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Non Destructive Testing Methods Destructive Testing Methods Destructive Testing Methods

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Subject code: NT512OE

Regulations: R16-JNTUH
Class: III Year B. Tech MECH I Sem

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Ibrahimpatnam - 501 510, Hyderabad

The aim is to introduce students the overview of the non destructive testing methods
of materials. The course covers NDE, Ultrasonic, MPI testing of metal parts. It gives an
idea about selection of the testing criteria. It briefly describe the thermo-graph and
radio graph methods of testing and provide selection properties for different tests.

Basic fundamental knowledge at undergraduate level on following subjects is necessary:
Metallurgy And Material Science
Mechanics Of Solids
Destructive Testing Methods
Production Technology
This course is recommended for undergraduate students of engineering program who are
interested in gaining the awareness in various aspects of the Non Destructive Testing
Methods. The objectives of this course are for
Identify the basic methods of testing.
Understand the concept of non destructive testing
Describe the various types of NDT tests carried out on components.
Describe ultrasonic method of testing the materials.
Analyze the different types of test carried out on components and surfaces.
Understand the properties of materials suitable for NDT test.
Understand the radiography uses in engineering.
Sl.NO Description Taxonomy level
Identify the requirements of testing criteria as per material
CO1 L2: Understand
CO2 Understand the theory of non destructive testing methods is used L2: Understand
CO3 Determine the type of requirement of non destructive test L4: Analyze
Distinguish between the various NDT test as Ultrasonic and Eddy
CO4 L4: Analyze
current methods
Understand the properties of radiation used in engineering.
CO5 L4: Analyze
Describe the various types of non destructive test used to determine
CO6 the surface cracks L2: Understand

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 12

Program Outcomes (POs) Level
assessed by
PO1 Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution 3
of complex engineering problems. Exam
PO2 Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and
analyze engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first 2
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences. Exam
PO3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex
engineering problems and design system components that meet the Assignment/
specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and Exam
safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based
knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis Assignment/E
and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid xams
PO5 Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and
modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
- -
PO6 The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the
consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering
- -
PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the
professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, - -
and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
- -
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a Assignment/E
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. 3
PO10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering
activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such
as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design 2
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear xams
PO11 Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply
- -
these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage
projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest 2
context of technological change. xams

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 13

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) Level
assessed by
PSO1 The student will be able to apply the knowledge of Mathematics,
Sciences and engineering fundamentals to formulate, analyze and Lectures,
provide solutions for the problems related to Mechanical Assignments
engineering and communicate them effectively to the concerned.
PSO2 Design mechanical systems in various fields such as machine
elements, thermal, manufacturing, industrial and inter-disciplinary Lectures,
fields by using various engineering/technological tools to meet Assignments
the mercurial needs of the industry and society at large.
PSO3 The ability to grasp the latest development, methodologies of
mechanical engineering and posses competent knowledge of Lectures,
design process, practical proficiencies, skills and knowledge of Assignments
programme and developing ideas towards research.



Program Outcomes (PO’s)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO.1 3 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- 3 2 -- 2

CO.2 3 2 2 -- -- -- -- -- 3 2 -- 2

CO.3 3 2 3 1 -- -- -- -- 3 2 -- 2

CO.4 3 1 3 1 -- -- -- -- 3 2 -- 2

CO.5 2 3 3 1 -- -- -- -- 3 2 -- 2

CO.6 2 1 1 1 -- -- -- -- 3 2 -- 2

Average 3 2 2 1 -- -- -- -- 3 2 -- 2

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO’s)


CO1. -- 2 3

CO2. -- 2 3
CO3. 2 2 3
CO4. 2 2 1
CO5. 3 2 1
CO6. -- 2 3
Average 2 2 2

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 14

Overview of NDT - NDT Versus Mechanical testing, Overview of the Non Destructive
Testing Methods for the detection of manufacturing defects as well as material
characterization. Relative merits and limitations, various physical characteristics of materials
and their applications in NDT, Visual inspection.
Surface NDE Methods: Liquid Penetrant Testing – Principles, types and properties of liquid
penetrants, developers, advantages and limitations of various methods, Testing Procedure,
Interpretation of results. Magnetic Particle Testing- Theory of magnetism, inspection
materials Magnetization methods, Interpretation and evaluation of test indications, Principles
and methods of demagnetization, Residual magnetism.

Thermography and Eddy Current Testing - Principles, Contact and non contact inspection
methods, Techniques for applying liquid crystals, Advantages and limitation – infrared
radiation and infrared detectors, Instrumentations and methods, applications. Eddy Current
Testing-Generation of eddy currents, Properties of eddy currents, Eddy current sensing
elements, Probes, Instrumentation, Types of arrangement, Applications, advantages,
Limitations, Interpretation/Evaluation.

Ultrasonic Testing and Acoustic Emission - Ultrasonic Testing-Principle, Transducers,
transmission and pulse-echo method, straight beam and angle beam, instrumentation, data
representation, A/Scan, B-scan, C-scan. Phased Array Ultrasound, Time of Flight Diffraction.
Acoustic Emission Technique IV Principle, AE parameters, Applications

Radiography - Principle, interaction of X-Ray with matter, imaging, film and film less
techniques, types and use of filters and screens, geometric factors, Inverse square, law,
characteristics of films – graininess, density, speed, contrast, characteristic curves,
Penetrameters, Exposure charts, Radiographic equivalence. Fluoroscopy- Xero-Radiography,
Computed Radiography, Computed Tomography

1. Baldev Raj, T. Jayakumar, M. Thavasimuthu, Practical Non-Destructive Testing¡¨,
Narosa Publishing House, 2009.
2. Ravi Prakash, Non-Destructive Testing Techniques¨, 1st revised edition, New Age
International Publishers, 2010

1. ASM Metals Handbook, ¨Non-Destructive Evaluation and Quality Control¨,
American Society of Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, USA, 200, Volume-17.
2. Paul E Mix, “Introduction to Non-destructive testing: a training guide”, Wiley, 2nd
Edition New Jersey, 2005

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 15

3. Charles, J. Hellier, Handbook of Non-destructive evaluation”, McGraw Hill, New
York 2001.


Text Books
1. Baldev Raj, T. Jayakumar, M. Thavasimuthu, Practical Non-Destructive Testing¡¨,
Narosa Publishing House, 2009.
2. Ravi Prakash, Non-Destructive Testing Techniques¨, 1st revised edition, New Age
International Publishers, 2010

Reference Books

1. ASM Metals Handbook, ¨Non-Destructive Evaluation and Quality Control¨,

American Society of Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, USA, 200, Volume-17.
2. Paul E Mix, “Introduction to Non-destructive testing: a training guide”, Wiley, 2nd
Edition New Jersey, 2005
3. Charles, J. Hellier, Handbook of Non-destructive evaluation”, McGraw Hill, New
York 2001.

