Architecture Specification
Architecture Specification
Architecture Specification
Invisible carpentry:
First part General
1-1-1 Other Contract documents related to this chapter:
Other contract documents related to this chapter include the following documents:
- Contract conditions.
- Contract general requirements.
- Drawings
1-1-2 Works descriptions
This chapter designated to invisible carpentry works articles that required for the project, and
they are invisible and not constructive and represent part of other works articles described through out
the rest specifications chapters, and include for example and not limited the following:
1- Wood buriers.
2- Wall lathering wood fodders.
3- Wood floors fodders.
4- The annular.
5- Opening (holes) annular needed for mechanical and electrical works.
6- Wood flexes (soft) needed for fixation.
7- Wood flexes (soft) used as bases for equipments.
8- Preparing walls for lathering with mirror.
9- Necessary strengthening for electric works.
Drawings and executive drawings that are approved by supervising engineer and requirements
mentioned in rest of specifications chapters, indicates the required limit for invisible carpentry works.
Invisible carpentry is not regarded in depended articles and will not be paid for by separate rate or
(price), and proposal presenter shall calculate works costs as works articles cost that accompany
invisible carpentry works.
1-1-3 References:
Standard specifications:
As it was pointed out to some standard specifications throughout this chapter, whenever it
mentioned, the final issue requirements of specifications, that was pointed out compare as if
specifications parts of this chapter, for example the following materials specifications:
1- Liquid bitumen consists of asphalt compound dissolvent.
2- Rust proof Red lead (lead oxide).
3- Zinc metal layer on metal works and steel by dipping method on hot.
4- Plywood thins for general use.
5- Lath wood.
1-1-4 what contractor presents for approval:
Contractor must present the following to be approved by supervising engineer:
Contractor must present samples of all materials and models made from different works articles to
supervising engineer for approval:
1-1-5 Quality control:
Inspections: Supervising engineer has the right to follow up on manufacturing stages at factory
or at workshop to assure compatibility to approved samples and technical specifications.
Soft wood:
A- Whiting (white pine): white wood yellowish not combined in fibers, lightweight, easy split
(crack), dark hard knot, and 1M3 weight about 350 kg.
B- Red pine (Swedish wood): yellow wood reddish, fibers more combined than white pine, 1M3
weight about 450kg.
1-2-2 manufactured wood
General: Used manufactured woods must be treated against insects.
Plywood (fiber inverted thin woods):
1- Shall be of wood veneer thins on shape of inverted layers (no less than three) pressed with
each other so fiber of each layer vertical in direction with layer attached to it.
2- Used plywood must be compatible with standard specifications.
3- Used boards thickness must be as indicated in drawings and approved executive drawings.
Lath woods boards:
1- Shall be of strips of soft wood, stacked, attached, and covered on both faces (surfaces) with a
wood veneer, and its fibers vertical with lath fibers.
2- Used boards must be compatible with standard specifications.
3- Lath woods thickness must be as indicated in drawings and approved executive drawings.
1-2-3 Plywood works protective layers:
Shall use liquid type to insulate wood surface that is attached to walls and floors according to
Red lead (lead oxide):
Use after mixing with boiled flax (hemp) seed oil as preserved lining to protect woods in limited
finishing with concealing paint as according to specifications.
1-2-4 fixation methods:
Shall be compatible with standard specifications which determined by executive supervising
Rag bolts
Shall be of soft or tender steel on shape of letter (L), 25mm x 3 x 250mm in dimensions wrapped
up at ends with (2) nail holes, the other end as dovetail coated with layer of zinc.
Shall be of strong solid wood, of type that extend (expend) inside wall.
1-2-5 Wood works adhesive materials
Adhesive materials shall be according to specifications, and testing the adhesive material type
according to wood type and required usage.
Part three Execution (performing)
1-3-1 General requirements
A- Invisible carpentry works shall be performed according to executive drawings approved by
supervising engineer and presented by contractor according to special specifications chapter’s
requirements for works articles that accompany invisible carpentry works.
B- Sections dimensions that are indicated on executive drawing shall be the final dimensions
after operating.
C- Carpentry works shall be supplied to work site and place or store in building, in closed dry
suitable place and place using safe method until assembly.
D- Supervising engineer has the right to reject carpentry works that have cracks, shrinkage,
inclining, arcing, or disjointing in knots or any other defects.
1-3-2 Manufacturing
A- Perform invisible carpentry works in accordance with British specifications (BS 1186 part 2).
B- Cut parts of solid (not hollow) wood mass (unless mentioned otherwise) and manufacture
woods with accuracy to obtain correct shape and lengths, free of crookedness and arcing, pits (holes),
breaks (cracks), and wood wool, and must be soft and smooth.
C- Collect sections that bonded (tied) confirm (strengthen), to obtain strong elements (origins),
and free of any deforms and within allowable differences.
D- Nail heads that shall be visible in performed works must be dipped in from wood surfaces.
Differences: Parts are manufactured to indicated dimensions in performing drawings.
1-3-3 Adhesive materials
Use adhesive materials to factory recommendations.
1-3-4 Installations
A- Base paints: Before installing wood works must assure wood surfaces that will be invisible
(not showing) after installation were protected and based with materials that was previously described
in this chapter.
B- Install wood works with accuracy so they are vertical, leveled, straight, fix with strength to
prevent disjointing or bending or movements resulted from lack of fix during usage and assure
compatibility to performance and design requirements.
C- Defects: Wood works must not be sanded (sand paper) or cut for purpose of repairing
D- Installing (mounting) cotters: Must determine cotters locations precisely. Uses manufactured
cotters according to factory recommendations and always assure cotters penetration and fix methods
enough for loading elements.
E- Wood works must not carry any constructive (building) loads unless designed for this
F- Fixation with nails: push nail heads under wood sections surfaces that are visible during
Visible carpentry:
First part General
2-1-1 Other contract documents related to this chapter:
Other contract documents related to this chapter include the following documents:
- Contract conditions.
- Contract general requirements.
- Drawings.
2-1-2 Works description
This chapter designated to visible carpentry works articles that required for the project and
include the following works articles:
1- Wood skirting boards that accompany carpet finished floors.
2- Wood skirting boards that accompany wood floors.
3- Wood shelves inside concrete flints.
Other specifications chapters that are related to this chapter: following specifications
chapters include requirements or technical specifications for used materials in this chapter works or
include technical specifications for works related to invisible carpentry, the drawings indicate the
locations, and extension of visible carpentry works.
2-1-3 what contractor present for approval:
Contractor must present the following to be approved by supervising engineer:
Samples: Contractor must present samples of all materials and models made from different
works articles and include different fixation methods.
Part two Products and materials
2-2-1 Natural woods
Solid woods:
A- Oakwood: solid wood combined in fibers weight about 800 kg/m3 at humidity ratio 12% and
Oakwood shall be in light brown colors, which are produced in Austria Forrests.
Soft wood:
A- Red pine (Swedish wood): yellow wood reddish and 1 M3 weight about 450kg and fibers are
more combined than white wood.
2-2-2 Wood preserving layers
Wood protecting compounds: compound with organic base compatible with standard
specifications and the following requirements:
1- Insect poison.
2- Valid and affect last longer.
3- Has the ability to pretreated or penetrate into solid wood pores and does not increase its
tendency to ignite or inflame.
4- Do not cause snail or solid fixation cotter pins to rust.
2-2-3 mounting (installing) accessories
Stiffed (rigid) round nails of galvanized steel and compatible to specifications.
Shall be of strong nylon types that extend inside wall with enough length to stand force that
loaded on them.
Part three Performing (executing)
2-3-1 General requirements
A- Shall perform visible carpentry works according to approved executive drawings by
supervising engineer, which were presented by contractor according specifications chapters of works
articles that accompany by visible carpentry works.
B- Sections dimensions indicated in executive drawings, shall be final dimensions after
C- Carpentry works shall be supplied to work site and place or store in building, in closed dry
suitable place and place using safe method until assembly.
D- Supervising engineer has the right to reject carpentry works that have cracks, shrinkage,
inclining, arcing, or disjointing in knots or any other defects.
E- Wood surfaces that may be attached to walls shall be painted with wood protective paint as
described in this chapter.
2-3-2 Manufacturing
A- Visible carpentry works performed according to specifications.
B- Sections formed of solid (not hollow) wood mass unless mentioned otherwise.
C- Manufacture wood with accuracy to obtain correct shapes and lengths, and free of
crookedness and arcing.
D- Surfaces must be smooth, soft, and free of pits, wood wool, cracks (breaks) or any other
E- Collect sections that bonded (tied) confirm (strengthen), to obtain strong elements (origins),
free of deforms.
F- Nail heads that shall be visible in performed works must be dipped in from wood surfaces
G- Wood sections dimensions indicated in executive drawings that was presented by contractor
are final dimensions.
H- Make skirting boards and hand rails in suitable lengths to decrease the number of joints.
I- Make hand rails Circular (round) of wood blocks at required diameters.
2-3-3 Installing
A- Must assure that wood surfaces in contact with walls are protected with previously mentioned
paint in this chapter, before installing.
B- Install wood works with accuracy so they are vertical, leveled, straight, fix with strength to
prevent disjointing or bending or movements resulted from lack of fix during usage and assure
compatibility to performance and design requirements.
C- Wood works must not be sanded (sand paper) or cut for purpose of repairing deforms.
D- Must determine cotters locations precisely. Uses manufactured cotters according to factory
recommendations and always assure cotters penetration and fix methods enough for loading elements.
E- Wood skirting boards inner corners shall be beveled on 45° angles.
F- Finishing at work site shall be with Concealed paint and dye varnish.
Wood Doors
Part one General
2-1-1 Other contract documents related to this chapter:
Other contract documents related to this chapter include the following documents either in
Arabic or English language.
- Contract conditions.
- Contract general requirements.
- Drawings.
2-1-2 Works description
This chapter designated to wood doors specifications and includes the following:
- Lathering wood doors non- fire resistance.
- Filling wood doors non- fire resistance.
Fire resistance lathering wood doors shall be installed (mounted) in walls or fire isolators
according to architectural design and project drawings indicate locations and extension of each type of
required wood doors.
Other specifications chapter related to this chapter: following specifications chapters include
requirements and technical specifications for used materials in this chapter works or technical
specifications for works related to this chapter works.
