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ch32 PDF
ch32 PDF
1* A parallel-plate capacitor in air has circular plates of radius 2.3 cm separated by 1.1 mm. Charge is flowing onto the upper plate and off the lower plate at a rate of 5 A. (a ) Find the time rate of change of the electric field between the plates. (b ) Compute the displacement current between the plates and show that it equals 5 A. (a ) Use Equ. 23-25: E = Q/e0A; dE/dt = (dQ/dt)/e0A dE/dt = I/e0A = 3.401014 V/m.s Id = e0A(dE/dt) = I = 5 A (b ) Use Equ. 32-3: e = EA 2 In a region of space, the electric field varies according to E = (0.05 N / C) sin 2000 t 0, where t is in
seconds. Find the maximum displacement current through a 1-m2 area perpendicular to E. Use Equs. 23-14 and 3-3 Id = (8.851012 0.052000) A = 8.851010 A 3 For Problem 1, show that at a distance r from the axis of the plates the magnetic field between the plates is given by B = (1.89103 T/m) r if r is less than the radius of the plates. 2prB = 0Id(r2/R2); B = 0Id r/2pR2 1. Use Equ. 32-4; I = Id; apply cylindrical symmetry 2. Evaluate B(r) B(r) = (1.89103 T/m) r (a ) Show that for a parallel-plate capacitor the displacement current is given by Id = C dV/dt, where C is the capacitance and V the voltage across the capacitor. (b ) A parallel plate capacitor C = 5 nF is connected to an emf E= E0 cos ?t, where E0 = 3 V and ? = 500p. Find the displacement current between the plates as a function of time. Neglect any resistance in the circuit. Id = e0A(dE/dt) = (e0A/d )(dV/dt) = C dV/dt (a ) Use Equs. 25-10 and 32-3; E = V/d (b ) dV/dt = E0 sin ?t Id = (23.6 A) sin 500pt
5* Current of 10 A flows into a capacitor having plates with areas of 0.5 m2. (a ) What is the displacement current between the plates? (b ) What is dE/dt between the plates for this current? (c) What is the line integral of B dl around a circle of radius 10 cm that lies within and parallel to the plates? (a ) See Problem 1 Id = 10 A (b ) dE/dt = Id/e0A (see Problem 1) dE/dt = 2.261012 V/m.s 2 2 7 (c) Use Equ. 32-4; Id enclosed = Id(pr /A) B .d l = 0Id(pr /A) = 7.9010 T.m 6 A parallel-plate capacitor with circular plates is given a charge Q0. Between the plates is a leaky dielectric having a dielectric constant of ? and a resistivity ?. (a ) Find the conduction current between the plates as a
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function of time. (b ) Find the displacement current between the plates as a function of time. What is the total (conduction plus displacement) current? (c) Find the magnetic field produced between the plates by the leakage discharge current as a function of time. (d ) Find the magnetic field between the plates produced by the displacement current as a function of time. (e) What is the total magnetic field between the plates during discharge of the capacitor? (a ) If Q is the charge on the capacitor plates, then the discharge current I = dQ/dt. Also, I = V/R = VA/d ?, where we have used Equ. 26-8. From the definition of capacitance, I = AQ/Cd ?. The differential equation dQ/dt t / + aQ = 0 has the solution Q = Q0 eat. Here a = A/Cd ? = 1/e0??. Thus, I = dQ/dt = (Q0/e0??) e 0 . (b ) From Problem 32-4, Id = C dV/dt = dQ/dt = I. The total current is zero. t / (c) B = 0I r/2pR2 (see Problem 32-3); B = (0Q0r/2pR2e0??) e 0 . t / (d ) Since Id = I, Bd = (0Q0r/2pR2e0??) e 0 . (e) B = 0. The leaky capacitor of Problem 6 is charged such that the voltage across the capacitor is given by V(t) = (0.01 V/s)t. (a ) Find the conduction current as a function of time. (b ) Find the displacement current. (c) Find the time for which the displacement current is equal to the conduction current. (a ) I = V/R; R = d ?/A I = (0.01A/d ?)t A Id = 0.01?e0A/d (b ) Id = C dV/dt t = e0?? (c) Set I = Id The space between the plates of a capacitor is filled with a material of resistivity ? = 104 Om and dielectric constant ? = 2.5. The parallel plates are circular with a radius of 20 cm and are separated by 1 mm. The voltage across the plates is given by V0 cos ?t, with V0 = 40 V and ? = 120p rad/s. (a ) What is the displacement current density? (b ) What is the conduction current between the plates? (c) At what angular frequency is the total current 45 out of phase with the applied voltage? (a ) Id = C dV/dt; C = ?e0A/d ; V = (40 V)cos 102pt Id = (41.9 A) sin 120pt; Jd = (334 A/m2) sin 120pt (b ) I = AV/d ? I = (0.503 A) cos 120pt (c) d = 45 when ??e0A/d = A/d ?; ? = 1/?e0? f = ?/2p = 719 kHz
