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Perdev Module Compiled by Racquel

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GRADE: 11 OR 12
This subject makes senior high school students aware of the developmental stage that
they are in, for them to better understand themselves and the significant people around them as
they make important career decisions as adolescent. The course consist of modules, each of
which addresses a key concern in personal development. Using the experiential learning
approach, each module invites students to explore specific themes in their development.
Personal reflections, sharing, and lectures help reveal and articulate relevant concept, theories,
and tools in different areas in psychology. (Source: K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Guide, December 2013)

As the Department of Education anticipates the challenges in employing various

schemes in the delivery of the learning standards due to COVID19, the number of the
identified essential learning competencies per quarter (from K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Guide,
December 2013) were further reduced, thus, the term most essential learning competencies

Furthermore, the following modules under Personal Development subject were

prepared in line with the Department of Education’s prescribed Most Essential Learning
Competencies issued in June 2020.

Knowing and Understanding Oneself during Middle and Late Adolescence
Big Question: How can understanding yourself pave the way to self-acceptance and
better relationship with others?

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. explain that knowing yourself can make you accept your strengths and limitations and dealing
with others better; and
2. share your unique characteristics, habits and experiences.


Take a look at your own self-concept and answer the following self-concept inventory in your
journal. Give yourself a rating using the scale: 0 = very weak; 1 = weak; 2 = somewhat weak or
somewhat strong; 3 = strong; 4 = very strong (PERTAINS TO OUR STREGNTHS AND
___1. I have strong sex appeal.
___2. I am proud of my physical figure.
___3. I am physically attractive and beautiful/handsome.
___4. I exude with charm and poise.
___5. I am easy to get along with.
___6. I can adjust to different people and different situations.
___7. I am approachable; other people are at ease and comfortable with me.
___8. I am lovable and easy to love.
___9. I am a fast learner, can understand with one instruction.
___10. I am intelligent.
___11. I have special talents and abilities.
___12. I can easily analyze situations and make right judgments.
___13. I can be trusted in any transaction.
___14. I have a clean conscience and carry no guilty feeling.
___15. I have integrity and good reputation.
___16. My friends and classmates can look up to me as a model worth emulating.
___17. I can express my ideas without difficulty.
___18. I talk in a persuasive manner that I can easily get people to accept what I say.
___19. I can express my ideas in writing without difficulty.
___20. I am a good listener.
___21. I am emotionally stable and not easily rattled when faced with trouble.
___22. I am logical and rational in my outlook and decisions.
___23. I feel and act with confidence.
___24. I am a mature person.

Scoring: Write your score opposite each number and get the subtotal.

Physical Appeal Human Relations Intelligence

1. _____ 5. _____ 9. _____
2. _____ 6. _____ 10. _____
3. _____ 7. _____ 11. _____
4. _____ 8. _____ 12. _____
Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal:
___________ ___________ ___________
Character Communications Maturity
13. _____ 17. _____ 21. _____
14. _____ 18. _____ 22. _____
15. _____ 19. _____ 23. _____
16. _____ 20. _____ 24. _____
Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal:
___________ ___________ ___________

How do you perceive yourself?

Look at the results of your self-concept inventory and answer the following questions:
1. In what areas do you consider yourself strong (with score 14-16 or somewhat weak (score of
10-13) and very weak (below 10)?
2. Are there qualities you consider as your weakness but other people consider as your
strength? What are these? Check with a closest family member.
Example: A lady can say “I`m ugly” yet other consider her very charming. Or conversely, one
can have the illusion of saying “I am very intelligent or competent” when most of his ideas sound
unreasonable or illogical to most of the people. There is indeed a big difference between what
you see in yourself (real self-image) and what is projected in the eyes of the others (your social

3. How realistic is your self- image?


4. To what extent does it reflect your real self?


Source: Roldan, Amelia S. (2003). On Becoming a Winner: A Workbook on Personality Development and Character Building. AR
Skills Development and Management Services (SDMS), Paranaque City, Metro Manila
and Personal Development Reader, Department of Education, 2016.

