Rounding Into Shape: SPECIAL REPORT: Global Automation and Manufacturing Summit Preview
Rounding Into Shape: SPECIAL REPORT: Global Automation and Manufacturing Summit Preview
Rounding Into Shape: SPECIAL REPORT: Global Automation and Manufacturing Summit Preview
into shape
Strategic outsourcing helps
tire manufacturer deliver efficiency 39
ProSense® Digital Panel Meters...
...great features at a great price!
Starting at:
$65.00 DPM1 Series
DPM1 Series • 48 x 24mm 1/32 DIN • Loop, AC or DC powered
• 4-digit (-1999 to 9999) red LED • Input types available: 4-20mA,
display +/-20mA, +/-100mV, +/-10V, +/-20V,
• Output options include +/-200V, RTD Pt100 (3-wire),
relay and/or 0/4-20 mA Thermocouple Type J, K, T or N
on select models
Starting at:
$100.00 DPM2 Series
DPM2 Series • 96 x 48mm 1/8 DIN • Input types available: +/-10V, +/-
• 4-digit (-9999 to 9999) red LED 200V, +/-20mA, RTD (Pt100, Pt1000),
display Thermocouple (Type J, K, T, N),
Potentiometer (100 Ohm to 100k
• AC or DC powered Ohm), Resistance (999.9 Ohm, 9999
• Optional (2) Form C SPDT relay Ohm and 50k Ohm)
Starting at:
$125.00 DPM3 Series
DPM3 Series • 96 x 48mm 1/8 DIN • Input types available: +/-10V, +/-
• 5-digit (-19999 to 39999) tri-color 20mA, RTD Pt100, Thermocouple
(red, green, amber) LED display (Type J, K, T, N), Potentiometer,
Load cell (+/-15mV, +/-30mV, +/-
• AC or DC powered 150mV)
• 4-20 mA output on select models
input #1 at
success story
An Air Demand Analysis (ADA) revealed that the 50 hp unit
(with modulation control) was producing only a fraction of
its total capacity yet consuming full load kW. A single 50 hp
compressor with adequate storage could easily meet the
plant’s demand and provide significant energy and mainte-
nance cost savings. The air quality issues were due to under-
sized storage and air treatment.
The new, energy-efficient 50 hp dual control compressor
provides all the air that’s needed and keeps the plant pressure
rock steady—with the 75 hp compressor still there for backup.
The new refrigerated dryer with energy-saving controls and
condensate management system have solved the air quality
issues, while the 361,099 kWh reduction in annual energy
consumption has this customer singing a happy tune.
Let us help you measure and manage your compressed air costs!
We’re flattered that our competitors have admitted the superiority of Rittal’s
patent-protected modular enclosure system. With more than 10 million
Rittal TS 8 modular enclosures sold worldwide, it’s clear to see why Rittal
is acknowledged as the industry leader and why customers depend on
Rittal to protect their critical electronics. So why settle for a cheap imitation
when you can have the original? Rittal….when quality matters.
input #3 at
July/August 2016
Volume 70, No.6
39 Rounding into shape
Parts and repair outsourcing is one strategy that helped Toyo Tire build
a big success story in a small town.
Special Report
IA1 2016 Global Automation and Manufacturing Summit Global Automation & Manufacturing Summit
September 14, 2016, Chicago
PLANT ENGINEERING (ISSN 0032-082X, Vol. 70, No. 6, GST #123397457) is published 10x per year, monthly except in January and July, by CFE Media, LLC, 1111 W. 22nd Street, Suite #250, Oak Brook, IL 60523.
Jim Langhenry, Group Publisher /Co-Founder; Steve Rourke CEO/COO/Co-Founder. PLANT ENGINEERING copyright 2016 by CFE Media, LLC. All rights reserved. PLANT ENGINEERING is a registered trademark of CFE Media, LLC used
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input #4 at
9 47 65
Electrical Solutions
47 Sleeve bearing clearance depends on many factors
With sleeve bearing motors (also known as babbitt bearings, white metal bearings and plain bear-
ings) the question is, “What’s the proper clearance between a shaft and the sleeve bearing it rides
in?” The answer depends on the application.
Mechanical Solutions
55 How to manage air quality to improve worker health, product quality
The containment of dust and other air particulates is one of the biggest quality control challenges
in virtually any industry. Given the range of potential problems it can cause, in-plant dust/
particulates are a dangerous issue that simply can’t be ignored.
Maintenance Solutions
65 Choosing the right strategy to stay on the safe side
The best safety strategy is customized to fit the plant and that requires the maintenance experts to
ask the right questions. Which maintenance strategies fit the company, the plant, and the main-
tenance organization? And which strategy is suitable at what times and for which service param-
What INside:
6 INsight
9 IN Focus
20 Research
88 INnovations
96 IN Conclusion
discarding them on the floor of their bed- EMILY GUENTHER, Associate Content Manager
630-571-4070 x2220,
room and ultimately gave them away or sold
AMANDA PELLICCIONE, Director of Research
them or threw them out. It was no different 631-320-0655,
than my parents “investing” in baseball cards ERIN DUNNE, Production Coordinator
for me in the 1960s only to have me put them 630-571-4070 x2210,
in the spokes of my bicycle wheels.
Pokémon, for those without kids in their EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD
20s, was a bit of Japanese marketing genius TIM DAWSON, IHS Technology
that included cartoons, game cards, video
games, and stuffed animals and a whole +44 1933 408076
mythology that allowed you to “train” your H. LANDIS “LANNY” FLOYD, Electrical Safety Group, Inc.
character to engage in these virtual battles.
The cards themselves became valuable for Bob Vavra 302-547-4298
a while, like Beanie Babies and Cabbage SHON ISENHOUR, Eruditio, LLC
Content Manager
Patch Kids, and then they weren’t valuable 843-810-4446
any more. August is the traditional month for
DAVE REIBER, Reiber Reliability
It resurrected last month when Nintendo a little sunshine and a little leisure,
released an interactive experience, Pokémon so here’s a selfie that combines 989-928-2307
Go, which was developed by a company both, at the Chicago area’s famed LARRY TURNER, Hannover Fairs USA
called Niantic. As I understand it players use Ravinia Festival. Send along your
their cell phones and GPS to travel around summer selfies, or images of your 773-796-4250
and find and capture different characters plant’s efforts this summer, to
in what was described as a “location-based CFE MEDIA CONTRIBUTOR
augmented reality.” Kind of like Las Vegas, GUIDELINES OVERVIEW
I guess. Content For Engineers. That’s what CFE Media stands
To travel, players have to move and actu- embrace more human thought utilizing all for, and what CFE Media is all about – engineers sharing
ally walk, and so one of the immediate ben- of this information. with their peers. We welcome content submissions for all
interested parties in engineering. We will use those materi-
efits of Pokémon Go was that it was getting To put it in terms a Pokémon Go master als online, on our Website, in print and in newsletters to
these otherwise sedentary young adults up could understand, we need to keep our head keep engineers informed about the products, solutions and
off their couches and into the world. The up as we search for solutions in our plant. industry trends.
second thing it did was that it crashed the Information is available from all of our * explains how
to submit press releases, products, images and graphics,
game’s servers in just under two weeks. plant devices, and it captures that informa-
bylined feature articles, case studies, white papers, and
There was the inevitable backlash, of tion more effectively and efficiently than we other media.
course. A few players weren’t paying atten- can as humans. The value of this information * Content should focus on helping engineers solve prob-
tion while they were walking and looking only is as great as our capacity to act on it in lems. Articles that are commercial in nature or that are
at their cell phones, and so there have been a meaningful way. If we spend our day with critical of other products or organizations will be rejected.
(Technology discussions and comparative tables may be
some injuries and even a couple of deaths just our data and not also on our plant floor, accepted if non-promotional and if contributor corroborates
attributed to distracted Pokémon Go playing. we know only what the numbers tell us. Our information with sources cited.)
The problem with augmented reality is that knowledge of our facility extends far beyond * If the content meets criteria noted in guidelines, expect
it’s still not reality. the spreadsheet or the handheld device. to see it first on our Websites. Content for our e-newsletters
comes from content already available on our Websites. All
Technology, we concede, is usually a great For one thing, there are people out there—
content for print also will be online. All content that appears
thing. It’s great for playing games, it’s great not virtual people; real people, with real in our print magazines will appear as space permits, and
for connecting with friends, and it’s great insights. We need to look those folks in the we will indicate in print if more content from that article is
for staying in touch with the world. It does, eye and ask a few questions. Now we have available online.
however, have its limits, and for me it’s a chal- machine data and human insight. Add our * Deadlines for feature articles intended for the print mag-
azines are at least two months in advance of the publication
lenge to not allow my technology to become own instinct and we’ve got a solid base to date. Again, it is best to discuss all feature articles with the
smarter than I am. build a plan to improve our operation. content manager prior to submission.
As manufacturing embraces more technol- If all we do is wander around with our
ogy—more robotics, more portable devices head down while we check our data, we will Learn more at:
managing more data, a more robust Indus- miss the world we live in. You’ve got to keep
trial Internet of Things (IIoT)—we also must your head up. PE
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Jeff Hauck, Lasercraft Inc. Cincinnati OH System since it was easy to install and requires no maintenance.” @exair
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Two keys to measuring
Read this on your tablet
SPECIAL REPORT: Global Automation and Manufacturing Summit preview
operational improvements
The tablet and digital It’s not as easy as it seems, but getting good data
editions of this
publication are greatly
can point to greater reliability.
enhanced for digital
subscribers. They also Rounding By R. Keith Mobley, CMRP functions, any attempt to measure them
include interactive into shape Life Cycle Engineering independently is difficult.
tools such as videos,
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input #8 at
CHP a ‘powerful combination’ for plants
While combined heat and power faces challenges, it offers intriguing opportunities.
