e | e |
Ans: A
11. A uniform plane wave in air impinges at 45
angles on a lossless dielectric material
with dielectric constant
c . The transmitted wave propagates in a 30
direction with
respect to the normal. The value of ep is
(a) 1.5 (b) 1.5
(c) 2 (d) 2
Ans: C
12. A rectangular waveguide has dimensions 1 cm 0.5 cm. Its cut-off frequency is
(a) 5GHz (b) 10 GHz
(c) 15 GHz (d) 12 GHz
Ans: C
13. Two coaxial cables 1 and 2 are filled with different dielectric constants
r1 r 2
and c c
respectively. The ration of the wavelengths in the two cables
( )
1 2
/ is
r1 r2
/ c c (b)
r2 r1
/ c c
r1 r 2
/ c c (d)
r 2 r1
/ c c
Ans: B
14. A transmission line is distortionless if
= (b) RL = GC
(c) LG = RC (d) RG = LC
Ans: C
15. If a plane electrometric wave satisfies the equation
2 2
2 x x
2 2
z t
c c
c c
, the wave
propagates in the
(a) x-direction
(b) z-direction
(c) y-direction
(d) xy-plane at an angle of 45
between the x and z directions
Ans: B
GATE Question Bank Electro Magnetic Waves & Transmission Lines
16. The phase velocity of waves propagating in a hollow metal waveguide is
(a) greater than the velocity
(b) less than the velocity of light in free space
(c) equal to the velocity of light in free space
(d) equal to the group delay
Ans: A
17. The dominant mode in a rectangular waveguide is TE10, because
(a)no attenuation (b) no cut-off
(c) no magnetic field component (d) the highest cut-off wavelength
Ans: D
18. A material has conductivity of 10
mho/m and a relative permittivity of 4. The
frequency at which the conduction current in the medium is equal to the displacement
current is
(a) 45 MHz (b) 90MHz
(c) 450MHz (d) 900MHz
Ans: A
19. A uniform plane electromagnetic wave incident normally on a plane surface of a
dielectric material is reflected with a VSWR of 3. What is the percentage of incident
power that is reflected?
(a) 10% (b) 25%
(c) 50% (d) 75%
Ans: B
20. A medium wave radio transmitter operating at a wavelength of 492 m has a tower
antenna of height 124m. What is the radiation resistance of the antenna?
(a) 25 (b) 36.5
(c) 50 (d) 73
Ans: B
21. In a uniform linear array, four isotropic radiating elements are spaced /2 apart. The
progressive phase shift between the elements required for forming the main beam at
off the end-fire is:
(a) radians (b) /2 radians
(c) /4 radians (d) /8 radians
Ans: C
22. The VSWR can have any value between
(a) 0 and 1 (b) 1 and +1
(c) 0 and (d) 1 and
Ans: D
23. In an impedance Smith chart, a clockwise movement along a constant resistance circle
gives rise to
(a) a decrease in the value of reactance
(b) an increase in the value of reactance
(c) no change in the reactance value
(d) no change in the impedance value
Ans: B
24. The phase velocity for the TE10-mode in an air-filled rectangular waveguide is (c is
the velocity of plane waves in free space)
(a) less than c (b) equal to c
(c) greater than c (d)none of the above
Ans: C
GATE Question Bank Electro Magnetic Waves & Transmission Lines
25. A plane wave is characterized by
( )
j / 2 j t jkz
E 0.5x ye e
t e
= + . This wave is
(a) linearly polarized (b) circularly polarize
(c) elliptically polarized (d) unpolarized
Ans: C
26. Distilled water at 25 C is characterized by = 1.7 10
mho/m and
78 e= e at a
frequency of 3 GHz. Its loss tangent tan is
( ) ( )
10 / 36 F/ m
e= t
1.3 10
1.3 10
1.7 10 / 78
( )
1.7 10 / 78
Ans: A
27. The electric field on the surface of a perfect conductor is 2 V/m. The conductor is
immersed in water with
80 e= e . The surface charge density on the conductor is
0C/ m (b)
2C/ cm
11 2
1.8 10 C/ cm
9 2
1.41 10 C/ cm
Ans: D
28. A person with a receiver is 5 Km away from the transmitter. What is the distance that
this person must move further to detect a 3-dB decrease in signal strength?
