Centum VP 1B30 01 PDF
Centum VP 1B30 01 PDF
Centum VP 1B30 01 PDF
CS 1000/CS 3000
Field Control Station Basics
IM 33S01B30-01E 10th Edition
A1. Functional Overview of Field Control Station (FCS) ........................... A1-1
A1.1 Types of FCS Model ...................................................................................... A1-2
A1.2 Structure of the FCS Functions.................................................................... A1-8
A1.2.1 Control Calculations ........................................................................ A1-9
A1.2.2 Process Input/Output and Software Input/Output .......................... A1-11
A1.3 Types of FCS Databases ............................................................................. A1-13
A1.4 Function Block List ..................................................................................... A1-16
A2. Outline of Input and Output Interfaces ................................................ A2-1
A3. Process Inputs/Outputs ....................................................................... A3-1
A3.1 Analog Inputs/Outputs ................................................................................. A3-2
A3.1.1 Analog Input ................................................................................. A3-10
A3.1.2 Analog Output .............................................................................. A3-11
A3.2 Contact Inputs/Outputs .............................................................................. A3-12
A3.2.1 Contact Input ................................................................................ A3-18
A3.2.2 Contact Output ............................................................................. A3-20
A3.3 Configuring Process I/O of PFCS, LFCS2, LFCS and SFCS ..................... A3-31
A3.3.1 Control Input/Output Module Configuration ................................... A3-34
A3.3.2 Parameters for Multipoint Control Analog Input/Output .................. A3-54
A3.3.3 Parameters for Multiplexer and Multiplexer (Connector Type)
Inputs/Outputs .............................................................................. A3-59
A3.3.4 Parameters for Relay, Contact Terminal or Contact Connector ...... A3-74
A3.4 Configuring Process I/O of KFCS2 and KFCS ........................................... A3-82
A3.4.1 Parameters for FIO Analog Inputs/Outputs .................................... A3-86
A3.4.2 Parameters for FIO Contact Inputs/Outputs ................................ A3-122
A3.4.3 HART Variable Setting Items ....................................................... A3-139
A4. Software Inputs/Outputs ...................................................................... A4-1
A4.1 Common Switch ............................................................................................ A4-8
A4.2 Global Switch .............................................................................................. A4-19
A4.3 Annunciator Message Output (%AN) ......................................................... A4-22
A4.4 Sequence Message ..................................................................................... A4-29
A4.5 Annunciator Message with Data ................................................................ A4-36
● Migrated-FCS (RFCS5) £
The RFCS5 is configured by replacing the Station Control Nest of existing CENTUM V or
CENTUM-XL field control station with the Field Control Unit (FCU) of the CS 3000 KFCS2.
Since an SI bus interface card is mounted in the replacing FCU, the existing I/O nest area
can be connected to the FCU via the SI bus.
In addition, since an ESB bus interface card is mounted in the replacing FCU, the PI/O
components of the KFCS can be connected to the FCU via the ESB bus.
The following four station types are available for the RFCS5 that uses the SI bus:
• AFG81S Field Control Station (SIO/FIO, CENTUM V Migration Type)
• AFG81D Duplexed Field Control Station (SIO/FIO, CENTUM V Migration Type)
• AFG82S Field Control Station (SIO/FIO, CENTUM-XL Migration Type)
• AFG82D Duplexed Field Control Station (SIO/FIO, CENTUM-XL Migration Type)
For more information about RFCS5 and the SIO bus, see the following:
Migrated-FCS (FIO) (IM 33Q01B41-01E)
By replacing both the station control nest and input/output nest components the existing
CENTUM V or CENTUM-XL control station with the FCU of the KFCS2 and the PI/O
components, the existing signal conditioners can be connected to the replacing PI/O
components. In this case, an ESB bus interface card is mounted in the replacing FCU that
does not contain an SI bus interface card.
The following four station types are available for the RFCS5 that uses an ESB bus instead
of an SI bus:
• AFG83S Field Control Station (FIO, CENTUM V Migration Type)
• AFG83D Duplexed Field Control Station (FIO, CENTUM V Migration Type)
• AFG84S Field Control Station (FIO, CENTUM-XL Migration Type)
• AFG84D Duplexed Field Control Station (FIO, CENTUM-XL Migration Type)
RFCS5 is provided with an LFS1330 package “Control Function for Enhanced Field Control
Station (FIO)” as its basic software.
For details on the RFCS2 that uses the SIO bus, see the following:
Migrated-FCS (FIO) (IM 33Q01B41-01E)
By replacing both the station control nest area and input/output nest area of the control
station of the existing CENTUM V or CENTUM-XL with the FCU of the KFCS and the PI/O
area, the existing signal conditioner can be connected to the replacing PI/O area. In this
case, an ESB bus interface card is mounted in the replacing FCU that does not contain an
SI bus interface card.
The following four station types are available for the RFCS2 that uses an ESB bus instead
of an SI bus:
• AFS83S Field Control Station (FIO, CENTUM V Migration Type)
• AFS83D Duplexed Field Control Station (FIO, CENTUM V Migration Type)
• AFS84S Field Control Station (FIO, CENTUM-XL Migration Type)
• AFS84D Duplexed Field Control Station (FIO, CENTUM-XL Migration Type)
RFCS2 is provided with an LFS1300 package “Control Function for Standard Field Control
Station (FIO)” as its basic software.
For details on the APCS, see the following:
APCS (IM 33Q03M10-01E)
Faceplate blocks
SFC blocks
Unit instruments
*1: ¡ £ This option can be applied in CS 3000 system only.
Figure Overall Structure of the FCS Functions ¡ £
■ Basic Control ¡ £
The FCS has the following function blocks for executing the basic control.
● Calculation Block ¡ £
The calculation block is used to execute general-purpose calculation processing such as
arithmetic calculation, analog calculation and logic operation for values that are input to
function blocks in order to supplement regulatory control and sequence control.
The calculation block is classified into the arithmetic calculation block, analog calculation
block, logic operation block (*1), general-purpose calculation block and calculation auxiliary
*1: ¡ £ The logic operation block can only be used for the CS 3000.
● Faceplate Block
The faceplate block is a function block that enables the recognition of multiple function
blocks as a single function block.
The faceplate block is classified into the analog type, sequence type and hybrid type.
In addition to the SFC block, the SFC is also used in the following function blocks. However, a part of the
SFC specifications will vary among these function blocks.
• Unit instrument
• Operation
● Unit Instrument
The unit instrument is a function block that performs unit supervision. The unit supervision
is a function that controls and monitors the operation of devices that compose a process
facility, collectively called a unit, in a batch process or continuous process. The unit supervi-
sion enables the operation in equipment unit by defining the part corresponding to the
equipment in the process facility as a “unit” and allocating the “unit instrument” for each unit.
■ Option ¡ £
The following function blocks are available as options for the FCS:
● Off-Site Block £
The off-site block is a function block that controls the mixing at off-sites of oil refineries as
well as the shipments.
The off-site block is classified into the batch set control block (FSBSET) and blending
master control block (BLEND).
■ Process Input/Output
The process input/output are used to exchange signals between field devices and FCSs.
Two types of process input/output – “analog input/output” and “contact input/output” –are
available depending on the type of the signal to be exchanged.
For details on the process input/output, see the following:
A3, “Process Inputs/Outputs”
■ Communication Input/Output
The communication input/output are used to access various types of data that are handled
by subsystems such as the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller).
For details on the communication input/output, see the followings:
Part J, “Subsystem Communication (Using RIO)”
Part K, “Subsystem Communication (Using FIO)”
■ Fieldbus Input/Output
The Fieldbus input/output are used to access various types of data that are handled by field
devices on the Fieldbus.
• For details on the Fieldbus input/output, see the followings in regarding to KFCS2, KFCS, RFCS5 or
FOUNDATION fieldbus Reference (IM 33Y05P10-01E)
• For details on the Fieldbus input/output, see FOUNDATION fieldbus Tools (IM 33S05P10-01E) in regard-
ing to PFCS, LFCS2, LFCS or SFCS.
For details on the software input/output, see the following:
A4, “Software Inputs/Outputs”
For details on the PFCS databases, see the following:
“■ Define Database Type ¡” in F1.4.1, “Creating a New FCS”
■ KFCS Databases £
One of the following databases can be selected for the KFCS:
• General-Purpose
• General-Purpose (Large number of elements)
• Continuous Monitoring
• Sequence Monitoring
• Regulatory Control
• SEQ Control (mainly by SFC Blocks)
• SEQ Control (mainly by Sequence Blocks)
• Unit Control (without Recipe)
• Unit Control (with Recipe)
• Offsite Block
• Valve Pattern Monitor
• Migration
• Migration Type (with Expanded Sequence Table)
• Sequence Control (with Expanded Sequence Block)
■ LFCS2 Databases £
One of the following databases can be selected for the LFCS2:
• General-Purpose
• Migration
■ SFCS Databases £
One of the following databases can be selected for the SFCS:
• General-Purpose
• Continuous Monitoring
• Sequence Monitoring
• Unit Control (without Recipe)
• Unit Control (with Recipe)
For details on the KFCS2, KFCS, LFCS2, LFCS and SFCS databases, see the following:
“■ Define Database Type £” in F1.4.1, “Creating a New FCS”
*1: ¡ £ This option can be applied to all Field control stations except standard PFCS (CS 1000).
*2: ¡ £ FOUNDATION fieldbus faceplate block can only be used for the KFCS2/KFCS/RFCS5/RFCS2 in CS 3000. It
may be abbreviated as the “FF faceplate block” in this manual.
For more details on the FOUNDATION fieldbus faceplate block, see the following:
FOUNDATION fieldbus Reference (IM 33Y05P10-01E)
*1: ¡ £ The logic operation block can only be used for the CS 3000.
*1: ¡ £ This option can be applied to all Field control stations except standard PFCS (CS 1000).
*1: ¡ £ The extended 10-pushbutton switch block can only be used for the CS 3000.
*1: The following function blocks can only be used for the enhanced type PFCS.
ONOFF-E, ONOFF-GE, MC-2E, MC-3E, SI-1E, SI-2E, SO-1E, SO-2E, SIO-11E, SIO-12E, SIO-21E, SIO-22E, SIO-
12PE, SIO-22PE
*1: The function blocks from FF-A1 to FF-MAO can only be used for the KFCS2, KFCS, RFCS5 or RFCS2.
In addition to the block classifications listed in the tables above, the “sequence (medium)” and “sequence
(large)” are also available as the blocks supporting CENTUM V/CENTUM-XL migration that can be used
• The [Sequence (M-Size)] includes the M_ST16 and M_ST16E blocks.
• The [Sequence (L-Size)] includes the L_ST16 and L_ST16E blocks.
Faceplate blocks
SFC blocks
Unit instruments
*1: ¡ £ This option can be applied in CS 3000 system only.
The input and output interfaces consist of Software I/O, Process I/O, Communication I/O
and Fieldbus I/O. A field control station can access internal and external data via these
For details on software input and output, see the following:
A4, “Software Inputs/Outputs”
Local node
Remote node E E S S
E E 4 4 O O O O O O 4 4 S S
I I I I I I I I B B P P 0 0 M M M M M M 0 0 U U
O O O O O O O O 5 5 S S 1 1 1 1
M M M M M M M M 0 0 U U
1 1
ER Bus
For more information about the I/O cards regarding to SI bus, see the following:
A2.1, “Process I/O” in the instruction manual for Migrated-FCS (FIO) (IM 33Q01B41-01E)
■ Process I/O
Process I/O stands for the interface for the signal communication between Field devices
and field control station. An FCS receives signals from field process detection devices and
send control signals to field control devices.
For more information about process I/O, see the following:
A3, “Process Inputs/Outputs”
For more information about communication I/O modules, see the followings:
J2, “Communication I/O Module”
K2, “Communication I/O Module”
• For more information about PFCS/LFCS2/LFCS/SFCS Fieldbus I/O, see FOUNDATION fieldbus Tools
(IM 33S05P10-01E)
• For more information about KFCS2/KFCS Fieldbus I/O, see the following:
FOUNDATION fieldbus Reference (IM 33Y05P10-01E)
From a SEBOL program, a Visual Basic program or a Windows application (other than CS 3000 HMI
applications), a terminal number, tag name and user-defined label can be used to identify an I/O signal.
%Z: Identifier of process I/O (Fixed)
nn: 01 (Fixed) (*1) (*2)
Node Number (01 - 08) (*2)
u: Unit Number (1 - 5)
s: Slot Number (1 -4)
mm: Terminal Number (01 - 32)
When using Multipoint Control Analog I/O Module with signal conversion connector
(AMC80/ZVM) , the following points need to be noted.
AMC80/ZVM is the Multipoint Control Analog I/O Module (AMC80) attached with a signal
conversion connector (in which, the output is converted to 1 to 5 V DC, pin-assignment is
The pin arrangement of AMC80/ZVM assigns the channels 1 to 8 for input and channel 9 to
16 for output; while on the AMC80 I/O builder, the odd number channels for input and the
even number channels for output. The relations between the signal channels on AMC80
connector and on AMC80 I/O builder are shown as follows.
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
on Connector
01 03 05 07 09 11 13 15 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16
on Builder(%Z)
%Z: Identifier of process I/O (Fixed)
nn: Node Number (01 - 10)
If the database in KFCS2 is remote node expanded type, the range of node number becomes 01 to 15.
u: Unit Number (1 - 8)
s: For a Fieldbus communication module, s stands for segment number (1 -4).
When using modules compatible to HART communication, for measured analog data s=1, while for the data via
HART communication s=2.
For other I/O modules s is fixed as 1.
mm: Terminal Number (01 - 64)
■ Process Inputs/Outputs ¡ £
Process inputs/outputs are used to exchange signals between field equipment and an FCS.
There are two types of process inputs/outputs:
• Analog input/output
• Contact input/output
Process input/output signals are used as input/output signals for the regulatory control,
arithmetic calculation and sequence control.
Faceplate blocks
SFC blocks
Unit instruments
*1: ¡ £ This option can be applied in CS 3000 system only.
To use process inputs/outputs, must define them in System View or IOM Builder.
• Among Thermocouple input modules and Resistance Temperature Detector input
modules, some (AAM21J, AMM22TJ, AMM25C, AMM32TJ, AMM32CJ) conform to
new JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard) while some others (AAM21, AMM22T,
AMM32T, AMM32C) conform to old JIS. Except for AMM25C, the CS 1000/CS 3000
Software does not distinguish the difference between the two types, and only use the
old JIS model names for both types of modules. In this chapter, unless otherwise
specified, AAM21/AMM22/AMM32T/AMM32C stand for both new JIS and old JIS type
• When implementing the Current/Voltage input modules for BRAIN transmitters
(AAM11B), the required software package is option package. For details on the option
package, contact Yokogawa sales department.
*1: AAM11B is a kind module that can be installed in control I/O unit (AMN11/AMN12) for connecting to the transmitters
with BRAIN communication functions. When applied with current input, it can communicate with BRAIN transmitters,
while with voltage input, it can only perform the same function as an AAM11 module.
