The document discusses two cases related to overseas Filipino workers. The first case involves an individual named Joy Cabiles who was hired for a job in Taiwan but was asked to pay an illegal placement fee and terminated without cause. The second case involves a ship's cook named Avestruz who was physically assaulted by his captain and dismissed without following proper procedures. Both workers were found to have been illegally terminated and awarded compensation.
The document discusses two cases related to overseas Filipino workers. The first case involves an individual named Joy Cabiles who was hired for a job in Taiwan but was asked to pay an illegal placement fee and terminated without cause. The second case involves a ship's cook named Avestruz who was physically assaulted by his captain and dismissed without following proper procedures. Both workers were found to have been illegally terminated and awarded compensation.
The document discusses two cases related to overseas Filipino workers. The first case involves an individual named Joy Cabiles who was hired for a job in Taiwan but was asked to pay an illegal placement fee and terminated without cause. The second case involves a ship's cook named Avestruz who was physically assaulted by his captain and dismissed without following proper procedures. Both workers were found to have been illegally terminated and awarded compensation.
The document discusses two cases related to overseas Filipino workers. The first case involves an individual named Joy Cabiles who was hired for a job in Taiwan but was asked to pay an illegal placement fee and terminated without cause. The second case involves a ship's cook named Avestruz who was physically assaulted by his captain and dismissed without following proper procedures. Both workers were found to have been illegally terminated and awarded compensation.
- ANY work which an employee is Definition and nature of OT work
REQUIRED to perform WHILE TRAVELLING is considered in hours 33. SALAZAR v. NLRC worked - to determine if commuting/travel time is - PR employed pet as construction/project working time = look at the KIND of travel engineer -> by virtue of an ORAL contract, involved. There are 3 kinds: pet would also receive a share in the profits 1) Travel from home to work; (2) Travel that is after completion of the project and that pet’s all in the day’s work; and (3) Travel away from svcs in excess of 8 hrs on regular days and home. svcs rendered on weekends and legal holidays shall be compensable OT at the rate Travel from home to work (and vice-versa) of Php27.85/hr - Generally, this is not working time. Ordinary - pet rcvd a memo issued by PR project mgr home-to-work travel is a normal incident of employment, whether the employee works at a informing him of the termination of his svcs fixed location or at different jobsites. because the project has already been - Exception: when an employee receives an competed emergency call outside his regular working - pet filed a complaint against PR for illegal hours and is then required to travel to the dismissal, unfair labor practice, illegal workplaces, all that time spent traveling is deduction, non-payment of wages, OT considered working time. rendered, svc incentive leave pay, commission, allowances, profit-sharing and Travel that is all in the day’s work separation pay with the NLRC - If travel is part of the employee’s principal - LA: pet was a managerial employee and activity, it is counted as hours worked, such therefore exempt from payment of benefits as when the employee is required to report such as OT pay, etc -> he was hired as a to a meeting place to receive instructions, or project employee and his svcs were perform some work there, or to pick and to terminated d/t the completion of the project carry tools. - NLRC: LA decision affirmed in toto - If an employee normally finishes his work - ISSUE: WON pet is entitled to OT pay, at 5 pm and is sent to another job which he premium pay for svcs rendered on rest days finished at 8 pm and is required to return to and holidays and service incentive leave his employer’s premises at 9 pm, the period pay, pursuant to Art 87, 93, 94. And 95 LC between 5-9 pm is considered working time. - pet claims that since he perfoms his duties But if he went straight home after 8 pm and in the project site or away from the principal didn’t go back to the employer’s premises, place of business of his employer, he falls the period between 8-9 pm is considered under the category of “field personnel” home-to-work and is not considered hours - although pet cannot strictly be classified as a managerial employee under Art 82, - pet filed present petition for review with nonetheless, he is still NOT entitled to SC payment of the benefits because he falls - pet contend that since the employees squarely under another exempt category: concerned are paid a commission on the “officers or members of a managerial staff” sales they make outside of the required 8 -> pet has supervisory duties as PR’s project hours besides the fixed salary that is paid to engineer, duties which, pet does not dispute them, they should not be paid OT - pet also claims that NLRC failed to give compensation under the 8-hour labor law due weight and consideration to the fact that bec the commission they are paid already PR compensated him for his OT svcs as takes