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Design of Reinforces Concrete Structures

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Subject Code: CE502PC

Regulations: R16 - JNTUH
Class : III Year B.Tech CE I Semester

Department of Civil Engineering

Ibrahimpatnam - 501 510, Hyderabad



Civil Engineers are required to learn the fundamentals of design, analysis, and proportioning of
reinforced concrete members and structures. Learn design concepts and modes of failure.
Methods for analysis and design of these elements under flexure, shear, and axial loads will be
examined. Learn how to make design decisions considering realistic constraints such as safety,
economy and serviceability. Learn how to use the latest technology in solving structural analysis
and design problems. To impart adequate knowledge on how to analyze and design reinforced
concrete members and connection. To understand the mechanical properties of structural
concrete. To understand the behavior of reinforced concrete elements under normal force, shear,
moment and torsion. Concept of ultimate design of reinforced concrete beams, floor systems and
columns are to understood. To develop an understanding of and appreciation for basic concepts
in the behavior and design of reinforced concrete systems and elements. To help the student
develop an intuitive feeling about structural and material wise behavior and design of reinforced
concrete systems and elements.
Level Credits Periods/week Prerequisites
Engineering Mechanics, Strength of
UG 4 5


The objective of the teacher is to impart knowledge and abilities to the students to:
1. Develop an understanding and appreciation for basic concepts in the behavior and
design of reinforced concrete systems and elements.
2. Differentiate between working stress design and limit state design.
3.Understand the basic concepts for reinforced concrete sectional design mainly in
accordance with ultimate strength.
4.Assess the structural and material behavior for the design of reinforced concrete systems
and elements.


After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
1. Understand the general mechanical behavior of reinforced concrete in accordance with
2. Identify and apply the applicable industry design codes relevant to the design of
reinforced concrete members.
3. Analyze and design reinforced concrete flexural members with detailing.
4. Design and check for serviceability (crack and deflection) and ultimate limit state
5. Assess the stresses and design vertical and horizontal shear reinforcements in reinforced
concrete members with detailing.
6. Understand and design reinforced concrete compression members or columns.
7. Analyze and design footings and understand the need for development length of
8. Design footings and staircase with detailing of steel reinforcements.


Program Outcomes Level
assessed by
Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of
mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and Assignments,
an engineering specialization to the solution of Exams
complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research
literature, and analyze complex engineering problems
PO2 reaching substantiated conclusions using first S
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and
engineering sciences.
Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for
complex engineering problems and design system
PO3 components or processes that meet the specified needs S Assignments
with appropriate consideration for the public health
and safety, and the cultural, societal, and
Conduct considerations.
investigations of complex problems: Use
research-based knowledge and research methods
PO4 including design of experiments, analysis and S Assignments
interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information
to provide valid conclusions.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply
appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
PO5 engineering and IT tools including prediction and - -
modeling to complex engineering activities with an
understanding of the limitations.
The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed
by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health,
PO6 safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent S Exams
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact
of the professional engineering solutions in societal Exams,
and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the Assignments
knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to Quizzes,
PO8 professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of S
the engineering practice.
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an
PO9 individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, S
and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex
PO10 engineering activities with the engineering community S
and with society at large, such as, being able to
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have
the preparation and ability to engage in independent
PO11 S Possible Projects
and life-long learning in the broadest context of
technological change.
Project management and finance: Demonstrate
knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
PO12 management principles and apply these to one’s own S Discussions
work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage
projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
N – Not Applicable S – Supportive H - Highly Related


Program specific outcomes Lev Proficiency

el Assessed By
demonstrate sound knowledge in analysis, design,
laboratory investigations and construction aspects of H
PSO1 Assignments,
civil engineering infrastructure, along with good
foundation in mathematics, basic sciences and technical
BROADNESS AND DIVERSITY: Graduates will have
a broad understanding of economical, environmental,
societal, health and safety factors involved in Lectures,
PSO2 infrastructural development, and shall demonstrate S Assignments,
ability to function within multidisciplinary teams with Exams
competence in modern tool usage.
be motivated for continuous self-learning in engineering Guest Lectures,
practice and/ or pursue research in advanced areas of Possible Group
civil engineering in order to offer engineering services to Projects,Industrial
the society, ethically and responsibly. Internship

Concepts of RC. Design – Working Stress Method - Limit State method – Material Stress-
Strain Curves – Safety factors – Characteristic values. Stress Block parameters – IS – 456 –2000.
Beams: Limit state analysis and design of singly reinforced, doubly reinforced, T and L beam
Limit state analysis and design of section for shear and torsion – concept of bond, anchorage and
development length, I.S. code provisions. Design examples in simply supported and
continuous beams, detailing; Design of canopy.
Short and Long columns – under axial loads, uniaxial bending and biaxial bending – I S Code
Footings: Different types of footings – Design of isolated, square, rectangular, circular
footings and combined footings.
Design of one way slab, Two-way slabs and continuous slab Using I S Coefficients Limit
state design for serviceability for deflection, cracking and codal provision. Design of doglegged

