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Which Platforms

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Website  Facebook  Youtube  Google  Showbie 

www.facebook.co www.youtube.c Classroom  https://www.s

m   om   https://classr howbie.com/  

Safety  Facebook has  You can make  Google  From the 

some security on  private or  classroom  articles on 
it however  unlisted videos  does not  Showbie, it 
students would  which make  contain any  seems they 
need to be  posting videos  Ads unlike  put a lot of 
taught how to go  a big more  youtube and  responsibility 
into their  safe. It seems  facebook. It  on the school 
settings to make  YouTube is  also follows  for providing 
their page more  trying to make  many  parents 
secure. They  its website  guidelines  information 
have log-in  more safe for  around  about 
alerts as well as  children's  keeping  Showbie. They 
two factor  content. They  children's  also say they 
authentication  have a list of  information  may disclose 
to help with  rules of what is  safe.   children’s 
keeping  and is not  information 
personal pages  allowed.  to third part 
secure. However  YouTube has a  vendors 
there are many  lot of ads.    however they 
ads on  say not for 
Facebook.   marketing 

Reliability  Facebook is  Youtube is  It appears  It seems that 

pretty reliable. It  always running  from their  Showbie is 
goes down ever  and reliable  website that  reliable. 
so often but it is  that it will work  Google 
usually usable.   excluding if  Classroom is 
the internet is  reliable. It can 
down.  also be used 
on multiple 

Age  Facebook has a  Youtube also  Google  Showbie does 

Appropriateness  minimum age  has a minimum  Classroom  not have a 
requirement of  age  has an age  minimum age 
13. Anyone under  requirement of  requirement  per say but 
13 is technically  13. It is easier  of 13 as well  requires any 
not allowed to  for kids under  however  minor (under 
be on the  13 to get onto  students  the age of 
website.   YouTube.  under 13 can  majority) to 
use Google  have a parent 
Classroom as  or legal 
long as they  guardian sign 
are using  consent that 
Classroom  they are able 
with a G suite  to use the 
for Education  program.  

Usability  Depending on  YouTube is  From their  It says on the 

how you use  relatively easy  website, it  website that 
Facebook, it can  to use as long  appears  students can 
be confusing  as you know  Google  submit work 
with all the  what you are  Classroom is  from other 
different pages,  looking for. It  easy to use.  apps to 
ads and  has a lot of  Students can  Showbie 
features.   content. A  be invited by  which could 
student may  the teacher  be very 
need help if  and that is  beneficial. It 
they are not  where they  seems 
able to write  share  organized 
independently.   information.   and user 
friendly from 
the pictures.  

Cost  Free  Free  Free to  For the basic 

schools using  version it is 
Google apps  free and for 
but there is a  the Pro 
paid option  version it is 
for G Suite  $149 per 
that costs S4  teacher a 
per user per  year.  
month. I am 
not sure if 
that is USD as 

Relevance to  I can’t think of  Youtube has  Students can  Students can 
Math  any ways math  many videos  share math  complete and 
could be done  that are great  information  hand in math 
on Facebook  hooks during  with the  work on 
other than a  math units.  teacher and  Showbie. 
group being  They also have  each other.  Students 
created to help  how-to videos  They can  could use 
each other out  for different  learn off of  other math 
with questions.  math content.  each other.  applications 
Students could  Teachers can  and have 
also create  ask open  their work 
videos  ended math  submitted 
showing how  questions  onto this 
to teach a  and students  program.  
math concept.    can see each 
other's work 
and comment 
on it. 

Interaction  Facebook is an  Interaction  Students can  Students can 

between  easy way for  can be done  interact  respond back 
teachers and  teachers and  through the  about their  to their 
students   students to  comment  assignments  teachers 
communicate.  sections  with the  about 
They can  however there  teacher and  assignments 
communicate  can be spam  their  written, orally 
through chat  that gets into  classmates.  or through 
and comment on  the comment  Class  drawing.  
each other's  section. It is  discussions 
walls.  not as good  can also be 
for interaction  done through 
compared to  this program.  
other websites.  

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