Imagine yourself looking into a mirror. What do you see? Do you see your ideal self or
your actual self? Your ideal self is the self that you aspire to be. It is the one that you hope will
possess characteristics similar to that of a mentor or some other worldly figure. Your actual
self, however, is the one that you actually see. It is the self that has characteristics that you
were nurtured or, in some cases, born to have.
The actual self and the ideal self are two broad categories of self-concept. Self-concept
refers to your awareness of yourself. It is the construct that negotiates these two selves. In other
words, it connotes first the identification of the ideal self as separate from others, and second, it
encompasses all the behaviors evaluated in the actual self that you engage in to reach the ideal
The actual self is built on self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is derived from social
interactions that provide insight into how others react to you. The actual self is who we actually
are. It is how we think, how we feel, look, and act. The actual self can be seen by others, but
because we have no way of truly knowing how others view us, the actual self is our self-image.
The ideal self, on the other hand, is how we want to be. It is an idealized image that we
have developed over time, based on what we have learned and experienced. The ideal self
could include components of what our parents have taught us, what we admire in others, what
our society promotes, and what we think is in our best interest.
There is negotiation that exists between the two selves which is complex because there
are numerous exchanges between the ideal and actual self. These exchanges are exemplified
in social roles that are adjusted and re-adjusted, and are derived from outcomes of social
interactions from infant to adult development. Alignment is important. If the way that I am (the
actual self) is aligned with the way that I want to be (the ideal self), then I will feel a sense of
mental well-being or peace of mind. If the way that I am is not aligned with how I want to be, the
incongruence, or lack of alignment, will result in mental distress or anxiety. The greater the
level of incongruence between the ideal self and real self, the greater the level of resulting
distress. Personal development modules ultimate aim is greater self-knowledge that will lead to
higher alignment between these two personality domains.

Source: http://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-self-concept-in-psychology-definitionlesson-quiz.html
and Personal Development Reader, Department of Education, 2016.

Portfolio Output No. 1 – Talent/Variety Show Presentation (Virtual, Video Recorded)

Prepare a presentation which shall not exceed in 3 minutes time. The presentation shall
be based on the following criteria: originality (4 points), creativity/resourcefulness (4 points),
teamwork (4 points), and audience impact (4 points), for a maximum of 16 points. Compute the
average of ratings for your group and write this average rating for your presentation in your
journal. Write about your experience as a group leader/member in this activity

Record your thoughts/reflection/experiences:


