Non Destructive Testing Methods Destructive Testing Methods Destructive Testing Methods
Non Destructive Testing Methods Destructive Testing Methods Destructive Testing Methods
Non Destructive Testing Methods Destructive Testing Methods Destructive Testing Methods
The aim is to introduce students the overview of the non destructive testing methods
of materials. The course covers NDE, Ultrasonic, MPI testing of metal parts. It gives an
idea about selection of the testing criteria. It briefly describe the thermo-graph and
radio graph methods of testing and provide selection properties for different tests.
Basic fundamental knowledge at undergraduate level on following subjects is necessary:
Metallurgy And Material Science
Mechanics Of Solids
Destructive Testing Methods
Production Technology
This course is recommended for undergraduate students of engineering program who are
interested in gaining the awareness in various aspects of the Non Destructive Testing
Methods. The objectives of this course are for
Identify the basic methods of testing.
Understand the concept of non destructive testing
Describe the various types of NDT tests carried out on components.
Describe ultrasonic method of testing the materials.
Analyze the different types of test carried out on components and surfaces.
Understand the properties of materials suitable for NDT test.
Understand the radiography uses in engineering.
Sl.NO Description Taxonomy level
Identify the requirements of testing criteria as per material
CO1 L2: Understand
CO2 Understand the theory of non destructive testing methods is used L2: Understand
CO3 Determine the type of requirement of non destructive test L4: Analyze
Distinguish between the various NDT test as Ultrasonic and Eddy
CO4 L4: Analyze
current methods
Understand the properties of radiation used in engineering.
CO5 L4: Analyze
Describe the various types of non destructive test used to determine
CO6 the surface cracks L2: Understand
CO.2 3 2 2 -- -- -- -- -- 3 2 -- 2
CO.3 3 2 3 1 -- -- -- -- 3 2 -- 2
CO.4 3 1 3 1 -- -- -- -- 3 2 -- 2
CO.5 2 3 3 1 -- -- -- -- 3 2 -- 2
CO.6 2 1 1 1 -- -- -- -- 3 2 -- 2
Average 3 2 2 1 -- -- -- -- 3 2 -- 2
CO2. -- 2 3
CO3. 2 2 3
CO4. 2 2 1
CO5. 3 2 1
CO6. -- 2 3
Average 2 2 2
Thermography and Eddy Current Testing - Principles, Contact and non contact inspection
methods, Techniques for applying liquid crystals, Advantages and limitation – infrared
radiation and infrared detectors, Instrumentations and methods, applications. Eddy Current
Testing-Generation of eddy currents, Properties of eddy currents, Eddy current sensing
elements, Probes, Instrumentation, Types of arrangement, Applications, advantages,
Limitations, Interpretation/Evaluation.
Ultrasonic Testing and Acoustic Emission - Ultrasonic Testing-Principle, Transducers,
transmission and pulse-echo method, straight beam and angle beam, instrumentation, data
representation, A/Scan, B-scan, C-scan. Phased Array Ultrasound, Time of Flight Diffraction.
Acoustic Emission Technique IV Principle, AE parameters, Applications
Radiography - Principle, interaction of X-Ray with matter, imaging, film and film less
techniques, types and use of filters and screens, geometric factors, Inverse square, law,
characteristics of films – graininess, density, speed, contrast, characteristic curves,
Penetrameters, Exposure charts, Radiographic equivalence. Fluoroscopy- Xero-Radiography,
Computed Radiography, Computed Tomography
1. Baldev Raj, T. Jayakumar, M. Thavasimuthu, Practical Non-Destructive Testing¡¨,
Narosa Publishing House, 2009.
2. Ravi Prakash, Non-Destructive Testing Techniques¨, 1st revised edition, New Age
International Publishers, 2010
1. ASM Metals Handbook, ¨Non-Destructive Evaluation and Quality Control¨,
American Society of Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, USA, 200, Volume-17.
