Fall2015 PHY1321 EXAM No Answers
Fall2015 PHY1321 EXAM No Answers
Fall2015 PHY1321 EXAM No Answers
Final Exam
December 10 2015
Closed book exam
Duration: 3 hrs
10 pages
33 questions of equal value
15 correct answers pass the test!
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Andrzej Czajkowski
Fall 2015 PHY1321/1331 exam
Page 2 out of 10
1 Two friends pull on the rope from opposite sides. If they are not moving with respect to each
other and one of them pulls with the force of 400N, the tension in the rope is___
4 A particle of mass M, is at the origin while the particle of the mass 4M is at x=1m. The centre
of mass of this system is at:
5. The 6 kg grenade explodes inside the horizontal narrow pipe. After the explosion the 2 kg
piece is observed to leave from the left side of the pipe with the speed of 50m/s. The second
(3kg) piece leaves from the right side of the pipe with speed of 20m/s. What is the speed of
the third (last) piece of the grenade, and from which side of the pipe will it emerge?
a) 20m/s, right b) 20m/s, right c) 40m/s, left d) 40m/s , right e) none of the above
6. Cp, the molar specific heat at constant pressure at -200°C of a real diatomic gas is
1 3 5
a. R. b. R. c. R. d.2R. e. R.
2 2 2
7. A constant force of 12 N in the positive x direction acts on a 4.0-kg object as it moves from
the origin to the point (3i – 4j) m. How much work is done by the given force during this
8. The only force acting on a 2.0 kg object moving along the x axis is Fx (N)
shown. If the velocity v x is -2.0 m s at t = 0 , what is the velocity in
m/s at t=3.0s?
a. –2.0 b. –4.0 c. –3.0
0 t (s)
d. +1.0 e. –5.0 1 2 3 4
Andrzej Czajkowski
Fall 2015 PHY1321/1331 exam
Page 3 out of 10
9. The total work done by the gas in one cycle of the thermal engine
A. is always 0.
B. is independent of the path.
C. is equal to the change of internal energy of the gas.
D. is equal to the amount of heat transferred to the gas from the hot reservoir.
E. is equal to the area enclosed by the loop on a PV diagram.
10. A heat pump absorbs 2400 J of heat, while receiving 400 J of mechanical work in each
cycle. The coefficient of performance of this pump is:
11. A cycle of the Carnot engine, (operating as heat engine), consists , of the following process in
the order given:
13. A fish weighs 12.0 N at rest. When it is weighed on a spring scale in an elevator accelerating
down at 2.60 m s 2 , the scale reads ___ N.
Icom =2/5MR2
0.25 m
15 A 2-kg mass is suspended by a massless string from one end of 1-m measuring stick. What is
the mass of the stick if it is balanced as shown:
A 0.25 kg B 1.5 kg
C 4/3 kg D 2/3 kg 2kg
E none of the above
16 The water level in an open reservoir is maintained at a constant level. What is the exit
velocity in an outlet pipe 2.0 m below the water surface?
a. 2.4 m/s
b. 5.4m/s
c. 6.3 m/s
d. 7.7 m/s
e. none of the above.
17 What is the change in entropy in J/K of 0.356 kg of solid lead when it melts at 327°C if the
latent heat of fusion of lead is 24.5 kJ/kg?
18 Given is the two –dimensional gas made out of diatomic molecules. At sufficiently high
temperatures the gas molecules are free to move around within the two dimensional plane, as
well as to rotate and oscillate. Which of the following pairs may correctly represent
the average energy of single molecule Eavg; as well as the Cv of the gas .
19 In isovolumetric process 100 J of heat are pumped into each mole of a gas. If the gas has
5 degrees of freedom, how much does its temperature change? Answer in terms of R.