By Roy Palk Cogeneration clearly is poised for rapid May 2013, when Gov. Andrew Cuomo
LeClairRyan growth given the ongoing advances in announced $40 million in funding for
renewable-energy technology, the renewal these projects. Today, at least 53 state-
The pressure is on for industrial plants of the 10% Business Energy Investment Tax supported CHP projects are underway or
to become radically more energy efficient. Credit for CHP, and the increasing push on the drawing board across New York.
The ongoing renaissance in combined for CHP among regulators at both the state California continues to put a priority on
heat and power (CHP), also known as and federal levels. Installations are one bell- reducing its reliance on out-of-state power
cogeneration, is a major reason why. wether: According to a May 2016 report by supply resources, which can overburden
Stories already abound of industrial Transparency Market Research, the global transmission lines. In the most optimistic
plants using CHP to ramp up their effi- CHP installation market will grow from case, CHP could save California energy
ciency and reduce their environmental an estimated $525 billion in 2014 to $813 users up to $3 billion annually by 2030,
footprints. In Kentucky, one manufac- billion in 2024. according to a February 2012 report by
turer uses leftover sawdust and other consultancy ICF International.
wood waste as fuel for boilers that A competitive advantage The push for CHP also hinges on the
produce high-pressure steam to run Energy efficiency, in other words, is rap- need for better emergency preparedness.
turbines. This generates about 40% of idly becoming an even more essential part Hurricane Sandy, in particular, exposed
the plant’s electricity. A Kentucky wood of building and operating competitive the vulnerability of the nation’s critical
products mill uses CHP to meet 75% of industrial plants. This is particularly true infrastructure during major disasters.
its electricity needs. When the factory in states that take an aggressive stance on When powered by CHP, however, hos-
shuts down for the night, this system renewables. pitals, schools, and places of refuge are
feeds the excess power back into the grid New York, which wants 50% of its energy often able to enjoy uninterrupted elec-
for resale. That’s a nice residual benefit to come from renewable sources by 2030, tric service even during disasters. This is
for the company. has been a leader in CHP adoption since precisely why the federal government just
announced the Combined Heat and Power
for Resiliency Accelerator. The initiative
works to support and expand CHP across
the country.
Power stability
But greater stability isn’t just useful for
The MD III™ System includes emergency preparedness—it also makes
all you need for complete good sense for industrial plants’ bot-
Energized and De-Energized tom lines. According to a 2013 report
Testing of Motors, by the Obama Administration, an esti-
Generators & Transformers mated 679 widespread power outages
occurred between 2003 and 2012 as a
Combine the power of Motor result of severe weather. These outages
Circuit Analysis (MCA™) and cost the economy billions of dollars in
Electrical Signature Analysis
(ESA) to evaluate and trend your part because they forced so many indus-
entire motor system trial plants to go offline, sometimes for
Auto diagnosis within instrument days. Figuring out the exact cost of power
providing an immediate health
status report outages is difficult, but a Congressio-
Route-based testing and trending – nal Research Service study from 2012
ideal for Predictive Maintenance estimated the inflation-adjusted cost of
Reports provide indication of weather-related outages at between $25
early winding faults, rotor
Excellent Post-Sale problems, incoming power billion and $70 billion annually—a stag-
Service and Support
Worldwide Training –
issues, electrical and gering amount no matter how you slice it.
mechanical motor condition and
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driven load mechanical condition Consider, then, the potential benefits of
CHP for a hypothetical cardboard plant:
In adopting the technology, the plant
Finally – Predictive
Motor Maintenance Made
VERY Easy!
eliminates the cost of hauling thousands of
tons of cardboard waste to the landfill each
Testers The ideal instruments for troubleshooting, quality
control and predictive maintenance of electric
year and, instead, uses this waste to power motors, transformers and generators. its operations and save 40% on energy.
The changes give the plant the ability to keep operating during
power outages and disasters, boosting its productivity. It wins
Compressor Parts!
federal and state tax breaks and, finally, is able to function as
a power station during off hours by selling excess electricity
back into the grid.
Facing obstacles
Unfortunately, this optimistic example would not apply to
every industrial plant. While CHP is growing at an impressive
rate, it still faces some obstacles. A 2012 paper by researchers Southern Parts & Engineering
from the University of Chicago, for example, highlighted that has compressor experts
CHP systems tend to be cost-competitive primarily in large- with 30+ years of
scale applications. To make CHP work at smaller scales, they
concluded, more state and federal incentives are needed. On
experience to help
this score, Congress’ December 2015 renewal of the 10% Busi- with your compressor
ness Energy Investment Tax Credit is certainly helpful. part questions
While CHP might still be too expensive for some, consider and supplies.
the trajectory of solar to understand how those dynamics might
change. Not so long ago, solar panels were considered far too
expensive and inefficient for most. Today, however, the econom-
ics of solar installation are penciling out for a growing number
of businesses and other users. According to the Solar Energy
Industry Association and GTM Research, the U.S. solar market
will contribute about 72 gigawatts of new capacity between 2016 CALL NOW 888.793.4988
and 2020. This would bring net solar capacity in the United
States up to more than 100 GW or about 3.5% of total U.S. elec-
trical usage. If these projections are accurate, solar will be a $30 input #10 at
billion-a-year business by 2020, employing 420,000 Americans.
The same forces driving solar happen to be fueling the growth
of CHP. They include the greater efficiency and lower cost of
the technologies involved; the introduction of new federal, state,
and, in some cases, local incentives; and expanding competi-
tive pressures to ramp up energy efficiency and environmental
sustainability. It is therefore quite likely that CHP will become
increasingly doable in the years and decades to come.
For the owners and operators of industrial plants, then, the
time is now to start exploring your options with respect to CHP.
Work with your legal counsel to determine how you might inte-
grate CHP in compliance with existing regulations and to track
the growth and development of technology opportunities. You
could also investigate the viability of working with investment
partners to capitalize on this trend. Is your particular trade asso-
ciation talking about CHP? If not, consider working with associa-
tion representatives to put together more panel discussions and
other conversation-starters tailored specifically to cogeneration’s
potential to be a boon to your sector. industrial air control
Energy efficiency is bound to
Our heavy-duty industrial dampers are available
loom larger for industrial plants
across the country. Why not beat the in a wide range of blade styles and pressure
competition to the punch by stay- classes to control airflow and promote safety
ing ahead of this rapidly emerging in critical-demand environments.
curve? PE
Learn more from your Greenheck
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Roy M. Palk is an attorney and
senior energy advisor for national 715.359.6171
law firm LeClairRyan, based in Glen Control Dampers | Isolation Dampers | Bubble Tight Dampers | Backdraft Dampers
Allen, Va. Smoke Dampers | Pressure Relief Dampers | Tornado Dampers
Blast Dampers & Tunnel Ventilation Dampers
By Michael Verdier and Sam Zhang we’ve always done it” thinking, local preferences, and static
BHDP Architecture versus dynamic analyses are inherently limited. With no way
to be sure of an optimal design, time, money, and energy can
With all of the bottom-line benefits today’s modeling and simu- be wasted as stakeholders are unable to come to any agreement
lation (M&S) technology offers, why are so many companies con- or finalize plans.
tinuing to plan and design facilities, such as manufacturing plants, Data-driven M&S is a direct path to optimal manufacturing
through outdated approaches? Capital spending on greenfield or facility planning and design. It brings key decision makers into
upgraded facilities is one of the most visible and scrutinized invest- alignment quickly so that the project can move ahead. A fact-
ments a business makes. It’s up to management to ensure that key based virtual animation of the planned facility functioning as
financial metrics are met, and the facility is both an immediate intended encourages swift, intelligent group decision making.
and long-term success.
Just as computer aided design (CAD) makes a science of machine 2. Easy scalability
development, M&S software tools help model, test, and refine plans The M&S model allows for evaluation of the effects of mul-
and designs for facilities. By incorporating known and measured tiple proposed changes to the current design. What happens
data, M&S is used to create a realistic, virtual representation of an to manufacturing productivity if you change your layout or
existing or planned manufacturing facility—in action. Being able add more production or packing lines? What is the optimal
to accurately replicate the operation of an entire system in advance quantity and location of loading docks? Randomness through
of construction provides three key business benefits: the use of statistical distribution, failure modes, and schedule
variability can also be integrated as part of an M&S facility
1. “Smart” speed to market planning effort to ensure a robust design.
“Analysis paralysis” can overcome any group engaged in complex The benefits of M&S also come into play once the facility is
planning and design. Decisions based on emotion, “this is how in use. For example, the impact on productivity and cost of any
proposed changes in the business plan or capacity plan—such
as a speed-up initiative—can be analyzed in real time before
implementation. M&S can actually analyze the overall opera-
tion as a synchronized system, which is important since any
planned operational or equipment changes will likely influence
The leading one-stop
critical parts of the facility both upstream and downstream of industrial lubricant shop!
the change.
3. Risk avoidance
Staying the course and continuing to execute projects utilizing
traditional means and methods is risky. Without the quantita-
tive rigor and validation that M&S brings to the facility plan-
ning process, overbuilding and underbuilding are both distinct
possibilities. Either one has its own negative consequences.
Overbuilding leads to excessive capital spending, longer
schedule durations, increased depreciation costs, and a higher
total direct cost of the products being produced.