*2: ¡ £ Can only be used in PFCS or in SFCS. AMM12T, AMM22M and AMM22T are Terminal Type multiplexer
modules, they can be combined with other connector type modules in an AMN32 Connector Type I/O Module Nest.
In SFCS or PFCS, connector type multiplexer modules (AMM12C/AMM22C/AMM32C/ AMM25C) can be
installed together with terminal type multiplexer modules (AMM12T/AMM22M/AMM22T) into the same I/
O module nest (AMN32). When both types are installed in the same AMN32, the width of the module
displayed will be the same as width for connector type multiplexer I/O modules on FCS status display
Installed In M M M M
AMN31 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
Figure Installation and Status Display (when Connector and Terminal Type Multiplexer Modules
are Installed Together) : PFCS/SFCS
When the OUT terminal of the function block is connected to a process I/O, the output to
the IOM will be converted to a MV ranges from 0 % to 100 %.
The data status signals which indicate the quality of the data will be added to pass to IOM.
The input range can be specified for [mV Input], [Potentiometer Input], [Current Input] and
[Voltage Input] of AAM11 module, and [Voltage Input] of AMM12T/AMM12C modules.
The output range can be specified only for [Voltage Output] of AAM51 module.
Category Type (Model) I/O Type Range Raw Data
16-Channel Current Input
Current Input 1 to 16 4 to 20 mA 0 to 100%
16-Channel Current Input;
Current Input 1 to 16 4 to 20 mA 0 to 100%
Isolated (AAI143-S)
8-Channel Current Input;
Current Input 1 to 8 4 to 20 mA 0 to 100%
Isolated (ASI133-S)
8-Channel Current Input;
Current Input 1 to 8 4 to 20 mA 0 to 100%
Isolated Channels (AAI135-S)
16-Channel Voltage Input
Voltage Input 1 to 16 1 to 5 V 0 to 100%
16-Channel Voltage Input Definable within
Voltage Input 1 to 16 0 to 100%
(-10 to 10V) (AAV142-S) -10 to 10 V
16-Channel Voltage Input; 1 to 5 V (*1)
Voltage Input 1 to 16 0 to 100%
Isolated (AAV144-S)
16-Channel Definable within
Voltage Input (-10 to 10V); Voltage Input 1 to 16 -10 to 10 V (*1) 0 to 100%
Isolated (AAV144-S)
Analog Input Thermocouple Measured
Rated range
Input Temperature
Definable within
Thermocouple/mV Input; mV Input (%) 1 to 16 0 to 100%
-100 to 150 mV
Isolated (AAT141-S)
Thermocouple Engineering
-20 to 80 mV
Input (V) Unit (V)
Thermocouple Measured
Rated range
Input Temperature
Definable within
Thermocouple/mV Input; mV Input (%) 1 to 16 0 to 100%
-100 to 150 mV
Isolated (AST143-S)
Thermocouple Engineering
-50 to 75 mV
Input (V) Unit (V)
Thermocouple Rated range
Definable within
Thermocouple/mV Input; mV Input (%) 1 to 16 0 to 100%
-100 to 150 mV
Isolated Channels (AAT145-S)
Thermocouple Engineering
-20 to 80 mV
Input (V) Unit (V)
Category Type (Model) I/O Type Range Raw Data
*1: [16-Channel Voltage Input, Isolated] and [16-Channel Voltage Input (-10 to 10 V), Isolated], two types of AAV144-S
modules are available in Type (Model) column. The range of the previous one is fixed as 1 to 5 voltages and the later
one is definable in the range of - 10 to 10 voltages. Once the Type (Model) is set, it cannot be modified with online-
modification. The resolution of [16-Channel Voltage Input (-10 to 10 V), Isolated] model is fixed as 20 mV, so that the
accuracy varies with the specified input range. Thus, 0.1% accuracy may not be maintained when the input range is
changed. If the input range is 1 to 5 voltages, it is better to use [16th-Channel Voltage Input, Isolated] type module so
as the 0.1% accuracy can be guaranteed.
*3: On IOM Builder for Analog Input and Output (HART Compatible) modules, element number is indicated as
%Znnusmm. When “s” is set to 2, the element is used as a HART variable channel. When “s” is set to 1, the element is
used as an analog input channel.
When the IN terminal of a function block is connected to a process I/O, the input signal from
the I/O module is converted into engineering unit data as follows.
• Raw Data is 0% to 100%
The input signal is indicated within 0% to 100% in accordance with the function block
scale high/low limits (SH, SL).
• Raw Data is Process Variable (Engineering Unit, HART Variable)
The input signal is used as it is.
• Raw Data is a Number of Pulse (with Time Stamp)
The input signal is converted to a real number by function block’s input processing for
pulse signal.
When the OUT terminal of a function block is connected to a process I/O, the out signal to
the I/O module is a 0% to 100% value converted from the manipulated output value MV.
For implementation of HART compatible modules, modification of settings can be performed only on the
PC with capability of HART communication management.
For more information about HART communication management, see “Plant Resource Manager” (IM
■ Analog Input
Analog inputs are the DC current or DC voltage analog signals from the field equipment
connected to the FCS.
The following types of signal can be used as analog inputs.
• Current Input
• Voltage Input
• mV Input
• Thermocouple Input
• Resistance Temperature Detector Input
• Potentiometer Input
• Pulse Input
All the data passed into the IOM is transmitted to PI/O image of the processor unit and
accessed at the beginning of every basic scan cycle or high-speed scan cycle of the
function blocks.
■ Analog Output
Analog output are the DC current or DC voltage analog signals output from FCS to the field
The following types of signal can be used as analog outputs.
• Current Output
• Voltage Output
For details on the timing of writing data to I/O modules, see the following:
C7.1.3, “Timing of Process I/O”
Contact output modules are classified into the following three types;
• Status Output
• Pulse-Width Output
• Time-Proportioning ON/OFF Output
Pulse-Width Output modules and Time-Proportioning ON/OFF Output modules are supported only in
LFCS2 and LFCS. For PFCS and SFCS, Pulse-width output signals and Time-Proportioning ON/OFF
output signals are handled by Status output modules.
An I/O module will perform the input processing according to the type of the I/O module
entered on the IOM Builder.
The input/output range and raw data for each model of input/output module (IOM) used for
contact inputs/outputs are shown in the table below.
Table Contact Input/Output Specifications : PFCS/LFCS2/LFCS/SFCS
Category Model Input/output module type Range Raw data
ADM15R Relay input module (16-point terminal-type) 0, 1 ON=1, OFF=0
ADM55R Relay output module (16-point terminal-type) 0, 1 -
ADM11T Contact input module (16-point terminal-type) 0, 1 ON=1, OFF=0
ADM12T Contact input module (32-point terminal-type) 0, 1 ON=1, OFF=0
ADM51T Contact output module (16-point terminal-type) 0, 1 -
ADM52T Contact output module (32-point terminal-type) 0, 1 -
ADM11C Contact input module (16-point connector-type) 0, 1 ON=1, OFF=0
ADM12C Contact input module (32-point connector-type) 0, 1 ON=1, OFF=0
ADM51C Contact output module (16-point connector-type) 0, 1 -
ADM52C Contact output module (32-point connector-type) 0, 1 -
The contact I/O consist of the following eight types of I/O inputs.
• Status Input
• Pushbutton Input
• Status/Pushbutton Input
• Status Output
• Pulse-Width Output (Including Time-Proportion ON/OFF Output)
• Status/Pulse-Width Output
• Status/Pulse-Width Output (Local Nodes Only)
• ST Compatible (No-Voltage Contact I/O Signals) (*1)
*1: ST Compatible means the I/O modules are compatible with the CENTUM V and CENTUM-XL ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5,
ST6 and ST7 modules which handle No-Voltage contact I/O signals. The I/O signals can be handled by ST compatible
modules are:
Status Input
Pushbutton Input
Status Output/Pulse-Width Output
Status Input/Status Output/Pulse-Width Output
When an I/O signal type is designated on IOM builder for an I/O module, the I/O module
performs the signal input or output processing accordingly.
Note: • Yes in Redundancy column means the module supports dual-redundant configuration, and Yes in Remote column
means the module can be installed in a remote node.
• No in Redundancy column means the module does not support dual-redundant configuration, and No in Remote
column means the module can not be installed in a remote node.
*1: Can be applied only in the field control units that support dual-redundant configuration (AFS30D, AFS40D, AFG30D
and AFG40D).
*2: When this type of I/O module is installed in a remote node, the updating rate of inputs is about 2 or 4 times slower than
the status input I/O module installed in the remote node.
• Dual-redundant configuration for status output modules in CENTUM-XL and in KFCS2/KFCS are differ-
ent. For more information about it, see the following:
“■ Dual-Redundant Configuration of I/O Modules : KFCS2/KFCS £” in B4.2, “Dual-Redundant Ar-
chitecture of KFCS2 and KFCS”
• For more information about data updating period of remote nodes, see the following:
“● Contact I/O Data : KFCS2/KFCS £” in “■ Data Flow in Process I/O ¡ £” of C7.1.3, “Timing
of Process I/O”
Some I/O modules can have different types of signals on the terminals. Among them, in some I/O
modules each terminal can be defined individually with specific I/O signal type. While in some other I/O
modules, the terminals are fixed with I/O signal types even though the module can handle different signal
• I/O Signal Type Definable for Each Terminal
As the following example illustrates, the descriptions in the table indicate that any of the terminals
numbered 1 to 32 can be defined with either Pulse-Width Output or Time-Proportioning ON/OFF
Output. For Pulse-Width Output signals, two points of outputs are required. So that, only specify the
odd number points when connecting the I/O to the function blocks. Be sure to reserve the next even
numbered point.
The following Status Output/Pulse-Width Output modules can freely assign each point to
either Status Output or Pulse-Width Output.
• Status Output/Pulse-Width Output module (Local Nodes Only)
ADV551-P, ADV-561P, ADR541-P
• ST Compatible (No-Voltage Contact I/O Signals)
ADV859-P, ADV559-P, ADV869-P, ADV569-P
The following Status Output/Pulse-Width Output modules have previously assigned points
for Status output and Pulse-Width output separately.
• Status Output/Pulse-Width Output module
Regarding to the Status Output/Pulse-Width Output modules that output points can be freely assigned to
either Status Output or Pulse-Width Output, the status output actions are explained as follows.
• Write from FCU to I/O Modules
When writing from FCU to I/O modules, writing is performed in a unit of 16 points. In local nodes,
writing always interrupts other processing. Thus delay occurs by each 16 points when writing to I/O
modules. However, for the status outputs, the signals are output in the units of modules.
• Write from I/O Modules to Field Devices
ST compatible I/O modules output signals to field devices in the units of 16 points. Other I/O modules
output signals to field devices in the units of 8 points.
The outputs of terminal 1 to 32 from the modules other than ST compatible type have the following
Terminal 1 to 8
Terminal 9 to 16 Two milliseconds after outputs of terminal 1 to 8.
Terminal 17 to 24 Four milliseconds after outputs of terminal 1 to 8.
Terminal 25 to 32 Six milliseconds after outputs of terminal 1 to 8.
■ Contact Input ¡ £
Contact inputs are ON/OFF signals from the field equipment to FCS.
The following contact input types are available.
• Status input
• Pushbutton input
Contact inputs indicate the status of a process signal such as valve’s limit switch or level
In the input processing of a sequence connection, an ON/OFF status of a contact input
together with its data status can be monitored for a condition judgment.
For details on relationship between IOM and I/O image, and how to access the image, see the followings
in section “■ Data Flow in Process I/O ¡ £” in chapter C7.1.3, “Timing of Process I/O”:
“● Contact I/O Data ¡”
“● Contact I/O Data : KFCS2/KFCS £”
“● Contact I/O Data : LFCS2/LFCS/SFCS £”
*1: When using fieldbus communication module, the segment number can be set between 1 to 4. When using HART
compliant module, the segment number is set to 1 for analog signal and set to 2 for HART variable.
Scan period
PV value
■ Contact Output
Contact outputs are used to output ON/OFF signals from FCS to field equipment according
to the contact ON/OFF status.
In a sequence control, the contact output signal can be used to send commands to a valve
or a pump for external operations, at the same time, the output signals can also be used as
the condition signals. When applied with regulatory control blocks, a contact output can be
a pulse width contact output, a time-proportioning contact output, a two-position ON/OFF
output or a three-position ON/OFF output.
• For more information about pulse width contact output, see the following:
C4.8.2, “Pulse Width Output Conversion”
• For more information about time-proportioning contact output, see the following:
“■ Time-Proportioning ON/OFF Output ¡ £” in chapter D1.10, “Time-Proportioning ON/OFF Con-
troller Block (PID-TP)”
PFCS/SFSC Status Output (NA)
Time-Proportioning ON/OFF
Status Output SO (Fixed)
Pulse (*1)
PW Pulse-Width
Pulse-Width Output
TP Time-Proportioning ON/OFF
Pulse (*1)
Status/Pulse-Width Output
PW Pulse-Width
TP Time-Proportioning ON/OFF
SO Status
Status Output
PO Pulse
LFCS2/LFCS Pulse-Width Output PW Pulse-Width
PW (Fixed) Pulse-Width
Time-Proportioning Output
TP Time-Proportioning ON/OFF
*1: If the output of the connected function block is pulse output, the output terminal also outputs the pulse even though the
point mode is set as SO.
When PW, TP or PO point mode is specified to an output module terminal, the module
outputs ON/OFF signals in accordance with the output pulse time. If the module terminal is
specified with SO point mode, or if the module is installed in a PFCS/SFCS that does not
support point mode setting, the CPU of FCU (CPU of FCS in case of PFCS/SFCS) sets the
modules ON/OFF outputs.
When an error occurs at upper level (FCS CPU), the contact output behaves as follows.
• Status/Pulse Output
When an error occurs at the upper level of the I/O modules, the ON or OFF outputs
from the I/O modules are continuous. For the modules not specified with Fallback, or
for the modules with Fallback but [All points maintain current value] option is checked,
the I/O modules keep the ON/OFF output status at the moment that the error oc-
curred. For modules with Fallback but [All points turn off] option is checked, the mod-
ules output OFF signals from the moment that the error occurred.
• Pulse-Width Output
When an error occurs at the upper level of the I/O modules, for the modules not
specified with Fallback, or for the modules with Fallback but [All points maintain current
value] option is checked, the I/O modules continue the ON/OFF output status at the
moment that the error occurred until the current output cycle is completed, then output
OFF signals. For the modules with Fallback but [All points turn off] option is checked,
the modules become to output OFF signals at the moment that the error occurred.
• Time-proportioning ON/OFF Output
When an error occurs at the upper level of the I/O modules, for the modules not
specified with Fallback, or for the modules with Fallback but [All points maintain current
value] option is checked, the I/O modules continue the ON/OFF output status and the
ON/OFF time proportions at the moment that the error occurred. For the modules with
Fallback but [All points turn off] option is checked, the modules become to output OFF
signals at the moment that the error occurred.