9* In this problem, you are to show that the generalized form of Ampres law (Equation 32-4) and the Biot Savart law give the same result in a situation in which they both can be used. Figure 32-12 shows two charges +Q and Q on the x axis at x = a and x = +a , with a current I = dQ/dt along the line between them. Point P is on the y axis at y = R. (a ) Use the BiotSavart law to show that the magnitude of B at point P is
0 Ia 2 R
2 2 R +a
(b ) Consider a circular strip of radius r and width dr in the yz plane with its center at the origin. Show that the flux of the electric field through this strip is
E x dA =
Q 0
a (r 2 + a2 )-3 / 2 r dr
(c) Use your result for part (b ) to find the total flux e through a circular area of radius R. Show that
a 1 0 e = Q 2 2 + a R
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I + Id = I
a a2 + R2
2 R2 + a
(e) Then show that Equation 324 gives the same result for B as that found in part (a ). 0 I R B = (a ) Use Equ. 29-11 to find B at point P. Note that sin ? 1 = sin ? 2 = , so 2 R R 2 + a2 2 k Qa Qa r dr . (b ) Ex = [2kQ/(R2 + a 2)] cos ? 1 = 2 . dA = 2pr dr, so Ex dA = 3/2 2 3/2 2 (r + a ) 0 ( r + a2 )
R 1 1 + = Q1 (c) e0 e = 2 E x r dr = Q a 2 2 a 0 R + a
. 2 2 R +a 1 (d ) Id = e0(d e/dt). Only Q depends on t, and dQ/dt = I. So Id = I Ia . 2 R + a2 0 I 1 (e) B dl = 2pRB = 0(I + Id); so B = ; Q.E.D. 2 R R 2 + a 2 a
and I + Id = 2 2 R + a a
10 Theorists have speculated on the possible existence of magnetic monopoles, and there have been several, as yet unsuccessful, experimental searches for such monopoles. Suppose magnetic monopoles were found and that the magnetic field at a distance r from a monopole of strength q m is given by B = ( 0 / 4 ) q m / r2 . How would Maxwell's equations have to be modified to be consistent with such a discovery? Bn dA = 0 q m and Equ. 32-6c should read Two changes would be required. Equ. 32-6b should read
E dl = d/dt SBn dA Im /e0, where Im is the current associated with the motion of the magnetic poles.
11 Show that the normal component of the magnetic field B is continuous across a surface. Do this by applying Gauss's law for B (Bn dA = 0) to a pillbox Gaussian surface that has a face on each side of the surface. The figure shows the end view of a pillbox surrounding a small area dA of the surface. The normal components of the magnetic field, Bn, are shown with different magnitudes. When performing the surface integral the normal to the surface is outward, as shown in the figure. It the follows from Equ. 32-6b that Bn must be continuous across the surface.
12 Which waves have greater frequencies, light waves or X rays? X rays. 13* Are the frequencies of ultraviolet radiation greater or less than those of infrared radiation? f uv > f ir 14 What kind of waves have wavelengths of the order of a few meters?
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FM radio waves. (See Problem 15.) 15 Find the wavelength for (a ) a typical AM radio wave with a frequency of 1000 kHz and (b ) a typical FM radio wave of 100 MHz. (a ), (b ) ? = c/f (a ) ? = 300 m (b ) 3 m 16 What is the frequency of a 3-cm microwave? f = c/?
f = 10 GHz
17* What is the frequency of an X ray with a wavelength of 0.1 nm? f = c/? f = 3108/1010 = 31018 Hz 18 The detection of radio waves can be accomplished with either a dipole antenna or a loop antenna. The dipole antenna detects the (pick one) [electric ] [magnetic ] field of the wave, and the loop antenna detects the [electric ] [magnetic ] field of the wave. The dipole antenna detects the electric field, the loop antenna detects the magnetic field of the wave. 19 A transmitter uses a loop antenna with the loop in the horizontal plane. What should be the orientation of a dipole antenna at the receiver for optimum signal reception? The dipole antenna should be in the horizontal plane and normal to the line from the transmitter to the receiver. 20 The intensity of radiation from an electric dipole is proportional to (sin 2 ?)