Underbuilding can be just as catastrophic, resulting in an
• Compressor Oils inability to ship the business, as well as incur higher transporta-
TOP QUALITY LUBRICANTS tion and warehousing costs due to inter-planting or importing
• Food Grade Lubricants COMPETITIVE PRICES product. Underbuilding can also lead to loss of market share
• Industrial Greases & Oils SAME DAY SHIPMENT and possibly necessitate an unanticipated manufacturing facility
• Hydraulic Oils 100% OEM COMPATIBLE expansion with the added challenge of maintaining production
during construction. PE
• Refridgeration Oils
• Gear Oils Michael Verdier is vice president, Integrated Industrial Design
• Cleaners, Descalers & Degreasers Practice, at Cincinnati-based BHDP Architecture. He has over
25 years of experience in Engineering and Program Management
within the manufacturing and industrial business sectors. Sam
Click or Call Today! Zhang leads the Supply Network Operations Group at BHDP, managing M&S work across the markets which the firm serves.
1. Safety
energy waste
from the electrical Inspector, the
electrical engineer who designed
the project, or the customer
adding the new load and the
reason is to determine if there
is sufficient capacity to add new
loads. A load study involves using
a logger to document existing
load levels (three phase current
draw) over time. That’s where
safety comes in. On the positive
side, a load study can be used to
ensure adherence to local safety
regulations. On the negative side,
failure to perform a load study
before adding new loads can
result in overloading an existing
electrical source, creating electri-
cal safety and reliability hazards.
2. Manage energy costs and
realize savings opportunities
While energy expenditures are
a significant portion of overall
operational cost, many companies
don’t really know where their
energy dollars are being spent,
since all they get is one overall
monthly bill, with no indication
of whether that use was standard
or excessive compared to opera-
tions that month. By logging
power use at the main service
entrance and then at large loads
and secondary supplies, facili-
ties can see how much power is
F r o m t h e F l u k e D i g i t a l L i b r a r y @ w w w. f l u k e . c o m / l i b r a r y
Keeps Cooling Water Clean
Leaves Particles
Protect: heat exchangers, spray nozzles,
Exchanger instrumentation, pump seals, I.E. & R.O.
units, air compressors and the environment.
Tower Spray
Remove: airborne particles, sand, gravel,
algae, pollen, silt, scale, rust, microbiological
growth, zebra mussels and other dirt
particles down to micron size.
Applications: anywhere that dirt is
a problem– cooling water, process water,
By Colin Geis
Red Lion Controls
a reality in their organization as a way to gain granular-level
insight, save costs, extend equipment lifetime, and improve
process visibility.
While there is no single framework to fit all organizations,
manufacturers can follow these five steps to successfully imple-
IS EVERYTHING ment IIoT technology in their operations efficiently, effectively,
and safely:
1. Connect and communicate: Whether the equipment was
deployed 50 or 5 years ago, integrating new or existing sensors
with wireless, Ethernet, serial, or fiber cables is the first step
in collecting data. Once sensors are properly connected, the
Gerald “Gerry” Bauer
President, EccoFab - Rockford, IL
machinery can then communicate locally and relay information
back to manufacturing teams.
u 2. Monitor: After ensuring that all machinery is communi-
cating, manufacturers need the ability to continuously monitor
the data flowing around the facility. If the facility includes remote
locations, then a 3G or 4G/LTE network will help manufacturers
monitor equipment without actually being there.
3. Secure: In an era that is full of data breaches, manufactur-
ers need to ensure all sensitive data being transmitted—both
inside and outside the organization–is fully protected and out
of the hands of wrongdoers. Special consideration should be
paid to any older equipment that is being exposed to network-
It doesn’t quit. ing through the use of protocol conversion, as security may not
It doesn’t even think about quitting. have originally been designed into the equipment.
In fact, it doesn’t think of anything but the job at hand. 4. Analyze: Manufacturers need to know how to properly
gather and analyze data from each machine to gain actionable
Sound familiar? insights that help streamline processes in the plant, not make
Our compressors are a lot like the people who use them.
them more difficult. Protocol conversion, data logging, and
Discover the complete line of Sullair stationary air compressors, visual management will provide ways to collect, monitor, and
featuring the legendary Sullair air end. analyze real-time data to provide more visibility into operational
conditions revolving around productivity within the plant.
To learn more about our complete line, including air treatment 5. Train: The best way to ease into the new data-driven
products, contact your local distributor or visit our website. facility is to offer training to better understand IIoT-ready tech-
nologies and demonstrate how automation and networking
can help them succeed.
ifty-six percent of respondents to the Plant Engineer-
ing 2016 Maintenance Study work at a facility with 4. Unscheduled downtime: The most popular cause of
fewer than 250 employees. Below are six high-level unscheduled downtime within small- to medium-sized facili-
findings regarding maintenance strategies within ties is aging equipment (47%), followed by operator error
small- to medium-sized facilities: (16%) and lack of time (14%). Half of these facilities plan to
upgrade their equipment and implement preventive mainte-
1. Maintenance strategies: Seventy-four percent of small- to nance strategies in an effort to decrease downtime.
mediums-sized manufacturing facilities follow a preventive
maintenance strategy; 58% use a run-to-failure method and 5. Training: Eight in 10 respondents indicated that their
51% use CMMS. maintenance teams receive safety training. Other types of
training received include basic mechanical (67%) and electri-
2. Shutdown schedule: Standard production machinery and cal skills (59%) and motors, gearboxes, and bearings (50%).
less automated systems are generally shutdown only once
or twice each year for scheduled maintenance in small- to 6. Outsourcing: The average small- to medium-sized facility
medium-sized facilities, while material handling equipment is outsources 19% of their maintenance operations.
typically shutdown four to six times each year.
View more information at
3. Maintenance support: Fifty-six percent of small- to
medium-sized facilities’ rotating equipment receives the most Amanda Pelliccione is research director at CFE Media.
maintenance support, followed by fluid power (44%) and
plant automation systems (42%). See chart 1 (right) to see the top three types of technologies used.
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input #19 at
Global Automation & Manufacturing Summit
September 14, 2016, Chicago
Robotics, IIoT discussions offer
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input #20 at
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Contact, Nehlig spent 19 years at Honeywell in vari- CFE MEDIA: As a major manufacturer, how would you assess
ous sales, marketing, and executive positions. Phoenix your own implementation of IIoT?
Contact USA also was named Plant Engineering’s 2015
Top Plant recipient. NEHLIG: We have made great strides internally embracing the
The 2016 GAMS keynote speaker, Nehlig discussed IIoT/Industrie 4.0 theory. We have our own in-house machine
his vision of Phoenix Contact as both a U.S. and global solutions department that builds machines and systems that
company, and his views on how the Industrial Internet of today embrace and operate in this new realm. The nature
Things (IIoT) will change his business as a manufacturer, of our diverse product portfolio from connectivity to control
and as an industrial supplier: enables us to quickly implement it in our own factories.
CFE MEDIA: We’ve been actively talking about IIoT for the CFE MEDIA: Even though U.S. manufacturing’s growth con-
past two years, and it’s been looming on the horizon for tinues to be fairly steady, it’s also not explosive. How do you
years before that. Assess where manufacturing is today make the business case for investment in any technology
in both its understanding of, and implementation of IIoT. today?
NEHLIG: Manufacturing has been entering the IIoT world in NEHLIG: I think U.S. manufactures have to first and foremost
an organic way. Networking entered decades ago through think longer term on their investment strategies. One-year
fieldbus networks, and smart devices have been growing in paybacks on investments force bad decisions. Think of your
availability and utilization. The advent of the Internet, and own 401K. You do not day-trade your retirement, so you
popularity of cloud-based functionality have somewhat shouldn’t day-trade your company’s future.
acted as missing puzzle pieces to create the final image Investment in highly autonomous IIoT based manufactur-
of what IIoT can become. ing can provide the lowest cost, long-term return on invest-
ment. But the total supply chain and lifecycle management
CFE MEDIA: As an industry supplier, how do you approach costs must be taken into account, and the investment pay-
manufacturers on the hows and whys of IIoT? What are back scenarios have to be lengthened. If done in this way,
their primary questions about implementation and value the U.S. could once again become a leader in manufacturing.
that your sales and marketing teams are trying to answer?
CFE MEDIA: Globalization has been a hot political topic
NEHLIG: First and foremost we reinforce the importance of this summer. You’re a global company. Talk about the
utilizing only the highest quality manufac- value of global manufacturing, and how
turers of infrastructure components. For it has impacted your business and your
a system to operate autonomously and be employees.
accessible remotely through the Internet, the
owner/operator must have the highest level NEHLIG: Phoenix Contact’s approach to glo-
of trust in the systems integrity. balization manufacturing is simple. We have
Secondly, having secure remote access strived more and more to manufacture close to
through utilization of industrially hardened our customer. But we hold ourselves to global
security software and appliances is a must. design and manufacturing standards no mat-
Unsecured access to an IIoT system can ter where we build a product. In that way a
invalidate the intent of the IIoT concept alto- Phoenix Contact customer has universal trust
gether. Lastly, understanding the particular in our entire product portfolio. This approach
customers goals and challenges provides has helped our business grow significantly,
the framework for designing the right IIoT- and our employees enjoy part of our local
based system. success from our global footprint. IANA
12:00 p.m. Lunch and networking sponsored by ATS
12:30 p.m. Keynote address from Jack Nehlig, CEO of Phoenix Contact USA and winner of the 2015 Plant
Engineering Top Plant Award.
1:30 p.m. Session 1: Cloud-Based Manufacturing: Who Will Rule the Clouds?
2:30 p.m. Session 2: Robotics: Rise of the Machines
3:30 p.m. BREAK
3:45 p.m. Session 3: How Maintenance and Big Data Can Coexist
5:00 p.m. Networking and cocktail reception, sponsored by Forcam
converge with information about actual ways manufacturers
can implement and benefit from IIoT technologies. Some
n the time of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), one of the top experts and leading analysts in manufacturing
word that gets used over and over is “convergence.” will go past the theory and move into implementation.