the place of such OT compensation -> indicated in the various disbursement OT compensation is an additional pay for vouchers he submitted as evidence -> that work or svcs rendered in excess of 8 hours a pet was paid OT benefits does not day by an employee -> if the employee is automatically and necessarily denote that already given extra compensation for labor pet is entitled to such benefits -> Art 82 LC performes in excess of 8 hours a day, he is specifically delineates who are entitled to not covered by the law -> the situation can the OT premiums and svc incentive leave be likened to an employee who is paid on pay provided under Art 87, 93, 94, and 95 piece-work or “pakiao”, or commission and the exemptions basis, which is expressly excluded from the - pet falls under the exemptions and has no operation of the 8-hour labor law legal claim to the said benefits -> it is well - SC: in accord with pet’s view -> the 8-hour and good that pet was compensated for his labor law only has application where an OT svcs -> however, this does not translate employee or laborer is paid on a monthly or into a right on the part of pet to demand daily basis, in which case, if he is made to additional payment when, under the law, work beyond the required period of 8hrs, he pet is clearly exempted should be paid the additional compensation prescribed by law -> 8-hr labor law has NO 34. SAN MIGUEL BREWERY v. application when the employee is paid on a DEMOCRATIC LABOR UNION piece-work, “pakiao”, or commission basis regardless of the time employed -> his - R filed complaint against pet embodying earnings are in the form of commission 12 demands for the betterment of the based on the gross receipts of the day -> conditions of employment of its members participation depends on his industry so - R manifested to confine its claim to its that the more hours he employs in the work, demands for OT, night-shift diff pay, and the greater are his gross returns and the atty’s fees, although it was allowed to higher his commission present evidence on svc rendered during - the employees concerned are paid a fixed Sundays and holidays, or on its claim for salary for their month of service and additional separation pay and sick and sometimes they work in excess of the vacation leave compensation required 8-hrs -> but for their extra work, - With regard to OT compensation, Judge of they are paid a commission which is IN industrial court held that the provisions of LIEU of the extra compensation to which the 8-hour labor law apply to the employees they are entitled concerned for those working in the field or => the 8-hour labor law DOES NOT apply to engaged in the sale of the company’s the employees composing the outside products outside the premises and service force consequently they should be paid the extra compensation accorded them by said law in 35. PAL EMPLOYEES SAVINGS AND addition to the monthly salary and LOAN ASSOC v. NLRC commission earned by them, regardless of the meal allowance given to employees who - PR filed with NLRC a complaint for non- work up to late at night payment of OT pay and non-payment of the - With regard to work done during Sundays Php25 statutory minimum wage increase and holidays, Judge also decreed that the mandated by RA 6727 employees be paid an additional - PR started working with pet as a company compensation of 25% as provided in CA No guard and was required to work 12 hours a 444 even if they had been paid a day -> was given several salary increases for compensation on monthly salary basis his outstanding performance -> during this entire period of employment with pet, he was required to perform OT wok without any additional compensation and it was also at this point where pet refused to give the Php25 increase on the minimum wage rates provided for by law -> PR was suspended for 37 days for an offense allegedly committed by the pet - LA: granted claim for PT pay - NLRC: LA decision affirmed - ISSUE: Is an employee entitled to OT pay for work rendered in excess of the regular 8- hour day given the fact that he entered into a contract of labor SPECIFYING a work-day of 12 hours at a fixed monthly rate above the legislated minimum wage? - SC: upheld NLRC ruling that PR is entitled to OT pay -> based on pet’s own computation, it appears that the basic salary plus emergency allowance given to PR did not actually include the OT pay claimed by PR -> basic salaray plus emergency allowance SHOULD HAVE amounted to Php2,800.50, but pet only actually paid PR a total of Php2,500 -> pet’s own calculations clearly establish that PR’s claim for OT pay is valid - NLRC found no agreement as to OT pay under the employment contract -> the contract was definite only as to the number of hours of work to be rendered but vague as to what is covered by the salary stipulated - pet contends that the agreed salary rate in the employment contract should be deemed to cover OT pay, otherwise serious distortions in wages would result since a mere company guard will be receiving a salary much more than the salaries of other employees who are much higher in rank and position than him in the company -> SC finds this argument undeserving of consideration -> how can paying an employee the OT pay due him cause serious distortions in salary rates or scales? And how can “other employees” be aggrieved when they did not render any OT service?