/r2, where ? is the angle between the electric dipole moment and the position vector r. A radiating electric dipole lies along the z axis (its dipole moment is in the z direction). Let I1 be the intensity of the radiation at a distance r = 10 m and at angle ? = 90. Find the intensity (in terms of I1) at (a ) r = 30 m, ? = 90; (b ) r = 10 m, ? = 45; and (c) r = 20 m, ? = 30. (a ), (b ), (c) I(?) = I1 (100/r2 ) sin2 ? (a ) I = I1/9 (b ) I = I1/2 (c) I = I1/16 21* (a ) For the situation described in Problem 20, at what angle is the intensity at r = 5 m equal to I1? (b ) At what distance is the intensity equal to I1 at ? = 45? (a ) 1/r12 = (sin2 ?)/r2 sin2 ? = 1/4; ? = 30 (b ) 1/r12 = (sin2 45)/r2 r2 = 100/2 = 50 m2; r = 7.07 m 22 The transmitting antenna of a station is a dipole located atop a mountain 2000 m above sea level. The intensity of the signal on a nearby mountain 4 km distant and also 2000 m above sea level is 41012 W/m2. What is the intensity of the signal at sea level and 1.5 km from the transmitter? (See Problem 20.) Use I = I1 (r12/r2) sin2 ? r2 = 6.25 m2; sin ? = 0.6; I = 3.69 pW/m2 23 A radio station that uses a vertical dipole antenna broadcasts at a frequency of 1.20 MHz with total power output of 500 kW. The radiation pattern is as shown in Figure 32-8, i.e., the intensity of the signal varies as sin2 ?, where ? is the angle between the direction of propagation and the vertical, and is independent of azimuthal angle. Calculate the intensity of the signal at a horizontal distance of 120 km from the station. What is the intensity at that point as measured in photons per square centimeter per second? 2 8 P = I(r, )r 2sin dd = I 0 ; I 0 = 59.7 kW tot 2 2 1. From Problem 20, I(r,?) = I0 sin ? /r ; find I0 3 0 0
24 At a distance of 30 km from a radio station broadcasting at a frequency of 0.8 MHz, the intensity of the electromagnetic wave is 21013 W/m2. The transmitting antenna is a vertical dipole. What is the total power radiated by the station? Ptot = (8p/3)r2I(r) = 1.51 mW Use the result derived in Problem 32-23 25* A small private plane approaching an airport is flying at an altitude of 2500 m above ground. The airport's flight control system transmits 100 W at 24 MHz, using a vertical dipole antenna. What is the intensity of the signal at the plane's receiving antenna when the plane's position on a map is 4 km from the airport? 1 2 From Problem 23, I = (3P/8p)(sin 2 ?)/r2; ? = tan (2.5/4.0); I = 0.151 W/m 26 An electromagnetic wave has an intensity of 100 W/m2. Find (a ) the radiation pressure Pr, (b ) Erms, and (c) Brms. Pr = 0.333 Pa (a ) Use Equ. 32-14 2 (b ) From Equs. 32-8 and 32-9 I = e0cErms Erms = 194 V/m Brms = 0.647 T (c) Use Equ. 32-7 27 The amplitude of an electromagnetic wave is E0 = 400 V/m. Find (a ) Erms, (b ) Brms, (c) the intensity I, and (d ) the radiation pressure Pr. (a ) Erms = E0/21/2 Erms = 283 V/m Brms = 0.943 T (b ) Brms = Erms/c (c) Use Equ. 32-9 I = 212 W/m2 Pr = 0.708 Pa (d ) Use Equ. 32-14 28 The rms value of the electric field in an electromagnetic wave is Erms = 400 V/m. (a ) Find Brms, (b ) the average energy density, and (c) the intensity. Brms = 1.33 T (a ) Brms = Erms/c (b ) From Equ. 32-9 u av = ErmsBrms/0c u av = 1.41 J/m3 (c) Use Equ. 32-9 I = 424 W/m2 29* Show that the units of E = cB are consistent; that is, show that when B is in teslas and c is in meters per second, the units of cB are volts per meter or newtons per coulomb. [c][B] = [m/s][N/A.m] = [N/C] = [V/m]. 30 The root-mean-square value of the magnitude of the magnetic field in an electromagnetic wave is Brms = 0.245 T. Find (a ) Erms, (b ) the average energy density, and (c) the intensity. (a ), (b ), (c) Proceed as in Problem 32-28 (a ) Erms = 73.5 V/m (b ) u av = 47.8 nJ/m3 (c) I = 14.3 W/m 31 (a ) An electromagnetic wave of intensity 200 W/m2 is incident normally on a rectangular black card with sides of 20 cm and 30 cm that absorbs all the radiation. Find the force exerted on the card by the radiation. (b )
