Final Thesis.
Final Thesis.
Final Thesis.
Science and Technology, in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
I hereby declare that this submission is my own work towards the award of Executive
person nor material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree of the
University, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.
Certified by:
Certified by:
I dedicate this project work to the Almighty God for His mercies on me throughout the
I thank the Almighty God for making me to complete this project paper. I would like to
thank my supervisor Madam Mariama Zakari for her support, encouragement and
appreciation also goes to my parents and siblings for their constant prayers,
understanding and cooperation. I would like to further extend my appreciation to Elder &
Mrs. Moses Kowornu for their advice and contribution. My appreciation also goes to my
School of Business for given me the opportunity to study and constant support for my
studies. I thank the management and staff of Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly and the
The general objective of the study is to determine the effect of branding in the Ghanaian
metropolis of Ghana. The study adopted a quantitative researcher design. Data for the
study were gathered from both primary and secondary sources. The study employed
questionnaires. The data were analysed using SPSS and Microsoft Excel. The study
about logo, service quality, pricing, coverage image, signage and slogan. A whopping
majority seem this as combination of all the above. The study had also discovered that
branding has a significant association with branding and customer buying behaviour. The
study revealed that brand loyalty has positive and significant association with customer
buying behaviour. Brand awareness also has positive and significant association with
customer buying behaviour. Finally, perceived quality and brand association has positive
and significant association with customer buying behaviour. The study is therefore
measure to improve and sustain their brand. These could be customer survey on the
very vita in to attract and retain customers especially in the telephony business
environment where competitions among firms are very intensive and unabated. Customer
DECLARATION ..............................................................................................................ii
DEDICATION ................................................................................................................ iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................ iv
ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................... v
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................ vi
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... ix
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... x
2.7 Empirical review on Branding ................................................................................ 19
5.1.3 Impact of branding on buying behaviour of the telecommunication companies . 48
5.1.4 Relationship between branding and consumer buying behaviour in the Ghanaian
Telecom. .............................................................................................................. 52
5.2 Conclusions............................................................................................................. 53
5.3 Recommendations................................................................................................... 54
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 56
APPENDIX ...................................................................................................................... 59
Table 4.5: Preferred mobile telecommunication service brand being different from
Table 4.6: Preferred brand when mobile telecommunication services are mentioned ...... 36
This chapter of the study serves as the general introductory to the entire project. In
and justification of the study. Furtherance from the above, it also covers the scope and
limitation of the study. Finally, the chapter culminates with the organization of the study.
The Telecommunication environment has really become competitive lately regarding its
growth in this 21st century. As a result of population high growth in technology and
readily access to information globally and mostly consumers are overwhelmed with the
The impact of branding on customer behaviour had been invested severally by both
prolific writers and emerging writers (Zhang, 2015). The perceived and real satisfaction
of customers has been long linked with the brand image of a product or an organization.
There are an appreciable number of literatures that supports this assertion. Through
customer satisfaction, consumers build loyalty towards a particular brand and influence
their buying behaviour both directly and indirectly. In the study it was ascertained that
brand image does not have direct impact on loyalty but through customer satisfaction
consumers build loyalty. Some Authors have argued that corporate branding as an
and particularly, corporate branding should be sensitive to three key elements;
organizational culture, organizational vision and most importantly the image of the
and the employees of the organization to have a wider scope and deliberations about
corporate branding and image (Hatch et al., 2001). A very good corporate brand inspires
and glues customers to the brand when they come in contact with it. Knox & Balmer
(2001) investigated corporate branding, corporate identity and branding marketing and
branding until recently where organizations have incorporated branding into their
strategic goals and due to competition within the market, individual organizations use
the Author reported that mobile and fixed telephones as well as internets form part of the
has been on a very progressive journey and has been able to cover quite a distance in a
very short period of time. There are at least five (5) current telecommunication
companies in Ghana, notably among them include Vodafone, Mtn, Glo, Airtel and Tigo,
all these five compete with each other in the industry and therefore make their possible
More Often, consumers consciously do not know what they go through in making a
decision of their choice of a particular product and when this happens it comes to the
state where consumers need a shortcut to finally choose a product and the available
shortcut made to the consumer is Branding. This way a branded product makes it much
easier for any consumer to choose from and be satisfied with the product chosen by him
or her. Ghana signed the final world trade organization (WTO) in 1997 agreement on
country and beyond (Mensah, 2006). Branding place an important role in the life’s of
Branding involves creating a unique name and image for a product in a consumer’s mind
celebrities etc. Brands perform valuable functions for firm, thus function of a brand is a
consumer being able to distinguish two different products and being able to make a
choice out of the two products Ghodeswar M. B. (2008). The increased competition in
the industry has resulted in a lot of communication tools employed by the companies to
help in succeeding in the era of competition, one of the tools commonly used in the
telecommunication companies like MTN, Vodafone, Airtel, Glo, and Tigo is Branding.
The American Marketing Association defines branding as name, term, design, symbol or
any other feature that identifies one sellers good or service as distinct from those of other
sellers which makes trademark as the legal term for brands. Telecommunication
companies like the notable ones mentioned create brand image that would attract most
Consumer buying behaviour however is the process by which the individual search for,
selects, purchase, use and dispose of goods and services, in satisfaction of their needs
and wants. The consumers’ behaviour has a direct effect on the success of the firm and
therefore must ensure that they create a marketing mix that satisfies consumers. The
consumer mostly goes through about five steps in taking one purchase decision. These
with the type of buying decision in which every consumer exhibit in purchasing a
particular product and the feeling attached to the product or brand, and the loyalty felt
towards it.
branding directly affects customer satisfaction. This finding was affirmed by the results
of Johnson, Andreessen, Lervik & Cha (2001); and Davies et al. (2003). In addition, the
study found that the level of customer satisfaction adequately influences customer
loyalty which was supported by the findings of (Eakuru and Mat 2008; Ogba & Tan,
2009, Johnson, Andreessen, Lervik, & Cha, 2001; Martineau, 1958; and Selnes, 1993).
consumers’ behaviour. The fact that consumers maintain long term relationships with
sign of long term economic survival of the industry. An interesting philosophical issue
may arise in respect of brand-driven satisfaction and long term survival of companies
1.2 Statement of the Problem
According to Denmark (2010) the concept of corporate brand is vital and draws synergy
between organizational resources (human, fixed resources, tangibles and intangibles) and
the strategic objectives of the organization to achieve success among competitors. In this
regard, after achieving success through corporate branding, maintaining and managing
companies as a service provider needs to provide services that really satisfies consumers’
expectations in ensuring that the company survives economically. In order to achieve this
feat, they need to understand consumers’ buying behavior in order to help them evaluate
has been a huge change in the telecom industry to improve the image of the company.
