 15647.09 0.00 0.00 259.08 5011.21 278.17 3.68 71.27 353.13 210.58 345.76 203.22 353.13 203.22
C9 16602.71 0.00 0.00 267.12 2239.89 295.16 3.80 31.86 330.81 267.10 323.22 259.50 330.81 259.50
C10 15129.57 0.00 0.00 295.48 3441.31 268.97 4.20 48.94 322.12 224.23 313.71 215.82 322.12 215.82
1.35*SW+1.35*SIDL+1.75*WC+1.5*VLL (For both span witout
C11 impact)+1.15*BF+1.15*SF 16152.24 0.00 0.00 304.08 475.73 287.15 4.32 6.77 298.24 284.71 289.59 276.06 298.24 276.06
C12 14877.69 0.00 0.00 8.04 4013.57 264.49 0.11 57.08 321.69 207.52 321.46 207.30 321.69 207.30
C13 15833.30 0.00 0.00 16.07 4682.44 281.48 0.23 66.59 348.30 215.11 347.85 214.66 348.30 214.66
C14 16788.90 0.00 0.00 24.12 1911.18 298.47 0.34 27.18 325.99 271.63 325.31 270.95 325.99 270.95
C15 15754.66 217.32 437.26 3592.52 9817.52 280.08 51.09 139.63 470.80 191.55 368.62 89.36 470.80 89.36
C16 16249.08 232.84 437.26 3975.65 8393.41 288.87 56.54 119.37 464.79 226.04 351.70 112.96 464.79 112.96
C17 15549.44 182.82 437.26 3009.18 9182.40 276.43 42.80 130.59 449.83 188.64 364.23 103.04 449.83 103.04
C18 LIVE LOAD +1.5*WIND ON PIER CAP +1.5*WIND ON PIER 16078.32 198.34 437.26 3402.64 7658.43 285.84 48.39 108.92 443.15 225.31 346.36 128.52 443.15 128.52
C19 14940.63 164.42 437.26 2548.25 8114.39 265.61 36.24 115.40 417.26 186.45 344.77 113.96 417.26 113.96
C20 15444.66 226.52 437.26 3638.66 8457.81 274.57 51.75 120.29 446.61 206.03 343.11 102.53 446.61 102.53
C21 15939.08 242.04 437.26 4021.79 7033.65 283.36 57.20 100.03 440.59 240.53 326.20 126.13 440.59 126.13
C22 16161.61 102.32 437.26 1716.92 11066.08 287.32 24.42 157.38 469.12 154.35 420.28 105.51 469.12 105.51
C23 17117.23 102.32 437.26 1724.96 8294.76 304.31 24.53 117.97 446.81 210.87 397.74 161.80 446.81 161.80
C24 15644.09 102.32 437.26 1753.32 9496.18 278.12 24.94 135.06 438.11 168.00 388.24 118.12 438.11 118.12
C25 LIVE LOAD +1.5*WIND ON PIER CAP +1.5*WIND ON PIER 16666.76 102.32 437.26 1761.92 6530.60 296.30 25.06 92.88 414.24 228.48 364.12 178.36 414.24 178.36
C26 15392.21 102.32 437.26 1465.88 10068.44 273.64 20.85 143.20 437.68 151.29 395.99 109.60 437.68 109.60
C27 16347.82 102.32 437.26 1473.91 10737.31 290.63 20.96 152.71 464.30 158.88 422.37 116.96 464.30 116.96
C28 17303.43 102.32 437.26 1481.96 7966.05 307.62 21.08 113.29 441.99 215.40 399.83 173.24 441.99 173.24
C29 DL+SW+WIND ON UNLOADED STURCTURE 12886.51 146.67 154.67 2561.79 5694.58 229.09 36.43 80.99 346.52 184.54 273.65 111.67 346.52 111.67
C30 15240.14 823.20 0.00 10853.94 3762.65 270.94 154.37 53.51 478.82 371.79 170.08 63.06 478.82 63.06