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Find the force exerted by the same wave if the card reflects all the radiation incident on it. (a ) Use Equ. 32-14 and F = Pr A F = 40 nN (b ) With reflection the force is doubled F = 80 nN 32 Find the force exerted by the electromagnetic wave on the reflecting card in part (b ) of Problem 31 if the radiation is incident at an angle of 30 to the normal. Note that only normal the component of the radiation pressure exerts a force on the card. Multiply the result of Problem 32-31 by cos 30. F = 69.3 nN. 33* An AM radio station radiates an isotropic sinusoidal wave with an average power of 50 kW. What are the amplitudes of Emax and Bmax at a distance of (a ) 500 m, (b ) 5 km, and (c) 50 km? (a ) I = Pav/4pr2 = ce0Erms2 = ce0Emax2/2; Bmax = Emax/ Emax = 3.46 V/m; Bmax = 11.5 nT (b ) 5 km = 10500 m; Emax 1/r Emax= 0.346 V/m; Bmax = 1.15 nT (c) 50 km = 100500 m Emax = 0.0346 V/m; Bmax = 0.115 nT 34 The intensity of sunlight striking the earth's upper atmosphere (called the solar constant) is 1.35 kW/m2. (a ) Find Erms and Brms due to the sun at the upper atmosphere of the earth. (b ) Find the average power output of the sun. (c) Find the intensity and the radiation pressure at the surface of the sun. (a ) From Equs. 32-8 and 32-9 I = e0cErms2 Erms = 713 V/m; Brms = Erms /c = 2.38 T 2 11 (b ) P = 4pR I; R = 1.510 m P = 3.821026 W (c) I = P/4pr2; r = 6.96108 m; Pr = I/c I = 6.28107 W/m2; Pr = 0.209 Pa 35 A demonstration laser has an average output power of 0.9 mW and a beam dia meter of 1.2 mm. What is the force exerted by the laser beam on (a ) a 100% absorbing black surface? (b ) a 100% reflecting surface? (a ) F = Pr A = (Pav /cA)A = Pav /c F = 3 pN (b ) With reflection, F is doubled F = 6 pN 36 A laser beam has a diameter of 1.0 mm and average power of 1.5 mW. Find (a ) the intensity of the beam, (b ) Erms, (c) Brms, and (d ) the radiation pressure. (a ) I = P/A; A = pd 2/4 I = 1.91 kW/m2 (b ) From Equs. 32-8 and 32-9 I = e0cErms2 Erms = 849 V/m Brms = 2.83 T (c) Brms = Erms /c Pr = 6.37 Pa (d ) Pr = I/c 37* Instead of sending power by a 750-kV, 1000-A transmission line, one desires to beam this energy via an electromagnetic wave. The beam has a uniform intensity within a cross-sectional area of 50 m2. What are the rms values of the electric and the magnetic fields? 1. Determine the intensity; I = P/A I = 7.5108/50 W/m2 = 1.5107 W/m2 2 2. I = Erms /c0; solve for Erms; Brms = Erms/c Erms = 75.2 kV/m; Brms = 0.251 mT 38 A laser pulse has an energy of 20 J and a beam radius of 2 mm. The pulse duration is 10 ns and the energy density is constant within the pulse. (a ) What is the spatial length of the pulse? (b ) What is the energy density within the pulse? (c) Find the electric and magnetic amplitudes of the laser pulse.
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Maxwells Equations and Electromagnetic Wave s L = 3.0 m u = 531 kJ/m3 E0 = 346 MV/m; B0 = 1.15 T
The electric field of an electromagnetic wave oscillates in the y direction and the Poynting vector is given by
42 A valuable 0.08-kg gem and a 105-kg spaceperson are separated by 95 m. Both objects are initially at rest. The spaceperson has a 1.5-kW laser that can be used as a photon rocket motor to propel the person toward the diamond. How long would it take the spaceperson to move 95 m using the laser rocket propulsion? 1. Find the acceleration a ; ma = dp /dt = (dU/dt)/c a = (1.5103/1053108 ) m/s2 = 4.76108 m/s2 2. x = 1/2at2 t = 6.32104 s = 17.5 h 43 It has been suggested that spacecraft could be propelled by the radiation pressure from the sun. What must be the surface mass density (kg/m2) of a perfectly reflecting sheet so that at a distance of one astronomical unit the force due to radiation pressure is twice that due to the gravitational attraction between the reflecting sheet and the
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sun? (Note: One astronomical unit is the average radius of the earth's orbit.) How will the ratio of radiation force to gravitational force change as the reflecting sheet accelerates away from the sun? Because the sheet is perfectly reflecting, the force on it due to the radiation is 2Pr A = 2IA/c. Set the area of the surface times twice the radiation pressure equal to twice the force of gravity. Note that at 1 AU, the intensity of the suns radiation is 1.35 kW/m2 (see Problem 32-34). The force of gravity exerted by the sun is Fg = GMSm/R2, where m = sA and R = 1 AU. Here s is the surface mass density. Solve for s = m/A . One obtains 3 11 2 8 30 11 2 4 2 s = 1.3510 (1.510 ) /(310 1.9910 6.6710 ) kg/m = 7.6310 kg/m . Since both I and Fg are inversely proportional to r2, the ratio of the two forces is independent of the distance from the sun. 44 Suppose a mass of 50 kg is attached to a perfectly reflecting sheet whose surface mass density is that obtained in Problem 43. What must be the surface area of the sheet so that at a distance of one astronomical unit the acceleration of the system away from the sun is 0.4 mm/s2? How does the acceleration vary with distance from the sun? GM S ( A + 50 kg ) 2AI 1. Write the condition in terms of the known = ( A + 50 kg )a F net = 11 c R2 parameters and the area A. R = 1.510 m. 2. Solve for A; I = 1.35 kW/m2, s = 7.63104 kg/m2 4.5106 A 0.295 = 3.052107 A + 0.02; A = 7.5104 m2