1. Reinforced concrete design by by S. Unnikrishna Pillai & Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi.
2. Limit state designed of reinforced concrete – P. C. Varghese, Prentice Hall of India,New
3. Limit state designed of reinforced concrete – P. C. Varghese, Prentice Hall of India, New
1. Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures by I. C. Syal and A. K. Goel, S. Chand &
1. Fundamentals of reinforced concrete by N.C. Sinha and S.K Roy, S. Chand publishers
2. Design of concrete structures – Arthus H. Nilson, David Darwin, and Chorles W.
Dolar, Tata McGraw-Hill, 3rd Edition, 2005.
 Basic working stress and limit state design concepts,
 Analysis of ultimate load capacity and design of members subjected to flexure, shear,
compression and torsion by limit state methods.

 Limit state design for bending, shear, axial compression and combined forces. Codal
provisions for slabs, beams, walls and footings.
 Working stress method of design of R.C. members.


Wee Topics to be covered Learning Objective Reference
re No Unit
k s

1. 1 1 UNIT - I Explain the concepts of T4: 2.1 to

Concepts of RC Design, IS- reinforced concrete design. 2.2
2. 1 1 456:2000 – Working stress method Discuss IS 456: 2000 code.
Explain the concept of working
3. 1 1 stress method.
4. 1 1 Limit state method Material Explain Relation between T4: 2.3 to
5. 2 1 Stress–Strain curves – Safety stress and strain for mild steel. 2.6
factors Understand working stress and
6. 2 1
factor of safety.
7. 2 1 Material Stress–Strain curves – Explain Relation between T4: 2.7 to
8. 2 1 Safety factors stress and strain. 2.9
9. 3 1 Characteristic values – Stress Explain the characteristics T4: 3.1 to
1 block parameters values and stress block 3.6
10. 3
11. 3 1 Limit state analysis and design of Explain the concept of limit T4: 3.8 to
12. 3 1 singly reinforced beam sections. state analysis for singly 3.10
1 reinforced beam sections.
13. 4
Solved problems.
14. 4 1 Explain the concept of limit
15. 4 1 Limit state analysis and design of state analysis for doubly T4: 4.1 to
16. 4 1 doubly reinforced beam sections. reinforced beam sections. 4.6
17. 5 1 Solved problems.
18. 5 1 Limit state analysis and design of Explain the concept of limit T4: 6.1 to
19. 5 1 T and L beam sections. state analysis for T and L beam 6.3
20. 5 1 sections. Solved problems.
21. 6 2
Explain the concept of limit
22. 6 2 Limit state analysis and design of T4: 7.1 to
state analysis and design of
23. 6 2 section for shear and torsion. 7.6
section for shear and torsion.
24. 6 2
25. 7 2 concept of bond, anchorage and Explain the concept of bond, T4: 8.1 to
26. 7 2 development length, I.S. code anchorage and development 8.9
27. 7 2 provisions length with I.S. code provisions.
28. 7 2 Solved problems.
29. 8 2 Solved problems for design of
Design examples in simply
30. 8 2 simply supported and T1:9.6-11
supported and continuous beams,
31. 8 2 continuous beams
32. 8 2
Solved problems for design of T4: 10.1
33. 9 2 Detailing Design of canopy
canopy to10.7
34. 9 2
35. 9 3 Short And Long Columns - Axial Differentiate short and long T4: 16.1
36. 9 3 loads, columns and design them for to 16.9
37. 10 3 axial loads. Solved problems
38. 10 3 Short And Long Columns – Design short and long columns T1: 17.1
39. 10 3 uni-axial bending I.S. Code for uni-axial loads. Solved to 17.6
40. 10 3 provisions. problems
41. 11 3 Short And Long Columns - Design short and long columns T4: 18.1
42. 11 3 bi-axial bending for bi-axial loads. Solved to 18.6
43. 11 3 problems
44. 11 4 Footings: Different types of Footings types. T4: 7.1-3
45. 12 4 footings
46. 12 4
47. 12 4 Design Of Footings – Isolated Design Of square and rectangle T4: 7.1-3
48. 12 4 (square, rectangle) footings with solved problems.
49. 13 4
50. 13 4
51. 13 4 Design Of Footings – Combined Design Of combined footings
T4: 7.4-7
52. 13 4 Footings. with solved problems.
53. 14 4
54. 14 5 Design of One-way Slabs Design of one way slabs with T4: 11.4
55. 14 5 examples. to 11.7
56. 14 5 Design of Two-way Slabs Design of two way slabs with T4: 12.1
57. 15 5 examples. to 12.3
58. 15 5 Design of Continuous slabs using Design of Continuous slabs T4: 12.4
I.S. coefficients, using I.S. coefficients with to 12.6
59. 15 5
Solved problems for detailing T4: 10.1
Limit state design for
60. 15 5 and Limit state design for to10.7
serviceability for deflection
serviceability for deflection,
61. 16 5 Solved problems for cracking T4: 10.1
Cracking and codal provision
62. 16 5 and codal provision. to10.7
63. 16 5 Solved problems for dog legges T4: 10.1
Design of dog legges staircase
64. 16 5 staircase to10.7
Program Outcomes Specific
Course Outcomes
O1 O O O O5 O O O O 10 11 12 O1 O2 O3
2 3 4 6 7 8 9