Therefore, these companies like MTN, Vodafone, Glo etc. must employ very proactive
branding strategies than they currently possessed. This way it is believe to make a
telecommunication companies such as Airtel, Glo, Mtn, produce few branding strategies
to win the heart of customers, with these a few telecommunication industry practice
branded images to satisfy its customers. A good portion of the research on brand is
devoted to building better understanding in the area of brand choice; brand switching,
brand loyalty and brand extension (Moore 2008). There is an association between
brand loyalty and continues demand. This is because a satisfied customer buys more and
This revelation is a very contentious one since long term relationships between
It is for this reason why this study is undertaken to determine the effect of branding on
The main objective of the study is to determine the effect of branding in the Ghanaian
1.4 Research Questions
2. What are customers’ view on branding and its effect on the telecommunication
4. What is the relationship between branding and consumer buying behaviour in the
attitude of their target customers on the very branding strategies they have been
deploying. Thus, there will be an insight into what product actually influences consumers
winning the heart of its consumers. This study is also expected to contribute value
prospective researchers who may endeavor to repeat and expand on this study.
1.6 Scope and Delimitations of the Study
The geographical scope of the study was limited to Kumasi metropolis. Contextually, the
telephony companies would be looked at; Mtn, Tigo, Airtel Vodafone and Glo. The time
period for this study is cross sectional meaning data would be taken once in the life time
of the study. The target respondents would be limited to students, traders, corporate
The study had number of challenges which obstructed its smooth progression. Among
them include; financial resources, time constrains, scope limitation, sample size issues,
ethical issues as well as Statiscal. The entire program was self-sponsored by the
researcher herself. This made it very difficult to broaden the scope beyond the resource
limit of the researcher. Time was also very limited to conduct a time series or
The research had to learn complex statistical tools within a short time and this was a
delays. Most of these limitation were mitigated by consistency on the part of the
1.8 Organization of the Study
The section of the study outlines how the project is organized in this edition. The study
was organized into five chapters. The Chapter One forms the introductory part of the
study which set the precedence for the rest of the project. The Chapter Two is
predominantly about literature review. The Chapter Three dwells on the research
methodology, the Chapter Four and Five respectively look at analysis and discussions on
one hand and conclusion and recommendations on the other hand, the later chapter also
2.0 Introduction
This section of the project focuses on review of relevant literature which has relationship
with working objectives of the study. With regards to this the following issues have been
companies, among others. It purpose is to throw more light on the various theories and
concept surrounding what branding is as well as consumer behaviour and the effect of
The concept of branding have been variously explained and discussed by researchers,
pundits and the learned in the business discourse and academia. Branding has been
terminologies (slogans), terms, signs and in an extended version, the combination of all
the aforementioned variables with the intent of associating it with particular services and
Branding has been in existence hitherto large commercial activities (before the industrial
revolution) to identify one product from the other particularly among the artistic workers.
A brand that is meticulously planned and executed dominates the subconscious minds of
consumers who do not struggle to recall them whenever the need arises and hence has
become a vital tool for business organizations to break into every market. For instance,
in Ghana, popular names like MTN, Vodafone, Airtel, Tigo and Glo comes into their
mind when mobile networks are mentioned. Also when the name nestles comes to mind,
beverage is what people think about. In that accord, the American Marketing Association
(2014) asserted that products and services are branded to bring out the uniqueness of the
product making it different from other products and services of competitors within the
industry the organization finds itself. The American Marketing Association (2014)
emphasized that products and services can be branded using a name, symbol, logos,
terms, designs and can be a combination of these variables. Researchers such as Watkins,
1986, Aaker, 1991 and Kotler adheres this definition. Through branding, customers
develop an emotional connection with the product and the organization. When
becomes easy for the product to be identified with an increasingly choked market.
concerning the purpose of a brand and easily creates brand awareness. The study
performance and brand equity and leveraging. Branding qualifies a product to become
more than a product because of the emotional and mental connection they develop
Formally, branding was defined as names, associations and other ingredients that is used
to identify a product (Kotler 2000). Potential and aggregate consumers see branding as
an integral part of every product, assign meaning to it and in the long run producers or
service providers like MTN, Vodafone, Airtel and the likes wins customers heart through
highlighted on that product. For example, if any telecom industry has a high quality
product and prestige, consumer will still be with that telecom industry. Based on this
finding, it is obvious that brands have an immense role on consumer behaviour and
therefore its effect on telecommunication companies will make consumers to shift from
Analysts and pundits have repeatedly affirmed that the telecommunication industry is
entities that have the potency to greatly influence consumers. The globalization of
develop strategic branding tools that are executed through specific goals, the culture of
the organization and the chain of command within the organization. Brands of
organizations can range from visuals (logos, symbols, colours, the physical edifice of the
organization and the likes) to audios (jingles, composed songs, recitals and others) and
also be grouped under tangible and intangible elements of branding (Davies, 2000).
brand extension, the channel through which distribution takes place and pricing. The
credibility and the value that customers’ get for their money and depending on the level
of satisfaction the customer gets, the more they are drawn to the product.
Positioning also elucidates the product direction and the basis for the product and in a
pursuing new market, communicating and setting prices as well as gives clarity and
guidance for internal employees. “The value of branding has also been recognized by
suppliers who produce ingredients or components that are incorporated into final
Further studies also show an analogy between branding strategy and strategic pricing.
The author is of the view that premium strategy also has price tendencies. This implies
Every Organization primary equity is its brand in the telecom industry especially where
there is massive competition comes out different brands to suit with its customers.
MTN and Tigo wish for in the kind of market they currently operate in. For example, if
any of the telecom companies want to Increase the number of our subscribers, Then They
provider can open doors for business, it has to go through some strategies thus it
Branding also involves building and managing a brand that differentiate itself from the
rest in the market and also add value to its customers (Murphy, 1990). Branding in the
strategic alliance and competitive strategy. Branding strategies are strategies are used in
building that a strong brand in institution. Telecom industry has always been and will be
ultra-competitive tariffs its whether it regards wars, data etc., as a result of that, it has
always been with intensified challenges and therefore customers of telecom company
owners expect brands to engage With them across every available digital channel.
