Impact of Mertosexuality in The Feu Society: Far Eastern University Institute of Arts and Sciences Mathphysics Department
Impact of Mertosexuality in The Feu Society: Far Eastern University Institute of Arts and Sciences Mathphysics Department
Impact of Mertosexuality in The Feu Society: Far Eastern University Institute of Arts and Sciences Mathphysics Department
MathPhysics Department
Bueno, Serge
Park, Frenzo
Tala, Froilan
Villamor, Britt-Hans
Whigan, Ryerson
October 15 2012
Table of Contents
Chapter I
A. Introduction
C. Statement of Purpose
D. Statement of Problem
Chapter II
A. Foreign References
B. Local References
Chapter III
Chapter IV
A. Findings
B. Summary
C. Conclusion
D. Recommendation
Chapter I
A. Introduction
The term metrosexuality was first used by Mark Simpson, an English journalist
and writer, in his article entitled ‘Here come the mirror men’ in the UK nationwide circulating
newspaper The Independent in 15 November 1994 and described them as “The single young man
with a high disposable income, living or working in the city (because that’s where all the best shops are),
is perhaps the most promising consumer market of the decade. In the Eighties he was only to be found
inside fashion magazines such as GQ, in television advertisements for Levis jeans or in gay bars. In the
Nineties, he’s everywhere and he’s going shopping...” (“Here come the mirror men”, Mark Simpson, The
Independent 5 November 1994). It has been years since the term was widely accepted because the
metrosexuality is associated with the term homosexuality. Today, it is used to address urban men
who are more conscious about himself and his appearance. International fashion magazines
such as GQ, Esquire and others use this term do advertise men fashion line as Mark Simpson
quoted, “Metrosexuals are the creation of capitalism’s voracious appetite for new markets.” (“Here come
the mirror men”, Mark Simpson, the Independent 15 November 1994).
Being vain is not being gay. Its just today, modern men have been more stylish,
glamorous and self-conscious and being who they are. Maybe its just they want to establish
themselves in the society as elegant and respected. Mark Simpson once quoted, “Contrary to
what you have been told, metrosexuality is notabout flip-flops and facials, man-bags or manscara, or
about men being ‘girlie’ or ‘gay’. It’s about men being everything, to them, in much way that women
have been for some time. It’s the end of sexual division of bathroom and bedroom labour. It’s the end of
sexuality as we’ve known it.” (
For the readers: this will be a guide on how to understand metrosexuality, about
the behavior, the practices of metrosexual men against the perception of homosexuality. Some of
us are just assuming that these vain men are homosexuals. This will help us to better
understand them and to accept the rising trend of metrosexuality as modern men become more
self-conscious. Besides, it’s their right to look better for themselves.
C. Statement of Purpose
This study will be made to realize the impact of metrosexuality among male FEU
students and their behavior among their peers in the FEU community.
1. What is Metrosexuality
Due to time constraints, this study will cover up data from a random sample of
male students female students and metrosexual students in Far Eastern University, to represent
the whole population.
Some observations will also be made among students other than the samples to
gather their opinions on how they view the manifestations of metrosexuality among men and
their concept of how metrosexuality will be significant for a man’s life.
A. Foreign
and Masculinities, a metrosexual can be defined as a man who is narcissistic in nature, loves his
urban lifestyle and is a straight man who is in touch with his feminine side. A British journalist
named Mark Simpson devised this word. It can be said that any urban male of any sexual
orientation who spends a lot of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle is known as a
metrosexual. There are a large number of celebrities out there who are famous icons such as
David Beckham, Brad Pitt, Robbie Williams, P. Diddy and George Clooney.
Metrosexuals has a great impact in foreign countries especially in global marketing. In global
marketing information company AC Nielsen's 2004 report, "What's Hot around the Globe," as
compared to 2002, in 2003 "…sales of male-oriented products grew twice as fast as those of
female-oriented products." An article notably placed in the Hindu's 'Business and Market'
(11.06.2003) section reads: Straight men who knew and cared about fashion, food and good
grooming-and didn't care that people knew they did-quickly became the most du jour
(Chandran 2003). Indeed, the social and market penetration of this contemporary, urbanized
masculinity is vast. Nonetheless, one true certainty is that jours come and go, as do trends
(Ghaswalla 2003)
They are also the marketer’s dream. The Post reports that a focused group discussion to find out
their product preferences was recently held in New York of 11 straight guys who were into
Diesel jeans, interior design and yoga. Next month, a makeover show will be held called “Queer
Eye for the Straight Guy” in which a team of five gay men “transform a style-deficient and
A shopping magazine is being developed for men. So are a hair coloring system and an all-over
body deodorant. The number of plastic surgery procedures for men has increased threefold
since 1997 to 807,000. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery,
metrosexuals get pedicure and wear brighter colors, but are not afraid to be mistaken as gay. 4
In other words, the Post points out, the metrosexual is “a sensitive guy who went to malls,
In recent years, several articles have marveled at this new breed of man, or rather at the label he
has been given. Attempts have been made to define this man in The Washington Post, and one
look into the fashion industry concerning the metrosexuals. But that is not the case. This study
is aimed to give the readers a bird’s-eye-view into how the metrosexuals affect the society and
the changes they bring with them. One such is about the economy – market is booming with
their help, and not just in the fashion department. With a lot of people wanting to look good,
businesses like fitness and health gyms, training equipment and most of all, the fashion
B. Local Literature
According to Noel Manucom, head of planning and strategy at Splash cosmetics, the quest for beauty
may also be perceived as a quest for social equality. “Filipinos, especially those in the C and D
(classes), are still influenced by their colonial mentality that white skin and a tall nose are what those in
high society have,” Manucom says. “They may not be able to afford to have their nose done, but the
mentality, Filipino males are becoming more sensitive to their appearance. Filipino vanity also
increases if they are in courtship in order to keep them representable in terms of grooming and
If you think about it, really, the evidence is all around us, and has been for decades. Way before
the term "metrosexual" was ever coined (in 1994, by British journalist Mark Simpson, in case
you're interested), Filipino businessmen were going around toting clutch bags — which I'm told
are meant to hold guns or money, but which also frequently contain combs and the occasional
small mirror. Your average Pinoy traffic cop, while likely to sport an enormous gut that
completely engulfs his regulation belt, is just as likely to brandish gleaming, rosy-hued,
meticulously manicured fingernails. And practically everyone has at least one uncle or other
older male relative who keeps his hair so slickly brilliantined that everyone else can
conveniently fix his or her own hair by merely glancing at its mirror-like surface.(
Chapter III
This chapter will provide the information about the procedures that will be done during the
Research Methodology
This study will use the descriptive method due to the fact that this is a fact-finding research
about the phenomenon called Metrosexuality.
