Quit Plan PEP
Quit Plan PEP
Quit Plan PEP
My quit plan
Knowing your triggers can help you fgure
out ways to change trigger situations. Talk to your health professional
Ask them about accessing low cost nicotine
Having coffee
replacement patches, gum or lozenges,
or other stop smoking medications.
Tips to quit and stay quit
After eating
You can arrange for Quitline to call you for free.
Visit www.quit.org.au/callback. Our friendly
Quitline counsellors have helped thousands of
With alcohol
people kick the habit. And remember, you don’t
need to feel ready to quit to talk with Quitline.
With friends Visit QuitCoach (www.quitcoach.org.au)
QuitCoach is a web-based program that asks
you questions and helps you quit by giving free
On the phone or tablet
personal advice tailored to your needs.
My triggers: I will try: My main reasons to quit smoking are: First thing Have a shower
in the morning Brush your teeth
Go for a walk