A- Invisible carpentry.
B- Visible carpentry.
C- Steel doors and frames.
D- Doors accessories.
E- Paints.
2-1-3 References
Standard specifications: As it was pointed out to some standard specifications throughout
this chapter, whenever it mentioned, the final issue requirements of specifications, that was pointed
out compare as if specifications parts of this chapter.
A- Plywood Thins for general use.
B- Lathering wood doors.
C- Annular that is made of natural woods that are special for wood windows and doors.
2-1-4 what contractor present for approval:
Contractor must present the following for supervising engineer approval:
Technical information and data: prepared with knowledge of wood doors factory and shall
contain full technical data for all materials, method of manufacturing, method of use, and any catalogs
or technical update for materials.
Samples: and shall contain:
A- Samples for all materials used to make lathering wood doors.
B- Samples for all materials used to make filler wood doors.
C- Corner sample for section in filler and lathering door body that are either fire or non-fire
Presented samples shall be finished with same required finishing for all wood doors.
Executive drawings: that indicates details of installing wood doors, wood sections dimensions,
places of installing accessories, and details of installing at work site.
Doors tables: contain all information related to all wood doors models either lathering or filler
A- Void name where door installed.
B- Door model code.
C- Buildings hole dimensions.
D- Type of annular and its architectural detail number.
E- Doors finishing type.
F- Accessories group code that are mounted on door, and must indicate contents of each group
under below table.
G- Time period for fire resistance if requested.
H- Any remarks related to door before installing closing (locking) gears or installing doors stop
sections if not included in accessories group that mounted on door.
Testing reports: For fire resistance wood doors that are from international testing labs, accepted
by supervising engineer.
Part two products and materials
2-2-1 used woods
Beech wood: if not mentioned in this formation, all woods and adhesive materials used in wood
doors compatible with chapter number 7-2: (invisible carpentry) and chapter number 7-1 (visible
Oak woods: solid wood combined in fibers, weight about (800kg/m3) at humidity ratio12%, in
light brown color.
2-2-2 non-fire resistance wood doors
Wood doors shall be made according to models and dimensions indicated on drawings, in
accordance with issued details in executive drawings that are approved by supervising engineer and
shall be:
1- Door leaf thickness no less than 45mm, consist of framework or invisible inner frame made of
natural wood and with suitable width accepted by consultant, and core (heart) of door leaf of type
manifested afterward, and framework thickness less than door leaf by lathering board thickness that is
used for both door leaf faces (surfaces), and install wood blocks that are fixed to door leaf framework
at accessories mounting places that need strengthening as mortise lock inside door closing gear.
2- Core material system from slices of solid (not hollow) natural wood, collected (half on half)
with same door leaf frame work thickness made of plywood.
3- Lathering boards with PVC veneer on shape of random wood veneer at least 6mm in
thickness and compatible with specifications.
4- (Thin boards) used for full door leaf periphery of beech wood at least 20mm in thickness
with male/female joint continues attaching with glue, and thickness of those boards bigger than inner
framework thickness by plywood thickness that used for both door faces to maintain plywood ends
inside thin boards.
5- annular of beech wood according to drawings.
6- Must make whatever needed for oak wood frames to install frame aerial and fan light.
7- Columns and heads width for door body frame not less than 150mm and joint column and
heads with mortise joint method unless mentioned otherwise in drawings.
8- Must not make joint in door leaf, lathering, or columns and heads.
9- Mount door face two layers under pressure using adhesive materials and resulted surface
completely leveled and free of defects.
2-2-3 fire resistance wood doors
Wood doors shall be of routine production from factories that make fire resistance lathering
doors which their samples were tested and according to following requirements:
A- Time period required for fire resistance shall be as indicated in drawings and produced doors
in accordance with international standard specifications requirements that accepted by supervising
engineer and not less than 45mm in thickness.
B- Manufactured doors shall be of (5) layers, door core made of solid (not hollow) type and
make strengthening that are needed to install accessories. Add number of door layers so they are (5)
instead of (3) using wide thin slices of material according to routine factory production line.
C- Door faces shall be finished with plywood that dressed with white oak wood veneer and
visible door edges of same wood.
D- Fire resistance wood doors must carry cards or marks from one of international inspection
labs that accepted by supervising engineer which prove these doors full with frames registered at lab
and attach lab card or mark to it as fire resistance doors for time period indicated on card or mark
based on testing models similar to them according to European union specifications.
E- Fire resistance wood doors required for project with dimensions no more than produced
dimensions at factory which test was done on model in international inspection, contractor must
present certificates from inspection lab that these doors were made according to standard
manufacturing requirements used for tested doors which carry card or marks of inspection institute
F- Fire resistance wood doors shall be installed in buildings opening frames made of steel or
wood with holes to install fire retaining tapes, type that inflate by temperature and prevent smoke
G- Annular made of beech wood according to drawings.
2-2-4 Wood doors finishing:
Wood doors finishes at work site using non conceal paint with color chosen by supervising
engineer and perform paint according to specifications chapter number 10-9 (paints).
2-2-5 Accessories
A- Accessories that used for each model of wood doors models shall be as indicated in drawings
or in approved executive drawings.
B- Accessories that used for fire resistance wood doors shall be fire resistance in time period as
required for door fire resistance.
C- Accessories shall be compatible with requirements for chapter number 9-5 (doors
2-2-6 Openings frames and wood projection:
Frames that mounted in wall openings to install doors and projections are made of same door
face veneer wood and assort according to details issued in approved executive drawings and must be
in agreement with standard specifications requirements.
2-2-7 Steel doors frames
Incase using steel doors frames for wood doors, frames that mounted in wall openings to install
doors shall be in accordance with requirements for chapter number 9-1 (Doors made of steel and
C- Fix steel frames in building openings using steel cotters finished with layer of zinc, and cotter
has bit of stable piercing that extend inside wall with screw tooth and nail enough in length pass
through frames columns previously pierced and enter screwed cotter end and fix inside bit and dip
head in column .
D- Prepare door body and frames to install accessories at factory.
E- Install locks and adjusts opening and closing movement at work site.
F- Repeat inspecting and adjusting door body to assure faultlessness of closing and opening
movement before painting final coat of finishing paint.
G- Install rest of accessories such as handles and knobs or any other accessories after completing
closing and opening operations (railing) then disassembled before finishing and reassembled after
completing the finishing and engineer approval.
H- Unless indicated in drawings otherwise, clearance between door body and frames for non-
fire resistance doors shall be as the following:
1- Door body and annular head: 3mm.
2- Hinges column: 3mm.
3- Lock post: 2mm.
4- Bottom sill (foot): 6mm.
- Install fire resistance doors according to European standard specifications requirements.
- Finish wood doors so they work with smoothness and easiness without rubbing or making
any sounds.
2-3-2 Protection
Must provide protection for finished wood doors surfaces using materials not affecting surface
finish and accepted by supervising engineer, and do not to remove protective layers until works
primary receiving.
Aluminum Windows
Part one General
3-1-1 Other contract documents related to this chapter:
Other contract documents related to this chapter include the following documents:
- Contract conditions.
- Contract general requirements.
- Drawings.
3-1-2 Works description
This chapter designated for aluminum widows specifications that used in project:
Drawings indicate required aluminum windows models or places of use for each article of this
chapter works articles.
Other specifications chapters related to this chapter: following specifications chapters consist of
requirements and technical specifications for materials used in this chapter works or consist of
technical specifications for works related to this chapter works such as:
- Partitions leak preventives.
- Glass.
3-1-3 References
Standard specifications: As it was pointed out to some standard specifications throughout this
chapter, whenever it mentioned, the final issue requirements of specifications, that was pointed out
compare as if specifications part of this chapter such as:
- Pierced sections of aluminum and alloy.
- Aluminum sections that are used in constructions period.
3-1-4 what contractor present:
Contractor must present the following for supervising engineer approval:
Technical information and data: that was prepared with factory knowledge which indicates:
1- Type of alloy that was used in making of sections and chemical composer.
2- Type and methods or steps of heat treatment.
3- Alloy mechanical characters.
4- Alloy hardness characters.
5- Results and lab tests certifications that were done on alloy which prove alloy compatibility to
information and presented technical data also compatibility to standard specifications requirements
that were pointed out in this chapter.
6- Sections finishing steps according to required finishing type and finishing layers thickness
7- Strengthens accessories materials characters.
Operating and executions drawings: drawing scale 1:20 for vertical and horizontal projections
and scale 1:1 for details and sections that indicate:
1- Models dimensions.
2- Sections details and models formations including strengthens accessories.
3- Collecting (gathering) details.
4- Glass installation details.
5- Installation methods at work site.
6- Used accessories and method of installing.
Colors samples (patterns): to choose or assure indicated color in drawings.
Samples: and include the following:
1- Samples of strengthens and installing accessories.
2- Installed corner sample of finished sections and required color and glass with tapes installed.
3- Samples of all accessories that are used such as knobs, door bolt, hinges and rotating pivots.
3-1-5 Performance requirements: Must present certifications to prove that factory tested models
similar to aluminum windows with same dimensions and water and air proof rate and construction
performance for the following:
Air proof
Testing methods: according to indicated in European specifications.
Allowable rate: no more than 2m3/hour/ length meter of moving window joint at pressure
difference affecting in at100 Pascal.
Water proof
Testing methods: according as indicated in European specifications.
Allowable rate: water escape not allowed according to test specification that was mentioned at
pressure difference 20% of designed wind pressure according to area of project and building height.
Construction performance
Testing methods: according as indicated in European specifications.
Inclining resistance under regular load (support): no more than 1/175 of area of any part of
windows during load or support when exposed to test pressure affecting inside or outside at 1437
3-1-6 Quality control
Models in original size:
A- Supervising engineer right to ask the contractor to make and install model from original size
full with glass and installation accessories and detailed aluminum doors strengthens that install in
buildings openings.
B- Models install in place chosen by contractor and accepted by supervising engineer.
C- Supervising engineer shall inspect model regarding manufacturing quality, finishing and
extended compatibility to chosen color.
D- Models in original size that accepted by supervising engineer shall be used to compare and for
resemblance to rest of required detailed aluminum doors works and assure its quality level.
E- Models in original size that accepted by supervising engineer and in good condition, until
completing works can be part of permanent works.
