Assessment Task 2 - BSBHRM512 Handout
Assessment Task 2 - BSBHRM512 Handout
Assessment Task 2 - BSBHRM512 Handout
This policy provides details of Australian Hardware ‘s approach to manage performance management
The purpose of the policy is to provide clear guidelines for managers who manage direct reports.
• Industry standards
• Security of information
• Technology
Sample 1:
Sample 2
A) In week 4 of class, liaise with the trainer and assessor and schedule a time (30 minutes) to:
o Consult with the managers about the processes developed in Task 2.1 and agree on the
process features
o Establish a positive work relationship with the line managers to ensure they will monitor
their teams’ performance regularly
For this Role-Play, you will also have to develop and submit:
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer
and assessor to perform the Role-Play.
• Make sure that the draft of the integrated performance management process is ready
• Prepare the Powerpoint
• Prepare the Lesson Plan
• Think about how to run the session
Apply any adjustment/refinement agreed on during the consultation to the integrated performance
management processes.
B) Additionally, you want the line managers to attend a formal course in leadership. Your budget
for two managers is $ 4,000, and the training must be completed within three months.
i. Research two possible training organisation providers that can deliver the leadership
course within budget and according to timelines.
ii. The procurement policy requires you to obtain two quotes for any service under $5,000.
Obtain a quote from each provider (prices could be found on their websites, or you could
enquire directly with the provider).
BSBHRM512 - Develop and manage performance management processes V2-2020 Page 8
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
iii. Provide evidence of the quotes. You could attach a screenshot of the price provided for
Evidence Quote 1:
Evidence Quote 2:
Learning Plan
Audience/Learners Check case study
Who will be trained.
Training Methods
List the training methods
that will be used.
Example: online, external
training provider, in-
Training Resources
List the training resource
needs such as
equipment, material, etc..
The education provider engaged in delivering the leadership course has not delivered what was
o The facilitator was late
o The quality of the training material provided was of poor (photocopies of photocopies)
o The participants did not feel engaged in the training session, and they believe that the
facilitator was not an expert in his field
The contract that you have signed has a ‘non-refund’ policy; however, you want to negotiate remedial
actions with the provider.
A) Write a dialogue (what you would say) that you would use with the training provider to
illustrate the situation and to negotiate remedial actions due to the substandard learning
experience that was delivered.
Hi, I am James from …., and I call you to discuss the training experience of our staff with your
We have received negative feedback. Our managers stated….
I understand that you don’t have a refund policy, however….
What we are proposing as remedial action is…
(80-120 words)
Your dialogue:
B) Write an email report (50-100 words) to the CEO to advise him of the success rate of the
training activity in Task 2.2 A and advise him of what actions will be implemented to improve
future sessions based on the feedback received.
Strongly Agree 30% – Agree 60%– Neutral 10% – Disagree – Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree 40% – Agree 45%– Neutral 5%– Disagree 10%– Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree 25%– Agree 55% – Neutral 20%– Disagree – Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree 40% – Agree 30%– Neutral 15%– Disagree 10%– Strongly Disagree 5%
o Coffee on arrival
<Add text>
Appendix 1 – Scenario
You are the new HR manager of ‘Australian Hardware’, a large warehouse chain with over 138
stores Australia wide. Their website is accessible at:
Organisational policies and procedure for “Australian Hardware” could be accessed from the
following website:
To provide the highest quality supermarket service to our valued wholesale customers.
To establish, within five years, the reputation of ‘Australian Hardware’ as the premier supplier of
independent supermarkets in Victoria.
The strategic plans of ‘Australian Hardware’ that will achieve its mission and vision through:
• stock items
• delivery timelines.
• number of accidents
spoiling goods
• Greater use by
managers of budgets to
encourage restraint in
work teams.
Australian Hardware Pty Ltd (Australian Hardware) Employee Development company policy refers
to the company’s learning and development programs and activities.
In the modern competitive environment, employees need to replenish their knowledge and acquire
new skills to do their jobs better. This will benefit both them and the company. We want them to feel
confident about improving efficiency and productivity, as well as finding new ways towards personal
development and success.
This policy applies to all permanent, full-time or part-time, employees of the company. Employees with
temporary/short-term contracts might attend training at their manager’s discretion.
This policy doesn’t cover supplementary employees like contractors or consultants.
Employees, managers and Human Resources (HR) should all collaborate to build a continuous
professional development (CPD) culture. It’s an employee’s responsibility to seek new learning
opportunities. It’s a manager’s responsibility to coach their teams and identify employee development
needs. And it’s HR’s responsibility to facilitate any staff development activities and processes.
What do we mean by training and development?
In general, we approve and encourage the following employee trainings:
• Australian Hardware allocates a budget of $10,000/year to each team for training purposes.
• Australian Hardware allocates $2,000 for training purposes as part of a performance reward
scheme to two employees/team/year who have exceeded performance expectations.
• Australian Hardware allocates $3,000/year for training purposes for each Area Manager.
Individual training programs
The company has specific provisions regarding individual training programs. All employees that have
worked for the company more than four months are eligible to participate in external training programs
individually or teams as planned by their line manager.
Employees can be absent from training for up to 4 days per year.
Employees can choose to attend as many training programs as they want, provided they don’t exceed
the budget and day limit. If they do, they’ll have to use their paid time off (PTO) and pay any extra fees
Employees are required to bring proof of attendance.
Any employee training that the company mandates (e.g. due to inadequacies of an employee’s
performance or changes in their job description) is excluded from the training budget and time limit.
Training budget:
The company may take care of the entire cost up to $1,000/employee/year.
• Skills matrix
The training activities deliver desired outcomes • KPIs set for staff performance
improvements after training