Adv Ex 21 Statistics
Adv Ex 21 Statistics
Adv Ex 21 Statistics
Q2 [CE Math 92 8]
In a sports competition, the mean score of a team of m men and n women is 70.
(a) Find the total score of the team in terms of m and n.
(b) If the mean score of the men is 75 and the mean score of the women is 62, find the ratio m: n.
(c) If there are altogether 39 persons in the team, find the number of men.
Q3 [CE Math 86 3]
The table below shows the number of students in three classes of a school and their average marks in a test:
Class No. of Students Average Mark
F. 5A 40 61
F. 5B x 70
F. 5C 35 50
If the overall average mark of the three classes is 60, find x.
Q4 [CE Math 85 7]
The pie-chart in Figure 2 shows the distribution of traffic accidents in Hong Kong in 1983. There were
4200 traffic accidents on H.K. Island, 9240 accidents in Kowloon and n accidents in the New
Territories. Find n and x.
Q5 [CE Math 83 3]
Given five real numbers − 6, , + 2, + 3, + 6. Find
(a) the mean,
(b) the standard deviation.
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New Senior Secondary Mathematics
Advanced Exercise Ch. 21: Statistics
Q6 [CE Math 82 7]
In a certain school, the numbers of students living on Hong Kong Island, in Kowloon and the
New Territories are in the ratios 2: 7: 3. The pie chart in the figure shows the distribution.
(a) Find , and z.
(b) If the number of students living on Hong Kong Island is 240, find the total number of
students in the school.
(b) The table below shows the percentage changes when each item of Mr Wong’s expenses in April is compared with that in March.
Item Food Rent Travelling Education Miscellaneous Savings
Percentage Increased by Increased by Increased by No change No change ?
Change 10% 30% 30%
The pie-chart in Figure 6(b) shows how Mr Wong’s income was distributed between his expenses and savings for April.
(i) Suppose that Mr Wong’s income in March and April were the same.
(1) Find x, y and z in Figure 6(b).
(2) Calculate the percentage change in Mr Wong’s saving for April when compared with those for March.
(ii) If Mr Wong’s income in April actually increased by 37.5%, what percentage of his income in April was spent on food?
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New Senior Secondary Mathematics
Advanced Exercise Ch. 21: Statistics
Q9 [CE Math 81 6]
Figure 1 shows the cumulative frequency polygon of the marks obtained by 100 students taking a mathematics test.
(a) If 75% of the students pass the test, what is the pass mark, correct to the nearest integer?
(b) If the pass mark were 40, how many students would pass the test?
(c) Find the inter-quartile range.
(b) Find the mode, the median and the interquartile range of the numbers of hours spent by the 25 students.
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New Senior Secondary Mathematics
Advanced Exercise Ch. 21: Statistics
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New Senior Secondary Mathematics
Advanced Exercise Ch. 21: Statistics
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New Senior Secondary Mathematics
Advanced Exercise Ch. 21: Statistics
Q15 [ASL M&S 94 4]
Figure 2 shows the cumulative frequency polygon of weights (in kg) for a group of 100 students
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New Senior Secondary Mathematics
Advanced Exercise Ch. 21: Statistics
Q16 [ASL M&S 96 1]
A stem-and-leaf diagram for the test scores or 30 students is shown below:
(a) Find the mean. mode and interquartile range of these scores.
(b) If the score 71 an incorrect record and the correct score is 11, which of the statistics in (a) will have different values?
Find the correct values of these statistics.
(a) Draw two box-and-whisker diagrams in your answer book comparing the reaction times of boys and girls.
(b) Suppose a boy and a girl are randomly selected from the class. Which one will have a bigger chance of having a reaction time
shorter than 1.1 seconds? Explain.
Let ̅ be the mean of these 21 scores. It is known that if the smallest value of these 21 scores is removed, the range is decreased by 27
and the mean is increased by 2.
(a) Find the values of a, b and ̅ .
(b) The teacher wants to select 6 students to participate in a competition by first excluding the student with the lowest score. If the
students are randomly selected, find the probability that there will be
(i) no students with score higher than 70 being selected;
(ii) at least 2 students with scores higher than 70 being selected.
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New Senior Secondary Mathematics
Advanced Exercise Ch. 21: Statistics
[Finish the following questions if you aim at DSE Math Level 5*]
Q19 [ASL M&S 96 7]
A reporter wished to find the mean number of children per family in a village. She visited the only primary school in the village and
asked all the pupils there what the number of children, including themselves, was in each or their families The data obtained are
presented in the following frequency table:
Number of children 1 2 3 4 5
in the family
Number of pupils 10 11 6 9 4
The reporter concludes that mean number or children per family is
1 × 10 + 2 × 11 + 3 × 6 + 4 × 9 + 5 × 4
10 + 11 + 6 + 9 + 4
Is her conclusion justified? Explain your answer.
(i) Find the median and interquartile range of the temperatures in oF.
(ii) If the mean and standard deviation of the temperatures are 22 oC and 2 oC respectively, find their values in oF.
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New Senior Secondary Mathematics
Advanced Exercise Ch. 21: Statistics
It is known that the median and the range of the ages are 36 and 48 respectively, and the ages of the two eldest members differ by 1.
(a) Find the unknown digits a, b and c.
(b) The three members whose ages correspond to the three unknown digits a, b and c are replaced with three new members with ages
12, 38 and 68 respectively. Draw two box-and-whisker diagrams in your answer book comparing the age distributions of the
members before and after replacement.
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New Senior Secondary Mathematics
Advanced Exercise Ch. 21: Statistics
Q26 [ASL M&S 05 4]
The stem-and-leaf diagram below shows the distribution of heights in cm of 32 students:
It is found that three records less than 150 cm are incorrect. Each of them should be 10 cm greater than the original record. Find the
change in each of the following statistics after correcting the three records:
(a) the mean,
(b) the median,
(c) the mode,
(d) the range,
(e) the interquartile range.
[Finish the following questions if you aim at DSE Math Level 5**]
Q29 [ASL M&S 06 4]
The stem-and-leaf diagram below shows the distribution of the numbers of books read by 24 students of a school in the first term:
(a) Find the median and the interquartile range of the numbers of books read.
(b) The librarian of the school ran a reading award scheme in the second term. The following table shows some statistics of the
distribution of the numbers of books read by these 24 students in the second term:
(i) Draw two box-and-whisker diagrams of the same scale to compare the numbers of books read by these students in the first
term and in the second term.
(ii) The librarian claims that not less than 50% of these students read at least 5 more books in the second term than that in the first
term. Do you agree? Explain your answer.
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New Senior Secondary Mathematics
Advanced Exercise Ch. 21: Statistics
It is known that there is only one student belonging to both teams and his weight is 69.5 kg. Find the mean and standard deviation of the
weights of these 25 students, giving the answers correct to one decimal places.
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