Research shows 51% of customers that they will say defiantly loyal Become when they
have a good experience with the said telecom company. Most telecom sectors have
reached a point where there is saturated much competition Between them since finding it
difficult they are to compete and grow in a market by employing Such traditional go to
approach to finding a strategy in organizing themselves to allow for more growth. The
Bonne and Kurtz (2005) stipulated that brand equity refers that that additional value that
the brand of a product add to a particular product as against its substitutes. Hence,
providing health tips and among others for their customers which is outside their main
communication. This strategies is available to facilities based providers and resellers and
therefore telecom industry can industry can differentiate on other network based service
improving on how its price is structured in order to ensure that usage driven cost drive
measured prices. When this is done, it will be able to maintain the high quality of
services or products customers are willing to spend their monetary resources on. For
Example, in Ghana, telecom industry such as Vodafone, mtn, Airtel, Glo and Tigo can
equally uses this strategy to win competitive advantage over the other.
Core Identity is another strategy telecom company’s use, this involve the deployment of
market and this helps to enter other market segment in the future therefore building the
instigate consumers to purchase it. This unseen value is delivered together with the
physical product that customers buy from cosmetic shops, groceries, convenient shops,
develop a perceived level of expected satisfaction or experience through the brand of the
product especially when they understand the brand of the organization. A vivid example
is, before a potential customer purchases an Apple product, they are assured of
originality, quality, having a good experience and prestige for the brand of Apple. A
special attachment both emotional and mental is developed by the customer towards the
Vodafone, Airtel, Tigo and Glo can possibly adopt these strategies; low cost of charges,
promotional packages, charge exemptions and other aspects of dealing with value
addition. From the ongoing it can be said that branding and customer buying behaviours
2.5 Impact of Branding On Consumer Behaviour and the Telecom Industry
Hence branding has major impact on perception since perception is regarded as the
be thought or picture in the mind of the customer. In this manner perception that is the
packaging, word -of-month, and their level of brand awareness significantly increased.
When this happens the buying decisions are also affected through perception of the brand
Relating this to the telecommunication business in Ghana, it is very clear that most to the
are able to control greater market share of the telephony service users by influencing
their perceptions.
Foxall and Goldsmith (1994) in their study recommended that there is a strong
service are been influenced by the perception of the brand. In the telephony sector brands
are built to generate short term and long term profit, positive perception and recognition
When telecommunication services were first introduced into the Ghanaian soil, the
perception was that these kinds of services were geared towards the rich but
subsequently strategic branding has eluded all those pre-conceived mentality and restores
positive images about the industry. Today the impact of the telecommunication industry
which historically thought to be for the rich is evidence in their provision of corporate
social responsibilities in the area of health, education, agriculture, social life religion and
Several factors have been influencing the behaviour of the customers under a given
circumstance. Typical among the factors are internal factors, psychological factors and
belief. Likewise, the personal factors include such factors as income levels, age,
There are many available models and theories that explain customer buying behaviour.
These models vary in diverse ways based on scope, presentation and assumptions.
The concept of customer behaviour has been variously defined. In most cases it is
service. Meanwhile these definitions did not pay prominence to continuity of the
processes. Due to the lapses in definition of customer behaviours other Authors had tried
loop that involve acquisition, consumption and disposal of goods (Arnoud et al., 2004) .
In a related incidence, the consumer decision model requires that consumers go through
seven basic steps before reaching final decisions. According to Blackwell et al. (2006)
these seven steps are as follows; need for recognition, search for information, pre-
Rayport and Jaworski (2003) have suggested a similar model with slight difference
regarding the terms used. Blackwell et al. (2006) further argued that most consumer
research would be based on the recommended seven strategies and how different
elements affect each stage of the consumer’s decision. In his view the different in terms
use has no association with this process. from the presentation made herein it can be
concluded that customer behaviour is a complex issues that varies from a person to
person depending on the socio economic factors that affect the individuals in question.
According to Denmark, (2010) the concept of corporate brand is vital and draws synergy
between organizational resources (human, fixed resources, tangibles and intangibles) and
the strategic objectives of the organization to achieve success among competitors. In this
regard, after achieving success through corporate branding, maintaining and managing
the brands reputation becomes integral to be the market leader. Bickerton, (2003)
considered the emerging focus in both academic and practitioner literature on the
concept of the corporate brand and argues that the underlying generative mechanisms
and processes that enable successful corporate brand management are not clearly
The researcher argued that there are floods of branding within the market, therefore
uniqueness in the market helps for easy identification and can catch the eye of potential
Branding Strategy: a conceptual framework and concluded that competition within the
free market environment has grown to become a throat cutting one and hence calls for
organizations shows or depicts itself in the culture of the organization representing the
intangible aspect of the product. Also the social, ecological and organizational structure
shows the brand of the organization. In developing the brand of a company, it is vital the
organization strategically considers the internal and external factors within and outside
the market to make a concrete decision. Hence a feasibility study of the environment is
needed to get the perfect picture of the type and kind of brand to develop and should be
should easily be modified to suit the changing conditions. One cannot justly affirm the
superiority of product banding over corporate branding and vice versa but branding
among organizations are moving towards corporate branding. Zhang, (2015) assessed
the Impact of Brand Image on Consumer Behavior: A Literature Review. The perceived
and real satisfaction of customers has been long linked with the brand image of a product
brand and influence their buying behaviour both directly and indirectly. In the study it
was ascertained that brand image does not have direct impact on loyalty but through
customer satisfaction consumers build loyalty. Hatch et al., (2001) describes corporate
to the context in which it is used. Branding and particularly, corporate branding should
be sensitive to three key elements; organizational culture, organizational vision and most
develop association with the organization and glues customers to the brand when they
come in contact with it. Knox & Balmer, (2001) examined corporate identity, corporate
branding and corporate marketing seeing through the fog. The researcher emphasized
that top managements of organizations never understood the power of branding until
recently where organizations have incorporated branding into their strategic goals and
due to competition within the market, individual organizations use branding to
directly affects customer satisfaction. This finding was affirmed by the results of
Johnson, Andreessen, Lervik & Cha, (2001); and Davies et al. (2003). In addition, the
study found that the level of customer satisfaction adequately influences customer
loyalty which was supported by the findings of (Eakuru and Mat 2008; Ogba & Tan,
2009, Johnson, Andreessen, Lervik, & Cha, 2001; Martineau, 1958; and Selnes, 1993).