3. Since Fnet is proportional to 1/r2, a is also proportional to 1/r2. A blackbody is an object that is a perfect absorber; that is, it absorbs all radiation incident on it. It is also a perfect radiator. The power radiated by a blackbody of area A at temperature T is given by the StefanBoltzmann law (Equation 21-17 with e = 1), Pr = sAT 4 where s = 5.6703 10 8 W/m2 . K 4. 45* A very long wire of radius 4 mm is heated to 1000 K. The surface of the wire is an ideal blackbody radiator. (a ) What is the total power radiated per unit length? Find (b ) the magnitude of the Poynting vector S , (c) Erms, and (d ) Brms at a distance of 25 cm from the wire. (a ) Use Equ. 21-20; assume T0 = 293 K Pnet /L = 1415 W/m (b ) Use Equ. 32-9; I = Pnet /2prL = S S = 901 W/m2 (c) From Equs. 32-9 and 32-7, S = Erms2/0c Erms = 583 V/m Brms = 1.94 T (d ) Use Equ. 32-7 46 A blackbody sphere of radius R is a distance 21011 m from the sun. The effective area of the body for absorption of energy from the sun is pR2, but the area for radiation by the object is 4pR2. The power output of the sun is 3.831026 W. What is the temperature of the sphere? Pabs = pR23.831026 /4p41022 W 1. Find the power absorbed from the sun Prad = 4pR2 sT 4 2. Write the power radiated by the object T = [3.831026/(16ps 41022)]1/4 K = 241 K 3. Set Pabs = Prad and solve for T 47 (a ) If the earth were an ideal blackbody with infinite thermal conductivity and no atmosphere, what would be the temperature of the earth? (b ) If 40% of the incident sun's energy were reflected, what then would be the temperature of the earth? (See Problem 46.) (a ) Proceed as in Problem 32-46; D = 1.51011 m T = 278 K
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Show by direct substitution that Equation 32-17a is satisfied by the wave function
E y = E0 sin (kx t) = E 0 sin k(x ct)
where c = ?/k . Write the second partial derivatives of Ey = E0 sin (kx ?t) with respect to x and t. Note that c = ?/k .
2 2 Ey Ey 2 E y k 2 2 E y 1 2 E y 2 2 = sin (kx t); = sin (kx t) = = 2 k E E . So . 0 0 x2 t2 x2 2 t 2 c t2
Use the known values of 0 and e0 in SI units to compute c = 1 / 0 0 0 and show that it is approximately (8.8510124p107 )1/2 = 3.00108 m/s
50 (a ) Using arguments similar to those given in the text, show that for a plane wave, in which E and B are independent of y and z,
E z By = x t
By = 0 0 Ez x t
(b ) Show that Ez and By also satisfy the wave equation. (a ) In Figure 32-11 replace Bz by Ez. For ?x small Ez(x2) = Ez(x1) + ( Ez/ x)?x. Now take the line integral around the rectangular area ?x?z. This gives ( Ex/ x)?x?z. The magnetic flux through this same area is By?x?z, so from Faradays law we have Ez/ x = By/ t. Now, in Figure 32-10, replace Ey by By and proceed as in the text (see p. 1013). One obtains the equation By/ x = 0e0( Ez/ t). (b ) Use the result obtained in part (a ) to write the second partial derivatives of Ex with respect to x and t.
2 E z 2 E z B y B y E z 1 2 E z = = = = = . Taking the second partial derivatives of 0 0 x x x2 x t t c2 t 2 t xt
By with respect to x and t, it likewise follows that By satisfies the wave equation. 51 True or false: (a ) Maxwell's equations apply only to fields that are constant over time. (b ) The wave equation can be derived from Maxwell's equations. (c) Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves. (d ) In an electromagnetic wave in free space, the electric and magnetic fields are in phase. (e) In an electromagnetic wave in free space, the electric and magnetic field vectors E and B are equal in magnitude. (f ) In an electromagnetic wave in free space, the electric and magnetic energy densities are equal.