A) 40/R (K) B) 11.43/R (K) C) 6.4/R (K) D) 8.0/R(K) E) none of the above
Andrzej Czajkowski
Fall 2015 PHY1321/1331 exam
Page 5 out of 10
20 Determine the minimum area of a flat ice floe 1.0 meter thick, if it is to support a 4000-kg
3 3
car above seawater. (ρice = 920 kg/m , ρsea = 1020 kg/m .)
2 2 2 2
a.20 m b.40 m c.60 m d.80 m e. none of the above
21 An object is thrown vertically upward in such a way that it has a speed of 20 m/s when it
reaches two thirds of its maximum height above the launch point. Determine this maximum
22 A solid, uniform cylinder of mass 2.0 kg and radius 1.7 m rolls without slipping down an inclined
plane of height 7.0 m . What is the angular velocity of the sphere at the bottom of the
inclined plane?
A 5.6rad/s A 5.8 rad/s B 7.9 rad/s C 9.0 rad/s E none of the above
23 A wheel rotating about a fixed axis with a constant angular acceleration of 2.0 rad/s turns
through 2.4 revolutions during a 1.0-s time interval. What is the angular velocity at the end of
this time interval?
a. 9.3 rad/s b. 9.5 rad/s c. 12.7rad/s d. 16.01 rad/s e. none of the above
24 The distribution of car speeds measured by a Police patrol for a particular stretch of the 401
highway between Kingston and Ottawa is shown on the figure. Each bar represents number of
cars in a given interval as a function of the centre value of the interval (for example interval
(80<v<90) is represented by 85. Which of the following about the vavg (average speed), vrms
[root mean square speed], vmp (most probable speed) and the P (120;140) (probability that the
car has speed between 120km/h and 140km/h) are true:
Speed Number of cars
85 9
95 45
105 95
115 120
125 135
135 90
145 70
155 40
165 20
175 15
185 8
195 6
205 2
A vmp = 123km/h; vavg =127 km/h; vrms =127km/h; P(120, 140) = 0.32
B vmp = 125km/h; vavg =127 km/h; vrms =129km/h; P(120, 140) = 0.34
C vmp = 125km/h; vavg =129 km/h; vrms =127km/h; P(120, 140) = 0.34
D vmp = 115km/h; vavg =123 km/h; vrms =125km/h; P(120, 140) = 0.32
E none of the above
Andrzej Czajkowski
Fall 2015 PHY1321/1331 exam
Page 6 out of 10
25 A potter's wheel (a solid, uniform disk) of mass 6.1 kg and radius 0.65 m spins about its
central axis. A 2.1 kg lump of clay is dropped onto the wheel at a distance 0.41 m from the
axis. It sticks to the wheel and rotates with it Calculate the moment of inertia of the system
of wheel and the clay ( treat a clay lump as a point mass).
26 Determine the change in entropy (in J/K) when 5.00 moles of an ideal gas at 0°C are
3 3
compressed isothermally from an initial volume of 100 cm to a final volume of 25 cm .
27 Five moles of an ideal gas expands isobaricaly at 1000kPA from 2liter to five times its initial
volume. Find the heat flow into the system.
4 4 4 3
A) 2.0 ´ 10 J B) 1.0 ´ 10 J C) 6.7 ´ 10 J D) 2.9 ´ 10 J E) none of the above
28. A thin rod of mass M and length L is struck at one end by a ball of clay of mass
m, moving with speed v as shown in the figure. The ball sticks to the rod. After
the collision, the angular momentum of the clay-rod system about A, the
midpoint of the rod, is
a. (m + M/3)(vL/2)
b. (m + M/12)(vL/2)
c. (m + M/6)(vL/2)
d. mvL/2
e. mvL
30 A 12-g bullet moving horizontally strikes and remains in a 3.0-kg block initially at rest on the
edge of a table. The block, which is initially 100 cm above the floor, strikes the floor a
horizontal distance of 120 cm from its initial position. What was the initial speed of the
a. 0.67km/s
b. 0.75 km/s
c. 0.81 km/s
d. 0.87 km/s
e. none of the above
Andrzej Czajkowski
Fall 2015 PHY1321/1331 exam
Page 7 out of 10
31 Ten kg of water at 0°C is mixed with ten kg of water at 100°C. The change in entropy in cal/K
of the system is
a. 1000 b. 480. c. –720. d. 240 e. none of the above
33. The Boltzmann energy distribution is given by: P(E) = const Ee kT
What is the most probable energy in this distribution?