2. Paul E Mix, “Introduction to Non-destructive testing: a training guide”, Wiley, 2nd
Edition New Jersey, 2005
Text Books
1. Baldev Raj, T. Jayakumar, M. Thavasimuthu, Practical Non-Destructive Testing¡¨,
Narosa Publishing House, 2009.
2. Ravi Prakash, Non-Destructive Testing Techniques¨, 1st revised edition, New Age
International Publishers, 2010
Reference Books
Additional Reading:
NPTEL Web Course:
NPTEL Video Course:
Not Applicable
Lec Course
tur Learning Teaching
Week Topics to be covered Methodology References
e Outcomes(
No. CO)
1 1 Overview of NDT CO-01 Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
Ultrasonic Testing and Acoustic Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
34 9 Emission CO-06
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
35 9 Ultrasonic Testing-Principle CO-07
Transducers, transmission and pulse- Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
36 9 echo method CO-08
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
45 12 Radiography Test CO-12
Radiography - Principle, interaction
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
46 12 of X-Ray with matter CO-13
imaging, film and film less
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
47 12 techniques CO-14
48 12 types and use of filters and screens CO-15 Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
geometric factors, Inverse square,
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
49 13 law CO-16
170 Discuss the stages and source of acoustic emission testing in non destructive Remember CO-19
171 Explain advantages and of limitation acoustic emission testing in advanced non Remember CO-20
destructive testing.
172 Discuss the factors influencing acoustic wave propagation and data acquisition. Understand CO-18
173 Explain about instrumentation of acoustic emission testing of non destructive Remember CO-19
174 Explain the modes acoustic emission testing the transient (brust) and continuous Remember CO-19
175 Discuss about the four channel data acquisition in acoustic emission testing and Remember CO-19
also explain about applications of acoustic emission.
176 Explain about computed tomography principle of non destructive testing. Understand CO-20
177 Discuss the advantage, limitation and applications of computed tomography in Remember CO-20
non destructive testing.
178 Explain the major components are used in computed tomography and give some Remember CO-20
examples of computed tomography (CT) of Non Destructive testing?
179 Enlist the major components of an x- ray generator Remember CO-10
180 What is the purpose of focusing cup and filters in an x-ray generator? Remember CO-11
181 What are the applications of radiographic inspection? Understand CO-12
182 What is crank- out the mechanism in gamma ray testing of components? Understand CO-13
183 Define the term density and film speed, with respect to radiography testing. Understand CO-14
184 What are intensifying screens? Write its types. Understand CO-10
185 What is half- value layer in the radiography testing? Understand CO-11
186 What are penetrometers? Write its types Remember CO-12
187 What is film graininess in radiography testing? Understand CO-13
188 What is film contrast in radiography testing? Understand CO-14
189 What is geometric unsharpness with respect to radiography? Remember CO-11
190 What is need for exposure chart in radiography over film radiography? Remember CO-12
191 What is the effect of radiation on the film in radiographic NDT study? Understand CO-13
192 What are the advantages of computed radiography over film radiography? Understand CO-14
193 Difference between computed radiography and film radiography. Remember CO-10
194 What are the applications of computed radiography? Remember CO-11
195 What is Compton scattering Remember CO-12
196 What is Thomson scattering? Understand CO-13
197 State the inverse square law. Remember CO-14
1. Which of the following types of intensifying screens are not used in industrial
(a) Lead
(b) Fluorescent
(c) Silver halide
(d) All of the above
2. Betatrons are used to produce X rays in what range?
(a) Several MeV
(b) 50-500 keV
(c) 500-1000 keV
(d) 0-50 keV
3. Which of the following is an isotope not artificially produced for industrial use:
(a) Ir-192
(b) Ra-226
(c) Co-60
a) Mr. Srinivas
NDT Engineer
Kalva Enterprises Ltd.
b) Dr.G.Shiva Rao
Scientist G
c.) Dr.R.N.Roy
Scientist F