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(a ) False (b ) True (c) True (d ) True (e) False (f ) True 52 (a ) Show that if E is in volts per meter and B is in teslas, the units of the Poynting vector S = EB/0 are watts per square meter. (b ) Show that if the intensity I is in watts per square meter, the units of radiation pressure Pr = I/c are newtons per square meter. (a ) Note that B has the dimensions of 0[I]/[L], where [I] represents current (see, for example, Equ. 29-12). The dimension of the electric field is [V]/[L], where [V] denotes potential difference, i.e., volts. Thus [E][B]/[0] = [V][I]/[L]2 = [P]/[L]2, where P denotes power. Hence, the SI units of S are watts per square meter. (b ) Pr = I/c. The dimensions of I are [F][L]/[T][L]2 = [F]/[T][L]. Then I/c has the dimensions ([F]/[T][L])/([L]/[T])= [F]/[L]2. If I is in watts per square meter and c in meters per second, the Pr is in newtons per square meter. 53* A loop antenna that may be rotated about a vertical axis is used to locate an unlicensed amateur radio transmitter. If the output of the receiver is proportional to the intensity of the received signal, how does the output of the receiver vary with the orientation of the loop antenna? The current induced in a loop antenna is proportional to the time-varying magnetic field. For maximum signal, the antennas plane should make an angle ? = 0 with the line from the antenna to the transmitter. For any other angle, the induced current is proportional to cos ?. The intensity of the signal is therefore proportional to cos ?. 54 An electromagnetic wave has a frequency of 100 MHz and is traveling in a vacuum. The magnetic field is given by B(z, t) = (108 T) cos (kz ?t)i. (a ) Find the wavelength, and the direction of propagation of this wave. (b ) Find the electric vector E(z, t). (c) Give Poynting's vector, and find the intensity of this wave. (a ) ? = f /c; k = 2p/?; ? = 2pf ? = 3 m; the wave propagates in the z direction 8 (b ) Use Equs. 32-10 and 32-7 E(z, t) = [(3 V/m) cos (2.09z 6.2810 t)] j 2 2 8 (c) Use Equs. 32-10 and 32-9 S = (23.9 mW/m ) cos (2.09z 6.2810 t) k ; I = 11.9 mW/m2 55 A circular loop of wire can be used to detect electromagnetic waves. Suppose a 100-MHz FM station radiates 50 kW uniformly in all directions. What is the maximum rms voltage induced in a loop of radius 30 cm at a distance of 105 m from the station? 1. I = P/4pR2 = B02c/20; evaluate B0 B0 = 5.7741011 T 8 11 2. Maximum induced E when the plane of the loop is Erms = 0.707( p0.09)(6.2810 )(5.77410 ) V perpendicular to B. Emax = A?B0; Erms = 0.707Emax = 7.25 mV 56 The electric field from a radio station some distance from the transmitter is given by E = (104 N/C) cos 106t, where t is in seconds. (a ) What voltage is picked up on a 50-cm wire oriented along the electric field direction? (b ) What voltage can be induced in a loop of radius 20 cm? V = (50 V) cos 106 t (a ) V = EL since E does not depend on x (b ) B0 = E0/c; E = ?B0A = ?E0pR2/c E = 41.9 nV 57* A circular capacitor of radius a has a thin wire of resistance R connecting the centers of the two plates. A voltage V0 sin ?t is applied between the plates. (a ) What is the current drawn by this capacitor? (b ) What is the magnetic field as a function of radial distance r from the centerline within the plates of this capacitor? (c) What is the phase angle between current and applied voltage?
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Maxwells Equations and Electromagnetic Wave s Ic = (V0/R)sin ?t; Ic = (V0e0p?a 2/d )cos ?t I = V0[(1/R)sin ?t + (e0p?a 2/d )cos ?t] B(r) = (0V0/2pr)[(1/R)sin ?t + (e0pr2?/d )cos ?t] 1 2 d = tan (pa e0?R/d )
(a ) I = Ic + Id; Ic = V/R; For Id, use Equ. 32-4; Id = e0A(dE/dt) = (e0A/d )(dV/dt); Ic = V/R (b ) Use Equ. 32-4; here Id = Id(r2/a 2) (c) d = tan1(Id/Ic)
58 A 20-kW beam of radiation is incident normally on a surface that reflects half of the radiation. What is the force on this surface? Note that for the 10 kW that is reflected, the force on the surface is (210 kW)/c; for the 10 kW that is absorbed, the resulting force on the surface is (10 kW)/c. Thus the total force is F = (30103/3108 ) N = 0.1 mN. 59 Show that the relation between the momentum carried by an electromagnetic wave and the energy, Equation 32-13, can also be derived using the EinsteinPlanck relation, E = hf ; the de Broglie equation, p = h/?; and c = f ?. h = E/f ; p = h /? = E/f ? = E/c 60 The electric fields of two harmonic waves of angular frequency ?1 and ?2 are given by E1 = E1,0 cos (k 1x ?1t)j and E2 = E2,0 cos (k 2x ?2t + d)j. Find (a ) the instantaneous Poynting vector for the resultant wave motion and (b ) the time-average Poynting vector. If E2 = E2,0 cos (k 2x + ?2t + d)j, find (c) the instantaneous Poynting vector for the resultant wave motion and (d ) the time-average Poynting vector. (a ) Since E1 and E2 propagate in the x direction, E B = S i. Therefore B = B k and B = (1/c)[E1,0 cos (k 1x ?1t) + E2,0 cos (k 2x ?2t + d)] k . The Poynting vector