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Polyplastics: System Procedure

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Description of Revision Reason for Revision
No Date
14 19.04.14 Whole procedure revised as per existing practice Training to SRM Team
External & External training reviewed for minor correction.
15 03.01.15 Venue in house, faculty feedback in case of 1st training Aligned with actual practice
16 19.02.16 Training criteria added in S.No. 9 in D1 Internal Audit NC finding
Operator qualification criteria changed from 30 days to 15
Observation by MSIL & New development
17 01.09.16 parts on page 6 & 7. & New product development training
training for improvement.
defined as “D” section.
18 24.05.17 Skill matrix criteria defined in S.No. A8 MSIL Audit observation
Internal Audit observation & for better
19 21.12.17 Criteria changed from 15 to 7 in S.No. 9 of E1
Replaning methodology of staff training, Long absence
20 05.03.18 BIQS Audit observation
employee & inter-department change amended
Training effectiveness check added for internal training > MSIL audit observation during vendor
21 01.05.18
4 hrs system audit
Job specification removed from F1 S.No.11 & History card No output of the same. Improvement
22 11.06.18
added in E S.No.5 through history card circulation
Updatation of organization structure added in induction Closure against HMSI audit observation in
23 20.08.18
training.in part G. Bhiwadi plant.
Procedure no changed to TRG-P-02 & flow form converted to
Difficulty to modify in flow form (no value
24 13.03.19 text form. Induction program methodology revised for test in
addition with wastage of time
section G4, 10 & 11.
Observation during VSA audit in Sanand
25 12.11.19 QAS-W-21 defined in S. No. A6 & C6
B.2 (d) elaborated with skill matrix. Note added in S.No. B.8,
26 26.02.20 Improvement basis , Daslana VSA Audit
for more clarity in case staff deployed on machine.
S.No. B8 revised for clarity in term of attendance &
27 07.09.20 Improvement observed during internal audit.
Topic capping defined in S.No.3 in section B, Training effective Observation during Hero Motor Corp (HMC)
28 04.06.21
defined in S.No. 6 & 9 in section F1. audit dated 24th May 21.
Observation during Nissan Audit in Chennai
29 21.06.21 Associate Definition defined in S.No. 5.0.
S. Access Sign
Designation Applicability Qty Date Remarks
No. Print PDF (Receiver)
1) HOD (PRD)
2) HOD (QAS)
3) HOD (MNT)
4) HOD (ENG)
5) HOD (MKT)
6) HOD (SAL)
7) HOD (PUR)
8) HOD (STR)
9) HOD (TRG)
10) HOD (TLR)
11) MGT
12) MR
Note: In case of electronic distribution, printed copies are meant for reference only unless it is signed by authorized signatory &
stamped as “controlled”.

Prep. By: Reviewed & Appd. By: Issued by: REV. NO: 29

Satish HOD-QMS Exec.-MIS DATE: 21.06.21


1.0 Purpose (Why):
To establish a process for defining job specifications, skill matrix, conducting gap analysis,
identifying training needs, imparting & evaluating training effectiveness.
2.0 Scope (Where):
All employees in the organization, whose work have impact on product quality
3.0 Responsibility
4.0 Definition:
OJT-On Job Training
PSO – Process Owner
Associate – Any employee who is directly involved in manufacturing operations on saleable
product. In simple words, it is workmen.
5.0 Input:
• Skill Matrix
• Job Specification
• Training calendar
6.0 Procedure:
Training will be conducted in following sections for associates & staff:
A) On Job Training for new operators
B) Regular Training for operators
C) Inter-process change
D) Long absence Training in case leave is more than 30 days
E) New development training
F) External Training
G) Induction Training
Description (What) Resp. Ref. (How) Freq.
(Who) (when)

A) On Job Training (Associates)

1) New requirement slip duly approved by HOD, will be handed PSO HRD-F-42 When
over to HR dept. Reqd.
2) Recruit employee as per requirement defined in resource HRD HRD-F-42 ---
requirement slip.
3) Send employee to Dojo center for training. Enter name of HRD TRG-D-20 ---
employee in training tracking sheet. Training will be imparted TRG-W-02
as per training schedule. TRG-P-01

4) After imparting training, send employee to respective work HRD --- ---
5) Respective Process owner will evaluate the operator on 10 APO PRD-F-36 ---
cycles. If not qualified, operator will observe working & will be
re-evaluated after 4 hours again till qualification.
6) After qualification, operator will be deployed on regular job. APO TRG-F-16 ---
Skill Matrix will be updated within one month maximum. QAS-W-21

Prep. By: Reviewed & Appd. By: Issued by: REV. NO: 29

Satish HOD-QMS Exec.-MIS DATE: 21.06.21



Description (What) Resp. Ref. (How) Freq.