Uggla (2005) analyzed and discuss the strategic positioning of associations that can be
established between a corporate brand and entities in its surrounding network such as
strategically align themselves with other organizations they share similar characteristics
with and to a larger extent share the same policy arrangements, corporate goals and
objectives and their visions and missions are simile geared toward a common destination.
Branding also informs the type of employees an organization seeks to employ and how
they can project the image of the organization (Leitch and Richardson, 2000; Balmer and
Dinnie, 1999). Branding may have a percentage of risks which needs to be thoroughly
evaluated to see whether it will not overly affect the image of the organization and the
and the likes inadvertently transfers the negatives of the celebrity to the organization or
product they stand for. That is the association of Michael Jordan to NIKE influenced a
lot of basketball players and funs to buy into the products of NIKE but a negative image
might have affected the brand negatively. In this case, internal and external policies are
very much relevant to sustain the organization or product. Saraniemi & Ahonen (2008)
branding studies. In the world of tourism, tourists only have lasting and memorable
experience when they are delighted or satisfied with the hospitality of the destination
and sets that destination apart from the others. These brandings are in the form of
imageries used on websites, unique experiences that are found only at that destination
In the same direction, Shah, et al., (2012) studied the core of brand image, brand attitude
and brand attachment with environmental consequences to testify the impact on the
consumer purchase intentions. The study concluded that attitudinal formations towards
smoking are most formed through the brand of cigarette that are commonly used by the
masses. This indicates that, popularity of brand among customers influences others to
purchase the same product based on the trusts and acceptance of other consumers. The
study found that smokers give less consideration to the harmful effects that their actions
are having on the environment just to gratify their personal desires. Cooper et al. (2009)
proposed the use of corporate branding firstly to integrate the fragmented CSR literature
and secondly to integrate the fragmented sustainability literature. Cooper et al. (2009)
proposed the use of a long term sustainable corporate social responsibility as a marketing
tool to catch the attention of potential customers. ideally, societies are moved towards
activities like providing healthcare services, organizing empowerment programs for the
rural poor, supporting the growth of education and among others. Contributing or
shearing a company’s benefits with society leads to the creation of brand awareness
among potential customers, which translates into customer trust and customer loyalty
among individuals in the society. Dolatabadi et al. (2012) examined the impact of Brand
Personality on Product Sale through Brand Equity (Case Study: Cosmetic Products
trust and loyalty among potential customers. Equity ensures leverage which is devoid of
In the study Dolatabadi et al. (2012) found a significant relation between product equity
and customer loyalty and trust among customers. Ghodeswar (2008) identify important
elements of brand building based on a literature review and case studies of successful
brands in India. The study concluded that one basic requirement in sustaining brand is
understand and associate themselves with a particular brand. Communication removes all
ambiguities concerning the purpose of a brand and easily creates brand awareness. The
study enumerated four stages including positioning of the brand, communicating the
brand to the masses, delivering of the brand performance and lastly leveraging the brand
equity. Saravanan, (2016) identified the factors influencing the brand awareness level of
Ashok Leyland (Boss) among the customer of TVS in Madurai city. Brand awareness
increases sales of a particular brand which improves brand performance. In the study,
BOSS as a product has gained enough brand awareness and it is performing well in the
market and loyalty of the product has been on the rise. Pattuglia, et al., (2015) extend the
authenticity research towards further mass markets (products and services) and to
explore the effects of consumers’ authenticity perceptions on brand image, trust loyalty
and premium price. In the era of big data analysis, the researchers resulted using large
amount of data to ascertain certain variables and their positive impacts on products and
mistrust among customers and this have been affirmed by (Gilmore and Pine, 2007;
However, capturing the trust of consumers has a positive bearing on the credibility of
brands, the loyalty developed by customers and commitment towards brands (Erdem and
Swait, 2004; Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001; Garbarino and Johnson, 1999; Morgan and
Hunt 1994; Sirdeshmukh et al. 2002) which transcends into developing a successful
brand relationships with the open market (Morgan and Hunt, 1994; Urban, Sultan, and
Qualls, 2000). The forces of market elements have a significant effect on brands
originality. More and more people are now seeking brands which do not lose their values
as dynamisms and the forces of market begin to affect it through substitute goods,
complementary products, other similar and cheaper products may be the main challenges
of the product (Penaloza 2000; Peterson 2005, Beverland, 2005; Napoli et al., 2014;
Molleda, 2010; Balmer, 2012b; Balmer et al., 2009; Balmer, 2012b, Hatch and Schultz,
2001, 2008).
3.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the research methodology that determines the effect of branding in
Kumasi metropolis of Ghana. Specifically, this chapter provide the research paradigm,
population of the study, sample size and sampling technique, sources of data, data
Research design had been variously defined. In most instances research design is about
all the above that need to be duly observed in order to achieve the objectives of a study
Sakaran, 2003; Wilson, 2014). In this study the researcher has adopted mixed method
research design to enable the researcher accomplishes the objectives of the study. Mixed
studies. In this type of design, the reliability and validity of results is very high since one
off set the weakness of the other. In other words, biases are reduced. Interviews were
3.2 Population of the study
The population of the study entails set of individuals who share or exhibit similar
1997). Population may also imply the group of people living in a given geographical area
and share common cultural characteristics. The population of this study encompasses all
customers and the service provider’s particularly marketing officials (Vodafone, MTN,
Airtel, Glo, Tigo). But for efficiency in management, the researcher decided to use (250)
providers. The sample size of the study shall be taken from the aforementioned
state that the high the sampling size the higher the reliability and validity in the result
and the vice visa (Creswell, 2003; Tailor, 2005). Since the population of the study was
infinite the researcher did not apply any statistical formula in the sampling size
estimation instead 210 respondents were taken to answer the questionnaire. These
comprised of 200 customers and 10 marketers from the selected companies. Two
officials each were selected to participate in the study. The researcher adopted
convenient sampling technique for the study. Convenient Sampling refers to researching
subjects of a population that are easily accessible to the researcher and it is affordable,
easy, and the subjects are readily available (Sakaran, 2003). This was because the project
time was very limited coupled with financial constraints hence under the circumstance
the convenience otherwise known as the sampling random was used to gather the
respondents. In this case telephony service users who were available and were also
willing to participate were each given a questionnaire to complete. The researcher also
questionnaires. These were in the form of explaining the study objects, and elucidating
the individual question since some of the respondents had low level of formal education.
Data are information that has been translated into a form that is more convenient to
move or process (Morgan, 1997). There are two main sources of data used in this study
Primary data is original research that is obtained through first-hand investigation, and it
focus groups and measurements (Sakaran, 2003). Primary data for this study were
through questionnaires.