C31 15734.56 838.73 0.00 11237.07 2338.54 279.73 159.82 33.26 472.80 406.28 153.17 86.65 472.80 86.65
C32 15034.92 788.70 0.00 10270.60 3127.53 267.29 146.07 44.48 457.84 368.88 165.70 76.74 457.84 76.74
C33 C1 to C7 + 1.5*SEISMIC - LONGITUDINAL 15563.80 804.23 0.00 10664.06 1603.56 276.69 151.67 22.81 451.16 405.55 147.83 102.22 451.16 102.22
C34 14426.11 770.30 0.00 9809.67 2059.51 256.46 139.52 29.29 425.27 366.69 146.24 87.66 425.27 87.66
C35 14930.14 832.40 0.00 10900.08 2402.93 265.42 155.02 34.18 454.62 386.27 144.58 76.23 454.62 76.23
C36 15424.55 847.93 0.00 11283.21 978.78 274.21 160.47 13.92 448.61 420.77 127.66 99.82 448.61 99.82
C37 15647.09 708.20 0.00 8978.34 5011.21 278.17 127.69 71.27 477.13 334.59 221.75 79.21 477.13 79.21
C38 16602.71 708.20 0.00 8986.38 2239.89 295.16 127.81 31.86 454.82 391.11 199.21 135.50 454.82 135.50
C39 15129.57 708.20 0.00 9014.74 3441.31 268.97 128.21 48.94 446.12 348.24 189.70 91.82 446.12 91.82
C40 C8 to C14 + 1.5*SEISMIC - LONGITUDINAL 16152.24 708.20 0.00 9023.34 475.73 287.15 128.33 6.77 422.25 408.72 165.58 152.05 422.25 152.05
C41 14877.69 708.20 0.00 8727.30 4013.57 264.49 124.12 57.08 445.70 331.53 197.45 83.29 445.70 83.29
C42 15833.30 708.20 0.00 8735.34 4682.44 281.48 124.24 66.59 472.31 339.12 223.84 90.65 472.31 90.65
C43 16788.90 708.20 0.00 8743.38 1911.18 298.47 124.35 27.18 450.00 395.64 201.30 146.94 450.00 146.94
C44 460.30 95.92 2950.47 475.47 5603.97 9029.91 7092.08 1.35 0.37
C45 451.89 124.48 3828.95 560.81 5035.45 9425.21 7487.38 1.42 0.40
C46 444.94 100.06 3077.77 345.54 5304.15 8727.46 6789.63 1.29 0.36
C47 C1 to C7 + 1.5*SEISMIC - TRANSVERSE 435.89 130.56 4016.03 433.18 4695.77 9144.98 7207.14 1.37 0.38
C48 415.20 105.06 3231.54 242.88 4769.83 8244.24 6306.40 1.20 0.33
C49 434.48 111.03 3415.14 485.75 4974.54 8875.44 6937.60 1.32 0.37
C50 426.07 139.59 4293.64 571.09 4406.01 9270.74 7332.90 1.39 0.39
C51 478.99 79.10 2432.94 57.71 6150.17 8640.82 6702.98 1.27 0.35
C52 458.36 133.76 4114.21 59.50 4992.29 9166.00 7228.17 1.37 0.38
C53 446.87 93.06 2862.45 65.81 5441.42 8369.69 6431.85 1.22 0.34
C54 C8 to C14 + 1.5*SEISMIC - TRANSVERSE 424.79 151.55 4661.61 67.73 4202.39 8931.73 6993.89 1.33 0.37
C55 447.38 81.66 2511.77 1.79 5624.66 8138.22 6200.38 1.18 0.32
C56 475.68 87.39 2688.07 3.58 5971.75 8663.40 6725.56 1.28 0.35
C57 455.05 142.05 4369.31 5.37 4813.90 9188.58 7250.74 1.38 0.38
Materials Used
Concrete, M 35
Steel, Fe 500
Clear Cover = 75 mm
Diameter of Main Steel = 25 mm
No. of Layers = 1 No.