Additional Reading:
NPTEL Web Course:
NPTEL Video Course:



Not Applicable

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 16


Lec Course
tur Learning Teaching
Week Topics to be covered Methodology References
e Outcomes(
No. CO)
1 1 Overview of NDT CO-01 Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1

Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1

2 1 Overview of NDT CO-01
3 1 NDT Versus Mechanical testing CO-01 Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
Overview of the Non Destructive
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
4 1 Testing CO-01
Methods for the detection of
manufacturing defects as well as Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
5 2 material characterization CO-02
Methods for the detection of
manufacturing defects as well as Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
6 2 material characterization CO-02
merits and limitations, various physical
characteristics of materials and their Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
7 2 applications in NDT CO-03
8 2 Visual inspection CO-04 Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1

Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1

9 3 Visual inspection CO-02
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
10 3 Bridge Class-1/Revision Class-1 -
Surface NDE Methods-Liquid Penetrant Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
11 3 Testing ,Magnetic Particle Testing CO-04
Liquid Penetrant Testing – Principles,
types and properties of liquid Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
12 3 penetrants, developers CO-05
advantages and limitations of various
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
13 4 methods CO-06
LPT Testing Procedure, Interpretation Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
14 4 of results CO-07
Magnetic Particle Testing- Theory of Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
15 4 magnetism CO-08
inspection materials, Magnetization
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
16 4 methods CO-04
T1, T2 and R1
Interpretation and evaluation of test Chalk &Talk
17 5 indications CO-04

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 17

Principles and methods of
demagnetization Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
18 5 CO-05
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
19 5 Residual magnetism CO-06
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
20 5 LPT & MPT CO-05
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
21 6 Bridge Class-2/Revision Class-2 -
Thermography and Eddy Current
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
22 6 Testing CO-06
Principles, Contact and non contact
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
23 6 inspection methods CO-07
Techniques for applying liquid crystals- Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
24 6 Advantages and limitation CO-08
radiation and infrared detectors,
Instrumentations and methods, Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
25 7 applications CO-09
Eddy Current Testing-Generation of
eddy currents, Properties of eddy Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
26 7 currents CO-06
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
27 7 Eddy current sensing elements CO-07
Probes, Instrumentation, Types of Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
28 7 arrangement CO-08
Applications, advantages, Limitations,
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
29 8 Interpretation/Evaluation CO-09
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
30 8 Eddy Current Testing Method CO-06
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
31 8 Thermography CO-07
Contact and non contact inspection Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
32 8 methods CO-08
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
33 9 Bridge Class-3/Revision Class -3 -

Ultrasonic Testing and Acoustic Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
34 9 Emission CO-06
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
35 9 Ultrasonic Testing-Principle CO-07
Transducers, transmission and pulse- Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
36 9 echo method CO-08

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 18

37 10 straight beam and angle beam CO-09 Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1

Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1

38 10 instrumentation CO-10
data representation, A/Scan, B-scan, C- Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
39 10 scan CO-11
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
40 10 Phased Array Ultrasound CO-12
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
41 11 Time of Flight Diffraction CO-12
Acoustic Emission Technique IV Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
42 11 Principle CO-10
43 11 AE parameters and Applications CO-10 Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
44 11 Bridge Class-4/Revision Class -4 - Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1

Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
45 12 Radiography Test CO-12
Radiography - Principle, interaction
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
46 12 of X-Ray with matter CO-13
imaging, film and film less
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
47 12 techniques CO-14
48 12 types and use of filters and screens CO-15 Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
geometric factors, Inverse square,
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
49 13 law CO-16

characteristics of films – graininess, Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1

50 13 density, speed, contrast CO-17
characteristic curves, Penetrameters, Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
51 13 Exposure charts CO-18
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
52 13 Radiographic equivalence CO-19
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
53 14 Fluoroscopy- Xero-Radiography CO-15
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
54 14 Computed Radiography CO-12
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
55 14 Computed Tomography CO-15
Chalk &Talk T1, T2 and R1
56 14 Bridge Class-5/Revision Class -5 -

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 19



Sl Question Blooms Course

No Taxonomy Learning
Level OutComes
1 Define the non- destructive testing Remember CO-01
2 What are the objectives of non- destructive testing Understand CO-01
3 List any four uses of NDT methods Remember CO-01
4 What are purposes of material testing Remember CO-01
5 Name any four commonly employed destructive tests Understand CO-01
6 What are the advantages of non- destructive testing Remember CO-01
7 List any four limitations of non-destructive testing Understand CO-02
8 Explain NDT Versus Mechanical testing Methods Remember CO-01
9 What are the Testing Methods for the detection of manufacturing defects Understand CO-02
10 Explain the Testing Methods for the detection of material characterization Understand CO-02
11 Give Relative merits and limitations Of NDT Remember CO-01
12 Explain various physical characteristics of materials and their applications Understand CO-02
in NDT
13 Explain Visual inspection Procedure. Remember CO-01
14 Role of visual inspection in industry Remember CO-03
15 How NDT Is Usefull For Quality Control. Understand CO-02
16 What do you mean by visual inspection Remember CO-02
17 Distinguish between aided and unaided visual testing. Remember CO-04
18 List any six optical aids that are being used in visual inspection. Understand CO-02
19 What is the principle of liquid penetrant testing Remember CO-03
20 What types of defects can be detected in a liquid penetrant test Understand CO-03
21 What are the different methods of penetrant application Remember CO-03
22 What is meant by dwell and development time with respect to liquid penetrant Remember CO-03
23 List any four typical defects that can be detected with liquid penetrant testing Remember CO-05
and their indications
24 Difference between the fluorescent and visible penetrants Understand CO-04
25 List any four desirable characteristics of a good developer Remember CO-05
26 List out any six commonly used non – destructive testing methods/ techniques Remember CO-03
27 List the basic elements in NDT methods Understand CO-03
28 What is the Use of the telescopes and periscopes as a visual inspection aid Understand CO-01
29 Compare and contrast destructive and non- destructive testing methods Understand CO-01
30 Enlist, in detail various non- destructive testing methods/techniques Understand CO-01
31 Compare and contrast the principles, characteristics detected, advantages, Understand CO-03
limitations applications of visual inspection and liquid penetrant testing
32 (a) Explain the principle and types of visual testing method. Understand CO-04
(b) Bring out the advantages, Limitations and applications of visual inspection.
33 Explain the principle of liquid penetrant testing with neat sketch. Also bring out Remember CO-04
the advantages and limitations of the liquid penetrant testing.

