Pitch - Karan Vashee
Pitch - Karan Vashee
Pitch - Karan Vashee
speaking to the Parent or Kid, So you have downloaded the this application 5 days back in an android
phone is it right Mr. Singh. I am Sr. Education Counselor at Byju’s and I am appointed as a counselor for
Aayan, as you would be aware that Byju’s is a learning app for standards 1 to 12 students and focuses on
2 subjects i.e. Maths & Science where the students are taught through interactive video sessions
So Mr. Singh I have called you because Aayan has used the App very well he has been watching mangy
videos on the application so I wanted to understand the learning pattern of Aayan , Aayan has been
watching the videos for Class 6th so he is he in the 6th Class? Which school is he going? Oh so he is into
CBSE Board, okay as I was going through I found that usage of maths have been more compared to other
subject which made me more curious to understand that is Aayan someone who loves maths or he faces
issue with it? Ohh okay what apart from studies? How are his extracurricular activities? Does he
participate in sports or any other things? And how is his nature A bit shy or open? So does he rely on the
school only or he has been enrolled to tuition? If yes what is the batch size at school and at tuition? And
do you or Ms. Singh help him with the studies? Ohh okay and what kind of study materials does he
prefer for learning is it the school or tuition notes or he revises from the Textbook…? Mr. Singh is Aayan
around Can I have a word with him as well
Hi Aayan how are you, so Aayan I am Karan speaking from Byju’s , so you been watching a lot of videos
on Math is it your favorite subject..? Then what’s your favorite subject (If he say’s No) Ohh and who’s
your favorite teacher? XYZ Mam okay so tell me Aayan what subject does XYZ Mam teaches you..? You
also go to tuition right where do you like more to learn school or tuition…? What is your ambition Aayan
what do you wanna become in your life, So Aayan I would be asking a few maths questions to you
please answer them,………. See I am not going to give you numbers out of them but you understand that
the 2 questions you were not able to answer why was it so both the questions were of Quadratic
equations which are a related topic to Linear Equation you understand what I am trying to say that you
need to work on linear equation 1st and then you can easily understand and solve the quadratic equation
so you need your concepts to be strong okay so you work on your concepts again now please give the
phone to Dad
Hi Mr. Singh I want to discuss with you regarding the 2 major problems with the child’s education 1 st is
the child doesn’t understand the concepts well and they are not able to get their doubts cleared & 2nsd
is how to make their children study regularly because if their doubts are not cleared then the child loses
the motivation to go back & study the back topic, for eg. 7 th class topic Quadratic equation is relatable to
class 6 topic Linear Equation now if the concepts of linear equations are not clear then the child will not
be able to understand quadratic equation and moreover in class 8 th he will face the problem when
Functions will be introduced hence it is very important that the student understand the concept in every
class .
So according to me videos are the most powerful and engaging medium if you think, we remember
movies compared to the novel that we have read, Byju’s uses the same idea over here of Visual Learning
so that the child understands the concepts while watching these interesting Videos, As a parent you
would be able to relate some child regular in studies while some read just to manage exams, why a kid
fails to be regular in studying a subject is a function of how much he understands and how his doubts
are resolved, many a time the kids does not resolve his doubts just because of the fear of being mocked
if the doubt comes out to be silly and the they don’t have their doubts addressed and lose the lack of
interest in the subject or sometime he is just not able to articulate his doubts , We at Byju’s scheduled
intervention is needed to ensure that the child doubt are addressed and they regularly do the practice &
Revision. And this brings up an natural interest in the child about the subject and learning in general
when his concepts are clear.
We at Byju’s strongly believe in complete and continuous learning and we have come up with a learning
program which takes care of the problems, we call this program as Byju’s home learning program we
provide you with personalized Byju’s App with engaging videos to make your child understand every
concept & we also provide Byju’s tutor who will ensure that your child studies from the Byju’s app learn
all the concepts, does the revision & gets all his doubts solved all of this at a comfort and safety at
home, the tutors are academic experts and Subject matters who are trained and certified by Byju’s , they
will be taking your child’s class 3 days a week, in these session the tutor will be teaching them concepts
making them practice the same and ensure all the doubts of the child are clear, the best part of the
learning program is that the child can himself choose the topic that he wants to learn and a class would
be allocated for that subject & topic in available Time slots, unlike the regular tuition where you need to
go through the class flow, here you study what you want to study to ensure that your concepts are clear
and your doubts are resolved, and all of this is available Offline on a tablet
We use visualization and real life examples to make the child understand better for Eg. In schools
fractions are taught using terms like numerator and Denominator and then the teacher directly comes
up with formula to solve problems, the problem with the approach is that the student never
understands the concept, but we use a very different approach we use real life example like a pizza cut
into 2 half makes it easier for the child to understand as the visual helps him to relate compared to the
fraction ½, and we also keep a track of how the child is adapting the concepts and learning it so we take
regularly weekly test and based on the performance we provide a personalized set of videos where he
can again go to the concept learning clear the doubts he has in his mind and get sorted over here he will
be having a full track record of the topics he has covered in each subjects, How many tests he has
appeared in ,how much average time he is taking on a particular set of question and how many are the
correct in test and also give the solution for the answers that have been wrong in the test so that the
child can have an instant feedback on the question and all of this report is also available to the parents
on the parents app very easily so that the parent can also keep a track record of the child’s progress and
still if he has any doubt he can go on to Byju’s student portal where mare that 3,00,000 questions have
been answer or else he can also connect with a tutor to get his doubt solved, So Mr. Singh if could you
grab a pen I will tell you a few academic benefit you jot it down so with this learning program the
academic benefits are Course, Tablet (SD Card), Personalized Module, Adaptive training,
Learn.byjus.com, Mentor, Competitive exams, work sheets, Parental Connect, Live Sessions I am
sending you a few videos where we have shown a demo of all this features you go through it and will
also send the course details and few worksheet so that you can get an idea of how all of this works you
go through it will give you a call again by today evening and then we can talk further on this.
So Mr. Singh we have come up with this program recently and as an educational counselor, I connect
with kids and parents to understand how they approach learning and how this program would help
them learn better