S.No Question Taxonomy
1. List different methods of design for reinforced concrete
Understand 1
structural elements?
2. State four objectives of the design of reinforced concrete
Understand 1
3. Explain the working stress method. Understand 1
4. What do you mean by characteristic strength and
Understand 1
characteristic load?
5. What are the different kinds of loads? Understand 1
6. Explain the limit state method of design? Understand 2
7. Differentiate between WSM and LSM. Understand 2
8. List the different categories of limit state design. Understand 2
9. Define the factored load. Understand 3
10. Write a note on partial safety factors for material. Understand 3
11. Explain the limiting moment of resistance Understand 2
12. What is a doubly reinforced beam? Understand 2
13. What do you mean by neutral axis? Understand 2
14. What are the merits and demerits of Working stress method? Understand 2
15. State assumptions made in limit stress method? Understand 2
16. Give the idealized stress-strain curve for concrete and steel. Understand 2
17. State the assumption for limit state design in flexure. Understand 3
S.No Question Taxonomy
1. Enumerate the five limit states commonly used in limit state
Understand 1
design and state briefly how they are provided in the design.
2. State and explain the significance of the six assumptions of
design of flexural members employed in limit state of Understand 1
3. Draw the cross-section of singly reinforced rectangular beam
Understand 1
and show the strain and stress diagrams.
4. Explain the limiting moment of resistance and give the
Understand 1
expression for this value for Fe 250 and Fe 415 grade steel?
5. Explain the terms balanced, overreinforced and
underreinforced section in bending. Explain which of these Understand 2
should be recommended in design.
6. Determine the depth of neutral axis for abeam section
250mmwide and 400mm deep (effective) . The beam is
Understand 2
reinforced with 3 bars of 20mm diameter. Use fck= 20
N/mm2and fy= 415 N/mm2.
7. Give the stress block parameters used in limit state method
Remember 2
along with the stress diagram.
8. Calculate the ultimate moment carrying capacity of a
rectangular beam with b=250 mm, d=350 mm, Ast=1800mm2 Understand 2
assume grade of concrete M30 and Fe 250 steel.
9. A singly reinforced R.C.C BEAM 250 mm wide and 400 mm
deep (effective) is reinforced with 4 bars of 16 mm diameter.
Find the depth of neutral axis, limiting depth of neutral axis Understand 3
and specify the type of beam. Use fck=20 N/mm2 and
10. Enumerate the steps of design of doubly reinforced beam. Understand 3
11. What do you mean by neutral axis and leaver arm? Explain
Understand 3
briefly with neat sketches.
12. Determine the area of steel required for the beam b=300mm,
d=675 mm for carrying a factored moment of 185 kNm. Understand 4
Assume fy= 415 N/mm2 and fck =20 N/mm2
13. For T-beam of flange width 1200, depth100 mm and web
clear depth 350,width 250 mm find reinforcement required Understand 4
for ultimate moment of 250 KN/m
14. Explain with figure balanced, under reinforced, over
Understand 4
reinforced sections
S.No Question Taxonomy
1. State modes of shear failures in R.C beams? Understand 4
2. Define ‘development length’? Understand 4
3. Explain how bending shear stress produce tension cracks in
Understand 4
4. What is the expression for spacing of vertical stirrups in R.C.
Understand 4
beams for shear?
5. What is meant by punching shear and how is it different from
Understand 4
bending shear.
6. What are the types of reinforcements used to resist shear?
Understand 4
Explain the action of different types of shear steel.
7. What are the Indian specifications for allowable shear in
Understand 4
8. What are the different regions of cracks in the beam? Understand 4
9. What do you mean by bundling of bars? What is the
Understand 4
maximum no of bars that can contribute to bundle?
10. What do you understand by nominal shear stress? Write the
Understand 4
formula for uniform formulae for rectangular section?


