FINANCE (Allowances) DEPARTMENT Secretariat, Chennai-600 009. Letter No.1074/FS/Fin. (Allowances) /2020, Dated:05-06-2020
FINANCE (Allowances) DEPARTMENT Secretariat, Chennai-600 009. Letter No.1074/FS/Fin. (Allowances) /2020, Dated:05-06-2020
FINANCE (Allowances) DEPARTMENT Secretariat, Chennai-600 009. Letter No.1074/FS/Fin. (Allowances) /2020, Dated:05-06-2020
Chennai-600 009.
Thiru S. KRISHNAN, I.A.S.,
Additional Chief Secretary to Government.
All Secretaries to Government.
The Secretary, Legislative Assembly, Secretariat, Chennai-600 009.
The Secretary to the Governor, Chennai-600 032.
The Comptroller, Governors Household, Raj Bhavan, Chennai-32.
The Governor's Secretariat, Raj Bhavan, Guindy, Chennai- 600 032.
All Departments of Secretariat (OP / Bills), Chennai-600 009.
All Heads of Departments.
All Collectors / All District Judges / All Chief Judicial Magistrates.
The Registrar General, High Court, Chennai-600 104.
The Chairman, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Chennai-600 003.
The Commissioner, Greater Chennai Corporation, Chennai-600 003.
The Commissioner, Corporation of Madurai / Coimbatore /
Tiruchirappalli/Salem / Tirunelveli / Erode / Tiruppur / Thoothukudi /
Vellore / Thanjavur / Dindigul / Nagercoil / Hosur / Avadi.
All Divisional Development Officers / Revenue Divisional Officers/ Tahsildars.
All Block Development Officers / Municipal Commissioners.
All Chief Educational Officers / Panchayat Union Commissioners.
The Project Co-ordinator, Tamil Nadu lntegrated Nutrition Project, No.570,
Anna Salai, Chennai-600 018.
Sub: PROVIDENT FUND – Subscription for the old period due
to age of retirement on superannuation of superior service
employees/teachers extended from 58 years to 59 years -
Instructions - Regarding.
Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No.362, Finance (Allowance) Department, dated:
2. G.O.Ms.No.51, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (S)
Department, dated: 07-05-2020.
3. From the Accountant General (A&E), Tamil Nadu,
Chennai-600 018 D.O. Letter No.AG(A&E)/ FM 1/IV/
FW/ 2020-2021/6/2520, dated 28-05-2020.
Rules 4 and 9 of the TN GPF Rules read with G.O. first cited provides
that the Government Servant, who has joined Government service before
01-04-2003 and is continuously employed would subscribe the minimum
amount of 12% of the total of the Basic Pay (i.e) pay drawn in the prescribed
level in the pay matrix, Special Pay, Personal Pay, Dearness Allowances to the
General Provident Fund upto the last four months of service in respect of
2. In this regard, the Accountant General in his letter cited has pointed
out that whether the subscription for the old period is to be recovered in one
lumpsum or can be remitted in installments by the subscribers and whether
Part Final Withdrawal can be sanctioned to the subscribers who had already
drawn 90% of Part Final Withdrawal.
Yours faithfully,
Copy to:
The Principal Accountant General (A&E), Tamil Nadu, Chennai-18.
Stock File / Spare Copies.