(Who) (when)
7) Copy of Skill Matrix will be submitted to HR dept. HR will use APO TRG-F-16 ---
skill matrix as an input for further level up training plan.
B) Regular Training

1) HR will review employee master for updation of all employee HRD TRG-D-05 Nov, Last
names. Week
2) Segregate training needs through training summary report HODs TRG-F-16 Dec, 1st
based on faculty, internal, external etc. Inputs will be compiled TRG-F-10 week
from following:
a) Evaluation from previous trainings
b) Training identified during customer specific requirement
review & customer complaint.
c) Training identified during new product development
d) Review of training need identification through Skill Matrix
& job specifications
e) On job training, if required
f) Special training identified by management
3) Prepare annual training calendar as per criteria: if no of HRD TRG-F-15 Dec, 2nd
employees >7 for any topic. In case <7, Mgt. approval will be TRG-F-15A Week
taken by employee reqd. training. From balance topics, based
on relevancy, top 30 programs will be selected jointly by HR
Head & MR.
4) Based on annual training calendar, prepare monthly training HRD TRG-F-05 Start of
plan. Month
5) HR will check for faculty availability, if training can be HRD TRG-D-08 During
imparted by in-house faculty, organize training otherwise planning
follow s.no. F1
6) Conduct training as per schedule HRD TRG-F-04 ---
7) Collect training feedback from each employee. HRD TRG-F-09 After
8) In case of staff training, test will be taken after training, HRD --- ---
qualifying score is minimum 60%. if trainee score marks <
60% than it will be included in next training program. Re-
Training will be considered in the following cases:
a) If more than 50% trainees not qualified,
b) If trainee attendance is <60%
In above cases, re-training will be imparted with in next 30
In case of associates, effectiveness will be checked after 6
months during skill matrix preparation. Excluding above case,
trainee will be covered in next training plan.

Prep. By: Reviewed & Appd. By: Issued by: REV. NO: 29

Satish HOD-QMS Exec.-MIS DATE: 21.06.21



Description (What) Resp. Ref. (How) Freq.

(Who) (when)
Note: in case, staff (Supervisor, Engineer, Sr. Engineer etc.)
works on machine than skill matrix will be applicable in place
of job spec. Minimum level should be “B” to work
9) Training Effectiveness will be checked during job spec HRD TRG-F-10 After
preparation annually for training <4 Hrs. For training >=4 Hrs, TRG-F-21 training
training effectiveness will be checked after 3 months.
10) Update Employee History card, Compile MIS data & submit HRD TRG-F-01 Monthly 4th
to QMS dept. at month end MIS-F-04 of every

C) Inter-Process Change

1) Check employee to be transferred in other process or within APO --- ---

same process.
2) In case, employee to be transferred to other process, fill PSO HRD-F-41 ---
employee transfer slip & hand it over to HR dept. fro
necessary formalities.
3) After, updation of name in records, update training calendar. HRD --- ---
4) Send employee to Dojo center for specific module training, HRD --- ---
after completion of Dojo training, send operator to work
5) Operator will be evaluated on 10 parts as per operator PSO PRD-F-36 ---
observation sheet
6) If operator is qualified, Update skill matrix & send copy to PSO TRG-F-16 ---
training dept. along with operator observation sheet for further QAS-W-21
level up training plan. In case operator is not suitable send
back to previous process.
D) Long absence Training in case leave is > 30 days

1) Employee will report in HR section after long absence (> 30 HRD TRG-F-23 After long
days), HR will issue TRG-F-23 form to employee Employee leave
2) Process Owner will communicate all issue to employee Process TRG-F-23 Before
happened in absence period. Owner deploying
on job
3) Send copy to HR dept. for record purpose. Process TRG-F-23 Within 24
Owner hours
4) HR will enclose report in employee file. HRD --- ---
E) New Development Training

1) Schedule Training as per APQP Time plan Project ENG-F-18 As per

Leader Time Plan

Prep. By: Reviewed & Appd. By: Issued by: REV. NO: 29

Satish HOD-QMS Exec.-MIS DATE: 21.06.21



Description (What) Resp. Ref. (How) Freq.

(Who) (when)
2) Prepare Training Material. Material should cover all technical Project --- As per
details i.e. material, fit, function etc. Leader Time Plan
3) Identify Trainees from all relevant processes Project TRG-F-02A Before Trial
4) Send communication to all nominees & Training for venue Project E-MAIL ---
arrangement Leader
5) Execution of Training Project --- ---
6) Share training attendance sheet to Training dept. & Retain Project TRG-F-02A ---
one copy in Part file. Leader
F1) External Training (within Company)

1) In case any training need to be organized externally, discuss HRD

with MR.
2) Based on no. of employees, viability will be checked in term MR --- ---
of cost for in house or to be sent employee in open house HRD
3) In case, training to be organized in-house, Contact faculty & MR Training ---
fix training date & collect training material Material
4) Communicate employees through circular / mail HRD Circular / Min 7 days
Mail prior
5) Organize training as per scheduled date HRD --- As per
6) Test will be taken after training, qualifying score is minimum HRD --- ---
60%. if trainee score marks < 60% than it will be included in
next training program. Re-Training will be considered in the
following cases:
If more than 50% trainees not qualified,
If trainee attendance is <60%
In above cases, re-training will be imparted with in next 30
7) Collect feedback from each employee HRD TRG-F-20 At Training
8) Compile training feedback in summarized form, if there is any HRD TRG-F-22 Within 3
suggestion, same will be incorporated in next program. days of
9) Each trainee will submit training effectiveness report within 3 Nominee TRG-F-21 With 3
month to HR dept. in case training duration is >= 4 Hours. TRG-F-03 months

F2) External Training (Open House Programs)

1) Training, seminar information received by any one, will be Anyone --- ---

Prep. By: Reviewed & Appd. By: Issued by: REV. NO: 29

Satish HOD-QMS Exec.-MIS DATE: 21.06.21



Description (What) Resp. Ref. (How) Freq.