is 2 2 2 2 S = (1/0c)[E1,0 cos (k 1 ?1t) + 2E1,0E2,0 cos (k 1x ?1t) cos (k 2x ?2t + d) + E2,0 cos (k 2x ?2t + d)] i. (b ) The time average of the cross product term is zero for ?1 ?2, and the time average of cos 2 (?t) = 1/2. So Sav = (1/20c)(E1,02 + E2,02) i. (c) In this case B2 = B k since the wave with k = k 2 propagates in the i direction. The magnetic field is then B = (1/c)[E1,0 cos (k 1x ?1t) E2,0 cos (k 2x + ?2t + d)] k . The Poynting vector is now 2 2 2 2 S = (1/0c)[E1,0 cos (k 1 ?1t) E2,0 cos (k 2x ?2t + d)] i. 2 2 (d ) Sav = (1/20c)(E1,0 E2,0 ) i. 61* At the surface of the earth, there is an approximate average solar flux of 0.75 kW/m2. A family wishes to construct a solar energy conversion system to power their home. If the conversion system is 30% efficient and the family needs a maximum of 25 kW, what effective surface area is needed for perfectly absorbing collectors? Write the expression for P; P = IAe A = P/Ie = 111 m2 62 Suppose one has an excellent radio capable of detecting a signal as weak as 1014 W/m2. This radio has a 2000-turn coil antenna having a radius of 1 cm wound on an iron core that increases the magnetic field by a factor of 200. The radio frequency is 140 KHz. (a ) What is the amplitude of the magnetic field in this wave? (b ) What is the emf induced in the antenna? (c) What would be the emf induced in a 2-m wire oriented in the direction of the electric field? (a ) Use Equ. 32-9; S av = I = (c/20)B02; Find B0 B0 = 9.1531015 T 5 (b ) Use Faradays law; E = KmNA?B0 cos (?t) E = (1.01 V) cos (8.8010 t) 5 (c) E = EL = cB0L sin (?t) E = (5.49 V) sin (8.8010 t) 63 A 654-nm laser whose beam diameter is 0.4 mm points upward. A small, perfectly reflecting spherical
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particle having a diameter of 10 m and a density of 0.2 g/cm3 is supported against gravity by the radiation pressure from the laser beam. Determine the power output of this laser. Fup = 2IA/c = (2p251012/3108 )I = 5.2361019I 1. Find upward force due to the laser beam 2. Set Fup = mg = (4p/3)gR3? and solve for I I = 1.962 MW/m2 3. Plas = IAbeam Plas = 0.247 W 64 A long, cylindrical conductor of length L, radius a , and resitivity ? carries a steady current I that is uniformly distributed over its cross-sectional area. (a ) Use Ohm's law to relate the electric field E in the conductor to I, ?, and a . (b ) Find the magnetic field B just outside the conductor. (c) Use the results for parts (a ) and (b ) to compute the Poynting vector S = E B/0 at r = a (the edge of the conductor). In what direction is S? (d ) Find the flux S n dA through the surface of the conductor into the conductor, and show that the rate of energy flow
into the conductor equals I2R, where R is the resistance. (Here S n is the inward component of S perpendicular to the surface of the conductor.) (a ) V = IR = I?L/A = I?L/pa 2 = EL. So E = I? /pa 2. (b ) B = 0I/2pa (see Equ. 29-12). (c) S = E B/0 = (I 2?/2p2a 3) r; using the right-hand rule to determine the direction of B one finds that the direction of S is radially inward. (d ) S n dA = S 2paL = I 2?L/pa 2 = VI = I 2R. Here we have taken the positive direction for S n to be radially
inward. 65* A long solenoid of n turns per unit length has a current that slowly increases with time. The solenoid has radius R, and the current in the windings has the form I(t) = at. (a ) Find the induced electric field at a distance r < R from the solenoid axis. (b ) Find the magnitude and direction of the Poynting vector S at the cylindrical surface r = R just inside the solenoid windings. (c) Calculate the flux S n dA into the solenoid, and show that it
equals the rate of increase of the magnetic energy inside the solenoid. (Here S n is the inward component of S perpendicular to the surface of the solenoid.) (a ) From Equ. 29-9, B = 0nI = 0nat, and m = 0natpr2. Now apply Equ. 32-6c, i.e., 2prE = 0na pr2 and obtain E = 0nar/2. (b ) At r = R, S = EB/0 = 0n 2a 2Rt/2. Since the field E is tangential and directed so as to give an induced current that opposes the increase in B, E B is a vector that points toward the axis of the solenoid. (c) Consider a cylindrical surface of length L and radius R. Since S points inward, the energy flowing into the solenoid per unit time is 2pRLS = p0n 2a 2tR2L. The magnetic energy is UB = (pR2L)(B2/20) = (pR2L)(0n 2a 2t2/2) and dUB/dt = p0n 2a 2tR2L. Q.E.D. 66 Small particles might be blown out of solar systems by the radiation pressure of sunlight. Assume that the particles are spherical with a radius r and a density of 1 g/cm3 and that they absorb all the radiation in a crosssectional area of pr2. They are a distance R from the sun, which has a power output of 3.831026 W. What is the radius r for which the radiation force of repulsion just balances the gravitational force of attraction to the sun? (a ) Set Frad = pr2P/4pR2c = G4pr3? M S/3R2; Substitute numerical values for ?, G, M S, P, and c; solve for r; r = 3P/16p?GMSc r = 0.574 m