Random Sampling
Samples will be chosen randomly to prevent any biases about the study. It is also important for
providing diverse ideas that will represent the whole population which is diverse in different
Survey Questionnaires
A survey questionnaire will be provided for the samples to answer. This is to gather the facts
about the impact of metrosexuality on a certain society, what are the perceptions of everyone
about metrosexuality.
The set of survey questionaire are composed of four question that will be given to the students
of FEU that consist of two sets of sample population. One for random sampling for both men
and women and the other one is for metrosexual men in total of fourty-eight respondents. It will
be given to other students about how they view metrosexuality in association of homosexuality.
This questionnaire will be an opinion-gathering procedure due to the fact that this will be
subjective and will rely on the opinion of every single individual that will answer the
questinnaire. This will help the readers to understand the level of acceptance of other people on
the issue of metrosexuality.
One group of samples will be determined as the main sample which will embody the
population of the metrosexual students of FEU that wil provide information about the life o
metrosexual man.
Another group of samples will serve as the member of society that will give opinions on how
the society sees how the metrosexual men as an individual member of the societythey belong to.
Statistical representation will be provided to further show the result of analysis of information
gathered in different aspects of metrosexuality. This will help the readers to better understand
the study.
Charts will be used to determine the frequency distribution of subjects in accordance with a
certain aspects, and graphs will be used to determine the percentage rate over the whole
Statistical Results
Men Respondents
0 5 10 15 20 25
Based on the data gathered 56.25% of the whole population of respondents judged
metrosexual men by their looks. 2.08% by the way they speak, or communicate. 10.42% by the
way they move and gestures. 16.67% by their obvious feminine side and 14.58% still doesn’t
know how to differentiate metrosexual men from homosexual.
No Respondents
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
NO Respondents
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Chapter IV
Findings, Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
A. Summary
The researchers conducted a study about metrosexuality, the term coined for modern men
who are engaged with his feminine side by means of better grooming himself, and better
fashion statements. This is to provide more information for the audiences to understand the
nature of metrosexuality as it grows continuously and becoming more popular all over the
world. We all know that more and more people are aware of this phenomenon yet the focus on
the study is to show the impact of metrosexuality among people within the community and to
interpret on how to handle different situation with regards to the benefits and judgment about
metrosexual men.
Information have been gathered from different resources from the internet; articles from
prominent people who have more knowledge about the topic of the study and from business
websites that uses this ideology for commercial purposes to interpret how this topic
continuously grew over the years. The researchers provided information gathering materials
such as questionnaires to gather first-hand information from a group of randomly chosen FEU
The researchers came up to the conclusion that metrosexuality is now widely accepted in
the society, but some people doesn’t know anything about metrosexuality, yet the sole purpose
and the primary objective of the research is to educate people within the society. Either
commercially or socially, the people are knowledgeable enough about this issue.
It looks like it’s going to be a major problem for men to admit to themselves that they are
metrosexuals with everybody knowing it. The society is now liberal about this issue and the
assumption of the majority of the people ensures them that there would be no such judgment
that will be thrown to them, besides, it’s getting bigger and bigger and soon the people will be
used to it as a trend of new men with, of course, the help of the media.
Based on our findings most of the respondents either both the set of males and females
as well as the metrosexual itself considered that metrosexual men are not gay but in some point
there is still a slight difference about the boundaries between straight men and metrosexuals.
These metrosexuals didn’t know that they are called as “metrosexuals”, but as a man that are
well groomed, one more thing is that metrosexual is mistakenly understood and described by
To finalize everything metrosexuality is something that has a big impact within the
society that can change both the social perspective and the judgment of people towards
It is highly recommended that we should respect one another’s opinions and their
perception among metrosexual men. It is important each and every one of us to know the
advantages and disadvantages of being a metrosexual and their benefits within the community
yet people now days are not aware of the term “metrosexuality” thus it is advisable for future
researchers to give a background insights about metrosexualiy and create a good interpretation
As time goes by people including boys and girls elders and other people should realize
that it is best not to judge people based on how their looks and appearance and how they show
their true self on public because they don’t know their story and the history of their life.
Based on our findings and problems that we had found on this study it is recommended
1. Schools should teach or explain the nature of metrosexuality to their student to avoid
2. Marketers should look for some alternative products or apparels to this metrosexuals,
3. People should know the difference between homosexuality and metrosexuality because
4. Students must not be judgmental to the metrosexuals, thus students must be open
5. For future researchers make a broad and concise study on the life style and economic
impact of metrosexuals.