When an error occurs at upper level (FCS CPU), the contact output behaves as follows.
• Status/Pulse Output
When an error occurs at the upper level of the I/O modules, the ON or OFF outputs
from the I/O modules are continuous. For the modules not specified with Fallback, or
for the modules with Fallback but [All points maintain current value] option is checked,
the I/O modules keep the ON/OFF output status at the moment that the error oc-
curred. For modules with Fallback but [All points turn off] option is checked, the mod-
ules output OFF signals from the moment that the error occurred.
• Pulse-Width Output
For the modules not specified with Fallback, the I/O modules continue the ON/OFF
output status at the moment that the error occurred until the current output cycle is
completed, then output OFF signals.
For the modules specified with Fallback and [All points maintain current value] option
is checked, the I/O modules continue the ON/OFF output status at the moment that
the error occurred.
For the modules with Fallback but [All points turn off] option is checked, the modules
become to output OFF signals at the moment that the error occurred.
• Time-proportioning ON/OFF Output
For the modules not specified with Fallback, the I/O modules continue the ON/OFF
output status and time-proportion at the moment that the error occurred.
For the modules specified with Fallback and [All points maintain current value] option
is checked, the I/O modules continue the ON/OFF output status at the moment that
the error occurred.
For the modules with Fallback but [All points turn off] option is checked, the modules
become to output OFF signals at the moment that the error occurred.
Note: ¡ £ The symbols in the string have the following meanings.
%Z: Identifier of process I/O (Fixed)
nn: Fixed as 01 for PFCS and SFCS
Node Number (01 - 08) for LFCS2 and LFCS
u: Unit Number
s: Slot Number
mm: Terminal Number
*1: When using fieldbus communication module, the segment number can be set between 1 to 4. When using HART
compliant module, the segment number is set to 1 for analog signal and set to 2 for HART variable.
Logical computation
(ON operation side)
Latched type output
A ON operation
ON operation in the case of a block
B which outputs every time
C OFF operation
OFF operation in the case of a block
D which outputs every time
E Retains the current status.
If a latched syntax is scripted in a block other than sequence table block, such as an logic
chart block or other blocks in which output manipulation and terminal connection for se-
quence link are available, it will behave the same as non-latched output.
Note: ¡ £ The symbols in the string have the following meanings.
%Z: Identifier of process I/O (Fixed)
nn: Fixed as 01 for PFCS and SFCS
Node Number (01 - 08) for LFCS2 and LFCS
u: Unit Number
s: Slot Number
mm: Terminal Number
*1: When using fieldbus communication module, the segment number can be set between 1 to 4. When using HART
compliant module, the segment number is set to 1 for analog signal and set to 2 for HART variable.
For non-latched contact outputs, the N pattern entered the action rule of sequence table will
be ignored.
A timing chart for non-latched contact outputs is shown below.
type output D A B B C D D D D
A ON operation
ON operation in the case of a block
B which outputs every time
C OFF operation
OFF operation in the case of a block
D which outputs every time
E Retains the current status.
Note: ¡ £ The symbols in the string have the following meanings.
%Z: Identifier of process I/O (Fixed)
nn: Fixed as 01 for PFCS and SFCS
u: Unit Number
s: Slot Number
mm: Terminal Number
*1: When using fieldbus communication module, the segment number can be set between 1 to 4. When using HART
compliant module, the segment number is set to 1 for analog signal and set to 2 for HART variable.
For pulse type contact output, the N action entered the action field will be ignored.
Pulse type output
1 sec. A030210E.EPS
This syntax is suitable for the sequence table with processing timing of [Output Only when
Conditions Change]. If using the sequence table with processing timing of [Output Each
Time Conditions are Satisfied], the following points need to be dealt with.
When condition is established on the sequence table with processing timing of [Output
Each Time Conditions are Satisfied], the sequence table will send an ON signal to the
output module every scan cycle as long as the condition is True. This will keep the output
ON all the time. To avoid this, it is recommended to introduce an additional signal in the
condition rule to mask the condition after the True condition establishes for one scan cycle.
Note: ¡ £ The symbols in the string have the following meanings.
%Z: Identifier of process I/O (Fixed)
nn: Fixed as 01 for PFCS and SFCS
Node Number (01 - 08) for LFCS2 and LFCS
u: Unit Number
s: Slot Number
mm: Terminal Number
*1: When using fieldbus communication module, the segment number can be set between 1 to 4. When using HART
compliant module, the segment number is set to 1 for analog signal and set to 2 for HART variable.
Flashing ON
%Z011101.PV F Y
Flashing OFF
command FALSE TRUE
%Z011101.PV F N
Latched type
output command FALSE TRUE
%Z011101.PV H N
1 sec.
Flashing output
When above syntax is used in logic chart block or in the blocks whose terminals designated
for sequence connection, the output “flashes” ON and OFF at an interval of approximately
one second when the logic computation results in True. While the “flashing” stops and ON
all the time when the computation results in False.
Note: For a thermocouple input (AAM21), selecting the unit of range displays the corresponding high and low limits of the
Note: For a resistance temperature detector input (AAM21), selecting the unit of range displays the corresponding high and
low limits of the range.
The high and low limit of range can be specified for [mV Input], [Potentiometer Input],
[Current Input] and [Voltage Input] of AAM11 module, and [Voltage Output] of AAM51
modules. A value up to 7 digits including decimal point can be entered as the High or Low
For more information about direct and reverse output, see the following:
“● Analog Output Direction” of “■ No-Conversion in the Regulatory Control Block” in C4.8.1, “No-Con-
If the entries in the fields (e.g., Range Low/High Limit, Dual Redundant) except for the
“Signal” field for a duplex source IOM are changed, the changes will also reflect on the
corresponding duplex destination IOM. If the dual redundant for a duplex source IOM is set
to “Disabled”, setting of the corresponding duplex destination IOM will be possible.
If the entry in the “Signal” field for a duplex source IOM is changed or duplex source IOM
itself is deleted, the record for the corresponding duplex destination IOM will be deleted too.
For more information about connection method when dual redundant is designated, see the following:
“■ Data Setting with Respect to Dual-Redundant Output” in C2.1, “Data Connection”
%%: Always %%
M: One uppercase letter
nnnnnnnnnnnnn: Up to 13 alphanumeric characters
For details on how to perform analog input square root extraction for a function block, see the following:
“■ Analog Input Square Root Extraction ¡ £” in C3.1.1, “Input Signal Conversions Common to
Regulatory Control Blocks and Calculation Blocks”
For details on how to perform analog input square root extraction for a function block, see the following:
“■ Analog Input Square Root Extraction ¡ £” in C3.1.1, “Input Signal Conversions Common to
Regulatory Control Blocks and Calculation Blocks”
When command scripts are modified in command lines of an I/O module, downloading the
I/O module’s configuration will be necessary. During downloading, the I/O module will be in
FAIL state for a while. So that be cautious when changing the command line.
Command scripts can be entered on Details setting dialog box of IOM Builder.
The command scripts for control I/O modules (AAM11, AAM11B, AAM10, AAM21, APM11,
AAM51, AAM50) are shown as follows:
Table Command Scripts may be Applied for Control I/O Modules : PFCS/LFCS2/LFCS/SFCS
䉭: Space
*1: Percentage (%) is used in accordance with range of Input Resistance (ohm).
When Yes (Reverse the input signal) is designated, the settings in the I/O module for signal
range and IOP detection level will be reversed too. However the process signal range and
IOP detection level (High Limit > Low Limit) set on the builder are intact.
Table The default settings in I/O when Input Reversed : PFCS/LFCS2/LFCS/SFCS
Process Data Range IOP Detection Level
I/O Module
High Limit Low Limit High Limit Low Limit
AAM11B 0 100 -6.3 106.3
AAM21 (mV input)
: Possible
Blank: Not possible
For more information about direct and reverse output, see the following:
“● Analog Output Direction” of “■ No-Conversion in the Regulatory Control Block” in C4.8.1, “No-Con-
%%: Always %%
M: One uppercase letter
nnnnnnnnnnnnn: Up to 13 alphanumeric characters
For more information about IOM dual-redundant configuration, see the following:
“● Dual-Redundant Multi-Point Analog Output : PFCS/LFCS2/LFCS/SFCS” in “■ Data Setting with
Respect to Dual-Redundant Output ¡ £” in chapter C2.1, “Data Connection”
When command scripts are modified in command lines of an I/O module, downloading the
I/O module’s configuration will be necessary. During downloading, the I/O module will be in
FAIL state for a while. So that be cautious when changing the command line.
Note: The high and low limits of the range of a thermocouple input (AMM22T) are automatically displayed when the unit of
range is selected.
Resistance temperature detector input K (Kelvin) 100 (fixed) 100 1100 (fixed) 1100
(AMM32T) C (Celsius) -200 (fixed) -200 500 (fixed) 500
JPT100 F (Fahrenheit) -300 (fixed) -300 900 (fixed) 900
K (Kelvin) 100 (fixed) 100 750 (fixed) 750
Current input (AMM42T) No conversion mA 4 (fixed) 4 20 (fixed) 20
Current output (AMM52T) No conversion mA 4 (fixed) 4 20 (fixed) 20
Connector Type Voltage Input (AMM12C) No conversion V -10 to +10 1 -10 to +10 5
Connector Type mV Input (AMM22C) No conversion mV -100 to +100 -100 -100 to +100 100
C (Celsius) -200 (fixed) -200 850 (fixed) 850
PT100 F (Fahrenheit) -300 (fixed) -300 1500 (fixed) 1500
Connector Type Resistance K (Kelvin) 100 (fixed) 100 1100 (fixed) 1100
Temperature Detector Input (AMM32C) C (Celsius) -200 (fixed) -200 500 (fixed) 500
JPT100 F (Fahrenheit) -300 (fixed) -300 900 (fixed) 900
K (Kelvin) 100 (fixed) 100 750 (fixed) 750
C (Celsius) -200 (fixed) -200 1200 (fixed) 1200
Type K F (Fahrenheit) -300 (fixed) -300 2200 (fixed) 2200
K (Kelvin) 100 (fixed) 100 1500 (fixed) 1500
C (Celsius) -200 (fixed) -200 900 (fixed) 900
Type E F (Fahrenheit) -300 (fixed) -300 1700 (fixed) 1700
K (Kelvin) 100 (fixed) 100 1200 (fixed) 1200
C (Celsius) -200 (fixed) -200 350 (fixed) 350
Type T F (Fahrenheit) -300 (fixed) -300 650 (fixed) 650
K (Kelvin) 100 (fixed) 100 600 (fixed) 600
C (Celsius) -40 (fixed) -40 750 (fixed) 750
Type J F (Fahrenheit) -40 (fixed) -40 1400 (fixed) 1400
Connector Type Thermocouple K (Kelvin) 200 (fixed) 200 1000 (fixed) 1000
mV Input (AMM25C) C (Celsius) 0 (fixed) 0 1600 (fixed) 1600
Type R F (Fahrenheit) 0 (fixed) 0 2900 (fixed) 2900
K (Kelvin) 250 (fixed) 250 1900 (fixed) 1900
C (Celsius) 0 (fixed) 0 1600 (fixed) 1600
Type S F (Fahrenheit) 0 (fixed) 0 2900 (fixed) 2900
K (Kelvin) 250 (fixed) 250 1900 (fixed) 1900
C (Celsius) 600 (fixed) 600 1700 (fixed) 1700
Type B F (Fahrenheit) 1100 (fixed) 1100 3100 (fixed) 3100
K (Kelvin) 900 (fixed) 900 2000 (fixed) 2000
C (Celsius) -200 (fixed) -200 1200 (fixed) 1200
Type N F (Fahrenheit) -300 (fixed) -300 2200 (fixed) 2200
K (Kelvin) 100 (fixed) 100 1500 (fixed) 1500
Note: The high and low limits of the range of a resistance temperature detector input (AMM32T) are automatically displayed
when the unit is selected.
The high and low limits for [Voltage input], [Connector type Voltage input], and [mV input]
can be specified to a desired value of up to seven digits including the +/- sign and decimal
If a unit of measurement other than those displayed in the selection list is entered directly,
an error will occur.
For more information about direct and reverse output, see the following:
“● Analog Output Direction” of “■ No-Conversion in the Regulatory Control Block” in C4.8.1, “No-Con-
%%: Always %%
M: One uppercase letter
nnnn: Up to 13 alphanumeric characters
IOP detection is performed all the time except for current output module AMM52T.
When command scripts are modified in command lines of an I/O module, downloading the
I/O module’s configuration will be necessary. During downloading, the I/O module will be in
FAIL state for a while. So that be cautious when changing the command line.
Command scripts can be entered on IOM property sheet for each I/O module.
Command scripts can be entered on Details setting dialog box for each signal channel on
IOM Builder.
The command scripts for Multiplexer and Multiplexer (Connector Type) I/O modules
(AMM12T, AMM12C, AMM22M, AMM22C, AMM22T, AMM25C, AMM32T, AMM32C,
AMM42T, AMM52T) are shown as follows:
Table Command Scripts may be Applied for Multiplexer and Multiplexer (Connector Type) I/O
Command Description Default Syntax
ORBE Readback the output Yes Yes/No
Special Linearization
SP1 Table (*1) No No/(<Interpolation Code>䉭X1,Y1䉭X2,Y2䉭X3,Y3 ...)
Table Command Scripts may be Applied for each Channel of Multiplexer and Multiplexer
(Connector Type) I/O Modules : PFCS/LFCS2/LFCS/SFCS
Command Description Default Syntax
INREV Reverse the Input No Yes/No
When Yes (Reverse the input signal) is designated, the settings in the I/O module for signal
range and IOP detection level will be reversed too. However the process signal range and
IOP detection level (High Limit > Low Limit) set on the builder are intact.
Table The default settings in I/O when Input Reversed : PFCS/LFCS2/LFCS/SFCS
Process Data Range (%) IOP Detection Level (%)
I/O Module
High Limit Low Limit High Limit Low Limit
0 100 -6.3 106.3
: Possible
Blank: Not possible
Point mode
Input/output type
Selection list Default setting
Status output SO, PO SO
Pulse-width output PW (fixed) PW
Time-proportional on/off output PW, TP TP
The labels should be separated with comma as delimiters. The default setting is
Switch position label can be manually registered or automatically registered. This can be
specified on project property sheet.
• When Automatically Register Switch Position Label
A switch position label other than the labels in the list can be entered. The entered
label will be automatically registered after downloading (Saving) is performed.
• When Manually Register Switch Position Label
When the option is checked, if a switch position label other than the labels in the list
menu is used an error will occur during save and download.
