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White Chocolate Raspberry Entremet: By: Stanton Ho

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White Chocolate Raspberry

By: Stanton Ho
White Chocolate
Raspberry Entremet

Chocolate Biscuit 4.80 oz (135 g) Raspberry Ambient Fruit Puree
3.50 oz (100 g) Egg Yolks (DGF 4408 )
2.10 oz (58 g) Granulated Sugar
0.80 oz (24 g) Trimoline Invert Sugar Syrup Nevado White Chocolate Mousse
(DGF 8301) 5.50 oz (156 g) Half & Half
0.70 oz (20 g) Luker Cocoa Powder 22 - 24% 1/2 Vanilla Pod
(LUK CP25) 2.70 oz (76 g) Egg Yolks (2)
1.50 oz (42 g) Cake Flour 0.70 oz (20 g) Granulated Sugar
0.90 oz (26 g) Unsalted Butter (Melted) 0.70 oz (20 g) Sanett (Neutral Gelatin Powder)
3.20 oz (90 g) Egg Whites (DRE 33066 2 )
0.70 oz (20 g) Granulated Sugar 5.50 oz (156 g) Nevado 34% White Chocolate
(W207 )
Almond-Cinnamon Orange Streusel 8.80 oz (250 g) Heavy Cream (Soft Peak)
1.00 oz (30 g) Unsalted Butter
0.90 oz (25 g) Granulated Sugar Raspberry Glaze
0.90 oz (25 g) Cake Flour 1.60 oz (45 g) Water
Pinch Ground Saigon Cinnamon 0.40 oz (12 g) Sanett (Neutral Gelatin Powder)
(DRE 33066 2)
Pinch Granulated Salt
1.80 oz (50 g) Jelfix Concentrated Glaze - Neutral
0.90 oz (25 g) Almond Flour - Toasted
1/2 tsp (2 ml) Orange Zest
0.70 oz (20 g) Glucose
1/8 tsp Raspberry Flavor Paste
Framboise Syrup (DRE 20804 6)
6.00 oz (170 g) Water 2.10 oz (60 g) Raspberry Ambient Fruit Puree
4.00 oz (112 g) Granulated Sugar (DGF 4408 )
1.60 oz (45 g) Glucose (DGF 8310)
0.40 oz (12 g) Crème de Napoleon Flavor Paste
(DRE 20004 0)
0.10 oz (4 g)

Raspberry Flavor Paste
(DRE 20804 6)
0.40 oz (12 g) Raspberry Ambient Fruit Puree Chocolate Biscuit
(DGF 4408)
1. Cream the egg yolks and sugar. Melt the
Trimoline and slowly add it into the creamed
Raspberry Gelee
mixture. Combine and sieve the cocoa powder
0.80 oz (22 g) Water
and flour. Fold it into the creamed yolks in two
0.30 oz (10 g) Granulated Sugar
stages. Add in melted butter slowly and blend
0.40 oz (12 g) Sanett (Neutral Gelatin Powder)
(DRE 33066 2 )
1/8 tsp Raspberry Flavor Paste
(DRE 20804 6 )
Continued on next page
White Chocolate
Raspberry Entremet

2. Make a French meringue with the egg whites sugar. Add half of the hot mixture into the egg
and the granulated sugar. Once completed, fold yolks and sugar to temper mixture. Liason this
the meringue into the prepared cake batter in tempered yolk mixture back into the sauce pot,
two stages. Blend well, before placing the cake until the mixture thickens.
batter into a prepared 8" round cake ring or 2. Immediately, pour the hot mixture through a
pan. Bake in a preheated oven, set at 350° F., sieve onto the white chocolate. Allow to steep
for 20 minutes. until the chocolate melts. Cool down on an
ice bath, until mixture congeals. Fold in the
Almond-Cinnamon Orange Streusel whipped cream in 2 stages.
1. Cut the butter into small diced pieces. Combine
the remaining ingredients and mix until a Raspberry Glaze
streusel dough forms. 1. In a sauce pot, boil the water. Add in the Sanett
2. Refrigerate for 20 minutes. Once chilled, and dissolve. Add in the Jelfix Neutral and
sprinkle the streusel pieces into a 7" cake ring, Glucose. Mix in the Raspberry Puree with the
on a silicon mat. Raspberry Paste. Blend well and set aside to
3. Bake in a preheated 350° F. oven for 15 to 18 cool, before using to glazing surface.
minutes or until lightly browned.
Preparation Assembly Tips:
Framboise Syrup 1. Use a silicon mat or a piece of acetate plastic
1. In a sauce pot, make the "simple syrup" with sheet on the bottom of the cake ring. Line the
the water, granulated sugar, and the glucose. 8" cake ring with a strip of acetate liner. Both
Cool the syrup before adding the Crème de these procedures will help in giving a cleaner
Napoleon, Raspberry Paste, and the Raspberry finish to the handling and to the cake, after
Puree. Sieve through a "chinoise"and place into frozen and glazed.
a 9" round cake pan for dipping biscuit method. 2. The chocolate biscuit is cut between two 1/4"
confection bars. This will guarantee an even
Raspberry Gelee and level slice of biscuit for portion control
1. Heat the water to a boil. Combine the Sanett throughout each product layers.
and the granulated sugar. Add and mix into 3. Assemble the first three layers: The first layer
the boiling mixture, until it is dissolved. Add in is the almond cinnamon orange streusel.
the Raspberry Puree and the Raspberry paste. Pipe onto the streusel a thin layer of white
Blend thoroughly before pouring into a 7" mold. chocolate mousse.
Freeze immediately. 4. Place a layer of chocolate biscuit (the chocolate
biscuit are dipped and into "framboise syrup" to
Nevado White Chocolate Mousse become moist, but not overly saturated).
1. Make a "Cream Anglaise": In a sauce pot bring 5. Place the frozen raspberry gelee onto the layer
the half and half, the vanilla bean and pod of chocolate biscuit evenly aligned with the
to a boil. Add in the Sanett to dissolve, while other layers.
continuously stirring with a rubber spatula.
In a mixing bowl, combine the egg yolks and
Continued on next page
White Chocolate
Raspberry Entremet

6. Center the cake ring around these stacked

7. Pipe the white chocolate mousse into the space
between the pastry layer and the cake ring.
8. Continue to pipe a 1/4" layer of white chocolate
mousse onto the cake surface. Place and center
the second layer of chocolate biscuit moistened
with the framboise syrup.
9. Cover and level the entire top surface of the
cake with the white chocolate mousse and
raspberry glaze to complete.
10. Freeze immediately once the cake is assembled.
Take the cake out of the freezer and place
into the refrigerator, 30 minutes. Wipe off
any crystals or condensation before glazing
and finish decorating. All decorations made
with Luker's Nevado White Chocolate 34%

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