Dimensions of natural or original:
1- Contractor must measure dimensions of original for works article that manufacturing required
2- Must indicate the actual dimensions on executive drawings presented for supervising engineer
3- Must make arrangement between detailed aluminum windows manufacturing operation and
time table to execute project.
4- Incase necessary, contractor can start making windows without dimensions of nature or actual,
and in this case must assure the differences in dimensions not out of allowable differences in standard
Assuring quantity: before start of detailed aluminum windows manufacturing, contractor must
assure required numbers of each models and each color of colors (incase numerous colors).
Inspection; supervising engineer shall inspect detailed aluminum windows manufacturing, and
production factory and assure compatibility to specifications, and reject works not compatible, also
assure manufacturing rate compare with time table for project.
3-1-7 Supply, storing and handling
Supply: seal or cover aluminum windows before transporting to work site by covering visible
surfaces of aluminum and accessories with transparent protective material that can be removed easily
at primary delivery so not affecting sections surfaced finishing.
Storing: must store manufactured aluminum units and accessories on special platform, in
shadowed places not exposed to dust, humidity or weather factors.
Handling: must be cautious during installing and transporting doors to avoid causing damages to
doors or to surface layers finishing.
3-1-8 Special guarantee for this chapter works
General: guarantee against manufacturing defects for any material or product that used in this
chapter works, required presenting from factory to work owner through contractor shall not deprived
work owner of any other rights entitled to according to contract documents for this project, and this
guarantee shall be in addition to and in comparison with any other guarantee committed by contractor
according to contract documents requirements.
Guarantee against defects: written guarantee and signed by bitumen waxed factory to isolate
water and factory agree accordingly to supply needed waxes quantity to repair or exchange bitumen
water insulation waxes that were installed at project, and proved during limited guarantee period
afterward part 1-7-3 of this chapter incompatible with performance requirements or any other
requirements that was described in this chapter or were defected in materials, or manufacturing or
installing and include for example with restriction the following:
1- Buildings or structure collapsing.
2- Working in defected or incorrect method.
3- System failure that used in accomplishing performance requirements mentioned in this
4- Damage to used metal materials or damage to metal materials finishing, or damage to other
materials in way above normal circumstances such as weather factors affects.
Guarantee against manufacturing defects period: Ten years starting from date of primary
delivery of works.
Part two products and materials
3-2-1 Aluminum sections
Aluminum sections formed by piercing of alloy 6063 heat treatment (T5) according to European
Aluminum sections finishing: visible surfaces finish of aluminum sections shall be of required
patterns as follow:
1- Aluminum sections cleaned and treated by precipitate a layer of phosphate chromic to increase
adhesive force.
2- Surface finished with layer of (PVDF) with thickness and color determined by supervising
Finish layer requirements: protective layers must fulfill the following conditions:
1- Surfaces colors pattern for sections.
2- Layer holding with aluminum surface.
3- Maintaining high degree of solidness (hardness).
3-2-2 Aluminum windows
The system: aluminum windows system shall be standard system for windows factory approved
by supervising engineer and according to the following requirements:
Classification: system for hard commercials uses.
Sections depth: not less than 58mm.
Sections width: not less than 101mm.
Wall thickness: not less than 2mm.
A- Collect sections mechanically using angles and nails of aluminum or solid those not rust able,
and sections ends at joints beveled at on 45° angle and use air proof of synthetic rubber or paste of
silicon base and sections surfaces that joined are at same level and joints are accursed and regular in
B- Aluminum sections used for detailed (hinged) doors shall be formed so they have course to
fix accessories.
C- Detailed door body shall be of upper head section, sill or foot section, side column, and rance
(wood support post) in middle and upper head section provided with water drain system for rain water
leak or cleaning or from tests done at works completion.
D- Detailed aluminum doors model supplied after collected and glasses or glasses units installed.
3-2-3 Restrains (check) accessories:
Tapes of gaskets and flat tapes: that used in aluminum windows shall be made of (EPDM)
material according to European specifications and shall not use tapes made of (PVC).
Carpet tapes: made of polypropylene hair and stick on slice of polypropylene, and used carpet of
high type or provided with divider of polypropylene in middle.
Flexed paste: shall be according to chapter number 07920.
3-2-4 Secondary annular: made of aluminum with finish made by piercing, and without finish paint.
3-2-5 Accessories
Manufacturing: all accessories made of aluminum and finish with same as windows finish. All
accessories shall be suitable in number and dimension to stand force and strain resulted from use and
operating conditions in addition to wind pressure for outside windows as specified in part 1-5 in this
Hinges: butt hinge of rust proof steel.
Knobs: visible knobs fixed on surface using invisible nails in cases that windows system allow
using knobs.
Door bolts: shall be of width suitable with door body column width.
3-2-6 Glass
Glass used for each mode of detailed aluminum as indicated in drawings or described in chapter
number (glass).
3-2-7 Acceptable manufacturer:
Without breaching (confusing) this chapter requirements, supply materials through one of
acceptable factories or factory similar in quality approved by supervising engineer.
Part three execution
3-3-1 general installing
1- Install according to written factory specifications and recommendations related to installing
windows, accessories, operating systems or any other parts.
2- Install windows units so they are vertical, leveled, and opposite wall without twisting,
crookedness, or loose in frames or door body when shaking.
3- Must use fixing means that are enough to support windows units and install with firmness.
4- Must protect aluminum surfaces that are touching buildings or concrete after installing with
layer of milk paint with bitumen or asphalt base.
5- Must not touch aluminum surfaces with other surfaces or metals that not compatible with
aluminum and use adhesive tapes made for this purpose or paint of bitumen or asphalt.
1- Install wood pieces inside main annular sections to control distance main annular and
secondary annular or opening sides and fix main annular with rust proof steel nails.
2- Distance between two pieces of wood for annular two sides, ceiling, and seat not more than
3- After installing fill clearance between main and secondary annular and opening with silicon
base flexible paste or polyurethane to prevent water escape and install paste according to chapter 8-8.
4- Must not exceed secondary annular dimensions inside (for one model) over indicated limits in
standard specifications (Egyptian number 1787) and necessary to treat clearance between main and
secondary annular so not allowing escape of air and water.
5- Place pillow of catechuic (India rubber) between glass and frame to withstand resulted glass
extension from temperature differences in windows over looking closed courtyard.
3-3-3 the glass
1- Must assure aluminum surfaces that will be installed with glass clean, smooth, and free of
burr or foreign materials.
2- Install tapes on one side only on opposite sides of each two door body.
3- Place glass boards or units in special course (grooves) on plastic chairs then push glass in
courses restraining board or unit with no voids in vertical direction on window and allow movement
on parallel direction of window.
4- Review work and railing of door body and accessories after installing glass.
3-3-4 Work site testing
Test of water escape prevention (water proof): test according to European specifications.
3-3-5 adjustment and cleaning
Adjustment: review and adjust moving door body and accessories after completing installing
glass in windows units. Also finish windows must be firmed at touching points and firming
accessories to guarantee firmed performance.
Cleaning: after completion of installing windows instantly must clean aluminum windows with
cautious not to damage protective layers or layers of aluminum surfaces finish, and remove any stains
or smears in aluminum surfaces or glass from flexible pastes or foreign materials and dust mixed with
Doors accessories
2-6 Cylinders and keys
A- Cylinders shall be made according to standard specification class (1).
B- Cylinders shall be of rotating type that operate tongue and lock rod or lock rod, and made of
rust proof steel or brass with comparing with basic metal for installed group on door, and cylinders
used for locks, inside flush (mortise) lock consist of looped cylinder with rings and of straight or
cracked, and cylinders used with offices doors locks of type with tail section
C- Class (A) cylinders shall be distinguished with cards or marks indicate choose according to
standard specification and core of cylinders shall be of fixed or stable type.
D- Keys system shall be registered system for cylinders factory compatible with following
Master main key system: cylinder can be operated by using:
1- Circulated key operate installed cylinder in void (empty) door lock of building voids.
2- Main key operate group of cylinders installed in doors locks (voids).
3- Master main key operate all installed cylinders in all building doors locks.
E- Keys made of nickel and silver alloy and supplied in the following numbers:
1- Count 5 keys of each circulated key.
2- Count 3 keys of each main key.
3- Count 2 keys of each master main key.
F- System of maintaining and controlling keys according to class (A) European standard
specifications, and include keys hanging hooks, marks, keys collecting envelopes, temporary and
permanent marking methods, and two groups of identification cards with keys and self lock medallion.
System of maintaining and controlling keys shall be kept in safe made of galvanized sheet iron
and finished with oven paint. Safe shall be of hanging type on wall provided with board inside to hang
keys and lock provided with cylinder of rotating type supplied with 3 keys.
2-7 Lock tongue stop
A- Lock tongue stop shall be according to standard specifications for lock indicated in this
B-Stops shall be pattern equipments for locks factory, and sop on shape of door bolt can or
slapping (striking) locks and stop lip extended to protect annular ridge(burr), stop metal and finish
compatible with lock metal and finish.
2-8 Knobs
A- Knobs shall be according to European standard specification.
B- Knobs made rust free steel or brass and patterns or models shall be according to supervising
engineer unless indicated otherwise in drawings.
2-9 Doors lock gears
A- Doors lock gears shall be according to European standard specification.
B- Doors lock gear shall be of type mounted on surface and provided with ability for door stay
C- Fire doors with gears for stay open doors shall be provided with instruments to free door from
staying open position and close automatically, and instruments shall be compatible with standard
specification (European), and arrange to connect this instruments with fire alarm system in each
2-10 Finish section for purpose of protection (protection boards)
A- Shall be according to European standard specification.
B- Finish sections made of rust free steel or brass compatible with original metal for rest of
accessories installed on door.
C- Sections made of rust free or brass at 1.300mm in thickness and beveling upper edge and both
D- Use visible nails of pattern (routine) factory production line to fix end sections, and either
screw nails of sheet iron or self looped while penetrating.
F- Protective boards shall be in width less than door width by 38mm on face where door pulled
and on height indicated in drawings.
2-11 Door stop sections and door stay open section
A- Door stops section shall be according to European standard specification.
B- Mechanical sections to maintain doors open shall be according to European standard
C- Double use sections to maintain doors open or stop shall be according to European standard
specification and of type install on upper door edge.