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67 Some science fiction writers have used solar sails to propel interstellar spaceships. Imagine a giant sail erected on a spacecraft subjected to the solar radiation pressure. (a ) Show that the spacecraft's acceleration is given by
a= PS A 4 r 2 cm
where PS is the power output of the sun and is equal to 3.81026 W, A is the surface area of the sail, m is the total mass of the spacecraft, r is the distance from the sun, and c is the speed of light. (b ) Show that the velocity of the spacecraft at a distance r from the sun is found from
1 2 PS A 1 + v 2 = v0 2 mc r 0 r
where v0 is the initial velocity at r0. (c) Compare the relative accelerations due to the radiation pressure and the gravitational force. Use reasonable values for A and m. Will such a system work? (a ) This is similar to Problem 32-44. In this case the mass of the sail, which we take to be perfectly reflecting, is included in the mass of the object. We therefore neglect the product sA in the solution of that problem and replace the mass of 50 kg by m. The intensity of the suns radiation is I = PS /4pr2 and the force due to radiation pressure is 2I/c. Thus the net force is Fnet = (APS /2pc GMSm)/r2, and the acceleration is then a = (AP/2pc GMSm)/mr2. (Note: The answer given in the Problem assumes that the sails reflect no radiation and neglects the gravitational force of the sun on the mass m.) (b ) Since a is a function of r, the velocity must be found by integration. Note that a = dv/dt = (dv/dr)(dr/dt) = v(dv/dr). Thus v dv = a dr. v r r 1 1 dr 2 2 vdv = 1 / 2 v v 0 = adr = K 2 = K r r , where r 0 v r r
K = (AP/2pc GMSm)/m. Then v2 = v02 +[(AP/pc 2GMSm)/m](1/r0 1/r) (c) Judging by the result obtained in Problem 32-44, this scheme is not likely to work effectively. For any reasonable mass, the surface mass density of the sail would have to be extremely small and the sail would have to be huge. Moreover, unless struts are built into the sail, it will collapse in the attempt to accelerate the mass. 68 Novelty stores sell a device called a radiometer (Figure 32-13), in which a balanced vane spins rapidly. A card is mounted on each arm of the vane. One side of each card is white and the other is black. Assume that the mass of each card is 2 g, that the light-collecting area for each card is 1 cm2, and that each arm of the vane has a length of 2 cm. (a ) If a 100-W light bulb produces 50 W of electromagnetic energy and the bulb is 50 cm from the radiometer, find the maximum angular acceleration of the vane. (Estimate the moment of inertia of the vane by assuming all the mass of each card is at the end of the arms.) (b ) How long will it take for the vane to accelerate to 10 rev/min if it starts from rest and is subject to the maximum angular acceleration at all times? (c) Can the radiation pressure account for the rapid motion of the radiometer? (a ) 1. Find Pr = P/4pr2c Pr = 53.1 nN/m2 2. Find Fnet , t, and I (assume 4 vanes) Fnet 5.31 pN, t 11013 N.m, I 3106 kg.m2 8 2 3. Find a = t/I a 310 rad/s
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69* When an electromagnetic wave is reflected at normal incidence on a perfectly conducting surface, the electric field vector of the reflected wave at the reflecting surface is the negative of that of the incident wave. (a ) Explain why this should be. (b ) Show that the superposition of incident and reflected waves results in a standing wave. (c) What is the relationship between the magnetic field vector of the incident and reflected waves at the reflecting surface? (a ) At a perfectly conducting surface, E = 0. Therefore, the sum of the electric field of the incident and reflected wave must add to zero, and so Ei = Er. (b ) Let Ei = E0y cos(?t kx). Then Er = E0y cos(?t + kx). Using cos(a + ) = cos a cos sin a sin , Ei + Er = 2E0y sin(?t) sin( kx), which is the expression for a standing wave. (c) Using E B = 0S and S the direction of propagation of the wave, we see that for the incident wave Bi = Bz cos(?t kx). Since both S and Ey are reversed for the reflected wave, Br = Bz cos(?t + kx). So the magnetic field vectors are in the same direction at the reflecting surface and add at that surface; i.e., B = 2Bi. 70 An intense point source of light radiates 1 MW isotropically. The source is located 1.0 m above an infinite perfectly reflecting plane. Determine the force that acts on the plane. Let the point source be a distance a above the plane. Now consider a ring of radius r and thickness dr in the plane and centered at the point directly below the light source. The intensity anywhere along this infinitesimal ring is P/4p(r2 + a 2), and the element of force dF on this ring of area 2pr dr is then given by
dF = P r dr a , where we have taken into account that only the normal component of the incident 2 2 c( r + a ) r 2 + a 2
radiation contributes to the force on the plane, and that the plane is a perfectly reflecting one. Integrating dF from r = 0 to r = one obtains F = P/c = 3.33 mN.