Secondary data is research that is widely available and obtained from another
party. Secondary data can be found in publications, journals and newspapers (Sakaran,
2003). This study did not make any secondary data from the organization under study.
3.4.1 Method of Data Collection
The researcher considered several data collection methods and finally chose structured
questionnaires. This was because questionnaires have the tendency to cover a wider area
within a short time. Moreover, it is preferred in studies which adopt the quantitative
The questionnaires were distributed to the targeted respondents of the study. These
include; students, corporate officials and other telephony users. Two main measurement
scales were adopted and used in the study. Namely; nominal and ordinal. In the nominal
scale the variables that were affected include. Age group, gender, profession, education
and preferred network. In the ordinal scale, a five-point scale was used where 5-implies
strongly agree and 1-plies strongly disagree. The questionnaires were further grouped
according to the objectives of the study for easily validity and identification.
Data analysis is the process of transforming raw data into useful output. The researcher
adopted quantitative research design technique for the study (Creswell, 2003; Tailor,
2005). This makes statistical analysis imperative in this study. Hence statistical package
for social sciences (SPSS version 21) was adopted to analysis the field data. This was
done with the aid of Microsoft excel. The field data were adequately validated to remove
frequencies. The results were presented using tables and charts. The findings were
3.6 Organizational Profile
The telecommunication industry has been in operation since 1996. Although Tigo Ghana
was the first to operate in the country their customers were taken away by the MTN
group which is currently the leading telecommunication network in the country. MTN
was able to do this due to it wider coverage and several value added services. Vodafone
both the fixed lines and cellular lines. Recently, it emerges the second most patronized
The Glo joined the telecommunication race in Ghana recently from Nigeria. Though they
won a license through a closely-contested bid to run a cellular network over a year ago,
their roll-out in Ghana had been delayed by bureaucracy from the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA). The information herein this documents is not the overall
situation of the telecommunication sector in Ghana but just an overview to support the
argument in this study only. The figure 3.1 below shows the various logo and images of
3.7 Ethical Consideration
The study had observed several ethical issues needed to complete the study. . Ethical
issues were also addressed in this study. Notably, principles of dignity, justice and
respect were observed. These were done to project the identity of the respondents and
4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the analyses and discussions of the field data emanating from the
the impact of branding on consumer behaviour and its effect on the telecommunication
industry and the relationship between branding and consumer buying behaviour. The
results of the analyses had been present using mean, standard deviations, relative
This section of the analysis presents background information about the respondents.
From the table, the Sex of respondents showed that 59% were males and 41% were
females. This implies that males dominant in the telephony industry particularly in the
current study setting (Kumasi metropolis). Therefore the outcome of the study is more
Table 4.2: Respondents Age Distribution
Respondents age distributions were as follows; majority (N=58, 29%) of the respondents
were between the age group 18-25 years, 23.5% were within the age group 26-30, 16%
were aged between 41-50, 15.5% of the respondents were between the ages of 31-40
years, 14% were 50 years and above and lastly only 2% of the respondents were below
18 years of age;
30 Respondent Educational
10 level
Regarding respondent educational level, it was revealed that 32.5% of the respondents
were having HND/Degree, also 30% of the respondents were SHS leavers, another 22%
degree holders and about 2% of the respondents were within other unspecified
The religion of respondents showed that a whopping 92% of the respondents belonged to
the Christian faith and the minority 8% of the respondents belonged to the Islamic faith.
Regarding the number of years of using a mobile telecommunication services, the greater
proportion (N=156, 78%) of the respondents reportedly affirmed that they have been
using mobile telecommunication services for more than 5 years, 18% of the respondents
said they have been using the service for 2-5 years and just 4% of the respondents said
4.3 Branding strategies employed by telecommunication companies
The study explored branding strategies from the officials of the telecommunication
companies. The study discovered that there are several branding strategies adopted and
utilized by the communication companies (Vodafone, Tigo, Airtel, Mtn and Glo). These
strategies ranges from the cost drive quality service, core identity and differential. From
services recorded 18% each with 2% of the respondents influenced by other variables.
We belief our services are distinctive by our call tariffs. We strive to charge the lowest
among our competitors. As a result our customers know us by this. A marketing official
We belief in what we do and do best, we are known for our service differentiation. We
always set the pace in discovering and this has distinguished us from all the rest in the
Ghanaians have known us to be the smart phone network that is Airtel for you. We are
first in innovation and technology. We provide affordable options for our cherished
We provide health tips and among others for our customers which is outside our main
communication. This strategy is available to facilities based providers and resellers and
therefore we are able to can differentiate our network services. Mensah Vodafone
(participant #4)
We are different by our identity, this involve the deployment of sophisticated technology
to provide the needs of individuals, corporate and government market and this helps to
enter other market segment in the future therefore building the brand knowledge of
customers are always taken into consideration. Asare MTN (participant #5).
4.4 Customers’ view on branding and its effect on the telecommunication industry
Regarding the number of years of using a mobile telecommunication services, the greater
proportion (N=156, 78%) of the respondents reportedly affirmed that they have been
using mobile telecommunication services for more than 5 years, 18% of the respondents
said they have been using the service for 2-5 years and just 4% of the respondents said
30 Understanding of branding
10 Percent
With the understanding of branding 50% of respondents said all the above, followed by
22% of the respondents who said they understand company image, 14% of the
respondents easily identifies labeling, another 10% said they easily recognizes the brand
Table 4.5: Preferred mobile telecommunication service brand being different from
other brands
From the survey results 42% of the respondents consider wide coverage of a
services recorded 18% each with 2% of the respondents influenced by other variables.
Table 4.6: Preferred brand when mobile telecommunication services are mentioned
Table 4.6 presented the results of the familiar brand among respondents when
telecommunication services are mentioned and the study discovered that majority
(N=119, 59.5%) of the respondents ticked MTN, also 23.5% said it Vodafone, 8% went
in for Tigo, 6% belief in was Glo and only 3% said Airtel. This implies that MTN has
4.5 Impact of branding on buying behaviour of the telecommunication companies
This sub section of the analysis provides on how branding directly or indirectly effect the
buying behaviour of the consumers. Particularly their perceptions and recognition of the
Brand Loyalty SA A N D SD
I am Motivated to recommend the 105(52.5) 59(29.0) 12(6.0) 8(4.0) 16(8.0)
brand that I use to others
I am Motivated to Purchase alternative 60(30.0) 76(38.0) 44(22.0) 12(6.0) 4(2.0)
I would continue to use this brand even 82(41.0) 28(14.0) 40(20.0) 24(12.0) 26(13.0)
at high Usage Rate
I would be Motivated to switch to other 50(25.0) 44(22.0) 32(16.0) 31(15.5) 43(21.5)
competitive brand
Source: Field Survey, 2016. Where SA=Strongly Agree; A=Agree; N=Neutral;
The table 4.7 shows the effects of brand royalty on customers purchasing intentions
using five point Likert scale (SA=Strongly Agree; A=Agree; N=Neutral; D=Disagree;
SD=Strongly Disagree).