We talk about how data and technology are converg- The half-day seminar is designed to round out the other
ing to deliver new knowledge to plant floor personnel. knowledge to be gained on the show floors at McCormick
We’ve heard about the “IT-OT convergence,” where the Place during the week-long IMTS show. We see the IMTS
long-estranged information technology and operation event as an investment. It allows plant floor leaders like
technology staffs now must work together to help the yourself to come away from the week with new tools, new
IIoT strategy reach its full potential. technologies and new strategies to improve your manu-
With the biannual International Manufacturing Technol- facturing operations. IANA
ogy Show (IMTS) converging on Chicago
Sept. 12-17, it brings with it more than
100,000 manufacturing professionals
from around the world to North Ameri-
ca’s largest manufacturing show. IMTS
is itself a convergence; 6 years ago,
show officials partnered with Hannover
Fairs USA to produce the first Industrial
Automation North America (IANA) pavil-
ion at IMTS. CFE Media produced the
first Global Automation and Manufactur-
ing Summit (GAMS) at that IANA event,
and we’re back for our third edition.
It’s no surprise that this year’s focus
for GAMS will be IIoT. This has been the
pervasive topic in manufacturing for the
past two years, as industry leaders have
discussed the potential of IIoT to be a
transformative force in manufacturing. Image courtesy: Hannover Fairs USA
plant floor. What is the untapped potential of data, and where
should manufacturers look to implement it first?
hile there are two schools of thoughts on the
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) architecture— CARPENTER: The first step of any IIoT strategy should be to get
proprietary versus open systems—everyone connected. Too often businesses jump three steps ahead with
agrees that IIoT is a transformative technology. Rich Carpenter a desire to optimize without even the basic infrastructure in
of GE, one of the panelists for this first summit session, dis- place to collect the data required for the optimization analytics.
cusses the idea of IIoT architecture and its implications on Getting connected with a standard approach to getting device
manufacturing operations and how it may impact the manu- data, bringing it to a Big Data environment and organizing the
facturing of the future: data in the right context are all critical to moving to the next step.
CFE MEDIA: We’ve been actively talking about IIoT for the past two CFE MEDIA: We’ve seen a traditional separation between infor-
years, and it’s been looming on the horizon for years before that. mation technology (IT) and operations technology (OT) in the
Assess where manufacturing is today in both its understanding plant. The emergence of IIoT promises to change that. Why
of and implementation of IIoT. is this important?
CARPENTER: There are two main advancements: CARPENTER: The interesting thing is neither the traditional IT
1. With various systems having been moved to cloud infrastruc- nor the traditional OT teams can implement IIoT initiatives
tures, customers are less concerned and more open than on their own. As more systems move to cloud or cloud/edge
they were when IIoT discussions first started. infrastructures, the IT and OT leaders need to form more of a
2. As technology has improved, it is not possible to use plant strategic partnership in order to take full advantage. IANA
floor data for Big Data/analytics initiatives without having to
disturb the plant floor control systems. RICH CARPENTER, GE
The product general manager for GE’s
CFE MEDIA: There seems to be more comfort among manufac- automation and controls product plat-
turers with cloud-based information. Assess the current state of forms, with worldwide distribution and
the use of the cloud for data management within manufacturing deployment capability for their control
plants and between plants. system, operator interface, industrial PC,
and new Field Agent Industrial Internet
CARPENTER: As network technologies, speed and security have products. The control system product
improved, the limits of the four walls of the plant are less rigid. lines are used throughout GE in their large
It is possible to put the data and analytics at the right place in equipment and plant controls for power
the architecture for the problem being solved. Since informa- generation and oil and gas businesses.
tion can now seamlessly be combined between cloud and
edge systems, a much better decision framework with insights
driven from analytics can be provided to plant floor operators. ROB MCGREEVY, SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC
As vice president of operations,
CFE MEDIA: There are two schools of thought around IIoT sys- information and asset management
tems: proprietary architecture where developers will create for Schneider Electric, McGreevy is
apps within the framework of the operating system and open responsible for defining and execut-
architecture. What do you see as the advantages and disad- ing the software product and business
vantages of each system? strategy. That business focuses on
industrial information management,
CARPENTER: A purpose-built industrial cloud has clear including enterprise data management,
advantages in terms of understanding the problem domain IIoT, cloud and mobile applications.
deployment you have companies deploying IIoT, but not
necessarily realizing that what they are doing falls under
obotics hold great promise in manufacturing, the IIoT umbrella.
both as a way to allow human workers to avoid As prices for IIoT equipment have been coming down,
injury and to improve productivity. It also creates experimentation is taking place in plants by curious and
a world where robots and machines will have to work innovative personnel. Several suppliers have been encour-
as partners. The future of robotics in manufacturing will aging this with interesting entry-level “experimentation”
be examined in this session. We asked the panelists packages.
for their thoughts on the future roles of machines—and We have just started to see cases where capital goods
humans—in manufacturing. (e.g., big machines) have been offered on a subscription
basis, thus forcing the associated automation to be offered
CFE MEdia: We’ve been actively talking about the Industrial in this mode as well.
Internet of Things (IIoT) for the past two years, and it’s
been looming on the horizon for years before that. Assess CFE MEdia: Robotics is being integrated into many parts of
where manufacturing is today in both its understanding the manufacturing plant. How do manufacturers identify
of and implementation of IIoT. where robots can be effectively used in the plant?
VandEn BooM: I think manufacturing is just getting RiVERa: Robots have come a long way, and more and
started to consider the possibilities and benefits of IIoT. more applications are becoming available to them. There
Manufacturing systems typically have a high degree of is, of course, a cost-benefit analysis to be made to jus-
connectivity, but more on a local level (within the system tify any investment. On the cost side you have to also
itself or within a plant or company) and most often geared include things like worker health-related issues, like work
towards enabling system functionality and basic data that demands highly repetitive motions or work in toxic
reporting. We are just starting to see the possibility of environments. Allowing robots to take care of these tasks
self-monitoring machines and systems, self-optimization, may reduce cost and work-related injuries.
preemptive maintenance calls, and even ordering spare Other potential areas to explore are those where
parts. increased speed has a significant impact on productivity.
Robots have the potential to do work very fast.
RiVERa: On one end of the spectrum you have some com-
panies being very concerned about security and viewing LindLEy: The most common guidance offered is to look
IIoT as a threat. These companies have basically put a for dull, dirty, or dangerous manufacturing processes.
lock on their doors. Although this is a simplistic approach it does force a
On the other end of the spectrum you have companies company to acknowledge those tasks that are repetitive,
fully embracing it. An example often cited is Thyssen- that present an unsafe work environment based on regular
Krupp and their deployment of IIoT for doing predictive exposure to hazards, or require a worker to be in close
maintenance—technology guidance to technician going proximity to high-risk conditions. Those environments
to the site, etc. should be targeted first for analysis. Once an application
In my opinion, when it comes to IIoT the proven model is chosen, consider an ROI structure to quantify labor
has been around asset management. Here is where you savings, work safety events, increase production, and
have a quickly growing number of companies getting on reduce QA issues. Typically, companies are targeting
a 2- to 3-year return on their investment. The added duration is 3 to 3 ½ years it could still be a great project
benefit of robots is that they are designed to operate considering the long-term usage of the robot. Compa-
for 10 to 12 years, considering that annual maintenance nies also need to consider what other process changes
is performed. Companies can obtain their ROI in 2 to 3 a robot may present. Parts may need to be loaded and
years and potentially repurpose the robot multiple times presented differently or conveyors need to be rearranged.
within the equipment’s lifespan. A thorough work cell simulation will mitigate these risks.
Not all applications are designed for a robot, yet. Some Robots have changed a lot in the last 5 years, and cur-
part handling or bin picking applications can be too com- rent offerings are easier to integrate and often cost less
plex, or a part can have too many features to handle in a compared to their predecessors.
cost-effective manner. When we work with companies we When done correctly, a robotic work cell presents
simulate the proposed process using software provided significant advantages in worker safety, increased produc-
by the leading robotic manufacturers. Often, we will bring tion capacity, and reductions in manufacturing costs. IANA
in virtual representations of the work cell to ensure we
can achieve reach, speed, and payload requirements.
The simulation provides a client with a lot of confidence
that the proposed solution will work. MICHAEL LINDLEY, CONCEPT SYSTEMS
In his current role as vice president
VANDEN BOOM: Companies consider robotics (and auto- of business development and mar-
mation in general) for these basic reasons: reduce costs, keting for Concept Systems, Lindley
increase capacity, improve quality, and eliminate safety is focused on working with partners
and ergonomic concerns. These reasons can be quanti- and clients to bring advanced auto-
fied, and the decision to automate most often comes mation technologies to market. As
down to a calculation of cost versus benefit. part of the executive team at Con-
cept Systems, Michael has been a
CFE MEDIA: What are the challenges when incorporat- driving force in expanding the com-
ing robotics in manufacturing? What do you see as the pany’s robotic business.
determined. IIoT is not yet a “must have” technology, but it
is a technology that will be the momentum for many compa-
aintenance holds the greatest promise for full nies to create significant new revenue streams and process
adoption of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). If optimization milestones.
data can help understand when in the future a
machine may fail, maintenance personnel can be proac- CFE MEdia: Maintenance is an area of IIoT deployment that
tive about repairs. This idea of prescriptive maintenance seems to hold the greatest promise for productivity improve-
is appealing, but how will it work on the ground? Our ment. Talk a little about your vision for maintenance and its
panelists for this final session will examine that issue from future with IIoT.
several angles.
Spada: Maintenance has been the Holy Grail for the IIoT
CFE MEdia: We’ve been actively talking about the Industrial because it promises to replace reactive, scheduled mainte-
Internet of Things (IIoT) for the past two years, and it’s been nance policies with predictive maintenance. The availability
looming on the horizon for years before that. Assess where of “Big Data” and remote analytics has improved the viability
manufacturing is today in both its understanding of and imple- of commercially available predictive maintenance because it
mentation of IIoT. is far easier for relatively small companies to deploy solutions.