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 20

34 Explain the liquid penetrant testing flow chart? and write the limitations of Understand CO-04
liquid penetrant testing
35 Discuss about the surface preparation, dwell or penetrant time and removal of Understand CO-05
excess penetrant
36 Discuss about the post- emulsification method, solvent removal method and Understand CO-04
application of developer liquid penetrant testing
37 Write about examination, interpretation and evaluation process in liquid Understand CO-04
penetrant testing
38 Explain about advantages, limitations and applications of Magnetic particle Remember CO-05
39 Explain in details various steps involved in magnetic particle testing? Remember CO-05
40 Discuss about longitudinal magnetization, and circumferential magnetization in Remember CO-04
magnetic particle testing
41 Explain about dry and wet particle inspection techniques in magnetic particle Understand CO-03
42 Explain about magnetization equipment, portable power supplies, and lighting Understand CO-04
43 Explain what are the equipment used in determination of magnetic field strength Understand CO-05
and direction
44 Write on the following portable magnetization equipments : Remember CO-01
(a) Permanent magnet
(b) Electromagnetic Yokes
(c) Prods
45 Explain the working of wet horizontal type magnetization equipment used in Understand CO-02
magnetic article testing
46 Explain the about different type of magnetic particles used in magnetic particle Remember CO-03
47 Compare and contrast the applicability and capability of various NDT methods Understand CO-04
48 (a) Explain the principle and types of visible testing of visible testing methods Understand CO-05
49 Explain how the liquid penetrant test be used to detect surface discontinuities? Understand CO-04
Explain the various stages of liquid penetrant testing procedure
50 Describe the purpose, types, Characteristics, and properties of penetant used in Understand CO-05
the liquid penetrant testing procedure.
51 Discuss on various test stations used in inspection by liquid penetrant testing Remember CO-05
52 Explain the various penetrant inspection techniques? Explain them Remember CO-04
53 Explain the process flow chart, the water- washable penetrant techniques. Also Remember CO-03
bring out its applicability, advantages and limitations
54 Describe the post- emulsifiable and solvent- removable penetrant inspection Remember CO-04
55 Explain the principle of magnetic particle testing with its advantages and Remember CO-05
56 Explain the dry particle inspection techniques with simple line diagram Understand CO-04
57 Explain the inspection of crankshaft by wet particle MT inspection techniques Understand CO-05
58 Explain the principle of liquid penetrant testing with neat sketch. Also bring out Remember CO-05
the advantages and limitations of the liquid penetrant testing.
59 Explain Thermography Testing Working Principle. Remember CO-06
60 Explain Eddy Current Testing Working Principle. Remember CO-04

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 21

61 Explain Contact and Non Contact Inspection Methods. Remember CO-05
62 Define NDT Techniques for applying liquid crystals. Understand CO-06
63 Explain the advantages and limitations of thermography. Understand CO-06
64 What is Infra Red Radiation. Understand CO-04
65 What are the instruments used for infrared detection. Understand CO-05
66 Explain the process of eddy currents generation. Remember CO-07
67 What are the various properties of eddy current. Remember CO-08
68 Name few eddy current sensing elements. Remember CO-08
69 Explain Instrumentation and methods used for thermography Understand CO-09
70 Explain Instrumentation and methods used for eddy current testing Understand CO-09
71 Explain Advantages and limitation s Of Eddy Current Testing Remember CO-08
72 What Are The Applications Of ECT Understand CO-09
73 Explain the evaluation procedure for Eddy Current Testing Remember CO-08
74 Define the Evaluation Procedure For Thermography Testing Remember CO-08
75 Tools Used For Thermography Testing Remember CO-07
76 Explain The Working Principle Of Thermography With Its Limitation and Understand CO-08
77 plain The Working Principle Of Eddy Current Testing With Its Limitation and Remember CO-07
78 Difference Between Thermography And Eddy Current Testing. Understand CO-06
79 What are the Ultrasonic waves Understand CO-06
80 List the different modes of ultrasonic waves Understand CO-06
81 Differentiate between longitudinal and sher waves Remember CO-06
82 What is attenuation in Ultrasonic inspection Remember CO-07
83 What is the significance of couplant in ultrasonic testing Remember CO-07
84 State commonly used couplants Remember CO-07
85 State the advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonic inspection Remember CO-08
86 Distinguish between transmission and pulse-echo methods of ultrasonic testing Remember CO-09
87 List the basic component used in Ultrasonic equipment Remember CO-06
88 What are the ultrasonic transducers . Understand CO-08
89 List the factors influencing the selection of ultrasonic transducer Remember CO-09
90 Classify ultrasonic transducers Remember CO-09
91 What are immersion transducers Remember CO-07
92 What is non contact type ultrasonic testing Understand CO-07
93 What is the common modes data presentation in ultrasonic testing Remember CO-08
94 Distinguish between A- Scan, B-Scan, and C-Scan presentation in Ultrasonic Understand CO-09
testing (UT).
95 List various factors influencing ultrasonic testing Understand CO-08
96 Explain how immersion transducer differs from other transducer in ultrasonic Understand CO-08
97 What is mean b S/N ratio . Understand CO-08
98 What is State Snell’s Law . Understand CO-09
99 (a)Describe the basic principle of ultrasonic testing with a suitable block Remember CO-06
(b) List down advantages, limitations and applications of employing ultrasonic
testing method.
100 (a) Explain the principle of through transmission ultrasonic testing with neat Understand CO-06

