Pub100373 PDF
Pub100373 PDF
Pub100373 PDF
ISO 9001:2015
How to use it
ISO 9001 is a standard that sets
out the requirements for a quality
management system.
It helps businesses and organizations
to be more efficient and improve
customer satisfaction.
What benefits will it bring
to my business
or organization ?
Implementing a quality management system
will help you :
• Assess the overall context of your
organization to define who is affected by
your work and what they expect from you.
This will enable you to clearly state your
objectives and identify new business
• Put your customers first, making sure
you consistently meet their needs and
exceed their expectations. This can lead to
repeat custom, new clients and increased
business for your organization.
• Work in a more efficient way as
all your processes will be aligned
and understood by everyone in the
business or organization. This increases
productivity and efficiency, bringing
internal costs down.
• Meet the necessary statutory and
regulatory requirements.
• Expand into new markets, as some
sectors and clients require ISO 9001
before doing business.
• Identify and address the risks
associated with your organization.
What is quality management all about ?
ISO 9001 builds on seven quality management principles. Following these
principles will ensure your organization or business is set up to consistently create
value for its customers. With these seven pillars firmly in place, implementing a
quality management system will be much easier.
your products and services are in line • Check if the certification body
with their expectations – and might in uses the relevant CASCO standard.
CASCO (ISO’s Committee on
some cases be a prerequisite to working
conformity assessment) has
with certain clients – many organiza-
produced a number of standards
tions benefit from using the standard
related to the certification process.
without seeking certification.
ISO/IEC TS 17021-3:2013 sets
out the requirements for bodies
providing audit and certification to
quality management systems.
• Check that the certification body What is accreditation ?
is accredited. Accreditation
is not compulsory. While Accreditation is the formal recognition
non-accreditation does by an independent party (generally
not necessarily mean an known as an “ accreditation body ”) that
organization is not reputable, a certification body operates according
being accredited does provide to International Standards – a form of
independent confirmation certification of the certifying body.
of its competence.
© ISO, 2019
All rights reserved
ISBN 978-92-67-10640-3