S. Course
No Question Taxonomy
1. Explain modes of failures in R.C beams? Remember 4
2. Step by step design procedure for shear reinforcement. Remember 4
3. A simply supported reinforced concrete beam is 250 mm wide
and 500mm effective depth and is reinforced with 4-20 mm
diameter as tensile steel. If the beam is subjected to a factored Remember 4
shear of 65 KN at the support. Find the nominal shear stress at
the support. Use M20 concrete and Fe 250 steel.
4. What are the various remedial measures for control of
Remember 4
5. Explain the different types of shear reinforcement with neat
Remember 4
6. The T-beam and slab system of a structure are made of beams
spaced at 2.4m with clear span of 7.5m between masonry walls
of 300mm thick. For the T beam Df= 120mm, bw = 300mm,
Remember 4
D= 600mm if fck= 20N/mm2 and fy=415N/mm2. Design the
shear steel. Assume that two nos. 28mm bars of tensile steel are
continued to support and LL=8KN/m2
7. Explain the critical sections for design shear as per IS 456 with
Remember 4
requisite sketches.
8. Explain the approaches for control of deflection in bending
members as per IS 456. What are the measures for reducing Remember 4
9. A tied column of a multistoried building has 32mm rods for
longitudinal steel. Assuming fck=25N/mm2 and fy=415N/mm2
a) Calculate the lap length required Remember 4
b) State how this length can be reduced to make savings in steel
10. A reinforced concrete beam of 4m span requires 7 - Fe 415 bars
of 16mm, as tension bars. Find the distance from the centre of
Remember 4
the beam where the central bar can be curtailed. Assume
fck=15N/mm2 and d=300mm.
S. Course
No Question Taxonomy
1. Differentiate between column and pedestal. Understand 7
2. What are the limits of percentage of the longitudinal
Understand 7
reinforcement in a column?
3. Define effective length of column? Understand 7
4. What is slenderness ratio? Explain. Understand 7
5. What is the purpose of lateral ties in a RC column? Understand 7
6. What is the difference between behavior of a short and long
Understand 7
7. Explain unsupported length of column? Understand 7
8. Define equivalent length of a column. Understand 7
9. What is the maximum slenderness ratio of reinforced columns
Understand 7
allowed by IS:456-2000.
10. Explain braced and un braced column. Understand 7
11. What is minimum diameter of bars used in longitudinal steel for
Understand 7
12. Why high grade concrete mixes are recommended for
Understand 7
reinforced concrete column?
13. What is the minimum eccentricity specified for design of
Understand 7
14. What are the methods available in IS: 456-2000 to determine
Understand 7
the effective length of column?
15. What are the assumptions for limit state design of columns
Understand 7
failing in pure compression as given in IS456?
16. Explain the modes of failure of columns. Understand 7
S. Course
No Question Taxonomy
1. Write the design procedure for slender columns for both braced and
Understand 7
unbraced column.
2. Differentiate between Unsupported length and effective length of a
Understand 7
compression member.
3. A column 400 x 400mm has an unsupported length of 7m and
effective length of 4.5m. Can it be designed as a short column Understand 7
under axial compression, if the load is placed centrally on it?
4. Outline the procedure for design of axially loaded reinforced
Understand 7
concrete column?
5. Design an axially loaded tied column 400 x 400 mm pinned at both
ends with an unsupported length of 3m for carrying a factored load Understand 7
of 2300KN. Use grade M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
6. Design a circular pin ended column 400mm dia and helically
reinforced with an unsupported length of 4.5m to carry a factored Understand 7
load of 900KN. Assume M30 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
7. Discuss the important provisions for design of lateral ties for
Understand 7
columns as per IS 456.
8. Explain the step-by-step procedure for design of centrally loaded
Understand 7
short columns.
9. A concrete column is reinforced with 4 bars of 20 m dia. Determine
the ultimate load capacity of the column, using M 20 grade
concrete and Fe 415 grade steel, if the size of the column of the Understand 7
coli=umn is 450 mm x 450mm .what will be the allowable service
10. RC column 400mm x 600mm is subjected to an axial ultimate load
of 3000N. The column is bent in single curvature about minor axis
with ultimate moment My=100 N-m at top and My=125 N-m at
Understand 7
bottom. Taking the unsupported length as 7 m and effective length
as 5.6 m on both axes, compute the design moments for the
column. Assume reduction factor ka=1
11. Differentiate between
i)Unsupported length and effective length of a compression
Understand 7
ii) Braced and unbraced column.
12. How columns are classified on the basis of different criteria? Understand 7
13. A column 300mm x 400 mm has an unsupported length of 3 m and
effective length of 3.6 m. it is subjected to Pu=1100 KN;
Understand 7
Mu=230KN-m about the major axes, determine the longitudinal
steel using fck=25 N/mm2 and fy =415 N/mm2 assume d’=60mm.
S. Course
No Question Taxonomy
1. Give the classification of foundation. Understand 8
2. Discuss the design of slab type of staircases. Understand 8
3. Explain about one-way and two-way shear in footings. Understand 8
4. Explain about combined footing. Understand 8
5. Explain about the Minimum cover required in a footing. Understand 8
6. Show how the pressure distribution beneath footings. Understand 8
7. Give the provision of dowel bars as per IS: 456-2000 code of
Understand 8
8. Explain shear and bond in footings. Understand 8
9. Name five types of staircases based on geometrical configurations.
Draw a typical flight and show: Understand 8
(a) Trade, (b) nosing, (c) riser, (d) waist and (e) going.
10. Explain about the following stair cases
Understand 8
(A) A staircase (B) A dog leggedstair
11. Explain tread and rise in staircase? Understand 8
12. Explain about isolated footing. Understand 8