D- Sound proof sections at wood door close shall be according to European standard specification
and of neoprene material with 16mm x 19mm in dimensions of type made to be dipped in door frame.
E- Sound proof sections at metal door close shall be according to European standard specification
class(1) and of neoprene material with diameter no less than 13mm of type made to be dipped in door
2-12 Door tapes
Shall be according to European standard specification unless drawings indicate otherwise, and use
tapes as follow:
A- Install continues tapes to prevent air escape (air proof) on all outside doors.
B- Install continues tapes to prevent light ray or sound on all inside non-fire resistance doors.
C- Install continues tapes that stop fire transfer and prevent escape of flame and cold and hot
smoke on all fire resistance doors.
Install continues tapes according to the following:
A- On sides of annular and door frame head for single door body.
B- On sides of annular and door frame head, and on main edges for columns facing double doors.
C- On bottom door body edge and all doors body.
Use nails made of same basic metal used in making installed doors accessories on same door (rust
free steel or brass).
Fire and sound resistance tapes shall be according to European standard specification and must
carry distinguished cards or marks for inspection and testing lab with excellent reputation accepted by
supervising engineer.
2-13 Instructions boards mounted on doors
Instructions boards for door use instructions according to following:
Basic metal: same basic metal for accessories installed on doors.
Thickness: not less than 3mm.
Fixation: on door surfaces with wood screw nails of same metal as board, use (4) nails for board
fixed in holes previously prepared on suitable distance from corners.
Language: Arabic.
Message: according to use as determined by supervising engineer.
Type of font and size: according to supervising engineer instructions.
Board dimension: according to message, font size, and supervising engineer instructions.
Method of writing: by engraving in board and paint bottom and sides of engraving.
2-14 Accessories manufacturing in general: do not use accessories sections displayed, written, or
stamped with factory name visibly on section that can be seen unless indicated in drawings otherwise
and basic metal shall be as follow:
Wood doors: of rust free steel or brass according to supervising choice.
Metal doors: rust free steel.
Metal quality used in making accessories shall be similar or above quality level specified for each
section in this chapter, and finish level similar or above standard specification for finish types and do
not to use pattern factory production if quality level less than specified, and in general accessories
sections shall be made according to circulated gears use looped nails or wood screw or sheet iron
screw or looped tying nails without nut.
Nails shall be of produced type according to commercial manufacturing standard for required use, and
use looped nails of Philip screws with leveled head and finished with same finish of accessories
section unless indicated in drawings otherwise.
Use invisible fixing means to install accessories when door when door in close position except
accessories that were specified to install with invisible fixing means.
Prohibit the use of fixing system with looped tying nails to fix two pieces of accessories on door
side if nail head or nut visible on opposite side of door. If these nails are the only possible method to
fix and incase using these nails to fix on coreless doors, then must use sheath to pass looped nail
through it.
Fire resistance accessories such as shunned doors hinges, locks tongues stops, and door close
gears that install on door body and frames fix with wood screw nails (for wood doors) and looped
nails for steel doors.
2-15 Accessories finish in general
A- Accessories finish shall be according to standard specification.
B- Supply accessories with protective layer (placed on in factory) on visible surfaces made of
adhesive tapes or cover temporary of cover type that not affecting accessories finish.
C- Change in look or finish of close or shun accessories sections not allowed.
D- Accessories sections finish shall be as follow;
1- Accessories made of brass: shiny finish covered with transparent layer as indicated in standard
2- Accessories made of rust free steel: shiny finish according to indicated standard specification.
2-16 Acceptable manufacturers: with breaching or confusing the requirements of this chapter, supply
materials from known factory approved by supervising engineer.
Part one general
1-1 Other contract documents related to this chapter:
Other contract documents related to this chapter include the following documents:
- Contract conditions.
- Contract general requirements.
- Drawings.
1-2 Works description
This chapter designated to type of glass and insulated glass units specifications at project and
materials and methods of installing.
Installing of insulated double glass units using manufactured paste to fix glass in constructive
manner are not part of this chapter works and were described in other chapter.
Contract drawings and these chapter requirements indicate places of each type of glasses and glass
1-2-1 Other specifications chapters related to this chapter: following specifications chapters consist of
requirements and technical specifications for materials used in this chapter works or consist of
technical specifications related to this chapter works as example:
A- Detailed aluminum doors.
B- Slipping automatic entry doors.
C- Aluminum windows.
D- Skylights with metal frames.
E- Metal frames walls for fronts.
1-3 References
1-3-1 Standard specifications: As it was pointed out to some standard specifications throughout this
chapter, whenever it mentioned, the final issue requirements of specifications, that was pointed out
compare as if specifications part of this chapter.
1-4 what contractor present for approval:
Contractor must present the following for supervising engineer approval:
1-4-1 Technical information and data: prepared with factory knowledge that produce all glass types,
glass units, and materials that assist in installation that are used in this chapter, and must include
technical information and data presented in catalogs, written data, and advertising update with
production factories knowledge.
1-4-2 Samples: samples of all glass types and glass units used in project:
1- Dimension of sample no less than 300m x 300mmmm.
2- Samples of all materials used in installation.
1-4-3 Executive drawings: shall include details of installing of glass boards, and insulated double glass
1-4-4 Producers certifications: prepared with knowledge and signed by glass manufacturers and all
materials used in installing glass which assure products compatibility with issued requirements in this
1-4-5 Coherence (holding) and compatibility tests reports: which were done before start of glass
works, prepared with flexible pastes factories knowledge that used in installing glass, which prove that
flexible pastes used in installing glass were tested successfully as to coherence with glass and surface
of installed glass, and compatibility with glass and rest of materials used in installing glass.
1-4-6 Tests reports: prepared with knowledge of neutral and qualified test lab that prove compatibility
of glass units indicated afterward with technical requirements issued in this chapter based on full test
factory resent production.
1- Reflected color glass.
2- Insulated double glass units.
3- Strengthening (firming) tapes.
1-4-7 Special guarantee: as was described in this chapter.
1-4-8 Quality control system methods: for factory producing insulated double glass units.
1-5 Performance requirements:
1-5-1 general: used glass boards and insulated double glass units shall have the ability to withstand
without collapsing the resulted strains from:
A- Shrinking and expanding (extending) movement.
B- Wind pressure.
C- Shocks and clashes that accompany the use of cranes to clean glass fronts.
Collapsing appearances include:
A- Glass break as result of manufacturing defects, defects in project preparations, or defects in
B- Failure of tapes used against escape of air and water.
C- Aging of materials used in installing glass.
D- Any other defects in works.
1-5-2 Glass thickness: glass boards’ thickness indicated in drawings or in this chapter is the minimum
that can be used.
Must assure glass boards thickness and glass breakage stresses so it equal or more than thickness
and resulted breakage strain by following the calculations:
A- Calculations methods according to European Union standard.
B- Designed winds loads pressure: according to European code for winds loads and according to
project location and building height as determined by supervising engineer.
C- Break probable for glass used in vertical position: (8) boards for each (1000) boards of
installed boards in vertical position or with incline no more than 15° from vertical position or under
winds affect.
D- Remainder (stay) period for load: (60) second or less.
E- Allowable softness; thickness of glass used so occurred softness in cross direction measure at
glass center under affect of designed winds load pressure for following types of glass that fixed on
four sides at 1/50 of short side (rib) length or 25mm whichever less.
Types of glass are:
1- Glass boards of one layer that heat treated to resist winds loads.
2- Insulated double glass units.
3- Layered glass boards.
1-5-3 Shrink and expand: glass must withstand stresses of shrink and expand resulted from following
mentioned changes in weather and surface temperature when affecting frames that contain glass or
other materials used in installing glass. Shall base engineering calculations on surface temperature of
different materials as result of absorbing sun temperature at day and loss of temperature in air at night.
Temperature difference: 40° Celsius in weather temperature.
67° Celsius surrounds surface temperature.
1-5-4 Heat and visual performance requirements: glass shall be used with performance requirements
that described in this chapter based on manifested factory tests results that determined according to
following procedures:
A- Glass consists of one layer: based on boards 6mm in thickness.
B- Applicable (layered) glass: based on boards tests same installation in this chapter.
C- Insulated double units: based on units consist of two boards of glass 6mm in thickness each
separated by void of air water free at 12mm in thickness of same types mentioned in this chapter.
1-6-7 qualifications of inspection and testing lab: test lab with experience and ability to perform tests
mentioned in this chapter also determined laboratory and practical requirements according to
European specifications.
1-6-8 coherence and compatibility tests: that start before performing glass works shall be based on
samples presented from contractor to pastes factory, of glass, tapes, rest of assistant materials used in
installation, and material used in making glass frames.
Use pattern methods for pastes factory to determined if prepare layers or any methods to prepare
surfaces required to obtain fastest and maximum coherence between pastes used in installing glass and
glass surfaces, pastes installing tapes and surfaces of glass frames.
Perform tests under environmental conditions that present twice the conditions of installed pastes.
Number of tests shall be not less than 3 tests of each metal frame surface finish (face) for installed
glass and each glass or each of insulated double glass units.
Time table for project shall include needed time to perform tests and analyze results without delaying
works, and incase of materials failure in tests contractor must present to supervising engineer written
instructions to pastes factory that include corrective action required to follow and use of prepared
Supervising engineer may agree on possibility of not performing tests if the flexible pastes factory
present technical information and data (or tests reports) based on past tests for present production of
flexible pastes, prove coherence and compatibility of pastes with glass surface and approved
installation material by supervising engineer.
1-6-9 safety glass: shall be of materials classified as first class according to European standard
specifications requirements, and glass tested and approved as safety glass for buildings and according
to supervising engineer directions.
1-6-10 models in natural (original) size: for glass works required for project, and shall be part of
models in natural size and use glass as mentioned requirements in other specifications chapter related
to works.
1-6-11 quality control for insulated double glass units: insulated double glass units used in project
shall be collected at one of factories that follow quality control system accepted by supervising
1-7 supply, storing, and handling:
1-7-1 supply: shall protect glass and insulated glass units while transporting to site according to
factory instructions, and to prevent damage to glass surface or materials resulted from condensation of
water steam carried in air change in temperature, or expose to direct sun ray or any other factors.
1-7-2 storing: store insulated double glass units in closed places, protected from glass boards and sun
ray, and weather conditions, and stack boards or units in vertical position using suitable means, make
partitions between them that stand pressure, and follow written factory instructions with accuracy as to
air storing places and temperature to avoid any damages to restraining layers on units edges.