dx ® dr
vx = v=
dt dt
dv dv ®
ax = x a=
dt dt
® ® ® 1® 2
r f = ro + vo t + a t
dv v2
at = ac =
dt r
® ® ® ®
F = ma F o = -b v
f = µN R = DrAv 2
FB = r lV .g
® ®
F = -k x
® ®
W = ò F .d s
mv 2 1 2
k= U g = mgh Ue = kx
2 2
® ® ® dp
P = mv F=
rCM =
åm r i i
rCM =
ò rdm
V = pr 3 A = 4pr 2 A = pr 2 C = 2pr
Fluid Mechanics:
p = po + rgh A1v1 = A2v2 po + rgy + rv 2 = const
Andrzej Czajkowski
Fall 2015 PHY1321/1331 exam
Page 9 out of 10
Rotational motion About a Fixed Axis
Angular speed w = dq
Angular acceleration a = dw
Net torque åt = Ia
ì w f = wi + at
ïï 1
If a = const.í q f = q i + wi t + at 2
ï 2 2
ïî f = w i
+ 2a (q f - qi )
Work W = ò t dq
1 2
Rotational kinetic energy K R = Iw
Power P = t w
Angular momentum L = Iw
Net torque åt = dL
Circular Hoop I CM = MR 2
Hollow cylinder I CM = M ( R12 + R22 )
where R1: inner radius, R2: outer radius
Solid cylinder or disc I CM = MR 2
Thin Rectangle I CM = M (a 2 + b 2 )
Long thin rod with rotational axis through center I CM = ML2
Long thin rod with rotational axis through edge I CM = ML2
Solid sphere I CM = MR 2
Thin spherical shell I CM = MR 2
Andrzej Czajkowski
Fall 2015 PHY1321/1331 exam
Page 10 out of 10
Probability of finding the speed of a particle in the range (v;v+dv )is:
mv 2
é 1 m ù 2 2 - 2 kT
P(v)dv = 4p ê v e dv
ë 2p kT úû
1 1 1
é 2kT ù 2 é 3kT ù 2 é 8kT ù 2
v MP =ê v rms =ê v avg =ê
ë m úû ë m úû ë pm úû
1 Nm
p= r < v2 > r=
3 V
+¥ +¥ +¥ +¥
1 p 1 1 p 1
ò e dx = ò xe dx = ò x e dx = òx e
2 2 2
- ax - ax 2 - ax 3 - ax 2
dx =
2 a 0
2a 0
4 a3 0 2a 2
+¥ +¥
3 p x 3
p 4
òx e òe
4 - ax 2
dx = dx =
8 a5 0
-1 15
ΔEint = Q + W pV=nRT DS = ò
Change ΔEint W Q ΔS
P = const nCv ΔT -p(Vf-Vi) nCp ΔT nC p ln
V = const nCv ΔT 0 nCv ΔT nCV ln
Vf Vf Vf
T = const 0 - nRT ln nRT ln nR ln
Vi Vi Vi
Q=0 nCv ΔT
( p f V f - piVi ) 0 0
g -1
pV g = const. g = C p - Cv = R
W QH - QL T what we want
ÎCRN = = = 1- C COP =
Q QH TH what we pay for it
P = e σ A T4; σ =5.67x 10-8W/(K4m2) P = kA
Q = mcΔT Q = Lm
c(water) = 4186 J/(kg C); c(ice) = 2090 J/(kg C); c(steam) = 2010J/(kg C)