Record the score obtained: ______________


Personal effectiveness means making use of all the personal resources – talents, skills,
energy and time, to enable you to achieve life goals.
Your knowledge of yourself and how you manage yourself impacts directly on your
personal effectiveness. Being self-aware, making the most of your strengths, learning new skills
and techniques and behavioral flexibility are all keys to improving your personal performance.
Our personal effectiveness depends on our innate characteristics – talent and
experience accumulated in the process of personal development. Talents first are needed to be
identified and then developed to be used in a particular subject area (science, literature, sports,
politics, etc.).
Experience includes knowledge and skills that we acquire in the process of cognitive and
practical activities.
Knowledge is required for setting goals, defining an action plan to achieve them and risk
Skills also determine whether real actions are performed in accordance with the plan. If
the same ability is used many times in the same situation, then it becomes a habit that runs
automatically, subconsciously. Here are some skills that will greatly increase the efficiency of
any person who owns them:
1. Determination. It allows you to focus only on achieving a specific goal without being
distracted by less important things or spontaneous desires. It may be developed with the help of
self-discipline exercise.
2. Self-confidence. It appears in the process of personal development, as a result of
getting aware of yourself, your actions and their consequences. Self-confidence is manifested in
speech, appearance, dressing, gait, and physical condition. To develop it, you need to learn
yourself and your capabilities, gain positive attitude and believe that by performing right actions
and achieving right goals you will certainly reach success.
3. Persistence. It makes you keep moving forward regardless of emerging obstacles –
problems, laziness, bad emotional state, etc. It reduces the costs of overcoming obstacles. It
can also be developed with the help of self-discipline exercise.
4. Managing stress. It helps combat stress that arises in daily life from the environment
and other people. Stress arises from the uncertainty in an unknown situation when a lack of
information creates the risk of negative consequences of your actions. It increases efficiency in
the actively changing environment.
5. Problem-solving skills. They help cope with the problems encountered with a lack of
experience. It increases efficiency by adopting new ways of achieving goals when obtaining a
new experience.
6. Creativity. It allows you to find extraordinary ways to carry out a specific action that
no one has tried to use. It can lead to a decrease or an increase of costs, but usually the speed
of action is greatly increased when using creative tools.
7. Generating ideas. It helps you achieve goals using new, original, unconventional
ideas. Idea is a mental image of an object formed by the human mind, which can be changed
before being implemented in the real world. For generating ideas you can use a method of
mental maps, which allows you to materialize, visualize and scrutinize all your ideas, which in
turn contributes to the emergence of new ideas. These are just some, but the most important
personal effectiveness skills which make the achievement of any goal easier and less costly.
Source: http://www.chrysalisdevelopment.com/page6/page4/page4.html;
and Personal Development Reader, Department of Education, 2016.


In the spaces indicated by numbers, write down the following:
1 and 2 two things I do very well
3 and 4 my two greatest achievements in life
5 what in myself am I proudest of
6 my happiest moment
7 positive words that my friends use to describe me
8 a personal goal that I have already achieved
9 three blessings for which I am most thankful to God
10 three of my positive qualities
11 difficulties, challenges and problems that I was able to solve and overcome


Most failures emanate from weaknesses that are not recognized or probably recognized
but not given appropriate attention or remedy. This could be a weakness in communications,
personality or ability. Instead of giving up or indulging in self-pity, take action. Go for speech
lessons, get skills upgrading, attend personality development sessions or whatever appropriate
remedies to your perceived weakness.
Instead of simply focusing on your weaknesses, recognize your own talents and abilities,
build on them, utilize them to your greatest advantage. This is where you can build your name
and popularity. Handicapped people like Jose Feliciano and other blind singers did not brood
over their physical handicap. They recognized that they have a golden voice so they search for
ways to enrich that talent and now they have won international fame in the field of music.
Source: Roldan, Amelia S. 2003. On Becoming a Winner: A Workbook on Personality Development and Character Building. AR
Skills Development and Management Services (SDMS), Paranaque City, Metro Manila. and Personal Development Reader,
Department of Education, 2016.

Portfolio Output No. 2: Reflection from My Banner

Write about your banner.

1. What do you consider as your weaknesses, abilities and talents?


2. What are the remedies you will take to improve or compensate for your
3. How can you further enrich your assets and strengths?

4. Where and how do you use it to your best



There are three kinds of people in this world:
The first is the Moviegoer. This person watches the movie of their lives, admires some
parts and criticizes others. Aside from that, they do nothing else. All she says the whole day is,
“I like this thing and but I don’t like that thing.” The Moviegoer feels she has absolutely no
control of their lives --- except to comment about it. Moviegoers are the most pathetic, miserable
people in the world.
The second is the Actor. This person does not only watch the movie of her life. She
actually realizes she’s the Actor – and can control a big part of her life. She can actually make
or break the movie – by how well she delivers her lines and how she portrays her character.
Actors are a happy bunch, realizing they’re the start of the show and enjoy some level of
control. But many times, they wish the movie would end in another way – but realize that they
have no say in such things.
The third is the Scriptwriter. This person does not only watch, and she doesn’t only act,
but she actually creates the entire movie from her mind. She determines what she will say, what
she will do, and how the movie will end. She realizes she has enormous control over her life,
and sees to it that the movie of her life will turn out beautiful.

