Teknologi Maklumat Dalam Pendidikan: Computer Security, Ethic and Privacy
Teknologi Maklumat Dalam Pendidikan: Computer Security, Ethic and Privacy
Teknologi Maklumat Dalam Pendidikan: Computer Security, Ethic and Privacy
(BBD 10803)
Computer Security, Ethic and Privacy
Topics to be covered
Identity Theft
Phishing e-mails
Hacker & Crackers
Cyber stalking
Cyber bully
Internet Predator and Pornography
Identity Theft
Can fully access and doing whatever he want inside your connection.
Steal your information as email login, online banking login
Steal your money and will impersonate as you
Disgruntled employees stealing customer and supplier information to
use it for personal or sell it.
Important data will lost forever.
Malware and Spyware
Types of attack
DoS and DDoS
Social engineering
Denial of service attacks
9.2 Internet and network attack (cont)
9.2 Internet and network attack (cont)
Denial-of-Service attack (DoS) and Distributed-Denial-of-Service
A Dos attack can be executed in a number of ways, but its three basic types of
attacks are:
Consumption of computational resources, such as disk space, CPU time,
and band width.
Disruption of configuration details, such as routing information.
Disruption of physical network components.
Unauthorized access
use of a computer or network without permission.
by connecting to it and then logging in as a
legitimate user.
do not cause damages.
merely access the data, valuable information or
programs in the computer.
9.3 Unauthorized access and used (cont.)
Unauthorized used
Use of a computer or its data for unapproved or
illegal activities.
Ex: gaining access to a bank computer and
performing an unauthorized bank transfer etc.
Stolen IT equipment and improper way to
dispose old equipment.
1. Self Awareness
Online Banking: You should only access your accounts from a safe location
where no stranger can either watch you or use the same computer. Internet cafes
and public libraries are not suitable places to use sensitive information, and even
using your work computer isn't advisable. Only do online banking in the security
of your own home if at all possible.
Identity Theft: Never give out your private personal information online or on
the phone without knowing for certain that you are indeed dealing with a
legitimate business that needs this information.
Safely destroy any financial documents or transaction receipts you don't need to
keep anymore. Incineration or a cross cut paper shredder should do the trick.
Phishing: If you get an email asking you to confirm your bank details, ignore it.
It will 100% certain be a fake, as no bank will ask for details via email, and could
be used to illegally access your account. If you get fooled into handing over your
details, you should contact your bank immediately so that your account can be
changed before any fraudsters can gain access.
When using the Internet, and as things change all the time, keeping up to date is
very important.
Protection from security breaches & attacks
2. Technology
Firewall: It will not only protect you from outsiders trying to get in, but also tell
you each program on your system that's trying to get out
Antivirus: To make sure that if you slip up, it will be there to catch any nasty worm
trying to infect you
Antispyware: It works on programs that don't try to take over your system, but
instead pop up ads and unwanted messages’
Parental Control: . It is good for filtering out websites, blogs, e-mails and instant
messages that might contain inappropriate wording
Regular Updates: Keep your software up to date, and use secure software
Browser: Turn off scripting, popups and ads in browser to block unwanted and
possibly armful scripts
Backup: If you regularly make backup copies of your files and keep them in a
separate place, you can get some, if not all, of your information back in the event
something happens to the originals on your computer
Protection from security breaches & attacks
Hardware theft
is the act of stealing computer equipment.
Companies, schools, and other organizations that
have many computers are at risk of hardware theft
Hardware vandalism
is the act of defacing or destroying computer
Software theft
act of stealing or illegally copying software or
intentionally erasing program.
Software piracy is illegal duplication of copyrighted
Software theft occurs when someone:
- Steals software media
- Intentionally erases programs
- Illegally copies a program
- Illegally registers and/or activates a program.
9.4 Hardware, software and information theft
and vandalism (cont)
Information Theft
Information theft occurs when
someone steals personal or
confidential information.
An association of people organized under a system of rules
designed to advance the good of its members over time
Rules of conduct describing what people ought and ought not
to do
Philosophical study of morality, a rational examination into
people’s moral belief’s and behavior
Differences between ethics and law
Ethics Law
Guidelines - as a guidelines to computer Control - as a rule to control computer
users users.
Moral standards - ethical behaviour is Judicial Standards - law is judge by
judge by moral standards judicial standards.
Free to follow - computer users are free Must follow - computers user must
to follow or ignore the code ethics. follow the regulations and law.
No punishments - no punishment for Penalties, imprisonments and other
anyone who violates ethics. punishments - penalties,
imprisonments and other punishments
for those who break the law.
Universals - Universals can be applied Depends on country - depends on
anywhere, all over the world. country and state where the crime is
Produce ethical computer users - to Prevent misusing of computers - to
produce ethical computer users. prevent misuse of computers
Immoral - not honouring computer Crime - not honouring the law means
ethics means ignoring the moral committing a crime.
elements (immoral)
AUP – Acceptable Use Policy
Statement of Philosophy
Uses and advantages of the service and facility
Code of conduct
Consequences of violating
issue warnings: written or verbal
suspend the Member's newsgroup posting privileges
suspend the Member's account
terminate the Member's account
bill the Member for administrative costs and/or reactivation charges
bring legal action to enjoin violations and/or to collect damages, if
any, caused by violations.
Consent Letters
Examples of AUP.. USAF
Case Study 1
Online Plagiarism
Copying and pasting
Self Plagiarism
Oxymoron or Self Contradictory
9.7 Computer and health
9.7 Computer and health (cont)
Wrong posture
9.7 Computer and health (cont)
Correct posture
9.7 Computer and health (cont)
Get active!
Energy Star
$11.5 billion dollars was the cost of the energy bill for
data centers in the U.S. for 2010.
Energy consumption per server increased 9%
2 out of 18 PC manufacturers obtain a reasonable green
The average desktop computer wastes over half of the
power delivered to it