222033i Enclosed Switches
222033i Enclosed Switches
222033i Enclosed Switches
from 20 to 1600 A
Why do you need
an enclosed switch?
Switchgear systems are an essential part of your electrical system.
Present at all levels of your electrical distribution, they allow you to
secure and isolate parts of the network or specific electrical equipment.
Installed near a motor or machine, they are used to ensure both an Switch
emergency stop function and for isolation during cleaning, maintenance
and inspection. Enclosed switches protect the user against MCC
the accidental starting of electrical machines.
load break switch
Active in the electrical switchgear market since 1922, Socomec is both a global leader
and an undisputed benchmark reference.
Our enclosed solutions, with or without fuse protection, are suitable for a wide variety of
commercial and industrial power distribution operating environments and applications.
From 20 to 1600 A, to IEC or UL standard, we now have one of the widest ranges on the market.
Easy Extensive
installation range
Cables feed through pre-cut holes Wide range of ratings (20 to 1600 A),
at the top or bottom, to save time switch types and enclosure materials
during cabling. (polycarbonate, polyester, painted steel,
Generous cabling space to allow stainless steel) to suit every application.
termination of larger cables.
Main features
Earth connection
Triple padlocking
in OFF position
Cement plant •• •••
Tunnels • •• •••
HVAc ••• ••
Lifting • •• •••
Load break switches Load break switches
Fuse combination switches
Polycarbonate Polyester
enclosure enclosure
• Up to 125 A
• 3, 4, 6, 8 poles
• Up to 630 A
• 3, 4 poles
IP 65
IP 65
Stainless steel
Painted steel
enclosure enclosure
• Up to 100 A
• 3, 4 poles
• Up to 1600 A
IP 65 • 3, 4 poles
IP 65
Enclosed load break switch Safety enclosures Enclosed manual transfer switches Enclosed automatic transfer switches
for local isolation for normal and explosive to change between 2 supplies for critical applications
environments or for generator load-bank testing and life-safety systems
Socomec: our innovations supporting your energy performance
A worldwide presence
8 production sites
• France (x3)
27 subsidiaries
• Australia • Belgium • China • France
80 countries
where our brand is distributed
• Italy • Germany • India • Italy • Netherlands
• Tunisia • Poland • Romania • Singapore
• India • Slovenia • Spain • Switzerland • Thailand
• China (x2) • Tunisia • Turkey • UK • USA
Non contractual document. © 2018, Socomec SAS. All rights reserved. - Document printed on paper from sustainably managed forests.
DOC 222033i - 06/18 - Photo: Martin Bernhart - Produced by: Socomec