Effective Cover = 88 mm
Effective Depth = 1513 mm
Minimum Width = 2300 mm
7.50 Limiting Depth of Neutral axis, x u,limit = 690 mm
Assumed xu = 314 mm
ξ st = 0.013359
f st = 434.80 N/mm 2
2.30 Required steel percentage = 0.5577 %
Required Steel = 19402 mm
Provided steel, Y 25 At 175 mm c/c
2.864 Critical Section for Flexure Ast = 21027 mm
(additionl steel - more than that required from flexural considerations was provided to control shear stresses)
1.351 Critical Section for Wide-Beam Shear Check 1 - Steel requirement SAFE
Check 2 - x u check = 313.73 mm
Diameter of Column = 2.00 m Check -2 xu,actual is less than xulimit, hence design is safe
Side of Equivalent Square = 1.77 m M ur = 12635 kNm
Cantilever Span for foundation Design = 2.864 m Check 3 SAFE
Depth of Foundation, max. = 1600 mm
Depth of Foundation, min. = 750 mm
BM Due to Self Weight of Soil Overburden and Foundation = 1937.84 kNm
BM Due to Self Weight of Soil Overburden and Foundation at Critical Shear Section 431.52 kNm
Shear Relief
Design Design BM at Design Nominal
Shear due to Contact Pressure at Critical Shear Moment due to Contact Pressure at Critical shear Due to
Pressure at Pressure at Shear Critical Shear Shear Shear
Section, kN Section, kNm Foundation
Load LCs Load Details Critical Shear Critical Shear Force Section, Force Stress
Section - p 1 - 3 Section - p 2 - 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Total kN Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Total kNm kN kN N/mm 2
C1 343.87 236.84 2400.67 55.45 542.42 2998.55 2359.97 1622.25 49.96 366.54 2038.76 1607.24 475.80 1146.45 0.20
C2 335.89 269.37 2730.39 65.41 337.12 3132.92 2494.34 1845.06 58.93 227.81 2131.80 1700.28 503.34 1341.72 0.23
C3 1.35 x G1 + 1.35 x G2 + 1.35 x G3 + 1.35 x G4 + 325.88 236.92 2401.46 40.30 450.86 2892.63 2254.05 1622.79 36.31 304.67 1963.77 1532.25 453.60 1169.19 0.20
C4 1.75 x G5 + 1.5 x VLL (For one span witout 317.19 271.57 2752.74 50.52 231.17 3034.43 2395.85 1860.16 45.52 156.21 2061.89 1630.37 482.65 1377.51 0.24
impact) + 1.15 x BF + 1.15 x SF
C5 295.67 237.09 2403.22 28.33 296.90 2728.45 2089.86 1623.97 25.52 200.63 1850.13 1418.60 419.96 1204.02 0.21
C6 319.44 251.09 2545.08 56.65 346.41 2948.14 2309.56 1719.84 51.04 234.08 2004.96 1573.44 465.80 1254.04 0.22
C7 311.46 283.62 2874.81 66.61 141.10 3082.51 2443.93 1942.65 60.01 95.35 2098.01 1666.49 493.34 1449.31 0.25
C8 351.80 209.26 2121.07 6.73 722.41 2850.22 2211.64 1433.31 6.06 488.17 1927.55 1496.03 442.88 990.44 0.17
C9 329.45 265.73 2693.53 6.94 322.90 3023.37 2384.79 1820.15 6.25 218.20 2044.60 1613.08 477.53 1342.62 0.23
C10 320.60 222.71 2257.49 7.68 496.10 2761.26 2122.68 1525.50 6.92 335.24 1867.65 1436.13 425.15 1100.35 0.19
1.35*SW+1.35*SIDL+1.75*WC+1.5*VLL (For both
C11 span witout impact)+1.15*BF+1.15*SF 296.68 283.15 2870.09 7.90 68.58 2946.57 2307.98 1939.46 7.12 46.34 1992.92 1561.40 462.23 1477.23 0.26
C12 321.65 207.48 2103.10 0.21 578.59 2681.91 2043.32 1421.17 0.19 390.98 1812.34 1380.82 408.77 1012.40 0.18
C13 348.22 215.03 2179.62 0.42 675.02 2855.05 2216.47 1472.87 0.38 456.14 1929.39 1497.87 443.42 1029.45 0.18
C14 325.87 271.51 2752.06 0.63 275.51 3028.21 2389.62 1859.70 0.56 186.18 2046.45 1614.93 478.08 1381.63 0.24