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 22

(b) How the pulse-echo method of ultrasonic inspection is carried out and also
state the advantages and disadvantages of pulse echo method.
101 Explain various components involved in ultrasonic testing equipment with block Understand CO-06
102 Explain different types of ultrasonic transducer with construction and working Understand CO-07
(a) Brief the working principle of any one Non- Contact types ultrasonic
(b) Explain the working principle of phased array transducer in ultrasonic
103 What is the need for angle beam inspection is carried out and also state the Understand CO-07
advantages and disadvantages of pulse echo method?
104 Explain the principle of time of flight diffraction (TOFD) techniques of Understand CO-07
ultrasonic testing?
105 Write an engineering brief about immersion ultrasonic testing Understand CO-07
106 Explain the different scan modes of ultrasonic testing. And hence discuss its Remember CO-08
applications to inspect porosity/ cavity in materials
107 List and explain the various factors influencing ultrasonic testing. Understand CO-08
108 Explain the following test procedure is followed in inspection of following Understand CO-08
(a) Inspection of castings
(b) Corrosion monitoring
(c) Weld inspection.
109 Explain about the longitudinal waves, shear waves and surface waves in Remember CO-09
ultrasonic sonic
110 Discuss about transmission method, and pulse- echo method in ultrasonic Understand CO-09
111 Explain about pulser, Ultrasonic transducer, couplant, display receiver/ amplifier Understand CO-09
are used in ultrasonic testing
112 Explain about straight beam ultrasonic inspection and angle beam inspection Remember CO-07
113 Explain about phased array ultrasonic inspection method, and Immersion Remember CO-07
ultrasonic method.
114 Explain about data presentation in ultrasonic testing (Modes of display) in Remember CO-08
ultrasonic testing.
115 Discuss about A- scan presentation, B- scan presentation, C- scan presentation, Understand CO-09
116 Explain about limitation and application of ultrasonic testing with examples. Remember CO-08
117 Explain about weld inspection by ultrasonic testing and thickness measurement Understand CO-09
by ultrasonic testing
118 Explain about ultrasonic testing in inspection of casting and also explain about Understand CO-09
corrosion inspection by ultrasonic testing.
119 What is the need for angle beam inspection is carried out and also state the Understand CO-07
advantages and disadvantages of pulse echo method?
120 Explain the principle of time of flight diffraction (TOFD) techniques of Remember CO-07
ultrasonic testing?
121 Write an engineering brief about immersion ultrasonic testing. Understand CO-07
122 Explain the different scan modes of ultrasonic testing. And hence discuss its Understand CO-08
applications to inspect porosity/ cavity in materials
123 List and explain the various factors influencing ultrasonic testing. Understand CO-08

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 23

124 Explain about non contact ultrasonic testing in inspection of composite material. Understand CO-08
125 Discuss testing procedure of ultrasonic inspection/testing. And also writes its Remember CO-09
126 Explain about time flight diffraction (TOFD) Technique principle and steps Understand CO-09
involved in TOFD and its advantages
127 Explains about piezo electric transducer un ultrasonic testing and write about Remember CO-07
128 Explain the steps involved in through Transmission method in ultrasonic testing. Remember CO-07
129* Define Computed Tomography in non-destructive evaluation of 2D and 3D Understand CO-18
images. (ANDT-II)
130 List out the advantages of Computed Tomography in non-destructive testing Understand CO-19
131 Define leak testing in non-destructive evaluation Understand CO-20
132 List out the limitations of Computed Tomography in non-destructive testing. Understand CO-18
133 Define Acoustic Emission Test in non-destructive evaluation Remember CO-19
134 List out the limitations of leak testing Remember CO-20
135 Enumerate the factors influencing acoustic wave propagation and data Remember CO-18
acquisition in AE technology
136 List out the applications of Computed Tomography in non-destructive testing Understand CO-19
137 Define wave propagation and wave velocity in Acoustic Emission Testing. Understand CO-20
138 List out the advantages of leak testing. Understand CO-18
139 Enumerate the components used in Acoustic Emission Testing setup. Understand CO-19
140 Define burst acoustic emission signal Understand CO-20
141 List out the applications of leak testing. Understand CO-18
142 Define continuous acoustic emission signal Remember CO-19
143 List out the stages in Acoustic Emission Testing Remember CO-20
144 List out the different data storages in Acoustic Emission Testing Remember CO-18
145 Discuss compare CT and FR in non destructive testing Remember CO-19
146 Discuss the applications of CT inspection? Remember CO-20
147 Define is the computer tomography in non destructive testing Understand CO-18
148 List the components of computed tomography Understand CO-19
149 Explain the working principle of Computed Tomography with a neat sketch and Remember CO-19
list out its advantages .
150 Differentiate between Computed Tomography Testing and Acoustic Emission Remember CO-20
151 Discuss the importance of Computed Tomography testing in non-destructive Remember CO-20
evaluation and list out its limitations
152 Explain the working principle of Acoustic Emission Testing with a neat sketch Understand CO-18
and list out its advantages
153 Discuss the importance of Acoustic Emission testing in non-destructive Understand CO-19
evaluation and list out its limitations.
154 Differentiate between Computed Tomography Testing and Leak Testing. Understand CO-20
155 Explain the working principle of leak Testing with a neat sketch and list out its Understand CO-18
156 Discuss the importance of Leak testing in non-destructive evaluation and list out Understand CO-19
its limitations
157 Differentiate between Acoustic Emission Testing and Leak Testing. Remember CO-20
158 Describe briefly burst acoustic emission signal with a neat sketch Understand CO-18
159 Differentiate between burst and continuous mode acoustic emission signal. Understand CO-19
160 Describe briefly continuous acoustic emission signal with a neat sketch. Understand CO-20

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 24

161 Briefly explain data analysis and data storage in Acoustic Emission Testing. Understand CO-18
162 Explain inspection of weld microstructure by Acoustic Emission Testing with a Understand CO-19
neat sketch
163 Explain inspection of aerospace structure by Acoustic Emission Testing Remember CO-20
164 Describe instrumentation of Acoustic Emission Testing with a neat sketch. Remember CO-18
165 Briefly explain sensor and couplant used in Acoustic Emission Testing setup Remember CO-19
166 Explain factors influencing acoustic wave propagation and data acquisition in Understand CO-20
AE technology
167 Discuss briefly the stages involved in Acoustic Emission Testing Understand CO-18
168 Explain four channel data acquisition in Acoustic Emission Testing with a neat Understand CO-19
169 Discuss basic principle of acoustic emission test in Non – Destructive testing Understand CO-18

170 Discuss the stages and source of acoustic emission testing in non destructive Remember CO-19
171 Explain advantages and of limitation acoustic emission testing in advanced non Remember CO-20
destructive testing.
172 Discuss the factors influencing acoustic wave propagation and data acquisition. Understand CO-18
173 Explain about instrumentation of acoustic emission testing of non destructive Remember CO-19
174 Explain the modes acoustic emission testing the transient (brust) and continuous Remember CO-19
175 Discuss about the four channel data acquisition in acoustic emission testing and Remember CO-19
also explain about applications of acoustic emission.
176 Explain about computed tomography principle of non destructive testing. Understand CO-20
177 Discuss the advantage, limitation and applications of computed tomography in Remember CO-20
non destructive testing.
178 Explain the major components are used in computed tomography and give some Remember CO-20
examples of computed tomography (CT) of Non Destructive testing?
179 Enlist the major components of an x- ray generator Remember CO-10
180 What is the purpose of focusing cup and filters in an x-ray generator? Remember CO-11
181 What are the applications of radiographic inspection? Understand CO-12
182 What is crank- out the mechanism in gamma ray testing of components? Understand CO-13
183 Define the term density and film speed, with respect to radiography testing. Understand CO-14
184 What are intensifying screens? Write its types. Understand CO-10
185 What is half- value layer in the radiography testing? Understand CO-11
186 What are penetrometers? Write its types Remember CO-12
187 What is film graininess in radiography testing? Understand CO-13
188 What is film contrast in radiography testing? Understand CO-14
189 What is geometric unsharpness with respect to radiography? Remember CO-11
190 What is need for exposure chart in radiography over film radiography? Remember CO-12
191 What is the effect of radiation on the film in radiographic NDT study? Understand CO-13
192 What are the advantages of computed radiography over film radiography? Understand CO-14
193 Difference between computed radiography and film radiography. Remember CO-10
194 What are the applications of computed radiography? Remember CO-11
195 What is Compton scattering Remember CO-12
196 What is Thomson scattering? Understand CO-13
197 State the inverse square law. Remember CO-14