(a) 942 m (b) 2070 m
(c) 4978 m (d) 5320 m
Ans: B
29. The unit of H V is
(a) Ampere (b) Ampere/meter
(c) Ampere/meter
(d) Ampere-meter
Ans: C
30. The depth of penetration of electromagnetic wave in a medium having conductivity
at a frequency of 1 MHz is 25 cm. The depth of penetration at a frequency of 4
MHz will be
(a) 6.25 cm (b) 12.50 cm
(c) 50.00 cm (d) 100.00 cm
Ans: B
31. Medium-1 has the electrical permittivity =1.5 0 farad/m and occupies the region to
the left of x = 0 plane. Medium-2 has the electrical permittivity 2 = 2.5 0 farad/m
and occupies the region to the right of x = 0 plane. If E1 in medium 1 is
( )
1 x y z
E 2u 3u 1u = + , then E2 in medium-2 is
x y z
(2.0u 7.5u 2.5u ) + volt/m
x y z
(2.0u 2.0u 0.6u )volt / m +
x y z
(1.2u 3.0u 1.0u )volt / m +
x y z
(1.2u 2.0u 0.6u )volt / m +
Ans: C
32. If the electric field intensity is by
x y z
E (xu yu zu ) = + + volt/m, the potential
difference between X(2,0,0) and Y(1,2,3) is
(a) + 1 volt (b) 1 volt
(c) + 5 volt (d) + 6 volt
Ans: C
GATE Question Bank Electro Magnetic Waves & Transmission Lines
33. A uniform plane wave travelling in air is incident on the plane boundary between air
and another dielectric medium with
4 c = . The reflection coefficient for the normal
incident, is
(a) zero (b) 0.5Z180
(c) 0.333 Z0 (d) 0.333Z180
Ans: D
34. If the electric field intensity associated with a uniform plane electromagnetic wave
travelling in a perfect dielectric medium is given
E(z, t) 10cos(2 10 0.1 z)volt / m = t t , the velocity of the travelling wave is
3.00 10 m/ sec (b)
2.00 10 m/ sec
6.28 10 m/ sec (d)
2.00 10 m/ sec
Ans: B
35. A short-circuited stub is shunt connected to a transmission line as shown in
Figure. If
Z 50 = O, the admittance Y seen at the junction of the stub and the
transmission line is
(a) (0.01-j0.02) mho (b)
( ) 0.02 j0.01 mho
(c) (0.04-j0.02) mho (d) (0.02+j0) mho
Ans: A
36. A rectangular metal wave-guide filled with a dielectric material of relative
4 c = has the inside dimensions 3.0cm1.2cm. The cut-off frequency for
the dominant mode is
(a) 2.5 GHz (b) 5.0 GHz
(c)10.0 GHz (d) 12.5 GHz
Ans: A
37. Two identical antennas are placed in the / 2 u = t plane as shown in figure. The
elements have equal amplitude excitation with
180 polarity difference, operating at
wavelength . The correct value of the magnitude of the far-zone resultant electric
field strength normalized with that of a single element, both computed for 0 | = , is
2 s
t | |
\ .
2 s
t | |
\ .
GATE Question Bank Electro Magnetic Waves & Transmission Lines
t | |
\ .
t | |
\ .
Ans: D
38. The phase velocity of an electromagnetic wave propagating in a hallow metallic
rectangular waveguide in the TE10 mode is
(a) equal to its group velocity
(b) less than the velocity of light in free space
(c) equal to the velocity of light in free space
(d) greater than the velocity of light in free space
Ans: D
39. Consider a lossless antenna with a directive gain of 6dB + . If 1mW of power is fed
to it the total power radiated by the antenna will be
(a) 4 mW (b) 1mW
(c) 7mW (d) 1/4 Mw
Ans: B
40. A parallel plate air-filled capacitor has plate area of
4 2
10 m
c = t )
(a) 10 mA (b) 100 mA
(c) 10 A (d) 1.59 mA
Ans: D
41. Consider a 300Oquarter-wave long (at 1 GHz) transmission line as shown in Figure.
It is connected to a 10V, 50W sources at one end and is left open circuited at the other
end. The magnitude of the voltage at the open circuit end of the line is
(a) 10v (b) 5v
(c) 60v (d) 60 / 7v
Ans: C
42. If
( )
jkz j t
x y
E a ja e
= + and
( )
jkz j t
x y
H a ja e
| |
= +
\ .
,the time averaged pointing
vector is
(a) null vector (b)
| |
\ .
| |
\ .
| |
\ .