For details of label display format, see the following:
“■ Label Format – Switch Position Label” in E8.2, “Switch Position Label”
For details of button colors, see the following:
“■ Button Color – Switch Position Label” in E8.2, “Switch Position Label”
HW: Always HW
nnnn: Help ID of four-digit number
Transition point
Chattering may cause a malfunction of the system. To prevent malfunction, a filter time
must be defined. The chattering noise with the time-span shorter than the specified filter
time can be filtered out.
In the property sheet for the Input/Output Module, select the filter time from “0”, “20”, “40”,
“60”, or “100” (ms). The default is “0”.
The IOMs allowed to define filter time are listed below.
• Status input
• Relay status input
For details on I/O Module dual redundant specification and connection, see the followings in chapter
C2.1, “Data Connection”:
“● Dual-Redundant Contact Input ¡ £” in “■ Data Reference with Respect to Dual-Redundant Input
¡ £”
“● Dual-Redundant Contact Output ¡ £” in “■ Data Setting with Respect to Dual-Redundant Output
¡ £”
When command scripts are modified in command lines of an I/O module, downloading the
I/O module’s configuration will be necessary. During downloading, the I/O module will be in
FAIL state for a while. So that be cautious when changing the command line.
: Possible
Blank: Not possible
*1: Can be applied only in the field control units that support dual-redundant configuration (AFS30D, AFS40D, AFG30D
and AFG40D).
In case of the thermocouple/mV input or RTD/POT input, when the signal conversion is
changed, the upper and lower limit values of the range will be changed to the recom-
mended values.
*1: C stands for Celsius, F stands for Fahrenheit and K stands for Kelvin.
*1: C stands for Celsius, F stands for Fahrenheit and K stands for Kelvin.
*1: C stands for Celsius, F stands for Fahrenheit and K stands for Kelvin.
*1: C stands for Celsius, F stands for Fahrenheit and K stands for Kelvin.
*1: C stands for Celsius, F stands for Fahrenheit and K stands for Kelvin.
*1: The upper and lower limit values of the ranges for the thermocouple input and RTD input are automatically switched
according to the unit symbol setting.
*1: The upper and lower limit values of the ranges for the thermocouple input and RTD input are automatically switched
according to the unit symbol setting.
*1: The upper and lower limit values of the ranges for the thermocouple input and RTD input are automatically switched
according to the unit symbol setting.
For more information about direct and reverse output, see the following:
“● Analog Output Direction” of “■ No-Conversion in the Regulatory Control Block” in C4.8.1, “No-Con-
%%: Unique to the system
M: The third character must be an uppercase character (A through Z).
nnnn: The forth and subsequent characters must be within 13 characters in a combination of uppercase and
lowercase alphanumeric characters (A through Z, a through z, and 0 though 9).
*1: Since the 16th point is used as the reference junction compensation input, only up to the 15th point can be used as
temperature inputs from the field.
Type (model name) IOM type
16-channel current input, HART (AAI141-H) Current input 1 to 16
16-channel current input, isolated, HART (AAI143-H) Current input 1 to 16
8-channel current input, isolated, HART (ASI133-H) Current input 1 to 8
8-channel current input, isolate channels, HART
Current input 1 to 8
8-channel current input, 8-channel current output,
Current input 1 to 8
4-channel current input, 4-channel current output,
Current input 1 to 4
isolate channels, HART (AAI835-H)
*1: Since the 16th channel is used as the reference junction compensation input, only up to the 15th channel can be used
as temperature inputs from the field.
*1: Since the 16th channel is used as the reference junction compensation input, only up to the 15th channel can be used
as temperature inputs from the field.
If [Fallback Specification] has been checked in the I/O module properties, the fallback
output operation setting is available on the details setting dialog of IOM Builder.
Specify either “Maintain Current Value” or “Output.” The default is “Maintain Current Value.”
The FBEN can only be set for the signals (terminals) of the following I/O modules:
Table Signals (Terminals) of the I/O Modules for which the FBEN can be Set : KFCS2/KFCS £
Type (model name) IOM type Terminal number
8-channel current input, 8-channel current output
Current output 9 to 16
8-channel voltage input, 8-channel current output
Current output 9 to 16
8-channel voltage input, 8-channel current output 2,4,..16
Current output
(MAC2 compatible terminal placement) (AAB841-S) (even number)
4-channel current input, 4-channel current output,
Current output 5 to 8
isolated channels (AAI835-S)
16-channel voltage output (-10 to 10V) (AAV542-S) Voltage output 1 to 16
16-channel voltage output (-10 to 10V),
Voltage output 1 to 16
isolated (AAV544-S)
8-channel current output; Isolated (ASI533-S) Current output 1 to 8
16-channel current output; Isolated (AAI543-S) Current output 1 to 16
8-channel current input, 8-channel current output,
Current output 9 to 16
4-channel current input, 4-channel current
Current output 5 to 8
output, isolate channels, HART (AAI835-H)
8-channel current output, isolated, HART (ASI533-H) Current output 1 to 8
16-channel current output, isolated, HART (AAI543-H) Current output 1 to 16
*1: Since the 16th point is used as the reference junction compensation input, only up to the 15th point can be used as
temperature inputs from the field.
The following shows the selection list (default values) for each IOM:
Table Signals (Terminals) of the I/O Modules for which the RJCSEL can be set : KFCS2/KFCS £
Type (model name) Selection list (default)
16-channel thermocouple/mV input, isolated (AAT141-S) Fixed at EUR Terminal
16-channel thermocouple/mV input, isolated (AST143-S) Fixed at EUR Terminal
16-channel thermocouple/mV input, isolated channels (AAT145-S) Fixed at KS Connector
15-channel thermocouple input, isolated channels (MX compatible)
Fixed at MX Interchange
For the connection method when dual-redundant I/O modules are specified, see the followings in chapter
C2.1, “Data Connection”:
“● Dual-Redundant Multi-Point Analog Input : KFCS2/KFCS £” in “■ Data Reference with Respect
to Dual-Redundant Input ¡ £”
“● Dual-Redundant Multi-Point Analog Output : KFCS2/KFCS £” in “■ Data Setting with Respect to
Dual-Redundant Output ¡ £”
The following shows the commands that can input command lines for the analog I/O
Table Command line input for the analog I/O module : KFCS2/KFCS £
Command Description Default Specification method
INREV Input signal reverse No Yes or No
PVLMT Measured value limit No No or lower limit value 䉭 upper limit value
TSHUT Tight-shut Output 0.00125 A 0.00125 to 0.023 (ampere)
SCCHK Short Circuit Check Yes/No/<a value>
WIRING Wiring Type 3 2, 3, 4
HARTPRI HART Priority Yes Yes/No
䉭: One-byte space
Specify the upper and lower limit values of measured values with the actual amount.
For data ranging from 0 to 100%, such as current input and voltage input, specify 0 to
Note that the IOP will not be detected if the IOP detection level is outside of this
: Input is possible.
blank : Input is not possible.
*1 : Since the 16th point is used as the reference junction compensation input, only up to the 15th point can be used
as temperature inputs from the field.
: Input is possible.
blank : Input is not possible.
: Input is possible.
blank : Input is not possible.
*1 : The command line is reflected only in output points.
If an item in which a setting has already been entered by default is left blank, an error will occur and the
previously set value will return. However, items that are blank by default can be left blank.
The following lists the selection list and default settings of the point modes:
*1: Can be applied only in the field control units that support dual-redundant configuration (AFS30D, AFS400, AFG30D
and AFG40D).
: Mixing allowed
blank : Mixing not allowed
Be sure to delimit the labels with a comma (,). The default is [ON, OFF, ON].
The operation for saving the labels varies depending on the manual mode or auto mode.
The manual mode or auto mode can be set in the project properties.
• For auto mode
Strings other than ones in the selection list menu can also be entered. The entered
string is registered as a new switch position label when downloading (overwriting).
• For manual mode
If a string other than ones in the selection list menu is entered, an error will occur
when downloading (overwriting).
For details on the switch position label, see the following:
E8.2, “Switch Position Label”
For details on the label format, see the following:
“■ Label Format – Switch Position Label” in E8.2, “Switch Position Label”
For details on the button colors, see the following:
“■ Button Color – Switch Position Label” in E8.2, “Switch Position Label”
An upper window name is stored in the clipboard by selecting [Tag window name list] in the [Tool] menu,
selecting the applicable upper window name, and then clicking the [Copy] button. It is useful if the upper
window name stored in the clipboard is pasted in the applicable field.
HW : Fixed at HW
nnnn : Help ID (4-digit number)
A help number is stored in the clipboard by selecting [Tag window name list] in the [Tool] menu, selecting
the applicable help number, and then clicking the [Copy] button. It is useful if the help number stored in
the clipboard is pasted in the applicable field.
The PEG can only be set for the following I/O modules:
• 32-channel pushbutton input (ADV151-P)
• 16-channel pushbutton input 100V AC (ADV141-P)
• 16-channel pushbutton input 200V AC (ADV142-P)
• 16-channel pushbutton input (ASD143-P)
• 32-channel status, 32-channel pushbutton input (ADV161-P)
• ST3 compatible (32-channel pushbutton input) (ADV159-P)
The FBK can only be set for the following I/O modules:
• 32-channel status output for single (ADV557-S)
• 32-channel status output (ADV551-P)
• 64-channel status output (ADV561-P)
• 16-channel status relay output (ADR541-P)
• 16-channel status output (ASD533-S)
• 32-channel pulse width output (ADV551-P)
• 16-channel pulse width relay output (ADR541-P)
• 32-channel status, 32-channel pulse width output (ADV561-P)
• 32-channel status/pulse width output (ADV551-P)
• 64-channel status/pulse width output (ADV561-P)
• 16-channel status/pulse width output relay output (ADR541-P)
• 16-channel status input/16-channel status output (ADV851-S)
• ST2 compatible (16-channel status input, 16-channel status/pulse width output)
• ST4 compatible (32-channel status/pulse width output) (ADV559-P)
• ST5 compatible (32-channel status input, 32-channel status/pulse width output)
• ST7 compatible (64-channel status/pulse width output) (ADV569-P)
For more information about inhibition of repeated events, see the following:
“● Automatic Event Deletion” in “■ ADV151-E Functions” of M11.1.1, “FCS Functions”
For the connection method when dual-redundant I/O modules are specified, see the followings in chapter
C2.1, “Data Connection”:
“● Dual-Redundant Contact Input ¡ £” in “■ Data Reference with Respect to Dual-Redundant Input
¡ £”
“● Dual-Redundant Contact Output ¡ £” in “■ Data Setting with Respect to Dual-Redundant Output
¡ £”
If the contents specified in a command line are changed, IOM configuration download will
be initiated for the I/O module. The I/O module will be placed in the “Fail” state during the
download. Therefore, exercise caution when changing the command lines.
The CNCTCHK can only be specified for the following I/O modules:
• 32-channel status input (ADV151-P)
• 64-channel status input (ADV161-P)
• 16-channel status input (ASD143-P)
• 32-channel SOE status input (ADV151-E)
• 32-channel pushbutton input (ADV151-P)
• 16-channel pushbutton input (ASD143-P)
• 32-channel status, 32-channel pushbutton input (ADV161-P)
• 32-channel status output (ADV551-P)
• 64-channel status output (ADV561-P)
• 8-channel status output (ASD533-S)
If the lead breakage check and short circuit check are active, and when the breakage or the short circuit
occurs, the I/O signals are processed as follows.
• When lead breakage or short circuit occurs, the I/O module holds the previous good values until the I/
O module recovers from the errors.
• When lead breakage or short circuit occurs, the data status of the I/O module is the same as the
other error occurs (BAD, NRDY, PFAIL, LPFL).
• When the function blocks with the features of receiving I/O module status signals such as switch
instruments and motor control blocks are connected to the I/O module, the IOP and OOP may be
indicated when the lead breakage or short circuit occurs in the connected I/O module. At the same
time, the function block falls back to manual mode. (If the function blocks are not directly connected
to the I/O module but using the sequence table to check the ON/OFF status of the module, the
function block cannot receive the error occurrence signals.)
• If multiple channels of an input module are applied, when error occurs on one channels, the data
status of all channels are affected.
• If multiple channels of an output module are applied, when error occurs on one channel, the outputs
of all channels are affected.
When creating the application program to monitor the data status of each signal channel, do the follows.
• Use the function blocks with the features of receiving I/O module status signals such as switch
instruments and motor control blocks are connected to the I/O module, the I/O module error status
can be indicated by IOP and OOP alarms.
• Use sequence control blocks such as sequence table blocks to check the I/O module status signals.
On the builder for the I/O modules that support HART communication, there are two tabs, [Analog Data]
and [HART Variable]. The settings regarding to analog I/O data are set on the [Analog Data] tab, while the
settings regarding to the HART variables are set on the [HART Variables] tab.
On [HART Variable] sheet, each variable of HART device (PV/SV/TV/FV) can be assigned to a terminal
For more information about setting items regarding to analog data on the I/O modules that support HART
communication, see the following:
A3.4.1 “Parameters for FIO Inputs/Outputs”
• The element number for the analog data is displayed in the format of %Znnu101 to %Znnu116 (nn:
Node Number, u: Slot Number) or %Znnu101 to %Znnu108. The number of element of an I/O
module varies with the type of the I/O module.
• The element number for a HART Variable is displayed in the format of %Znnu201 to %Znnu232 (nn:
Node Number, u: Slot Number) or %Znnu201 to %Znnu208.
■ Software Inputs/Outputs ¡ £
Software inputs/outputs are virtual inputs/outputs that are provided by the FCS’s internal
Two types of software inputs/outputs are available: an “internal switch,” which is used to
exchange logical values between function blocks or other application functions; and a
“message output,” which is used to inform the occurrence of an event.
The organizational structure of software inputs/outputs is as shown below.
Software inputs/outputs
Internal switch
Common switch (%SW)
Global switch (%GS)(*1)
Message outputs
Annunciator message (%AN)
Sequence message
Print message (%PR)
Operator guide message (%OG)
Multimedia start message (%VM)
Sequence message request (%RQ)
Supervisory computer event message (%CP)
Supervisory computer event message for PICOT (%M3)
Signal event message (%EV)
SFC/SEBOL return event message (%RE)
*1: ¡ £ Global switches can be applied to all Field control stations except standard PFCS (CS 1000).
Basic control
Software I/O
Faceplate blocks
SFC blocks
*1: This option can be applied in CS 3000 system only.
In the sequence control, software inputs/outputs can be handled as targets of the condition
testing and status manipulation. They can even be handled as targets of condition testing
and status manipulation for function blocks other than sequence control function blocks, as
long as these blocks allow for sequence connection.
*1: ¡ £ Global switches can be applied to all Field control stations except standard PFCS (CS 1000).
: Possible
Blank: Not possible
䉭: Only applicable with global switch of present station.
%XX: Software input/output element identifier. Varies according to the type of software input/output signal.
nnnn: Element serial numbers. Some software inputs/outputs elements do not have serial numbers.
Software input/output element numbers of CS 1000 are shown in the table below.