1-7-3 handling: must take care while transporting glass boards or insulated double glass units and not
causing any damages to glass surface.
1-7-4 general: any glass boards or insulated double glass units damaged during operations of
transporting, storing, or handling must not be installed and shall be exchanged with good and
acceptable by supervising engineer without compensation to contractor.
1-8 restrictions related to project
1-8-1 project design: buildings sides at project consist of metal works for decorative purposes
performed behind surface screen on full building peripheral and on sides installed with insulated glass
units for aluminum windows or metal frames walls for sides.
During installing of insulated double glass units must provide full suitable protection for reflected
color glass surfaces or any glass surfaces and prevent the reach of spark welding fusions resulted from
cutting or grinding, cement or silicon stains.
In all cases, contractor shall be responsible for exchanging units (with damaged surfaces or permanent
damage from welding) with good and new units on his expense without any compensation from work
1-8-2 restrictions related to environment: must not install glass on sides when weather temperature or
temperature of glass surfaces out of determined limits or when glass course wet as result of rain.
1-9 special guarantee for this chapter (works)
1-9-1 general: guarantee against manufacturing defects for any material or product used in this chapter
works required to be presented from factory to work owner through contractor, shall not deprive work
owner of any rights that entitled to him according to contract documents for project, and this guarantee
and in addition and agreeing with any other guarantees committed by contractor in accordance with
contract documents requirements.
1-9-2 special guarantee for reflected color glass boards: guarantee against manufacturing defects
written for work owner interest, issued and signed by reflected color glass factory agreeing as required
to supply substitute quantities of reflected color glass units that were installed at project, and proved
during guarantee period indicated afterwards in paragraph 1-9-5 that there was damage and
determined damages appear during normal use of boards caused by manufacturing but not because of
break or methods of cleaning or maintaining contrary or inconsistent with factory written instructions,
and defects such as cracks or any damages appear in metal oxide layers.
1-9-3 special guarantee for applicable (layered) glass: guarantee against manufacturing defects written
for work owner interest, issued and signed by reflected color glass factory agreeing as required to
supply substitute quantities of reflected color glass units that were installed at project, and proved
during guarantee period indicated afterwards in paragraph 1-9-5 that there was damage and
determined damages appear during normal use of boards caused by manufacturing but not because of
break or methods of cleaning or maintaining contrary or inconsistent with factory written instructions,
and defects such as separation of edges or rims, separation of layers material which prevent viewing
through glass or appearance of opacity over allowable limits in standard specification.
1-9-4 special guarantee for insulated double glass windows: guarantee against manufacturing defects
written for work owner interest, issued and signed by reflected color glass factory agreeing as required
to supply substitute quantities of reflected color glass units that were installed at project, and proved
during guarantee period indicated afterwards in paragraph 1-9-5 that there was damage and
determined damages appear during normal use of boards caused by manufacturing but not because of
break or methods of cleaning or maintaining contrary or inconsistent with factory written instructions,
and defects such as damage to restraining layers or blocking view because of dust or humidity.
1-9-5 guarantee period against manufacturing defects: shall be as follow from date of primary work
A- Reflected color glass boards: 10 years.
B- Applicable (layered) glass boards: 5 years.
C- Insulated glass boards: 10 years.
Part two: products and materials
2-1 glass boards
2-1-1 supple transparent glass: treated glass, flat, supple, and transparent according to European
specifications, first class and high degree of quality.
2-1-2 colored glass: glass colored in body, absorb sun temperature, and decrease light ray during
manufacturing and according to European specifications first class body color, high quality and glass
according to this chapter.
2-1-3 reflected glass: transparent glass, metal oxides layers were added to surface during
manufacturing colored so it appear as mirror from outside building which increase ability to reflect
sun temperature and lead to loss of light ray through it.
2-1-4 reflected colored glass: glass with colored body added to it layer as in reflected glass.
Reflected colored glass shall be Vesalux blue 2000R, produced in Europe, and its color in shade
shall be royal blue or equivalent in quality and color approved by supervising engineer.
2-1-5 indurate (harden) glass: transparent glass, heat treated to highest degree, break stress no less
than 10000/12inch and according to European specifications.
2-1-6 indurate (harden) reflected colored glass: reflected color glass, shall be indurate (harden) after
adding reflecting layer.
2-1-7 applicable (layered) glass: two boards of transparent glass at least (3) mm in thickness, gathered
by heat and pressure in special ovens, and placing inner layer of polyvinyl (PV) between two boards at
0.76mm in thickness and glass shall be according to European specifications.
2-1-8 darken glass: transparent glass, precipitate a layer of ceramic on one of the faces to prevent light
according to European specifications. Ceramic layer shall be with two coats at least on crossed
directions to guarantee full cover and without any exposed spots that will allow light and darken glass
shall be harden before precipitating ceramic.
2-2 insulated restrained double glass units:
2-2-1 general: units shall be made according to European specifications.
Partitions or separators used in making units shall be of rust free steel and cut corners according to
pattern system of manufacturing, and use beads of silica gel material to absorb humidity. Material
used to strain glass units shall be poly on main layer and silicon for secondary layer.
2-2-2 aluminum side walls and windows units: shall be according to follow:
A- Outside board of harden reflected colored glass 6mm in thickness as mentioned in paragraph
2-1-6 and made so metal oxide layer is secondary surface for glass.
B- Air void and water free between two boards at 12mm in width.
C- Inner board shall be of supple transparent glass at 5mm in thickness.
D- Visual and heat characters for units as follow:
1- Light ray ratio: not less than 15%.
2- Sun temperature ratio: not less than 13%.
3- Violet ray ratio: no more than 3%.
4- Average heat transfer (U- Value): no more than 2.74 joule/ m flat x Kelvin scale.
5- Average sun temperature transfer: no more than 0.2600.
6- Sun temperature ratio to temperature passing through transparent glass 3mm in thickness: no
more than 0.300.
2-2-3aluminum sides’ walls units: those install up to 900mm in height from floor finish inside
building and shall be according to following:
A- Outside board of harden reflected colored glass at 6mm in thickness and metal oxide layer
shall be secondary surface for glass.
B- Air void water free between two boards at 12mm in width above.
C- Inner board of supple transparent at 5mm in thickness.
2-2-4 aluminum sides walls units: those install to hide concrete elements in building such as tiles, iron
beams, or column or to hide:
1- Outside board of hardens reflected colored glass at 6mm in thickness and shall be made so
metal oxide layer 0n secondary surface for glass.
2- Air void water free between two boards at 12mm in width above.
3- Inner board of darken glass and install so ceramic on third surface of glass.
2-2-5 units used in skylights: shall be according to following:
1- Outside board of harden reflected colored glass at 6mm in thickness.
2- Air void water free between two boards at 12mm in width above.
3- Inner board (bottom after installing of transparent layered glass at 6.80mm in thickness.
Mirror by participating layer of silver on back surface for glass boards that are transparent, treated
and used as lathering.
Drawings indicate places and extended mirror works and according to supervising engineer
Part two products and materials
Part three executing
1-2-1 Other specifications chapters related to this chapter: the following specifications chapters
consist of requirements and technical specifications for materials in this chapter works, or include
technical specifications for works related to works of invisible (not displayed) carpentry.
1-3-1 standard specifications: As it was pointed out to some standard specifications throughout this
chapter, whenever it mentioned, the final issue requirements of specifications, that was pointed out
compare as if specifications parts of this chapter.
1-4-1 technical information and data: prepared with factory knowledge that produce materials used in
this chapter and shall include:
A- Description of method for manufacturing mirror and materials.
B- Determine transparent glass source used in making mirrors.
C- Materials used in treatment of edges.
D- Quality control system in factory producing mirrors.
E- Detailed method of fixation.
F- Materials that are used in fixation of mirrors.
1-5-1 restrictions related to mirrors source: mirrors that are used in project shall be from same factory
1-6-1 supply: protect mirrors during transporting to site according to factory instructions to prevent
any damage to surfaces or edges or for any other reason.
1-7-1 general: guarantee against manufacturing defects for any material or product used in this chapter
works required to be presented from factory to work owner through contractor, shall not deprive work
owner of any rights that entitled to him according to contract documents for project, and this guarantee
and in addition and agreeing with any other guarantees committed by contractor in accordance with
contract documents requirements.
2-2-1 mirrors produced by precipitating a layer of silver on back surface: produced of transparent
trowel glass as was mentioned paragraph 2-1 of this chapter by precipitating the following layers on
back surface of board:
A- Layer of silver precipitate by chemical method no less than 720g/m2.
B- Layer of brass precipitate by electrical or chemical method.
C- Organic protective layer according to pattern factory system.
2-3-1 sections: cut mirrors in sizes, dimensions, and forms or shapes required for project.
2-4-1 layer that closes porous: according to mirror factory recommendations and compatible with
precipitated layers on back surface of mirrors and made specially to protect silver layer from damage
at edges of mirrors.
3-4-1 cleaning: clean protecting surface from tracks of paste or any foreign materials that reached
surface during installing, and clean mirrors surfaces with water or glass cleaning materials that not
containing materials that harm surfaces, and recommended by factory.
1-3-2 samples: samples of all materials and products used in this chapter.
1-4-2 executive drawings: include the following:
A- Elevations for all walls required lathering by mirrors.
B- Details of back surfaces for fixing mirrors.
1-5-2 restrictions related to source of assistant materials: all materials used in projects shall be from
same factory production.
1-6-2 storing: follow written instructions for factory to prevent damage to precipitated silver layer on
back of mirrors as result of water steam condensation or any damage to boards’ edges or scratches to
surface or protective layers.
1-7-2 guarantee against manufacturing defects: written guarantee, signed by mirror factory to supply
mirrors needed to repair or exchange mirrors installed at project and proved through determined
guarantee period mentioned in paragraph (1-7-3) of this chapter that are not compatible with
performance requirements or any other requirements or defects in materials or installations, and
include change in color, black spots, or dark colored areas in silver layer.
2-3-2 piercing: pierce mirror without damaging surface, and places and dimensions of pierces
compatible with dimensions of elements penetrating mirrors.