Who are you among these three people?

Do you merely watch your life go? Why?
Or do you act out a script that you feel has been handed to you?
Or do you write the script and make your life beautiful?

By the way, the Producer of the movie is God. He tells you, “Make the movie
beautiful, and I will give you all that you need for success.”

Source: Sanchez, Bo. (2006). Life Dreams Success Journal: Your Powerful Tool to Achieve
and Surpass Your Dreams One Step at a Time. Shepherd’s Voice Publishing.

Evaluation: Answer the following questions:

1. What have you discovered in yourself?


2. What are your core strengths?


3. What are the qualities you want to hone and improve on?

K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Guide, December 2013
(MELCs), June 2020
Personal Development Reader, Department of Education, 2016.
Roldan, Amelia S. (2003). On Becoming a Winner: A Workbook on Personality Development
and Character Building. AR Skills Development and Management Services (SDMS), Paranaque
City, Metro Manila
Roldan, Amelia S. 2003. On Becoming a Winner: A Workbook on Personality Development and
Character Building. AR Skills Development and Management Services (SDMS), Paranaque
City, Metro Manila.
Sanchez, Bo. (2006). Life Dreams Success Journal: Your Powerful Tool to Achieve and
Surpass Your Dreams One Step at a Time. Shepherd’s Voice Publishing.
Developing the Whole Person
Big Question: What is the relationship of the different aspects of holistic development
with your thoughts, feelings and actions in dealing with life situations?

At the end of this module, you will be able to:
1. evaluate your own thoughts, feelings and actions, and
2. show the connection of your thoughts, feelings and actions to actual life situations.


In each segment on the circle below, write some descriptions of the different aspects of
yourself as follows:
1. Physical Self. Describe yourself. Try not to censor any thoughts which come to your mind.
Include descriptions of your height, weight, facial appearance, and quality of skin, hair and
descriptions of body areas such as your neck, chest, waist, legs.

2. Intellectual Self. Include here an assessment of how well you reason and solve problems,
your capacity to learn and create, your general amount of knowledge, your specific areas of
knowledge, wisdom you have acquired, and insights you have.
3. Emotional Self. Write as many words or phrase about typical feelings you have, feelings you
seldom have, feelings you try to avoid, feelings you especially enjoy, feelings from your past
and present, and feelings which are associated with each other.

4. Sensual Self. Write how you feel as a sensual person. What sense do you use most – sight,
hearing, speaking, smelling, touching? How do you feel about the different ways you take in
information - through the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, pores, and skin? In what ways do you let
information in and out of your body?

5. Interactional Self. Include descriptions of your strengths and weaknesses in intimate

relationships and relationships to friends, family, co-students and strangers in social settings.
Describe the strengths and weaknesses which your friends and family have noticed. Describe
what kind of son or daughter, brother or sister you are.

6. Nutritional Self. How do you nourish yourself? What foods do you like and dislike? What do
you like and dislike about these?

7. Contextual Self. Descriptors could be in the areas of maintenance of your living

environment: reaction to light, temperature, space, weather, colors, sound and seasons and
your impact on the environment.

8. Spiritual Self or Life Force. Write words or phrases which tell about how you feel in this
area. This could include your feelings about yourself and organized religion, reactions about
your spiritual connections to others, feelings about your spiritual development and history, and
thought about your metaphysical self. Think about your inner peace and joy. Think about your
spiritual regimen or routine.

Portfolio Output No. 3: Personal Assessment of Aspects of Development

Write about the eight segments of your development. What are the words or phrases
which represent aspects about yourself which you like? What are the items which you consider
to be weaknesses? Name some ways in which you can improve the weak areas and further
enhance the positive aspects.