S. Course
No Question Taxonomy
1. What are the different types of foundations? Explain with fig. Understand 8
2. Explain design procedure for footing as per IS: 456. Understand 8
3. Explain pressure distribution under footing with figure. Understand 8
4. Explain about one-way and two-way shear in footings. Understand 8
5. Write notes on the following (a) Stair slab spanning longitudinal
Understand 8
(b) Stair slab spanning horizontally.
6. What are the Indian standard code recommendations for design of
Understand 8
footings as per IS: 456-2000?
7. Discuss the principles of design of slab type staircases with
Understand 8
necessary diagrams.
8. (a)Explain the distribution of loading on stairs with fig.
Understand 8
(b) Explain the procedure for estimation of dead weight of stairs.
9. Give the procedure for one way and punching shear with necessary
Understand 8
10. A solid footing has to transfer a dead load 1000 KN and imposed
load of 400 KN from a square column 400 x 400 mm with 16 mm
Understand 8
bars. Assuming fy =415 N/mm2 ;fck20 N/mm2 safe bearing
capacity = 200 KN/m2. Design the footing.
S. Course
No Question Taxonomy
1. What is difference between one-way and two-way slabs? Understand 5
2. Why do we need to provide cover in the design of reinforced
Understand 5
concrete structures?
3. Give the unit weight of PCC and RCC. Understand 5
4. Give the steps for checking deflection of two way slabs? Understand 5
5. How is the maximum shear in two way slabs calculated? Understand 5
6. What are the specifications as per IS code for Minimum and
Understand 6
maximum reinforcement requirement for slabs.
7. What are the considerations that govern thickness of one way and
Understand 6
two way slabs?
8. Which is the critical section to be considered for checking of shear
Understand 6
in a slab support on beams?
9. Sketch the reinforcement detailing of one way slab. Understand 6
10. Sketch the reinforcement detailing of one way slab. Understand 6


S. Course
No Question Taxonomy
1. Write the procedure for design two way simply supported slabs. Understand 5
2. Give neat sketches for the reinforcement details for one way simply
Understand 5
support and two way continuous slabs.
3. Design the interior the span of continuous one way slab for an
office floor continuous over T beams spaced at 4m centers. Assume Understand 5
fck=25N/mm2 and Fe 415 steel
4. Explain the difference in the behavior of one-way and two-way
Understand 6
5. What are the major factors which influence the crack width in
Understand 6
flexural members?
6. Discuss the Design procedure for two way slab? Understand 6
7. What are the various remedial measures for control of cracking? Understand 6
8. Design a R C slab for a room 4m x 5m from inside. The slab carries
a LL of 2000 n/m2 and finished with 20 mm thick granolithic
Understand 7
topping use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. The slab is simply
supported at all four edges, with corners free to lift.
9. Give neat sketches for the reinforcement details for one way simply
Remember 7
support and two way continuous slabs.
10. Explain IS: 456 code method for design of slab? Remember 7
xu , max
1. The value for Fe250 grade of steel is:
a) 0.531 b) 0.479 c) 0.456 d) 0.5
xu , max
2. The value for Fe415 grade of steel is:
a) 0.531 b) 0.479 c) 0.456 d) 0.5
xu , max
3. The value for Fe500 grade of steel is:
a) 0.531 b) 0.479 c) 0.456 d) 0.5
4. For limit state of collapse, the partial safety factors recommended by IS 456:2000 for
estimating the design strength of concrete and reinforcing steel are respectively (2009)
a) 1.15 and 1.5 b) 1.0 and 1.0 c) 1.5 and 1.15 d) 1.5 and 1.0
5. In the limit state design method of concrete structures, the recommended partial material
safety factor (  m ) for steel according to IS: 456-2000 is
a) 1.5 b) 1.15 c) 1.00 d) 0.87
6. The partial factor of safety for concrete as per IS: 456-2000 is
a) 1.5 b) 1.15 c) 0.87 d) 0.446
7. For avoiding the limit state of collapse, the safety of R.C structures is checked for
appropriate combinations of dead load (DL), imposed load or live load (Il), wind load (WL)
and earthquake load(EL). Which of the following load combinations is NOT considered?