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 25

198 What is the effect of radiation on the film in radiographic NDT study? Remember CO-10
199 Explain with sketch, the working principle of X- ray radiography and state its Understand CO-10
advantages, Limitations and applications.
200 Explain the types of radiation produced by radioactive decay (gamma ray) and Remember CO-11
their application with neat sketch.
201 Classify X-ray films used in industrial radiography and brief about construction Understand CO-12
of film with simple line diagram.
202 Explain the characteristic curve of X-ray film used in radiography testing? Remember CO-13
203 Explain the stages of development od X-ray film in radiography testing. Understand CO-14
204 Brief write about the following processes during interaction of X-ray with Understand CO-10
(a) photoelectric effect
(b) Compton scattering,
(c) Pair production ,and
(d) Thomson scattering.
205 Explain how X- rays are produced in radiography testing? Briefly write about Understand CO-11
two methods of X- ray production,
206 what are the different radiography techniques? Explain any one technique with Understand CO-12
neat sketch
207 What is the fluoroscopy in non – destructive testing? Explain the principle with Understand CO-13
neat sketch?
208 Explain the working principle of X ray radiography and state its advantages, Understand CO-14
disadvantages with applications.
209 Explain advantages, limitations and applications of x-ray radiography testing. Understand CO-11
210 Explain the gamma ray radiographic testing and also explain about gamma ray Understand CO-12
testing arrangements?
211 Explain about crank out mechanism for Gamma ray radiographic exposure. Remember CO-13
212 Discuss the half –life of radioactive isotopes in Gamma ray testing (isotope Understand CO-14
decay rate) and write the advantages of gamma ray radiography testing
213 Explains the metal foil screen and fluorescent intensifying screen (or Salt Understand CO-10
214 Explain the stages of film processing and development in radiography testing. Remember CO-11
215 Discuss the interaction of X-rays with matter and explain about photoelectric Remember CO-12
effect, and the Compton effect.
216 Explain the pair production and Thomson (or raylagh) scattering in radiographic Remember CO-13
217 Discuss the production of X- rays and explain about characteristic X-ray, and Remember CO-14
Bremsstrahlung X ray.
218 Explain Inverse square law, X- ray beam attenuation and half – value layer in Remember CO-10
radiographic testing.
219 How computed radiography differs from conventional radiography? Briefly Understand CO-10
write about the principle of operation of computed radiography.
220 Explain the principle, advantages, limitations and applications of computed Remember CO-11
221 Briefly Explain the advantages, limitations and applications of X-ray Remember CO-12
radiography testing
222 Explain gamma ray radiography testing and also explain about gamma ray Understand CO-13
source and gamma ray testing arrangement?
223 Explain about crank-out Mechanism for Gamma Ray radiographic exposure with Remember CO-14

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 26

neat sketches.
224 Write about Half- life of radioactive isotopes in gamma testing (Isotope Dacay Remember CO-10
Rate), and also explain about advantage of gamma ray radiography testing.
225 Explain construction and structure of Industrial X –Ray Film with neat sketches? Remember CO-11
226 Write in detail about screen in radiography testing and explain about Metal f oil Remember CO-12
screens and Flurorescent intensifying (or Sat Screens)
227 Explain about various of development of a radiographic X-ray films in Remember CO-13
radiography testing .
228 Briefly explain about Interaction of X-rays with matter and also explain about Remember CO-14
the photoelectric effect and the Compton effect.



1. Mechanical testing specifications have been developed by the:

a. AWS
c. GSA
2. In tensile strength tests, yield strength is a measure of:
a. springback
b. fracture point
c. ultimate strength
d. permanent elongation
3. Impact refers to:
a. shock loading
b. compressive loading
c. fatigue loading
d. torsion loading
4. A principle advantage of the ‘dropped weight impact test’ is:
a. less costly
b. applicable to all material
c. part failure isn’t required for a successful test
d. can be done at room temperatures
5. ‘Fatigue life’ is a measure of the number of cycles:
a. below the endurance limit
b. above the endurance limit
c. at the point of fracture
d. at the point of permanent deformation
6. Visual non-destructive testing is limited to:
a. small, easily handled parts
b. non-ferrous materials
c. dimensional defects
d. surface defects
7. In magnetic particle inspection, a flaw is indicated by:
a. it’s lack of magnetism
b. particles arranged in line
c. particles arranged perpendicular to the discontinuity
d. circular patterns

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 27

8. Eddy-current testing relies on:
a. accurate reference standards
b. coil strength
c. electrolytic solution strength
d. solid ground connections
9. X-ray testing is used most often on:
a. complex shapes
b. non-ferrous metals
c. round objects
d. welded joints
10. What is the first step involved in the process of preparation of test sample of material?
a) Rough polishing
b) Fine grinding
c) Fine polishing
d) Etching
11. Which of the following compound is used for fine polishing?
a) Aluminum oxide
b) Nitric oxide
c) Silicon carbide
d) Iron oxide
12. Etching of specimen is done to achieve
a) Visible grain boundary
b) Invisible grain boundary
c) Toughness
d) Hardness
13. Find grain diameter in ‘mm’ for ASTM 12?
a) .0066
b) .0078
c) .0021
d) .0056
14. Equipment used for inspection of inside portion of hollow chamber or narrow tube is known as
a) Endoscope
b) Telescope
c) Borescope
d) Flexiscope
15. What is the value of average number of grains in per square inch for ASTM 11?
a) 2048
b) 1024
c) 6
d) 5
16. Which of the following property will be more in fine grained structure?
a) Ductility
b) Corrosion resistance
c) Creep resistance
d) Hardness
17. Which of the following property will be more in coarse grain structure?
a) Ductility
b) Corrosion resistance
c) Hardness
d) Toughness
18. Which of the following penetrating liquid is used in a liquid penetration test?
a) Water
b) Chlorine based solvent