The self-concept is represented by several aspects of the self. It is conceived as

collection of multiple, context-dependent selves. This construct believes that context activates
particular regions of self-knowledge and self-relevant feedback affects self-evaluations and
affect. A deeper look on the different aspects of self can identify specific areas for self-
regulation, stability and improvement.
In a nutshell, an individual is composed of three basic but very different aspects of the
self. They are the physical or tangible aspects as they relate to the body, the intellectual and
conscious aspects as they relate to the mind, and the emotional and intuitive aspects as they
relate to the spirit. All three aspects of the self-work together in perfect harmony when attention
is paid to all three simultaneously.
Many individuals put a strong emphasis on the physical aspect of the self. The body is
tangible, obvious, and we respond to it easily. More time and money is spent on enhancing the
physical component than either of the other two aspects. This does not mean, however, that the
body is healthy or strong. The body provides a place to house the spirit (often experienced as
feelings) and the mind (often experienced as thought).
It may be important to some that their mind be prominent and well educated. The mind is
important, as it is the part of the self that directs the other two aspects. The mind learns what to
do and communicates the information to the body and the feelings. What the mind believes, the
body manifests or acts on, and the emotions feel, or respond with. People store both healthy
and destructive thoughts and beliefs and responds to life's circumstances in the most prominent
manner. The mind provides access creativity and serenity which are necessary for such
processes as prayer, forgiveness, acceptance, and passion.
The human emotions are the most feared aspect of the self, as individuals are reluctant
and unprepared to manage them. Managing feelings is like trying to hold water in the palm of
your hand. They are illusive and deceptive. A decision made under emotional stress and strain
usually impacts emotions negatively. Negative emotions that are not managed are stored and
repressed. Repression is destructive to a content self since all feelings, not only negative ones
are stored away. Accessing feelings when they are needed now becomes difficult, leaving the
individual numb and hopeless.
For instance, a girl realizes that she is giving much attention on the physical aspects and
less attention on her intellectual self. In this way, she can discover how much money and time
spent maintaining her physique and its consequences in her grades. By this honest evaluation
of herself, she can plan effective actions to improve her study habits. She can start seeking for
help and for related books to read or browse articles to help her improve her study habits.

Source: http://www.innerwisdom.com/aspect-of-the-self.htm

1. Why is it important to evaluate our own thoughts, feelings, and behavior?

2. How can you personally manage the several aspect of yourself?


The following is an old

Cherokee Indian story that is
enlightening and helpful.
One evening an old Cherokee
told his grandson about a battle that
goes on inside people. He said, "My
son, the battle is between two wolves
inside us all."
"It is a terrible fight and it is
between two wolves. One is evil - he is
anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed,
arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment,
inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority,
and ego." He continued, "The other is
good - he is joy, peace, love, hope,
serenity, humility, kindness,
benevolence, empathy, generosity,
truth, compassion, and faith. The same
fight is going on inside you - and inside
every other person, too."
The grandson thought about it
for a minute and then asked his
grandfather, "Which wolf will win?" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed".
Source: http://www.psychologymatters.asia/article/65/the-story-of-the-two-wolves-managingyour-thoughts-feelings-and-actions.html

Knowing which wolf to feed is the first step towards recognizing you have control over
your own self.
Have you ever had thoughts, feelings or acted in ways that were unacceptable to
yourself but felt powerless to control? The purpose of this story is to help you find ways to
manage your mind so that you can live your life more in accordance with what your own
judgment says is best for you.
As we grow up, we gradually become aware of the many things in the external world
which are largely beyond our ability to control. These include other people in general and most
events in our lives. Initially this is difficult to accept, but a more shocking realization is that there
are many things about ourselves that we seem powerless to control.
Some of these are our own thoughts, feelings, and actions which unfortunately can be
the source of much distress. It may be thoughts such as “I cannot stop hating my teacher for not
giving me high grades.” It may involve an emotion e.g. “My girlfriend left me and I cannot stop
feeling sad, lonely and unloved. It can also be in the form of a behavior such as the inability to
control one's craving for food such as cakes and chocolates.”
But are we indeed really powerless to control our own maladaptive thoughts, feelings
and actions? The grandfather’s answer "The one you feed" is deceivingly simple. The results of
psychological research indicate that there are at least four important concepts or ideas implied
by the answer:
1. The mind is not the unitary entity it seems to us but consists of different parts. For example in
the story there are the two wolves and the “you” that chooses between them.
2. These parts of the mind/brain can interact and be in conflict with each other i.e. the two
wolves fight for dominance over our mind and behavior.
3. The “you” has the ability to decide which wolf it will feed.
4. Having made a choice, “you” can decide specifically how to “feed” or nurture the selected
Source: http://www.psychologymatters.asia/article/65/the-story-of-the-two-wolves-managingyour-thoughts-feelings-and-actions.html