(a) 0.9 DL+1.5 WL (b) 1.5 DL+ 1.5 WL

(c) 1.5 DL+ 1.5 WL+ 1.5 EL (d) 1.2 DL+ 1.2 IL+ 1.2 WL
8. Un-factored maximum bending moments at a section of a reinforced concrete beam resulting
from a frame analysis are 50, 80, 120 and 180 kN.m under dead, live, wind and earthquake
loads respectively. The design moment (kN.m) as per IS: 456-2000 for the limit state of
collapse (flexure) is
a) 195 b) 250 c) 345 d) 372
9. The “Plane section remain plane” assumption in bending theory implies
a) Strain profile is linear b) Stress profile is linear
c) Both profiles are linear d) Shear deformation is neglected
10. As per IS 456:2000, in the limit state design of a flexural member, the strain in reinforcing
bars under tension at ultimate state should not be less than
fy fy fy fy
a) b)  0.002 c) d)  0.002
Ex Ex 1.15 E x 1.15E x
1. The basic value of span to effective depth ratio for cantilever is:
a) 7 b) 20 c) 26 d) 30
2. The basic value of span to effective depth ratio for simply supported is:
b) 7 b) 20 c) 26 d) 30
3. The basic value of span to effective depth ratio for continuous is:
c) 7 b) 20 c) 26 d) 30
4. In the design of a reinforced concrete beam, the requirement for bond is not getting satisfied.
The economical option to satisfy the requirement for bond is by
a) bundling of bars b) providing smaller diameter bars more in numberc)
providing larger diameter bars less in number d) providing same diameter bars more in number
5. The minimum thickness of the cover at the end of a reinforcing bar should not be less than
twicethe diameter of the bar subject to a minimum of
(A) 10 mm (B) 15 mm (C) 20 mm (D) 25 mm
6. For M 150 grade concrete (1:2:4) the moment of resistance factor is
(A) 0.87 (B) 8.50 (C) 7.50 (D) 5.80
7. The neutral axis of a T-beam exists
(A) Within the flange (B) At the bottom edge of the slab
(C) Below the slab (D) All the above
8. The spacing of transverse reinforcement of column is decided by the following consideration.
(A) The least lateral dimension of the column
(B) Sixteen times the diameter of the smallest longitudinal reinforcing rods in the column
(C) Forty-eight times the diameter of transverse reinforcement (D) All the above
9. In a simply supported slab, alternate bars are curtailed at
(A) 1/4th of the span (B) 1/5th of the span (C) 1/6th of the span (D) 1/7th of the span
10. In the zone of R.C.C. beam where shear stress is less than 5 kg/cm2, nominal reinforcement
is provided at a pitch of
(A) One-half lever arm of the section (B) One-third lever arm of the section
(C) Lever arm of the section (D) One and half lever arm of the section
1. The diameter of reinforcing bars shall not exceed ______ of the thickness of the slab
a) One-fourth b) one-sixth c) one-eighth d) one-tenth
2. A two-way slab is one
a) Which is supported on opposite edges Which is supported on four edges
b) In which reinforcement is provided along both directions
c) Whose long and short span ratio is less than 2
3. According to I.S. : 456, slabs which span in two directions with corners held down, are
assumed to
4. be divided in each direction into middle strips and edge strips such that the width of the
middle strip, is
(A) Half of the width of the slab (B) Two-third of the width of the slab
(C) Three-fourth of the width of the slab (D) Four-fifth of the width of the slab
5. The diameter of the column head support a flat slab, is generally kept
(A) 0.25 times the span length (B) 0.25 times the diameter of the column
(C) 4.0 cm larger than the diameter of the column
(D) 5.0 cm larger than the diameter of the column
6. If is the uniformly distributed load on a circular slab of radius fixed at its ends, the maximum
positive radial moment at its centre, is
(A) 3WR2/16 (B) 2WR2/16 (C) WR2/16 (D) None of these
7. The maximum ratio of span to depth of a slab simply supported and spanning in one
direction, is
(A) 35 (B) 25 (C) 30 (D) 20
8. The floor slab of a building is supported on reinforced cement floor beams. The ratio of the
end and intermediate spans is kept
(A) 0.7 (B) 0.8 (C) 0.9 (D) 0.6