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 28

c) Petroleum based carrier fluid
d) Fluorine based solvent
19. Which of the following non destructive testing is used to detect change in composition of any material?
a) Liquid penetration test
b) Ultrasonic test
c) Eddy current test
d) Radiography
20. In which type of test the capillary action principle is used?
a. Probe test
b. Bend liquid test
c. Dye penetrant test
d. None of the above
21. Non-destructive testing is used to determine
a. location of defects
b. chemical composition
c. corrosion of metal
d. All of these
22. Which among the following is not a type of Non-destructive testing?
a. compression test
b. visual testing
c. ultrasonic testing
d. eddy current testing
23. Identify the type of destructive testing.
a. Radiographic test
b. Dye penetrant test
c. Creep test
d. All of the above
24. Which among the following is the last step in magnetic particle test method?
a. observation and inspection
b. circular magnetization
c. demagnetization
d. magnetization
25. Which of the following statements is/are true for ultrasonic test?
a. Equipment used for ultrasonic testing is portable
b. Complicated shapes can be easily scanned
c. Waves generated are health hazardous
d. All the above statements are true
26. During radiography test, which region absorbs less radiation and transmits more
a. Low and high density regions absorb and transmit same amount of radiation
b. High density region
c. Low density region
d. None of the above
27. Which test is used to determine dimensions of any object?
a. Ultrasonic test
b. Torsion test
c. Eddy current test
d. All of these tests can be used to determine dimensions of any object.

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 29

28. Eddy current test is used to detect
a. cracks
b. hardness
c. conductivity
d. All of the above.
29. Which test can be performed without skilled labour?
a. Dye penetrant testing
b. Visual testing
c. Ultrasonic testing
d. Magnetic particle test.


1. Liquid penetrant testing is based on the principle of:

(a) Polarized sound waves in a liquid
(b) Magnetic domains
(c) Absorption of X rays
(d) Capillary action
2. When a small diameter tube is placed in a glass of water, water rises in the tube to a
level above the adjacent surface. This is called:
(a) Viscosity
(b) Capillary action
(c) Surface tension
(d) Barometric testing
3. How is the size of a liquid penetrant indication usually related to the discontinuity it
(a) Larger than
(b) Smaller than
(c) Equal to
(d) Not related to
4. A penetrant that is self-emulsifying is called:
(a) Solvent removable
(b) Water washable
(c) Post-emulsified
(d) Dual sensitivity method
5. A penetrant process which employs an emulsifier as a separate step in the penetrant
removal process is called:
(a) Solvent removable
(b) Water washable
(c) Post-emulsified
(d) Dual sensitivity method
6. A penetrant process in which excess penetrant is removed with an organic solvent is
(a) Solvent removable
(b) Water washable
(c) Post-emulsified

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 30

(d) Dual method
7. Which of the following statements accurately describes the capabilities of liquid
penetrant testing?
(a) Liquid penetrant testing is useful for locating subsurface discontinuities in a
test piece
(b) Liquid penetrant testing is useful for locating discontinuities in porous
(c) Liquid penetrant testing is useful for locating discontinuities which are open to
the surface in non-porous materials
(d) none of the above.
8.Which of the following discontinuity types could typically be found with a liquid
penetrant test?
(a) Internal slag in a weld
(b) Internal slag in a casting
(c) Sensitization in austenitic stainless steel
(d) Fatigue cracks
9. Which of the following chemical elements are normally held to a minimum in liquid
penetrant materials, when testing stainless steel and titanium?
(a) Hydrogen
(b) Chlorine
(c) Carbon
(d) Oil
10. Which of the following chemical elements are normally held to a minimum in liquid
penetrant materials when testing nickel based alloys?
(a) Sulphur
(b) Oxygen
(c) Carbon
(d) Nitrogen.
11. Which of the following is the most desirable method of pre-cleaning a test piece prior
to penetrant testing?
(a) Sand blasting
(b) Vapour degreasing
(c) Emery COth
(d) Wire brushing
12. Which of the following pre-cleaning processes is not recommended?
(a) Detergent cleaning
(b) Vapour degreasing
(c) Shot blasting
(d) Ultrasonic cleaning
13. A wire brush should be used for pre-cleaning:
(a) When grease and oil must be removed
(b) Only as a last resort
(c) When rust is to be removed
(d) When grinding burrs must be removed
14. A hydrometer is used to measure:
(a) Penetrant viscosity

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 31

(b) Specific gravity of water based wet developers
(c) Penetrant specific gravity
(d) Cleaner specific gravity
15. Visible, solvent removable penetrants are most advantageous for:
(a) Inspecting parts with rough surfaces
(b) Inspecting batches of small parts
(c) Inspecting parts at remote locations
(d) Inspecting parts with porous surfaces
16. For adequate test results, the black light used in fluorescent penetrant examination
should provide what minimum black light intensity at the test surface?
(a) 100 foot candles per square centimetre
(b) 1000 microwatts per square centimetre
(c) 800 foot candles
(d) 35 microwatts per square centimetre
17. What minimum warm-up time is required for acceptable performance of a mercury
Vapour arc black light?
(a) None
(b) 2 minutes
(c) 5 minutes
(d) 10 minutes
18. Which of the following penetrants contains an emulsifying agent?
(a) Solvent removable
(b) Water washable
(c) Post emulsifiable
(d) Fluorescent
19. Which of the following penetrants must be treated with an emulsifier prior to water
(a) Solvent removable
(b) Water washable
(c) Post emulsifiable
(d) Fluorescent
20. What is the function of an emulsifier?
(a) To remove the excess penetrant
(b) To develop indications with a post emulsifiable penetrant system
(c) To assist penetration with a post emulsifiable penetrant system
(d) To make a post emulsifiable penetrant water washable.


