(1) To provide a system for securing the secrecy and sancity of the Such absentee voters shall be disqualified if:1. The affidavit is
ballot, and for absentee voting by qualified Filipinos abroad not submitted; and2. They do not reestablish physical residence
(2) To design a procedure for the disabled and the illiterate to vote within 3 years.
without the assistance of other persons
Application. This provision applies to: (1) Persons who have all
the qualifications but who happen to be temporarily abroad; and
(2) qualified voters who are in the PH but are temporarily absent
ABSENTEE VOTING from their voting places.
Absentee voting. Process by which qualified citizens of the MACALINTAL V COMELEC
Philippines abroad exercise their right to vote. This provision is a
result of a number of Filipinos working abroad, who are Petitioner assails the constitutionality of Section 5(d) of RA 9189
because it is alleged to have violated the residence requirement
deprived of their right of suffrage due to the Constitutional under Art V, Sec 1 of the 1987 Constitution. Ultimately, the
residency requirement.The details of the mechanics for absentee Court ruled that the law does not violate the residency
voting have been left to Congress. The current law is RA 9189 or requirement in Section 1 of Article V of Constitution.
the Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003.
Constitutionality. The law was enacted in obeisance to the
OVERSEAS ABSENTEE VOTING ACT mandate of the first paragraph of Section 2, Art V that Congress
shall provide a system for voting by qualified Filipinos abroad.
RA 9189 The strategic location of Section 2 indicates that the
Section 4: Coverage. – All citizens of the PH abroad, who are not Constitutional Commission provided for an exception to the
otherwise disqualified by law, at least eighteen (18) years of age on actual residency requirement of Section 1 with respect to
the day of elections, may vote for president, vice-president, senators, Filipinos abroad. Executing an affidavit of intention to return.
and party- list representatives. Section 5(d) specifically disqualifies an immigrant or permanent
resident who is recognized as such in the host country unless he
RA 9189 allows citizens residing abroad to vote even if they are executes an affidavit. The reason lies in the implication that
recognized as immigrants by the country of their residence. immigration or permanent residence in another country implies
Affidavit requirement. The law requires them to file an affidavit renunciation of one’s residence in his own country. However, by
declaring that they shall resume actual physical permanent executing an affidavit, he is presumed not to have abandoned his
residence in the PH not later than 3 years from approval of domicile by reason of his physical absence from this country.
registration under the said law. This is meant to be a statement The execution of the affidavit itself is not the enabling or
that they never intended to abandon his or her domicile in the enfranchising act. It serves as an explicit expression that he had
PH. not in fact abandoned his domicile of origin
o Absentee voting, with respect to dual citizens. RA 9225 allows
those who reacquire or retain their citizenship to vote under Sec
5(1) of the law. The Court notes that there is no provision in said
law that requires dual citizens to actually establish residence and
physically stay in the PH first before they can exercise their right
to vote. Accordingly, these citizens are allowed to vote under the
system of absentee voting under RA 9189. Nicolas-Lewis vs