9. In case the factor of safety against sliding is less than 1.5, a portion of slab is constructed
downwards at the end of the heel slab, which is known as
(A) A key (B) A cut-off wall (C) A rib (D) All the above
10. For a ribbed slab
(A) Clear spacing between ribs shall not be greater than 4.5 cm
(B) Width of the rib shall not be less than 7.5 cm
(C) Overall depth of the slab shall not exceed four times the breadth of the rib
(D) All the above
1. A pedestal is a compression member whose effective length does not exceed _______ times
the least lateral dimension.
a) Two b) three c) four d) five
2. The minimum amount of percentage of reinforcement in columns is:
a) 0.4 b) 0.6 c) 0.8 d) 1.0
3. The maximum amount of percentage of reinforcement in columns is:
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4.5 d) 6
4. The bars in a column shall not be less than ______ diameter
a) 6 b) 8 c) 10 d) 12
5. The diameter of the column head support a flat slab, is generally kept
(A) 0.25 times the span length (B) 0.25 times the diameter of the column
(C) 4.0 cm larger than the diameter of the column
(D) 5.0 cm larger than the diameter of the column
6. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) Lateral reinforcement in R.C.C. columns is provided to prevent the longitudinal
reinforcement from buckling
(B) Lateral reinforcement prevents the shearing of concrete on diagonal plane
(C) Lateral reinforcement stops breaking away of concrete cover, due to buckling
(D) All the above
7. Columns may be made of plain concrete if their unsupported lengths do not exceed their least
lateral dimension
(A) Two times (B) Three times (C) Four times (D) Five times
8. According to load factor method, the permissible load W on a short column reinforced with
longitudinal bars and lateral stirrups, is
(A) Stress in concrete × area of concrete (B) Stress in steel × area of steel
(C) Stress in concrete × area of concrete + Stress in steel × area of steel (D) None of these
9. Top bars are extended to the projecting parts of the combined footing of two columns L
distance apart for a distance of
(A) 0.1 L from the outer edge of column (B) 0.1 L from the centre edge of column
(C) Half the distance of projection (D) One-fourth the distance of projection
10. The minimum clear cover for R.C.C. columns shall be
(A) Greater of 40 mm or diameter (B) Smaller of 40 mm or diameter
(C) Greater of 25 mm or diameter (D) Smaller of 25 mm or diameter
1. The combined footing is provided when
a) the columns are close to each other
b) the bearing pressures of columns overlap with each other
c) a column is close to the boundary line All of these
2. The minimum thickness of footing is:
a) 100 mm b) 150 mm c) 200 mm d) 250 mm
3. A stair-case having mid-landing is called
a) Dog-legged b) open well c) spiral d) folded plate
4. A very comfortable type of stairs is
(A) Straight (B) Dog legged (C) Geometrical (D) Open newel
5. If is the net upward pressure on a square footing of side for a square column of side , the
maximum bending moment is given by
(A) B.M = pb (c - a)/4 (B) B.M = pb (b - a)2/4 (C) B.M = pb (b - a)2/8 (D) B.M = pb (b + a)/8
6. To ensure uniform pressure distribution, the thickness of the foundation, is
(A) Kept uniform throughout (B) Increased gradually towards the edge
(C) Decreased gradually towards the edge (D) Kept zero at the edge
7. The self-weight of the footing, is
(A) Not considered for calculating the upward pressure on footing
(B) Also considered for calculating the upward pressure on footing
(C) Not considered for calculating the area of the footing (D) Both (b) and (c)
8. If the bearing capacity of soil is 10 tonnes/cm2 and the projection of plain concrete footing
from walls, is a cm, the depth D of footing is
(A) D = 0.0775 a (B) D = 0.775 a (C) D = 0.775 a (D) D = 0.775 a2
9. A raft foundation is provided if its area exceeds the plan area of the building by
(A) 10 % (B) 20 % (C) 40 % (D) 50 %
10. According to I.S.: 456, 1978 the thickness of reinforced concrete footing on piles at its edges,
is kept less than
(A) 20 cm (B) 30 cm (C) 40 cm (D) 75 cm


