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Spring 2017new 401 Syllabus

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CLS 401 (2 Units)

Course: CLS 401 Overview of Clinical Virology and Mycology

Instructor: Dr. Paula D’Amore

Office Hours: Mon. 10 AM-12PM, Wed 10AM-12AM

Office Location: Welsh Hall WHA-330G

Telephone: 310-243-2212

Email: pdamore@csudh.edu

Course Description

This course is intended to provide the students with an overview of Clinical Virology and
Mycology in preparation for the clinical hospital rotations in these areas. An introduction
to the general characteristics of fungi and viruses, disease processes and laboratory
diagnosis will be presented with integration of current molecular diagnostic techniques.

BIO 324 or concurrent enrollment; CLS 301 is recommended

Mycology Textbook will be on Blackboard, Additional Websites on Blackboard

will be utilized.

Course Objectives and Goals

The goal of this course is to introduce basic theoretical concepts and applications,
including molecular techniques, used to identify selected viral and fungal pathogens
students may encounter during the clinical internship.

Clinical Molecular Diagnostics Overview

1. The processes involved in DNA replication, RNA transcription and mRNA

translation will be discussed.

2. Appropriate specimen requirements used for molecular testing will be identified.

3. Nucleic acid testing procedures used in a clinical laboratory to identify specific

viruses or fungi will be explained.

4. The interpretation and significance of molecular testing used.

Mycology Overview

1. Basic fungal structures, asexual and sexual reproduction and general

characteristics of fungi will be introduced and described.

2. The various types of mycoses by the tissues they affect will be characterized:
Opportunistic Saprobes

3. Appropriate specimen collection procedures, staining methods and culture

techniques used in the mycology laboratory will be described.

4. Recent techniques developed to diagnose mycoses including serological and

molecular methods will be discussed.

Virology Overview

1. Basic characteristics of viruses including the strucutral components and methods

of replication will be introduced.

2. Procedures used for collection and transportation of clinical specimens

suspected of containing viral agents will be discussed.

3. Various specimens that will most likely give the maximum recovery of a virus will
be discussed.

4. Methods used in the laboratory diagnosis of a viral infection including tissue

culture, rapid viral antigen detection methods, serologic assays and molecular
PCR testing will be described.
5. Individual viruses will be discussed including the virus’s mode of transmission,
the clinical infection produced and laboratory diagnosis.


Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Discuss the appropriate specimen collection methods and culture techniques

used in mycology and virology laboratories.

2. Identify fungal and viral pathogens and the tissues most commonly infected.

3. Describe laboratory methods used to diagnose viral and fungal infections.

4. Discuss important fungal and viral disease states.

5. Identify molecular based testing techniques used in the identification of viruses

and fungi.

6. Apply molecular based testing outcomes to specific viral and fungal diseases.


The student shall be assigned a grade consistent with the total score for the course.
Student performance is reported at the end of the course.

MYCOLOGY EXAM-given at the end of Mycology section - worth 25% of grade


There will be no extra credit projects offered.

GRADING This course will be graded on a letter basis as follows:


94– 100 = A 66 – 69 = D+
90 – 93 = A- 65 - 60 = D
87 – 89 = B+ Below 60 = F
84 – 86 = B
80 – 83 = B-
77 – 79 = C+
74 – 76 = C
70 – 73 = C-

All students are expected to attend every class meeting, fully prepared to participate in
class discussions. Reading assignments are to be completed before the beginning of
each class meeting. Extensions (SP grades) will not be given and incompletes (I grade)
will be only given only for situations that are beyond the student's control. You must
consult with the instructor as soon as you become aware of the problem for an
incomplete (I) grade to be considered. An incomplete (I) grade will not be given when a
student does not plan their time to complete assignments on time or can not make it to
the scheduled examination times.

Class Attendance: All students are expected to attend every class meeting and
fully prepared .

Tardiness: Students are expected to arrive for class on time.

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

The University and the Division of Health Sciences have strict rules regarding
cheating and plagiarism. Any student who cheats on an examination will
automatically fail the course. Further action at the University level may also be
taken. Any student who plagiarizes any part or all of a paper will be given a fail
grade for the assignment and/or course. The subject of what constitutes plagiarism
will be discussed in class. For further information regarding cheating and
plagiarism, refer to the University Catalog.

Americans with Disabilities Act: CSUDH adheres to all applicable federal, state
and local laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable
accomadiations for students with temporary and permanent disabilities. If you
have a disability that may adversely affect your work in this class, you are
encouraged to contact the University Disabled Students(DSS) Office for
information regarding special accommodations at www.csudh.edu/dss/main.html
or call 310-243- 3660. All disclosures of disabilities will be kept confidential.
DSS is located in WH B250.

Students will be required to use and access the following applications:
1. Blackboard, School Email, Power point presentations
2. Use search engines or online instructional resources
3. Word Processing

Computer/Information Literacy Expectations for Students enrolled in this class:

Students in this class are expected to: 1) use the university email system (Toromail), 2)
use Blackboard, 3) use a word processing program for writing assignments (e.g.,
Microsoft Word), 4) be able to access assigned websites through the internet, 5) use the
Library databases to find peer-reviewed journal literature, 6) be able to create a power
point presentation, and 7) be able to paraphrase concepts without plagiarizing.
For additional information about computing on campus, including tutorials, students
should go to: http://www.csudh.edu/infotech/labs

Electronic Devices

All Cell Phones must be placed on Vibrate and Text Messaging is not permitted
during lectures.

Course Schedule*** Schedule may change

WEEK Lecture/Class Topics Readings/Reference

1 Introduction to Mycology, General Properties Everything is ON Blackboard--

of Fungi, Dermatophytes, Mycology ppts 1 and 2, And
Mycology Text Readings- in
Text Part 1(Clinical Groupings)
and Text Part

2 Subcutaneous Fungi and Systemic Mycoses Continuation of Week1

Powerpoints and Text

Begin Mycology ppt 3 and Text

Parts- 3, 4 and 5
3 Continuation of Systemic Mycoses,
Pathogenic Yeasts Continuation of Week 2

Common Techniques in Clinical Laboratory-

Specimen Collection

4 Basic Principles of Molecular Biology, DNA PPTs

Replication, RNA Synthesis.
Nucleic Acid Extraction Techniques

5 Amplification Techniques including: Target, Blackboard, Handouts Provided

TMA, Probe and Signal Amplification

6 Continuation of Techniques used in Powerpoints and Web Sites on

molecular diagnosis of Infectious Diseases Blackboard, Handouts Provided
Rt-pcr, multiplex assays
7 Exam Powerpoints and Web Sites on
Blackboard, Handouts Provided
8 Introduction to Virology Powerpoints and Web Sites on
Blackboard, Handouts Provided
9 HIV Powerpoints and Web Sites on
Blackboard, Handouts Provided

10 Continuation of HIV, Hepatitis A, B Powerpoints and Web Sites on

Blackboard, Handouts Provided

11 Continuation of Hep B and C, HPV Powerpoints and Web Sites on

Blackboard, Handouts Provided

12 Herpes Viruses Part I Powerpoints and Web Sites on

Blackboard, Handouts Provided

13 Herpes Viruses Part II Powerpoints and Web Sites on

Blackboard, Handouts Provided

14 Rotaviruses, Noroviruses, Parvoviruses Powerpoints and Web Sites on

Blackboard, Handouts Provided

Powerpoints and Web Sites on

15 Respiratory Viruses Blackboard, Handouts Provided
***Circumstances may require changes to the course and examination schedule
Students are expected to make reasonable accomodations to any such changes. Plenty of
notice will be provided by instructor.

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