The STORY OF THE TWO WOLVES gives rise to a number of questions. Share your
thoughts, feelings and opinions on the following questions. By taking time to do this, you will
learn to better manage your mind, feelings, and actions and consciously feeding the good wolf
in you.

1. How aware are you of the two different opposing “wolves” operating within your mind,
one of which leads to pain and a diminished sense of life and the other to a joyous, meaningful,
and fulfilling life?

2. When was the time you feel disappointed by the choice of behavior because you knew
that there was a more positive option but you just didn’t choose it?

3. What ways or techniques or exercises do you use to strengthen yourself so as to

increase its potency to choose and hence control your life?

4. In what specific ways do you feed the negative wolf?


5. What specific ways do you use to feed the positive wolf?

K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Guide, December 2013
(MELCs), June 2020
Personal Development Reader, Department of Education, 2016.
Big Question: How can you as an adolescent be prepared for adult life by accomplishing various
developmental tasks according to developmental stages?

At the end of this module, you will be able to:
1. Discuss developmental tasks and challenges being experienced during adolescence; and
2. Evaluate one’s development through the help of significant people around him/her (peers,
parents, siblings, friends, teachers, and community leaders)


A personal timeline portrays the influential events and happenings of a person’s life so
that he can understand where he has gone wrong and right in the past. It helps to plan the
future in a better constructive way.
Using a bond paper, write the major events in your life and the significant people in your
life. You may add your age, specific dates and places. You may draw the timeline horizontally,
vertically, diagonally or even using ups and down depending on your imagination. Be creative in
your representations. You may also use symbols, figures and drawings. Think of a title for your
personal timeline.
You may use crayons or art materials depending on the available resources or just a
simple paper and pen may be fine. You can also go for the personal timeline website template
samples available online. The link is https://www.template.net/business/timeline-
Source: http://blogs.psychcentral.com/relationships/2012/08/the-timeline-of-your-life-story-probing-to-create-

Portfolio Output No. 4 - My Personal Timeline with Reflection

Write about your Personal Timeline which you made in class. Answer the following questions:
1. Is there a ‘center’ or a central theme in your timeline and life? If you will give a title for your
timeline what would it be and why?
2. Identify the turning points in your timeline. What were the thoughts, feelings and actions that
you experienced?
3. Who are/were the most significant people in your life? How did they influence you?
4. What would you change or add, if you could? How would each of these changes or additions
affect your life, or even change its present course?
5. Where do you want to be in a year, 5 years, and 10 years? What do you expect your future
timeline will be?