2-4-2 mastic paste to fix mirrors: compound to fix mirrors by method of adherence produced specially
to fix mirrors by spot adhering, and paste factory and mirrors factory shall present certificates to
assure compatibility with precipitating layers on back surface of mirror and surfaces to install mirrors.
3-4-2 protection: must prevent exposing mirror edges to stagnant water and must provide protection
until primary delivery.
1-3-3 tests reports: prepared by knowledge of neutral and qualified test lab that prove compatibility of
materials and products with technical requirements issued in this chapters and in labs accepted by
1-4-3 samples: include samples of materials and products used in this chapter as follow: (3) squared
samples of size not less than 300mm and edges treated as required.
1-5-3 restrictions related to project: mirrors shall be installed after voids for installing mirrors are
isolated from weather factors as result of windows work completion, and weather temperature and
humidity ratio same as project age after completing construction.
1-6-3 handling: must take special precautious when transporting mirror inside building to places of
installation and not causing damage.
1-7-3 guarantee period against manufacturing defects: 10 years from date of delivery.
2-3-3 edges treatment: treat mirror edges directly after cutting as follow:
Bevel edges on incline (slope) at 20mm in width unless supervising engineer instruct for width
less than that, and bevels surfaces meet at angle 45° in corners and close vertical sides porous with
layer for this purpose to prevent reach of humidity or chemical materials to back surface layers.
1-4-4 products certificates: prepared by knowledge and signed by manufacturers of glass and all
materials used in this chapter that assure products are compatible with requirements issued in this
1-4-5 tests reports: that found in possession of mirror factory and prepared with knowledge of neutral
and qualified test lab which prove compatibility of materials and products with technical requirements
in labs acceptable by supervising engineer.
1-4-6 special guarantee: as described in this chapter in paragraph 1-7.
1-1 other contract documents related to this chapter
1-2 works description
1-3 references
1-4 what contractor present for approval: contractor must present the following for supervising
engineer approval:
1-5 quality controls
1-6 supply, storing, and handling
1-7 guarantee for this chapter works
2-1 glass boards
Glass boards that are treated and transparent, and compatible with European specifications, and
boards shall be as class of (transparent glass) and quality level of (mirrors) and made to produce
mirrors for general use unless indicated otherwise in drawings, and glass boards shall be at 6mm in
2-2 the mirrors
2-3 manufacturing mirrors for projects:
2-4 assistant materials:
2-5 preparing walls for mirrors lathering:
Fix mirrors by adhering to slat or strips of woods boards at 16mm in thickness as specified, fixed on
fodders of musky woods, unless indicated otherwise in drawings, and wood fodders be of sections at
22mm in thickness after shaving in machine, and 45mm in width on two directions on distances no
more than 450mm between axes.
Fix wood sections on walls using steel cotters coated with layer of zinc and dip heads in woods.
Fix striped wood boards using nails of galvanized steel and dip all heads in woods completely.
Woods and striped wood boards shall be of types that treated against insects.
Before installing, paint all wood sections surfaces with milky bitumen.
3-1 inspection (viewing)
Inspect and view all surfaces for installing mirrors lathering to assure comparing to technical
requirements and must not start installing at correcting and adjusting any violations on surfaces.
3-2 preparing of surfaces
Prepare surfaces for fixing of mirrors according to mastic paste factory requirements including
painting of surfaces with layer to increase coherence between surfaces and mirrors, recommended
by paste factory and compatible with back surface for mirrors.
3-3 fixing of mirrors
Fix mirrors according to following steps:
A- Paint back surface of mirror with layer of protective paint agreed in written by mirrors factory.
B- Place mastic paste on surface for fixing mirror on form of dots according to factory written
C- Adjust mirror in place and press on it to guarantee coherence with surface that fixed on, and
provide temporary support to maintain mirrors in places until coherence.
Finishes (completions)
Cement whiting
Part one general
1-1-1 Other contract documents related to this chapter:
Other contract documents related to this chapter include the following documents:
- Contract conditions.
- Contract general requirements.
- Drawings.
1-1-2 works description
This chapter consists of specifications for cement whiting works and include following articles:
A- Rough whiting of one layer for ceiling.
B- Rough whiting of two layers for inner walls surfaces.
C- Rough whiting on extended mesh from three layers.
D- Cement skirting boards.
Drawings indicate places of past articles.
1-1-3 references
Standard specifications: As it was pointed out to some standard specifications throughout this
chapter, whenever it mentioned, the final issue requirements of specifications, that was pointed out
compare as if specifications part of this chapter.
1- Plaster.
2- Ordinary Portland cement.
3- Sand for buildings.
4- Concrete aggregates of natural sources.
1-1-4 what contractor present for approval
Contractor must present the following for supervising engineer approval:
A- technical specifications: prepared by factories producing materials in isolating water with
bitumen wax which indicate contents of wax and methods of manufacturing, technical specification,
and tests results, and must include all technical information and data that presented on catalogs,
printed data, and advertisements update prepared with two factories knowledge.
B- samples: samples of materials and products used in this chapter.
C- Executive drawings: consists of following works details:
1- Elevations for buildings sides indicated with places of partitions and metal plates or blocks ((
2- Metal edges types, angles, partitions, and ()عراميس.
3- Details of extended mesh installing at partitions between buildings and concrete.
Patterns (samples) for required whiting works: make patterns for whiting works with materials
in mixers and same finish specified in this chapter, make two patterns not less than 1.500m in size.
Storing: store whiting materials so to prevent mixing with other materials, and store cements
with method mentioned in chapter 01330.
Expanded mesh used in forming surfaces to be whiting, shall be with density no less than 1.61kg/m2,
and use to fix steel wire, flexible and galvanized at no less than 1mm in diameter, and finish mesh
surfaces completely pulled, and in required form, and expanded mesh density used for whiting
reinforcement no less than 1.11kg/m2 and shall be supplied on the following shapes:
1- Shape of wraps at 200mm in width to cover partitions between building and concrete iron
beams above.
2- Shape of angles 75 x 75mm at length of 2.50m for angles between buildings and concrete
3- Shape of slices 150mm in width.
Metal edges and angles: metal edges angles ends metal sections special for partitions and strings
to use in whiting works, made of galvanized steel iron as described in article 223 with thickness no
less than 0.500mm, provided with legs of expanded mesh to fix on walls before whiting.
Expanded partitions for whiting: use for them sections previously made of steel and galvanized
expanded mesh according to details indicated in drawings and sheet iron thickness no less than
1-2-3 whiting mortars:
A- General: add mixing water in quantities needed to obtain suitable form.
B- General spattering: 450kg cement for each 1m3sand.
C- Lining layer: 300kg cement for each 1m3sand.
D- Face layer: 300kg for each 1m3sand.
Additives: may add materials to whiting for special purposes as for water proof.
Contractor must obtain written agreements from supervising engineer to add materials to whiting
for limited purposes, include technical instructions factories and commit to them (cement ratio and so
D- Make strings as tying line between pugs and each other, and work from same white mortar
and level surface completely to pass leveler when filling mortar in core of flatted areas between
E- Make strings vertically and horizontally as rectangular mesh on full flat to obtain highest
point of accurate finish.
F- Use pug to control thickness of whiting for ceiling.
1-3-4 lining layer
A- Minimum thickness for lining layer 10mm and fill flats between pugs and strings with mortar
and armored with horizontal leveler at length 2-3meter in both directions.
B- Whiting worker shall glance at surface that are being whiting opposite light to fill any voids
with pits appear between surface and leveler, removing any extras by pressing on leveler while
C- Straighten whiting surface by roughing.
D- Comb lining layer before drying on shape of vertical or horizontal waves or inclining lines at
3-5mm in depth to strengthen coherence of face layer on it.
1-3-5 face layer
A- Face layer thickness minimum 5mm.
B- Finish face layer by roughing so to level whiting surface by roughing and touch with steel
plasterer to fill porous.
1-3-6 Blocks ((عراميس:
Perform in shape and dimensions indicated in approved drawing from supervising engineer.
Perform as follow:
1- Fully vertical and horizontal.
2- Regular in width and depth.
3- Sharp in edges.
1-3-7 whiting types
A- Rough whiting for outside walls: made of cement and sand mortar and consist of lining layer
and face layer after general spattering and lining thickness 15mm, and face thickness 5mm.
B- Rough whiting for inside walls: made of cement and sand mortar and consist of lining layer
and face layer after general spattering and lining thickness 15mm, and face thickness 5mm.
C- Rough whiting for ceiling: whiting layer 15mm in thickness after general spattering and made
of one layer and cement and sand mortar similar ratio to walls lining layer.
D- Rough whiting on expanded mesh: same as paragraph (B), after placing a layer of mortar on
mesh consist of 300kg/1m3 of rough sand and must work mortar good to fill mesh holes completely.
1-3-8 repairing
Must repair defected parts of whiting before paint works with accuracy so not to damage finished
parts next to it.
Make repairs as mentioned for surfaces that disfigured or changed in color or stained.
Remove broken whiting parts or damaged and redo them all over and open cracks in width no
less thin 25mm and repeat whiting fully, and must damp surface before repairing or replacing whiting.
1-3-9 cleaning
After completion, clean floors fully and remove mortar drops and so on.
B- Hang these bars with other bars slinging from concrete ceiling 6mm in diameter placed when
pouring ceiling concrete so distance between one bar and the other no more than 40cm in both
C- Wrap slinging (hanging) bars and stack on mesh bars so they compare with required
proportion and levels and forms stacking of on each other at joints 5cm and joints placed under bars
D- Must enter and fix bars mesh end in walls holes made for each bar at time to prevent any
cracks in whiting in future.
E- Fix on iron bars mesh the metal sling mesh spread so to tie with thin wire 1mm on distances
no more than 20cm.
4-2-4 acceptable manufacturers: without confusing this chapter requirements, supply materials
through manufacturers mentioned in manufacturers list as indicated in chapter o1295 or factory
similar in quality approved by supervising engineer.
Part three execution
4-3-1 inspection or viewing:
Must inspect places for installation of borrowed ceilings of plaster tiles and building ceilings for
fixing of hanging system for borrowed ceilings, and assure compatibility of places and building
ceilings ro requirements of borrowed ceilings installations, and shall not start installation until any
violations of requirements.