Higher percentage of (52.5%) of the respondents strongly asserted that they are
motivated to recommend their favourite brands to others, 29% of the respondents agreed
to further recommend their brands. However, 6% would remain neutral, 4.0% totally
disagreed with recommending their brand to others whiles 8.0% strongly disagreed in
30 are motivated to purchase alternative packages. Moreover, 38% are further motivated
to purchase alternative package due to its brand, 22% for neutral, however, 6% of the
respondents are not motivated to do this hence they disagree to the statement and 2%
strongly disagreed. Moving on from the above, 41% of the respondents would continue
to use their adopted brand even in the face of high usage rate, 14% agrees whiles 20% of
the respondents would not be able to decide on this hence they would rather be neutral,
12% disagreed, Meanwhile, 13% would discontinued the usage of their current brand in
the event that the usage rate is very high. Beside the above, 25% of the respondents
Meanwhile 16% were undecided on this issue, 15.5% of the respondents would not
The relative important index of brand loyalty were determined where (0.85-1.00= High
SD=Standard Deviation) and the results were shown in Table 4.8 as follows; the
declaration “I am Motivated to recommend the brand that I use to others” had a (X=4.15,
SD=1.20, RII=0.83) which is medium important meaning customers who develop loyalty
can easily recommend the product to others, with the statement “I am Motivated to
medium important, the assertion “I would continue to use this brand even at high Usage
Rate” obtained a medium important status with (X=3.58, SD=1.45, RII=0.72) and the
assertion “I would be Motivated to switch to other competitive brand” was less important
Brand Awareness SA A N D SD
I can easily Recall this brand during 58(29.0) 76(38.0) 38(19.0) 12(4.0) 8(4.0)
any purchase Power
I consider Point of Difference among 15(7.5) 89(44.5) 68(34.0) - -
brands before deciding
I have adequate Knowledge about this 60(30.0) 66(33.0) 19(9.5) 31(15.5) 8(4.0)
My Position of Choice Set is high 64(32.0) 74(37.0) 38(19.0) 16(8.0) -
toward the brand
I can Recall of competitive Brands 38(19.0) 56(28.0) 72(36.0) 18(9.0) 4(2.0)
Source: Field Survey, 2016. Where SA=Strongly Agree; A=Agree; N=Neutral;
The table 4.9 shows the effects of brand awareness on customers purchasing intentions
using five point Likert scale (SA=Strongly Agree; A=Agree; N=Neutral; D=Disagree;
SD=Strongly Disagree). The available evidence from the support the claim that about
67% of the respondents can easily recall their brand during any purchase power.
However, 8% would not be able t recall their brand with easy. Furtherance from the
above majority (52%) of the respondents would consider point of difference among
brands before making purchase decision however, 34% would be undecided in such a
circumstance. Majority (63%) has adequate knowledge about their brand but 19% of
them do not. Whiles 69% of the respondents set high their position of choice towards
brand others do not. Meanwhile, 19% of the respondents were undecided on this issue.
More so, 47% of the respondents can recall of competitive brands easily. However, 11%
The relative important index of branding awareness were determined where (0.85-1.00=
X=Mean; SD=Standard Deviation) and the findings were presented in Table 4.10 as
follows; the statement “I can easily Recall this brand during any purchase Power” was
medium important with (X=3.85, SD=1.05, RII=0.74), the assertion “I consider Point of
Difference among brands before deciding” was less important with a (X=3.69, SD=0.62,
RII=0.64), also the statement “I have adequate Knowledge about this Brand” was
averagely important with (X=3.76, SD=1.20, RII=0.69) and lastly the assertion “My
Position of Choice Set is high toward the brand” was medium important with (X=3.97,
SD=0.93, RII=0.76).
Perceived Quality SA A N D SD
I will purchase brand with Product 140(70.0) 40(20.0) 8(4.0) - 4(2.0)
I will purchase brand with Value added 120(60.0) 44(22.0) 20(10.0) 4(2.0) 8(4.0)
I will purchase a brand with high 148(74.0) 24(12.0) 16(8.0) - 8(4.0)
Service Quality
Quality perception influences my brand 82(41.0) 82(41.0) 20(10.0) - 4(2.0)
Innovation is key in my choice for 88(44.0) 40(20.0) 60(30.0) 8(4.0) -
mobile telecom brand
Source: Field Survey, 2016. Where SA=Strongly Agree; A=Agree; N=Neutral;
The table 4.11shows the effects of perceived quality on customers purchasing intentions
using five point Likert scale (SA=Strongly Agree; A=Agree; N=Neutral; D=Disagree;
SD=Strongly Disagree).The available data support provides that 90% of the respondents
will purchase brand based on the product performance, only 4% of the respondents
would not base purchasing intentions on performance. Again, as many as 82% of the
respondents would purchase a brand with value added features however, 6% of the
respondents would not do consider value added features. Majority (86%) of the
respondents agreed that they will purchase a brand with high service quality. Meanwhile,
In a similar vein, 82% of the respondents would be influenced by the quality perception
of the brand whiles 10% would not be influence quality perception. Moreover, 64% of
the respondents would consider innovation as key in their choice for mobile telephony
services whiles 30% would not consider innovation as a choice for telecom brand.
The relative important index on perceived quality were determined where (0.85-1.00=
X=Mean; SD=Standard Deviation) and the findings were presented in Table 4.12 as
follows; the statement “I will purchase brand with Product Performance” found that the
assertion was highly important with (X=4.63, SD=0.76, RII=0.89); the assertion “I will
purchase a brand with high Service Quality” indicated that the statement was high
important with (X=4.55, SD=0.95, RII=0.89); also the statement “Quality perception
was medium important with (X=4.06, SD=0.96, RII=0.79) and lastly the statement “I
will purchase brand with Value added features” was medium important with (X=4.35,
SD=1.02, RII=0.73).
