E-Commerce Website Project Proposal
E-Commerce Website Project Proposal
E-Commerce Website Project Proposal
Project Proposal
1. Introduction
When a buyer tries to search his needs, His first step is to contact a broker. A broker will have
several sellers’ Contacts. He will fix a price for the item. And the buyer will get to know the
information and price which the broker tells him. And that price is definitely higher than the
seller’s original price. In the middle broker fix a commission for him. And that’s a great loss
for the buyer.
After all the price problems if the seller inspect the item most of the time the information
about the item, which broker gives is false. Because Brokers will only work for their benefits.
So the business reliability will be broken. That’s a great problem for buyers.
Using our website buyers won’t have to search for products manually. And with the old
system if a buyer need to inspect or see the item they need travel to the location. But
through our system we provide images of the products which a seller sells. And also the
buyer will have all the true information which are provided by the seller.
The user-interface of our website is so simple and attractive which will make the users
Comfortable to use. And it’s so simple for the user to register as a member and only
members can post advertisements but a normal user can view advertisements.
The website we are going to develop will give remedies for the problems that are currently
faced by the buyers and sellers. Shifting to an online system that we provide can acquire
advantages such as saving time and man hours. This will increase the efficient of day to day
2. Background and Motivation
At present advertising is communicated through various mass media, including traditional
media such as newspapers, magazines, television and radio. There are so many drawbacks
from these media. Traditional media is interruptive in nature. It takes more time for
allocation purpose. The information generated by various transactions takes time and efforts
to be stored at right place. It is difficult to handle methods or strategies manually. It does not
tell us in advance a strategy is valid or not.
3. Problems in brief
4. Aims & Objectives
4.1. Aim:
To build a wide network with a speedy and efficient service to both seller and buyer.
4.2. Objectives:
To provide a platform for people in every city to post ads,
Increasing the online sales and to improve customer convenience with any type of
To gain an understanding of the role of advertising within the marketing
communication mix.
To examine communication and advertising theories and their relationship with
consumer behavior.
To develop knowledge of advertising strategy and planning.
To gain an understanding of various production techniques.
To appreciate the complexities of evaluation.
5. Scope of the project
5.1.Proposed Solution
The product details consist all the information needed by the customers who want to Buy and sell
their Products through the website. Through this website project we are going to make their business
process more efficient and effective. This interface database is created using PHP, HTML, CSS and My
SQL. To overcome the traditional buying and selling process this project is proposed. This system
helps Buyers and sellers to reduce their expenses.
5.2.Feasibility Study
The main objective of feasibility study is to test the technical, schedule, operational and economic
feasibility for adding new ideas and methods to the old traditional system of buy and sell. Whole
system is feasible if there are unlimited resources and infinite time.
Technical feasibility
Operational feasibility
Economic feasibility
Schedule feasibility
5.3.Technical feasibility
5.3.1. Software Requirements:
Adobe Photoshop
APCHE Local host
MYSQL Database
Tablets, Pc or Smart phones
5.4.Schedule feasibility
5.4.1. Project Plan
Estimated days 40
Problem Definition
Problem Definition
There are covered six steps of the project. They are Evaluate current system, Define
requirements, Define specific function, Define risk and risks Management approach,
Develop the project cheater and Develop the project proposal.
There are two steps of this phase. Those are Develop scope statements, Develop and refine
other plans
There are three steps this phase:
ER Diagram design.
User Interface design.
Design server setups
Database design
There are three steps of this phase:
Develop pages and Hyperlinks.
Develop Functionality.
Content migration/integration.
There are three steps of this phase:
Testing in local servers.
Upload the web to remote server.
Controlling and test.
6. References
softwaretestinghelp, 2015. web-application-testing. [Online] Available at:
http://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/web-application-testing/ [Accessed 08 3 2017].
7. Client’s Details
Name & Reg. No Signature