GrubEr: The race for Smart Manufacturing—the Industrial banda: At Beckhoff, IIoT is being leveraged as a major agent
Internet—is internationally in full swing. All companies involved of change to improve numerous areas of plant maintenance.
have similar challenges: acceptance by staff, new talent, selec- Through better data collection and analytics, as made possible
tion of technology, connecting machines, training of stakehold- by IIoT and Industrie 4.0 concepts, there are great opportunities
ers, understanding data, and change management processes. to improve predictive maintenance technologies and establish
Needless to say, the winner in the race is not yet decided. a real-time stream of machine and equipment health informa-
The first significant driver for the advance of industrial tion. This data can be pushed to comprehensive maintenance
Internet solutions lies in the opportunity to integrate and better dashboards to track all manner of important criteria such as
manage horizontal and vertical value chains. measurements for temperature, vibration, energy consump-
The digitization and interconnection of products and ser- tion, air pressure, and much more.
vices (Internet of Things (IoT)) are important drivers to the Taking these kinds of measurements has been possible
industrial sector, which is to contribute $14.2 trillion to world for a long time, but the ability to access and expertly analyze
output by 2030. Another major driver is newly emerging (and the live data across the enterprise has reached new heights.
often disruptive) digital business models that offer significant This permits new optimum levels for machine availability and
additional value to customers through tailor-made solutions. throughput for maximum uptime. Benefits will spread to other
These new business models are characterized by a con- areas such as easier spare parts management, simplified sup-
siderable increase of horizontal cooperation across the value plier relationships, and more.
chains, as well as the integrated use and analysis of data to
fulfill customer requirements. GrubEr: The backbone of the Smart Factory is a flexible and
modular technology that can integrate with any machine and
banda: I’ll start by saying that general awareness of IIoT is quite existing IT-infrastructure. It is accessible from every location,
high in the manufacturing community, while true understand- time zone, and language, and allows for a competitive surge
ing of IIoT can vary greatly from person to person. Engineers in overall cost savings and reduction of waste. Full transpar-
should place an emphasis on learning what hardware and ency and connectivity are crucial for a modern factory to stay
software tools are available today and what specific benefits competitive in this day and age.
SPADA: Plant workers will no longer be insular. The connected facility that is protected from all possible vulnerabilities. Today
worker will leverage remote data scientists that are extracting the strategy is to implement security so that it detects a vul-
insights into their operations. Recommendations on main- nerability as quickly as possible and limits the exposure to the
tenance and operational settings will all be affected by the plant. This being said, best practice is to undergo a security
services provided by remote data scientists. assessment with outside experts to ensure that infrastructure
is not exposed to vulnerabilities. IANA
LEBEAU: The reality of plant maintenance is that it is, and will
remain, a physical and mechanical occupation. Computeriza- SAL SPADA, ARC ADVISORY GROUP
tion and automation will continue to expand inside plants of Sal Spada is part of the discrete
all kinds, but maintenance will still look a lot like it does today. automation team at ARC Advisory
The conversation about maintenance, however, will be much Group. His responsibilities include
different. How it is planned, when it is done, and how effective studies in the Worldwide CNC, North
it is will all be based on the vast amounts of data coming from American general motion control, and
technologies like IIoT and the applications that collect, correlate, servo drive markets. Spada has more
analyze, and leverage that information. than 15 years direct experience in
Effective maintenance departments will embrace these motion control system design as a
changes to focus their work effort on the things that matter software developer, project manager,
most. This will be driven by plant management having increased and product marketing manager.
transparency allowing better decisions to be made on what to
do and when to maximize productivity and profit.
CFE MEDIA: One big issue with Big Data is security. How can we AUTOMATION
keep data more secure from both deliberate external threats Aurelio Banda is CEO and presi-
as well as internal threats? dent of Beckhoff Automation North
America. As president, Aurelio Banda
BANDA: Here again, the use of standards in PC-based control oversees all operations at the head-
platforms, along with the history of security expertise from the quarters of Beckhoff Automation LLC
IT world, serves as guides. There are multiple tools available in Savage, Minn. where administra-
to IIoT and Industrie 4.0 applications in order to establish data tion, sales and marketing, customer
security without requiring the manufacturer to have IT security service, and technical services and
experts on staff. OPC-UA, for example, provides data encryption support are managed.
and built-in security mechanisms to the vertical communication
layer from the plant floor to the cloud.
LEBEAU: The key consideration is in the level of the data. Access- Gruber is the visionary behind For-
ing a database where you can see a sensor reported a tem- cam’s awarded Shop Floor Manage-
perature of 70oF, 60 times a minute for a year is not valuable. ment technology. With a technical
Understanding where that sensor is and what equipment it is education background and mentor-
associated with may have more value. ship while working at IBM and SAP,
Although I think there are new network security issues he created a solution for discrete
presented with the number of endpoints involved in IIoT, the manufacturing that reliably measures
security challenges are mostly the same ones we have already and evaluates the real-time perfor-
within the technology industry. mance of industrial machinery and
global factories.
GRUBER: There is no single product, technology, or methodol-
ogy that can fully secure a control system network. It is the
very combination of solutions and partners that extend beyond CHRIS LEBEAU, ATS
products and technologies. Those combinations of solutions Chris LeBeau is the global direc-
stretch alongside company-wide security systems and best tor of IT at Advanced Technology
practice designs, policies, and procedures taking into account Services Inc. (ATS). With more
the unique requirements of each customer and industry. than 25 years of unique experi-
ence combining broad technical
SPADA: I believe the security issue is well understood by many knowledge, LeBeau holds a thor-
practitioners in the industry. The latest thinking of the lead- ough understanding of business
ing security technologist is that it is effectively impossible or and the impact of technology to
possibly financially impractical to create an absolutely secure organizational achievement.
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The Vertex 55X-H will be demonstrated in Booth S-8519 during the IMTS
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ally—including internal features.
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oil and extends tool and coolant life.
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input #24 at
input #25 at
By Bob Vavra
tire is a part unto itself. In reality, In the race to drive efficiency and effec-
Content Manager, Plant Engineering
it’s four parts on a car, which tiveness out of a process where more than
is itself a carefully orchestrated half the costs are material and equipment
collection of valves and rods, costs, Hawk looked at every option for ways
spark plugs and pip es. We to manage costs without slowing down the
don’t see a tire as a collection process. One was outsourcing his parts
of parts. department.
Jim Hawk knows better.
The president of Toyo Tire USA in White, In the center
Ga., Hawk sees it all—the rubber and poly- White, Ga., is easy to miss, even when
ester and chemicals; the machines that mold you’re driving right through the center of
and form those basic parts
into something useful and
vital. It’s also the sum of the
people and the machines that
keep Toyo running at a high
volume and high productivity
in the last place in America
you might look for a tire plant.
There are more than a half
million tires sitting at the back
of Toyo Tires’ 3-million sq. ft.
manufacturing facility, and in
90 days, they’ll be replaced
by another half-million tires.
Hawks has all of those tires
to keep track of, as well as all
the things that go into making
tires efficiently each day.
“One of the things I keep
driving at with our people
is OEE (overall equipment
effectiveness),” said Hawk.
“We’ve got a lot of built-in
(time) losses. We’re going to
do changeovers. We’re going
to do PM (preventive main-
tenance). We’re going to do
equipment upgrades.”
Toyo Tire USA president Jim Hawk has led the development
of a tire manufacturing hub, using an efficient operation that
uses both robotics and people to deliver quality. All images
courtesy: CFE Media
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Byte Me!
Go nerdy to us. We’ll byte
By Chuck Yung t’s fair to say that one’s outlook on life is of us has a rule of thumb for this, probably
EASA colored by experience. A good example of related to shaft diameter. Some of these may
this with sleeve bearing motors (also known look familiar:
as babbitt bearings, white metal bearings • One thousandth, plus 1 per in. of diameter
and plain bearings) is the question “What’s • Two thousandths, plus 1 per in. of diameter
the proper clearance between a shaft and the • 0.0015 in. per in. of diameter
sleeve bearing it rides in?” Chances are each • 0.002 in. per in. of diameter.
Focus on clearance
If your facility has slow-speed synchronous
motors, you’ve probably seen some operating
fine with more than twice the recommended
clearance. Someone who works primarily
with 2-pole petrochemical motors, however,
knows they can vibrate when the bearing
clearance is even slightly excessive.
One of the first questions to consider when
looking at bearing clearance guidelines is
whether the clearances are radial or diam-
etral. The focus here is on diametral (total)
clearance, because it can be determined by
physically measuring the shaft and bearing
diameters. Another reason to use diametral
clearance: In operation, a horizontal machine
rarely has the same radial clearance at the 12:00
and 6:00 o’clock positions.
Guidelines galore
To illustrate just how many different guidelines
there are for this simple topic, I’ve combined
the recommendations of five manufacturers
and three other reputable sources into a single
graph (see Figure 1).
The first thing to recognize here is that most
horizontal electrical rotating machines use a
• Weight to be supported
• Peripheral speed of shaft journal
• Viscosity of lubricant
• Operating temperature.