Ans: A
GATE Question Bank Electro Magnetic Waves & Transmission Lines
43. Consider an impedance Z R j = + X marked with point P in an impedance Smith chart
as shown in Fig. The movement from point P along a constant resistance circle in the
clockwise direction by an angle
40 is equivalent to
(a) adding an inductance in series with Z
(b) adding a capacitance in series with Z
(c) adding an inductance in shunt across Z
(d) adding a capacitance in shunt across Z
Ans: A
44. A plane electromagnetic wave propagating in free space in incident normally on a
large slab of loss-less, non-magnetic, dielectric material with
c > c . Maxima and
minima are observed when the electric field is measured in front of the slab. The
maximum electric field is found to be 5 times the minimum field. The intrinsic
impedance of the medium should be
(a) 120tO (b) 60tO
(c) 600tO (d) 24tO
Ans: D
45. A lossless transmission line is terminated in a load which reflects a part of the
incident power. The measured VSWR is 2. the percentage of the power that is
reflected back is
(a) 57.73 (b) 33.33
(c) 0.11 (d) 11.11
Ans: D
46. The magnetic field intensity vector of a plane wave is given by
( )
H(x, y, z, t) 10sin 50000t 0.004x 30a = + + , where
a denotes the unit vector in
y direction. The wave is propagating with a phase velocity
5 10 m/ s (b)
3 10 m/ s
1.25 10 m/ s (d)
3 10 m/ s
Ans: C
GATE Question Bank Electro Magnetic Waves & Transmission Lines
47. Which one of the following does represent the electric field lines for the TE02 mode in
the cross-section of a hollow rectangular metallic waveguide?
Ans: D
48. Characteristic impedance of a transmission line is 50OInput impedance of the open
circuited line is
Z 100 j150 = + O. When the transmission line is short circuited the
value of the input impedance will be
(a) 50O (b) 100 j150 + O
(c) 7.69 j11.54 + O (d) 7.69 j11.54 O
Ans: D
GATE Question Bank Electro Magnetic Waves & Transmission Lines
49. Two identical and parallel dipole antennas are kept apart by a distance of / 4 in the
H-plane. They are fed with equal currents but the right most antenna has a phase shift
of +90. The radiation pattern is given as
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Ans: A
Statement for Linked Answer Questions 50 & 51:
Voltage standing wave pattern in a lossless transmission line with characteristic
impedance 50O and a resistive load is shown in figure.
50. The value of the load resistance is
(a) 50 O (b) 200O
(c) 12.5 O (d) 0 O
Ans: C
51. The reflection coefficient is given by
(a) - 0.6 (b) 1
(c) 0.6 (d) 0
Ans: A
52. Many circles are drawn in a Smith chart used for transmission line calculations. The
circles shown in figure represent
(a) unit circles
(b) constant resistance circles
(c) constant reactance circles
(d) constant reflection coefficient circles
Ans: B
GATE Question Bank Electro Magnetic Waves & Transmission Lines
53. The electric field of an electromagnetic wave propagating in the positive z-direction is
given by
( )
( ) x y
E a sin t z a sin t z
= e | + e |
The wave is
(a) linearly polarized in the z-dire
(b) elliptically polarized
(c) left-hand circularly polarized
(d) right-hand circularly polarized
Ans: C
54. A transmission line is feeding 1 Watt of power to a horn antenna having a gain of 10
dB. The antenna is matched to the transmission line. The total power radiated by the
horn antenna into the free-space is:
(a) 10 Watts (b) 1 Watt
(c) 0.1 Watt (d) 0.01 Watt
Ans: B
55. A medium of relative permittivity
r 2
2 c = forms an interface with free-space. A point
source of electromagnetic energy is located in the medium at a depth of 1meter from
the interface. Due to the total internal reflection, the transmitted beam has a circular
cross-section over the interface. The area of the beam cross section at the interface is
given by
2 m t (b)
2 2
m t
m t
Ans: D
56. A medium is divided into regions I and II about x = 0 plane, as shown in the figure
below. An electromagnetic wave with electric field
1 x y z
E 4a 3a 5a = + + is incident
normally on the interface form region-I. The electric field 2 E in region-II at the
interface is:
2 1
E E = (b)
x y z
4a 0.75a 1.25a +
x y z
3a 3a 5a + + (d)
x y z
3a 3a 5a + +
Ans: C
GATE Question Bank Electro Magnetic Waves & Transmission Lines
57. When a plane wave travelling in free-space is incident normally on a medium having
4.0 c = the fraction of power transmitted into the medium is given by
Ans: A
58. A rectangular waveguide having TE10 mode as dominant mode is having a cutoff
frequency of 18-GHz for the TE30 mode. The inner broad-wall dimension of the
rectangular waveguide is:
(a) 5/3 cms (b) 5 cms
(c) 5/2 cms (d) 10 cms
Ans: C
59. A mast antenna consisting of a 50 meter long vertical conductor operates over a
perfectly conducting ground plane. It is base-fed at a frequency of 600 kHz. The
radiation resistance of the antenna in Ohms is:
20 t
Ans: A