Human Development focuses on human growth and changes across the lifespan,
including physical, cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual, personality and emotional growth.
The study of human developmental stages is essential to understanding how humans
learn, mature and adapt. Throughout their lives, humans go through various stages of
The human being is either in a state of growth or decline, but either condition imparts
change. Some aspects of our life change very little over time, are consistent. Other aspects
change dramatically. By understanding these changes, we can better respond and plan ahead
Developmental Stage Characteristics
1. Pre-natal Age when hereditary endowments and sex
(Conception to birth) are fixed and all body features, both external
and internal are developed.
2. Infancy Foundation age when basic behavior are
(Birth to 2 years) organized and many ontogenetic maturation
skills are developed.
3. Early Childhood Pre-gang age, exploratory, and questioning.
(2 to 6 years) Language and Elementary reasoning are
acquired and initial socialization is
4. Late Childhood Gang and creativity age when self-help skills,
(6 to 12 years) social skills, school skills, and play are
5. Adolescence Transition age from childhood to adulthood
(puberty to 18 years) when sex maturation and rapid physical
development occur resulting to changes in
ways of feeling, thinking and acting.
6. Early Adulthood Age of adjustment to new patterns of life and
(18 to 40 years) roles such as spouse, parent and bread
7. Middle Age Transition age when adjustments to initial
(40 years to retirement) physical and mental decline are experienced.
8. Old Age Retirement age when increasingly rapid
(Retirement to death) physical and mental decline are experienced.


Robert J. Havighurst elaborated on the Developmental Tasks Theory in the most
systematic and extensive manner. His main assertion is that development is continuous
throughout the entire lifespan, occurring in stages, where the individual moves from one stage
to the next by means of successful resolution of problems or performance of developmental
tasks. These tasks are those that are typically encountered by most people in the culture where
the individual belongs. If the person successfully accomplishes and masters the developmental
task, he feels pride and satisfaction, and consequently earns his community or society’s
approval. This success provides a sound foundation which allows the individual to accomplish
tasks to be encountered at later stages. Conversely, if the individual is not successful at
accomplishing a task, he is unhappy and is not accorded the desired approval by society,
resulting in the subsequent experience of difficulty when faced with succeeding developmental
tasks. This theory presents the individual as an active learner who continually interacts with a
similarly active social environment.
Havighurst proposed a bio psychosocial model of development, wherein the
developmental tasks at each stage are influenced by the individual’s biology (physiological
maturation and genetic makeup), his psychology (personal values and goals) and sociology
(specific culture to which the individual belongs.)

Infancy and Early Middle Childhood (6-12) Adolescence (13-18)

Childhood (0-5)

 Learning to walk  Learning physical skills  Achieving mature relations

 Learning to take solid foods necessary for ordinary with both sexes
 Learning to talk games  Achieving a masculine or
 Learning to control the  Building a wholesome feminine social role
elimination of body wastes attitude toward oneself  Accepting one’s physique
 Learning sex differences  Learning to get along with  Achieving emotional
and sexual modesty age-mates independence of adults
 Acquiring concepts and  Learning an appropriate  Preparing for marriage and
language to describe social sex role family life
and physical reality  Developing fundamental  Preparing for an economic
 Readiness for reading skills in reading, writing, career
 Learning to distinguish right and calculating  Acquiring values and an
from wrong and developing  Developing concepts ethical system to guide
a conscience necessary for everyday behavior
living  Desiring and achieving
 Developing conscience, socially responsibility
morality, and a scale of behavior
 Achieving personal
 Developing acceptable
attitudes toward society
Early Adulthood (19-30) Middle Adulthood (30-60) Later Maturity (61-)

 Selecting a mate  Helping teenage children to  Adjusting to decreasing

 Learning to live with a partner become happy and strength and health
 Starting a family responsible adults  Adjusting to retirement and
 Rearing children  Achieving adult social and reduced income
 Managing a home civic responsibility  Adjusting to death of spouse
 Starting an occupation  Satisfactory career  Establishing relations with
 Assuming civic responsibility achievement one’s own age group
 Developing adult leisure time  Meeting social and civic
activities obligations
 Relating to one’s spouse as a  Establish satisfactory living
person quarters
 Accepting the physiological
changes of middle age
 Adjusting to aging parent

Source: Gazzingan, Leslie B., Francisco, Joseph C., Aglubat, Linofe R., Parentela, Ferdinand O., Tuason, Vevian T.
(2013). Psychology: Dimensions of the Human Mind. Mutya Publishing House, Inc.

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