Figure 3: A heavy rotor increases shaft sag. The journal may rub the bearings at the places indi-
cated by the arrows. To prevent this, the clearance must be increased.
bearing design modifications have occurred, bearing clearance. A good guideline that
it’s usually best to stick with the recom- several manufacturers use is 0.002 - 0.004
mended lubricants. Sometimes, a 2-pole in. (0.05 to 0.10 mm), with more radial
machine may benefit from a lower viscosity clearance than the bearing. Obviously for
oil, but such changes should only be made a given shaft diameter, the labyrinth seal
in consultation with the OEM or service clearance for a vertical machine can be set
center and even then with caution. closer than for a comparable horizontal
Vertical machines: the difference There are lots of sleeve bearing clearance
Why are vertical machines different? To tables in circulation, some of which are for
begin with, on a vertical machine the specific types of motors–e.g., low-speed
same spindly shaft and heavy rotor does synchronous motors–and should never be
not cause shaft deflection as it would on a applied universally. In broad terms, several
horizontal machine. While the shaft rests principles apply:
on the bottom of a horizontal bearing, it
hangs more-or-less centered in the vertical • Low-speed motors can operate with
thrust bearing, so there’s no radial sag to more clearance.
worry about. • Longer bearings require more clear-
In addition, guide bearings for verti- ance.
cal sleeve bearing machines are not the • Vertical sleeve bearings require less
cylindrical overshot design, so they require clearance.
much less clearance than bearings on • Hermetic motor sleeve bearings require
horizontal machines with similar journal tighter clearance.
diameters. As long as there is sufficient • Labyrinth seals should be as close as
radial clearance for the oil film, the vertical possible, without contacting the shaft.
guide bearing needs no additional clear-
ance. Contact the OEM or your ser vice About those rules of thumb: If you’ve
center for guidance. had good success with one rule for the
motors in your plant, watch out for dif-
Labyrinth seals ferent types of sleeve bearing machines.
For labyrinth seals, the best rule of thumb Examples would include 2-pole versus low-
is that clearance should be a little more speed machines, a significantly different
than the bearing clearance. The closer the length/diameter ratio, or vertical machines.
seal is to the shaft, the better it will seal. In those cases, contact the manufacturer
Of course, if it touches the shaft both may or your service center for help. PE
be damaged, typically resulting in rapid
increases in temperature and vibration Chuck Yung is a senior technical sup-
levels (especially axially on the end that is port specialist at the Electrical Appara-
rubbing). Rather than determining laby- tus Service Association (EASA), St. Louis,
rinth seal clearance from the shaft diam- EASA is a CFE Media content
eter, it’s better to work from the sleeve partner.
Event Sponsors:
Webcast Four: IIoT case studies: strategies in action • Thursday, December 8, 2016
Organizations promoting IIoT strategies are working on case studies to show related benefits. In a list of 20 major technology
areas, CFE Media research found that IIoT ranked the highest for potential to increase productivity, and the lowest for having
already changed how end users work. This Webcast will review best practices, showing how the strategies
have been implemented into operations.
Event Sponsors:
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Plant Engineering is excited to introduce our new Digital Reports.
It’s often called the “fifth utility.” Compressed air plays a vital role
in most manufacturing plants, and availability of compressed air is
2016 Digital Report
crucial to a wide variety of operations. When we talk about energy
management in manufacturing, compressed air often gets overlooked.
Sponsored by:
Air Strategies Atlas Copco, FS Elliott
It's clear by now that the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a transfor-
mative manufacturing strategy that will improve operations, reduce cost
2016 D igital R epoRt
and increase quality and safety. This digital report is one of the many ways
CFE Media will educate audiences on the importance of IIoT.
Sponsored by:
Cisco, Epicor, Festo, Iconics, Kepware Technologies, Red Lion
Sponsored by:
Dude Solutions, TPC Trainco
By Chuck Ashelin he containment of dust and other ignored. Any company engaged in a pro-
Zoneworks air particulates is one of the big- cess handling or particulate generating
gest quality control challenges in operation will benefit from proper control
virtually any industry. A common practices.
byproduct of operations like cutting, grind-
ing, welding, and mixing, air particulate can The troubles with air particulate
also cause a host of safety issues. Dust on plant equipment or any other
Given the range of potential problems surface in the facility is a matter of con-
it can cause, in-plant dust/particulates stant attention for cleaning and mainte-
are a dangerous issue that simply can’t be nance. Uncontrolled particulate matter can
ing fires and explosions, can occur
facility layout changes. when there is a high enough con-
centration of airborne particulate
in an enclosed space. Additionally,
long-term health concerns exist for
employees working where airborne
particulate is present. The issue of
Summit air quality is both a short-term and
long-term issue for any controlled
Ultima® environment.
Controlling particulate
The most common methods used to
prevent particulate from one space
contaminating another are exhaust
Extended Life separation and barrier separation.
Exhaust separation methods rely on
Rotary Screw moving a volume of air containing
the contaminate particles through
Compressor Oil exhaust fans through ducts to create
a negative air pressure environment.
In a clean space that generates no
particulates but is adjacent to a par-
Up to ticulate-intensive area, a positive air
12,000 hours of pressure environment is desired. To
achieve this, filtered air is pumped
Dependable Service into the clean space, preventing the
inward flow of air that might contain
Summit Ultima is a high performance lubricant formulated foreign particulate matter.
to outperform other synthetic compressor lubricants on In some cases, a simple partition
today’s market. Ultima’s unique formulation allows for better or wall between a clean space and
compressor performance, and it is compatible with existing an uncontrolled ambient space (such
as between a processing area and a
O.E.M. lubricants. Summit Ultima Series synthetic rotary loading dock) is an effective means
screw air compressor lubricant benefits include: ur of separation. If a negative air pres-
sure differential exists across the wall
• Better thermal conductivity for lower operating temps between the clean and ambient space,
• Superior protection against mechanical stress the wall acts as a physical barrier,
• Reduces power consumption through reduced friction blocking most of the foreign matter
• Eliminates varnish, sludge and carbon deposits from crossing the barrier. Depending
on the degree of particle separation
• Protects against shear & viscosity loss under heavy loads required, and the need and frequency
• Product consolidation by application for traffic to move through the parti-
tion, a more effective solution would
Quality • Service • Expertise
be to introduce a positive air pres-
sure differential to the clean space, as
described in the previous paragraph.
The smaller a space can be made,
the smaller the exhaust equipment
800.749.5823 can be specified. Partitioning around
a dust source takes full advantage of 903.534.8021
“Small-diameter fans
Oilfield Applications, visit or
call us at 800.443.4216
will be more effective in input #32 at
Curtain walls offer a flexible solution when plants need either a temporary closed space or because planned expansion would
preclude the construction of permanent walls.
By Kelly Paffel ater hammer is never normal in systems but this statement is entirely false.
Inveno Engineering the steam and condensate system If the system is properly designed and cor-
and must be always considered rectly operated, water hammer in any form
extremely abnormal and totally will not occur. It is possible to have high-
unacceptable in today’s plant operation. pressure steam systems operating without
Water hammer is not only a system issue; water hammer and enjoy a long operational
it is primarily a safety issue. Understand- life from the steam components.
ing the nature and severity of water ham- In Figure 1, the red circles show improper
mer in a steam and condensate system will connection to the condensate header, which
allow plants to avoid it’s the safety issue generates a thermal shock type of water ham-
and destructive forces. mer. Instead of connecting into the side of
A greater understanding of steam system the condensate header, the returns should
water hammer will help the plant to imple- enter in the top of the manifold (condensate
ment the necessary changes in steam system header).
design, start-up, maintenance, operation and
installation to eliminate water hammer. This Where water hammer occurs
will additionally help provide maximum Water hammer can occur in any steam or
safety for plant personnel, reduce mainte- condensate line. The steam system is greatly
nance cost, and reduce system downtime. at risk of water hammer during startup of
In its most severe form, water hammer the steam system when the highest level of
can injure or even cause fatalities to plant condensate is generated during the warm up
personnel. of the steam line. If the steam line is ener-
Figure 1: The red circles Unfortunately, 82% of the steam systems gized too quickly without proper warm-up
show improper connection in North America are experiencing some time, and if the condensate created during
to the condensate header. type of water hammer. Many mistakenly the start-up is not being properly removed,
All images courtesy: Kelly believe that water hammer is unavoidable water hammer will result.
Paffel and a natural part of steam and condensate The other risk of water hammer in the
steam system is when the condensate is not
properly removed from the steam line dur-
ing operation.
Its effects can be even more pronounced in
heterogeneous or condensate bi-phase (flash
steam and liquid condensate) systems. Con-
densate bi-phase systems contain two states:
the liquid (condensate) and a vapor (flash
or generated steam). The bi-phase condition
exists in a steam system where condensate
coexists with generated flash steam.
Typical examples include heat exchangers,
tracer lines, steam mains, condensate return
lines, and sometimes pump discharge lines.
1. Condensate capacities above
12,000 lb/h use a continuous
flow pumping system that incor-
porates a variable speed drive
motor or a level control valve
in the discharge line of the con-
densate pump (pump operates
2. Use disk type check valves on
the pump discharge instead of
the common swing type. main condensate header: there is no excep- Figure 4: A graphic example
tion. The condensate connection is at the top of proper piping for a con-
Thermal shock on the horizontal condensate main header densate system branch.
One pound of steam at 0 psig occupies 1,600 and never into a vertical condensate header.
times the volume of a pound of water at
atmospheric conditions. This ratio drops Flow shock
proportionately as the condensate line pres- Flow shock is most commonly caused by
sure increases. When the steam collapses, lack of proper drainage ahead of a steam line
water is accelerated into the resulting vacu- isolation valve or steam control valve. For
um from all directions at great speed. example, consider a steam line isolation valve
In bi-phase condensate systems, steam (typically used with pipe of 3 in. or larger)
bubbles may be introduced below the level of opened without the use of a warm-up. When
condensate in a condensate line. For example, the large valve is opened, steam rushes down
a branch line from a steam trap station may a cold pipe, producing a large quantity of con-
be piped to the bottom of a condensate main densate at high velocity. This condensate will
header, as shown in Figure 2. continue to build in mass as it travels along
For example: Steam is introduced into the the pipe, and a large wave of condensate is
heat exchanger (P2) at 100 psig or 338oF and created. The wave will travel at a high veloc- Figure 5: Flow shock is most
condensate at P3 will be 338oF. When the con- ity until there is a sudden change in direction, commonly caused by lack of
densate passes through the steam trap station possibly an elbow or valve in the line. When proper drainage ahead of a
at P4, which at a lower pressure a percentage the condensate changes direction, the sudden steam line isolation valve or
of the liquid will flash to steam due to the low stop will generate water hammer. steam control valve.
pressure/temperature relationship. When
the flash steam bubble flows to P5 and is
introduce below the condensate level in
the condensate piping, the thermal dif-
ferences will cause the flash steam bubble
to collapse. During the collapsing, the
water is accelerated an extremely high
speed due to the vacuum that occurred
when the bubble collapsed. The result is
a pinging sound or when there is large
quantity of flash steam (bubble is large)
a very sharp banging sound.