1. Magnetic particles testing is most likely to find subsurface discontinuities in:

(a) Soft steels with high permeability
(b) Soft steels with low permeability
(c) Hardened steels with low permeability
(d) Hardened steels with high permeability
2. Which of the following is not an advantage of magnetic particles testing?
(a) Fast and simple to perform

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 32

(b) Can detect discontinuities filled with foreign material
(c) Most reliable for finding surface cracks in all types of material
(d) Works well through a thin coat of paint
3. Which of the following does not represent a limitation of magnetic particle testing?
(a) The type of materials which may be effectively tested
(b) The directionality of the magnetic field
(c) The need for demagnetization
(d) The ability to detect discontinuities filled with foreign material
4. The most effective NDT method for locating surface cracks in ferromagnetic materials
(a) Ultrasonic testing
(b) Radiographic testing
(c) Magnetic particle testing
(d) Liquid penetrant testing
5. Which of the following may cause magnetic particle test indications?
(a) A joint between two ferromagnetic materials of different permeability
(b) A shrink fit joint in ferromagnetic materials
(c) A brazed joint in ferromagnetic materials
(d) All of the above
6. A discontinuity which is produced during solidification of the molten metal is called:
(a) Inherent
(b) Processing
(c) Service
(d) None of the above
7. Pipe would be classified as what type of discontinuity?
(a) Inherent
(b) Processing
(c) Service
(d) None of the above
8. A seam would be classified as what type of discontinuity?
(a) Inherent
(b) Processing
(c) Service
(d) None of the above
9. A lamination in steel plate would be classified as what type of discontinuity?
(a) Inherent
(b) Processing
(c) Service
(d) None of the above
10. An internal rupture caused by working steel at improper temperatures is called a:
(a) Lap
(b) Cold shut
(c) Forging burst
(d) Slag inclusion
11. Cracks which are caused by alternating stresses above a critical level are called:
(a) Stress corrosion cracks

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 33

(b) Cycling cracks
(c) Critical cracks
(d) Fatigue cracks
12. Cracks which are caused by a combination of tensile stress and corrosion are called:
(a) Stress corrosion cracks
(b) Cycling cracks
(c) Critical cracks
(d) Fatigue cracks
13. Which of the following are ferromagnetic materials?
(a) Aluminium, iron, copper
(b) Iron, copper, nickel
(c) Copper, aluminium, silver
(d) Iron, cobalt, nickel
14. The reverse magnetising force necessary to remove a residual magnetic field from a
test piece after it has been magnetically saturated is called:
(a) Hysteresis
(b) Coercive force
(c) Demagnetising flux
(d) Reverse saturation
15. Magnetic lines of force enter and leave a magnet at:
(a) Saturation
(b) L/D ratios of greater than 4 to 1
(c) Flux concentration points
(d) Poles
16. The ease with which a magnetic field can be established in a test piece is called:
(a) Reluctance
(b) Retentivity
(c) Permeability
(d) Electromagnetism
17. Opposition to establishment of a magnetic field is called:
(a) Reluctance
(b) Retentivity
(c) Permeability
(d) Electromagnetism
18. The ability of a material to remain magnetic after the magnetising force is removed is
(a) Reluctance
(b) Retentivity
(c) Permeability
(d) Electromagnetism
19. A magnetic field which is contained completely within the test piece is called a:
(a) Confined field
(b) Longitudinal field
(c) Circular field
(d) Saturated field
20. Which of the following produces a circular field?

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 34

(a) Coil
(b) Head shot
(c) Yoke
(d) All of the above.


1. The divergence of an ultrasonic beam is dependant on:

(a) Transducer wavelength and diameter
(b) Test specimen density
(c) The sound wave's angle of incidence
(d) The degree of damping of the ultrasonic transducer
2. When a longitudinal wave is incident upon an inclined interface between zero degrees
and the first critical angle:
(a) The sound beam is totally reflected
(b) Only shear waves are produced in the second material
(c) Shear waves and longitudinal waves are produced in the second material
(d) Only longitudinal waves are produced in the second material
3. The piezoelectric material in a search unit which vibrates to produce ultrasonic waves
is called:
(a) A backing material
(b) A lucite wedge
(c) A transducer element or crystal
(d) A couplant
4. When a longitudinal wave is incident upon an inclined interface and is refracted at
ninety degrees, the angle of the incident longitudinal wave is called:
(a) The Snell constant
(b) The Snell angle
(c) The mode conversion constant
(d) The first critical angle
5. When a longitudinal wave sound beam passes through an acoustic interface at some
angle other than zero degrees:
(a) Surface waves are generated
(b) Plate waves are generated
(c) Reflection, refraction and mode conversion will occur
(d) The first critical angle is reached
6. Which of the following can be a source of spurious ultrasonic signals?
(a) Surface roughness of the test piece
(b) Mode conversion within the test piece
(c) Shape or contour of the test piece
(d) All of the above
7. A noisy base line, or hash may result in:
(a) Laminations in the test piece
(b) Discontinuities at an angle to the test piece surface
(c) Large grain size
(d) Fatigue cracks

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 35

8. Sound waves which travel on the surface of a solid in a manner similar to waves on a
water surface are called:
(a) Rayleigh waves
(b) Shear waves
(c) Primary waves
(d) Compression waves
9. Lamb waves are formed in a part which has:
(a) A thickness greater that about ten wavelengths
(b) A thickness approximately equal to the wavelength
(c) Low acoustic impedance compared to the transducer crystal material
(d) A thickness of about four wavelengths.
10. Which type(s) of sound wave modes will propagate through liquids?
(a) Longitudinal
(b) Shear
(c) Surface
(d) All of the above
11. When the motion of the particles of a medium is transverse to the direction of
propagation, the wave being transmitted is called a:
(a) Longitudinal wave
(b) Shear wave
(c) Surface wave
(d) Lamb wave
12. Which of the following test frequencies would generally provide the best penetration
in a 12 inch thick specimen of coarse-grained steel?
(a) 1.0 MHz
(b) 2.25 MHz
(c) 5.0 MHz
(d) 10 MHz
13. An oscilloscope display in which the screen base line is adjusted to represent the one
way distance in a test piece is called a:
(a) A scan display
(b) B scan display
(c) C scan display
(d) D scan display
14. A common use of ultrasonic testing is:
(a) Cleaning
(b) Detecting of sub-surface indications
(c) Determination of the test piece ductility
(d) Communications.
15. Sound waves of a frequency beyond the hearing range of the human ear are referred
to as ultrasonic waves or vibrations, and the term embraces all vibrational waves of
frequency greater than approximately:
(a) 20 kHz
(b) 2 MHz
(c) 2 kHz
(d) 200 kHz

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 36

16. Y cut crystals produce:
(a) Longitudinal waves
(b) Shear waves
(c) Lamb waves
(d) Surface waves
17. The cable that connects the ultrasonic instrument to the search unit is specially
designed so that one conductor is centred inside another. The technical name for such
a cable is:
(a) BX cable
(b) Conduit
(c) Coaxial cable
(d) Ultrasonic conductor cable grade 20
18. As ultrasonic frequency increases:
(a) Wavelength increases
(b) Wavelength decreases
(c) Sound velocity increases
(d) Sound velocity decreases
19. In an A scan presentation, the amplitude of vertical indications on the screen
represents the:
(a) Amount of ultrasonic sound energy returning to the search unit
(b) Distance travelled by the search unit
(c) Thickness of material being tested
(d) Elapsed time since the ultrasonic pulse was generated.
20. Loss of the test piece back wall echo during scanning may be caused by:
(a) An abnormally homogeneous material structure
(b) A smooth entry surface on the test piece
(c) A discontinuity which is not parallel to the entry surface
(d) An opposite surface which is parallel to the entry surface.