C15 452.39 173.14 1754.94 93.32 1415.29 3263.56 2624.98 1185.90 84.09 956.38 2226.37 1794.85 531.34 654.56 0.11
C16 444.41 205.66 2084.66 103.28 1209.99 3397.93 2759.35 1408.71 93.05 817.65 2319.41 1887.89 558.88 849.82 0.15
C17 C1 to C7 + 1.5*WIND ON SUPER STRUCTURE 434.40 173.21 1755.73 78.17 1323.73 3157.64 2519.05 1186.43 70.43 894.51 2151.38 1719.86 509.14 677.29 0.12
C18 +1.5*WIND ON LIVE LOAD +1.5*WIND ON PIER 425.71 207.87 2107.01 88.39 1104.04 3299.44 2660.86 1423.81 79.64 746.05 2249.50 1817.98 538.19 885.62 0.15
C19 404.20 173.39 1757.49 66.20 1169.77 2993.46 2354.87 1187.62 59.64 790.47 2037.73 1606.21 475.50 712.13 0.12
C20 427.96 187.38 1899.35 94.52 1219.28 3213.15 2574.56 1283.48 85.17 823.92 2192.57 1761.05 521.33 762.15 0.13
C21 419.98 219.91 2229.07 104.48 1013.97 3347.52 2708.94 1506.29 94.13 685.19 2285.62 1854.09 548.88 957.42 0.17
C22 460.32 145.55 1475.34 44.60 1595.28 3115.23 2476.64 996.96 40.19 1078.01 2115.16 1683.64 498.42 498.54 0.09
C23 437.97 202.03 2047.80 44.81 1195.77 3288.38 2649.80 1383.80 40.37 808.04 2232.21 1800.69 533.07 850.73 0.15
C24 C8 to C14 + 1.5*WIND ON SUPER STRUCTURE 429.12 159.01 1611.76 45.55 1368.97 3026.27 2387.69 1089.14 41.04 925.08 2055.26 1623.74 480.68 608.46 0.11
C25 +1.5*WIND ON LIVE LOAD +1.5*WIND ON PIER 405.21 219.45 2224.35 45.77 941.45 3211.57 2572.99 1503.10 41.24 636.18 2180.53 1749.01 517.77 985.34 0.17
C26 430.17 143.78 1457.37 38.08 1451.46 2946.91 2308.33 984.82 34.31 980.82 1999.95 1568.43 464.31 520.50 0.09
C27 456.74 151.33 1533.89 38.29 1547.89 3120.06 2481.48 1036.52 34.50 1045.98 2117.00 1685.48 498.96 537.56 0.09
C28 434.39 207.80 2106.33 38.50 1148.38 3293.21 2654.63 1423.35 34.69 776.02 2234.06 1802.54 533.62 889.74 0.16
C29 DL+SW+WIND ON UNLOADED STURCTURE 333.39 171.41 1737.42 66.55 820.93 2624.90 1986.32 1174.06 59.96 554.74 1788.76 1357.24 401.79 772.27 0.14
C30 423.18 316.16 3204.63 281.96 542.42 4029.01 3390.43 2165.53 254.04 366.54 2786.11 2354.59 697.04 1468.48 0.26
C31 415.20 348.68 3534.35 291.91 337.12 4163.38 3524.80 2388.33 263.01 227.81 2879.16 2447.63 724.59 1663.75 0.29
C32 405.19 316.23 3205.42 266.80 450.86 3923.09 3284.51 2166.06 240.39 304.67 2711.12 2279.60 674.84 1491.22 0.26
C33 C1 to C7 + 1.5*SEISMIC - LONGITUDINAL 396.50 350.89 3556.70 277.03 231.17 4064.89 3426.31 2403.44 249.60 156.21 2809.25 2377.73 703.89 1699.54 0.30
C34 374.99 316.41 3207.18 254.83 296.90 3758.91 3120.33 2167.25 229.60 200.63 2597.48 2165.96 641.20 1526.05 0.27
C35 398.75 330.40 3349.04 283.16 346.41 3978.60 3340.02 2263.11 255.12 234.08 2752.32 2320.80 687.04 1576.07 0.28
C36 390.77 362.93 3678.76 293.11 141.10 4112.97 3474.39 2485.92 264.09 95.35 2845.36 2413.84 714.58 1771.34 0.31
C37 431.11 288.57 2925.03 233.24 722.41 3880.68 3242.10 1976.59 210.14 488.17 2674.90 2243.38 664.12 1312.47 0.23
C38 408.76 345.05 3497.49 233.44 322.90 4053.83 3415.25 2363.42 210.33 218.20 2791.96 2360.44 698.77 1664.65 0.29
C39 399.92 302.03 3061.45 234.18 496.10 3791.73 3153.14 2068.77 211.00 335.24 2615.00 2183.48 646.39 1422.38 0.25
C40 C8 to C14 + 1.5*SEISMIC - LONGITUDINAL 376.00 362.47 3674.04 234.40 68.58 3977.03 3338.45 2482.73 211.20 46.34 2740.27 2308.75 683.47 1799.26 0.31