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By Hans Christian Schröder n recent years, the testing techniques is the right maintenance strategy. However,
TÜV SÜD and models for calculating and forecast- as the operating performance of each plant
ing component behavior have grown in is unique, and particularly as complexity
numbers and improved in reliability. Nev- increases, there is no “one-size-fits-all” in
ertheless, power stations repeatedly suffer maintenance strategies. What is important
failures and defects, sometimes of major is that the strategy is customised to fit the
proportions. One of the leading causes is plant and that the maintenance experts ask
inadequate maintenance. Buzzwords and the right questions. Which maintenance
acronyms are no solution in these cases; strategies fit the company, the plant, and
only strategies tailored to the special fea- the maintenance organization? And which
tures of the plants will be able to balance strategy is suitable at what times and for
safety, costs, and benefits. which service parameters?
Whether leakage, cracks, wear, or opera-
tion and design errors, early identification Future-oriented...
of weak points in plants and systems and Maintenance has long evolved from purely
appropriate assessment can prevent many reactive failure recovery and remediation
defects and unscheduled downtime and thus into a future-oriented service. Mainte-
unnecessary costs. A requirement for this nance objectives include a high level of
Figure 2: Slag formation in plant availability and operational safety maintenance work. However, monitoring
the combustion chamber of while ensuring profitability. Obstacles to causes higher efforts and costs.
a wood-fired boiler caused these objectives are increasing cost pressure Predictive maintenance is a proactive form
by temperatures above the and a lack of future strategies. Fundamental of maintenance which includes a conceptual
deformation temperature. approaches are preventive, condition-based, framework. Possible defects are localised at an
predictive, and risk-based maintenance. early stage and corrected as soon as possible.
Preventive maintenance refers to anticipa- However, the strategy and its implementation
tory servicing without a conceptual frame- are time-intensive and make high demands
work, in which scheduled and standardized on the maintenance team.
maintenance activities are carried out at fixed
intervals. This form of maintenance reduces …or risk-based?
unexpected shutdowns but also replaces many Risk-based strategies, such as risk-based
components before they actually reach the maintenance (RBM) or reliability-centered
wear limit. Preventive maintenance thus maintenance (RCM), focus on failure prob-
results in “excessive maintenance,” which abilities. Risk-based maintenance identifies
drives maintenance costs. the potential risks that may lead to plant
breakdown and ranks them in order. Plant
...and condition-based… units or components that involve the high-
Condition-based maintenance monitors est risk of failure are addressed with prior-
component condition to ensure timely iden- ity. As complex technical structures, plants
tification of potential defects. This approach require systematic and practice-focused
allows for timely planning of the necessary analysis.
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the scope of high-quality analysis of the
total system, the principle of “living with
defects” is quite acceptable. Likewise,
Meets Peace
safe operation of plants of an advanced
age can be continued with the help of a
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of Mind.
refurbishment and maintenance mea-
sures. This also applies to process con-
trol systems and, in particular, process
control systems that are no longer pro-
duced. As long as these are functioning
and their use can be continued with the
help of repair strategies, these systems
Engineered for precision and power, the Model 850 picks up even do not have to be replaced.
the finest powders, anywhere in your plant. With clean, HEPA-filtered
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qualified maintenance personnel is
HEPA secondary filter therefore of crucial importance.
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• Closed bags prevent fugitive dust clouds vate their personnel. This is only pos-
sible in an organization based on divi-
Let us solve your industrial sion of labor, which leaves staff scope for
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this, the working atmosphere should be
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In the future, maintenance will
increasingly focus on the prevention
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of plants and systems. Systematic knowl-
edge and practice-focused approaches
will come together to ensure the best
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long-term operational safety and reli-
ability as well as maximum availability. PE
By Mario Calvo t seems like everything we buy today breakdown. When examining the potential
Parker Hannifin Corporation is intelligent. Thermostats that adjust disadvantages of this reactive approach—
themselves based on weather condi- downtime, production delays, inefficien-
tions. Cars that alert us to upcoming cies, added costs, poor quality, increased
maintenance needs. Alarm systems that scrap, warranty issues, or product recalls—
can be armed or disarmed from a mobile it’s easy to see why it’s not a best practice.
phone. Wristbands that track fitness prog- On the other end of the spectrum, pre-
ress. dictive maintenance employs ongoing
Thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT), analysis to determine the condition of
the same technologies that have revolu- equipment and predict when maintenance
tionized the way consumers do everyday will be needed. The more compelling sell-
things can now enhance the way we man- ing points of this sophisticated approach
age maintenance in the plant environment. are its role in preventing unexp ected
And it doesn’t take a brand new plant or equipment failures as well as its ability
the latest equipment to derive benefit. to identify precisely when maintenance
The spectrum of maintenance ranges should be executed.
from passive to predictive. On the passive Somewhere in the middle is condition
end, maintenance is approached primarily monitoring. A practice that is quickly
as a fix–a reaction to a problem, issue, or becoming fundamental to maintenance
According to the U.S. Department of technologies have pushed wireless into the
Energy, minimizing downtime has been mainstream, it has driven down the cost
shown to drive up asset availability by as of the bill of materials needed for wireless
much as 30% as well as increase produc- sensor acquisition, especially components
tion by as much as 25%. By identifying like Bluetooth radios. And because wire-
issues before they escalate, organizations less doesn’t require strenuous installation
can also decrease maintenance costs and or specialized skills, implementation is
avoid potentially dangerous situations. more affordable.
The accessibility and ease of implemen-
Going wireless tation makes wireless sensors ideal for
When organizations learn about how sen- placement in many types of production
sors can be applied for maintenance man- machines to monitor a variety of oper-
agement and condition monitoring, they ating parameters. Reduced cost isn’t the
can’t deny the benefits. But the added- only benefit of going wireless. The sens-
on, and often high, investment in the ing technology is easier to install than its
installation and use of traditional wired stringing wired counterparts, and it elimi-
sensors can make implementation cost- nates risk of physical connection faults.
prohibitive. Wireless technology is a via- The addition of access points is simplified,
ble alternative. and the commissioning routine doesn’t
Wireless options make sensor solutions require laborious programming and data-
sur prisingly af ford abl e. As c onsu me r collection devices, such as a programmable
AutomationDirect Fluke
Dynatect Lubriplate
ErectaStep MovinCool
Flexicon Vac-U-Max
S ince 1994,
AutomationDirect has
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by fighting on their behalf!
Several conveyors can move your bulk separation of blends and evacuate material from the tubing
material, but only one is likely to offer the circuit, preventing waste and allowing rapid cleaning.
greatest efficiency, dependability and cost
effectiveness for your requirement. Dilute-Phase Pneumatic Conveying Systems with single or
multiple inlets and outlets move bulk materials vertically and
Flexible Screw Conveyors can move the horizontally in low to high capacities over short to long
greatest diversity of bulk materials, including distances using pressure or vacuum generated by a blower.
those that pack, cake or smear, with no Material enters the system through rotary airlock valves,
separation of blends. Economical to pick-up adapters and wands (vacuum systems), and is
purchase and maintain, they convey at any separated from the airstream using filter receivers or cyclone
angle over short to medium distances in low separators. Material exits the system through rotary airlock
to medium capacities. The removable inner valves or fill/pass valves, or discharges directly into process
screw is the only moving part contacting vessels--with no residual.
material, and is driven above the point at
which material exits the conveyor, eliminating While these generalizations may help narrow your conveyor
contact with seals. choices, Flexicon recommends running your material in its test
laboratories equipped with full-size conveying systems and
Tubular Cable Conveyors gently slide fragile upstream/downstream equipment to simulate your process.
food and non-food products through smooth
stainless steel tubing routed at any angle
over short or long distances in low to high
capacities using low-friction polymer discs
attached to stainless steel cable.
These conveyors are available with single +1 888 353 9426 •
or multiple inlets and outlets, prevent the
The Fluke 1738 Advanced Three-Phase As part of the Fluke Connect® system of software and more
Power Logger automatically captures than 30 wireless test tools, the 1738 allows technicians to
and logs more than 500 power quality access and share data remotely with the entire team via the
parameters to give electricians and Fluke Connect app, or access the logger through the
technicians more visibility into the data facilities’ Wi-Fi infrastructure.
needed to make better power quality and
energy consumption decisions. With the included Fluke Energy Analyze Plus software
package, measurements can be quickly and easily graphed
The Fluke 1738 is the ideal tool to conduct: to help identify issues and create detailed reports. Optionally,
• Load studies — verify electrical system IEEE519 reports can be created to provide more insight into
capacity before adding loads. harmonic levels, voltage and current distortion, and load
The 1738 is also suitable for NEC 220 current (license required).
load studies.
• Energy assessments — quantify The Fluke 1738 also allows engineers or technicians to
energy consumption before and after perform advanced analysis with an enhanced Power
improvements to justify energy Quality Health Summary (EN50160) function that provides
saving expenditures. fast insight into overall electrical system health. For more
• Harmonic measurements — uncover information visit
harmonic issues that can damage or
disrupt critical equipment.