Table Software Input/Output Element Numbers of CS 1000 ¡
Name Element Number Convention
Common switch %SWnnnn nnnn: Serial no.(0001 to 1000)
nnn: Serial no.(001 to 256)
Global Switch (*1) %GSnnnmm1
mm: Station no. (01 to 24)
Annunciator message %ANnnnn nnnn: Serial no.(0001 to 0200)
Print message (with data) %PRnnnn nnnn: Serial no.(0001 to 0100)
Operator guide message %OGnnnn nnnn: Serial no.(0001 to 0100)
Multimedia start message %VMnnnn nnnn: Serial no.(0001 to 0100)
Sequence message request %RQnnnn nnnn: Serial no.(0001 to 0100)
Supervisory computer event message %CPnnnn nnnn: Serial no.(0001 to 9999)
Supervisory computer event message for PICOT %M3nnnn nnnn: Serial no.(0001 to 9999)
Signal event message %EVnnnn nnnn: Serial no.(0001 to 0100)
SFC/SEBOL return event message %RE –
*1: ¡ Global switches can be applied to all Field control stations except standard PFCS (CS 1000).
In factory plant operation, for monitoring purposes user may assign a tag name for each
common switch and annunciator message output when required.
Tag names and element numbers are used when referencing or setting the software inputs/
outputs in applications such as the application programs written in SEBOL and the Windows
applications, other than the operation and monitoring functions, that are written in Visual Basic.
%XX: Software input/output element identifier. Varies according to the type of software input/output signal.
nnnn: Serial numbers. Some software input/output elements do not have serial numbers.
Software input/output element numbers of CS 3000 are shown in the table below.
Table Software Input/Output Element number of CS 3000 £
Name Element Number Convention
Common switch %SWnnnn nnnn: Serial no.(0001 to 4000)
nnn: Serial no.(001 to 256)
Global switch %GSnnnmm
mm: Station no.(01 to 64)
nnnn: Serial no.(0001 to 0500)
Annunciator message %ANnnnn
(0001 to 1000) (for KFCS2 or LFCS2)
nnnn: Serial no.(0001 to 0200) (for SFCS)
Print message %PRnnnn (0001 to 0400) (for KFCS or LFCS)
(0001 to 1000) (for KFCS2 or LFCS2)
nnnn: Serial no.(0001 to 0200)
Operator guide message %OGnnnn
(0001 to 0500) (for KFCS2 or LFCS2)
Multimedia start message %VMnnnn nnnn: Serial no.(0001 to 0100)
Sequence message request %RQnnnn nnnn: Serial no.(0001 to 0200)
Supervisory computer event message %CPnnnn nnnn: Serial no.(0001 to 9999)
Supervisory computer event message for PICOT %M3nnnn nnnn: Serial no.(0001 to 9999)
nnnn: Serial no.(0001 to 0200)
Signal event message %EVnnnn
(0001 to 0500) (for KFCS2 or LFCS2)
SFC/SEBOL return event message %RE –
In factory plant operation, for monitoring purposes user may assign a tag name for each
common switch, global switch and annunciator message output when required.
Tag names and element numbers are used when referencing or setting the software inputs/
outputs in applications such as the application programs written in SEBOL and the Win-
dows applications, other than the operation and monitoring functions, that are written in
Visual Basic.
*1: ¡ £ Global switches can be applied to all Field control stations except standard PFCS (CS 1000).
The message output signal except the annunciator is used to trigger an execution when its
logical value equal to “1” (True). The signal only has meaning when it is true (=1). The
annunciator message output signal is meaningful in both True (=1) and False (=0). True
represent the error status occurrence while False represents the error status recovery.
Operator guide message (%OG)
guide window
Multimedia start message (%VM)
Sequence message request (%RQ)
Supervisory computer event
message (%CP)
Supervisory computer event
message for PICOT (%M3)
Signal event message (%EV)
SFC/SEBOL return event message
: Possible
Blank: Not possible
The signal event message output (%EV) and SFC/SEBOL return event message output
(%RE) are used to exchange the internal function events among FCSs. They cannot be
used to exchange events between an FCS and HIS through the control bus.
■ Common Switches ¡
Common switches are internal switches used by the various control functions of an FCS to
exchange logical values between the functions.
The logical value of common switch does not directly output to outside FCS. They are used
by various control functions in FCS for the condition testing and status manipulation.
Common switches with element number %SW0001 to %SW0200 are fixed as system
switches. They are used to indicate the different status of the FCS. Only a few of the
switches can be defined by users.
Common switches in the CS 1000 with element number %SW0201 to %SW1000 may be
freely defined by users.
■ Common Switches £
▼ Increase Number of System Common Switches
Common switches are internal switches used by various control functions to save the
shared logical values in an FCS.
The logical value of a common switch is not directly output to an external FCS, but are used
by various control functions in an FCS for condition testing and status manipulation.
Common switches with element number %SW0001 to %SW0400 are fixed as system
switches. However, if the number of system common switches is not increased, the ele-
ment numbers of the system common switches are from %SW0001 to %SW0200 (*1).
They are used to indicate the different statuses of the FCS. Only a few of switches can be
defined by users.
Common switches in the CS 3000 with element number %SW0401 to %SW4000 (If the
number of system common switches is not increased, %SW0201 to %SW4000) may be
freely defined by users.
*1: The number of system common switches of SFCS is fixed between %SW0001 and %SW0200. The user-difinable
common switches are from %SW0201 and %SW4000.
Changing the number of system common switches can be performed on FCS properties
sheet (*2) by checking the option box [Increase Number of System Common Switches]. By
default setting, this option is checked.
*2: The option for increasing the number of system common switches is not available for SFCS.
● Condition Testing
When common switch ON/OFF status is applied as a condition test signal to a sequence
table block and logic chart block or to a designated function block in sequence connection
via its signal input terminal, the testing of the condition establishment is referred to as
common switch condition testing.
The syntax form for condition testing is shown below.
%SWnnnn: Element number
ON/OFF: Either ON or OFF must be specified.
● Status Manipulation
When common switch ON/OFF status is applied as a manipulated signal from a sequence
table block and logic chart block or from a designated function block in sequence connec-
tion via its signal output terminal, the common switch status reflecting the manipulated
signal status is referred to as common switch status manipulation.
Two types of manipulation signal outputs are available: a “latched” type and a “non-latched”
The syntax form for status manipulation is shown below.
%SWnnnn.PV.H or %SWnnnn.PV.L
nnnn: Element number
H: Latched type (*1)
L: Non-latched type
For details on condition testing and status manipulation, see the following:
D3, “Sequence Control”
For details on latched type and non-latched type output, see the following:
“■ Manipulating Status Output of I/O Module” in A3.2.2, “Contact Output”
For details on station start ID common switches and enhanced common switches, see the followings:
“■ Station Start ID Switches”
“■ Extension Common Switch”
Node15 Slot8 Status 0 (Ready or Undefined), 1 (IOM Error)
(*2) (*3)
0217 to
0400 (Reserved)
Name Description
The common switches from %SW0097 to %SW0176 take the following actions under the following
• When both SB301 cards or both communication cards of the node fail, the corresponding common
switch keep the previous status.
• When serial and Ethernet communication card do not communication properly, the corresponding
switch is set to 1.
*1: If the RIO power supply is configured in a single loop circuit, the value of %SW0022 is always 1.
*2: If the option [Increase Number of System Common Switches] is not checked on FCS properties sheet, the common
switches between %SW0201 and %SW0400 are not system common switches but user-defined common switches.
*1: £ The extension common switch can only be used in the CS 3000 system if a SFCS station is used.
Link transmission
station2 (R) Control bus station2 (R/W)
¡ £ Global switches can be applied to all Field control stations except standard PFCS (CS 1000).
¡ £ Global switches can be applied to all Field control stations except standard PFCS (CS 1000).
● Station Definition
▼ Station
Define whether to receive the values of global switches under the control of other stations if
• Station definition type:
Choose “0: Not communicate,” or “1: Individual Station Communication.”
The default is 0.
When you choose “Individual Station Communication,” define the communication buffer
size to receive data from its station every sender.
• Individual Station Definition:
Define 32 (bytes) (same value as the buffer size of the present station defined at the
sending station) to receive data, or 0 not to receive data.
• When you duplicated an FCS on System View, redefine Station Definition of Scan
Transmission Definitions.
• If the value smaller than 32 bytes is defined for the buffer size of the present station,
global switches will not work.
¡ £ Global switches can be applied to all Field control stations except standard PFCS (CS 1000).
● Condition Testing
Condition testing for global switches is to test whether conditions are satisfied: The ON/OFF
state or data status of global switches are tested as conditional signals of sequence table
blocks and logic chart block or function blocks for which sequence connection is specified
to its input terminals. The following formats must be used for condition testing for global
● Status Operation
Status operation for global switches is to change the ON/OFF state of global switches by
action signals from sequence blocks and logic chart block or function blocks for which
sequence connection is specified to its output terminals. Status operation is applicable to
global switches of present station only.
There are two output types of action signals for global switches: “latched type” and “non-
latched type.”
The following formats must be used for status operation of global switches:
%GSnnn.PV.H or %GSnnn.PV.L
nnn: Element number
H: Latched output (*1)
L: Non-latched output
*1: Latched output can be used for sequence table blocks only.
For details of condition testing and status operation, see the following:
D3, “Sequence Control”
For latched and non-latched outputs, see the following:
“■ Manipulating Status Output of I/O Module” in A3.2.2, “Contact Output”
Alarm priority levels and state changes of annunciator message output are shown below.
Lock type (High- and medium-priority alarms) Non-lock type (Low-priority alarm)
absent state
Recovery Occurrence
present state
For details on alarm priority levels, see the following:
C5.16, “Alarm Processing Levels”
Furthermore, if the alarm priority level is higher than low-priority (i.e., medium or high), the
alarm symbol will flash. The tag mark where the alarm is initiated will also flash to prompt
the operator for acknowledgment operation.
● Condition Testing
When annunciator message ON/OFF status is applied as a condition test signal to a
sequence table block and logic chart block or to a designated function block in sequence
connection via its signal input terminal, the testing of the condition establishment is referred
to as annunciator message condition testing.
The syntax form for condition testing is shown below.
● Status Manipulation
When annunciator message ON/OFF status is applied as a manipulated signal from a
sequence table block and logic chart block or from a designated function block in sequence
connection via its signal output terminal, the annunciator message status reflecting the
manipulated signal status is referred to as annunciator message status manipulation. Two
types of condition signal outputs are available: a “latched” type and a “non-latched” type.
The syntax form for status manipulation is shown below.
%ANnnnn.PV.H or %ANnnnn.PV.L
%ANnnnn: Element number
H: Occurrence/recovery of a latched annunciator message (*1)
L: Occurrence/recovery of a non-latched annunciator message
In the case of latched annunciator messages, recovery can be made by N-status manipula-
tion of the sequence table. The following syntax form is for the recovery of an annunciator
message output.
%ANnnnn.PV.H -----N
For details on condition testing and status manipulation, see the following:
D3, “Sequence Control”
For details on latched type and non-latched type output, see the following:
“■ Manipulating Status Output of I/O Module” in A3.2.2, “Contact Output”
Cause of alarm
Occurrence Recovery
(in FCS)
Acknowledgment Acknowl-
Repeated warning
start time
Elapsed time
HIS display
Cause of alarm
Occurrence Recovery
(in FCS)
Acknowledgment Acknowledgment
Designation of
repeated warning
HIS display
If the repeated warning action is on even though no alarm exists, the repeated warning is
not activated.
If an event-repeated warning is specified to an alarm signal while the timer-repeated
warning is active, the timer will be reset and then started by the event-repeated warning
For details on the message processing of an HIS, see the following:
E11, “Message Processing”
● Specification
The syntax form for a print message output specification is shown below.
● Contents
Print message data can be output in either of the following formats.
• Print message
Prints a comment and up to three process data items in consecutive order.
• Print message with integer constant
Prints a comment, an integer constant and then two process data items in consecutive
order, when an integer constant is designated.
The contents of the print message output can be specified in Printout Message Builder as
For the information about Printout Message Builder, see the following:
“■ Print Messages” in chapter E11.1, “Message Types”
To include an integer constant in the print message, keep the 1st data field empty when
specifying the contents of the print message output in the Printout Message Builder. If the
1st data field is not empty, the integer constant will be ignored even if it is designated and
the 1st process data will be printed. The process data to be printed is the data acquired
when the print message is output. If acquisition of such data fails, “ * ” will be printed instead
of the process data.
● Destination of Output
Print messages and data are output to the following destinations.
• Output to a printer.
• Saved in a file.
● Specification
The syntax form for an operator-guide message output specification is shown below.
● Contents
The contents of an operator guide message output can be specified in the Operator Guide
Builder as follows.
For the information about the Operator Guide Builder, see the following:
“■ Operator Guide Messages” in chapter E11.1, “Message Types”
● Designation of Output
Operator guide messages and data are output to the following destinations.
• Displayed in the operator guide window
• Generates an electric sound.
• The mark of the operator guide flashes in the operator guide window
• Output to a printer.
• Logged into a file.
● Specification
The multimedia function start message output specification is shown below.
● Contents
The contents of a multimedia function start message output can be specified on the multi-
media tab strip on HIS setup window.
For details on HIS setup window, see the following:
E7.3, “HIS Setup Window”
● Destination of Output
Multimedia function start message is output to the following destinations.
• Multimedia function
• Store into a file
● Specification
The syntax form for a sequence message request specification is shown below.
● Contents
The following HIS functions can be called by sequence message requests.
• Start user program
• Trend start/stop
• LED flashing/ON/OFF
• Calling up windows
• Execute the function assigned to function keys
● Destination of Output
The sequence message request can be logged into a file.
● Specification
The syntax form for a supervisory computer message is shown below.
● Contents
To output the FCS event message to the applications in supervisory computers.
● Destination of Output
The destination of the supervisory computer message is the supervisory computers con-
nected in the system.
● Specification
The syntax form for a supervisory computer message output for PICOT specification is
shown below.
● Contents ¡ £
To output the FCS event message to the FCS Data Setting/Acquisition Package [PHS6710
(*1)] [(LHS6710 (*2)] running in the HIS.
● Destination of Output
The destination of the supervisory computer message output for PICOT is the HIS.
● Specification
The syntax form for a signal event message output specification is shown below.
● Destination of Output
Signal event messages are used to exchange event information among the internal control
functions of an FCS. They are not output to a window, printer of file.
● Specification
The syntax form for a SFC/SEBOL return-event message output specification is shown
● Destination of Output
SFC/SEBOL return-event messages are used to exchange event information among the
internal control functions of an FCS. They are not output to a window, printer of file.
