Contributory Pension
Contributory Pension
Contributory Pension
Chennai-600 009.
Thiru. M. Padmanaban, B.Com.,
Additional Secretary to Government.
All Secretaries to Government.
All Departments of Secretariat.
The Secretary, Legislative Assembly Secretariat, Chennai- 600 009.
The Legislative Assembly Secretariat, Chennai 600 009.
The Governors Secretariat, Raj Bhavan, Chennai 600 025.
All Heads of the Departments.
The Accountant General (A&E), Chennai - 600 018. (By name)
The Accountant General (A&E), Chennai - 600 018.
The Principal Accountant General (Audit-I), Chennai 600 018.
The Accountant General (Audit-II), Chennai 600 018.
The Accountant General (CAB), Chennai - 600 009.
The Pay and Accounts Officer (Sectt./North/South/East),Chennai-9/1/35/5/ Madurai.
The Registrar, High Court, Chennai 600 104.
The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Chennai 600 002.
The Director of Pension, D.M.S. Complex, Chennai 600 006.
The Principal Secretary/Commissioner of Treasuries and Accounts, Chennai-600 015.
All District Collectors / District Judges / Chief Judicial Magistrates.
The Commissioner, Corporation of Chennai / Madurai / Coimbatore / Tiruchirappalli / Salem
/ Tirunelveli / Erode / Tiruppur / Tuticorin / Vellore.
The Pension Pay officer, Chennai 600 006.
All Treasury Officers / Sub-Treasury Officers.
All State Government owned Boards / Corporations.
2. As per the orders issued in the G.O. second referred above, as and when
the new employees join in future, they should be admitted to the scheme
compulsorily by the Head of the Departments / Heads of Offices by promptly
applying for allotment of Index Number to the Accountant General within a month
from the date of joining of the new employees. Accordingly, while forwarding the
applications to the Accountant General the Head of Office has to furnish a certificate
in the format prescribed in the Annexure-I to the G.O. second referred above that the
individual is a regular employee appointed to a pensionable service and is eligible to
join the Tamil Nadu Government Contributory Pension Scheme.
4. In this regard, the Head of Department / Head of Office shall apply to the
Accountant General for allotment of Index Numbers in respect of new employees
within a month from the date of joining of the new employees and need not wait till
their services are regularized. The word Regular employee specified in the
annexure to the Government order second read above shall mean Recruited to
Government service through selection Boards like TNPSC / Teachers Recruitment
Board / Police Service Commission / Compassionate ground appointment etc. and in
a regular time scale of pay and shall not imply regularization of service. This
procedure shall also be applicable to Other employees as specified in G.O.
(Ms).No.201/ Pension, dated: 21.5.09.
Yours faithfully,