Single-Chip Low-Power FM Receiver For Portable Devices
Single-Chip Low-Power FM Receiver For Portable Devices
Single-Chip Low-Power FM Receiver For Portable Devices
With its small footprint, minimal external component count and multiple crystal clock frequency support, the QN8075 is
easy to integrate into a variety of small form-factor low power portable applications.
6 Ordering Information.....................................................................................................................................14
VOH High level output voltage 0.9*VIO1 V
Table 5: AC Characteristics
(Typical values are at Vcc = 3.3V and TA = 25oC).
Receiver Timing
Wake-up time from
τwkup Standby to RX mode. 200 ms
standby to receive
τtune Tune time Per channel during CCA. 50 ms
1. Guaranteed by design.
3.2 Audio Processing In receive mode, stereo noise cancellation (SNC) for
FM only, high cut control (HCC) and soft mute (SM)
are supported. Stereo noise suppression is achieved by
The MPX signal after FM demodulation is comprised gradually combining the left and right signals to be a
of left and right channel signal, pilot in the following mono signal as the received signal quality degrades.
way: SNC, HCC and SM are controlled by SNR and
multipath channel estimation results. The three
functions will be archived automatically in the device.
Here, L(t) and R(t) correspond to the audio signals on The QN8075 has an integrated mono or stereo audio
the left and right channels respectively, f = 19 kHz, θ is status indicator. There is also a Read ST_MO_RX
the initial phase of pilot tone and α is the magnitude of (Reg04h [0]) bit to get status. In addition, there also is a
the pilot tone. In stereo mode, both L and R are force mono function to constrain output mono in
recovered by de-MPX. In mono mode, only the L+R Reg00h[2].
portion of audio signal exists. L(t) and R(t) are
recovered by de-MPX. Two selectable de-emphasis time constants (75us and
50us) supported.
The timing diagrams below illustrate both write and read operations.
1 16
10K 10K 2 GPIO1 GPIO2 15 0603
3 GND GPIO3 14 4.7uF/16V
Antenna 4 GND GND 13
5 12
330nH 6 GND ALO 11
0603 0402 SCL 7 10
SDA 8 SCL VCC 9 4.7uF/16V
SDA XCLK 0603 VCC_3.3V
Qn8075 56p/10V
Figure 7 Typical Application Schematic
16-Lead plastic Quad Flat, No Lead Package (ML) – 9.9 x6 mm Body [SOP]
1. 10 sprocket hole pitch cumulative tolerance ±0.2.
2. Camber in compliance .
3. Pocket position relative to sprocket hole measured
as true position of pocket, not pocket hole.
4. A0 = 6.70±0.10
B0 = 10.40±0.10
K0 = 2.10±0.10
Tp = 260 o C
The temperature tolerance is +0oC and -5oC. Temperature is measured at the top of the package.