1 400 500
CS 1000/CS 3000
Field Control Station Basics
IM 33S01B30-01E 10th Edition
PART-B Reliability – FCS
B1. Error Detection ..................................................................................... B1-1
B1.1 Hardware Error Detection ............................................................................. B1-3
B1.2 System Software Error Detection ................................................................ B1-6
B2. Start Operations ................................................................................... B2-1
B2.1 FCS Start Operation ...................................................................................... B2-2
B2.1.1 Selection of Start Operation ............................................................ B2-3
B2.1.2 FCS Initial Cold Start ...................................................................... B2-8
B2.1.3 FCS Restart .................................................................................. B2-11
B2.1.4 Status of FCS at Start Operation ................................................... B2-12
B2.2 Start Operation of PFCS and SFCS I/O Modules ....................................... B2-17
B2.3 Start Operation of KFCS2 and KFCS Nodes .............................................. B2-19
B2.4 Start Operation of LFCS2 and LFCS I/O Units ........................................... B2-23
B2.5 Start Operation of KFCS2, KFCS, LFCS2 and LFCS I/O Modules ............ B2-24
B3. Operation at Error Occurrence ............................................................ B3-1
B3.1 Operation at Power Failure ........................................................................... B3-7
B3.2 Operation at CPU Failure ............................................................................ B3-24
B3.3 Operation at Error Occurrence in Process I/O Module ............................. B3-29
B3.4 Common Operation of the I/O Module at Problem Occurrence ................ B3-38
B3.5 Operation of I/O Module when Downloading is Performed ...................... B3-41
B3.6 Operation of Communication I/O Module at Error Occurrence ................ B3-47
B4. Making FCS Dual-Redundant ............................................................... B4-1
B4.1 Dual-Redundant Architecture of PFCS and SFCS ...................................... B4-5
B4.2 Dual-Redundant Architecture of KFCS2 and KFCS .................................. B4-11
B4.3 Dual-Redundant Architecture of LFCS2 and LFCS ................................... B4-17
■ Error Detection
FCS detects the following errors.
*1: In addition to the situation in which CPU cannot continue control, this applies to the situation in which the error may
badly affect other equipment connected to the same control bus.
*1: In addition to the situation in which CPU cannot continue control, this applies to the situation in which the error may
badly affect other equipment connected to the same control bus.
● Data protection
The data area is divided into write-allowed and write-protected areas so that the data in the
write-protected area will not be destroyed by an operation error. Also, protection violations
are detected.
● Processing retry
When an error is generated during control bus communication, process I/O communica-
tion, etc., retries are performed.
■ Monitoring by WDT
FCS resets WDT (Watch Dog Timer) at periodical check when the control program is
operating normally. If WDT is not reset for 2 seconds, FCS will reset-starts CPU, assuming
that the control program is not functioning properly.
Power shutoff or
station stop status
Cause of start
Power on
Initialization specified
(MAN) Restart specified (AUT)
Start condition
*1: The status of process I/O, software I/O, various function blocks, and SEBOL control function within FCS change.
● Power Shutoff
This is a state that FCS power is off and all the FCS functions are stopped.
In power shutoff status, unless the memory is volatilized, the start operation is automatically
executed when the power is turned on, and the system will change to normal operation
● Station STOP
This is a state that all application programs including the control functions are halted al-
though FCS power is on.
In station stop state, the start operation is executed by CPU START. For example, when the
RUN command is received from HIS (to be more specific, from the HIS control station
status display window), FCS will change to normal operation state, resetting the current
operation state.
During memory image loading (off-line loading), the status of FCS is regarded as a station STOP status.
During this operation, FCS CPU is used for loading operation while all applications are halted.
■ Cause of Start
The FCS’s cause of start includes “Power on” and “CPU START.”
● Power on
This is to turn on the power to PFCS.
This is to start the operation of PFCS, which is in a station STOP status, using a method
other than “Power on.”
There are three methods of CPU START as described below.
• Completion of on-line loading to FCS
• FCS START command received from HIS
• Start operation triggered from FCS control panel
When the FCS in station STOP status executes the start operation, the initial cold start
must be executed regardless of start condition.
• For more information about initial cold start operation, see the following:
B2.1.2, “FCS Initial Cold Start”
• For more information about restart operation, see the following:
B2.1.3, “FCS Restart”
When the FCU in station STOP status executes the start operation, the initial cold start
must be executed regardless of start condition.
• For more information about initial cold start operation, see the following:
B2.1.2, “FCS Initial Cold Start”
• For more information about restart operation, see the following:
B2.1.3, “FCS Restart”
● Momentary Power Failure (Momentary Power Failure Tolerant Time > FCS
Power Failure Time) : PFCS/SFCS
Momentary power failure means that the FCS power failure time elapsed is smaller than
the specified momentary power failure tolerant time.
Restart is executed when the power failure is a momentary power failure.
● Momentary Power Failure (Momentary Power Failure Tolerant Time > FCU
Power Failure Time) : KFCS2/KFCS/LFCS2/LFCS £
Momentary power failure means that the FCU power failure time elapsed is smaller than
the specified momentary power failure tolerant time.
Restart is executed when the power failure is judged as a momentary power failure.
Power failure
Power recovery
State of power
Figure Processing Executed at Initial Cold Start after Prolonged Power Failure
In order to define the contents of user definition initialization processing, describe the
processing to be executed at start, on either I type or B type sequence table and logic
For example, when recovering from prolonged power failure (timer specified, FCS power
failure timeⱖT, Momentary Power Failure Tolerant Time), %SW0001 and %SW0004 are
turned on. When recovering from momentary power failure (time specified, FCU power
failure time < T, Momentary Power Failure Tolerant Time), %SW0002 and %SW0005 are
turned on.
By referencing which internal switch for identification of the start operation is being turned
on, it can be identified from which state the FCS is about to change to its normal state.
Consequently, the type of initialization processing to be performed can be specified in the
initialization sequence table and initialization logic chart by referencing this switch.
Symbol Rule
Condition %SW0001. PV. ON Y
■ Windup Operation
▼ Wind Up Time
Windup operation is a preparatory processing for organizing time-series data that are
required for control operations. The function block’s input processing, control processing,
calculation processing and alarm processing executed during windup operation are ex-
ecuted in the same manner as in normal operation. All output signal processing, except for
the one that outputs control output signals to the process output terminal, are executed in
the same manner as in normal operation.
Sequence table blocks and logic chart blocks don’t operate while windup operation is
The windup operation time can be set on the FCS Constant Builder.
• Wind Up Time: Set 0 to 100 (sec.).
The default is 60 sec.
Power recovery
State of power
power failure Initialization processing Output processing
execution timing is automatically after suspended block
Momentary power failure decided within PFCS.
tolerant time.
Default: 2 sec.
Hold PV Hold PV
Hold PV Hold PV The input during power The input during power
(When IOM recovers (When IOM recovers failure is invalid failure is invalid
Pulse Input
from power failure, the from power failure, the (When IOM recovers (When IOM recovers
counter starts from 0.) counter starts from 0.) from power failure, the from power failure, the
counter starts from 0.) counter starts from 0.)
Analog Output Read back and track Read back and track Re-output the value Re-output the value
Status Output IOM output(*4) IOM output(*4) prior power failure prior power failure
*1: If an initial type sequence table referencing a status input signal via a local node, the status input signal will be
accessed again by the sequence table after Restart.
If an initial type sequence table referencing a status input signal via a remote node, the status input signal may not be
able to be accessed by the sequence table after Restart. So that, do not use the status input from the remote node as
user defined initialization processing signal.
*2: For the input signals from the remote nodes, the FCU holds the previous values until the FCU completes reading the
new data.
*3: For the data from fieldbus I/O and sub-system communication I/O, FCU holds the previous data values until the whole
data are acquired after restart.
*4: The outputs of IOM vary with types of errors and the different settings.
*5: HART variables hold previous data until the next data are transmitted.
For the output state of the IOM at probrem occurrence, see the following:
“■ Output State of the I/O Module during the Occurrence of an Error : KFCS2/KFCS £” in B3.4, “Com-
mon Operation of the I/O Module at Probrem Occurrence”
*1: If a repeated warning alarm occurs at start operation, process alarm message is output assuming that a new alarm is
created. As long as the alarm status lasts, the repeated warning alarm message is continuously output at regular
intervals. If specified, all alarm messages occurred at initial cold start can be output.
*1: The start operation for sequence table can be changed by changing the contents of start operation identification
Table List of Function Blocks That Perform MAN Fallback at Initial Cold Start
Function block type Code
Regulatory Control Blocks PI-BLEND, PID-STC, MLD-SW, MC-2, MC-2E, MC-3, MC-3E, RATIO, PG-L13,
SO-1, SO-2, SIO-11,SIO-12, SIO-21, SIO-22, SIO-12P, SIO-22P, SO-1E,
Sequence Control Blocks
SO-2E, SIO-11E,SIO-12E, SIO-21E, SIO-22E, SIO-12PE, SIO-22PE
• At restart
When restart, the function blocks connected to process I/O restore to their previous
block mode before the power failure.
I/O module
At the completion of maintenance or power recovery, output is started from tight shut status
for analog output or from OFF status for contact output. For recovery from termination of
transmission due to transient failure, output is started with the actual output value of I/O
module immediately before recovery.
I/O module
“Node start operation” does not take place in case of system power failure (simultaneous power failure of
both the FCU and node) even when a power failure occurs in a node. The operation relative to system
power failure will be performed.
When the no-response time of the node is longer than the “node momentary power failure
tolerant time,” it is called prolonged node power failure. The initial cold start operation of the
node is executed when the node is recovered from the prolonged node power failure.
When the no-response time of the node is shorter than the “node momentary power failure
tolerant time,” it is called momentary node power failure. The restart operation of the node
is executed when the node is recovered from a momentary node power failure.
The “node momentary power failure tolerant time” is set using the FCS Constants Builder. It
can be set in the range between 0 and 4 seconds. If 0 is set, the start operation of the node
is always set to the “initial cold start.” The default value is 2 seconds.
When the node momentary power failure tolerant time is set as 2 seconds, and if the node power failure
elapsed for 2 scan cycles (two one-second scan cycles), the node is treated as prolonged power failure.
However, node momentary power failure is detected by each two seconds, the minimum tolerant time
varies between 2 to 4 seconds.
*1: The process data and function block operation at the time of a prolonged node power failure will be the process data
and function block operation at the time of a momentary node power failure, until the elapsed time of node’s no-
response period reaches the momentary node power failure identification time.
Table Process I/O Statuses during the Start Operation of the Nodes : KFCS2/KFCS £
Item Initial cold start of node Restart of node
Analog input Newly reads. Newly reads.
Status input Newly reads. Retains the previous value.
Newly reads. Newly reads.
Push-button input
(Input at the time of abnormality is invalid.) (Input at the time of abnormality is invalid.)
Retains the PV value. Retains the PV value.
Pulse train input Input during power failure is invalid. Input during power failure is invalid.
Pulse counting restarts. Pulse counting restarts.
Analog output Back-calculates IOM’s output value (*1), Re-outputs the output value prior to
Status output then tracks. the power failure.
Pulse width output Output resets. Output restarts after output resets.
Output continues. Output continues.
Output resets if power supply of I/O Output restarts after output resets if
ON/OFF output
modules also fails. power supply of I/O modules also fails.
Retains the previous input value until Retains the previous input value until
Fieldbus communication Fieldbus communication resumes. Fieldbus communication resumes.
ALF111 Tracks the output value of the field Tracks the output value of the field
device. Then, resumes output. device. Then, resumes output.
Retains the previous input value until Retains the previous input value until
the RS communication module is the RS communication module is
Subsystem started up. started up.
communication Re-outputs the output value prior to the
ALR111, ALR121 Tracks the output value data on the power failure. However, it takes some
subsystem side. Then, resumes output. time until the RS communication
module is started up.
*1: The output values of the IOM (Input Output Module) vary according to the causes of breakdowns and the setting
contents of the IOM.
For the output state of the IOM at probrem occurrence, see the following:
“■ Output State of the I/O Module during the Occurrence of an Error : KFCS2/KFCS £” in B3.4, “Com-
mon Operation of the I/O Module at Probrem Occurrence”
AC power supply
state of remote
node area
Approx. 4 sec
Recovery from
power failure
Start output to IO
Figure Operation when Recovering from a Standalone Power Failure of the Remote Node
(Prolonged Power Failure) : KFCS2/KFCS £
The term PI/O used in this chapter denotes “process I/O.”
• For the details of system operation at FCS power failure status, see the following:
B3.1, “Operation at Power Failure”
• For the details of system operation at termination of CPU operation and Processor unit control right switch
status, see the following:
B3.2, “Operation at CPU Failure”
• For the details of system operation at I/O module failure and I/O module maintenance/breakdown sta-
tus, see the following:
B3.3, “Operation at Error Occurrence in Process I/O Module”
*1: The communication error with the local node denotes a communication problem between an FCU and a local node
such as the disconnection of transmission of a extended serial backboard bus (ESB bus) and the abnormality of an
SB401 that is mounted to a local node.
*2: The communication error with the remote node denotes a communication problem between a local node and a remote
node such as the disconnection of transmission of an enhanced remote I/O bus and the abnormality of an EB501 that
is mounted to a remote node.
Note: The term operation stop used in the power failure and breakdown modes denotes the case when the operation stops
due to breakdown or mounting/dismounting of hardware. It does not include a power failure.
The range of effects to the I/O module varies as follows according to the power failure and
breakdown modes:
Table Range of Effects at the Time of Abnormality : KFCS2/KFCS £
Power failure and breakdown modes Range of effects
Power failure in FCU alone
Termination of CPU operation All IOMs lower than the FCU
Termination of SB301 operation
Direct connection node standalone IOM of the subject direct connection node,
power failure and IOMs of all remote nodes lower than
Communication error with the direct an EB401 mounted to the subject direct
connection node connection node
Termination of EB401 operation IOMs of all remote nodes lower than the subject EB401
Remote node standalone power failure
Communication error with the remote IOM of the subject remote node
I/O module maintenance/error Subject IOM
• For the details of system operation upon power failure in PI/O or FCU alone and system power failure,
see the following:
B3.1, “Operation at Power Failure”
• For the details of system operation at termination of CPU operation stop and FCU control right transfer
status, see the following:
B3.2, “Operation at CPU Failure”
• For the details of system operation during I/O module maintenance/error, node maintenance and RB301
control right transfer as well as at PI/O failure, termination of PI/O operation and termination of RIO bus
transmission, see the following:
B3.3, “Operation at Error Occurrence In Process I/O Module”
For the details of I/O module operation during download, see the following:
B3.5, “Operation of I/O Module when Downloading is Performed”
For the details of communication I/O module operation at error occurrence, see the following:
B3.6, “Operation of Communication I/O Module at Error Occurrence”
This section describes system operation for each power failure mode.
As for the control operation of the FCS and the output operation of the I/O module, either
the initial cold start operation or restart operation will be performed, depending on the start
condition setting of the FCS and the duration of the power failure.
• For the initial cold start operation and restart operation, see the following:
B2.1, “FCS Start Operation”
• For the initial cold start operation and restart operation of the I/O module, see the following:
B2.2, “Start Operation of PFCS and SFCS I/O Modules”
For details on the initial cold start operation and restart operation of the node, see the following:
B2.3, “Start Operation of KFCS2 and KFCS Nodes”
The local node standalone power failure state occurs in cases where the power supply to a
local node fails or the breakdown of the power supply area of a local node occurs.
