Trai New Regulation
Trai New Regulation
Trai New Regulation
Subject: Direction under section 13, read with sub-clauses (i) and (v) of clause (b)
of sub-section (1) of section 11, of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of
India Act, 1997 (24 of 1997), regarding implementation of The Telecom
Commercial Communications Customer Preference Regulations
(TCCCPR), 2018.
~ 11cFI, ~
~ ~/(Old
c;m;( ~ lTf1f, Mahanagar Doorsanchar Bhawan, Jawahar LaJ Nehru Marg
Minto Road), New Delhi-110002
~4'lt?l~Cffi-;fO/EPBX No. : +91-11-23664145
network only takes place using registered header assigned to the sender for the
purpose of commercial communication;
7. And whereas sub-item (a) and sub-item (b) of item (2) of Schedule-VI to the
regulations provides for registration of existing assignee of Headers with Header
Registrar and read as under: -
(a) stop assigning headers without verification of identity and scope of senders;
(b) register existing assignee of headers after verification of identity and scope
documents of Unsolicited Commercial Communications sender(s) and bind
to phone numberls];"
registration of existing consents on consent register and reads as under: -
(a) Register existing consents with consent registrar in robust manner to make
it non-repudiable;
(c) and.fix deadline for expiry of consent not registered with consent registrar;"
10. And whereas Access Providers have not submitted plan with timelines for
migration of existing consents and headers in accordance with Schedule-VI of
the regulations;
11. And whereas after having various meetings with Access Providers, it is
observed that: -
(a) no significant progress has been shown by Access Providers for migration
of existing headers and consents with principal entities to DLT system of
Access Providers;
(b) out of approximately 9 lakh unique headers existing in market, as per the
information submitted by Access Providers, so far negligible number of
headers have been registered by Principal Entities;
(c) many principal entities across all Access Providers are not fully aware
about the requirements and steps of registration of entity, header, consent
12. Now, therefore, the Authority, in exercise of the powers conferred upon it
under section 13, read with sub-clauses (i)and (v)of clause (b) of sub-section (1)
of section 11, of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997 (24 of
1997), and the provrsions of the Telecom Commercial Communications
Customer Preference Regulations, 2018, hereby directs all Access Providers to: -
(a) not assign new 8M8 and voice headers without registration in the new
system established by Access Providers in accordance with the
(b) migrate the existing 8M8 and voice headers as listed by the Authority,
based on the list of headers submitted by Access Providers (consolidated
list shared by TRAIwith Access Providers vide email dated 9th January,
2020, as provided in Annexure-I), and which are in use in last one year, to
new system within four weeks' time;
(c) ensure that Principal Entities submit list of existing subscriber's consent
to Access Providers within fifteen days from the issue of this Directions;
(d) ensure that consents recorded prior to six months from the date of issue
of this Direction, become invalid, and should not be migrated to the new
(e) ensure that all new consents of subscribers shall be registered in the new
system, as per provisions of the regulations;
(f) ensure that Principal Entities are not able to send promotional messages
or calls to the subscribers who have not opted for such preference, if they
have not shared subscribers' consent with Access Providers or not
acquired consent from the subscribers according to the provisions of the
(g)ensure that Principal Entities are not able to send any commercial
communication till they register themselves with Access Providers;
(h)ensure that Principal Entities are not able to send any service and
transactional messages till they register content template against specific
registered header with Access Providers;
(i) run a media campaign on its own or in collaboration with other Access
Providers, within fifteen days from the issue of this direction, by
publication of advertisements in at least two leading National newspapers
of Hindi and English,
(i) make Customers aware that in case they make unsolicited commercial
communication, their telecom resources may be put under Usage Cap
or Disconnected, as per the provisions of the regulations;
(ii) make Principal Entities aware about the measures they need to take
such as registration of header and content template, submission of
existing subscriber's consents and acquisition process of consent;
13 (a) The directions at sub-clauses (a), (b), (c) , (d), (e), (i) and U) of clause 12
above, shall come into force with immediate effect;
(b)The directions at sub-clauses (f), (g)and (h )of clause 12 above, shall come
into force after 15 days of issue of this direction.
(Asit Kadayan)
Advisor (OoS)