1. Which of the following types of intensifying screens are not used in industrial
(a) Lead
(b) Fluorescent
(c) Silver halide
(d) All of the above
2. Betatrons are used to produce X rays in what range?
(a) Several MeV
(b) 50-500 keV
(c) 500-1000 keV
(d) 0-50 keV
3. Which of the following is an isotope not artificially produced for industrial use:
(a) Ir-192
(b) Ra-226
(c) Co-60

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 37

(d) All of the above
4. One half value layer of lead for Iridium-192 is approximately:
(a) 12 mm
(b) 4 mm
(c) 2 mm
(d) 25 mm
5. One half value layer of lead for Cobalt-60 is approximately:
(a) 12 mm
(b) 6 mm
(c) 2 mm
(d) 25 mm
6. The film processing step in which the undeveloped silver bromide is removed from
the film emulsion is called:
(a) Development
(b) Stop bath
(c) Fixing
(d) Rinsing
7. A radiation producing device which emits radiation of one or a few discreet
wavelengths is:
(a) An X ray machine
(b) A linear accelerator
(c) A gamma ray source
(d) A betatron
8. The intensifying action of lead screens is caused by:
(a) Secondary X ray emission
(b) Secondary gamma ray emissions
(c) Fluorescence of lead screens
(d) Electron emission
9. Most of the energy applied to an X ray tube is converted into:
(a) X rays
(b) Light
(c) Heat
(d) Ultraviolet radiation
10. Radiography of tubular sections using a double wall, double viewing technique is
mainly applicable to sections:
(a) Over 38 mm in diameter
(b) 88 mm in diameter or less
(c) 125 mm in diameter and less
(d) Under 25 mm in diameter
11. Which of the following is the most common method of packaging film?
(a) Individual sheets for use in cassettes
(b) Rolls
(c) Pre-packaged (‘day-pack’)
(d) All of the above
12. Which of the following types of radiation is particulate?
(a) X

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 38

(b) Gamma
(c) Alpha
(d) None of the above
13. Most scattered radiation which adversely affects the radiographic image quality
(a) From floors and walls adjacent to the test piece
(b) From other nearby objects
(c) From the test piece itself
(d) From the lead intensifying screens
14. An effect of scattered radiation is to:
(a) Decrease required exposure time
(b) Diminish contrast, detail and clarity of radiographic image
(c) Decrease film density
(d) All of the above
15. What is the most important factor in determining the archival quality of radiographic
(a) Film density
(b) Image quality
(c) Degree of removal of fixer residues during washing
(d) Degree of removal of developer residues during washing
16. Radiographic enlargement to distinguish small defects is possible:
(a) Only with a very small source or focal spot size radiation source
(b) Routinely
(c) With most sources
(d) Never
17. A detrimental effect of fluorescent screens might be:
(a) High definition
(b) Screen mottle
(c) Non-linear attenuation
(d) Displaced core effect
18. The penetrating power of an X ray machine is indicated by:
(a) Milliamperage
(b) Tube voltage
(c) Filament current
(d) Anode current
19. Reticulation may be the result of:
(a) Inadequate agitation of the film during development
(b) Inadequate water rinse during processing
(c) Using exhausted stop bath solution
(d) Developing solutions not maintained at the same temperatures
20. The main advantage of having small focal spot on an X ray tube is:
(a) Heat is conducted away more efficiently than with a large focal spot
(b) A smaller focal spot is unlikely to be damaged from the required tube currents
(c) Longer tube life
(d) A smaller focal spot allows sharper radiographic images than does a larger
focal spot.

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 39


a) Mr. Srinivas
NDT Engineer
Kalva Enterprises Ltd.
b) Dr.G.Shiva Rao
Scientist G
c.) Dr.R.N.Roy
Scientist F


a) Case Studies in Non destructive Testing and Evaluation.
b) Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, ISSN: 0195-9298 (Print) 1573-4862 (Online)

c) International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties

d) International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, ISSN online,1741-5209


a) Material Testing Methods
b) Destructive Testing Methods
c) Non Destructive Testing Methods
d) NDT Methods Adopted For Medical Field
e) NDT Methods Adopted For Construction Field.
f) NDT Methods For Advanced Materials.(Composites,Alloys Etc)

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 40

a) Comparison Of NDT With Medical Equipment.
b) NDT Methods In Composites
c) NDT Methods In Construction
d) NDT Methods In Steel Structures.


Mr.C.Anil Kumar Reddy
Department Of Mechanical Engineering.


Understand the visual examination techniques in direct and indirect methods for
Remember the various equipment available for the visual inspection and the
codes and standards for non-destructive testing
Apply the liquid penetrant test that can be used for effective identification of
surface cracks in metals.
Apply the codes and standards applicable for the liquid penetrant testing in the
classification of NDT
Understand the principle of magnetic particle testing and the advantages and
limitations of the magnetic particle testing equipment and process
Understand the principle of ultrasonic testing and identify the suitable methods
for conducting non-destructive testing using the ultrasonic testing equipment.
Evaluate the interpretation procedures for NDT by ultrasonic testing along with
its applications.
Understand transmission and pulse-echo methods of ultrasonic testing.
Evaluate and apply ultrasonic testing and acoustic emission testing and for
various particle applications.
Understand the working principle, advantages, limitations and applications of
X-ray film in radiography testing
Remember X-ray films used in industrial radiography and describe the stage of
development of X-ray films in radiography testing

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 41

Apply the knowledge of radiographic testing method for the NDT of metals for
knowing the defects internally present in the metals.
Remember the variables and the radiographic image quality improving
techniques along with the safety norms to be considered for radiation effects
Understand various process during interaction of X-ray with matter.
Understand the working principle, advantages, limitations and applications of
various advanced radiography techniques viz fluoroscopy testing, xerography,
computed tomography
Understand the principle of phase array and its technique utilized for the NDT
of materials along with the equipment for phase array.
Remember the verification for flow existence and position for reporting and
applications of the phase array
Understand the techniques and interpretation of radiography in the field of
phase array techniques and various applications of the process
Remember the special radiographic techniques and the various advantages and
limitations of the processes.
Understand the acoustic emission inspection method principle and understand
its various applications.

MECH III Yr – I Sem. 42

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