• The fallback actions of the I/O modules in remote nodes at node power supply failure are the same as
the fallback actions at the FCU power failure. For more information about I/O module fallback actions,
see the following at later part of this chapter:
“● Output Operation of the Process I/O - FCU Power Failure : KFCS2/KFCS” in section “■ System Op-
eration in FCU Power Failure State : KFCS2/KFCS”
• For more information about the I/O module output at fallback action, see the following:
“■ Output State of the I/O Module during the Occurrence of an Error : KFCS2/KFCS” in B3.4 “Common
Operation of the I/O Module at Problem Occurrence”
Output during
IOM restart
Output value 1.25mA
(4-20mA) from 0 mA
the IOM
When the power to a local node recovers after a prolonged local node power failure, the I/O
module that is mounted to that local node will be restarted.
For the output status of the I/O module from the restart of the I/O module to the start of output from the
FCU by FCU initial cold start, see the following:
B3.4, “Common Operation of the I/O Module at Problem Occurrence”
The following figure shows the I/O module output status and function block operation when
a momentary local node power failure occurs:
Output value
Resumes output
from the IOM
with the output value
prior to power failure
PI/O start
For the pulse width output and time-proportioning ON/OFF output in case of a momentary local node
power failure, output is resumed from the output reset status when the power is recovered.
The system operation in the remote node standalone power failure state is the same as
that in the local node standalone power failure state. However, after the remote node’s
power is recovered, it takes some time before the EB401 of the local node higher than that
remote node starts up.
For the time required for the EB401 to start up, see the following:
“■ Start Operation when Recovering from a Standalone Power Failure of the Remote Node : KFCS2/
KFCS” in B2.3, “Start Operation of KFCS2 and KFCS Nodes”
● Output Operation of Process I/O Module Area - Power Failure in PI/O Alone :
As for the output operation of the process I/O area, either the initial cold start operation or
restart operation of the I/O unit will be performed, depending on the start mode setting of
the I/O unit and the duration of the power failure.
For the initial cold start operation and restart operation of the I/O unit, see the following:
B2.4, “Start Operation of LFCS2 and LFCS I/O Units”
power supply status power supply status
power failure
detection time
Module output Module output
signal level signal level
Figure Output Signal Operation when Start Condition is Set to TIME : LFCS2/LFCS £
PI/O AC power
supply status
Module output
signal level
Function block
Figure Output Signal Operation when Start Condition is Set to MAN (Initial Cold Start) :
PI/O power failure operation is performed as shown below, based on the type of start
operation defined for each I/O unit (IOU).
• When the IOU start operation is set to MAN (initial cold start)
MAN fallback will be executed, followed by initialization manual (IMAN).
• When the IOU start operation is set to TIME
Initialization manual (IMAN) will be executed at the point the power failure time ex-
ceeds the momentary power failure tolerant time (timer set value). MAN fallback
operation will then be executed.
For the initial cold start operation and restart operation of the FCU, see the following:
B2.1, “FCS Start Operation”
The FCU power failure state occurs when a power failure or breakdown occurs in the
power supply area of the FCU.
For details on the output fallback operation of the I/O module, see the following:
“■ Output State of the I/O Module during the Occurrence of an Error : KFCS2/KFCS” in B3.4, “Common
Operation of the I/O Module at Problem Occurrence”
Output value
(4-20mA) When the fallback output value
from the IOM is specified.
Figure Initial Cold Start Operation when an FCU Standalone Power Failure Occurs : KFCS2/KFCS
AC power supply
state of the FCU
Figure Restart Operation when an FCU Standalone Power Failure Occurs : KFCS2/KFCS £
As for the FCS restart operation when the duration of an FCS power failure has exceeded
16 seconds, the FCU starts a control operation 5 seconds after a power recovery. There-
fore, it will be as if the power failure is approximately 5 seconds longer than the duration of
the actual power failure.
For the initial cold start operation and restart operation of the FCS, see the following:
B2.1, “FCS Start Operation”
Power failure in FCU alone occurs when power failure or malfunction occurs in the power
supply area of FCU.
Output value
(4-20mA) When the fallback output value
from the IOM is specified.
Figure Initial Cold Start Operation when an FCU Standalone Power Failure Occurs : LFCS2/LFCS
The following figure shows the output operation from the I/O module in the case of the FCS
restart operation:
• When [Maintain current value] is set for the output fallback:
The output value is shown in a solid line below. The output value just before the
occurrence of a power failure is retained during FCU power failure, and output is
resumed with the retained value when the power to the FCU is recovered.
• When [Output data] is set for the output fallback:
The fallback output value (dashed line in the figure) is output when the power failure
time exceeds the line loss detection time (4 seconds). The output value just before the
occurrence of the power failure is re-output when the power is recovered, and output
is resumed with that value. If the power failure time does not exceed the line loss
detection time, the output operation will be the same as when [Maintain current value]
is set for the output fallback.
AC power supply
state of the FCU
Figure Restart Operation when an FCU Standalone Power Failure Occurs : LFCS2/LFCS £
For the FCS initial cold start operation and restart operation, see the following:
B2.1, “FCS Start Operation”
The system power failure state occurs in cases such as a power failure of the entire instru-
ment power supply.
If the time lag of a power failure and power recovery between the process I/O area and the
FCU is substantial, the momentary operation of power failure and power recovery will be
the same as the case when a local node standalone power failure, a remote node
standalone power failure and an FCU standalone power failure have occurred separately.
AC power supply
state of the FCU
and PI/O area Wind-up
time Output at IOM restart
Figure FCS Initial Cold Start Operation when a System Power Failure has Occurred : KFCS2/
When the power is recovered from a system power failure, an FCS initial cold start opera-
tion is executed in the FCU, and the I/O module is restarted in the process control I/O area.
Subsequently, output from the function block on the FCU side to the process I/O area is
If a power failure has occurred in a remote node, it takes approximately 200 ms or 4 sec-
onds, depending on the duration of the power failure, until the EB401 higher than that
remote node starts up after the power recovery.
For the output status of the I/O module from the restart of the I/O module to the start of output from the
FCU by FCU initial cold start, see the following:
B3.4, “Common Operation of the I/O Module at Problem Occurrence”
• Data reference and data setting cannot be performed from the initialization sequence
table for the I/O module of a remote node. Data reference and data setting should be
performed after wind-up is complete, as needed.
• If a remote node had a prolonged power failure, it takes approximately 5 seconds to
resume the communication between that remote node and the FCU. The FCU masks
(does not detect) any remote node abnormality for these 5 seconds. If there is a
remote node abnormality, it will be notified after approximately 5 seconds.
However, for a remote node that starts up faster than 5 seconds, an I/O operation is
initiated upon the remote node startup. On the contrary, for a remote node that starts
up slower than 5 seconds, the previous I/O value is retained, and the output value is
tracked by executing a wind-up IMAN operation after the remote node is started up.
• If a system power failure occurred during a periodical inspection, etc., the startup time
of a remote node can be reduced to 200 ms by recovering the power to the remote
node side first.
AC power supply
state of the FCU
and PI/O area
Output value
from the IOM
Figure FCS Restart Operation when a System Power Failure has Occurred (Power Failure
Duration of within 16 Sec) : KFCS2/KFCS £
As for the FCS restart operation when the duration of an FCS power failure has exceeded
16 seconds, the FCU starts a control operation 5 seconds after a power recovery. There-
fore, it will be as if the power failure is approximately 5 seconds longer than the duration of
the actual power failure.
AC power supply
state of the FCU
and PI/O area The time required from a power
recovery to re-output is approx.
5 sec if the duration of a power
failure is long.
Output value
from the IOM
Figure FCS Restart Operation when a System Power Failure has Occurred (Power Failure
Duration of 16 Sec or Longer) : KFCS2/KFCS £
• Data reference and data setting cannot be performed from the initialization sequence
table for the I/O module of a remote node. Note that if data setting is performed from
the initialization sequence table, the setting for the I/O module of the remote node will
be re-output after the communication of the node is started.
• If a system power failure occurred during a periodical inspection, etc., the startup time
of a remote node can be reduced to 200 ms by recovering the power to the remote
node side first.
Figure Operation when a System Power Failure has Occurred (when the PI/O Side Detected a
Power Failure First)
In an FCS initial cold start operation when recovering from a system power failure, the FCU
masks any remote node abnormality for approximately 5 seconds after the startup even if
the remote node starts up after the FCU does.
If the time lag of a power failure and power recovery between the process I/O area and the
FCU is substantial, the moment operation of power failure and power recovery will be the
same as the case when a PI/O standalone power failure and an FCU standalone power
failure have occurred separately.
T = T1 + T2 + T3
T1: Power failure time of FCU
T2: Power failure duration of PI/O before FCU power failure
T3: Power failure duration of PI/O after FCU power recovery
T1 T1
T1 T1
T2 T3 T2
The output status immediately after PI/O power recovery and the MV value status in the
function block vary depending on the combination of PI/O and FCU start operations.
Table Output Operation Immediately after PI/O Power Recovery at System Power Failure :
FCS start operation
PI/O start operation
Initial cold start Restart
Initial cold start Tight shut status MV value before power failure
Restart Tight shut status MV value before power failure
Table MV Values in Function Blocks Immediately after Recovery from System Power Failure :
FCS start operation
PI/O start operation
Initial cold start Restart
Initial cold start 0% MV value before power failure
Restart 0% MV value before power failure
• When FCS is in [Restart] startup mode, the function blocks connected to process I/O
restore to their previous block mode before the FCU alone had the power failure
regardless the elapsed time period of the power failure. However, when the power
failure occurred in the PI/O area alone, there is possibility that the function blocks can
not restore to their previous block mode.
For details on PI/O start action when power failure occurs in the PI/O area alone, see the following
previous section:
“■ System Operation at Power Failure in PI/O Alone”
• If the start operation (initial cold start/restart) at power recovery differs between the
PI/O and FCU areas, start operations from system power failure and from power
failure in the PI/O alone will also differ. Normally, the start modes for PI/O and FCU
areas are set so that the same start processing–either the initial cold start or restart–
will be performed when the power recovers. Upon completion of the FCS start opera-
tion, the operation of individual function blocks can be adjusted via user definition
initialization processing (such as the initialization sequence table), which is executed
prior to normal block processing.
• However, the initial output cannot be adjusted at this time, since the start operation for
the PI/O area is already complete. The FCS start operation can be recognized from
within the user definition initialization processing, but the PI/O start operation cannot.
• When initial cold start is set for PI/O area and • When initial cold start is set for PI/O area start operation and
FCS start operations restart is set for FCS start operation
• When restart is set for PI/O area start operation and • When restart is set for PI/O area and FCS start operations
initial cold start is set for FCS start operation
Figure Operation of Output Signals from the Analog Output Module During System Power
Failure : LFCS2/LFCS £
Output fallback will be performed four seconds after an error occurrence such as when I/O
module access is interrupted due to termination of CPU operation or when the resetting of
WDT is not detected due to CPU runaway.
If restart is set for the start operation of processor unit, output fallback will be canceled upon
On the IOM Builder, I/O module fallback action may be defined.
• When check the “Set Fallback” item, then it is required to check the option button for
either [Maintain Current Value] or [Output data].
• When not check the [Set Fallback] item, the current value will be held.
The following figure shows operation of I/O module area when a CPU error occurs.
CPU error
Line loss time
CPU operating
status 4 seconds
Process I/O
For details on the output fallback operation of the I/O module, see the following:
“■ Output State of the I/O Module during the Occurrence of an Error : KFCS2/KFCS” in B3.4, “Common
Operation of the I/O Module at Problem Occurrence”
The following figure shows operation of process I/O module area when a CPU error occurs.
CPU operating status
operating status
Module output
Module output signal level
signal level
Output fallback
When “No” is When “Output value” is
set for output fallback condition set for output fallback condition
operating status
: Output according to initial cold start condition
Module output
signal level
Output fallback
Figure Operation of Process I/O Module Area when CPU Fails : LFCS £
The following system operations will be performed when an error occurs in the I/O module :
• Output operation of the I/O module
An initial cold start will be performed upon recovery of an error in the I/O module.
• Control operation of FCS
MAN fallback will be performed when an error occurs in I/O module area. Output
resumes upon recovery.
The figure below shows the operation of output signals from the analog output module and
the function block mode when an error occurs in the I/O module.
I/O module
I/O module
Function block
Figure Output Signal Operation of Analog Output Module when I/O Module Failed : PFCS/SFCS
When an I/O module fails, the following operations are performed in the function block that
is connected to I/O module.
• Sends the “PI/O Not Ready” system alarm message
• Block status changes to MAN and control operation is terminated. (MAN fallback)
For errors occurred in different locations, the following operations are performed in the
corresponding function blocks.
• “IOM Error” system alarm message is sent for I/O module error.
• For an error occurrence in the I/O unit or the bus connecting I/O unit and CPU, the
“BUS Error” system alarm message is sent while the corresponding I/O module
performs fallback operation.
• Values before the error occurrence are held as the input value. The data status
changes to LPFL.
The system operation that is performed when the I/O module is in the maintenance state or
breakdown state consists of the following:
• I/O module output operation
For the output from an I/O module in which a breakdown has occurred, the output
value before the breakdown will be retained. However, no output will be performed for
a kind of breakdown that disables the output of the I/O module.
Initial cold start is performed for recovery from the maintenance/breakdown state of
the I/O module.
• FCS control operation
MAN fallback will be performed when the I/O module maintenance/failure status
occurs. Output resumes upon recovery.
The figure below shows the operation of analog I/O module in the I/O module maintenance/
failure status.
I/O module
If the breakdown state occurs,
the output value before the
breakdown is retained if the
I/O module can perform output
I/O module in that state.
Function block
Figure Output Operation of Analog Output Module and Function Block Actions at I/O Module
Maintenance/Failure : PFCS/LFCS2/LFCS/SFCS
The system operation that is performed when the I/O module is in the maintenance state or
breakdown state consists of the following:
• I/O module output operation
An I/O module in which a breakdown has occurred performs an output fallback opera-
tion. However, no output will be performed for a kind of breakdown that disables the
output of the I/O module.
The FCU side performs an initial cold start operation of the I/O module for recovery
from the maintenance/breakdown state of the I/O module.
• FCU control operation
The FCU performs an MAN fallback operation when the I/O module maintenance/
breakdown state occurs. In addition, the FCU resumes output when recovering from
that state.
• For the initial cold start operation of the I/O module, see the following:
B2.5, “Start Operation of KFCS2, KFCS, LFCS2 and LFCS I/O Modules”
• For the output operation of the I/O module in the breakdown state, see the following:
B3.4, “Common Operation of the I/O Module at Problem Occurrence”
The system operation that is performed in the SB301 operation stop state consists of the
• Process I/O output operation
All the I/O modules lower than the FCU perform an output fallback operation during
the occurrence of the SB301 operation stop state. In addition, the output of the pro-
cess I/O is initiated with the actual output value at the time of recovery by executing an
initial cold start operation of the node in the FCU when recovering from that state.