• Voltage and current event capture —
monitor for dips, swells, and inrush
currents that cause false resets or 1-800-44-FLUKE •
nuisance circuit breaker trips.
Do you find that certain areas of your plant Through years of experience and training, MovinCool
or facility are often fitted with fans or local educates engineers on how to measure, manage, and
evaporative coolers even though your facility maintain a comfortable work environment. The company
is equipped with a large-capacity central air has found that portable spot air conditioners specifically
conditioning system? If so, something needs developed to meet the needs of the application will solve
to be done about it. the problem. Portable spot air conditioners are compact,
self-contained units that combine a compressor, condenser,
When excessive heat builds up in local- and evaporator in a single cabinet.
ized areas, it lowers employee productivity,
which causes product quality and cycle Industrial engineers will easily learn the quick and easy
times to suffer and the performance of installation, compact size, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility of
equipment to suffer, shortening life cycles— portable spot air conditioners— they are customizable. When-
in some cases OSHA violations can occur. ever a change is needed the cold-air duct can be extended
up to 80 feet long, allowing easy installation on crowded
Fans or cross-ventilating windows seldom factory floors or for remote cooling of difficult-to-reach areas.
provide adequate cooling, plus can blow
dust, grit, and other foreign matter through
the air, contributing to possible eye injuries
or equipment wear.
CFE Media is home to four of the most trusted names in the business:
sponsored by
Aside from audits, 80% of plants monitor energy usage regularly—up from
76% in 2015. Also on average, manufacturing facilities are trying to reduce
their energy usage by 9.08%. Forty-two percent of respondents are
convinced that they’re goals are achievable, while 50% are less confident,
but still optimistic.
ED ! CFE Media’s
D A T Global System
Integrator Database
CFE Media’s Global System Integrator Database is an interactive community of
global end-users and system integrators hosted by Control Engineering, Plant
Engineering, and our global partners in Asia and Europe.
The newest version of the online database is even easier to use. Features and updates:
• More search results can now be seen on the screen
• Relevancy score indicates how closely an integrator’s qualifications
match a user’s search criteria
• Users can now preview the most pertinent data of an SI before clicking
to view the full corporate profile
• New feature allows an end-user to request a quote for a project directly
from the database site
• The most relevant data about an integrator’s engineering services appear
on one page on their corporate profile – other details are organized by tabs.
Digital panels
ProSense digital panel meters are designed to display
analog process signals, including +/-10 V and +/-20 mA.
The 4-digit red LED display is easily scaled into any engi-
neering units from -1999 to 9999 with a selectable deci-
mal point location. Non-linear processes can be scaled
by entering up to 16 scaling points. It offers two SPST
relay outputs that can be set to activate on an increasing
or decreasing input signal with hysteresis or time delay
operation, retention and reset of minimum and maximum
display values, a tare function, filtering to minimize dis-
play bounce, and display brightness adjustment.
Input #200 at
Shaft collar
The Easylock shaft collars, for high speed converting and
winding applications, allows users to adjust the holding force
from 90 to 1,124 pounds. Easylock shaft collars with positive
release are designed to reduce downtime to help maintain
consistent production rates. The quick-release feature makes
Easylock collars well suited to high volume production where
frequent changeovers of shaft-mounted tools, reels/spools and
other objects are required.
Input #203 at
Pedestal platforms
GREEN insta-rack pedestal platforms
provide safe access to the tops of
single-dome tank/bulk trucks, tanks
cars, and hopper cars. They feature
single or double-sided access, static,
pivot or slide-track mounting, custom
design to meet your application. There
are various integration options with
loading arms and pumping stations.
Benko Products Inc.
Input #205 at
Electromagnetic flowmeter
The OPTIFLUX 4100 electromagnetic flowmeter is demanding
and harsh applications including liquid manure applications,
dragline pump safety, and billing for commercial applicators.
The meter can provide an accurate record of the fluid that
was moved. It can be independently verified to validate the
measurements. It features bi-directional flow metering and a
wide range of approvals for hazardous areas. The OPTIFLUX
4100 also provides extensive diagnostic capabilities.
Input #204 at
Multi-channel controllers
The Zen RTU and the Zen Datalogger are ideal in a range or heavyweight
industrial monitoring and control applications. The Zen RTU is ideal for
applications which require collation of multiple signals routed directly to
a master console such as for connecting directly to a PLC and SCADA
system. It has four digital inputs and a RS485 Modbus/RTU port. The Zen
Datalogger is appropriate for applications that require acquisition and
visualization of data from multiple sources. It has two analog outputs and
two relay contact outputs for control and alarm applications.
Define Instruments
Input #210 at
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Month 20142016PLANTPLANT
Stay current
with technology
Scale formation reduces the heat transfer rate and
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Input #107 at Input #108 at
Go online to Blue e+
Input #111 at
Remove at
Place next to your computer as a reference or go online to for hot links to these companies.
For more information on how to advertise in Plant Engineering’s
Internet Connection, call Jim Langhenry at 630-571-4070 x2203
Allied Electronics is a small order, high service level dis- Modular work platforms and aluminum stairs pre-engi- Newell Rubbermaid is a global marketer of consumer
tributor of electronic components and electromechanical neered for unlimited configurations. Platforms and metal and commercial products with a strong portfolio of lead-
products with over 50 sales offices across the United steps bolts together with no fabrication required and are ing brands.
States and Canada. easily repurposeable. Newell Rubbermaid
Allied Electronics ErectaStep Orival is a leading manufacturer of self-cleaning water
Atlas Copco produces and markets compressed air equip- Flexicon designs and manufactures bulk handling equip- filters, automatic water filters and strainers, for use as
ment and generators, construction and mining equipment, ment and custom-engineered and integrated plant-wide industrial water filters, irrigation filters, cooling tower fil-
industrial tools, assembly systems, services and rentals. systems. ters, and more.
Atlas Copco Flexicon Corp. Orival Inc.
ith the massive sets may not need to be as `smart‘ as others or
amount of informa-
tion currently resid- outfitted with advanced sensors, and it’s critical
ing in existing enter- to understand which assets, data, and symptoms
prise asset management (EAM)
systems, real-time systems, his-
torians, devices, and condition monitor-
you need to be monitoring.
organization, they generate disparate data strategies.
ing systems, the promise of Big Data has sets and potentially cause hours of lost These strat-
yet to be fulfilled: using it to help your productivity through rework, overlap, and e g i e s are
company stay competitive, profitable, confusion. key to the
and innovative. Consolidating all of the data into a IIoT as they use both analytical and com-
The challenge with Big Data is making single, secured location, making it avail- parative analysis to provide a platform
sense of all the information and putting it able across all levels of an organization, to integrate asset data from existing and
in the proper context: using it for action- and in the desired form, is the first step new sources. Intelligent asset strategies
able analysis and predictive modeling to to wrestling control of your operating and are also a driver for the critical conversion
determine what, if anything should be production environment. A unified data of that data into actionable information
done to change the way the asset is man- set that pulls from every connected device to predict how and when an asset will
aged. Without a reliable and consistent can help businesses benchmark the per- fail and the recommendation of actions
ability to process, analyze, understand, formance of individual sites against that of to prevent that failure.
and make decisions on the information others in the organization and even against
contained within these massive unused industry peers around the globe to get a Embracing IIoT
data sets, expending resources to accu- true picture of how well they’re operating. To ensure that organizations are taking
mulate that data is questionable. The next step is figuring out how to full advantage of IIoT, making strategic
An effective approach implements an manage all that data. How do you man- business decisions, and seeing a return
asset performance management (APM) age those billions of bits of data from all on their investment, they must be able to
program that analyzes data across the those devices? How do you know if you draw insights from data within the plants
entire organization to understand asset are effectively applying smart technology across their facilities and against the
criticality and risk. By automating the to the right assets? Some assets may not performance of other organizations in
Big Data analysis, ranking asset needs by need to be as “smart” as others or outfitted their industry. APM programs can help
priority, and generating actionable plans, with advanced sensors, and it’s critical companies connect their disparate plant
APM programs can help plant operators to understand which assets, data, and systems and use all this data to create and
identify emerging trends and take imme- symptoms you need to be monitoring. manage the intelligent asset strategies
diate action to mitigate any risk of failure. More importantly, are you analyzing the that will predict and prevent failures as
right data to get the key insights to act well as drive improved asset performance
Understanding criticality and risk upon? With all this information, are you and reliability, reduce operational risk,
All operators understand that asset fail- bringing it together in context and with and optimize costs.
ure could result in the injury of people, a set of analytical tools to make sense of As organizations manage ever-growing
the environment, and business invest- it and drive action from that? groups and types of assets, the amount of
ments. It is therefore crucial to have the The promise of the Industrial Internet data created by connected devices will
technology needed to flag potential risk of Things (IIoT) is real, but for all this increase exponentially. But all that data
and proactively avoid it. Today many new, accurate data to have value, indus- will only provide value if integrated with
organizations are managing multiple try will require more than OEM-specific enterprise systems and used to enable
systems and solving one problem at a M2M platforms or standalone point solu- more informed business decisions. When
time rather than considering long-term tions. Enabling the IIoT requires con- accurately managed, Big Data generated
costs and strategic implications. In almost necting disparate information sources, by connected assets keeps facilities more
any manufacturing plant, you will find a creating storage capacity for exploding efficient and creates a safer environment. PE
menagerie of technology and processes to volumes of Big Data, comprehensive ana-
collect data on equipment assets. When lytics, expert content presented in context, William E. Amos, PhD, is Chief Tech-
systems are operating in silos across an and most importantly, intelligent asset nology Officer at Meridium.
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