4-3-2 preparations to install borrowed ceilings:
A- Measure in natural dimensions of each void of building voids required to install borrowed
ceiling, and assure compatibility of dimensions with horizontal projection that prepared for void that
indicate arrangement of borrowed ceiling and tiles and cross section of installed tiles parts at void
edges and assure comparing of dimension in nature with dimensions indicated in approved horizontal
B- Prohibit the use of tiles parts at edges with width less than 1/2 width of tiles used in ceiling.
C- Use special edges tiles if available in factory production line.
4-3-3 Installation:
Install borrowed ceiling of gypsum as follow:
1- Technical instructions and details prepared by factory.
2- European specifications.
3- Use laser scales to adjust ceiling proportion.
Slinging (hanging):
A- Hang borrowed ceiling hanging bars from building ceiling so it is vertical and not touching to
any other installed works that not part of system prepared specially to fix ceiling or part of ceiling
hanging system.
B- Must not adjust hanging bars or inclining unless to avoid obstacles in voids only, and in this
case must balance horizontal force resulted from using support shackles balance method according to
factory system.
C- Incase air condition boxes in ceiling void exposed to hanging bars and prevented hanging of
bars in places, use extra hanging bars and supports semi inclined or any other method according
system to ceiling factory and sizes of extra hanging bars and support suitable to withstand ceiling load
according to standard specifications.
D- Strengthen or fix hanging bars to ceiling hanging system and to hooks that fixed in building
ceiling firmly by tying three wraps at least.
E- Hooks installed in building ceiling shall be fixed firmly and in way to prevent collapsing as
result of rust, increase in temperature or aging and must be suitable for type of ceiling.
F- If other hanging methods used rather than wires as flat supporters or on shape of angles or
letter (U). must fix firmly to building ceiling or metal frames made for hanging ceiling and fixing
methods shall be suitable for type of ceiling and supporters and fix in a way preventing collapsing as
result of rust, increase in temperature or aging.
G- Place hanging bars or supporters on distances no more than 1200mm on section length for
ceiling then hang directly from wires or supporters unless indicated in approved drawings otherwise
and start distance for first wire or supporter no more than 200mm.
H- Fix wires as support shackles to sections of ceiling hanging system or to fixing parts
installed in ceiling by tying 4 times at least, use cotters that installed after pour for fixing shackles to
building ceiling.
I- fix hanging system sections so they are mesh of squared voids accurately, and firmed
together at crossing, remove or exchange sections that are defected.
J- Install ceiling tiles and place with accuracy inside voids between hanging system sections or
between sections, edges, and remove any defected tiles.
K- Ceiling required for tiles stacking on specific shape, stack tiles according to as indicated
approving horizontal projection.
L- Install tiles with straight edges so edges are completely invisible.
M- Paint tiles parts edges that were cut and will be visible (face) after installation with paint
compare to face surface finish for tiles and recommended by factory.
4-3-4 Cleaning:
Clean hanged ceiling surfaces from plaster tiles including edges, finishes, sections surfaces of
ceiling hanging system and follow factory written instructions for cleaning and touch any simple
defects occurred during installation.
Ceiling forms that can not be cleaned or treated in acceptable way by supervising engineer shall
be removed and exchange.
H- Fix wires that used as support shackles to sections of ceiling hanging system or to installed
fixation method in ceiling by tying 4 times at least and use cotters that installed after pouring in fixing
support shackles to building ceiling.
I- Install edges and ends of sections according to as indicated in approved drawings by
supervising engineer, also in places need to cover ceiling tiles edges, install edges and ends to surface
using screw nails at distances no more than 400mm between centers and start distance to fix first nail
75mm maximum to fix ends for each 3.60 meter, bevel met surfaces at corners on 45° angle and fix
firmly and do not use face nails in fixing.
J- Fix ceiling system sections as mesh of squared voids with accuracy and firmed together at
crossing, exchange any sections with bend, dints, or damaged.
L- Install ceiling tiles and place with accuracy inside voids between hanging system sections
or between edges, sections, and remove any tiles defected in edges or face surface, shall consider
requirements of fixing units in ceiling.
M- Ceiling required stacking with tiles on certain shape, stacking according to as indicated in
horizontal projection that is approved for ceiling.
N- Install tiles with straight edges so edges completely hidden using ceiling hanging system of
sections and ends.
O- Paint tiles parts edges that are cut and visible after fixing, with paint compare to face surface
end for tiles that recommended by factory.
3-4 cleaning: clean hanged ceilings of metal tiles include surfaces of ends, edges, and sections of
ceiling hang system, and written instructions from factory for cleaning and fix any defects.
Ceiling forms that can not be cleaned or treated in acceptable way by supervising engineer, shall be
removed and exchanged.
4- Rock shall be first class production for required type, from same stone pit or quarry, made of
compatible bricks, and cut from same ground layer.
5- Rocks type (marbles, granites) shall be according to drawings.
Ceramics tiles
Part one general
6-1 Other Contract documents related to this chapter:
Other contract documents related to this chapter include the following documents:
- Contract conditions.
- Contract general requirements.
- Drawings
This chapter designated to specifications of ceramics tiles works and includes the followings
1- Ceramics tiles for floors.
2- Porcelains tiles for floors.
3- Dressing walls with ceramics.
4- Dressing walls with porcelains.
5- Ceramics or porcelains skirting.
Drawings indicate places and extent of article of past articles.
Other specifications chapters related to this chapter: following specifications chapters consist of
requirements and technical specifications for materials used in this chapter works or technical
specifications for this chapter works such as plastering and leak proofs for partitions.
Standard specifications:
As it was pointed out to some standard specifications throughout this chapter, whenever it
mentioned, the final issue requirements of specifications, that was pointed out compare as if
specifications parts of this chapter, related to followings raw materials:
1- Ordinary Portland cement (OPC).
2- Sand for building.
3- Concrete aggregates from natural sources.
Technical specifications: for all materials and products used in works and shall include full
technical data that include any catalogs, printed data, or advertisements updates available at
Samples: of all materials and products required for use in this chapter works.
Executive drawings: that are needed to perform works consist of horizontal projections for each
void that its floor finishes with ceramic tile according to this chapter indicated suggested tile form and
dimensions of side edges sections and places of cut and special forms and skirting details in this void
and places of moving and expanding partitions.
Tests reports: Those were performed by manufacturers in test labs, (accepted by engineer) which
indicate comparing of materials and products with technical specifications issued in this chapter.
Incase test lab that performed test not accepted by engineer, then engineer ask for new tests special for
project in lab he chose.
Floor tile for hard service: tile made from natural mud or plaster, not refined, or clay by piercing
method, fully burned in ovens with temperature no less than 1100° Celsius.
Used tiles shall according to following requirements:
1- Thickness of tile not less than 9mm.
2- Regularity of color and mix through full thickness (color through tiles).
3- Not affected by oil acids or chemical materials.
4- Not vitrified in surface.
5- According to European standard specifications requirements.
Installation materials: adhesive material with cement or epoxy base approved by engineer and
according to European specifications.
Mortar to fill joints: cement mortar made and prepared at factory, supplied to site in closed factory
bags that are of cement base with additional of polymer styrene butadiene and colored oxides of metal
base, and color according to consultant choice for available colors in factory production line.
Sections to maintain joints thickness: sections of plastics on shape of (+), made for use in ceramic
tiles installation to guarantee regularity of joints thickness, sections surface thickness equal to required
joints cross section (wideness).
Installing floor tiles using adhesive material:
1- Must clean place for tile installation and must be free of soils and left over.
2- Before start installation, must assure of completion of all required works and handled and
approved by engineer, and close firmly any openings in floors with suitable temporary method.
3- Perform cement plastering as described in chapter 03542.
4- Use adhesive material according to factory written instructions.
5- Install tile according to indicated form I approved executive drawings.
6- Clean tile face of any mortar that reached during installation.
6-1-1 other contract documents related to this chapter
6-1-2 tiles in general:
1- Tiles shall first sort of factory production that approved by engineer.
2- Form and color of surface according to engineer choice.
3- Back of all tiles shall have projections in both directions to increase tiles coherent with
adhesive material.
4- All tiles according to approved sample.
6-1-3 general installation:
1- Shall not start ceramic or porcelain floors or walls lathering until all bottom and back works
are completely done, handled and approved by engineer.
2- Must treat tile by dipping in water for an hour then let dry so tender and soft without dripping
water when installing.
3- Must perform all tiles sections with accuracy so wideness of partition between tile edge and
openings no more than 1mm.
4- Must use sharp instrument to cut ceramics and make sections.
5- Use plastic solids to guarantee regularity of joints thickness in both directions.
6- Unless indicated in drawings or engineer instructs otherwise, thickness of tiles joints shall be
2mm for walls and floors.
7- If allowed, (walls and floors dimensions), places of joints in wall and floor tiles shall
compatible with each other.
8- Make expanding partitions in tiles layers over expanding partitions in bottom surfaces or
back if found.
9- Divide floors to areas using movement partitions extend on full finish layer thickness and
distance between two following movement partitions no more than 4.500 meter in any direction.
10- Use special sections made of rust free steel and syntactic rubber with movement partitions in
11- Use edges made of metal (PVC) that chosen by engineer for finish of vertical inner corners or
bevel facing tiles edges at corner in machine on 45° angle and cover partition with angle of aluminum
according to 05500 and to indicated details in drawings.
12- Install floor tiles using adhesive mortar over layer of cement plaster according to details
indicated in drawings unless engineer issue written agreement to use other method.
6-1-2 works description
6-2-2 floor ceramic tiles
1- Floor ceramic tiles formed by piercing with high resistance against corrosion, and face free of
manufacturing defects with orderly edges, good and regular form and compatible with standard
specifications or any international specifications accepted by engineer.
2- Floor ceramics shall be of type made of white clay and water absorbing ratio no more than
3- Dimensions of floor ceramic tiles according to as indicated in drawings.
4- Surface of ceramic tile not vitrified.
5- Minimum thickness for floor tile 9mm.
6-3-2 receiving of works: all ceramics or porcelain tile works shall be according to the followings:
1- Floors dress and wall lathers shall be orderly and leveled and inclining not more than
allowable limits and according to form indicated in approved executive drawings by engineer.
2- Joints to forms indicated in approved executive drawings by engineer, with regular and leveled
3- Allowable limits shall be as follow: changes in floors surface proportion, change in vertically,
and sudden change on joints sides are not allowed.