(Who) (when)
forwarded to MR.
2) MR will identify the suitability in company, if yes, then names MR --- ---
will be proposed who can percolate the training further. If HRD
there is any need already raised than candidate will be
nominated for the same.
3) Proposed names will be forwarded to concerned HOD for MR --- ---
availability of employees on the date or name alteration.
4) Final candidate name will be forwarded to HR for further HRD --- ---
proceeding i.e. registration, training record updation & get
cheque from account dept.
5) Nominee will attend training on scheduled date Nominee --- On
6) After attending training, nominee will submit tour report along Nominee --- Within 3
with training material & certificate (if issued) to HR dept. days
7) HR will submit training material in library as per procedure of HRD --- Within 24
library management & certificate to employee file. hours
8) HR will plan training within 30 days maximum, if training to be HRD TRG-F-09 Within 7
imparted further as per external training feedback form. days
9) Nominee will submit training effectiveness report within 3 Nominee TRG-F-21 With 3
month to HR dept. TRG-F-03 months

G) Induction Training

1) After joining of employee, HR will prepare Induction Training HRD TRG-F-06 Within 24
Schedule & update organization structure. HRD-D-09 Hours
2) Send copy of induction schedule to all HODs for information HRD TRG-F-06 ---
3) QMS dept. will be scheduled 1st in induction program. HRD --- ---
4) QMS dept. will provide copy of respective dept. procedures to QMS
new joinee.
5) HR representative will accompany for introduction in HRD --- ---
respective dept., in which induction is scheduled.
6) Respective process owner will brief up activities handled with PSO --- ---
in dept.
7) Joinee will make a note for all dept for positive & negative HRD HRD-F-33 During
observations also during induction training Induction
8) Joinee will submit the Induction report to HRD at the end of HRD HRD-F-33 After
training Induction
9) HRD will fix a meeting of employee with QMS enclosing HRD HRD-F-33 After
updated organization structure with induction report. Induction

Prep. By: Reviewed & Appd. By: Issued by: REV. NO: 29

Satish HOD-QMS Exec.-MIS DATE: 21.06.21



Description (What) Resp. Ref. (How) Freq.

(Who) (when)
10) A test will be conducted by QMS after induction completion. QMS HRD-F-33 Within 7
It can be written or viva. Employee will also submit an oath days of
that he will do work as per defined procedures. Test will be induction
applicable up to level-4 only.
11) QMS will review all the improvement points with joinee & will
incorporate applicable proposals in system. Acknowledged
copy will be filed in employee record by HR.
12) File report in employee file. HRD HRD-F-33 After QMS

Employee history card will be updated after each training

7. Output:
 Skill Matrix of candidate
 Job specification
8. Measurable:
Training hour / Man/ Month

Prep. By: Reviewed & Appd. By: Issued by: REV. NO: 29

Satish HOD-QMS Exec.-MIS DATE: 21.06.21


9. Records:
9.1) ENG-F-18 APQP Timing Chart
9.2) HRD-F-33 Induction Report
9.3) HRD-F-41 Employee Transfer Slip
9.4) HRD-F-42 Resource Requirement (Manpower)
9.5) PRD-F-36 Operator Observation Sheet
9.6) MIS-F-04 Training MIS
9.7) TRG-F-02A Training Need Identification (Project Specific)
9.8) TRG-F-03 External Training Effectiveness Tracking Sheet
9.9) TRG-F-05 Monthly Training Schedule
9.10) TRG-F-06 Induction Training Schedule
9.11) TRG-F-09 External Training Feedback Form
9.12) TRG-F-10 Job Specification
9.13) TRG-F-15 Annual Training Calendar (Associates)
9.14) TRG-F-15A Annual Training Calendar (Staff)
9.15) TRG-F-16 Skill Matrix
9.16) TRG-F-20 Trainer evaluation by trainee
9.17) TRG-F-21 Training Effectiveness Form
9.18) TRG-F-22 Training Feedback Summary
9.19) TRG-F-23 Check sheet for long absence employee
10. References:
10.1) TRG-D-05 Employee Master List
10.2) TRG-D-08 List of Faculties
10.3) TRG-D-20 Dojo Training Schedule
10.4) TRG-W-02 Associate Training Methodology
10.5) TRG-P-01 Methodology for Training in Skill Development Center
10.6) QAS-W-21 Attribute Gauge & Poison Cake Study

Prep. By: Reviewed & Appd. By: Issued by: REV. NO: 29

Satish HOD-QMS Exec.-MIS DATE: 21.06.21

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