Brand Association SA A N D SD
I will patronise in brand with 49(24.5) 55(27.0) 56(28.0) 12(6.0) 24(12.0)
Closeness to Life
I like brand with high Social Image 100(50.0) 52(26.0) 24(12.0) 4(2.0) 8(4.0)
Personality feelings is key in my 53(26.5) 60(30.0) 60(30.0) 15(7.5) 8(4.0)
brand decision
Sing Value or recognition influence 18(9.0) 35(17.5) 115(57.5) 12(6.0) 16(8.0)
my brand decision
Source: Field Survey, 2016. Where SA=Strongly Agree; A=Agree; N=Neutral;
The table 4.13 shows the effects of brand association on customers purchasing intentions
using five point Likert scale (SA=Strongly Agree; A=Agree; N=Neutral; D=Disagree;
SD=Strongly Disagree). From the survey the following results were obtained, 51% of the
respondents are most likely to patronise in brands that support life whiles 18% of the
respondents would not do this. Moreover, 76% of the respondents would like brand with
high social image, 12% would not be able to decide in this case and 6% would not be
bothered with high social image in their branding decisions. The study further reveals
that majority (56.5%) of the respondents would consider telecom brand as a result of
feeling influences their brand decision. The study again revealed that 53% of the
The relative important index on brand association were determined where (0.85-1.00=
X=Mean; SD=Standard Deviation) and the findings were presented in Table 4.14 as
follows; the statement “I like brand with high Social Image” was medium important with
(X=4.23, SD=1.04, RII=0.79); the assertion “Personality feelings is key in my brand
decision” was medium important with a (X=3.69, SD=1.08, RII=0.74); also, the
statement “I will patronise in brand with Closeness to Life” showed An important index
with (X=3.47, SD=1.27, RII=0.68) and finally, the assertion “Sing Value or recognition
influence my brand decision” saw low important with (X=3.14, SD=0.96, RII=0.62).
Ghanaian Telecom.
There is a significant (p-value <0.05) and positive correlation between consumer buying
behaviour and the various components of branding. There is a significant association (p-
value <0.05, R= 0.665) between customer buying behaviour and brand loyalty. There is
<0.05, R= 0.665) between customer buying behaviour and perceived quality. Finally,
Dolatabadi et al. (2012) examined the impact of Brand Personality on Product Sale
through Brand Equity (Case Study: Cosmetic Products Retailers). Equity delivery
through products to customers is key to developing customer trust and loyalty among
treatment from customers and extends the boundaries of customer satisfaction leading
customer retention. In the study Dolatabadi et al. (2012) found a significant relation
between product equity and customer loyalty and trust among customers. Ghodeswar,
(2008) identify important elements of brand building based on a literature review and
case studies of successful brands in India. The study concluded that one basic
make it easy for potential customers to understand and associate themselves with a
particular brand.
5.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations aimed
at addressing the established specific objectives of the study. Particularly the following
behaviour and its effect on the telecommunication industry and the relationship between
This sub-section of the study presents the summary of findings emanating from the
The study discovered that there are several branding strategies adopted and utilized by
the communication companies (Vodafone, Tigo, Airtel, Mtn and Glo). These strategies
ranges from the cost drive quality service, core identity and differential. From the survey
as a brand strategy, 20% of the respondents belief their branding strategy is greatly
influenced by affordability, fastness of internet and quality services recorded 18% each
5.1.2 Customers’ view on branding and its effect on the telecommunication industry
Regarding the number of years of using a mobile telecommunication services, the greater
proportion (N=156, 78%) of the respondents reportedly affirmed that they have been
using mobile telecommunication services for more than 5 years, 18% of the respondents
said they have been using the service for 2-5 years and just 4% of the respondents said
they have been on mobile services for 2-1 years. With the understanding of branding
50% of respondents said all the above, followed by 22% of the respondents who said
they understand company image, 14% of the respondents easily identifies labeling,
another 10% said they easily recognizes the brand name of the organization with only
4% identifying companies with slogans. The survey results discovered that majority
(N=119, 59.5%) of the respondents ticked MTN, also 23.5% said it Vodafone, 8% went
in for Tigo, 6% belief in was Glo and only 3% said Airtel. This implies that MTN has
Majority (52.5%) of the respondents strongly asserted that there are motivated to
recommend their favourite brands to others, 29% of the respondents agreed to further
recommend. However, 6% would remain neutral. Again, 30% of the respondents are
purchase alternative package due to its brand. However, 8% of the respondents are not
motivated to do this hence they disagree to the statement. Moving on from the above,
where as 55% of the respondents would continue to use their adopted brand even in the
face of high usage rate. 20% of the respondents would not be able to decide on this hence
they would rather be neutral. Meanwhile, 25% would be discontinued the usage of their
current brand in the event that the usage rate is very high. Beside the above, 47% of the
respondents would be motivated to switch to other competitive brand however, 36.7% of
the respondents would not switch to other competitive brand. Meanwhile 16% were
The relative important index of brand loyalty were determined where (0.85-1.00= High
SD=Standard Deviation) and the results were shown in Table 4.8 as follows; the
declaration “I am Motivated to recommend the brand that I use to others” had a (X=4.15,
SD=1.20, RII=0.83) which is medium important meaning customers who develop loyalty
can easily recommend the product to others, with the statement “I am Motivated to
medium important, the assertion “I would continue to use this brand even at high Usage
Rate” obtained a medium important status with (X=3.58, SD=1.45, RII=0.72) and the
assertion “I would be Motivated to switch to other competitive brand” was less important
The available evidence from the support the claim that about 67% of the respondents can
easily recall their brand during any purchase power. However, 8% would not be able t
recall their brand with easy. Furtherance from the above majority (52%) of the
respondents would consider point of difference among brands before making purchase
decision however, 34% would be undecided in such a circumstance. Majority (63%) has
adequate knowledge about their brand but 19% of them do not. Whiles 69% of the
respondents set high their position of choice towards brand others do not. Meanwhile,
19% of the respondents were undecided on this issue. More so, 47% of the respondents
can recall of competitive brands easily. However, 11% of the respondents cannot recall
competitive brads
The relative important index of branding awareness were determined where (0.85-1.00=
X=Mean; SD=Standard Deviation) and the findings were presented in Table 4.10 as
follows; the statement “I can easily Recall this brand during any purchase Power” was
medium important with (X=3.85, SD=1.05, RII=0.74), the assertion “I consider Point of
Difference among brands before deciding” was less important with a (X=3.69, SD=0.62,
RII=0.64), also the statement “I have adequate Knowledge about this Brand” was
averagely important with (X=3.76, SD=1.20, RII=0.69) and lastly the assertion “My
Position of Choice Set is high toward the brand” was medium important with (X=3.97,
SD=0.93, RII=0.76).