6-1-3 references:
6-2-3 walls ceramic tiles:
1- walls ceramics tiles (with vitrified surface) surface shall be free of manufacturing defects with
orderly edges and good and regular form, fully leveled in surface and according to standard
2- Dimensions of walls ceramic as indicated in drawings and minimum thickness 6mm.
3- Water absorbing ratio no more than 3%.
4- Walls ceramic tile surface finished with shiny layer.
6-3-3 installation of walls ceramic:
1- All works that precede walls lathering by ceramic tile must be finished, received and
approved by engineer.
2- All boxes and openings must be closed temporary and accepted by engineer.
3- Installation system shall be with traditional method using thick and wet cement mortar.
4- Performing of cement spattering for walls with aggregates and cement mortar at ratio of
450kg cement for 1m3 of sands with same method described in cement whiting works.
5- Let spatter dry for two days with regular spraying.
6- Determine direction of installation, adjust and strengthen necessary strings.
7- Adherent (stick) tiles on wall in singular methods, same way of traditional floor tiles method
with cement mortar at ratio of 300kg of ordinary Portland cement for each 1m3 mix and add water
according to drawings adjusting vertically by scale between close tiles in both directions.
8- Start wall lathering from bottom up.
9- Voids with hanged ceilings, do not make closers and finish upper lathering edges over hanged
ceiling level at first full tile over ceiling proportion.
10- Voids with no hanged ceilings close from bottom.
11- Clean ceramic surface and empty joints of cement mortar clings or attachments and leave
until next tiles are coherence.
12- Fill joints with mortar with required color and mortar mixed according to factory instructions.
12- Clean surfaces thoroughly before setting of mortar.
6-1-4 what contractor present for approval: contractor must present the following for engineer
6-2-4 ceramic skirting: special sections of approved companies production at height between 80mm
and 100mm unless indicated in drawings otherwise and in color and form approved by engineer.
6-3-4 skirting installation: install skirting using cement mortar same ratio as walls installation mortar
directly on wall buildings or using adhesive material with cement base approved by engineer on
whiting layers.
6-2-5 Installation materials:
6-3-5 protection: protect surfaces of floors tile that are finished and accepted by engineer using thick
or waxed layer of carton or fixed polyethylene sheets on surface until completing all works in void
and primary receiving of works.
6-2-6 acceptable manufacturers: without breaching of this chapter requirements, supply materials
through manufacturer known for quality and approved by engineer.
Part one general
9-1-1 Other Contract documents related to this chapter:
Other contract documents related to this chapter include the following documents:
- Contract conditions.
- Contract general requirements.
- Drawings
9-1-2 work description
This chapter designated to paints works and includes the following works articles:
1- Milky liquid paint on inner ceilings of concrete or from concrete covered with rough whiting.
2- Milky liquid paint on inner ceilings for cement bricks covered with rough whiting.
3- Milky liquid paint on concrete inner ceilings.
4- Milky liquid paint on concrete outer ceilings.
Drawings indicate places and extent of each article of this chapter works, also this chapter
include following paints works that used to finish works articles and not regarding these paints
independed works articles paid for by special groups, but proposal presenter shall be responsible for
expenses of these paints and include the works that shall be painted:
1- Sluggish or tardy paints for wood doors or wood doors frames.
2- Dyed varnish paint for woods doors and wood doors frames.
3- Sluggish paints for metal fillings to prevent leak.
4- Sluggish paints for metal doors and metal doors frames.
5- Sluggish paints for collecting works of steel and cast iron.
6- Sluggish paints for metal pipes.
Other specifications related to this chapter:
Following specifications consist of requirements and technical specifications for materials used
in this chapter works or technical specifications related to this chapter works:
1- Collecting metal works.
2- Sections and walls.
9-1-3 references:
Standard specifications:
As it was pointed out to some standard specifications throughout this chapter, whenever it
mentioned, the final issue requirements of specifications, that was pointed out compare as if
specifications parts of this chapter, and some of raw materials that mentioned in this chapter are:
1- Boiled cotton seed oil for paints.
2- Shiny installing faces paints that are air dry for inside and outside works:
3- Knurs (knots) varnish.
4- Sanding tapes.
5- White liquid plastic paint (liquid) for inside and outside works.
9-1-4 what contractor present for approval: contractor must present the following for engineer
Technical information and data: for all products and materials used in works and include
technical data, catalogs, printed data, or an advertisement updates.
1- Samples from all products and materials used in this chapter works.
2- Samples from all required paints systems placed on sections of same sections that shall be
painted in nature.
Tests reports: Those were done by manufacturers in test labs that accepted by engineer and
indicate compatibility of products and materials with technical specifications in this chapter.
Incase engineer not accepting test lab, he may ask for new tests (special for project) to be
performed in lab he determine.
Special works
Protection of walls and corners
Part one general
1-1 Other Contract documents related to this chapter:
Other contract documents related to this chapter include the following documents:
- Contract conditions.
- Contract general requirements.
- Drawings
1-2 works description
This chapter includes works of protecting corners and walls from compacts or shocks that may be
caused by using products previously made, fixed after completing walls and corners and finishes and
1- Corners protecting sections of plastic.
2- Corners protecting sections of metal for garage posts in basement.
Drawings indicate places and extent of each past article.
1-3 what contractor present for approval : contractor must present the followings for approval by
engineer according to conditions and general requirements of contract.
1-3-1 technical information and data: prepared with factory knowledge for each product used in this
chapter works include accurate description for product and method of fixation.
1-3-2 samples: 2 samples of each product used in this chapter at 300mm in length, supplied fully with
samples of fixation methods for walls and corners.
1-3-3 executive drawings: and include horizontal projections for each floor or level in building
indicated with places of use for each article of protecting walls and corners, also include installation
Part two products:
2-1 corners protecting sections: shall be according to following requirements:
2-1-1 system: sections to protect corners made in advance, installed on surface projected from corner,
consist of plastic cover has retracting feature installed by pressing on bottom section (base) to receive
cover and maintain in place.
2-1-2 materials
1- Cover: formed by piercing of solid plastic not less than 2mm in thickness with dimensions,
form and radius indicated in drawings and shall be continuous without joints, color and surface touch
according to engineer choice.
2- Bottom section (base): formed by piercing of aluminum not less than 1.58 mm in thickness,
finished with transparent layer, and continuous with joints.
2-1-3 fixation: fix bottom section using cotters made of strong nylon type that previously pierced and
extend inside wall and looped nails made of aluminum.
Nails shall be with enough length and diameter and fixation periods to withstand compacting.
2-1-4 height: according as indicated in drawings and approved executive drawings.
Part three execution
3-1 installation:
1- Install corner protecting section according to details presented by factory and approved by
2- Finish section shall be fixed in places with force and upper edges in same proportion unless
drawings indicate otherwise.
3- Arrange between corners sections and installed skirting on walls.
4- Clean covers of corners sections after completing installation according to factory instructions.
Technical information and data: prepared with factory knowledge which indicate each metal
alloy used in this chapter works:
1- Type of alloy used in making sections and its chemical compounds.
2- Types and steps of heat treatment.
3- Pulling characters for alloy.
4- Certificates and results of lab tests that performed on alloy which prove compatibility of alloy
to technical data and information that were presented and also compatibility to rest of mentioned
standard specifications
Technical information and data: for sun ray breaker that used in works and include catalogs,
advertisements updates prepared by manufacturers knowledge.
Executive drawings: with drawing scale 1:50 for elevations and drawing scale 1:1 for details and
sections which indicates:
1- Elevations for building front that installed with sun ray breakers indicated with units’
2- Dimensions.
3- Types and details of sections.
4- Collecting details.
5- Method of installation and fixation at site.
Samples: contractor must present samples of sun ray breakers and fixing cotters. Acceptable
samples shall be returned to contractor after comparing with supplied quantity to site to use.
Quality control:
Models in natural size: contractor must assemble model in natural size for required sun ray
breakers at length not less than full window cross section.
Install model in pace chosen by contractor and accepted by engineer.
Engineer shall make inspection on model as to quality, manufacturing, finish and works extent to
technical requirements.
Models in natural size that accepted by engineer and in good condition until end of works shall
become parts of permanent works other than that contractor has to loose and remove outside site.
Toilets accessories
Part one general
5-1-1 Other Contract documents related to this chapter:
Other contract documents related to this chapter include the following documents:
- Contract conditions.
- Contract general requirements.
- Drawings
5-1-2 works descriptions
This chapter designated to specifications of toilets (water closets) used in project.
Quantities list shall indicate required quantity of each type.
5-1-3 what contractor present for approval: must present the following for engineer approval:
Technical data and information: that prepared with factory knowledge for each type used include
materials, method of manufacturing and finish and shall include on advertisements updates.
Samples: one sample of each type of used accessories, rejected samples shall be returned to
contractor after reviewing.
Acceptable samples shall be returned to contractor and can be use for permanent works in
5-1-4 supply and storing:
Supply: supply toilets accessories in original closed factory containers.
Storing: store accessories in closed places inside building in original closed containers.
Part two materials and products
5-2-1 toilets accessories:
Made of rust free steel according to European code specifications with thickness not less than
0.8mm and include the followings:
1- Toilet papers holders.
2- Stationary liquid soap container.
3- Trash basket.
4- Hand drying machines.
5- First aids and medicine cabinets.
6- Movable soap holders.
7- Cleaning tools holders.
8- Hooks for hanging cloths.
9- Special supporters for handicaps.
General requirements:
Must compare accessories with following requirements:
1- Must not have commercial names or trademarks for manufacturers on visible surfaces for
accessories, place names or trademarks on inside surfaces or back and carry printed card that water
resistance or stamped data indicate factory name for unit or type code in factory.
2- All accessories (except soap holders) of type that hang on wall fully visible or face and shall be of
firmed joints and connecters.
3- All accessories supplied fully with fixing nails made of rust free nails and cotters of strong nylon
of type expand inside wall.
4- All accessories shall be supplied from one factory production.
5- Accessories that hang on wall that use invisible bearers, bearers shall be made of steel that finish
with layer of zinc after manufacturing.
6- Hands dryer’s machines shall be compatible with electric current that available at project as
described in electrical works specifications.
5-2-2 acceptable manufacturers: without breaching this chapter requirements, must supply materials
from manufacturer with quality approved by engineer.