Threats To Electronic and Mobile Commerce
Threats To Electronic and Mobile Commerce
Threats To Electronic and Mobile Commerce
Currency Challenges
Invasion of Consumer Privacy
- prices for all items offered for sale on the
Web site must clearly indicate the currency. Online profiling
State, Regional, and National Laws - is the data gathered based on the
Web sites you visit and the items
- every state, region, and country have a set you click
of laws that governs commercial
Lack of Internet Access o Explicit personalization
Digital divide
- techniques capture user-
- is a term that describes the provided information, such
difference between people who do as information from
and do not have the access or the warranties, surveys, user
capability to use high-quality, registrations, and contest
modern information and entry forms completed
communications technology online.
o Implicit personalization
-techniques capture data from
actual customer Web sessions
primarily based on which pages
were viewed and which