• FCU control operation
The FCU performs an MAN fallback operation during the occurrence of the SB301
operation stop state. In addition, the FCU initiates an initial cold start of the node when
recovering from the SB301 operation stop state.
The system operation that is performed in the EB401 operation stop state consists of the
• Process I/O output operation
The I/O module of a remote node lower than the EB401 performs an output fallback
operation during the occurrence of the EB401 operation stop state. In addition, the
output of the process I/O is initiated with the actual output value at the time of recovery
by executing an initial cold start operation of the node in the FCU when recovering
from that state.
• FCU control operation
The FCU performs an MAN fallback operation during the occurrence of the EB401
operation stop state. In addition, the FCU initiates an initial cold start of the node when
recovering from the EB401 operation stop state.
• For the initial cold start operation of the node, see the following:
“■ Initial Cold Start of the Node : KFCS2/KFCS” in B2.3, “Start Operation of KFCS2 and KFCS Nodes”
• For the output operation of the I/O module during the occurrence of an abnormality, see the following:
“■ Output State of the I/O Module during the Occurrence of an Error : KFCS2/KFCS” in B3.4, “Common
Operation of the I/O Module at Problem Occurrence”
The system operation that is performed in the communication error state with the local
node consists of the following:
• Process I/O output operation
The I/O module mounted to the local node in which a communication error has oc-
curred as well as the I/O module of the remote node lower than that local node per-
form an output fallback operation during the occurrence of the communication error
state. In addition, the output of the process I/O is initiated by executing either an initial
cold start operation or restart operation of the node in the FCU when recovering from
the communication error state.
• FCU control operation
The FCU performs an MAN fallback operation during the occurrence of the communi-
cation error state. In addition, when recovering from the communication error state,
the FCU initiates either an initial cold start operation or restart operation of the node,
depending on the duration when the local node was not responding.
• For the initial cold start operation and restart operation of the node, see the followings in B2.3, “Start Op-
eration of KFCS2 and KFCS Nodes”:
“■ Initial Cold Start of the Node : KFCS2/KFCS”
“■ Restart Operation of the Nodes : KFCS2/KFCS”
• For the output operation of the I/O module during the occurrence of an abnormality, see the following:
“■ Output State of the I/O Module during the Occurrence of an Error : KFCS2/KFCS” in B3.4, “Common
Operation of the I/O Module at Problem Occurrence”
The system operation that is performed in the communication error state with the remote
node consists of the following:
• Process I/O output operation
The I/O module mounted to the remote node in which a communication error has
occurred performs an output fallback operation during the occurrence of the communi-
cation error state. In addition, the output of the process control I/O area is initiated by
executing either an initial cold start operation or restart operation of the node in the
FCU when recovering from the communication error state.
• FCU control operation
The FCU performs an MAN fallback operation during the occurrence of the communi-
cation error state. In addition, when recovering from the communication error state,
the FCU initiates either an initial cold start operation or restart operation of the node,
depending on the duration when the remote node was not responding.
• For the initial cold start operation and restart operation of the node, see the followings in B2.3, “Start
Operation of KFCS2 and KFCS Nodes”:
“■ Initial Cold Start of the Node : KFCS2/KFCS”
“■ Restart Operation of the Nodes : KFCS2/KFCS”
• For the output operation of the I/O module during the occurrence of an abnormality, see the following:
“■ Output State of the I/O Module during the Occurrence of an Error : KFCS2/KFCS” in B3.4, “Common
Operation of the I/O Module at Problem Occurrence”
The output operations of process I/O area and control operation of FCU during node
maintenance status are the same as those during I/O module maintenance.
For the details of output operation of process I/O area and control operation of FCU during node mainte-
nance, see the following previous section:
“■ System Operation at I/O Module Maintenance/Error : PFCS/LFCS2/LFCS/SFCS”
The output operations of process I/O area and control operation of FCU at PI/O error are
the same as those during I/O module maintenance.
For the details of output operation of process I/O area and control operation of FCU during PI/O error, see
the following:
“■ System Operation at I/O Module Maintenance/Error : PFCS/LFCS2/LFCS/SFCS”
The output operations of process I/O area and control operation of FCU at termination of
PI/O operation are the same as those during I/O module maintenance.
For the details of output operation of process I/O and control operation of FCU during PI/O operation
termination, see the following:
“■ System Operation at I/O Module Maintenance/Error : PFCS/LFCS2/LFCS/SFCS”
The following system operations will be performed when an error occurs in the I/O module:
• Output operation of the I/O module
An initial cold start will be performed upon recovery of RIO bus transmission stop state.
• Control operation of FCS
MAN fallback will be performed when an error occurs in I/O module area. Output
resumes upon recovery.
The figure below shows the operation of analog output module and function block actions
when the RIO bus transmission has been terminated.
Output from
I/O module
Output fallback
Function block
MAN fallback
Initialization manual
Figure Operation of Analog Output Module and Function Block Actions at Termination of RIO
Bus Transmission : LFCS2/LFCS £
Note: If the CPU of the FCU is being stopped, the output value of the analog output will be 0mA (0V).
● Output State of the I/O Module when Higher Devices are Abnormal :
The I/O module, after detecting that an access from the higher devices cannot be made for
more than the line loss detection time (4 seconds) because of FCU’s CPU operation stop, a
node abnormality, etc., performs an output fallback operation.
Table Output State of the I/O Module when a I/O Module Breakdown has Occurred or an Higher
Device Abnormality has Occurred (with an Output Function when an I/O Module
Breakdown has Occurred) : KFCS2/KFCS £
With output
fallback With output fallback
I/O module Without output fallback
(output data (Maintain current value): default
Analog output Retains output. the specified Retains output.
output value.
Status output Retains output. (*1) OFF Retains output. (*1)
Sets to OFF after outputting the Sets to OFF after outputting the
Pulse width
value prior to an error occurrence OFF value prior to an error occurrence
Contact output
for the specified time period. for the specified time period.
Time- Continues output. (repeats OFF/ON Continues output. (repeats OFF/ON
proportioning using the time interval specified prior OFF using the time interval specified prior
ON/OFF output to an error occurrence.) to an error occurrence.)
*1: When ST compatible modules are used with dual-redundant configuration, if a module has error, the output of the
module becomes OFF.
*1: Fallback can be enabled or disabled on FOUNDATION fieldbus communication module (ALF111). However, there is no
“output value during fallback” and “hold previous value during fallback” settings when fallback is enabled. When
fallback is enabled, the field devices run the actions set for “Fault State” previously set for the devices.
*1: To be more specific, AAM51 is reset to 0 mA (for electric current) after downloading is completed and 1.25 mA is output
after processor unit is rebooted.
*2: Since the range of electric current is normally fixed to the range between 0 and 100 %, there will be no change in the
range or span. An example of change, if any, is shown below.
When the range is between 0 and 100 and the output value is 50, the output value for electric current changes from 12
mA (equivalent to 50 %) to 8 mA (equivalent to 25 %) if the range is changed to 0 to 200.
*3: When the module action mode is PW (pulse-width), TP (time-proportioning) or PO (pulse output), the output will be
The output status change of I/O module caused by downloading actually occurs when
downloading of the definition information (configuration) to I/O module is completed.
■ Operation of the I/O Module when Offline Download to the I/O Module is
Executed : KFCS2/KFCS £
When offline download is executed to an FCS, the definition information will be down-
loaded to all the I/O modules of that FCS. The following explains the output state in this
• The FCU stops during the offline download to the FCS. All the I/O modules lower than
the FCU perform an output fallback operation while the FCU is being stopped.
• The definition information is then downloaded to the I/O modules after the offline
download to the FCS is complete. The I/O modules retain the output values while this
download is being executed. However, the output values will change according to the
change in the output range or span, if applicable.
If it has been specified not to set the operation at IOM change to IOP, the data status of the
measurement input will not become bad data (BAD) when download is executed.
On [Constant] tab of FCS property sheet, set the operation at IOM change to IOP.
Check [IOP Occurs in Connected Blocks] check box. By default, this option is not checked.
Be cautious that the following phenomena may occur during online maintenance.
• When reverse the analog control I/O module output or when change the output range,
the output from the terminals subjected to the changes fluctuates for about 10 millisec-
onds, then stabilized at the changed output. For an example, when reverse a 4 to 20
mA output where the 4mA stands for 0%, the 0% output changes to 20mA after fluctu-
ating for 10 milliseconds. For this reason, when reversing output or changing output
range, the necessary measures should be taken such as manipulating the final
operation element locally to prevent from the fluctuation caused form the output
• When reversing the I/O module input signal or changing the input range, the PV of the
terminals subject to the changes may fluctuate. Sometimes, IOP alarm may occur.
• When pulse setting of time-proportioning output of a contact I/O module is changed, it
takes a while for the new setting becomes valid so that the old setting continues. In
order to make the new setting become valid earlier, pullout the module and put it back
or download to the module on HIS status display window.
• When change the contact time-proportioning output phasing time, the phasing may
not be correct. So that it is necessary to pull out the I/O module from its slot and put it
back again, or perform IOM load on HIS status display window.
• When change the temperature unit or signal type for a thermocouple or a RTD I/O
module (AAT141, AAT145, AAR181 and AAR145) IOP or -IOP may repeatedly occurs
for a while.
• If the following item of EB401 properties are changed, the I/O data of the I/O modules
connected via the dual-redundantly configured EB401 modules stop updating for
about five seconds after online downloading.
Duplicate Next card
Maximum Number of Nodes
Communication Protocol
Communication Basic Period
Node No Response Monitoring Time
Number of Retries at Node No Response
This section explains the operation performed when these errors occurred.
*1: Tracking is performed only for the function block with tracking specified “Yes.”
*1: Tracking is performed only for the function block with tracking specified “Yes.”
VL net
Communication Communication
coupler coupler
VL net VL net
Power supply interface interface Power supply
Processor Processor
Unit Unit
PI/O communication PI/O
Interface unit Interface
I/O Module
V net
Communication Communication
coupler coupler
V net V net
Power supply interface interface Power supply
Processor Processor
Unit Unit
PI/O communication PI/O
Interface unit Interface
I/O Module
V net 1
V net 2
V net Coupler V net Coupler
(AIP502) (AIP502)
Processor Unit 301 301 Processor Unit
CP345(L) /PW /PW CP345(R)
302 302
EN-Bus 1
EN-Bus 2
ESB Bus 1
ESB Bus 2
Local Node
4 4 O O O O O O 4 4 481 481
0 0 M M M M M M 0 0 /PW /PW
1 1 1 1 482 482
SB-Bus 1
SB-Bus 2
ER Bus 1
ER Bus 2
Remote Node
O O O O O O O O 5 5 481 481
M M M M M M M M 0 0 /PW /PW
1 1 482 482
SB-Bus 1
SB-Bus 2
PW301/PW302: FCU power supply unit SB401: ESB bus slave interface module
PW401/PW482: Node power supply unit EB401: ER bus master interface module
IOM: I/O modules EB501: ER bus slave interface module
Figure Signal Connections when Implementing Dual-Redundancy in Each Part of FCD : KFCS2/
V net 1
V net 2
V net coupler V net coupler
(AIP502) (AIP502)
Processor unit Processor unit
301 301
CP345 (L) BAT BAT CP345 (R)
EN-bus 1
EN-bus 2
RIO-bus 1
RIO-bus 2
PI/O node
PW Node Node PW
401 interface unit interface unit 401
(RB401) (RB401)
I/O module I/O module I/O module I/O module I/O module
bus 1 bus 2 bus 3 bus 4 bus 5
VL net 1
VL net 2
VL net VL net
Main interface interface Main
memory memory
(with ECC) (with ECC)
V net 1
V net 2
V net V net
Main interface interface Main
memory memory
(with ECC) (with ECC)
V net 1
V net 2
Main Main
memory Collator Collator memory
(with ECC) (with ECC)
EN bus EN bus
interface ESB bus ESB bus interface
interface interface
(SB301) (SB301)
ESB bus
3 3 3 3
0 4 4 0
1 5 5 1
Local Node
O O O O O O O O 4 4 S S
M M M M M M M M 0 0 U U
1 1
Remote Node
4 4 O 4 4 S S
0 0 M 0 0 U U
1 1 1 1
Local Node
Remote Node
4 4 4 4 4 4 S S
0 0 0 0 0 0 U U
E E 1 1 1 1 1 1
O O O O O O O O 5 5 S S
M M M M M M M M 0 0 U U
1 1
Remote Node
O O O O O O O O 5 5 S S
M M M M M M M M 0 0 U U ESB Bus
1 1
ER Bus ER Bus
In case 1, when the node 2 standby card becomes normal, the bus changes its control right
to the standby line.
In case 4 and case 5, the switching the bus line may disconnect the currently running
remote node 4, so that the bus does not switch.
The policy of switching control right is not based on the majority of normal nodes, but based
on the priority for keeping the currently running nodes continue.
When a remote node fails, switching control right of EB401 models may occur due to the difference of
scan timing between control and standby EB401 modules.
When switching from one EB401 to another, the communication with the I/O modules
connected via the EB401 and ER bus may halt for 2 or 3 seconds. During this period, the I/
O signals are handled as follows:
• The input signals from I/O modules to FCU are holding the previous values.
When setting a Missing Pulse Check Time for checking pulse input signal, the ER bus
halt time during the two or three seconds of the control right change time between the
EB401 modules should be covered.
• The output signals from I/O modules to field devices are holding the previous values.
However, for the pulse width output, the pulse-loss may occur.
The dual-redundant configured I/O modules do not support the pulse width outputs and
time-proportioning ON/OFF outputs, When two contact output modules are put into dual-
redundant configuration, the output timings from the two modules are not synchronized,
thus the control loop cannot properly function.
V net 1
V net 2
Main Main
memory Collator Collator memory
(with ECC) (with ECC)
EN bus EN bus
interface RIO bus RIO bus interface
interface interface
(SB301) (SB301)
RIO bus
When switching from one RB301 to another, the communication with the I/O modules
connected via the RB301 and RIO bus may halt for 1 or 2 seconds (one scan cycle.) During
this period, the I/O signals are handled as follows:
• The input signals from I/O modules to FCU are holding the previous values.
When setting a Missing Pulse Check Time for checking pulse input signal, the RIO
bus halt time during the control right change time between the RB301 modules should
be covered.
• The output signals from I/O modules to field devices are holding the previous values.
However, for the pulse width output, the pulse-loss of one scan cycle may occur.
The dual-redundant configured I/O modules do not support the pulse width outputs and
time-proportioning ON/OFF outputs, When two contact output modules are put into dual-
redundant configuration, the output timings from the two modules are not synchronized,
thus the control loop cannot properly function.