C41 400.96 286.80 2907.06 226.71 578.59 3712.37 3073.78 1964.44 204.27 390.98 2559.70 2128.17 630.02 1334.43 0.23
C42 427.54 294.35 2983.58 226.92 675.02 3885.52 3246.93 2016.15 204.46 456.14 2676.75 2245.23 664.67 1351.48 0.24
C43 405.19 350.82 3556.02 227.13 275.51 4058.67 3420.08 2402.98 204.65 186.18 2793.80 2362.28 699.32 1703.66 0.30
C44 472.54 108.17 1096.40 55.45 1846.70 2998.55 2359.97 740.89 49.96 1247.90 2038.76 1607.24 475.80 265.09 0.05
C45 466.33 138.92 1408.17 65.41 1659.35 3132.92 2494.34 951.57 58.93 1121.30 2131.80 1700.28 503.34 448.22 0.08
C46 453.84 108.96 1104.43 40.30 1747.90 2892.63 2254.05 746.32 36.31 1181.14 1963.77 1532.25 453.60 292.72 0.05
C47 C1 to C7 + 1.5*SEISMIC - TRANSVERSE 447.04 141.72 1436.50 50.52 1547.42 3034.43 2395.85 970.71 45.52 1045.66 2061.89 1630.37 482.65 488.06 0.09
C48 421.45 111.31 1128.30 28.33 1571.82 2728.45 2089.86 762.45 25.52 1062.16 1850.13 1418.60 419.96 342.49 0.06
C49 446.99 123.54 1252.21 56.65 1639.28 2948.14 2309.56 846.18 51.04 1107.74 2004.96 1573.44 465.80 380.38 0.07
C50 440.78 154.30 1563.98 66.61 1451.93 3082.51 2443.93 1056.86 60.01 981.14 2098.01 1666.49 493.34 563.52 0.10
C51 480.47 80.58 816.80 6.73 2026.69 2850.22 2211.64 551.95 6.06 1369.53 1927.55 1496.03 442.88 109.07 0.02
C52 459.89 135.29 1371.30 6.94 1645.13 3023.37 2384.79 926.66 6.25 1111.69 2044.60 1613.08 477.53 449.13 0.08
C53 448.56 94.75 960.46 7.68 1793.13 2761.26 2122.68 649.03 6.92 1211.71 1867.65 1436.13 425.15 223.88 0.04
C54 C8 to C14 + 1.5*SEISMIC - TRANSVERSE 426.54 153.30 1553.84 7.90 1384.83 2946.57 2307.98 1050.00 7.12 935.80 1992.92 1561.40 462.23 587.77 0.10
C55 447.43 81.71 828.18 0.21 1853.52 2681.91 2043.32 559.64 0.19 1252.51 1812.34 1380.82 408.77 150.87 0.03
C56 475.77 87.48 886.74 0.42 1967.89 2855.05 2216.47 599.22 0.38 1329.80 1929.39 1497.87 443.42 155.79 0.03
C57 455.19 142.19 1441.24 0.63 1586.34 3028.21 2389.62 973.91 0.56 1071.97 2046.45 1614.93 478.08 495.84 0.09
Shear Relief due to self weight of foundation & Overburden soil = 638.58 kN tan b = 0.3269
Maximum Nominal Shear Stress = 0.315 N/mm Effective Depth, at Critical Shear Section = 1104.34 mm
t max , as per Table 20 of IS:456 = 3.50 N/mm 2 1.10 m
SECTION IS ADEQUATE Relief Due to Varyingtion Pad Depth of Found = M x tan b /d
2 of IRC:112-2011 for determining Shear Strength of flexuarlly reinforced concrete members
N ed = 0.00 kN
Ac = 5717242 mm 2
σ cp = 0 N/mm 2
Partial Safety Factor on Concrete, ϒ m = 1.50
f cd = 0.67 x f ck /ϒ m N/mm 2
= 15.63
0.2 x f cd = 3.13 N/mm 2
σ cp shall be least of N ED /A c or 0.2f cd
Hence, σ cp = 0.00 N/mm 2
K = 1 + (200/d) 0.5
= 1.36
Tensile steel provided = 0.3678 %
ν = 0.353 N/mm 2
ν min = 0.031 x K 3/2 x f ck 1/2
= 0.29 N/mm 2
Shear Strength of Concrete = 0.353 N/mm 2
Shear reinforcement is not required
1513 1351.50
1600 = 1191.836 mm
Area of shear resistance 1191.836
750 Shear Resisting Area = 5717241.72 mm 2
Procedure adopted for estimating Design BM at Critical Section is described below. Sample Calculations for LC1 are given below:
= +
7.500 7.500 Part 1 7.500 Part 2 7.500 Part 3
+ +
7.500 = 7.500 Part 1 7.500 Part 2 7.500 Part 3