The available data support provides that 90% of the respondents will purchase brand
based on the product performance, only 4% of the respondents would not base
purchase a brand with value added features however, 6% of the respondents would not
do consider value added features. Majority (86%) of the respondents agreed that they
will purchase a brand with high service quality. Meanwhile, 4% of the respondents
In a similar vein, 82% of the respondents would be influenced by the quality perception
of the brand whiles 10% would not be influence quality perception. Moreover, 64% of
the respondents would consider innovation as key in their choice for mobile telephony
services whiles 30% would not consider innovation as a choice for telecom brand.
The relative important index on perceived quality were determined where (0.85-1.00=
X=Mean; SD=Standard Deviation) and the findings were presented in Table 4.12 as
follows; the statement “I will purchase brand with Product Performance” found that the
assertion was highly important with (X=4.63, SD=0.76, RII=0.89); the assertion “I will
purchase a brand with high Service Quality” indicated that the statement was high
important with (X=4.55, SD=0.95, RII=0.89); also the statement “Quality perception
was medium important with (X=4.06, SD=0.96, RII=0.79) and lastly the statement “I
will purchase brand with Value added features” was medium important with (X=4.35,
SD=1.02, RII=0.73).
From the survey the following results were obtained, 51% of the respondents are most
likely to patronize in brands that support life whiles 18% of the respondents would not
do this. Moreover, 76% of the respondents would like brand with high social image, 12%
would not be able to decide in this case and 6% would not be bothered with high social
image in their branding decisions. The study further reveals that majority (56.5%) of the
as many as 30% are undecided as to whether personality feeling influences their brand
decision. The study again revealed that 53% of the respondents are influenced by
recognition when choosing among brands. Interestingly, 14% of the respondents do not
5.1.4 Relationship between branding and consumer buying behaviour in the
Ghanaian Telecom.
The study discovered there is a significant (p-value <0.05) and positive correlation
between consumer buying behaviour and the various components of branding. There is a
and brand loyalty. There is also a significant association (p-value <0.05, R= 0.593)
association and customer buying behaviour. These associations supports the following
previous studies by on marketing Dolatabadi et al. (2012) examined the impact of Brand
Personality on Product Sale through Brand Equity (Case Study: Cosmetic Products
trust and loyalty among potential customers. Equity ensures leverage which is devoid of
customer satisfaction leading customer retention. In the study Dolatabadi et al. (2012)
found a significant relation between product equity and customer loyalty and trust among
literature review and case studies of successful brands in India. The study concluded that
measures make it easy for potential customers to understand and associate themselves
5.2 Conclusions
In conclusion the study had revealed that there are several branding strategies adopted
and utilized by the communication companies (Vodafone, Tigo, Airtel, Mtn and Glo).
These strategies ranges from the cost drive quality service, core identity and differential.
Other strategies include; coverage, accessibility, availability and pricing and promotions.
Moreover, concerning customers view on these branding strategies as they are implied in
acknowledged that branding is about logo, service quality, pricing, coverage image,
signage and slogan. A whopping majority seem this as combination of all the above.
The study had also discovered from the data analyzed that, branding has a significant
association with branding and customer buying behaviour. It also revealed that brand
loyalty has positive and significant association with customer buying behaviour. Brand
awareness also has positive and significant association with customer buying behaviour.
Finally, perceived quality and brand association has positive and significant association
In conclusion the present study was conducted to determine the effect of branding in the
create awareness of their products and services. These strategies include; logo, image,
5.3 Recommendations
From the afore-stated conclusions the following recommendations are deem vital for
First and foremost, research and development play significant role in the success of
regular scientific studies to identify measure to improve and sustain their brand. These
Moreover, customer satisfaction is very vita in to attract and retain customers especially
in the telephony business environment where competitions among firms are very
intensive and unabated. Customer services such as complains handling, waiting time and
customer relationship management must be given a maximum attention and also their
brands must have much impact on their behavior to build a strong relationship between
In addition, various telecom industries should adopt best branding strategies to attract
more customers to them. Quality service and continues improvement must be maintained
at all times. Quality services in this view would focus on proving a tailed service or
product that meets the specifications of the customers. Alternatively, this is done to
eliminate all forms of defects associated with product or service. Whenever quality
service is achieved the customer is always satisfied and the brand of the service provider
Similarly, strategic branding is another way to promote and sustain customer branding.
In this management must incorporate the knowledge and desires of the customers into
the overall branding strategy. This strategy has the efficacy and the clout to a stick the
brand in the mind of the customers. Others perceive their involvement as honor and
return remain loyal to the brand. It is believe of the researcher that if all these are
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This questionnaire is part of a study that is determining the effect of branding in the
right response from among alternative answers for each question by ticking in the
appropriate box. Where alternative answers are not provided, fill in the gaps provided. You
are assured of the confidentiality of this exercise because it will be solely used for academic
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] Below 18years
[ ] 18-25years
[ ] 26-30years
[ ] 31-40 years
[ ] 41-50years
[ ] 50+
3. What is your highest educational attainment?
[ ] No formal education
[ ] SHS
[ ] HND/First Degree
[ ] Master’s Degree
[ ] Christianity
[ ] Islamic
[ ] Traditionalist
[ ] Others (specify)………………
b) 1 -2 years [ ]
c) 2 – 5 years [ ]
d) Above 5 years [ ]
a) Name [ ]
b) Labeling [ ]
c) Company image [ ]
d) Slogan [ ]
7. Which brand comes into mind when mobile telecommunication services are
a) MTN [ ]
b) Tigo [ ]
c) Vodafone [ ]
d) Grow [ ]
e) Airtel [ ]
brand loyalty by using the agreement legend provided. Agreement Legend Strongly
Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement to the following statements on
brand awareness by using the agreement legend provided. Agreement Legend Strongly
perceived quality by using the agreement legend provided. Agreement Legend Strongly
Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement to the following statements on
brand association by using the agreement legend provided. Agreement Legend Strongly
How does your preferred mobile telecommunication service brand differ from
other brands?
a) Wide coverage [ ]
b) Fast internet [ ]
c) Affordability [ ]
d) Quality services [ ]