1. An R.C.C. beam of 6 m span is 30 cm wide and has a lever arm of 55 cm. If it carries a
U.D.L. of 12 t per m and allowable shear stress is 5 kg/cm2, the beam
(A) Is safe in shear (B) Is safe
with stirrups
(C) Is safe with stirrups and inclined bars (D) Needs revision of section
2. According to I.S. : 456, slabs which span in two directions with corners held down, are
assumed to be divided in each direction into middle strips and edge strips such that the
width of the middle strip, is
(A) Half of the width of the slab (B) Two-third of the width of
the slab
(C) Three-fourth of the width of the slab (D) Four-fifth of the width of the slab
3. The load stress of a section can be reduced by
(A) Decreasing the lever arm (B) Increasing the total perimeter of bars
(C) Replacing larger bars by greater number of small bars
(D) Replacing smaller bars by greater number of greater bars
4. The diameter of the column head support a flat slab, is generally kept
(A) 0.25 times the span length (B) 0.25 times the diameter of the column
(C) 4.0 cm larger than the diameter of the column
(D) 5.0 cm larger than the diameter of the column
5. If is the uniformly distributed load on a circular slab of radius fixed at its ends, the
maximum positive radial moment at its centre, is
(A) 3WR²/16 (B) 2WR²/16 (C) WR²/16 (D) None of these
6. The maximum ratio of span to depth of a slab simply supported and spanning in one
direction, is (A) 35 (B) 25 (C) 30 (D) 20
7. If the width of the foundation for two equal columns is restricted, the shape of the footing
generally adopted, is
(A) Square (B) Rectangular (C) Trapezoidal (D) Triangular
8. The floor slab of a building is supported on reinforced cement floor beams. The ratio of
the end and intermediate spans is kept
(A) 0.7 (B) 0.8 (C) 0.9 (D) 0.6
9. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) Lateral reinforcement in R.C.C. columns is provided to prevent the longitudinal
reinforcement from buckling
(B) Lateral reinforcement prevents the shearing of concrete on diagonal plane
(C) Lateral reinforcement stops breaking away of concrete cover, due to buckling
(D) All the above
10. In case the factor of safety against sliding is less than 1.5, a portion of slab is constructed
downwards at the end of the heel slab, which is known as
(A) A key (B) A cut-off wall (C) A rib (D) All the above
11. Lapped splices in tensile reinforcement are generally not used for bars of size larger than
(A) 18 mm diameter (B) 24 mm diameter (C) 30 mm diameter (D) 36 mm diameter
12. Minimum spacing between horizontal parallel reinforcement of the same size should not
be less than
(A) One diameter (B) 2.5 diameters (C) 3 diameters (D) 3.5 diameters
13. For a ribbed slab
(A) Clear spacing between ribs shall not be greater than 4.5 cm
(B) Width of the rib shall not be less than 7.5 cm
(C) Overall depth of the slab shall not exceed four times the breadth of the rib
(D) All the above
14. A very comfortable type of stairs is
(A) Straight (B) Dog legged (C) Geometrical (D) Open newel
15. Columns may be made of plain concrete if their unsupported lengths do not exceed their
least lateral dimension
(A) Two times (B) Three times (C) Four times (D) Five times
16. The width of the flange of a L-beam, should be less than
(A) One-sixth of the effective span (B) Breadth of the rib + four times thickness of the slab
(C) Breadth of the rib + half clear distance between ribs (D) Least of the above
17. A pre-stressed concrete member is preferred because
(A) Its dimensions are not decided from the diagonal tensile stress
(B) Large size of long beams carrying large shear force need not be adopted
(C) Removal of cracks in the members due to shrinkage (D) All the above
18. If the ratio of the span to the overall depth does not exceed 10, the stiffness of the beam
will ordinarily be satisfactory in case of a
(A) Simply supported beam (B) Continuous beam
(C) Cantilever beam (D) None of these
19. A pile of length carrying a uniformly distributed load per metre length is suspended at
two points, the maximum, B.M. at the centre of the pile or at the points of suspension, is
(A) WL/8 (B) WL²/24 (C) WL²/47 (D) WL²/16
20. If is the net upward pressure on a square footing of side for a square column of side , the
maximum bending moment is given by
(A) B.M = pb (c - a)/4 (B) B.M = pb (b - a)²/4
(C) B.M = pb (b - a)²/8 (D) B.M = pb (b + a)/8
1. http://www.asce.org
2. http://www.icivilengineer.com
3. http://www.construction-guide.in
1. J. N. Bandhopadyaya, Professor, IIT-Kgp
2. Dr. Devadoss Menon, Professor, IIT-Chennai
0970-1141 Thesis Digest on civil Engineering 1987
0973-8061 International Engineering and Technology Journal of Civil 2007
and Structure
0975-5314 International journal of civil engineering 2009
0975-6744 Journal of information knowledge and research in civil 2009
0976-6308 International journal of civil engineering and technology 2010
2249-426X International Journal of Civil Engineering and Applications 2011
2249-8753 Recent Trends in Civil Engineering and Technology 2011
2277-5986 World Research Journal of Civil Engineering 2011
2277-7032 International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering 2012
2278-9987 International Journal of Civil Engineering (IJCE) 2012
2319-6009 International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering 2012
2320-723X International Journal of Advanced Research in Civil, 2013
Structural, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering
and Developing


1. Limit State Design
2. Design Strength of Materials
3. Design Loads
4. Design of RCC Beams
5. Design of RCC Slabs
6. Design of RCC Column Footings
7. Design of RCC Columns
 Design of Residential Buildings
 Design Of Bridges
 Design of Commercial Buildings
 Design of Cold Storages
 Design of Cement factories

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